Foxy Scent- A Double Anthro Fox TF/TG

Story by pruvia on SoFurry

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Ben gets worried when he notices his wife's delivery looks broken- his worries only increase when he opens it up and a broken perfume bottle starts turning into a horny anthro vixen...

"There's something important I need to tell you." Ben's spoon stopped halfway between the bowl of cereal and his mouth, droplets of milk splashing on the tablecloth.

Mary waved her hands about. "No, that was the wrong way to put it! It's not a big deal, it's just that I'm getting a package today; could you make sure it's brought inside once I get it, love? It's delicate- make sure you don't open it before I'm home."

Ben nodded; the porch pirates in their area were bold. He went back to scoffing the rest of his breakfast, and by then Mary was gone, rushing to catch the train on time.

The next few hours were the same drugery every day was: feigning interest in meetings, getting a few bits and bobs done before the next one, and praying lunch break would come soon. Ben sighed with relief once he could slam his laptop shut and get out of the home office, rushing down for his lunch.

His phone buzzed. 'Hey honey, I got a text saying the package got delivered; is it really there?' the text read.

Oh! He placed down his bread and rushed to the door. A large cardboard box sat amongst the porch plants, warped from its journey. So warped the tape was pulling away from the lid and leaving gaping holes on the inside. He cringed at the sight of the fragile stamp, clearly ignored.

Dragging the (extremely light) box in one hand and texting with the other, he shot out a quick confirmation that Mary's parcel was there. His thumb hovered over the keyboard, eyes going to the wreckage. It smelled strange and he could see a wet stain on the side, like liquid had cracked in transit.

She said not to touch it, Ben knew. Still, he looked at the box; would it really be so bad to confirm it wasn't rain or a puddle? His wife's job was stressful enough. He didn't want to create a situation, if the contents were fine.

The tape tore with ease. He blinked in surprise at the meagre contents; something too wrapped in tissue paper to make out, and a perfume bottle with the top loose and leaking. The scent of it ploughed right for his nostrils in a heady tingle of concentrated odour, somewhat like flowers and cut grass mixed together. A golden label at the side of the bottle read 'Vixen's Victory,' accompanied by the risque figure of a half fox, half-human creature. He shot upright suddenly, nose turning stone cold.

Rubbing his nose brought no relief; instead, it felt like he was passing through something, hand meeting a strange resistance which made him pull away. Moments later, he felt an unmistakable pinch.

"Wh, wha." The spectral sensation gave him no time to reply before rubbing his nose again, reshaping it like putty. The cold sunk into it, the skin darkening. A wet, black nose soon stood proudly on his face, a seam in the middle which belonged on the face of a beast. While he mumbled and tried to understand his predicament, the hands of the perfume moved on.

Ben gasped; he could feel the icy hands at his midriff, rubbing gently on his lower stomach, at the seam between t-shirt and tracksuit. "Stop it!" he yelled, swatting to no avail as the skin grew uncomfortably warm.

For a second, it merely looked like he was growing pale where the rubbing happened. But it wasn't long before the white hairs become clearly visible, soft and becoming softer as the invisible hands kneaded it outwards into long, silky tufts. Wisps of orange hair clung to his hips. The hands moved upwards.

Ben gave up on yelling at the hands, instead opting to run away from the package- this started when he opened it. Maybe some distance would help? The hands did not care; they gripped onto his t-shirt and pulled it upwards, rubbing in more luxurious fur with one, others pinching skin that tingled from sensitivity.

He turned bright read, doing his best to pretend the transformation wasn't happening while he went back to his phone. 'I opened ur parcel because I thought it was damaged. Now I'm-" His finger slipped in shock, moaning. In arousal and terror, he stared down at the two nipples on his lower stomach, prodding out of the fur on tiny mounds. He wanted so badly to touch them- shaking his head, he kept his eyes on his phone. The hands continued kneading. He felt another pair of nipples grow, swelling up a tad bigger than the ones before.

Mary answered. 'I'll be back shortly; dw, I know how to fix this.'

If the hands hadn't started groping flat skin into another pair of tits, he would've questioned if she was sure she knew what she would deal with once she got home. With the third pair of tits blooming on his chest, instead he lay down and sighed, a feeling of utter relaxation taking hold. It felt nice to rub his silky belly and feel his tits. Even better, the invisible hands pulled his t-shirt off entirely, letting him fully appreciate his changing body.

While he focused on squeezing his nipples and feeling the heft of his main pair of breasts, the hands moved apart. His smile grew wider, massaged into the snouted smile of a rather horny vixen, little teeth shining in the light, pointing ears going back in pleasure from the gentle petting they were receiving.

The other hands were not so gentle. They tugged at his pants and tracksuit until they were off, leaving his lower half shivering from the lack of fur. As if feeling his distress, the hand gave his head one more lovely stroke and went down to his back, massaging out every knot into long fur, others rubbing at his thickening, furrier thighs. Ben's eyes rolled back in his head as they grabbed onto his cock, rubbing it.

It shrank, the more concentrated sensation making his fox mouth whimper in pleasure, his hands going down and rubbing circles around his clit. At that moment, his mind shifted: he became she. And Ben was such a strange name for a vixen, was it not? Hands massaged his mind this time, suggesting another one. Crystal yipped in delight at her favourite idea, accepting it as her new name.

Someone knocked. Crystal looked up in surprise, clinging to her luxurious cloud of a tail as the key rattled and Mary came in. "Uhhh..." she said, with no idea how she would explain.

To her surprise, her wife didn't seem shocked or scared; if anything, they were exasperated, as they peered at the perfume and Ben. "Oh, I won't be ordering from that company again- they barely wrapped any of this!"

"You knew this would happen?" With all the yipping she had been doing over the last fifteen minutes, she found herself rather surprised she could not only still talk, but her voice also sounded similar to how it had originally been, only a slight change in pitch.

"Not like this! I was supposed to take that perfume; there was another one for you!" Mary's hands dragged down her face, tugging at her hair. "Shit. Well, I guess it's done now- it won't wear off for three days."

Crystal's ears twitched back, sinking into her pelt. "Sorry; I didn't realise this would happen if I opened it."

Mary smiled. "It's okay. It should've came with more padding. She ripped the wrapping off the other bottle: it was a box shaped perfume bottle with orangish liquid. 'Fox's Fantasy,' the label read, sitting beside a silhouette of a very hung fox man. The musky smell struck Crystal's nose like a hammer.

With a controlled spray of scent, Mary's transformation took a moment to start. Then she gasped as her nose turned dark, and Crystal knew the cold hands had descended on her.

Unlike Crystal, her transformation began with red fur on her back, a sultry tail swinging from her ass in no time at all. Mary, no, Ace, gave a sharp-toothed vulpine smile, pulling his pants down with the transformative hands.

"It's so big," she whispered, watching his cock stretch out, a thick knot flaring at its base. It stood proud and tall, gleaming richest red.

Crystal leaned into Ace, kissing him on his snout. He stuck his tongue into her mouth, their tongues tangling together as they made out. His fingers grasped onto her amble breasts, squeezing them. She rubbed his cock, drawing it further upwards, closer to the swollen lips of her cunt.

It ended up riding closer to her clit than her vagina, their standing position improper for penetration. Ace noticed her frustration and smiled, lifting her up. "Bit short, are we?"

"I'm usually taller!" Crystal snapped playfully, unable to get anything else out because of the sensation of being full. His cock plunged deep into her, warm and musky and thrusting against every part of her that was sensitive.

She raked her claws through her husband's fur until he grunted and began slow thrusts, snout flicking upwards into a snarl of determination. She lapped his chin with sloppy kisses to encourage him. "Ace!"

"Crystal!" His cum spurted into her womb as her body turned into a wavy mess of orgasm, claws digging into Ace's shoulders, which were trembling from the effort of cumming and holding her at the same time.

"You can let go of me, if you want."

Ace shook his head. "Can't; we're knotted." It took her a minute to recall what that meant, and notice that the bulge at his cock's base was enormous, flared in a way that locked them into each other. He hopped into the living room and set her down on the sofa gently so they didn't hurt each other, lying alongside her.

They cuddled up to each other and preened, Crystal's belly filling up with cum. Compared to the svelte rest of her body, it became jiggly and wobbly. "You look pregnant," Ace said, in wonder at the sheer power of his cock.

She moaned and felt herself up, appreciating the new dome of her belly. "Do you reckon it'll take?" The thought didn't concern her; quite the opposite. She wanted to stay full, to swell larger than she was already with her husband's seed, bulging with a dozen little cubs.

"Only if we keep on taking the perfume, then maybe look at something more permanent," Ace said, nuzzling her belly. She didn't have to ask to know he was also eager to see what would happen if they stayed like this. It would certainly be an interesting path, and not one she had considered until now, but in Ace's arms, Crystal knew everything would work out fine.