As Mean As A Caged Fox

Story by Charlie Writes For You on SoFurry

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#2 of Art Trades

Martin is a down on his luck public defender, bitter at his dead end career. Seraphina is his loving and supportive girlfriend who's grown tired of Martin's emotional abuse. The couple is on the verge of a breakup when a mysterious package arrives on their door step containing 2 mysterious pills and a note promising a cure to their relationship woes. When the couple take the mystery drug out of desperation, their bodies and lives change forever.

This story was commissioned by Nightfox1090 who traded my Avatar for this story. Check out their page on FA for high quality, quick turn around character art!

As Mean As A Caged Fox

By Charlie Wolf

Commissioned By Nightfox1090

Martin Rommel starred with overtaxed and exhausted eyes at the ticket kiosk chirping happily in front of him. The machine spit out a receipt as Martin pulled his debit card from the slot and put it back into his worn leather wallet. The squat balding man in the guard shack leaned out of his window and studied Martin with beady eyes wedged between chipmunk cheeks.

"So'd ya get em today?" He asked with a sarcastic smile. Martin returned the idiotic question with the same dead eyed stare he'd given the kiosk a second ago. The annoying lot attendant was the last remaining obstacle between him and getting home after a 16 hour day, and yet another humiliating loss. The attendant's smile faded.

"Come on kid, you gotta stop taking this job so seriously or it'll eat you alive. You're the only public defender I see come out of that courthouse wearing that sour look everyday. The others know they're going to lose most of the time and let it roll off them, but for some reason, you think you're Superman."

Martin continued to stare at the man not dignifying the "advice" he's just received with a response. The other public defenders were trash and their win-some-lose-some attitude was a sign of weakness. After a minute the lot attendant relented with a shrug saying "alright, alright" and pressing the button to open the gate. As Martin began to pull his aging sedan forward the lot attendant couldn't resist getting one last jab in.

"I just hope you don't take all that tension you're carrying home to your wife"

Martin gave him the finger and hit the accelerator kicking up dust, rocks, and exhaust as he sped out of the parking lot. The attendant coughed and hacked in the dust cloud watching the beaten up sedan tear down the road.

"Man that boy is as mean as a caged fox." he said as he closed the window to his booth.

Martin seethed as he sped down the road. His exhaustion combined with his go to mental playlist of insecurities and bitterness at his career trajectory, or lack thereof, into a toxic stew of unrelenting frustration. He'd gone to one of the top law schools in the country and passed the bar with a 280 but he just couldn't get ahead as a defense attorney. He blamed his future father-in-law. He'd offered him a job right out of his college at his firm defending large corporations from lawsuits and government regulation. Martin's stomach churned at the thought of defending wealthy assholes from being accountable to anyone but their bottom line. He politely turned his future in-law down, opting instead to take offers from some civil legal aid nonprofits that had also recruited him. However Martin soon found all the other offers drying up, almost as if he'd been blacklisted. His girlfriend Seraphina begged him to take her father's offer, but Martin was as stubborn as he was passionate about defending the underdogs of the world. He started taking cases as a public defender and had spent the last 3 years languishing in a broken system, barely able to make payments on his astronomical student loan debt let alone his other bills. The only reason they weren't homeless was Seraphina 's job as a manager at a local target. She'd started as a cashier a few months after Martin passed his bar as a way to help the young broke couple make ends meet. She'd excelled and quickly shot up the ranks making manager in just over 2 years. Martin was sure this too was due to her father's influence. It wasn't enough for him to sabotage his career, now he embarrassed him further by getting his daughter a job in retail where she made over twice as much as he did with a law degree.

The young attorney was so lost in thought he had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting a woman with a stroller crossing the road in front of him. When he recovered from the shock enough to get a good look at the woman he'd almost hit, he noticed the horns and yellow fur she wore. The gazelle woman gave Martin her closest approximation of the finger with one of her hoofed hands and pushed the stroller out of the street as quickly as she could manage. A pair of tiny hoofs extended from the carriage reaching for it's mother as she popped the stroller onto the curb. Martin had seen the news stories and read some articles on the trend. What started as pure medical necessity for some was quickly becoming the latest expression of identity for many more who could afford it. Perfectly healthy humans purposefully using new CRISPR technology to splice their DNA with various other species for both the aethstetic and performative benefits. Heightened senses, greater strength, supposed increases in intelligence, sex drive, and lifespan were all some of the hyped benefits of what people in the community called "Going Anthro". It was a fad health regimine on steroids, or more accurately, an MRNA carrier virus. At first the trend had mostly been viewed as harmless, but then two things happened. First, it was proven that these genetic changes would be passed down to any offspring. The second was that along with their species, some people began changing their genders as well. This innovation is what got the treatment banned in most states. Since it was a legitimate medical treatment in some extreme cases, it remained legal federally, but left up to the states to regulate. Martin's state was one of the few that still allowed the controversial gene therapy to those that didn't have a legitimate medical need. The struggling attorney was agnostic on the whole thing. He couldn't care less about what people did with their bodies, but could they at least look both ways before crossing the street?

Exhausted, Martin fumbled with the keys to the condo he shared with Seraphina until the door opened and his long term partner greeted him with a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Welcome home love, long day?"

"What do you think?" Martin said with a hiss. He still carried the full weight of the day's loss plus the extra metric ton of seething resentment he'd managed to build up on the way home. Now he was going to offload it onto Seraphina , as had become his nightly ritual for the last few months. Seraphina however, wasn't having it.

"Hey, listen here asshole, I've spent the latter part of 2 hours making you an amazing meal after dealing with my own bullshit at work all day, so none of your sad boy pity party bullshit tonight, ok!?" Seraphina had always been a supportive partner, even when Martin's own bitterness over his lack of career trajectory and resentment over her family's wealth had begun to slowly poison their relationship, but she was reaching her breaking point. They'd talked about couple's counseling a few times, but Martin saw therapy as just another form of accepting weakness. These days it took everything for her not to give up and walk out on their relationship and the increasing amount of emotional abuse that came with it.

"I'm sorry Ser," Martin relented as he sat at their small dining table and loosened his tie. "I lost another case today and this complete dickhead who works the gate started making fun of me on the way out. I'm just so stressed, and his little jab sent me over the edge."

Seraphina brought them both plates and sat down next to her bellegured partner. They ate in silence for a few minutes, Martin obsessing over the lost case so intensely that he barely tasted the lovingly prepared meal his partner had made him. Seraphina on the other hand stared at her distant boyfriend with a mournful longing in her eyes. They had been so close once, but Martin had become so bitter over the last few years that she barely knew him anymore. All she wanted in the world was to take care of her partner and show him that he was loved, but these days he rejected anything that was close to intimacy. They hadn't touched each other in months and it was getting difficult for Seraphina to remember the last time they were happy together. After minutes of unbearable silence she cautiously spoke.

"Look, I know you hate when I bring it up," she said, "but my dad called today and he said there's an opening in one of his..."

The glass of water Martin had been holding a second ago smashed against the wall behind Seraphina 's head triggering their other nightly ritual, a wall shaking screaming match over dinner. Insults and accusations mixed with tears and broken dishes until the couple sat in exhausted silence on the living room couch an hour later. Neither able to reconcile with the other. Seraphina stifled sobs as Martin stewed in white hot shame. Why was he like this? He knew she was head over heels for him, even after years of abuse, but he just couldn't bring himself to be vulnerable around her. He thought if he ever let her in and she saw the toxic soup of self loathing and anger inside him, Seraphina would finally leave him for good. Maybe that was the best thing for her. She could find someone worth her love instead of an angry, self obsessed, failure of a man who couldn't even make it through one dinner without taking out his shortcomings on his partner.

Seraphina contemplated her own perceived shortcomings. She wished she could be strong enough to demand the respect she knew she deserved from Martin. She'd given up everything to support him, spending the last peak years of her youth working retail to support the both of them. Unbeknownst to her partner, she'd turned down many lucrative opportunities from her father because of how she knew it'd make Martin feel. Now sitting in their modest living room, on furniture she'd bought for them with her own money, stifling tears, she really began to wonder if any of it had been worth it. She barely registered that Martin was asking her a question.

"What the hell is this?"

Seraphina looked and saw Martin examining the small box on their coffee table that had arrived mysteriously on their doorstep earlier that afternoon. She'd almost completely forgotten about the strange delivery . It looked like the kind of box a certain tech company packaged their newest products in. All white with clean edges. No details save a dark silhouette of what looked like a fox head on the top of the box.

"I have no clue", Seraphina said exhaustedly. "It arrived while you were still at work. No label or return address. I don't even know how the delivery guy knew which condo to bring it to."

Martin fumbled with the mysterious package until he found a seam held with a single piece of adhesive tape. He broke the seal and folded the top of the box up. Inside were two identical looking orange and white gel pills sat snugly inside of soft foam molded to the shape of each capsule. On the underside of the lid there was a note printed on the cardboard that read:

If you're exhausted

Fighting for a love that's been lost

Why don't you try

What's inside of this box?

Underneath the text was the same silhouette fox head that was on the outside of the box. Martin removed the pills and pulled the rest of the packaging out, but there was no other label or instruction. Just the vague text and two identical pills.

"Is this some kind of joke?" he said incredulously.

"Maybe one of the neighbors heard us fighting and signed us up for one of those anonymous home delivery aphrodisiac services the podcasters are always hocking." Seraphina suggested.

Martin scoffed, "Our relationship is nobody's fucking business. I'm throwing these in the trash and then going door to door till I find the bastard who decided it'd be fun to have these delivered to us."

Seraphina had finally had enough. "Jesus FUCKING Christ Martin! Will you quit being such a miserable little pussy and do something spontaneous for once?!?!"

Martin was taken aback, Seraphina had never talked to him like this. He was always the one yelling. The outburst shocked him into stunned silence. Seraphina took the opportunity and snatched one of the pills out of Martin's hand and downed it with the rest of her glass of wine.

"Ser what are you doing!?" Martin exclaimed "We have no idea where these pills came from or what they'll do! You could've just poisoned yourself!!'

"So what!?" Seraphina said defiantly. "I've been slowly dying on the inside for the last three years,why not just go ahead and finish the job, and who knows maybe these pills will actually work. It'd be more than you've ever done to work on this relationship. Why don't you man up and take the plunge with me?"

The young lawyer was stunned. In their years together he'd never seen his partner so worked up. Perhaps this latest fight had finally broken her. He didn't know what to do. If he took the other pill he wouldn't be able to help Seraphina if she had some sort of reaction. On the other hand, maybe she was right and it was some sort of crazy aphrodisiac that could help them have their first intimate moments in years.

"Fuck it", Martin said and downed the other pill. After he swallowed the couple stared at one another in shock. Had they really just done that? Had their relationship troubles made them so reckless that they had both just taken a mysterious drug delivered by an anonymous stranger to their doorstep? It was too late now, they had both punched their tickets, now they were just waiting for the ride to start.

Martin and Seraphina sat on the couch next to each other in silent anticipation. They hadn't done drugs since undergrad but each felt the familiar mix of anxiety and excitement in their stomachs waiting for any slight change in mood or perception. After about half an hour Martin started to feel a warmth spread from his stomach through the rest of his body. He felt his heart rate increase and the outlines in the room began to take on a shimmering resonance. As he was examining these new sensations he felt Seraphina slip her hand into his and squeeze. The touch of her skin against his felt like electricity causing Martin to gasp. He turned to look at his partner. Her eyes were wide, pupils almost completely dilated. She was breathing heavily and looking at him with a certain kind of hunger he'd never seen in her before.

"How are you feel.."

Before he could finish his question Seraphina dove on top of him straddling him with both legs and began to grind her pelvis against his as she passionately kissed and licked every inch of his face and neck. Waves of tingling exhilaration overwhelmed his senses. He'd never felt this kind of pleasure. Martin began returning the passionate kisses running his hands through his partner's long black hair, his body synching up with hers as they passionately humped on the couch. As the couple rutted on the soft cushions, Martin began to notice something strange. As unrelentingly horny as he was becoming he wasn't getting hard. In fact the sensation in his pants was more of a growing wetness. Had he cum already without noticing?

Seraphina on the other hand was experiencing her own set of new sensations. She'd always been submissive in bed but tonight she felt powerful, dominant, in charge. She was going to make Martin her little fuck toy and the feeling was exhillerating. Whatever they had taken was definitely working. She sat up still straddling Martin beneath her and began to grab at and rub her breasts. Did they feel smaller somehow? The question was lost under a wave of electric pleasure as she touched her sensitive nipples through her thin cotton shirt. Her body convulsed in pleasure, and she felt a strange growing pressure in her panties. Not able to hold back any longer she began ripping off Martin's button up shirt sending buttons flying across the room, but when she saw her partner's bare chest, she stopped moving and recoiled in shock. Martin had never been very hairy, but now patches or orange red and white fur were starting to cover his bare skin. Even more shocking, where his toned defined pecs had been a few minutes ago, a perky pair of fur covered breasts had begun to grow, as she looked down his formerly rock hard washboard stomach, she noticed 3 more pairs of ping nipples beginning to emerge from his softening abs.

"Oh my God Martin your chest!" She exclaimed, shocking herself again upon hearing her own voice. It sounded like it had dropped at least half an octave.

Martin opened his eyes and gasped when he saw his partner's face above him. Her soft features had begun to harden. Her jaw was more defined and her shoulders seemed wider than they had a second ago. Orange and black fur began sprouting on her arms before his eyes and were those whiskers around her mouth and nose? He followed her eyes down to his own chest and screamed when he saw a growing pair of furry breasts where his pecks had once been. Martin bolted up and pushed Seraphina off of him. He pulled off his shirt and began examining his body. The fur now covered most of his skin. His entire frame felt like it was shifting. Martin had taken pride in being a gym rat, but now the toned defined muscles he'd worked on for years were softening, becoming more delicate and feminine. His hands were now completely covered in fur and soft black pads had begun to sprout from his fingertips and palms, like some sort of paws. He grabbed one of his still growing breasts and stroked his nipples with the new soft pads hearing a very girlish moan escape his lips as pleasure shot through his changing body. He ran his new paws down his stomach feeling each of his 8 growing teets.

Seraphina watched her partner writhe and moan as he felt up his new breasts with a combination of shock and excitement. She licked her lips and felt as her teeth began to sharpen. Her hands had begun to look like Martin's, furry and padded at the tips of her fingers and palms. The bra that she had been wearing had begun to feel ill fitting and loose. Seraphina pulled off her own shirt and now useless bra, and gasped in shock as she looked at her chest. Her breasts were gone, replaced by a pair of muscular pecs covered in white fur.

When Martin saw Seraphina examining her newly flattened chest it was enough to break him of the overwhelming pleasure of exploring his new sets of breasts for a moment.

"Oh my god Ser what's happening to us, is this real!?" Martin's voice sounded strange to his ears. His formally deep voice had become a soft mezzo soprano.

Seraphina responded slowly, her own voice had dropped to rich baritone and the dysmorphic feeling made it hard to talk at first.

"I...I... think.... we're going.... anthro Martin." and after a moment adding "and swapping our genders."

To confirm Martin awkwardly undid his pants, his new paws fumbling with his belt and zipper. He stood up and quickly pulled down his pants and boxers and stood speechless at what he saw. The formally well endowed male watched as his head and shaft shrank into his body becoming a large engorged clittoris. His testicles had already retreated into his pelvis forming new ovaries and a vaginal opening surrounded by healthy pink lips. Clear arousal fluid was dripping from the new opening and ran down Martin's still human legs.

Seraphina 's ever more sensitive nose was filled with the scent of arousal from her newly feminized mate. The pressure in her panties became unbearable and she ripped off her leggings and panties and watched in awe as a rock hard, crimson red canine cock sprang to attention where her vagina had been just a few minutes before. A pair of large testicles covered in white fur dangled below them.

Martin felt become flush with increasing arousal seeing the almost threatening 9" foxy cock dripping with precum. Her head filled with desire to taste every inch of it. Martin did everything she could to push these overwhelming desires from her mind.

"What are we going to do? How do we stop this?!"

Seraphina 's mind was lost in the new sensations of his new body. He felt powerful, dominant, and overwhelmingly horny. The scent from Martin's new womanhood was driving him wild. He touched his new cock and gasped deeply at the sensation of his soft paws against the sensitive skin on his new appendage.

"Honestly Martin, I don't know if we can stop this," Seraphina said in a gravely husky tone then added, "And honestly love, I don't know if I want it to stop"

The sound of his mate's deep voice drenched in desire was enough to make Martin's body shudder. New instincts began to cloud her mind. She wanted this strong alpha to breed her and, in return, give him lots of pups. She tried fighting the alien desires but felt all resistance being pushed to the far corners of her mind.

"Ser.. I'm.... I'm scared" Martin said softly.

The engorged anthro fox walked to his mate and took her into his strong muscled arms. Seraphina was taller than Martin by at least a half a foot now and her mate's head rested comfortably in the crook of his neck. They relished the embrace, drinking in each other's scents. Seraphina gazed into Martin's eyes. Their whites had taken on a yellowish hue and the pupils had become black slits. Their faces were still mostly human but fur had begun to cover the remainder of their skin and whiskers had sprouted from their noses which were becoming black and wet.

"Do you trust me?" Seraphina whispered softly into Martin's slowly lengthening ears.

Martin's answer came without hesitation, she felt safer now than she ever had in the strong embrace of her mate. "Yes, always my love."

"Good" Seraphina cooed then pulled Martin into a passionate kiss, their tongues intertwined as their faces lengthened into fully vulpine snouts. Seraphina placed a paw at the base of Martin's back and massaged the tiny nub that had begun to form there until it lengthened and filled out into a beautiful fluffy fox tail. Martin mirrored her mate and stimulated Seraphina 's growing tail until it reached its full glory. The newly minted alpha then broke their kiss and swept martin off her still human feet and carried her into their bedroom. He threw her roughly onto the bed causing a "YIPE!" to escape Martin's lips, surprised at the unexpected roughness from his mate.

The male anthro fox loomed over the vulnerable vixen and a wide sharp toothed smile broke across his face. For years Seraphina had been the vulnerable one, completely under the thumb of Martin's domineering personality, but now the tables had turned and Seraphina was the one in control. He was going to relish every second dominating his new breeding bitch. Martin's eyes filled with a mixture of fear and arousal as the muscled alpha crawled onto the bed and between Martin's legs. Seraphina took Martin's right foot into his paws and began licking and massaging her arch then nibbling each toe, accelerating the changes until it was a full 4 digit fox paw.

Martin squealed in delight at the novel sensation of her mate's tongue against her transforming foot.

Seraphina repeated the process on the left foot and then began moving his tongue up Martin's inner thigh causing her to gasp and moan in anticipation. The alpha drank in his vixen's scent and then began flitting his tongue teasingly against Martin's swollen clittoris.

The vixen moaned deeply, feeling a pleasure greater than she ever thought possible from the stimulation of her new genitalia. She rocked her body back and forth to the rhythm of her mate's tongue as a warm tension grew in her lower torso building and building until it drowned out every other sensation, but right when she was at the edge of climax, Seraphina reared her head back.

The alpha watched in delight as his mate squirmed in reaction to the denied orgasm and gave him a "what the fuck?" kind of look. He was in full control now and wasn't letting the vixen get her rocks off until he had. Seraphina crawled from between Martin's legs and up her torso teasing each of her eight nipples with his tongue and sharp teeth. When Seraphina got to eye level with his quivering mate, he forcefully grabbed both of her delicate arms and pinned her down underneath him. The alpha maneuvered the head of his cock towards the vixen's swollen clit and began to tease it causing Martin to writhe beg for release.

"NO" the alpha whispered in his squirming mate's ear. "You've been fucking me for years, telling when and how much I could cum. Now it's my turn!"

Martin gasped, her fear and pleasure mixing into a white hot ocean of anticipation.

Seraphina rolled Martin over and roughly smacked her mates cheeks causing her to insticutially raise her hind end in the air, presenting herself fully to her alpha.

Seraphina raised himself up and grabbed Martin's hips bringing her blushing labia up to the tip of his throbbing canine member.

"Please be gentle Ser," Martin begged. "It's my first time as a female and you're so big."

Seraphina basked in the feeling of complete dominance over his mate for a moment before growling darkly. "Not a fucking chance sweetheart." and forcefully plunging all eight inches of his thick cock as deep into Martin's pussy as he could manage breaking her hymen and taking her virginity as a female.

The vixen screamed in an equal amount of pain, fear, and pleasure. It felt so good to be fucked into submission by such a strong male. As Seraphina violently pumped in and out of Martin's gushing vagina the fixen began to think of all the times she'd roughly taken Seraphina as a male and a wave of regret mixed in with the overwhelming pleasure. Martin deserved this, being forcefully bred by the mate he'd once caused such emotional pain. It was his turn to be submissive and as she felt the warm tension once again start to build in her abdomen, what little resistance she had left to Seraphina evaporated into the warm ecstasy of complete and total submission.

"BREED ME MY SEXY ALPHA!" Martin felt herself scream. "Make me your good little breeding bitch and fill my belly with pups!"

It was everything Seraphina could do not to orgasm right then and there. His mate's submission drove him right up to the edge. He felt the walls of Martin's vagina grow tighter and tighter around his cock until they finally released and his mate squealed, experiencing her first overwhelming female orgasm.

An ocean of pleasure washed over Martin causing her to go limp as she lost all control of her body. She never knew sex could feel this way and gave in to wave after wave of mind numbing body quakes.

Seraphina pulled out and flipped his pliant mate onto her back. He wanted to look at the expression on her face as he finished inside her. He placed a hand around Martin's delicate neck and gently squeezed and he pushed his cock back inside her. Martin moaned and panted with each inch that entered her as her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

"That's a good little breeding bitch" Seraphina growled. "You love being bred by your alpha don't you?"

"YES! OH GOD YES" Martin squealed as he gave in to another rolling orgasm.

Seraphina felt the tip of her cock swelling into a knot as he edged closer and closer to his own orgasm. Martin felt the knot swell inside of her pelvis locking them both together into one writhing mass of pure unadulterated pleasure.

"Yes, breed me you sexy fox!" She begged. "Fill me up! Use me like the bitch I am!"

Seraphina couldn't control himself any more and released load after load of warm seed into his mate causing them both to climax simultaneously. Their minds both went blank and they collapsed into each other. Seraphina 's knot kept them tied together for what felt like a glorious eternity as she pumped more and more semen into her mate. Not a drop was wasted. Martin could almost feel the sperm racing towards her ovulating eggs. Somehow instinct told the vixen that she was about to be very pregnant and the thought caused her whole body to spasm in warm aftershocks. She couldn't wait to be a mother.

The couple lay together in post coital bliss gently kissing one another until Seraphina 's knot finally released and the couple broke their embrace. They lay panting in eachothers arms until Martin finally spoke.

"Well I guess we should come up with different names for ourselves. Martin just doesn't feel right to me any more."

"How about Marianne?" her mate suggested. Seraphina had always liked that name.

"Yeah, Marianne, I like it. Now what about you, my alpha?" Mariane pondered for a moment, then said "What about Seth?"

The alpha liked the sound of his new name and repeated it back to himself.

"Seth, mmmm yes that I think that'll do just fine." He then locked eyes with his new mate and proclaimed. "I love you Marianne."

"And I love you Seth" the vixen cooed. They lay together a little longer before Marrianne spoke again, hesitantly this time.

"Honey, I don't want to alarm you, but I think you just knocked me up."

The male anthro's ears perked up. He hadn't even thought about the possibility of getting his former boyfriend pregnant.

"Well we'd always talked about kids, at least my parents will quit nagging me about..." Seth let the thought trail off as the rest of his mind caught up with all the implications of their new situation.

"OH FUCK!" he exclaimed "How the hell are we going to tell our parents about this?!"

A few months later Marianne and Seth's parents sat awkwardly across a restaurant table from each other doing their best to make friendly small talk. They had each received a mysterious letter from their children with a pair of plane tickets, instructions to meet them at this particular restaurant at this particular time, and no other details. They hadn't heard from Seraphina or Martin for weeks and had begun to grow worried. Needless to say the parents were profoundly confused when an anthro fox couple walked up and introduced themselves as their formerly human children. It took a few minutes of "only my real children would know this" questions before both sets of parents began to accept that not only had their children switched species, but genders as well.

Marrianne's parents had always been supportive of their former son, now daughter, and took the news well. Seth's parents on the other hand, needed a little time to process. His mother burst into tears while his father screamed "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US?!" and tired to blame Marianne for the transformation. Seth defended his mate vigorously and dropped the bombshell that Marianne was pregnant with their grandchildren. That revelation shut both sets of parents up fast. After a few hours of explanation, and some stiff drinks for the parents, they were all hugs and tears of joy. Seth's parents even began calling him by his new name. His father quickly realized that having a pair of trans anthros in the family would be good for his firm's public image, plus he'd always secretly wanted a son. He immediately offered Marianne a partner track position in a new firm he was building focused on taking up LGBTQ and Anthro rights cases which the vixen graciously accepted. Seth's mom and Marrianne's parents were already discussing names for their first set grandchildren. Considering the circumstances, the dinner went better than most holidays the anthro foxes could remember.

A year later, Marianne sat in maternal bliss as her two infant pups suckled on the biggest of her sets of breasts. In a bit of humor, and to honor who they once were, the anthro couple decided to name the fraternal twins Martin and Seraphina.

The warm mid autumn sun felt good on her fur and she watched with satisfaction as her shirtless mate chopped firewood across the yard from their vacation cabin. The last few months had been packed with moves and career changes, not to mention dealing with all the other repercussions of switching both species, gender, and becoming new parents. The couple was exhausted and this vacation to Appalachia was much needed. When Seth had chopped the last of the wood, he sat the axe down and walked up the path towards his mate and young family. The vixen felt a small twinge between her legs as she watched the strong muscles ripple underneath his red and white fur. She reflected on how far they'd come. In her old life she'd never appreciated how caring and protective her mate was. They'd never figured out where the fox pills had come from, or who had ordered them to their home, but the couple was eternally grateful. They had even refused to file a police report and declined to make any sort of statements when the FDA and FBI had come knocking a few months after the incident. They were so much happier in their new forms than they ever were as humans. The transformation had given them the needed shift in perspective to love one another fully again, and they wouldn't trade the experience for anything.

As Seth reached the porch, he stood and took in the scene of his beautiful mate feeding their offspring directly from her body. For a moment, the contented alpha basked in the radiance of his love for them before ascending the stairs and planting a kiss on Marianne's lips.

"I've been thinking," the male said, "Why don't we drop the babies off with my parents on the way home and have just a few days to ourselves, we've still got some unpacking to do and it'd be nice to really christen our new home without distractions."

Marianne gave Seth a sly smile and said "Sounds like you just want to trade one distraction for another..."

"Maybe" Seth replied "You know, the new house is big enough for a family of seven, we could try for triplets this time."

Marianne bit her lip

"How about we get these two out of diapers first, unless you've got a pill that'll let us grow an extra set of arms?" the vixen said playfully

"Well these days anything is possible with the right gene therapy." Seth said with a chuckle. "But perhaps we should leave some boundaries for the next generation to transgress."

The couple laughed mirthfully and kissed again. They sat together on the porch until the babies had their fill of milk and fell asleep in their mother's arms. After a while Seth took his infant daughter in one arm while he helped his mate up with the other. They retired into the cabin together to put the twins down for a nap and spent the rest of the day dreaming of their future together, and potential names for their next litter.