Taking a Step Back

Story by Rahzjik Zetarah on SoFurry

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So, here I am. I take a step back and pull up a chair and begin to watch my own life. No this not really a story, but rather a Philosophy of life. in order to completly under stand something, one must remove him or herself from the situation and become the audience. I have become the critic of my own life and here is what I observed.


The world is a wonderful place. And terrible one too. because one cannot have good times without bad ones, can't have black without white, or yin without yang. so this brings me to my first question, what happens if you were to get rid of the antithesis of something? well "for every action, there is an equaly opposite reaction". to answer my question, If you eliminate one, you kill the other. yin cannot exist without yang. you get rid of black, and white goes along with it. then all you have is grey.

The universe, for example, is not an all you can eat Buffet. you have to pay to eat. you cannot receive without giving, to break it down. something bad always happens if you do. look at the 1920's, huge economic boom in America, but there was no recessions, only growth. so it would seem great, but there is always a price to pay. come the 1930's and you have Americas worst depression. The Bigger something is, the harder it hits when it comes down.

A person cannot have good times without bad ones. Happy without sad. because if you take away the negative experience, and then the positive one wont seem all that positive, but rather dull, unordinary, and emotionless. Two opposites are always constantly building off eachother. they need eachother and thrive off of the difference. They help eachother out. So negative really is not that negative, just a 'necessary evil' if you will.

People live in waves. The waves go up and the waves go down, in perfect symmetry. The 'up' mirrors the'down'. you put a dent in one side, and it will appear on the other. for example, in world war two, America droped "Little Boy" and"Fat Man" on Hiroshima and nagasaki. sure it ended the war, but very quickly, and shrewdly. many years later, it is an act that is looked down upon. Most of the time, the ends justify the means. If we didnt drop the bombs, then the war would play out and we would have probably gone through more hardship to "honorably" defeat the Japanese. This would give the U.S. an excellent track record for the years to come. theres alway a trade off.

"It is always darkest before dawn". Things will always be the best they can be before falling apart and Vice versa. Things are always going great before the shit hits the fan, then its a flippin disaster (its all fun and games till someone gets hurt) but after that, it can only get better. Universe runs off of simple to very complex mathimatical equations. These equations run our lives in very elaborate and subtle ways. very much like a chain reaction, or cause and effect deal. you put X in at the front of the chain, and you get Y. but if you switch X with A, then that changes the end of the chain to Z. one life example for this is if you go to college or not. if you do, chances are you will make much ore money then if you dont. These equations change our destiny with each second and action that passes by. your destiny is not set in stone, but changes all the way up till death.

"everything happens for a reason" and every reason happens because of everything. good things happen because you manifest "ask and you shall recieve" obsess about what you want. do everything in your will to get to or have something and put simply, you will.

The closest thing to perfection in this universe is imperfection. imperfection guides us, teaches us, and lets us know that we are only human. but most importantly, Imperfection lets us aspire deeply into the vast heavens with unquestionable science and philosophy. Imperfection is the closest thing I have ever seen in this universe so close to perfection. Imperfection is beautiful.

sometimes one may feel like curling back up in the womb of their mother. fall asleep. never to wake up again, only dreaming the sweet pure dreams of a virgin to the world. untouched by hate nor hope alike... but this is not the life I want, I want to get out there, be adventurous. find danger and knowlege before they find me. simply live.


So I sit there, watching my own life pass me by. seeing things from other peoples views. seeing my self in third person. I see how marvoulous the World and Universe can be. How hate and love are very much alike. How there is never a dull moment in our world. How perfect our Imperfect world is... I stand up and decide to jump in...

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