Jed 1

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#126 of Claude gay stories

Claude meets and falls for a big Boar plumber, but finds out he's married. Can they surmount this big obstacle?

Life is strange. That's for sure. You go along and things happen. And you form opinions of animals and situations. And you go about your life pretty much guided by them. And sometimes they turn into prejudices. Whether you want them to or not. They get stronger and you follow them even when the evidence is against them, And then you meet animals who shake up those opinions big time. I was badly hurt by one married male. And I avoided them after that, wouldn't even sleep with them for sport fucking. And then the love of my life appeared and I had to completely revise a lot of what I knew or thought about males and life in general. And in the end, I found happiness. Due mostly to his honesty, and patience, and willingness to show me how much he did love me more than anything. I found love after a lot of pain due to my pride and for once not being as open as I had previously been all of my life . Thank God though, I did revise my world view. And it got me the one who's loved me so much already, and will be with me as long as he lives. My Boar won't ever leave me, he hates to be away from me for very long.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I am a 23 year old Panthera Leo seregenetalesus. A West African Lion to you non zoologists. Younger son of CEO J.T. Kitman. You'd know Dad if you saw him, you'd know you'd seen him on TV or the news. You'd know our family company's name too. CMK Industries. You're very likely to have something we made in your home right now. Or at least something made with parts we also make. We make everything from car parts, to food products, to electronics, to our drug subsidiary.

Dad's gay too. After my Mom died he came out and bonded his life long best friend. Harry Belford, a big buff Bengal Tiger. Harry's been like a father to me and my half brother, Rory. I hate calling him my half brother, but in the interests of accuracy I guess I have to. No one on Earth is closer to me that that big ole Polar Bear.

Rory's one big assed Polar Bear. Two years my senior. His mom was my Dad's secretary before I was born. Dad said one day she just quit and disappeared. They'd had an affair but it had been over for a few months when she quit. Six years later, she showed up at Dad's office with five year old Rory in tow. "He's yours, Jim, and I'm dying, take good care of him, please" he told me she'd said. And she left again, just as suddenly as she'd arrived. Leaving Rory with Dad. Dad had Rory's blood tested and he was Dad's son.

Dad brought him home. Mom was pissed, but she was kind to Rory. He was 5 and was trying hard not to cry. Just a poor lost little Polar Bear cub. His Mom's gone away and left him behind, and she'd said she's dying, and now here's this Lion and his obviously not happy wife, and a little 3 year old Lion cub facing him. He was so scared and looked so lost and alone. They tell me I threw my arms around him and said "Brother home now" and hugged him tightly, but I don't remember that. What I do remember is how tightly Rory held me back, and then broke down crying. And he wouldn't let go of me. We've been so close since then. Mom would put him to bed, and he'd get up and come to me. Mom was worried the first night when she went back and he was gone.

She tore through the house looking for him. While he was 5, he was big for his age, and I know she was afraid he'd run away to find his Mom. She came to check on me after a while, and found Rory. He was curled up tightly with me and we were sound asleep. After that night, she'd put us to bed together until I was about 8. We shared a bedroom til Rory was 12 and he wanted his own room. We've stayed close though. Even when he went into the Marines at age 18. I missed him so much. But I was kind of busy then. I was already in college and about to enter Medical School. And no longer a virgin. But I really am getting ahead of myself again.

I guess my life has never been anything close to normal. I am mostly my Father's son. I look just like him. From my Sapphire Blue eyes to my body build, the thick and lush Red Brown mane, and bearing. I also have his large Feline dick. 13", pointed tip, and prominent, thick barbs. Don't use it much. I'm a confirmed bottom.

Inside though, while I have Dad's ego and strong temper. I'm Mom. I have always been just like her, caring, sensitive, the type who'll do anything for those he cares about. Sometimes to the point of difficulty. Dad and I have fought over that. I'll give and give until I have no more left and then get sick or get emotionally overwhelmed. And I've already had one nervous breakdown, not because of that, but the cause of it was way worse.

When my Momma died, so many came to her funeral. Not just the rich and powerful. Who came out of respect for Dad's position and wealth. But what touched me, was how all those who's lives Mom had touched came. The poor, the sick, those who had been in need once upon a time. They came in droves. And they told Rory and I what Mom had done for them. I cried more that day than I ever had. I missed Mom, but to know what she had meant to so many. Makes me proud to know I'm so much like her inside. I try hard to be the Lion she tried to raise me to be.

Typically Southern, they brought food to the house. Casseroles, Cakes, you name it. Dad was touched too. These folks had so much less then we did. But they felt for us, they cared for my Momma. And they were so kind to me and Rory too. I was 10 and he was 12, but Rory loved my Mom too. She never held who his Mom was against him. She loved him as if she'd borne him herself. My bastard of a Grandpa, Dad's father, my name sake.. (I'm Dr. Claude Marcus Kitman II if I haven't told y'all yet), once referred to Rory as Dad's bastard son. Made poor Rory cry too. And Momma ripped him a new one. I'd never seen her so mad. He never said it again.

I'm mostly bottom sexually. Dad's a top, and a good one. No surprise as most Gay Male Lions are tops. I read a statistical report in Medical School that said less than 2% of us are bottoms. And we're really popular when guys find out we're bottoms. I get all the dick I want, but my love life has always been a bit of a disaster. I'm getting ahead of myself yet again.

When I hit 21, I kind of ended up seducing my Dad. I'd been having sex with Harry since I turned 18, he's a great bottom and an amazingly good Daddy Tiger when he wants to be. Harry helped me get Dad. And it was great sex. My Daddy is very hot for his Lion son. We fuck once or twice a week still.

I was considered a bit of a genius. I graduated High School early. And at 21 was a full MD. I've been an Internist with a good practice since then. I have a great partner. I was able to convince one of my Medical School professors, Dr Emil Brunner, to come in with me. He's a big, slightly plump older Walrus. Munich born and a happy but shy soul. We work great together and while our practice is busy we aren't overworked. Our patients seem to love us, and our office runs smoothly. We both have a PA and I hired an ARNP for the office and they help us immensely.

Emil's about 6'2", and he's stocky with a pot belly. He has deep Brown eyes that are so liquid and sexy and a White beard with a bit of White hair left on his head. Odd because he's 2 years younger than Dad. Emil's dark Brown fur is short and sleek. And he's got a pot belly too. He's also got a thick dick. He's 11" long and really thick. We'd fucked once. Before he came to work with me. Emil is an amazing lover, but he's mostly bottom too. We cared for each other, but in an odd way, too much to become lovers. He's very supportive and loving with me though. He's proud of me, and the Doctor I've become.

I have a tremendous amount of money. Rory and I got money from Dad when we hit 12, and we both got a big inheritance from Grandpa Kitman. I have about $750 Million in liquid assets and investments. Dad's a bit sad I didn't come to work with him like Rory did when he came home from the Marines. But he is proud of his Doctor son. Rory's Dad's COO, literal second in command. My Brother is so good at this it's almost scary. I have some stock. Mostly to keep it in the family. But I know Rory will keep things running when Dad's gone. And he's happy at what he does. Dad's happy at the talent Rory shows. Dad broke down and cried at Rory's first Board meeting, when someone told him how much like Dad he was. Dad's really proud of his sons. When I graduated Medical School and he was interviewed by a reporter from CNBC at the graduation, Dad wept when they asked him if he was proud of me. Most folks are lucky if their parents ever tell them how much they love them. Me, I have my Daddy on DVD telling the world on TV how much he loves me and how I make him so proud always. In tears yet.

I am 6'4", 225 pounds. A bit smaller than Dad. (6'6", 250 pounds) . I look just like him though. I have Sapphire Blue eyes, that I'm told are striking. Lush Gold fur, with a thick lush Red Brown mane. I have forepaws instead of hands. Big foot paws. And I'm stockily built. I have my Daddy's broad, and open face too. I've been told how pretty and/or handsome I am since I was a little cub. Rory too. He is a beautiful Polar Bear. Rory's 6'11", And 335 pounds of solid White Furred muscle. His arms are bigger than my legs. And he too has Dad's Sapphire Blue eyes, and on him, surrounded by that lush, White fur, they are incredibly striking. He has thick but close cropped Black hair and a small chin strap goatee. He is a truly gorgeous Polar Bear. I'm lucky he's always been hot for me. I'm under him as often as I can be, and he's a magnificent lover.

Rory dated a lot like I do. Mostly having fun and getting sex. But six months ago he bonded a big, beautiful Grizzly Bear. Teddy Mitchell runs a nice little Gay bar. The Bear Den. Teddy's not quite as big as Rory. He's 6'9", and 290 pounds. His fur is Dark Chocolate Brown and he's hung almost as well as Rory. Rory's 16" and Teddy's 14". Teddy's a versatile, but I make him hot to spread my ass with his fat Grizzly dick. I'd of bonded either of them. Rory's my brother, and while I'll fuck him I know we can't bond. And Teddy is meant for Rory. You just have to see them together to know that. I've met a lot of hot guys at the Bear Den. No one I want to settle down with. But with my crappy love life, I'm not too surprised. But even if I'm not out looking for sex, my Bears keep me happy.

One night at the Bear Den, Teddy was so horny. Rory was off at a Business convention with Dad, he'd been gone three days already, and Teddy was climbing the walls in frustration. Teddy pulled me up over and behind the bar, and bent me over it and fucked me right there in full view of everyone in the bar. He was so hot. He came in me cussing and growling and roaring. He told me he'd occasionally really get off on public sex. That night, I took on anyone who wanted me, right there, bent over the bar. About twenty big hot masculine males of many different species. Made Teddy so hot that when he closed the bar, he took me home and fucked me all night. When Teddy told Rory, Rory just laughed and told us he'd wished he was there to see it.

My first lover, if you want to call him that, was a huge Grizzly Bear. He was my Coach in High School. And while I can't completely call it rape, I was at least heavily seduced. (Who am I kidding? He forced it into me at first and I loved it, and I became a total slut for my Grizzly Coach) Coach Jake was always gruff and he never said anything even remotely nice to me before it happened. "Move your ass, Kitman" was most of what he said to me. I was not athletic at all. Dad wasn't either. We have genetics to thank for our good bodies. At 66, when he died, Grandpa Kitman didn't have an ounce of fat on him. I admit it, I'm more than a bit lazy.

On that fateful day, Coach Jake was in a pretty bad mood from the start of class to begin with. I'd screwed up playing at whatever sport we were supposed to be playing at. Pretty badly. My classmates made fun of me, and teased me no end. Like I cared til I looked over to the side of the field. And Coach just stood on the sidelines and glared at me. I had to listen to a lot of ribbing and teasing in the locker room. Again like I cared. After I'd showered and was about to dress. Coach grabbed my arm and dragged me to his office while I was still stark naked.. My peers were laughing, as Coach pulled me along. "Coach's really mad now, rich boy's gonna get his ass kicked" A big Tiger on the Football team said roaring with laughter. (Not exactly kicked though, punctured yes, kicked no) That look on Coach Jake's face really scared me.

Coach pushed me into a chair by his desk. And he loudly berated me for being so lazy and refusing to try at sports. He was looking at me very oddly. I was scared and upset, and horribly embarrassed at being so naked and exposed while he raged at me. I could scent Coach's high pheromone levels. And much more testosterone than I'd of expected. We Lions are extremely scent sensitive, and have very acute senses of smell, hearing and vision.(We also see in the dark extremely well, but I digress) I am surprised, the testosterone means Coach is sexually excited as well as angry. While I knew I was Gay, I hadn't done anything yet. I mean, I was only 13. I should have gotten a clue from that testosterone. I didn't notice how hard he was snuffling either. Bears snuffle when the catch a scent they really like. Or are hot for you, and turned on by your scent. I've learned by now it's the first clue you get that they're hot for you. (Boars do it too, but again in the future when I need that fact I didn't remember it either)

Coach continued to yell at me as he walked over and locked his office door. Again, not something I was expecting. "Only one way to motivate that lazy ass of yours" he growled at me. I'm panicking, am I about to get beaten up? He's really looking angrily at me. Or is it just anger mixed with lust? I feel so much fear now, as this huge, angry Grizzly towers over me. I feel small and helpless. Which I'll soon discover is what he wants me to feel. He'll tell me it was the first step to molding me to his will. He had to break me first. Make me see how much power he held over me. Not just by his physical size either.

Coach looks at me. Really looks at me all over, and his shorts are tenting out, and it's huge. He's massively hung. He'll turn out to have 18" in length and 3" in circumference. Cut and with an up curve to it. Something I'll love in guys, He's gorgeous. The big Grizzly Jock football player in retirement. He's softening a bit, he's got a small pot belly now. I'll come away from this craving big guys, muscular guys with pot bellies. Dominant, and masculine. Who want me and aren't afraid to show it. Musky scented too.

My friend Nigel tells me I'm a serious slut for Blue Collar males . And he's right. He almost didn't forgave me when he found out about me wandering into a construction site by accident during my one attempt to take up jogging, and ending up as a sex toy for hours for six hot, and butch construction workers.

There was one of them, he was a massively built Razorback Boar, my first ever Boar. And between his size, his musky scent, his huge dick, and how good he was with it, made me really hot. It was a great afternoon of hot casual sex.

Coach's hot Grizzly musk is filling the room as he keeps sweating heavily. And it's intoxicating to me. I feel a lot I never dreamed of. I keep thinking of how wrong this is. And it's gonna be a rape, for God's sakes. I can't even to begin to admit, even to myself, how much I want him. He's a teacher, a PE teacher mind you, but a teacher and I'm under age. His Dark Brown eyes are staring into mine. My mouth goes dry. He whips off his shirt and he uses it to gag me completely. I can't talk, or roar, or even whimper now. And I'm terrified.

I know what he meant now. He's gonna fuck me whether I want it or not. He's tied that shirt around my muzzle very tightly. I'm really scared for what's coming soon. He'll rape me and split my ass open, with that massive Grizzly dick. But his musk on this sweat soaked shirt is making me hotter against my will. I struggle to get it off of my muzzle, and some of his sweat drips into my mouth, and it's tangy, salty taste makes me hotter for him. But I still can't but barely admit to myself, let alone him, how much I do want him.

"You know what I want, and by now you know I'm serious about taking it" he growls gruffly . I nod, and I'm tearing up. "I don't wanna hurt you, Kitman" he growls softer to me. "I could smell how hot I made you, Lions aren't the only ones with sensitive noses, Boy' Coach snaps. "You can't admit or deal with how hot I make you, rich boy" he says pulling on the buckle of his belt and opening up his pants. His shorts fall to the floor and that huge Grizzly dick bobs in the air mere inches from my nose. It's musky smell is making me dizzy.

I'd take him in my mouth but I'm gagged by that wonderfully musky scented shirt of his. "I'll take your mouth another time, Kitman" he snarls lustily. "This is cherry popping time, Boy, and yours is mine now" he says with an evil grin. I can't move from the fear of him. that door is locked, and I couldn't get it open before he'd grab me, and in his anger he'd hurt me worse taking me, I know he would. "Staying put, eh?" he growls. "You are as smart as I've heard, Boy, you've accepted your fate as mine to take when I want." he says softly. I nod. "Don't scream or I'll break your jaw and then break open your asshole, Boy" he says "Keep quiet or I won't bother to grease up" he growls gruffly. I nod. And he unties his shirt from around my head. "Good boy" he murrs as my body slumps and relaxes.

I lean forwards and I can't help myself and I slide that huge dick into my mouth. Never done it before, but I figure it out quickly. "Yeah, suck me bitch" he murrs and he slowly face fucks me. He's working that massive dick in and out of my mouth and I don't resist when he pushes it down my throat. I relax and I'm deep throating him before I realize it. "You're such a good, and talented, and obedient bitch boy" he murrs. "You ain't done this before Boy" he growls pulling his dick out of my mouth. "No, Coach" I say softly. "A natural" he says proudly. "You're gonna be my little bitch boy while you're here at school" he says stroking my mane gently as he moves that huge dick back into my mouth.

"Stop" he growls. I do. And he pulls out of my mouth. Gritting his teeth and looking like he's desperately trying not to cum. I sit on the chair motionless. I don't want him to think I'll run or fight him. He's let me know if I resist at all I'm gonna get it hard and painful and dry too. "You've at least started to realize how much you want this ole Grizzly" Coach says proudly. "You ain't getting away from me without that hot ass getting popped, Boy, and you seem to know it now" Coach says softly. I nod. He picks me up and he lays me stomach down on his desk. I cry. I know what's coming now, I'll be split in two. "I wont hurt you, Claude" Coach says quietly. "But I'm gonna do this, best to keep on like you have been and do what I want you to and not try to fight me" he says quietly but firmly.

I nod. I lay my head on his desk and I can't help it but I weep. I'm scared it'll split me open when he pushes that massive dick up me. I feel something at my ass hole and I clench involuntarily. To my surprise it's not his dick, nor a finger. I feel his thick muscular tongue lapping at my ass ring. He's circling that tongue around it and then he moves into the center for a while. I moan, his tongue is firm, yet gentle as it laps my ass ring. He's trying to push it into my ass hole and I'm clamped down too tight.

He leans up and he lays across my back. And he speaks softly into my ear. "Relax Claude, or this will hurt like hell" he says. "How it goes is up to you, you can relax and listen to me and I'll break you in right and you'll be a right, proper little slut bottom, or fight me and it'll be traumatic and hurt you badly" he says almost kindly. "I don't want to hurt you, Kitman, but this is going to happen, with your cooperation or without it" he says firmly. "Decide now how it's gonna be, I'm taking you either way, but I really don't want to hurt you, I want you to see me and be hot to have me up you." Coach says softly again.

"I'm not a cruel Grizzly, Claude, I'm trying to loosen you up and I have lube" he murrs in my ear. He reaches into a drawer and pulls out a bottle of lube. "I know I'm big, and I won't hurt you if you do cooperate" he says. And he's quiet for a minute or two. "Coach, I'll stop fighting you" I say quietly. I lay there and try to will my body to go totally limp. All but one part of me goes limp. My dick is hard enough to break concrete though. "Good Boy" he says and he bends back down and resumes licking me out. His thick, meaty tongue pushes right up my ass hole this time. "Such a good boy" he murrs to himself. He spends several moments lapping deep in my ass. He feels good to me, I moan against my will. He gets up off of me. And he opens a cabinet right behind us. He pulls a blanket out of it and lays it on the floor. He moves back to me. I have laid totally still while he was doing that.

"Good, you didn't move nor try to run" Coach says. And he picks me up and lays me on my back on the blanket. "I wanna see your face as I take that ass and make you mine" he says smiling. "You will be mine, years from now, you'll think of this moment, and I hope you'll think of me fondly, but you'll never forget the Bear who took you first, Claude" he murrs. He lays on top of me. He's lubed a thick paw finger and he works it into my ass. He's trying to stretch me out I can tell. "I told you, I'm gonna grease you up good, please relax, my Claude, don't make me hurt you to get what I will have, what I want so much" he growls lovingly. "I'd see that ass when you'd run or walk and it'd make me so hard" Coach says smiling. He's lubing up his dick. He's used almost half a bottle of lube on that monster sized Grizzly dick. It's huge and shining in the light of the room from the thick layer of lube on it.

He moves it against my ass ring. "Coach, please, I beg you, don't do this to me" I whine. Coach's face darkens. "You will be mine, Kitman, I'm going up you now, so say goodbye to your cherry" he growls and with his paw held tightly over my muzzle he pushes it into me all the way to his balls. And he holds stock still. I scream from the pain of being taken by force, but it's blocked off by his paw wrapped around my muzzle. I cry softly. "It's done, Baby Lion, the worst is over now, I'm up you all of the way" he says turning gentler now, and stroking my mane lovingly. I nod. And he begins to move slowly inside of me. After the first few minutes it stops hurting. Coach lets go of my muzzle when my body relaxes again. And it begins to make me feel pleasures I never imagined. That huge dick moving across my prostate makes my own dick hard as hell. "I knew you'd like it once you stopped being scared, my Claude" he murrs in my ear. I moan and growl softly. He's still moving slowly but he's beginning to pick up speed. I arch my back into his thrusts and he's grinning.

"Good Boy" he says grinning. "Please Coach, fuck me" I moan and I wrap my arms around his massive neck. "Damn good Boy" he mutters. "I don't wanna hurt my boy, and make no mistake, you are my boy now, you always will be, I'm gonna break you in right, you'll never forget me." he growls. "Please, Coach, fuck your little bitch boy" I beg him. And he nods and really begins to pick up speed and deep dicking me. His sweat soaks my fur and his musk is making me hotter. I growl deeply and I cum hard on his pot belly. "Kitty loves his Grizzly Daddy Bear in him" he murrs in my ear. Coach has turned gentle and still dominant but caring now. I growl and cuss as he pumps that huge dick in me. "Tight little ex cherry Lion" he moans. "Claude, I'm glad I didn't hurt you, but I was gonna take you, I have never fucked a student before" he moans. "I knew I had to have you, boy, just couldn't figure out how to get you til now" he moans in my ear. His thrusts are deeper, and his expression is a loving one now. I squeeze his dick with my ass, and he growls deeply. "I'm glad now, I'm glad you wanted me Coach, your fucking is making me crazy" I growl. And I moan and cum on him again. "Fuck boy, gonna cum in you now" he growls and he gently nips my neck. And he's convulsing on top of me and I feel his cum gushing into me. It feels soothing and I feel things I've never felt before. He's stroking my mane gently and he's panting too hard to talk. But I see in his eyes how badly he wanted me, and he is glad he didn't hurt me. He leans down and he kisses me. He looks surprised at himself, but he kisses me again harder and with full tongue.

"Claude, I realized a year ago I was gay, my wife left me when I told her, but she left quickly and she divorced me quietly" Coach says stroking my mane. "I have never wanted anyone, male or female as much as I wanted you," he says looking into my eyes. "Will you stay here with me a while?" he asks me . I nod. "I hope you're not too sore to take me again, I got your cherry and you're mine now, I want you again, probably two or three times today" he says kissing me again. "I'll ask you, or just come get you and we'll fuck, and I'll break you in right, Claude" he says quietly. "I will, Coach" I say smiling at him. I'm not in love with Coach Jake, but not by much. He took me by force, but it was to give us both what we wanted in reality. I've forgiven him, and I want him badly. He partially bonded me, all we could do with me being underage and all. It'll hurt a bit when he finds his mate eventually. But he was mine for a short time. I've never regretted that at all.

"I have a lot to teach you, Boy, and you'll help me learn what I like too" he says. "If I want you, and call you, you'll come to me, I'll be sure we're somewhere safe, but no one must know" he says quietly. "I'll come to my big Grizzly when he wants me" I say wrapping my legs around his thick waist. "Good Boy" he says. It thrills me so much when he says that to me, the whole year I'll spend with him as his boy it'll be what I work for, those words and to have his big, fat Grizzly cock inside of me.

"Just remember, Claude, you belong to me, and I'm the Grizzly in charge here" he murrs firmly in my ear. "Yes sir" I say quietly. He ruffles my mane. His smile shows so much love and affection for me. We fuck four more times that afternoon. And he's made me so hot, I go home and masturbate thinking of how he felt spreading my ass ring open. I finger my ass as I do, and I take some of his cum out of my ass and taste it. It's an interesting taste. When I tell Coach about doing that, he'll face fuck me and pull back and shoot on my tongue. I swallow him, and I lick my chops to get it all. And he's so proud of me. "My Good Lion Boy likes how I taste" he murrs proudly. He much prefers cumming in my ass though.

Over the course of the school year, he'll teach me a lot, smoke sex, mild dominance, all sorts of sex play, and he'll have me come to him and after he'll take me he'll let others he knows take me in front of him. And always I am his obedient Lion boy. And the more I obey him and do for him, the happier he is. There is so much love in his voice when he calls me his Good Boy. It thrills me to my core. I live to make Coach Jake proud of me.

One moment stands out in my mind. He's called me to come spend a Saturday with him. He fucks me and several guys come over and I'm the 'entertainment'. I've gone and cleaned out after taking a bunch of guys and when I come back there is only him and a huge Gray Wolf. The Wolf's name is Bob and he's hot. "Claude, on your back" Coach says softly. I do and the Wolf mounts me. And we fuck. And as he gets hotter his knot grows, and it's rather large. Bob is kissing me hard and he's nuzzling and gently biting my neck. I'm getting really hot for this Wolf.

"Claude, will you let me knot you?" Bob begs. I look up at Coach. He nods. "Please" I beg Bob. He grins deeply (Canines have a huge knot at the base of their dicks, it's big and round and it locks them to their mate and keeps their seed in the mate and makes sure she conceives) Most Canines love how it feels inside someone and they'll knot you if you'll let them. But they won't do it without asking. They're kind of noble that way. But they won't do it without asking. They're kind of noble that way. And he obviously knows he'll be my first knotting. That look on Coach's face is one I know well. "Do it for Daddy Bear" it says gently. He knows I'll do anything for him now, if I know it's what he wants me to do.

Bob pushes his knot very gently into me. It makes an odd sort of popping sound on his back strokes out of my ass hole.. And he fucks me slowly and deeply pulling it in and out. But when it's fully engorged it locks him inside of me, my ass just can't stretch enough to let it out of me, and he's still fucking but only a couple of inches of his canine dick moves in me. He's in ecstasy and the look on his face is priceless. I look up at Coach, and he has tears of pride in his eyes for his Lion boy. I weep gently. "I'm not hurting you am I Claude?" Bob asks. "I can't pull out til it goes down, but I'll stop fucking" he moans. "No, Bob, I'm fine, I'm just kind of proud of this and of my Coach" I say smiling. I kiss Bob. "Cum in me, beautiful Wolf" I beg him. The look on Bob's face is as if he just won the lottery. And he keeps moving. Coach is weeping now. He understood what I meant. Bob licks my neck and he howls and I feel his seed pumping into me. We're locked together for a while until his knot shrinks. He's kissing me all the while . "I loved it Bob, it was so intimate to be tied to you" I say smiling. "Claude, you're amazing, if I wasn't married, I'd take you from this old Grizzly" Bob murrs. "You couldn't, no one can as long as he wants me" I say softly. Coach walks out of the room but I know he's crying now. Bob strokes my belly. "If life was as I wanted it to be, you'd now have my pups attaching themselves to your womb and you'd be mine forever, Claude" Bob murrs in my ear. "I'd have your litter, Sweet Wolf" I say kissing him. Bob's kissing me gently. Bob spends the night with us. and we have a great time the three of us.

Coach Jake takes me to a Coaches convention and passes me around to some he knows well. I'll have 20 Coaches fuck me before the weekend is over. Big males of all sorts of species. Hot and masculine, my ideal type of males. It was a great weekend.

The weekend before High School Graduation, Coach calls me to come to him. And I do. There is a Beautiful Bengal Tiger with him. And we spend the weekend fucking and playing in all possible combinations. Coach orders me to fuck him for the first time. And I do. It's hot, and the Tiger, named Ben, fucks me while I fuck Coach. And I cum hard, roaring louder the I can ever remember. Ben is a pretty awesome lover too. I really get off on his large Feline dick. And when he fucks me, his barbs make me crazy. He and Coach seem to like each other a lot. And they fuck a few times putting me to work as an extra.

Monday morning rolls around. Ben and Coach sit down with me. And we talk. They've bonded, and I'm graduating. "It's time to let you go, Boy" Coach says sadly. "You've been broken in well, just as I promised you, you're a great little bottom and I...." Coach says and stops. Ben kisses him and gets up and leaves. "Claude, I have loved you since before I took your cherry, but you're too young and we're not meant to be together, I'm meant for Ben" Coach says softly. "But I wanted you to know how much I do love you, and I know you'll find a mate and be happy one day" he says kissing me. "I don't know what to say" I moan. "I know, Claude, I saw it in your eyes that day, you've been all to me I could have asked for, I know you loved me too" Coach says stroking my mane. I fight tears.

"Thank you, Coach, you were so good to me, and you were always so proud of me, and I can see now how you loved me" I say. "Claude, don't be upset' Coach says. "No, I'm not, I'll go home and I know I'll cry in private, I'll miss you, making you proud of me, and us being so intimate was a big part of my life the last year or so, but I want to keep my dignity, Coach, please let me" I say stroking his face. "I love you so much, Claude, but I'm not meant to be your Grizzly" he says weeping openly. "No tears, Coach, I loved you too, and you were so wonderful" I say softly. "You once told me you hoped I'd remember your taking my cherry with fondness one day down the road, and you need to know there isn't a moment I've been with you that I won't remember fondly and with a lot of love" I say softly. "I hope I was good to you and good for you, Claude" he says trying not to look into my eyes. "You were great for me, Jake, and great to me, I know I'm a better Lion, a more loving one, and a talented bottom, because of how you cared for me, and taught me" I say pulling my clothes on. "Coach, I have loved you too, and I worked so hard to give you my obedience to please you, I hope I have pleased you" I say quietly. "You did, Claude, I know how much you worked to please me, I can never forget you either" he says hugging me tightly. And I break for a moment. And I weep. So does he. And we pull ourselves back together.

Ben comes back in and he hugs me. "Ben, I want you two to be happy, if you ever need anything either of you , know that there's a Lion out there who'd do anything to help either of you" I say quietly. They both hug me tightly. "No tears, we've loved and it's time to move on, you two have a life together to start,and I am happy you loved me enough to give me this weekend to end things on" I say and I kiss them both. I take my car keys out of my pocket. And I leave.

I can hear Coach crying as I walk to my car. I know he cared about me, he showed me. And I"m gonna have a good life because of how he broke me in. I weep all of the way home. But Coach and Ben will be happy, and I have so much to keep me busy for a while. Pre Med and then Medical School. And Coach was right, I'm way to young for us to bond. Not that I wouldn't have taken him if I could. And then the incident occurs with the construction workers. My first Boar fuck and I'll be really hot for Boars after that. Boars, Bears, Bulls, Horses, Oxen, Moose, and Donkeys, among other big maled species, make me really hot.(That day at the work site, it was a Polar Bear, a Grizzly, a Canadian Moose, a Black Wolf, a Draft Horse and that wonderful Boar.) I also got knotted that day by the Wolf. It was amazing. I loved being tied to him that way when his knot got so big my ass wouldn't stretch far enough to let him out of me. It was so hot. And the Grizzly makes me think of Coach and it makes the fucking even hotter. I still think very fondly of Coach and I know I did love him.(After Jed and I have been together a while, we'll run into Coach and Ben out shopping, and he's very happy for me, he likes Jed. And he whispers to me that he knows this Boar will love me forever, just like he would have. I break down and cry on the way home, and I end up explaining it all to Jed, And he understands, my Boar does understand me so well)

Now my first, supposedly first real lover. A big Bull named Ignacio Dominguez was a whole other story. Ignacio was a huge and beautiful Bull. But he was controlling, domineering and abusive at times. And after almost a year with me, he humiliated me and beat me up in public. And I broke down. He was married, and I didn't know. I knew we only got together at certain days and times though but I had no clue. And it made the papers and I was painted as a slut who tried to take him from his wife..

And then his wife threatened to sue me. Dad took care of that. He had Ignacio arrested for beating me, under domestic abuse statutes. And only dropped the charges when she agreed to sign papers saying she wouldn't sue. I gave her a financial settlement though. I apologized to her, as I didn't know he was married, and I felt bad she and their kids got hurt by the publicity. She dumped his ass after that. He got deported back to Mexico and that was the end of that. But it left scars. I won't even knowingly have sex with a married man. Even if it's just fucking and it took me a long time to even date again. (Again, thanks to a loving Bear, a big Russian Grizzly, who chased me hard until I agreed to date him, and he was so loving and caring, and a gentle, tender lover, Mikhail worked for the Russian government as an attache' and he was recalled back to Moscow or I'd of tried to bond him)

Dad moved us and the company's main offices out to Sacramento, where CMK had a lot of facilities anyway. I bought a big house and finished Med School. And got my license to practice. Life, such as it is, moved on. I do like it here. It's sunny but not as hot as Alabama.

Fucking Dad and Rory, and picking up guys at the Bear Den and hanging with my friends is my life now. Nigel and his Bull, Miguel Montoya moved in with us. As did a few friends of Rory and Teddy. And I have a nice life going..

I sometimes get lonely though. And I wonder if I'm destined to spend my life without a mate. Just everyone's little piece on he side. Nigel and my therapist, Dr Jonas White, keep telling me I'm just feeling sorry for myself and I have to heal and move on.

Nigel has no room to talk though. I love him a lot. And he knows me well. But Miguel is only the third guy he ever dated and they fell for each other right off. Three years now and they get tighter bound as they're together longer. Like Dad and Papa Harry. But he tries to understand my troubles. Rory's been good too. He and Teddy spend as much time with me as they can. But sometimes I feel guilty at getting in the way of them being together and alone with each other. They love me, but they need to spend time alone. Miguel is very loving to me, and makes love to me a lot too. But I feel kind of bad, he's Nigel's Bull. He's the only one other than Rory or Teddy I think I would want to take. And he's meant for Nigel. SIGH. Miguel is so loving and kind. He's a magnificent lover, strong yet so tender. The complete opposite of Ignacio. But he's Nigel's Bull and while he cares about me he only loves his Badger.

Hell, even Emil's got a mate now. I introduced Emil to a guy I'd been dating. Jebediah Wallace. He's a big Texas born Lion and he's a jock, but he fell for Emil like a ton of bricks. Emil was kind of shy during dinner and the shyer he was the harder Jeb courted him. But by the end of the meal they'd kissed and bonded. And they're so happy together. Emil's easy going temperament is happier these days. All of those around me have found love, I seem to attract it to them somehow. But not me. I am becoming a bit more introverted and I'm spending much more time at home in my room by myself. Jonas is worried that I'm isolating myself.

It's not me, it's life that's isolating me. I go out with someone, beyond just meeting and fucking, and in a short time they end up with someone else, bonded and in love. Jonas is worried. I'm back on some of my psych meds and he gave me my Valium back. I have a working diagnosis of PTSD from Ignacio and Bipolar II. So I'm back on the Depakote, Wellbutrin and Valium. Big fucking whoop. None of it helps yet, as it takes a month or two to build up in my system. Jonas is scared I'll break down again. Hell so am I. I know, I could live a happy life mateless if it came to it. But I want to be loved, I feel incomplete without a love of my own. Like somewhere out there is the other half of my soul, and I'll never find it. I feel incomplete at best. Really happy only when I'm at the office and working with patients. Or just hanging out at the Bear Den, singing, having fun, and picking up guys. But still, it doesn't make up for not having a love of my own. Being surrounded by my loving family only makes me feel more isolated most times. They hurt for me, but I can't seem to let them comfort me.

I know many love me. Dad, Rory, Teddy, Papa Harry, Nigel, a lot of my family loves me. Emil too. But no one loves me 'that way'. And in the middle of the night, when all is still and quiet, my heart aches for someone who loves me only, really loves this Lion more than anyone else. Even if I sleep with others or Rory and Teddy, I have those 'dark nights of the soul' around 3AM. And I sometimes wonder what's so wrong with me that I seem to be unlovable. No one would want me and I'll die alone. My worst fear. And no matter how much my family and friends love me that can't ease my pain. Jonas says at times, I'm obsessed with being loved and having a mate. Might be, he does know me very well.

I'm having a bad day at work on a busy Thursday. Several difficult patients and a snafu with lab tests we've ordered. I finally just say the hell with it and go pee. I've been holding it in for a while. The water is off. Oh Great. I pee anyway and when I come out of the stall, there's a huge Boar working on the pipes under the sink. He's hot and just my type. He's on his back under the sink partition. I can't see his face and I assume he can't see mine so I take my time and give him a serious once over.(He saw me though, he knew I was cruising him and it made him hot for me.)

He's got a small pot belly, and a huge bulge in the crotch of his coveralls. Big hands and hooves and he's so damned big and stocky. I like what I see and I kind of linger over the view. He slides out from under the sink. "I'll be done in a while" he says. That big grin of his enhances his big tusks. I smile at him. And his dick is getting hard. "Like what you see?" he asks softly. I nod. He's gorgeous, my type right down the line. I'm grinning. And I am feeling happier. Maybe I can date this guy, or at the very least have him fuck my lights out. I love being under a hot, and sexy big Boar.

He stands up. He's big. He's 6'8" easily, maybe 350 pounds. His body is thick set with big muscled arms. He's covered with short Brownish Pink colored fur and he has Brick Red hair and a thick beard of the same color. His eyes are an Emerald Green and his hands and hooves are huge. His tufted tail is slowly moving side to side. I hear him snuffling a bit. And I smile at him. He's hot and I'd love to fuck him. He's got a big grin on his face like Papa Harry gets, and there are three cigars in his breast pocket. He's getting hotter to me. And damned if my cell doesn't go off while I'm trying to figure out my approach to him. I answer. I'm being called back to my office. I smile at this Boar and I sadly go back to my office. He looks disappointed. But unknown to me, he heard my name and he'll note it. He knows I'm a Doctor here. He's way more patient than I am. He'll bide his time, as he does a lot of work here in this building and he knows he'll run across me again. He knows he wants me under him already, and he'll keep me in mind for sure.

A patient got mad at having to wait and my PA, Jesse Marks paged me. Jesse's a good Bear. He's a muscular Black Bear and his mate, Bill Gatlin is a huge Grizzly who's a really good friend of Teddy's and they moved in with us. He's a great PA and I can't really get mad at him for calling me back. Bad timing is what happened and it's hardly his fault. After the patient leaves, I tell Jesse about the Boar, and he goes to the bathroom to check for me if the Boar is still there, but he's not. I'm disappointed, and I'm not sure why. I won't go without sex, I'll just go to the Bear Den tonight after work. But I wanted that Boar so bad, I could almost taste it. I curse myself for not thinking to slip him one of my personal cards, so he'd have my phone number at least.

I ask Jesse if he'll go with me. "No, we've got things to do, Bill wants me to come to Ursine Leathers and be with him til he closes, and you said you'd drop me by there, or should I call a cab?" Jesse asks. "No, I'll take you, getting to the bar a bit later won't matter" I say. I put this big Boar out of my mind and I get through the rest of my appointments for the day. I take Jesse to Bill's leather shop. On a whim, I have Bill fit me for new leathers, as I only have a vest currently.. Bill's got tight jeans that fit me and I dress in leathers and I put my suit in the trunk. I drive to the Bear Den wearing a leather harness, jeans, chaps and a new vest with boots. I'll be amazed at the attention I'll get dressed this way.

I've never worn this much leather. Teddy moans as I walk in. "Fucking hot" he growls. I smile at him. It's a good night. I meet a huge Russian born Donkey and I go home with him. He's great sex, big dicked and very loving. He's living with three other guys and he's a bit stressed as they keep walking in while we're fucking. I smile. He's a sweet Donkey, not the sharpest knife in the drawer though. I ask him if he needs a new place to live. He grins. "You no know Sergei well, but you like Sergei enough to let him move out" he asks. "I do, you're a sweet guy" I say kissing him. "Where?" he asks. "MY house, there are several couples there but you'll have a big bedroom of your own" I say. Sergei fixes my eyes with his and gives me the sad eyes. "Pack, sweet Donkey, I'll bring you to your new home" I say and he hugs me tightly. He gathers up his stuff. And I'm kind of surprised. He doesn't have a lot, clothes, a few pictures, some Russian language books and that's it.

I drive us home and he's stunned when he sees the house. I show him around. And he's awed. We take his stuff to the bedroom Alfred gave him. Alfred is our long time English retainer. Sergei looks so happy. He puts his stuff in his room and we go to my bedroom and Sergei makes love to me the rest of the night, and he's so happy. I like this guy, he's open hearted and joyous and well built. But life moves along as it has of late, and I lose any chance at him. But Sergei is very loving and loyal and he'll never stop caring about me and he'll try really hard to help me if I am troubled.

At breakfast, Teddy and Rory's Grizzly friend, Clay who lives with us, seems fond of Sergei, and Sergei kisses him playfully at the end of breakfast. And Clay faints. Sergei is even happier now. I cuss under my breath. Sergei thanks me profusely and carries Clay off to his bedroom and I get up and go out to the garden and sulk. I'm happy for them, Sergei is big hearted and he'll love Clay, and he is naive and Clay will take care of him as well as I would have. But dammit, I liked that big Siberian Donkey, I could have made him happy and I know he'd of made me happy. Why is Life so determined to leave me lonely? I am really hurting now, and cranky as all get out, but I go to the office anyway. And fume all of the way there.

I spend the morning in a really bad mood. At noon, our ARNP comes in. Carol Miller is the mother of a friend of Nigel's and she's been to the house a few times. She sits and she talks to me a bit. She's upset at me for snapping at her and a few patients. And I tell her why. She smiles. "Go see Dr White, I called him this morning and he'll see you when you show up" Carol says smiling. I smile at her. "You can't take care of them, if you don't take care of yourself, Claude" she says. I nod. And I get up and put my suit jacket on and I go see Jonas. We talk and he makes me feel better. I go back to work and I'm my usual self. But still lonely.

The next six months pass by quickly. I've met and fucked a bunch more guys. Lost one too, a big Russian born Siberian Bull, to Nigel's friend Nate, Nate is a cute younger Snow Leopard, a skater boy type, and he and the Bull I was dating fell right away. Yuri Petrov is the Bull's name. A friend of Sergei's who Sergei set me up with. Sergei's sad for me, and he is really trying to set me up with someone. He's a sweet Donkey and he's got a huge heart. Yuri is a lot like Sergei, big hearted and sweet natured. Dad gets Yuri a job at CMK, in Security. And he's happy. They live with us now too. At least Sergei cares and tries to help me. But after losing Yuri I slow down on dating. I will pick up guys to fuck still. I"m a horny Lion. And I spend time in bed with Rory and Teddy as always.

Sergei seems so sad for me. I have to say that his openly caring about me really comforts me. He's the only one who seems to 'get it' as to why I'm hurting. And one day, while we're out in the pool, Sergei tells me about his last few years, and he was feeling pretty much exactly like I do now. But he tried harder to keep his usual cheerful and happy demeanor. And his joy when he tells me how he felt when Clay fainted makes me feel bad about being angry that day. This big Donkey found love. Somehow there must be someone out there for me. And it helps for a while. But I'm so sad, I'm almost mourning for love. And damn it, I am not that old. I'm too young to give up so totally on love and being loved.

It's only a week until Christmas and I'm really down this year. Alfred asks me to help him decorate, and for the first time since I was a cub, I don't want to be bothered and I refuse. Alfred looks worried for me too. Rory asks me to sleep with him and Teddy that night, and I tell him I'd rather not. Rory's looking very concerned at me. I've never refused to sleep with them before. And when I go to the Bear Den, Teddy chews me out about hiding in my room. I run into an Australian Roo I've fucked before and we go to his place for the night. I'm glad because I really don't want to be at home.

Paulie is a hot Roo. Russet fur, Green eyes, big feet and a thick tail. And he's very handsome and well hung. He's a great top. Paulie is great to spend time with in or out of bed. He's a charming guy. And more importantly, Paulie works for a big drug company and he's into his career now, and not wanting to settle down anytime soon. I love spending time with him and for once I can put the whole mate problem out of my head. He'd make a great one, but he's not ready yet, and he loves spending his off work time with me when he can. And he's a masterful fuck. Huge dick, and good with it. Paulie is 16". He's very vocal during sex which makes me really hot. That thick Aussie accent makes me nuts too. And he's not had sex since the last time we were together. And that was three months ago. Knowing that big, sexy Roo he's gotta be massively horny as well.

It's a Friday night so I am not going to work for a few days and I decide to spend the weekend with Paulie. We spend the whole weekend naked and fucking, and Saturday night I take him somewhere nice to eat, and we come back and fuck some more. Sunday we spend naked and watching TV and fucking some more. Paulie's been working so much he's not dated and he was really horny. Come Monday morning I drop Paulie off at work and drive home to change clothes. Dad comes into my room while I'm changing clothes and he's fussing at me. I just silently keep

dressing. And I kiss him and I go back to my car and I go to the office. I know Dad cares but sometimes he's just too overbearing for me to cope with. And I have no answers for the things he asked me about. I only feel relief at my office these days.

Emil is leaving early for the holidays. Jeb comes to pick him up and I won't come out of my office. I can't stand to deal with seeing them so happy. And I hate feeling that way. But it's why I hate going home, I'm the only one there who is not a part of a happy, loving couple. Feels like everyone is just being nice to the poor old maid who'll be alone forever. I hate being pitied.

Even Alfred has his big Bull, Manuel Guerra. (I dated Manuel and when I brought him home to fuck, we had a snack in the kitchen cause he was hungry. And he and Alfred saw each other and kissed and bonded. I was mad and lonely and locked myself in my room for a few days. Sneaking out only to get diet soda and a snack.)

I stay after my appointments and I work on getting my Medicare paperwork caught up. Janice, our office manager is not going to be happy to come in tomorrow, on Christmas Eve, yet, to a desk full of paperwork to finish processing. I finally go home about 10 PM, and I go right to bed. I take my pills and a Valium and go right to sleep. I haven't even bothered to eat. I'm not hungry for food. Love yes, food no.

I wake in the morning and get up and shower. I'm not looking forward to being home for the holidays. But I have no choice. No where to go and no one to be with. If it gets too bad I'll come in to the office and do Emil's paperwork, I know his patients and I can do it. And if I get desperate enough I'll just go hole up in a hotel or motel somewhere. They mean well, but at best it just reminds me how alone I am. And I can't find comfort from them at all.

I'm pretty sad and preoccupied all day. By 2PM everyone has been seen and I let everyone go home early. About 5PM, I go to wash my hands and the sink is leaking, too badly to leave it over the holidays. I grumble. The building services people for Demontfort's medical office building have gone home. So I call the plumber on Janice's emergency list. And he's oddly happy to get a service call on Christmas Eve. I haven't recognized the voice. He only spoke to me once or twice in the bathroom.. But he knows my name for sure.(He'll tell me later he did anyway) And he seems happy. (He says he recognized my voice too.) But doesn't let on he knows who I am. Or who he is. The Boar that made me nuts for him. It'll be a nice Christmas Eve surprise for me. And for a while, it'll really improve my mood.

He's agreed to come and fix the sink and I'll pay him directly. I have a personal check book in my desk. I sit in the lobby, and wait for the plumber to come. The buzzer goes off and I go let him in, I haven't really looked at him beyond the uniform. We walk to the elevator and he smiles at me. "Don't recognize me without my belly hanging out, Dr Kitman?" he asks. I look at him and I blush. He's got a thick Brick Red beard now and it makes him look hotter. "I'm Jed, Dr Kitman, Jed Michaels" he says putting his big hand out. I shake his hand. I'm blushing and I don't know why. We get to the office and he goes and shuts off the water.

I go to my office and work on Emil's Medicare paperwork. I get it done, and I note the time. Jed's been here three hours now. He'd surely have come to be paid if he was finished.

I go out to the nurses station where the leaky sink was. He's sitting there on the floor as naked as the day he was born. And he's got that big grin going . "I thought you'd never come back out" He says softly. His Copper colored dick is massive. Bigger than Rory even, he's got 19" in length and has to be 4" in circumference. And he's just my type. I smile. "I kind of thought you liked me that day, Dr Kitman" he says seductively. "I did" I say. "I still do" I add. "No one's here you said, just us?" he asks. "No one but you and me, Jed" I say smiling. He stands up. I move towards him. And he grabs me and he kisses me deeply. I'm kind of surprised as some guys don't kiss. He's good, those tusks feel amazing against my lips as he kisses me. His lips are soft and tender as he deep kisses me. He's running those big callused hands all over my body and I moan from the pleasure it gives me. His hands are strong, and yet stroke me so tenderly. He makes me purr by his very touch.

"You make me so hot, Dr Kitman" he moans. "Call me Claude" I moan as he nuzzles my neck, gently grazing it with his tusks. He's really good at this, he's got my blood burning to feel that huge Boar dick up me. But he's in no hurry to get that far. He's a great kisser and I'm giving him my all back. Jed's gently stroking my body under my clothes and slowly peeling them off of me. We're now both naked. He's looking at my naked body carefully, like he's trying to memorize it. (Jed's afraid I'll just let him fuck me now and not want to see him again.)

We're hot for each other. I feel kind of odd though, as he kisses me I feel flushed and almost dizzy. But I keep kissing him. Hoping we'll get to the good stuff soon. But I'm not in any hurry to stop kissing him. "Guys don't like to kiss me for the tusks, but it seems to make you hot, Claude" he murrs. "It does, I love how they feel" I purr.

He gently lays me on the floor. And he lays on top of me. And we kiss as he slips that massive dick inside of me. I briefly feel like passing out, but I think it's that I haven't eaten yet. I run my paws through his thick, Brick Red hair and I love how it feels against my paw. And he's fucking me masterfully. And he's looking in my eyes the whole time too. After an hour of slow fucking he cums in me cussing and bellowing loudly. He holds me panting hard. I've cum twice on his pot belly. My head is spinning a bit and I feel warm all over after he came in me. He's kissing me so gently and tenderly and with a lot of passion. And his strong, calloused hands run all over my body, stroking me so hotly.

We spend the rest of the night fucking and making out. He's amazingly good. He's butch and masculine and dominant. But he's tender and loving too. I'm kind of hoping we might be able to date but I'm worried that I will lose him too. Come morning, we kiss deeply and I give him a check for the plumbing work, and get dressed. "Claude, I have to get going, I'll have to get home soon" Jed says kissing me. "I'd like to call you, or come by to see you again soon" Jed says. "I'd love to see you again, Jed" I say softly.

"Claude, you were amazing, so loving, and you made this fat old Boar feel so wanted" Jed says softly. "You are a beautiful and very masculine Boar, Jed" I say smiling. "Claude, you're such a beautiful young Lion" Jed says. "You'd not want to date me, would you?" Jed asks hopefully. "I'd love to, you're an amazing lover, and so romantic and caring, I've never before felt what I felt when you made love to me, Jed" I say softly. "I'll call you this weekend, maybe we can get together Monday night?" Jed asks. "I'd like that, Jed, very much in fact" I say smiling. Jed kisses me deeply and he's holding me very tightly. "I have to go now" he says sadly. And he leaves.

I put my suit back on and I leave for home. I'm much happier now. I really care for that Boar. He could very easily be 'the one' for me. I'm practically walking on air. (But it won't last long, it never does) I have a brief moment of wondering how it'd be to be his mate for life. Spending my life at his side and under him, with his dominant but caring love making sounds damned good to me. I'd heard from some that Boars were strong, gruff, and dominant to the point of being abusive and selfish. But it's never been my experience with Boars. They've been butch and dominant but considerate too. They get what they want from sex with you but they seem to make sure you get what you need from them too. Jed's especially like that.

I get home after a bit. Dad's waiting for me when I get home. "Claude, where were you?" he snaps. "I was at the office" I say smiling. "What were you doing all night, Claude, crying and working on paperwork" Dad says. "No, I was laying on the floor of the waiting room getting fucked all night" I say grinning. Dad laughs. "Who by?" Dad asks smiling. "A big Boar plumber, name of Jed Michaels," I tell Dad. "I had a bad leak in the nursing station sink and the maintenance people wouldn't answer so I called the plumber on Janice's list, and he was the Boar I told you about that I had hoped to get a long time ago, he's a great lover, tender, masculine and hot" I tell Dad. "Like him do you?" Dad asks. I nod. And I kiss Dad and leave. He seems calmer and less worried. But I know how protective of me he's become. Still, he was in a good mood when I left so I am not worrying at all now. I had to be really happy and not thinking right. I told Dad his name, and I didn't think of what Dad would probably do. And true to his nature, he does what I should have expected him to do. (He's on the phone to 'the girls' before I'm very far from the door)

And I go clean up and shower. I spend about ten minutes on the toilet and as the massive amounts of his thick gooey Boar cum that he shot up me flows out of me, I feel kind of sad. Having some of him inside of me felt good, and was very comforting. I can't stop thinking about Jed. I keep remembering how hotly he made love to me. And how hot and sexy he was, and I even dare to think about how it would be if I was his mate. Rory and Dad aren't snobs. They'd be fine with him, being a Boar and with him being a Plumber. Dad would be thrilled if I was loved, really loved. So would Rory.

I loved how Jed treated me. Like I was the only thing in his world the whole night. I'd think I'm getting way ahead of myself, except how he looked at me, and how he made love instead of just fucked me, and the joy in his eyes when I said I'd love to date him. He cares for me too. I think he might even come to love me one day. I'd be a lucky Lion if I got to belong to that Boar some day.

I doze off a while dreaming of being fat with Jed's Piglet. And bearing his Boar sons happily. Jed's a proud Boar daddy.

Nigel comes in and wakes me about 1PM. "Claude, I'm sorry, please don't be angry with me" he says softly. "For what?" I ask sleepily. "Papa Jim insisted I look that guy up" Nigel says. "To be expected, Dad knows you can find damn near anything out about anyone" I say softly. "Claude, Papa Jim is mad now" Nigel says softly. "Why?" I ask Nigel. "Claude, Jed is married" Nigel says sadly. I'm stunned. "Damn it, I knew I'd lose him somehow, he was a great lover, so tender and ...and... " I say and I break down crying. "He wanted me to date him, it can't be true, Nige, he begged me to go out with him." I say crying harder. Nigel holds me tightly. "Claude, he is, I verified it with courthouse records" Nigel says.

I know Nigel is right, he's working for Dad as an EVP and he knows his way around the Internet like no one else. Nigel would have dug until he found absolute proof. He loves me enough that he'd be sure before he told Dad or me. I can feel my heart breaking, and it's bad, worse than anyone except Ignacio. I feel almost broken inside.

And I know now, I was in love with him. Damn it, I still am. And it hurts so much. The pain turns into anger very quickly. I am my Daddy's son and I am in an absolutely roaring rage. Even Nigel seems scared of me and I've never fussed at him. I roar a few times, as loudly as I can. I try roaring out my rage. Doesn't help. Nigel is a bit afraid. "Claude, I know how badly you hurt" Nige says and he hugs me. I cry harder and hug him tightly. He's trying to help me. But I am even more convinced I'll die alone and unloved now. And my love for Jed curdles into pain and fury and rage.

"Just you wait, he said he'd call me this weekend, I'll fix his fat Porcine ass" I snarl. "Claude, please go see Jonas" Nigel says softly. "No, not gonna disturb him on Christmas Day, I'll call this weekend if I have to" I say. "Claude, please don't run" Nigel begs me. "I'm not going to, Nige" I say trying to make amends. I hug him tightly. "I'm just going back to bed." I say firmly. Nigel kisses me and leaves. I lay down and I do manage to get back to sleep. And while I'm madder than I've been in a while, still I dream of that Boar. And how he made love to me. I felt more for him and from him than I can remember.

I sleep straight through til Sunday morning. I slept through Christmas. The way I feel when I get up I am almost glad I did. I stay in my room and watch TV. If I've ever been in a bah humbug mood I am now. My family and friends know me, they might be worried about me, but no one is willing to risk getting clawed by disturbing me. Except for my loving Sergei, he comes in my room, and sits on my bed. Wordlessly, he hugs me tightly and strokes my mane. I break down and cry on that huge Gray furred chest of his. "Katya hurt bad, cry and feel better" Sergei says softly. "Sergei love his Katya, help if can" he says softly. I feel better for a while, and then I hurt again. Why couldn't this sweet, sensitive and beautiful Donkey have been the one for me? I kiss Sergei and I go shower. Overall, I feel better but I hurt so still. Even in the good moments of late, it's like one step forward and two steps back.

I'm beyond grumpy again.. I dress and I go to a local diner we frequent and I eat. Not wanting to deal with anyone I know. I'm almost done with lunch when my cell rings. Jed? Some fucking nerve. I fight the urge to just roar into the phone. I know better than to do it though, I broke one that way once. Blew up the microphone and shorted it out.

I answer. "Claude, I can't wait to see you again" Jed says happily. "Why didn't you tell me you were married?" I ask angrily. "I was going to, Claude" Jed says firmly. "Yeah, right" I snarl. "Claude, I didn't lie to you, I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt" Jed says getting mad now. "How can we date if you're married, Damn this, I liked you a lot, I even hoped you might be 'the one' for me, I love you, and you betrayed me already." I say angrily. "You love me, Claude?" Jed asks still happy. "Hell, yes I did, you were hot, masculine, a great lover, and I dreamt about you even." I snarl. "You dreamed about me" Jed says happily. "I did" I snap. "Claude, we need to talk this out, please don't throw us away, I really do care for you, and we might really be for one another." Jed says pleadingly. "What, you want to fuck the Lion one more time before he dumps you for lying to him, are you just a horny Pig?" I snarl. "Claude, I don't deserve that, you're hurt and lashing out unreasonably" Jed says firmly. "So" I snarl. "You lied to me about being married" I snarl. "I didn't lie to you, I didn't have a chance to tell you, but I was going to on Monday night when we got together again" Jed says getting mad himself.

"How'd you find out?" he asks. "My Dad, he had you investigated when I mentioned your name" I say angrily. "Claude, we need to talk, don't make up your mind about me until we talk face to face" Jed begs.. "No, I was damned near broken by a married man I was in love with once, I wouldn't even have fucked you if I knew you were married" I snap. "I wouldn't have gotten within twenty feet of you if I'd of known you were married" I snarl.

"Claude, you're one of those Kitmans?" Jed asks. "I am, my Daddy is J.T. Kitman" I say softly. "OMG, no wonder you're mad about me being married, I remember reading about what happened to you because of that Bull" Jed says softening his tone. "You're right about that, he almost destroyed me, but you won't get the chance to hurt me anymore, now forget you even knew me" I snarl. He's silent and I can't bring myself to hang up on him.

"Claude, you're rich aren't you? "he asks. "I am, why you need money that badly, gonna fuck the rich Lion and get money to take home to your wife?" I ask and I'm so furious now that I'm shaking with rage. "Claude, I don't deserve that, but a Lion as rich as you wouldn't want anything to do with a fat, working class Boar" he snarls. "Just Fucking Damn You!, I'm not a snob, and I was ready to take you if we had of bonded, in fact, I had even prayed we might bond, you asshole Pig" I say angrily. "You'd of taken me ?" he asks. "I would have, and I've never lied, never have, never will" I snarl. "You would have bonded me and been proud to be mine?" Jed asks softly. "I would have proudly been your Sow for my entire life"I say quietly. Jed murrs softly. "I dreamed I'd had a litter of your piglets too" I say angrily. Having gotten it out calms me slightly, but I'm still furious.

"Claude, please, we need to talk, I felt so much for you Christmas Eve night, I care for you so much, can't we try to talk this out?" Jed pleads. "Why, talking won't make you not married and me not rich" I snarl. "Like I said, forget you ever met me and don't call me anymore" I say firmly and I hang up. My cell rings again. Jed's calling me back. I turn it off. And I sit and fume. I finally pay the check and leave and I go home and lock myself in my room. I'd cry, but I refuse to, I won't let that Pig bastard make me cry anymore. I stay in my room all day, and I try to watch TV. I don't go out for meals either. I'm glad I keep a small fridge in my room for my Diet Pepsi or I'd have to go out.