Bioshock, origins of a cyborg wolf, part 3

Story by Torin_crytere on SoFurry

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#5 of Bio

third installment of Bio's story

I growled at and yanked at my bindings but was unable to move the arm that would have been beneficial to this escape. The mercs working for the Doctor had placed some kind of inhibiting device on it, keeping me from being able to manipulate like normal. I then turn my attention to everything in front of me, taking in and cataloging all that I could see within my cell. There was a plain mattress that was to serve as his bed and a nasty toilet that looked like it hadn't been cleaned in months. Disgusting I thought to myself, though it was only a bit better than what I had been squatting in a few nights previously.

A few moments later I picked up on the sound of a card reader being used for what i could assume was a security door at the end of the hall, followed closely by the accompanying sound of the door opening. After that the sounds of guards boots on the concrete along with the soft pads of someone much lighter flowed down the hall to me, as the figures approached my cell.

There standing on the other side of the acrylic window stood the doctor and some of his goons. "You really cost me a lot with all the lives you took out there, and cost the world some very brilliant minds no less, though your rampage was to be expected given what I took from you." he said snidely. "So how shall I experiment on you now, hmm?" he turned away from me and began pacing back and forth while stroking his chin. The rat paced for a few more moments when something down the hall caught his eye, "Oh that's an idea." he said to himself then snapped at the guards as he left without another word. Little did I know that what he had planned for me was even worse then he let on.

Over the course of the next several days, different aids, accompanied by a full armed guard, came into my cell and took different bodily fluid samples; blood, urine, tears, even spit, nothing was left unsampled. And even a couple times some came in and took full chunks of skin and muscle only to stand astonished as the nanites did their pre-programmed job of closing the wounds in moments. Thankfully the collar didn't prevent my little microscopic friends from doing their main functions without my input.

These sample taking events became so routine that the guards started showing less and less, until one night a female researcher came in by hirself. Shi was a closet beauty. Flowing white hair contrasted her black fur in such a way that it didn't look out of place. Hir other distinguishing features were these rings that were on various parts of hir body, 2 pairs mirroring themselves on her arms and legs, one on hir forehead as well as wrapped around hir ears and each tip of hir tail. Aside from the rings this woman had a sizable bust, ass, hips and... surprisingly a cock. The only reason I know the last detail is because this bitch undressed hirself and, with help of stimulants that were laced through my dinner, shi began to use me to pleasure hirself, saying that shi wanted offspring that had my nanites and abilities. Shi was an amazing fuck, not going to lie, but it still haunts me that shi had to rape me to get it.

I'm not sure how much time has passed but it feels like months when, out of nowhere, my bindings are released completely. At that exact moment the security door opens and I hear several gunshots as the guard that was posted at my cell tonight falls over with a hole through his skull. I rush over and try my best to look down the hall but being what it is, the acrylic glass doesn't give me much room to see. Though it doesn't take me long to find out what was going on, as sauntering down the hall is Angelina, followed closely by her pups, and much to my surprise, the hermaphroditic researcher.

"Remember what we discussed Angelina, you need to get him and your pups out of here, you have maybe 20 minutes before the other troops and the doctor find out what I've done." shi says to Angalina, who nods and proceeds to get the door to my cell open.

The moment that door opens Angelina flings herself into my arms and hugs me tightly sobbing "God when I heard you had been captured I was so worried,"

I smile softly and take in her scent, something I had missed up until this point and sigh. I then turn to the researcher and growl "You have some shit you need to answer for bitch, so don't think you're out of hot water yet just because you've released us." I say to her as the kids rush over to me at that point as well. I take stock of them, easing the gun out of Angelina's hand. From what I can see they look far healthier than what I was shown on the video feeds and I breathe a sigh of relief. I turn my attention back to the researcher with a glare but I hold back my rage for now "You need to take me to my gear, right now"

Without hesitation the researcher nods and takes us to the nearby armory where, strewn out on the floor, are several dead guards presumably hit by the researcher first before shi had released the others. I take stock of what's in the room and see that while my guns weren't there, thankfully my axe and mask were. I quickly grab my helmet and get it powered up, the hud bringing up the different information I needed. What I find as I go through the different diagnostics of my gear is the replication of several thousand new nanite signals, a good portion of which are coming from Angelina and the herm. For now I ignore this information as I activate something my employer had installed, a remote signal that lets him know that I need help. Within moments a rift is opened up beside me and, sauntering out from it, walks none other than the dragon himself.

This man's name is Thorn, one of, if not the, most wealthiest creatures of this time. He gives me and the others a smile and gives us a snarky bow. "My guests your chariot awaits. Senara darling you did a fantastic job infiltrating this compound, the local military forces should be here within the next few hours." He says looking at the herm, as shi strips hir lab coat to reveal hir battle gear that I had failed to notice due to the situation. The kids waste no time as the adults stand there and gawk, quickly making their way out of the evil place, closely followed by their mother and Senara. As I approach Thorn, he offers his hand and I gladly take it "It's good to see you my friend," he says, "and while I would love to continue with the pleasantries I can already feel several men on their way here." Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this man is also highly telepathic as well as an accomplished sorcerer. I quickly do as he suggested and slip through the Rift. With the new knowledge of who the herm was that saved, and raped me, I have a feeling that things are going to be 'fun' for the next few days.