Blue Skies

Story by Lanjat on SoFurry

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Blue, a sexy troll, is used to being gigantic. But something has sapped them of their size and capabilities to grow from pleasure without intervention. Luckily there was a hyper snake on hand to push them to the skies!

A request made by Big Blue @

Kinks to expect: Size play, growth, excessive cum, dirty talk, giantess. Basically a whole lot of bigness just getting bigger all around!

Blue was special, always had been. Ever since she could remember, she was absolutely huge. Gigantic even. The female troll was well known for dominating skylines and horizons. But today, she was struggling. Sprawled out on a beach, completely naked and frantically masturbating.

Her body was looking to just be under 7 foot tall, firm handfuls of breasts bouncing and a tight body glistening with sweat. The exertion apparent as her thighs spread around her hands going wild on her pussy.

"C'mooon... grow!" With that her whole body tensed and spasmed, the sands getting darker beneath her mons. Each spasm was accompanied with a sharp spark travelling through her body and she gained another inch in height.

"Noooo!" Her arms flopped to her side, slapping the sand in both exhaustion and frustration. She looked up at the sky wistfully, knowing she belonged up there, it was effectively her second home. Before her climaxes always induced some truly blissful growth. Pleasure just translated to more and more miles on her body. But today, something was blocking her that she could not understand. She punched the sand once more before setting to work to grow once more.

Meanwhile Lanjat was enjoying a short vacation. Things at his home had been rather calm and he was starting to get a bit antsy to see some more of the world. As much as he adored the forest and lake, he was still growing increasingly bored of the endless greens and browns. So he chose a destination at random and just began exploring. Still as naked as ever, mostly because finding clothes his size was a nuisance at best. And enjoying the salt air and different horizons to gaze out at.

It didn't take long for him to spot the blue woman on her back writhing around on the beach. Maybe 500 feet ahead of him. He couldn't make out the details but he could already tell this would make a good story for those who would hear it. He kept approaching, keeping an eye on this stranger.

Once he was about 200 feet away from her, she glanced up and spotted the large snake approaching. Blushing so fiercely her cheeks practically turned purple, curling up to try and hide her nudity. Rolling over onto her front and trying to act like a sunbather. Despite the fact the sand around her was grooved, dug up and just outright made a mess out of. She had made some progress though, standing about 7 and a half feet tall now. But it was nowhere near enough for her.

"Hope you are having a good day!" The massive snake called out, casting a curious glance over the scene. Blue nodded, panting hard and fidgeting on the sand. Cursing that she hadn't put a towel down as sand began to stick to her sweaty skin.

"Mind if I join you for a spell? I've been wandering for most of the day and would enjoy some company" He smiled warmly as he slowly approached. She turned to see that he was looking at her face and was apparently unfazed by her nudity. Again, she nodded, still very red in the cheek but starting to regain her breath.

He came up beside her, his long tail dragging up underneath him, giving himself a buffer between his torso and the sand. Laying atop himself on his back and enjoying the sun on his scales. Breathing a soft contented sigh. She kept her eye on him, looking over his form which certainly didn't help the blush on her cheeks.

"So... what caused all this?" He asked after a few minutes, gesturing towards all the disturbed beach. He noted that she tensed up and blushed even harder at the question. Grinning to himself and letting his tongue flick out to taste her heat on the air.

"O-Oh uhh... just... y'know. Stuff" She couldn't meet his gaze and stared down at her squished bust behind her folded arms. Fidgeting a little more, the need to grow was building within her again. It didn't feel right to be so small.


"Y-Yeah... stuff. I was uhh... t-trying to grow..." She trailed off, talking into her arm. He leaned forward trying to listen to what she was saying.

"I'm sorry, did you say 'grow'?" He was no stranger to such things of course, but even so it was no less exciting. Especially if he didn't need to bite someone to make it happen.

She just nodded slightly, crossing her legs over themselves and grinding her thighs together. Huffing while the snake started to laugh happily.

"Well that's just great! I love seeing that. How does it work? Do you have magic? Abilities? Is it mechanical in some way?!" His excitement was apparent in the barrage of questions. She kept glancing towards him and that crotch of his. If her fingers didn't work, maybe... Her thoughts drifted away from her as she gazed towards the rise of his balls.

"Uhh... ability. I... grow with pleasure. Sexual pleasure..." She was distracted and spoke quite matter-of-factly before she caught herself and buried her face in her hands. "I-I'm sorry! That just came out!" The snake leaned back a little and laughed nervously.

"Eheh don't worry about it. I'm sorry I pushed so hard, I'm just a growth enthusiast. And when I meet someone else who both enjoys it and can do it. Well... it's practically a dream come true!" He looked her over once more as she relaxed. Flicking his tongue out once more.

"How... how do you know I enjoy it?" Her head came back out once more, this time meeting his eyes, intrigued. He just flicked his tongue again and pointed to it.

"I can practically taste it in the air. You were getting off earlier, weren't you? No need to be embarrassed. To be frank, I think that's pretty hot!" He flashed her a wink to which she just awkwardly smiled in return.

"Yeah... but it's not enough!" Her fists pounded the sand once more as her frustrations boiled over. Rolling onto her side, facing him. "I used to be able to stride over cities, now I can barely outsize a door-frame!"

"Well... maybe I could help?" His gaze was glancing down her bared body, causing her to blush all over again and instinctively hide. But slowly started to unveil again, causing an appreciative hiss from him and his sheathe to twitch a little.


"If sexual pleasure helps you grow..." It was his turn to blush as he looked away to her thighs and then off to the lapping waves. "I can give that to you"

She pulled herself up onto her knees and turned away from him. Spreading her thighs and wordlessly offering up the view to him. She was still massively embarrassed by what had transpired, but she needed to grow. Needed it more than the air. Her hands shook as she reached down between her legs and spread her pussy for him. Biting her lips, wishing that no-one else could see her in this post. But also, slightly wishing they could too.

He watched, wide eyed. Caught off-guard by such a move as he was expecting a little more talking about this. But he wasn't about to look a gift-horse in the mouth. He just pulled himself up behind her and dipped down. His cock was much quicker now as it erected out of his sheathe. She hadn't even seemed concerned by his size, but if she was a grower, that probably wasn't gonna be an issue for long.

Grabbing hold of her thighs, he trailed his long tongue around her spread mons. Moaning at the delightful taste of desire that her crotch was practically coated in. She'd been at this a while. She panted as the small tip of his tongue began to trace all the little details of her sex. Dancing over her lips and teasing around her clit before starting to find it's way inside her. Her whole body was practically vibrating with pleasure when she surged a couple inches taller right there.

"Oh fuck yes... more!" She spread her thighs a little more. He opened his mouth wider and pressed it over her pussy. The coiled mess of his tongue writhing against her pussy as he quested deeper within. His grip on her hips steadily getting pushed apart. Feeling her shake and tense before there was a wave of motion and suddenly more of the sexy troll woman to grab hold of.

By the time his head raised, utterly covered in her desire, she was closing in on 9 feet tall. Her blush of embarrassment was completely replaced with one of lust. Grabbing one of her tits as she shakily held her pussy open for him. He pulled himself up and lined up his hyper endowment to her.

"R-Ready?" Pushing just a fraction to ensure the pointed tip was seated in her pussy, waiting for her consent. And it readily came as she moaned and nodded vigorously. He groaned low, grabbed hold of her thighs once more and surged forwards.

In that moment, that stretching rush of pleasure, her whole body tensed and spasmed. It wasn't quite an orgasm but it may as well have been as she practically began to blow up around his cock. Her growth wasn't equal or uniform, the sudden barrage of sensations causing her body to bloom in one spot before it spread throughout her. Those thighs billowed out, temporarily giving her a massively exaggerated arse. Before it pushes out throughout the rest of her body. Smashing through and past 10 foot in height.

"G-Gods yes! That's what I need! MORE!" She cries out, fingers digging in the sand. Pushing her swelling body back to desperately take the rest of the hyper cock currently stretching her out.

Again and again those waves push into her accompanied with groans from the pair. The blue troll steadily starting to take up more of the beach while the snake just rams into her growing body. Soon finding himself to be the shorter of the pair but not caring as they revel in excess.

Howling together as she breaches 20 foot tall, she pushes back and starts riding Lanjat. Facing away and arching her back, watching even at her size as his cock causes her belly to stretch. Bouncing up and down the full size. Each bounce causing a quake in her body and more of her to cast a shadow upon the sands. Reaching up and grabbing one of her breasts, fingers sinking deep.

"Bigger! BIGGER!!!" She cried out, her pussy spasming around his cock as she climaxed hard. And it became clear that those growth spurts she was experiencing were a mere drumroll compared to the crescendo they were now experiencing.

Her voice grew deeper, body creaking alongside her orgasmic moans. Creating this weird beat to the melodic cries, a concerto dedicated to lusts and size. For as long as he could, he kept watching. Unable to do much as she grew and grew and grew. Even his long strong tail was unable to do more than give suggestions to her swelling form.

There were still waves to her growth as she rode out the orgasm. But in between the extra 5 or so feet of height, she continually was becoming more. Up and up, the horizon spreading further for her. Rooftops getting lower and further away until finally she sat atop the snake. Greater. But not enough.

Lanjat struggled to estimate her size now. He estimated she was about 300 feet tall. And absolutely stunning. His cock was still inside her and twitching but that was far from his mind. But not hers it seemed as she clenched around him and lifted off of him.

"Mmm... thank you cutie~ How about I return the favour?" Before the snake could even nod, she was lifting him up. One hand cradling around his waist, the other taking a hold of his tail. From the moment she grabbed him, it felt like electricity was coursing through his body.

She raised him up and stuck her tongue out, the wet bed of muscle looked to easily be the match of his cock. And it proved right when she swallowed the whole 10 foot rod. Lanjat going stiff at the sensations piling on top of each other. Writhing within her grip, spreading his arms wide to grab her head. Unable to stop himself from thrusting within her as that power welled up within her.

Sucking so eagerly, they moaned in unison as the snake began to grow. Whereas her pleasure was surging and in bursts, Lanjat's was a constant sensation. Filling more of her mouth, growing over her torso and down. Curiously, his growth was not equal too like hers initially was, but it stayed that way. His cock and balls were growing noticeably faster than the rest of him.

Gagging quietly, he watched her throat start to billow out with the unmistakable shape of his shaft. Eyes going wide before they started to roll up in his head. His balls getting heavier on his frame, sagging lower and taking up more space on his hips and tail. His jaw hang open, tongue drooping while she swallowed and moaned around his growing shaft.

"I... I... gonna..." Was all he managed to mutter out before she yanked him free of her mouth. His cock now nearly twenty times his original size while his body had only gained about ten times. Fell to her back and shoved his cock straight back into her pussy. Ramming him to the base like he was a living toy. The pair screaming in bliss as they came together.

She wrapped her legs around her waist and grabbed his face. Snapping him out of his stupor as they kissed frenetically. Impassioned and messy, there was little cohesion at first. Both bodies being bombarded with pleasure. Cum roaring into her body while his body had the massive loads flooding his mind with sensations. Their tongues messily wrestled as they grew together. Each of them taking turns becoming bigger.

The ground rumbled beneath the pair as their changes carves into the beach and then into the sea floor. He grounded and pumped into her body. Cum and sexual fervour pouring out around their union. Her legs refusing to let him go as she felt the city start cracking against their shoulders.

"C'mon lover! BIGGER!! GIVE ME ALL OF IT!!!" She screamed, a few windows nearby cracking from the sheer volume. Scratching the scales on his back, refusing to let him go for an instant as he kept pumping into her. He leaned down and looked to her tits bouncing against his chest and just went for it. Lunging forwards and sinking his fangs into them.

His venom poured into her and quickly washed away the brief instant of pain. It didn't take long for it to take effect as each surge in size was accompanied with a couple more cup sizes. His cock was going wild within her as they grew into the miles tall territory. Her tits billowing out either side of his chest as her too refused to let her go. Even as the rubble of a skyscraper cascaded off their bodies.

Evacuation orders were deployed, the denizens of the world more than used to dealing with hyper-induced catastrophes. The pair hauling up to a seated fucking position. His fangs pulled from her chest as each curve grew immense enough to cover her navel and started making out once more. They had lost count of just how much they had cum together, the frenzy taking hold as their tongues danced.

But finally it seemed that things were coming to a momentary standstill. Sharing breath with one another before slumping together and kissing on each other's shoulder. The whole city buried beneath her immense arse and his long tail carving a new deep sea trench off into the horizon.

"Hahh... I think that's a good round one~" She purred in his ear and clenched around him. Pulling back and grinning towards him. Flexing her new form and getting to know her new extremities. At an estimate, she figured she was around 15 miles tall. Especially as they noted some of the planes flying just below their eye line. Causing a chuckle to reverberate from the pair.