Jed 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#127 of Claude gay stories

Jed and Claude get together and settle in. Alot of fucking goes on.

My Sunday sucks. It's one of the longest days I can remember. I take some Valium about 8PM and I go to sleep early. I get up Monday morning, and shower and dress and go to the office. And I try hard not to run into anyone at home. I don't even think I could bear seeing Sergei, that's how bad I hurt now. I spent a lot of time Sunday thinking of just moving away. I can start a practice anywhere, or just take a temp contract and go work somewhere else for a while. If I'm going to be alone, I might as well be completely alone. But for once in my life, I can't bring myself to run somehow. And I'm just a mass of pain and anguish and emptiness. I'm not even able to cry anymore.

I clean up the waiting room a bit, making sure there are no signs of my fucking Jed here. And I go into my office and lock the door. I know in a while I have to come out. Get my files for the day's patients and talk to everyone. I'm mad still. I hurt badly. I did care for that SOB. And I know from the blinding pain I feel, I still love him. And he wanted to try to work things out, but how would that be possible? Did I just not want to give him a chance? Was I just wanting to hurt him like I'd been hurt? Am I punishing Jed for what Ignacio did to me? And I hate that thought. I hate even worse that it might very well be true. And I feel lost on top of hurting. Can we sort this out? If so, then how? I need help. I'm not up to dealing with Jonas, he'd help me, but he'd be disapproving of how I went off on Jed without listening or giving him a chance to explain his side of it.. And I pray Emil comes in early. I need him now. I need my Walrus' love and wisdom now. Emil will help me and not scold me, I couldn't take that now. I'm hurting, and scared, and feeling rather fragile. I need my Walrus mentor's wisdom and kindness so badly

I hear Emil in the outer offices. I open my door and ask him in. "Claude, I heard how upset you were on Christmas Eve" Emil asks I sit and I tell Emil everything. "Claude, if he cares for you, you should talk to him" Emil says. "No" I roar. "I can't believe I let that damned married Pig fuck me like that." I snap. "Claude, calm down" Emil says quietly. "You had no idea, and he wants to explain, you should see him at least, if you liked him that much give him a chance to explain it all" Emil says quietly. I start to get mad, and then I remember how much Emil loves me. I know he knows me too. I've never been able to get angry at Emil, he's the one I trust the most, and whatever he's said, I have to accept that it's true and go on and cope. He's got to think there is some kind of explanation, maybe one that will make me change my mind, and maybe take Jed after all. "Call him, Claude, I'll stay here with you, Mein Lion" Emil says taking my paw. Just thinking there might still be a chance for us calms me briefly.

I take a deep breath, and I call Jed. "What, gonna yell at me some more and insult me?" he snaps. "I am sorry for that, Jed, I do owe you a chance to explain at least" I say softly. "Are you at your office?" he asks excitedly. "I am, but I think we should talk in a public place" I say quietly. I am afraid of being physically close to him. I might give in, and throw myself in his arms and beg him to take me back. I have no pride where my Big Boar is concerned and I know it.

"Where then, Claude?" he asks. "The Coffee shop in the lobby of this building, and I'm going to bring my partner, as I don't want to be alone with you" I say softly. "If you want" he says. "I'm not going to attack you, Claude, I want to try to put this behind us and at least date you" Jed says quietly "Why, Jed, if you are married, isn't she enough for you?" I ask feeling the anger rise up in me all over again.. "Claude, there is a lot here you don't know, please, wait to hear me out before you make up your mind about us?" Jed begs. "I'll try to do that, I do owe you that at least" I say gently. "Claude, I'll be there in 30 minutes" Jed says sounding hopeful. "I'll be happy to come with you, Claude" Emil says quietly. "You know you need to hear him out, you'll always regret it if you don't" Emil says. I nod. And I cry. Emil hugs me. "You love him already, I was pretty sure you did, Claude" Emil says stroking my shoulder. Emil just holds me and lets me cry for a while. "You've had it so rough, you love them so and they leave or break your heart or both, you just want to be loved" he says softly in my ear.

"Emil, I do love him" I say sobbing. "What can I do?" I beg. "Claude, hear him out, see if you can work it out, he may be as honest and real as you think he is, he cares about you enough to want to work this out, so he can still see you" Emil says. "I don't wanna be his piece on the side" I moan. "Claude, I don't think you should be, and if that is what he wants I will discourage you, better you hurt and move on" Emil says softly. I nod. "But you'll never know if you don't talk to him" Emil says softly. "I'm glad you'll come with me Emil" I say taking his hand. "Claude, you've been so hurt, and of late this has all been too much for you, I don't want to see you broken again" Emil say quietly. "I want to see you loved like Jeb loves me, I owe it to you to help, you helped us get together" Emil says nuzzling my paw. I smile at him. "I love you, Mein Claude, you know that" he says softly. I nod.

We get up and go downstairs to the coffee shop. I order coffee for both Emil and I and we wait. We talk a bit. Jeb's family came up from Texas to meet Emil. And he tells me how their holiday went. They were not prepared for our quiet little Walrus, and his introverted ways. They are a loud and boisterous Redneck family, and they are very close. But he had fun, watching them. And it made Jeb so happy. Emil tells me that the highlight of the visit was when Jeb told them all how proud he was that Emil loved him so much. Emil's grinning as he tells the story.

Jed walks in. And my heart stops. I'm glad we're in public. I'd be ripping my clothes off and begging him to take me and never leave me if we were alone somewhere. He walks over to us quickly. And I order him some coffee. He sits and he looks in my eyes. And I'm glad Emil's here. Otherwise I'd go down on my knees right here and beg my Big Boar to be mine forever. I can see so much love for me in his eyes. I'm happy, but confused now. How can he love me so much? If he's married and he's in love with me, will he dump me for someone else that he's fallen for later? And of all the guys I've cared for and couldn't get, why can't I let go of wanting, Hell, needing Jed?

"Claude, I remember hearing about that guy, and what happened to you." Jed says softly. "Not all of it made the news Jed" Emil says softly. I introduce Jed to Emil. Anything to keep my mind off of Jed. Those Green eyes keep fixing on my Sapphire Blue ones. And I'm scared. "Jed, I was hurt badly by a married man, and I don't want to be involved with married guys, I feel like a cheat over and above my previous pain" I say softly.

"And if you love her how can you love me, and it doesn't say much about your potential fidelity" I say sadly. I can feel the rage building again. "Claude, you haven't heard my side of it, you swore you would" Jed says. "Why are you so worried about that any....?" He asks and then stops. "You're really and truly in love with me already, aren't you, Claude, you said it but I thought you wanted me more upset over you?" Jed asks happily. I hang my head. "He is, Jed, he's fallen for you already, probably when you spent the night with him" Emil says. Jed's smiling deeply at me. "I had hoped, since you were so responsive and caring, it's why I wanted to date you, I thought if you really liked this ole Boar we might bond" he says happily.

"You were going to explain about being married?" I ask him pointedly. "Claude, you were really hurt by that guy and all that happened, did you stop and think that it wasn't just because he was married?" Jed asks me. "No, he was an asshole, but he was a married asshole and I was made out to be the homewrecker" I say softly. "I won't be hurt like that again" I say firmly. "Claude, you're almost obsessed by that" Jed says. "Jed, I think it would help if you did explain to Claude about your situation" Emil says. "Claude is having trouble with the idea that you could love him, and love your wife too" Emil says quietly. Jed nods.

"The most important thing first, Claude, I do love you, I thought it out this weekend, and I know how much I love you" Jed says taking my paw. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all weekend" Jed says. "I wanted to date you, because I didn't know how you felt about me, you were hot for the sex, but that's a different thing" Jed says. "I did love you, I was so happy when I saw it was you, and I felt things with you I have never felt before, I got dizzy when you first kissed me and I felt faint when you fucked me" I say averting my eyes from his. "I thought it was since I hadn't eaten since lunch" I say quietly.

Emil and Jed both gasp. "He partially bonded me" Jed moans. Emil smiles. "Makes sense" Emil says quietly. "I bonded him?" I ask. "You did, I assume you didn't do a full bond because Jed is married" Emil muses. Jed nods.

I feel so much, a mix of love and agony. I know now I'm in really serious trouble here. At best I'll hurt a lot from a broken heart, and if we don't work this out, either of us might be at risk for Wasting Syndrome. An improperly formed bond, or one where the mates are apart and not honoring it, will cause a generalized wasting. I'll stop eating and have trouble sleeping. And I'll get sicker and weaker until my body just flat gives out. Jed might too, but it's more common with the bottom partner. My unfulfilled bonding to this Boar could very easily kill me. And nothing but us getting together properly and for good could save me. It's nice that we Lions have no trouble knowing who our life mate is, but that same reaction will turn on us and kill us if it all goes wrong. (Last estimate I saw said world wide, 500 animals a year will die from what amounts to an unrequited bond. I devoutly don't want to be among that number.)

I'm unable to speak at the very thought of that. If I bonded him, he's bonded to me too. But this marriage thing complicates it all. How could he bond me anyway, a bond has to be two way, and we have to be in love. I look him over, his body language is pretty obviously that of a Boar in love. He's leaning a bit forward in my direction, and he's following my words raptly. And he can't stop looking at me. And I look deeply into his eyes for the truth of it all.

Jed does really love me, I can see it in his eyes. And I am hurting and confused still. How can he love me and love his wife? Bonding him solved the 'will he stay with me' questions. But I can't do this. I will not be second to his wife. If he's married her, she has the right to expect to be first in his life. Just great, my predestined mate will never be mine, he belongs to another, a female even. My feelings are swirling around and I'm not sure what I do really feel anymore. I can't take this. I want to go throw myself in front of a bus or something. I have to get out of here, maybe even leave town for awhile, til I can figure this out. I could go see Papa-San in Tokyo for a while. He'd take me in, he loves his Lion son. Takeru would help me. And I know I have to go to Tokyo, not even gonna go home, just leave for the airport and book the next flight. I can buy anything I need.

I get up angrily, and I feel a hand grabbing my paw. I turn. Emil's looking into my eyes intensely. "Claude, you haven't heard him out, I know you, and I know you were about to run, but you haven't let him explain" Emil says calmly but firmly. I look at him. "Claude, sit back down, shut up, and listen to Jed" Emil says firmly, his German accent strong now. Jed's smiling now. "You too, quit holding out on him, and tell him what he needs to know to calm down." Emil says firmly. Jed's still smiling. I don't know what's coming now. But Jed looks determined, like he's got his mind made up about something important.

"One thing first, Claude, and then I swear I'll explain it all." he says firmly. I nod. Jed leans over the table and kisses me softly and passionately. And I faint onto the table. Jed's laughing. Emil's teasing him. "I didn't know for sure how much you did love me, Claude" Jed says as I wake. "I do now, I'll fight anything or anyone for my Lion, even my Lion himself" Jed says softly. "You're mine now, nothing you say or do will ever change that, Claude, you belong to me, you said you wondered what it would be like to be my Sow, and you are now, for always" Jed says happily. "What about your wife?" I ask. "Typical" Jed says "You are obsessed with that, Claude" Jed says sounding annoyed. "Obviously, I'm not in love with her or I couldn't have done what I just did" Jed says softly. "Claude, you know how strong you Lions bond, and we Boars do too" Jed says. "Show me a little faith here, I know how badly you were hurt, but I think I deserve a little bit of trust" Jed says. I nod. "I am sorry, Baby" I say hanging my head.

"Jed, I beg of you, tell me what's going on with you and her?"I ask pleadingly. "You won't be happy unless you know, even if I moved in with you and we lived together?" Jed asks. "I won't be second to her, she's your wife and it is her right to expect to be first in your life, and I am not going to be your little piece on the side, whether you love me or not" I snap. Jed's laughing hard now. "I'll have to remember this, my little Kitty's got quite a temper on him" Jed chuckles. I stand up again.

"Claude sit, and I mean it" Jed says his face darkening. I sit immediately, something in his tone made me obey him. "Thank you, Baby" Jed says softly. My heart thrills to hear him call me that. "Sweet and loving didn't work, time to get firm with my Baby Kitty" Jed grunts.

"I admit I should have told you Christmas Eve night, but I am ashamed of it all" Jed says softly "You need to know something Claude, you are and always will be first in my life" Jed says smiling. And he takes both of my paws in one of his big hands. "HOW?" I ask. Emil looks at Jed. "Why are you having so much trouble telling Claude this?"Emil asks. "And Claude, you have to stop getting angry when he tries to tell you something about being married" Emil growls. I hang my head. And I shake my mane. Emil laughs as he knows what it means. Like Dad I do it when I don't know what to do or say about something. "I think that is a very hopeful sign, Claude" Emil says. "Now, hush and let Jed explain" Emil says softly. I nod. Jed smiles at Emil. "Thank you" he says very quietly.

"Claude, I love you, and I'm sorry this all has hurt you so much. it is my fault for feeling too ashamed to tell you" Jed says taking my paw and kissing it. "I am married, but I don't love her, I never did," he says. I start getting upset again. "Claude, you promised to hear me out' Jed says softly. I calm down. "I like her a lot, but we didn't marry for love, she's an English lesbian and I married her so she could stay here with her lover, who's my younger sister." Jed says softly. "I had no idea you'd find out so quickly or that it would hurt you so much, Claude" Jed says. "I was going to tell you today, on our first real date" he says kissing me. "It is illegal, and I was afraid to let it out, but I was going to tell you," Jed says. "I hope you believe me, baby Lion" Jed says. I'm speechless, I was so upset and it was something so simple. I can relate. I'd do anything for Rory to make him happy, or help him keep Teddy, anything legal or illegal. I relax for the first time in way too long.

"Claude, you ought to call Jim" Emil says. "No, I'm not happy with him now" I snort. "I will call someone, but not Dad" I say softly. "Jed, will you come live with your apologetic little Lion, he'll beg his Boar husband to move in, if he has to." I say as submissive sounding as I can be. "Claude, I want to be with you, this weekend was pure Hell for me too, now that I know you partially bonded us it makes sense, but I never want to be away from you for that long again" he says kissing me. "I'm thrilled to hear you acknowledge that I am the husband here and will be your boss at home, Dr Lion" Jed whispers in my ear. "No need to whisper, Jed, I know how it is, my Jeb may be a redneck, and a machinist, but he's Boss of our home because he wants to be, and I love him and want him to be." Emil says. Jed looks puzzled. So I explain. Jed laughs. "He's a sexy Walrus, I'm glad a big butch guy was smart enough to snap him up" Jed says leaning forward and kissing Emil. "I'm glad you decided to help us, Dr Brunner" Jed says smiling. "You're Claude's husband you can call me Emil" Emil says smiling.

"Baby, I need to go call someone, I know you have to get back to work soon, but we need to talk still" I say softly. "Claude, I have a bit of time, make your call, we'll talk, and I'll come back when I get done with my calls for today, and if you want me to still, I'll move in with you" Jed says. And he's smiling deeply and looking into my eyes. "I love that, how you always make such deep eye contact, as you have such beautiful Green eyes." I say. "You have the most unusual Blue eyes I've seen" Jed says lovingly. "There is so much love in them I can barely manage not to look in them all of the time" he says. "You were raging at me, and your eyes still showed your love for me" Jed says softly. "I have my Daddy's eyes as Rory does" I say softly. "Rory?" Jed asks. "My older brother"I say smiling. "Another Lion" Jed says. "He's a Polar Bear, Jed" Emil says smiling. Jed laughs. "I forgot, you are those Kitmans" Jed says. "What about my money?" I ask Jed. "What about it, I was just worried a rich guy like you wouldn't have anything to do with a poor Boar plumber, except fuck him, but you blew those concerns out of the water"Jed says. I laugh. "I've been wanting you since that day we didn't connect, and I went home Christmas morning lost in thoughts of belonging to you" I say kissing his big hand. Jed's grin is broader now. "You do, you belong to me, Claude, and it makes me so proud" Jed says ecstatically.

"What about your Wife?" I ask. "Claude" Jed says sighing. "I will divorce her soon, she's been my wife long enough that we can divorce safely and she'll be OK" he says. "I'll get her a Security Bond if there is any trouble" I say softly. "Why do you want me divorced so badly, Claude?" Jed asks. "I'm your wife now, you bonded me as much as I bonded you, Jed" I say softly. Jed grins. "Well, I intend to sleep with this wife every night unlike my old one" Jed says smiling. Emil kisses me. "I have to go back, we have patients to see, Claude" he says and he goes back to the office.

"Claude, I'll come back at 4PM and we can talk and I'll come home with my Lion for good and we can get my stuff when we can" Jed says kissing me. "Tonight, I'll have what I've been dreaming about since Saturday morning" Jed says. "What?" I ask. "You forever, and I'll get to sleep with you, actually curl up and hold you and sleep with you" Jed says shyly. "I've dreamed of that since Christmas Eve night" Jed says. "I'll wrap myself around you, and I do snore Claude" Jed says. I grin. "So I'll know by that snore that my Boar husband is asleep at my side" I say quietly. Jed grins. He nods. "Will you let me wrap this big ole body around you, Claude" he says. "Gladly, Jed" I say softly. "Claude, I am sorry I hurt you, I'd never hurt you if I could help it, I hope you know that" Jed says taking my paw. "I do, Jed, just as I know I was obsessed about you being married, I think on some level I knew already I was in love with you, but if you were married, I'd never have you as mine" I say softly.

"Claude, she's a good woman, but I never loved her, I like her, she's a good friend and her kids are good kids, I'll probably always be close to her, and those kids" Jed says. "But in my life, I have cared for a few, but I have only truly loved you" Jed says softly. I fight tears. "I have always prayed someone would tell me that one day, and mean it" I say quietly. "I do, I hope you believe me when I say that?" Jed asks. "Jed, you've been honest with me and don't seem to lie either" I say quietly. "I was ashamed you'd think less of me for marrying her just so she could stay here, but you'd of been as relieved as you were just now" Jed says. He takes both of my paws in one of his big hands. "Talk to me, I swear I'll talk to you when we disagree or things are difficult, I misjudged you Claude, and I swear I'll never do that again, you're as open as I am" Jed says. I kiss him.

"Claude, will your family accept this poor, fat Boar as your husband?" Jed asks. "When they know what happened and see how much you love me they will" I say quietly. "I'm going to call Rory as soon as I get a chance, he'll help when I explain it all" I say quietly. Jed kisses me. "I'll go, Baby Lion, and I'll be back at 4" he says. And he gets up and Kisses me. And I faint again. He's grinning as I wake up. "You'll have to take me again, so I can stop this, we Lions are kind of funny that way" I say quietly. Jed grins. "Ask me something difficult, it's all I can do not to lay you on the floor and fuck you right here" Jed says smiling. And he swaggers off. He's happy. He's got me and he knows I'll be his obedient Lion mate for always.

I check my appointments on my smart phone. I have a half hour still. I take a deep breath and I call Rory. "Bro, are you OK?" Rory asks. "I am, and Rory, I'm so sorry I've been such a mess and upset everyone" I say quietly. "Something must have happened" Rory says quietly. "He only married her so she could stay here in America, Rory" I say softly. Rory laughs. "So you bonded him didn't you?" He asks. "We'd partially bonded on Christmas Eve night, and we rebonded and we'll finish in a while, he's off on service calls and he's coming back at 4, and I'll move him in tonight" I say happily. "Will he be good to you, Bro?" Rory asks. "I think so, he was ashamed of having done that, and not telling me, but he begged me to sit down and talk things out" I say. "He must love you already?" Rory asks. "He does, and I"ve been in love with him since then too" I say quietly. We talk some more. And I tell my Polar Bear everything. My Rory is happy for me. I knew he would be. He wants me loved almost as badly as I wanted to be loved. Hell, I badly needed to be loved. And I have never felt this secure or happy. And instead of just enduring life, I"m looking forwards to it. I know I need to call Jonas too.

"Claude, I"ll get Nigel and Teddy and we'll come to your office for when he comes to you " Rory says. "I think that will help, he's afraid my family won't accept a fat and poor Boar as my mate" I say gently. "Claude, you know we will, you were so great with Teddy, and you helped me get him, but that's why I want us to be there, he needs to see his brother in law will accept him, as will my Grizzly and your best friend" Rory says. "Rory, I love you and I am glad you'll help me with Jed" I say."Claude, I have hated to see you so hurt of late, I want you loved and I looked at what Nigel found more carefully than Dad did, he's got a great reputation for honesty and good customer service, and he's doing well in his business" Rory says. "Plus, I saw pictures of him, he's just your type, big, masculine, and strong" Rory says. "He's like you, Rory, he's strong, and masculine, but very gentle at heart, and kind and loving and good in bed" I tell Rory. He laughs. "I think he'll make you happy, Claude" Rory says softly. "I think so too" I say. "You sound so much in love, I'm so happy to hear that" Rory says. "I gotta go, Dad's coming in for a meeting now" Rory says hanging up quickly. I didn't have to tell him, but Rory knew I wasn't going to face Dad without being totally bonded to Jed. Unfortunately, Dad will be my last obstacle to being happy with Jed. He won't mean to be, but he's gotten so overprotective about me, that he'll be a royal pain.. Rory's behind me in this, and if he and I and Jed face down Dad together it'll be OK.

With that done I think a bit. And I decide to call Sergei. And he answers. He's sounding a bit worried for me. "Big Donkey, I got him, I have my Boar now, he only married her to let here stay in this country" I tell him. Sergei's happy for me. We chat a bit more. "Katya bring Boar home?" he asks. "I will, after work" I say softly. "Sergei meet, want know he good to Katya" Sergei says firmly. "I want him to meet my beautiful and sweet Donkey, Big Guy" I say softly. "Katya proud of his Sergei?" he asks. "I am, I'd of taken you if you hadn't of been meant for Clay, I was hoping we'd bond when I brought you home" I say smiling. "Katya much love his Donkey, Sergei know, sad no get Katya, but Katya happy now, Sergei happy with his Bear" Sergei says happily. "I'm glad Big Guy" I say softly. "Sergei happy Claude bring him home, give Sergei good life" he says joyously. "Sergei, you kept me going, no one else understood how bad I felt, but you were there for me and you understood, you tried so hard to help me, and I can never thank you enough" I say quietly. "Katya get Sergei his Bear, let him live in nice home, no thank Sergei for returning love Katya show him" Sergei says very softly. I tear up. "I've never known anyone like you, Big Donkey, I'm really glad you're in my life" I say quietly. "Katya no make Sergei cry" he says softly. "I'm sorry" I say. "No, Katya love Donkey much, no one good to Donkey like Lion" he says. Hmm..I guess I'd better make sure things are going OK with him and Clay now.

"Sergei are you and Clay happy?" I ask. "Da, Clay tired be grumpy today," he answers. "Sergei give his Bear some space, Bear need rest now" Sergei says quietly. "Sergei, if you need me I'll do anything for you" I say sincerely. "Sergei know, Sergei know Katya love his Donkey" Sergei says quietly. "Bear still much love Sergei, Katya no need worry, Sergei want his Bear feel better soon" he says. And he hangs up.

I need to keep an eye on them I think. I'll ask Alfred what's going on tonight. He will probably know. I decide to call him and I tell him I'll be bringing Jed home tonight for good. "I know, and he'll make you very happy, Claude, he'll stay with you, in fact he will not want to be away from you any longer than he has to, he's bound to you tightly" Alfred says. "Good" I answer. "Claude, you were obsessing about not being loved, but it's done now,, you'll always be loved by that Boar" Alfred says. "What about Sergei and Clay?" I ask him. "Clay is upset, he's been laid off, and he's scared to tell Sergei, he knows he can stay here and we'll still take care of him, but he's scared Sergei will be ashamed of him" Alfred says.

"Sergei will talk to him tonight, and Clay will break down and tell him, and you know how Sergei will respond, he'll love his Bear and comfort him" Alfred says smiling. "You've been so much happier since you got Manuel, I love seeing it" I tell Alfred. "You should know how that feels soon" Alfred says. "Alfred, I have no words for how I feel inside now, I look at Jed and I feel so much from him" I say dreamily. "You know already" Alfred says laughing.

"You know Master James will give you a difficult time, Claude" Alfred says seriously. "I know, but he wants me loved, and he'll see in time" I say happily. "He'll play 20 questions and hopefully calm down" I say hopefully. "Claude, he's having 'the girls' investigate Jed" Alfred says. "Like Dad hasn't hurt me enough over this" I snap. "He is being a bit overbearing now" Alfred says. "Rory will help Claude, he'll like Jed, he'll see what you do in him, and that he's a lot like Rory, himself, they'll become friends as will Teddy once he sees that Jed loves you" Alfred says. "Thank you Alfred, it does help" I say softly. "Claude, I knew, I knew how this would go, and that he'd be the one to love you for always, but I could not tell you" Alfred says. I laugh. "Somehow I'm not surprised. Sweet Fox" I say. "Not mad?" he asks. "Alfred, I'm just happy when you can share what you know with me, I'm never sure how or why you can sometimes and can't at others, but I'm just happy you love me enough to tell me when you can" I say quietly. "Just like Martha" he says happily. "I have to go back to work, Alfred, see you tonight" I say happily.

And I pay the check and go back to my office. I'm a lot happier. Carol and Jesse tease me about it, so Emil must have told them what happened. I see a few patients and one of them comments on how my smile is back. "It's been gone for so long, great to see it back" She says. She's an older Tigress who I see a lot for her various illnesses. I hug her gently, and I thank her.

Jed bursts into my office over the protests of Jeanine, my receptionist. "I couldn't wait" he says breathlessly. My patient looks at him and me. "I can see why now Dr Kitman" She says smiling. "He's so in love with you" She says standing up and kissing me and then Jed. He blushes. "Mrs Oster, this is my new bond mate, Jed Michaels" I say. Jed smiles and nods. "A big one, like my late husband" she says. I remember him. A jovial, big Bengal, who was a joy to be around. I worked so hard keeping him going and when he died, I cried and she and I comforted each other at his bedside. I felt like such a failure. And she told me sometimes you do all you can, but God always has the last word. "I had him for a year more than we thought I would, and that is more than enough" She said and she kissed me. And I feel a rush of sadness. What will I do if I lose Jed like she lost her George? She strokes my mane. "You're both too young yet to worry of things like that, Dr Kitman" she says smiling. And she picks up her purse and the prescriptions I gave her and she leaves.

I fight tears and I turn from Jed. He holds me. "They love you so much" he says gently stroking my mane. I break down in his arms and I cry. And through my tears I tell him about her husband and how hard I fought to keep him alive and comfortable. He holds me and lets me cry it all out on his big shoulder. "My Baby Lion needs his Boar Daddy's comforting at times" he says softly. I nod. I remember what Mrs Oster told me on her first appointment after he died. "He didn't leave me, he was just impatient to stop his Earthly suffering, he's waiting for me one day when my own time is done and we'll never be apart again" She said with a smile. And my tears stop. She's happy and well adjusted, just waiting for her time to be up so she can be with her George. And I will too, if he goes first, I'll wait, and know I'll be with him forever one day. And from the look in his eyes, I know he'd hurt if I go first, but he'd wait to be with me. I can't help but to look at my Boar and smile.

"Too anxious to wait?" I tease him. "I want you, badly" he murrs. "I rescheduled a few appointments" he says blushing. I look at my smart phone, I have two more today. I smile. I go out and I send them down to our lab for tests. "Gives us thirty minutes if you want me now?" I ask Jed. He grabs me and kisses me.

He drags me back into my office. And he lays me on the exam table and pulls at my clothes. He's got me naked quickly. He's shucking his quickly now too. And his Copper colored dick is rock hard. I growl softly as he pushes that massive Boar dick up me. And he's kissing me repeatedly and all over my face. He's hot. He knows how we Lions bond, and he's trying to just go for it. He wants to fill me again and make me his Sow forever. "Claude, I love you so much, and I almost hate to be away from you at all" he murrs in my ear. "I missed my Boar too, I'm glad you came back" I moan. I wrap my arms and legs and tail around his big body. He's pumping me faster now. "Gotta cum in you, claim you as mine forever' he moans. I can see it in his eyes, he's almost there. I lean up and I lick his neck. Cussing and bucking and roaring on top of me he cums like a fountain inside of me. And I feel a warmth spreading through my body, much more intense than what I felt Christmas Eve night. He looks into my eyes and I know he loves me. He hates being away from me and he needs his Lion as much as his Lion needs him. Jed's panting hard. "You acted like it was a surprise that I needed you so much, Baby Kitten" he says gruffly. "I felt needy and I was ashamed, Jed" I say softly. He kisses me. "No need to apologize, I need you that much too, Claude" Jed says quietly. He strokes my mane. "I was as lonely as you were, I had a bit of hope when you ran across me in that bathroom, and I knew I'd find you again, Claude, I knew I would" Jed says quietly.

We lay on top of my exam table and kiss a while. I look over Jed's shoulder and Emil and Jeb are standing behind us. Emil's grinning. Jeb is smiling. "Had to come take him afore he got away" Jeb says proudly in his Texas accent. I smile. "He's a Lion, I knew I had to cum in him so he'd be mine forever" Jed says softly. Emil leans down and kisses both of us. And Jeb does too.

I smile. "I always wondered how you managed to get him home before you took him, Jeb, you know how top Lions bond" I say smiling. "Didn't wait, pulled off into a parking lot and fucked Emil three or four times, by the time we got to his place, he wuz mine already." Jeb says proudly. Emil's blushing like mad. Jed and Jeb are laughing. "Don't be embarrassed Emil, I think we bonded the same kind a guy" I say grinning. Jed kisses me. Jeb grins. "I wuz a happy as hell, I'd been a bit sore that you and I didn't bond, Claude, til I laid eyes on Sweet Cheeks here" Jeb says looking at Emil with so much love in his eyes. I crack up. "I can just see that" I say smiling. "Next time we round together, I'm gonna have you paged that way, 'Dr Sweet Cheeks to 7D'" I say cracking up further. Emil's blushing harder. "Looks like he's good for you, Emil" Jed says smiling.

"You have no idea, Boar Daddy, that night at dinner, Jeb couldn't take his eyes off of Emil, and he started courting him right then and there" I say smiling. "I had ta have him, Claude, I figured it was why you brought me ta dinner with y'all" Jeb says grinning. "It was" I say softly. "You set me up?" Emil asks me. I nod. "I hated not getting Jeb here, he's a great guy and a hell of a lover, as you well know, and I hoped he'd like you" I say smiling. Jeb kisses me. "You wanted me happy and I knew it" he says softly. "And in return, you helped me and Jed find our way to each other" I say leaning over to kiss him. "My partner, my mentor, and friend, you saw what I didn't, and you know I almost always do what you suggest" I say hugging Emil. He's tearing up.

"You always did care for me, I had been so lonely, and you befriended me, and made me feel like I was ...." he says and stops. "Emil, anything I've done for you, you've easily returned to me tenfold" I say kissing him. He smiles. "I was always so proud of you, smart, and good with patients, and when things went bad for me, you came and begged me to come work with you, and you gave me so much" Emil says fighting tears. Jeb cuddles him and he's stroking Emil's head. And you can see Emil calming down quickly.

"They are so much like we are, Baby Kitten" Jed says softly. I nod. Jeb is smiling. "You're just like Emil, Claude, can't resist a big ole Redneck Boy's charms" Jeb says smiling. I laugh. Jed kisses me and gets up. "Shit, I ain't small but that's one hell of a big Pig dick" Jeb moans. I laugh. Jed's grinning. "He is big" Emil says smiling. "Jeb, you ain't got nothing to be ashamed of, you're one inch shorter and a inch less in circumference, you got a big ole Feline dick hanging between those legs" I tease him. "You'd know, Claude, you've had us both" Jeb says grinning. Emil is looking at Jed's dick intently. "Want him, Papa Walrus?" I ask. Emil nods. "Only fair since I had that big ole Redneck Lion of yours" I say smiling. "Can I?" Jed whispers. I nod. Jed takes Emil into his arms. And they kiss.

"I'm a taking you to Emil's office, give me a piece o hot Lion tail fer old times sake?" Jeb asks. I nod. Emil nods his assent and Jeb pulls me down the hall to Emil's office. He's yanking his clothes off quickly. We're done for the day and I know everyone but Jesse is gone, Jesse's somewhere waiting for me to take him home or to Bill's leather shop. And I remember Rory was going to come too.

I try to get up and Jeb's not letting me up. "You ain't running off on me" he growls. And he sits on the floor and he puts me down on his big Feline dick. I growl as he pushes up me. His big dick and barbs make me hot. "You always did like me this way" Jeb says kissing me. And he moves me up and down on his fat barbed dick. I cuss and growl as he keeps his barbs right around my ass ring. He knows how we Lions react to that. I cuss and shoot on the floor. He's ratcheting those barbs in and out of my ass ring. His face is pure bliss now. Those barbs of ours are sharp but very sensitive. Its one thing only a Feline bottom can do for a Feline top. "Emil loves me and he's tried but he can't do this, Claude" Jeb moans. "Jeb, put me on my back, I've always loved watching your face as we fuck, you're so expressive" I moan. Jeb pulls back. "Lay on your back" he snaps. I roll over and put my legs up. And he's back in me immediately. Jeb's happy as he moves the barbed part of his big Feline dick back and forth in my ass ring. "I'd o loved you, Claude, I know you'd love me too, but I was meant for Emil" he says. "But damned if anyone, even other Feline bottoms, take my barbs like you do" he says licking my neck. I cuss and growl and cum on his belly again. It feels amazing and it is hot for both of us. Jeb moves quicker in me and I love feeling those sharp barbs in me, spreading me wide. I growl and cum again. And Jeb roars and bucks on top of me. And he's spraying his Lion seed hard into me. The downside to this, is as the passive partner, I'm having a few cramps now. It's the left over breeding reflex that occurs when you get barbed like that.

Jeb's smiling. He leans down and kisses me. I'm grimacing now, it'll pass in a few minutes but it's painful. He knows. He gently strokes my belly to comfort me. "I'd love ta see how pretty the Lion cubs you'd give me would be" he purrs in my ear. I smile. Jeb's very sexy in a ruggedly handsome sort of way. He's a hot, hot Lion. He looks into my eyes. There are some things only another Lion or Big Cat would understand at moments like this. Jeb knows my hormones are going crazy now. I like him enough that if I had ovaries I'd be dropping my eggs to meet his Lion seed. And in a few minutes I'd be bred and they'd be attaching themselves to my womb. I have to admit, I love Jed a lot, but I'd still let Jeb breed me. But it's mostly my hormones talking. Our breeding reflexes are powerful still, we're gay and not capable of breeding, but old instincts die hard and our Feline biology will out. I look into his eyes. "I'd proudly carry and bear your litter, Jeb" I say softly. He smiles. I'm calming down now. He's not pulled out of me. "Wanna do it agin?" he begs. I nod.

Jeb loves Emil, easily as much as I do Jed, but as I said some things we need a fellow Lion for, and he starts barb fucking me again. His eyes are showing his heat for me. "So fucking hot" he moans. "Rake me, Lion Daddy" I growl hard. He grins. And as I wrap my body around his bigger Lion body he begins to really pound his barbs in my ass. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" he roars and he bucks and he's cumming in me again. I lay wrapped around him and I cramp again. He's kissing me repeatedly now. "Emil said I could do you like this if I wanted to" he pants. "He knows he can't do this and I love it once in a while" Jeb purrs in my ear.

"Who knows, one day I might take you seriously and take your cubs" I tease him. He grins and kisses me. "They'd be gorgeous cubs" he says kissing me harder. "Claude, thanks, for this, and for Emil, hell we didn't bond, but I think you do care for me, as I care for you" Jeb says. "You never looked down on this ole Redneck Lion, and you got me my mate" Jeb says. His eyes show me he's serious about this. "All I can say is I would have taken you and been very, very happy, Jeb, but we weren't meant to belong to one another" I say quietly.

He kisses me and gets up. I open the door. Jesse's standing there. "You guys done" he teases me. I nod. "He's pretty, who is he?" Jeb asks. "He's my PA and he's mated to a friend of Teddy and Rory" I tell Jeb. Jeb's big Lion dick is hard again. "Take me?" Jeb asks looking into Jesse's eyes. Jesse nods. "Claude, Rory, Teddy and Nigel are here they're in the waiting room" he says. I grab a white lab coat off of the hook on the door. It's Emil's and will be short on me but it'll cover my naughty bits at least. I go by my office, but I can hear Jed's lusty grunt and I know he's still fucking Emil.

I go out to the waiting room. Rory sees me and laughs. "Riding the Boar?" he asks. "The Lion actually, Jeb came to get Emil and Emil and Jed are fucking so Jeb dragged me off and we fucked a few times" I say. "Where is that ole Redneck Lion, I haven't seen him in a while" Teddy says. "He was riding Jesse last I saw" I say grinning. "Damn, I knew I should have taken you up on your offer to work with you" Nigel says laughing. We sit and talk happily. And I tell Teddy and Nigel what I told Rory earlier.

Jeb walks out in a bit. Naked and with cum dripping from his huge Lion Dick. He hugs Teddy. "I thought I heard your voice, Big Griz" Jeb says hugging Teddy tightly. Nigel's looking at how hung Jeb is and looking at me. "Wanna ride a Badger?" I ask. "Where's my Walrus?"Jeb asks. I go to my office door, and they're still at it. Jed must be thanking Emil for his help. "Papa Walrus is still under my Boar, Jeb" I say softly. Jeb picks Nigel up. And they go to Emil's office.

Jesse comes out looking dizzy and trying to dress. I kiss him. "I forgot, you've never had that big ole Redneck Lion before" I tease Jesse. "He's something else" Jesse moans. I help him dress. "I get that way when my Polar Bear works me over" I tease Rory. Rory grins. "You fuck him, isn't he your brother?" Jesse asks. "My half brother" I say kissing Rory. "He is gorgeous" Jesse says. "We're gonna play this weekend, Jesse, Bill wants us to do a foursome" Rory says. Jesse smiles. "Gives me something to look forwards to" Jesse says. We all sit and I bring Teddy up to date, though Rory had filled him in a lot. "No more watching you suffer like that, Claude" Teddy says hugging me tightly to him. "He'll love me forever, he told me he hated to be away from me this weekend and he couldn't wait until 4 to come to me" I say proudly. Rory kisses me hard. I smile.

"We could go to Janice's office if you will let me thank you for your love and support" I tell my Bears. Rory's hard right away. "My little Lion was too hurt to give his Polar Bear some tail, I'm hot for you" Rory murrs in my ear. "Me too, Poppa Bear," Teddy says smiling. I lead them to our Office Manager's office.

Teddy and Rory strip. Teddy's yanking his off quickly. "Poppa Bear, can I have him first?" Teddy asks. Rory kisses him and laughs. I lay on the floor on my back. "Come fuck me, pretty Grizzly?" I beg. Teddy smiles and he's right on top of me. Rory laughs and he kisses me. "Claude, your joy and playfulness is back" Rory says happily. "I've missed it" he adds. Teddy's sliding that huge Grizzly dick up me quickly. "I've missed you inside of me,Teddy" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "Claude, we were so worried, we didn't know how to help you" Teddy says. "I wouldn't let you help, I was obsessed with having a mate and then obsessed about Jed being married, I would only barely let Sergei in to help, I kept even Nigel and Rory at arm's length" I say quietly. "Sergei came to talk to me, Claude, he was worried too, that Donkey loves you so much" Rory says. "Only him telling me how he'd suffered the same way helped me, Guys"I say softly. "He knew, and he was trying to get you opened up enough to come to me" Rory says.

Teddy starts to speed up in me. And I grunt and moan as that fat Grizzly dick spreads me wide. Rory's kissing us both. "Damn" Jed says from the doorway. "Jed, this Polar Bear is my brother Rory, and the Grizzly on top of me is his mate, Teddy" I pant. Teddy's giving me his all, he has missed me under him. "He's got a gorgeous ass" Jed says. Rory grins. "My little Grizzly does" Rory says proudly. "He's versatile, he's always hot to fuck Claude, but he loves to get fucked" Rory says. Jed sits on the floor by us and he's running his hand over Teddy's ass. Teddy moans. Jed slips a finger into Teddy's ass. Teddy roars and fills my ass bucking and cussing. "Claude, I love you, and I'm glad you got your Boar" Teddy says kissing me. "Rory, can I have him?" Jed asks. "Of course, if you'll let me fuck Claude" Rory says. "Gladly" Jed says. "Jed, we're close, Claude and Teddy and I spend a lot of nights together, and I hope you'll let us and sleep with us too" Rory says. Jed grins. "He told me how much he loved his brother and his mate" Jed says. "I'd be happy to, if you will accept this old and fat Boar" Jed says. Rory laughs. "I've seen how much you love him and will be good for him already" Rory says smiling. "We'll accept you, Jed, you're a handsome and butch Boar, and I want you" Teddy says as he rolls off of me.

Jed gets on top of him. But before Rory and I can do anything, there's a big clawed paw on my ass. "Hey, Tight Kitty, I'm taking Emil home and we're gonna drop Jesse and Nigel off" Jeb says stroking my butt. "Thanks, big Guy" I say grinning. "Let me barb you like you did today and I'd do anything fer ya" Jeb says. Jeb leans down and kisses me and Rory. And he moves over and kisses Teddy and Jed. "Ya did good, Pretty Kitty" he says. "This good ole boy Boar won't ever leave ya" Jeb says and he walks out.

"He's something else" Teddy says smiling. "He is and I tried so hard to make him your brother in law, but he was meant for Emil, just as I'm meant for my Boar" I say softly. Jed starts moving gently in Teddy. "My turn, gonna give me some tail?' Rory asks. "Til the day I die Rory" I say kissing him. Rory grins. I move so I'm flat on my back. Rory's on top of me quickly. I wrap my arms and legs and tail around my big Polar Bear brother as he slides into me. He murrs in my ear. "I've missed my tight little brother" he murrs. "He's missed his big ole Polar Bear" I moan. "I love it when he does that, Rory, like he'll never let you go" Jed says. Teddy puts his arms around Jed's thick neck. And they kiss. "He's quite a Boar, Claude" Rory says as he moves slowly but deeply inside of me. I cuss and growl as Rory's big dick plunges into me repeatedly. Rory and I cuss and moan and vocalize our passions for each other like we always do. Jed's smiling. "He's a vocal little Kitty" he says. Teddy's groaning.

I gesture to Jed. And he smiles. And he begins to deep dick Teddy. Pulling all of the way out and going back in. Teddy's cussing and growling. Rory's smiling. "He's good" he says. "I know, he's as good as my Big Brother" I moan. Rory smiles. "You love me so much" he says. "I do, Rory, and I know I hurt you, and I didn't mean to" I say softly. "I know, babe, but it's all behind us now" he whispers to me. "I love you, and you'll have the love I always hoped you get" Rory says quietly. I notice Jed looking back at us at times. Teddy's eyes are rolled back. He's cum twice on Jed's big belly without a word. Jed's moving faster. I know he's gonna cum in Teddy soon. Rory grips my neck in his jaws and he begins to pound me. He's going for it. I cuss and growl and cum on his belly, and as he hits his stride in me I throw my head back and yowl. Rory's growling and he's filling my ass with his Polar Bear seed. Jed roars and I know he's cum.

We all lay panting together. "He's amazing" Teddy moans. "So is Rory" I tease Teddy. Rory gets up. Rory sits on the floor by me. Jed gets up off of Teddy. And he sits by Rory. "Claude, you know Dad's gonna be a pain, how do you wanna handle this?" Rory asks. "I want to take him head on, Big Bear, you and me, and Jed and Teddy, I could use your help as you know how hard Dad finds it to resist us when we're of one mind and together" I say. Rory laughs. "He will fight but it won't be bad" Rory says. "Bro, it's not going to be easy, he had 'the girls' investigate Jed" I say softly. "They won't find anything major, Claude, I did a preemptive strike, and I called them first" Rory says.

"You had me investigated?" Jed says sounding hurt. "Only because I knew Dad would and I wanted to make sure we could cope with anything" Rory says. "Jed, Rory wants us together, he knows how Dad can get, and he's trying to help" I say softly. I roll over and hug my Boar. "I'm sorry, babe, I've been hurt before and Dad's wanting to make sure I won't be hurt by you" I say. "I wished I could say he won't be a pain now or in the future, but he loves me" I say softly. "Claude, even Anya and Una couldn't find out anything bad about your Boar" Rory says smiling. "I knew it, but I don't like not being trusted" Jed says softly. "Its his way, Dad's like that, and Rory knows, he and I can cope with Dad, but we needed to know that there was nothing bad to explain." I say quietly. "I do trust you, I fought my pains to try to listen to you, I called you first, Jed" I say softly. "You did, you were still hurting badly, and scared, but you called me, and you got Emil to help us" Jed says. "Jed, I'm sorry, I'll spend our lives together trying to make up for being so hurtful to you" I say softly. "Baby Kitty, I was just as responsible, you had every right to know, and by not telling you you had grounds to suspect the worst" Jed says kissing me.

"Jed, we go on from here, we had a few bumps getting started, but you're mine, you told me I belonged to you, and nothing I ever could say or do would change that" I say grinning. Teddy's laughing. "Claude, I was worried about how your family would accept me and I was worried, and Rory told me that nothing anyone, even me, could say or do would keep me from being his" Teddy says. I reach up and stroke Rory's muzzle. "That sounds like you" I say softly. "Claude, you fought your Dad when he was being difficult to me, I knew then how much you wanted me with Rory" Teddy says. "He fought you?"Jed asks. "Jed, Dad doesn't mean to be such a pain, but he loves us a lot, and he's got to be sure we'll be happy" Rory says quietly.

I lean back against Janice's desk and I think a minute. I snap my paw fingers. "I know what to do, don't know why I didn't think of this before, Rory" I say smiling. "What, Baby Kitten?" Jed asks. "I'm going to fight fire with fire, Japanese fire at that" I say grinning. "I see, gonna bring Papa-San on our side" Rory says laughing. Teddy grins. "He's some Bear" Teddy says. "He adores you, Teddy, he'll love my Jed too" I say softly. "Would someone care to tell me who you're talking about?" Jed asks.

"Dr Takeru Suzakawa, he's been like a father to me and Claude since we were both cubs, he loves us, and Dad's lost too many arguments to take Papa-San on if he is being overbearing" Rory says smiling. "That name is familiar" Jed muses. "Think Funari Corp, Oto-Sama started it and runs it" I say smiling. Jed blanches. "Get used to it, they are loaded and they know a lot of rich and influential animals" Teddy says laughing. "He'll love you, Jed, he's a good Spectacle Bear and a good bottom" I say smiling. And Rory and I tell Jed some of our past with Takeru. "He thinks of us as his sons" Teddy says. "He will with you too" Rory says. I nod.

I get up and run to my office and get my cell out of my pants. And I go back and sit, and I call Papa-San. He is thrilled to hear my voice. "I was most worried, my Lion son, Jim-Chan has been much worried about you too, and he has told me some of what happened" Takeru says. "Papa-San, I got him, I have my Boar and I am loved at last" I say softly. "What of his wife?" Takeru asks. I know him, he's got concerns but he's going to wait and see if I have worked it out. "He married her to keep her in this country, Papa, her lover is his sister and he wished to help her" I say softly. Takeru's quiet. "And you are OK with this?" he asks. "I am, he loves me, and I know it, he swore he'd never leave me and he hates to be away from me for very long, Papa-San" I say softly. "I see" he says calmly. "I was upset at first, and then I realized, it's nothing more than I would have done myself to keep Teddy with Rory, Papa-San" I say quietly. Takeru laughs at that. "Yes it is" he says happily. "You sound well, Claude" he says. "I am very happy, and he is hung and a magnificent lover" I say.

Rory's hugging Teddy and I see out of the corner of my eye that Teddy is crying. "Just a sec, papa" I say. "Claude, I knew you loved me and wanted me with Rory, but you would do anything to help keep us together" Teddy says sobbing gently. "I would" I tell Teddy quietly. He hugs me and weeps. 'I love you, Teddy, and I know you're meant for Rory" I say quietly. I pick up my phone. "Sorry, Papa-San" I say. "I see, Teddy was happy to hear you say that" he says. "So tell me of your Boar?" he asks. And I do. "I would speak with him, is he there?" he asks. "He is" I say. I hand Jed the phone he looks nervous but he is soon smiling. He hands me my phone back after several moments. "Claude, he loves you so much, he'll stay with you forever" Takeru says. "My American sons will be much loved by their mates" he says. "Takeru, I need your help" I say softly. Takeru laughs. "Jim-Chan?" he asks. "Yes, he had poor Jed investigated and I'm afraid he'll be overbearing and upset poor Jed" I say quietly. Takeru laughs. "Papa-San, I didn't just want your help, I knew my Japanese Bear father would be worried for me too, and I wanted him to know I was happy and loved" I tell him. "I am happy for you, Claude, I will call Jim now, stay away from home for a bit, and I think Jim-Chan will be a bit easier to deal with" he says. "I love you, Papa-San" I say quietly. 'I love my Lion son more than I can say" he says quietly.

"I would speak to Rory now" he says. I hand Rory my phone and he and Takeru talk a while. I pull Teddy over and put him between me and Jed. We cuddle him. Teddy's happier now. Rory hangs up and hands me my phone. "We'll all go to dinner and then take Teddy by the Bear Den and hang out a while, then Claude and I will help Jed move in" Rory says. "Papa-San thinks Dad will be sore for a while when he's done with him" Rory says laughing.

"Is he always that way?" Jed asks. "He's protective of his sons, and Claude had been so hurt and had really freaked out about being alone and unloved, so Dad's a bit overprotective now" Rory says smiling. "Dad can be amazing at times, or he'll go off if he's feeling slighted and disrespected, or if he thinks we're gonna get hurt" I say softly. Jed smiles. "Jed, Dad means well, he's been worried sick about how Claude has been of late, he's been sad and lonely, and he was so afraid he'd die alone and mateless" Rory says softly "Jed, I'd date someone, and then all of a sudden they'd meet someone, a lot of times someone I knew or had introduced them to, and they'd bond, for almost a solid year and a half it worked that way" I say sighing. "I was terrified it'd happen with you, and then when Dad had Nigel look you up, and we found you were married, I hurt so bad." I say quietly. Jed strokes my mane. "You loved me, I can understand how hurt and betrayed you must have felt, Claude, I'm really sorry I knew I should have told you Christmas Eve night, but we had such a wonderful night then and I didn't want to spoil it, but I'd of spared my Lion so much pain" he says sadly. "Saturday night, I almost called you and begged you to meet me somewhere" Jed says softly. Rory laughs. "He was so upset he went to bed Friday night and slept through until Sunday morning" Rory says. I blush. "You were already so much in love with me, Baby" Jed says stroking my butt.

"Jed, we go on, once we get things sorted out with Dad, we just put it behind us" I say softly. "I want to be like Rory and Teddy, the longer they've been together the more in love they are" I say softly. Teddy smiles. "I can't help it, I just adore my big ole Polar Bear" he says smiling. "I understand, I do too, and I have for so long" I say smiling too. Rory blushes. Jed laughs. "Not jealous?" Rory asks. "No, he loves me, he wants me to be his Boar husband, and he loves you and Teddy and Nigel and a lot of animals, but he knows he's mine" Jed says kissing me. "And I wouldn't have it any other way, I want to belong to my Boar" I say kissing him back.

My cell rings. I laugh and I show it to Rory. He laughs too. Papa Harry's calling me. I answer. "So you got everything settled and you got your Boar?" Harry asks. I tell Papa Harry the whole thing. He laughs. "Takeru's got Jim on the run, and he's mad as hell right now, Claude, you and Rory and your mates ought to stay away tonight" he says. I laugh. "We'd talked about that" I say happily. "Are you mad at me too, Papa Harry?" I ask. 'Claude, no, you sound so happy and I know you, and I know Rory, and if your Boar wasn't truly in love with you, Rory and Teddy wouldn't let him anywhere near you" Harry says. "But still, Jim needs time to cool off, he was so mad he actually tried to argue with Takeru" Harry says laughing. "Oh God' I moan. Dad's lost so many arguments with Papa-San I'm amazed he'd try.

"Papa Harry, I love you, and I'm sorry I've been such a pain" I say softly. "Claude, I worried for you, but I had faith, you'd eventually either find love or pull yourself out of this" Harry says. "I don't know what I'd do without you, and I sure as Hell never want to find out" I say happily. "I do know, Baby Lion" he says happily. "You're awfully happy for someone who'll have to listen to Dad rage all night" I say teasingly. "No, Claude, if you and your Boar and your Bears stay away and don't answer his calls, Jim will fuck off his anger, and he'll tear my ass up good" Harry says laughing. "I love my Papa Harry" I say softly. "In the morning, he'll be calmer, and I'll be happier yet worn out" Harry says. I crack up. "I'm glad you love Dad so much" I say softly. "I'll talk with Rory, but I think I'll just take us all to a good hotel" I say happily. "Thanks, Claude" Harry says. "I love my Papa Harry" I say smiling. He hangs up. Dad must have come into the room

I explain what Harry told me. Rory's cracking up. "So Harry" he roars with laughter. Teddy's smiling. "I'm going to call and see if Geoff can cover for me tonight" Teddy says. I hand him my phone. And he moves away and calls. Jed's laughing. "Marriott or Clarion?" I ask Rory. "Clarion, I love their rooftop pool" he says grinning. "I can get a bathing suit in the gift shop" he mutters. I laugh. "You don't wanna pack?" Jed asks. "Can't go home, Dad's home and I don't wanna interfere, he'll wear Harry's ass out but be calmer and we can deal in the morning" I say. "Jed, your Lion is a loaded one, he'll spend anything on you, he loves you, and to him he'd spend every penny he had just to make you happy" Teddy says nuzzling me. "Rory does with me, it's how they are" Teddy says. "He's right, I know, Jed, you didn't want me for my money, you proved that to me already" I say quietly. "You loved me for how I made you feel, that I cared for you so much" I Say quietly. "I did, Claude, the more I made love to you, the more I knew I cared for you, you gave so much, and when you'd wrap yourself around me while we had sex, it was like you'd never let me go" Jed says kissing me. "He does that, with me and with Teddy and only a few other guys, Jed" Rory says. "He loves you, and he'll cling tightly to you, Jed, he won't let you go ever" Rory says softly. "I won't" I say very quietly. "Claude, I won't ever leave you, I love you, you're all I've ever wanted, and you're beautiful, and you think I'm good looking, and no one has ever given of themselves to me like you did" Jed says pulling me to him. "I told you, I have cared for only a few in my life, and you are the only one I have loved" Jed says stroking my face gently. I purr contentedly. Rory laughs. "He's happy, he doesn't know he's purring I'll bet" he says. I blush, I really didn't know.

He holds me tightly. "Jed, the worst thing you'll have to watch him for is his tendency to run when he's upset or hurting" Rory says quietly. "I saw" Jed says and he tells Rory about this afternoon in the restaurant. "Where where you about to run to, Claude?" Rory asks me. "Tokyo" I answer quietly. Rory laughs. "Running home to Oto-Sama for help figuring things out" Rory says laughing hard. "Jed, he will, he'll go to Takeru when he needs help, he'll come to me and Nigel and Alfred, our butler, but if he's really hurting, he'll call or go to Papa-San" Rory says. "Takeru loves us both, but he's the only one who can get through to Claude at times, they never argue, and in the end, Claude will listen to Papa Bear always" Rory says smiling. "Dr Suzakawa is always right" I say softly. Rory smiles. "Where you're concerned, he is" Rory says kissing me. "Jed, you'll have it easy, Takeru obviously likes you, and he'll probably come to visit soon, he'll be watching and evaluating you way more than even Dad will, but he'll be kind and good to you, and knowing him, he'll want to be under you too" Rory says. "And if he thinks, as I do, that you are Claude's perfect mate, he'll always be in your corner with Claude" Rory says. I nod. Jed laughs.

"You'd have run from me all of the way to Tokyo?" Jed asks. "Jed, he would have gone to Takeru and cried and Papa-San would have calmed him down, and helped him process things out, and he'd of called you and listened, and come home to you, or had you come to Tokyo" Rory says. "I'll have to get used to how he thinks of money" Jed says softly.

Teddy sits down and hands me my phone. "Geoff will take the bar tonight" he says kissing Rory. "So lets get dressed, lock up and I'll call the Clarion" I say. And I call and get the penthouse double suite reserved. We dress and I check to make sure there are no obvious signs of fucking, but Sat night the cleaning folks will be here, and the place will be perfect by Monday morning.

I leave my car. The office building garage is patrolled and they'll know it's my car. And I ride with Jed in his truck, while Teddy and Rory ride in Rory's truck. We all pull up together. We make quite a sight. Me in a suit, Jed in his plumbers togs, Rory and Teddy in jeans and tight shirts. I run in and check us in while they get shown to the garage to park. They come into the lobby and we go up to our room. Jed's a bit shook at how big the suite is. Teddy's a bit more comfortable with it now. But he's been there too. I take a Diet Pepsi out of the mini bar and sit on the couch and turn the TV on. Rory and Teddy laugh. "Get used to it, Claude'll have that thing on whenever possible" Rory says laughing. I turn it to TCM and watch an old movie while Jed and Teddy look around the room. Rory gets a beer out of the fridge and sits by me.

"Claude, he's really something, he loves you so much" Rory says putting his arm around me. I snuggle into my Polar Bear. "I've wanted to see you loved like that for a long time now, Baby Lion" he says kissing me back. "Me too" I tease him. Teddy and Jed are sitting on the balcony talking. Rory and I go out and we get them to come with us as we go to the gift shop. I pick up a bathing suit and a few pairs of shorts and shirts, and I have Jed get one or two shirts and shorts and a suit. Rory and Teddy have bought suits and a few things to wear. "What about dinner?" Jed asks. "Room service or the diner on the other side of the lobby" Rory says. "Their main restaurant is not worth what they charge for it, and I'm not dressing up for it" Rory says. I nod. "You're the only one of us who has a dress suit on." Teddy says. "I know, but I have to wear it to work, patients expect if of us" I say smiling.

We go back up to the room. And Rory's in his bathing suit and looking at us pleadingly. I laugh. "We'll never get him out of it" I say laughing. Teddy grins. "We have a pool and hot tub at home and no matter what the weather, Rory will be in it at least once a day" I say kissing my big Brother. Rory laughs. We put on our suits and I take a bunch of towels and I call Housekeeping and ask for some more towels. They prefer we leave towels we've used after the pool to be put in the chute upstairs by the pool.

We stroll up to the roof deck pool. Rory starts to run for the pool but slows down and walks to it. The lifeguard had glared at him when he started to run. Rory jumps in. And he's happily swimming away. Teddy gets in too. And Jed and I get in but sit on the submerged steps and talk. After a while I hear yelling. The lifeguard is hollering at Rory. Who's trying not to get mad. I stand up and I stroll up to the lifeguard. "I'm Dr Claude Kitman II, is there a problem here" I ask quietly. And this idiot starts telling me that Rory and Teddy were horsing around in the pool. "Fucking?" I ask. He blanches. "I say again, is there a problem here?" I ask. "My brother is happy in the pool and I didn't see him or my brother in law do anything untoward?" I ask. He begins to get red. I walk back and pick up my cell. And I call the Front Desk. And they snap to when I tell them who I am. And I explain to the manager what I see the problem as.

About ten minutes later, the manager comes up and he's talking heatedly to the lifeguard. "Dr Kitman, he was upset because they had kissed in public" the manager says rather embarrassed. "I see, and what about them" I say pointing to a male/female couple kissing and holding hands on chaise lounges by the pool. He clears his throat. "Is it against policy or not" I say quietly. "No but there are children present" he says looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. "So?" I ask. "They are mated, just as me and my Boar are" I say looking annoyed. "I will be happy to check out and go elsewhere if our business isn't wanted here, and if I do, I do not expect a bill" I snap. "I've done a lot of business here and with the Clarion chain in general, my Brother Rory is the COO of CMK and I know they put up a lot of out of town clients here, but I'm sure the Marriott or the Hilton would be happy to get that business" I say angrily. "I'm sure my Dad, J.T. Kitman would not take lightly to his sons being treated this way" I say narrowing my eyes as I look at him. He's swallowing hard. "I'm sorry, Dr Kitman, but...." he says and stops. "We have a rule about public displays in the pool area" he says quietly. "I see then why haven't you addressed that couple then" I say firmly. Rory's standing behind me now. "I can assure you, come Monday, I'll meet with my people, including my legal staff to make the changes" Rory says angrily. "Rory's mate runs a gay bar, what do you think will happen when this gets out in the gay community, it's obvious to us that your lifeguard was offended by my brother stealing a kiss from his mate" I say.

Teddy's now standing next to Rory and I and I feel Jed's hand on my waist. "I'm waiting for an answer of some kind" I say in my disapproving voice that I use when my patients don't follow treatment regimes. The lifeguard begins to fuss, and the manager stares him quiet. "Come on guys" I say and I turn. "Dr Kitman, can't we work something out" the manager says almost begging. "We came here to relax for a night, Rory loves the pool, and our time was ruined by your homophobic employee, I'm fine, I'm rich and I know how to deal from growing up a Kitman, but I'd be more worried about all of those who he's probably discouraged from ever coming back" I snort. The lifeguard reddens. "You faggot" he hollers at me and he swings at me. I dodge. I sensed it coming before he swung. My warning senses told me. He swings again and I dodge him easily. "You really don't want to make my brother mad" Rory says laughing. He swings again and instead of dodging him I catch his fist. And I exert pressure on it with my left paw. He's moaning in pain and I keep squeezing his fist. I pick him up with one hand and I throw him all the way to the middle of the pool. "Claude, you shouldn't have done that with witnesses" Rory whispers to me. The lifeguard bobs to the surface sputtering and coughing. I turn and walk off. I go to our room and I take my wet suit off and I put my dress suit back on, and we gather our stuff. And we leave the room. I go to the Front Desk. I turn in our key card. "If I see a charge on my Visa from this, I'm not only going to sue, but I'll have every gay action group picketing you for weeks" I snarl. The manager is down. quickly. "Dr Kitman, don't leave we can make this up to you" he begs. "No, no way" Rory says. "And we'll start using the Hilton now, they've been begging for our business" Rory says angrily.

Jed's silent. Teddy's mad too. We go out to our vehicles. "The Hilton?" Rory asks. I nod. And we go to the Hilton. I do have a Hilton VIP card. I check us into a suite. And they seem curious about us and are watching us. I ask the kind Cougar male behind the desk if there is a problem. Apparently they've already heard of what happened at the Clarion. I smile. "Sir, our Corporate Director wants to talk to you" he says softly. "He needs to talk to my brother Rory there" I say smiling. "I'm not involved with CMK, I'm a practicing Physician" I say softly. "I just want to check in with my brother and our mates, it's been a stressful few days" I say quietly. The Cougar gives me a gold key card. "We'd be happy to extend the free use of our executive spa to you and your friends" he says smiling. "It's one floor up from where you are" he says smiling.

Jed smiles. "Your Boar is very sexy" the Cougar says quietly. "He is, he is my bond mate and we just bonded today" I say smiling. "I'm not sure which one of you is luckier, you're an attractive Lion" he says. "Hmm.." I hear from behind me. Rory's looking at this Cougar rather appreciatively. Rory's fixed his Blue eyes to this Cougar's Gray Green eyes, and he's sweating a bit. "Why don't you come up when you finish your work, and get to know us a little bit" Rory says seductively. "I think I'd like that, are you guys open bonded?" he asks. "We are" Teddy says. Jed nods. "I'm Joseph Martin" the Cougar says, and I'll be off at 8PM" he says quietly. "If we're not in our room we'll be in the spa" I say. "I'll stay and wait for him" Rory says gently. Rory's hot for him. I laugh. I looked at the brochure Joseph gave us there is a pool in the deck outside of the spa. Rory saw it too. He wants this guy bad enough to skip the pool. Then again the spa is open 24/7 with the key card.

We get shown up to our room by an attractive older Panther. He's this Hilton's Corporate manager and he is talking intently to Rory. And I see one other thing, he's rock hard. I open the door to our suite and we invite him in. He sits on the couch and he and Rory are conferring. I put our stuff in our bedrooms and I go out on the deck. "Claude, how did you do that?" Jed asks me trying to stay calm. "Sit?" I ask. And we sit and look off of the balcony. "I have kind of, well, some gifts from my Momma's family" I say softly. "What kind of gifts?" he asks. "I have preternatural speed, reflexes, agility and strength" I say quietly. "And an odd kind of warning sense for physical attacks" I say quietly. "You picked him up with one hand, Claude, he had to weigh more than you do" Jed says sounding shook.

"I can lift up to five times my own weight without stress" I say quietly. "Have you always been that way?" he asks. I Nod. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Jed, you have every right to know, but unless forced to use them I don't think about my little gifts" I say quietly. "Claude, I do understand" Jed says softly. "Rory seemed upset that you did it in public" he says. "He is, he knows Dad would have a shit hemorrhage if he knew" I say softly."Jim can't do it?" Jed asks. "No it's from my Momma's side of the family" I say softly. "Rory can do it?" he asks. "No, baby, Rory is my half brother, his Mom was my Dad's old secretary" I say softly. "Claude, that must be difficult to control" he says quietly. "No, I hate it, except for the speed and agility, Mom had to train me growing up to account for my strength all of the time, so I wouldn't hurt anyone."I say softly. "I have Dad's temper too, and I have to make sure I'm never tempted to hit someone, I could really hurt them" I say sadly. Jed takes my paw. "Claude, I know you'd never hit me, anymore than I ever would hit you." Jed says

And Jed tells me of his abusive father and how he'd beat his Mom. And though he never hit Jed, nor his little sister, they left home as soon as they were old enough. "I've been lucky, as bad of a temper as Dad has he's never hit me or Rory nor Mom" I say quietly. "I swear I'll never hit you, Claude" Jed says sadly. "I know you wouldn't, you love your little Lion too much" I say kissing him "Besides, as fast and agile as I am, you couldn't hit me unless I let you" I say quietly.

"Baby Lion, lay with me awhile" he asks looking into my eyes. I kiss him. And we get up. Rory and Teddy are making out on the couch with the Panther that showed us up here. I smile. And Jed and I walk into our bedroom.

It's shaping up to be an interesting evening so far.