
Story by Spikey_vulpes on SoFurry

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Marle's accident

Marle looked to the sky. He knew it would be raining soon. If anything he had to get out of the forest, which he had (most unwisely) decided to camp in the night before.

The previous night's attacks by all the random forest insects had left him irritable, his tail ruffled, & his mind set on one day ridding the world of all pests which drank the blood of their hosts. He particularly loathed mosquitoes. The multiple bumps and red spots they had left him with filled him with a vengeance towards their extermination.

He tried his best to put these thoughts out of his mind so that he could get all his gear together. After gathering all of his things in his pack (and skipping breakfast to get away from all the insects) he began his arduous trek out of the Vulpes woods. He found it hard to believe that something that shared part of his scientific name could be such a hassle. As he pondered this thought, he didn't notice that the rain had begun to fall, and that he'd lost the path. As soon as he realized these facts, he began running back towards what he thought was the way back. What he found wasn't the path, but a large inviting stone house, with deep grey smoke rising from the inside, and a light so bright, it seemed to burn through the rain, and directly into his line of sight. His first instinct was to ignore it, and find his way back to the path, but a sudden blast of wind, accompanied by the biting cold sting of the winter chill hit him. He decided to go to the house. As he made his way up to the step, he could hear music from the inside. He tried to straighten his tail, and pull the dark black cloak, and deep royal blue top he wore, to a position of dignity. He didn't want the fursons inside to think him a wandering vagabond.

As he knocked on the door, he put down the excess armor and clothes he couldn't fit into his pack to the side. He also made sure to tighten the belt around the velvet pants which he had on.

A few moments later, someone opened the door. She was a grey wolf. Her fur was a deep shade of grey like the storm clouds he had seen just earlier. Her eyes were brown with hints of green glinting whenever she moved them to certain points. She wore a long flowing black robe, and a ribbon tied back her hair. Oddly enough, though her fur was grey, she had light brown hair. Marle decided not to mention anything right away, for fear of insulting her.

She eyed him curiously and said "Well? Is there anything we can help you with?"

He had been so caught up in studying her features, he had forgotten to say anything. ", I was wondering if you might be willing to take me in for the night. This storm is absolutely horrid, & winter is coming on rather quickly." She looked at him, a leer that suggested that she was certain he was up to something. Noticing that she had not answered very quickly, he reached into a pouch, and produced twelve rather large jewels. "I'll pay whatever you ask." She still had that same look, but as she peered at the stones, she felt her curiosity grow. "I am not impressed by shiny baubles...." As she said this, his dismay grew, and he began to turn around. "However," he stopped dead in his tracks "I will let you in for now. If I think that you have any intention of harming us, or if we grow annoyed by your presence, we will throw you out. And regardless, rather or not you annoy us, if you try to harm ME, you'll be lucky to make it out, understand?" He nodded and picked up his things. As she moved away from the door, he finally got to see why she was speaking in plurals. There were eight other furries sitting in the place were canines, one a collie, the other some sort of dog/wolf mix, another was a dragon, there was a leopard and a lynx, a jackal, a horse which was obviously a clydesdale, and a small mouse girl at the back playing a flute. As Marle stepped in, all activity stopped. The dragon walked up to him. "My, aren't we carrying quite a few things! Please, allow me to help." Marle just looked at the dragon, stepped back, looked down at something in his paw, and then gave the dragon a few things to carry. As if this weren't strange enough to them, the majority of his clothes and armor he hauled around were black, blood red, dark blue, burnt silver, and a purple cloak was hanging out of his pack, and seemed to change to even shades of black as he moved it around. After getting his things situated and everyone had stopped staring, things seemed to return to normal. He sat down in a corner of the spacious building and had just begun to look at some of the more interesting paintings and decoration in the place, when the wolfess who had initially let him in, sat down next to him with a warm smile, and gave him some hot chocolate. "Well? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Her sudden change of attitude had caught him off guard. He couldn't help but laugh at himself a little for letting the girl drop his guard twice now. "...sure. What did you want to know?" She looked at him strangely. "W-well, when most people first meet, they give you their name, age, a little of their past...things like that." He smiled. "Right. Well, my name's Marle, I'm 16, and I've been traveling alone for sometime now, searching for a certain.... thing. Anything else?" "Wait, what thing? What kind of thing? What's it do? Why are you searching for it? Where are your traveling companions? Don't you have some friends or a mate? Why were you out in the forest at the beginning of the snowy season? Have you fought any creatures on your way here?" He almost had a headache just thinking about answering all those questions.

"Well, what's your name anyway?" She smiled wryly. "Nice counter...My name's Cara." She stood up and suggested that he follow her. As he watched her walk away, he decided to take her advice. "Everyone, this is Marle. Please give him a warm welcome." They all looked up at him and one by one stood up and introduce themselves. The collie was first. "Hello. My name's Jenn." Next was the dragon. "And I am Cepher." One by one they gave their names. The hybrid's name was Caer, the mouse, Berlot, the jackal, Sin, (Marle couldn't decide what implications to make from that) the lynx, Echinos, the leopard, Sihft, and the mare's name was Taro. They seemed to enjoy his company. As he began to loosen up, Cara decided to make an announcement. "Well, seeing as how the snowy season has begun, I guess our new guest will have to stay until it's over. That's if he doesn't object, of course. I mean you obviously can't go out in this weather." Marle simply blinked several times and tilted his head to the side. "Sure...I guess."

As the others made space for Marle to sit, he noticed something. The spot they were clearing was much larger than he'd need to sit. As he began to relax, the wolfess sat down next to him. "You never did answer my question earlier. Don't you have a mate?" As Marle decided how to answer her, he decided to forgo all tact, and simply be honest. "No. I haven't had one in quite sometimes. I do have a few close friends, but they live quite far away." She gave him a small smirk. "Good..."

END CHAPTER I: Marle's Accident

Chapter II

As she said that word, she began rubbing his spine. Instantly, his back arched. "H-Howww....did....youuuu....ah....know...?" She gave him the same smile from earlier. "It's quite obvious from how much you were trying not to let anyone near your tail as you sat down. I can hardly imagine how intense it'd be if I were to try going all the way from the scruff of your neck, to the tip of your tail..." As she was talking, the others had begun undressing and watching the 'main event' as he heard it being called. As it turns out, they had wanted a fox this evening, but the vixen didn't want to show up anymore. She apparently had issues with the collie. This is when it occurred to Marle that he had become the main event, and that his species may have been the only thing that saved him from the storm raging outside. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a paw finger traced his spine again, and he felt another paw rubbing against his sheath through his pants. The result was instantaneous. As his erection slowly grew, he was at the mercy of those soft caressing paws. Suddenly he felt another couple of pairs snapping something onto him. As he attempted to force his mind to clear, he looked down to see a pair of leather bands being snapped around his ankles. Then his wrists and neck received the same treatment. "Well, you seem to be a bit more... well endowed, than I had originally thought, my pet." As he heard those words, they rang into his mind. My pet. He felt himself submitting to her every whim as she rubbed this, and pulled on that. Marle knew he would enjoy the title. It struck him as odd though. He had not particularly liked it back when he had first been captured, and been used as a female serpents personal pet. Reptiles just loved having mammal slaves. He had escaped without ever actually having been used, in the sexual manner, but the labor, and different odd jobs she had him perform( which ranged from chores, to assassination attempts) were taxing on his mentality and body. Once again, his thoughts were torn back to reality. As his eyes snapped open, he looked around to see the others with paws placed in various places. Some had their paws on themselves, others on each other. Why were they pawing off? What could have made them want to do tha...

That's when he noticed what was happening. Cara had been pawing HIM off, and as a small drop of pre shot from the tip, she quickly leaned forward and licked the tip. "Ah...ohhhh...when did you start up with thaaaaat?" She giggled a little and licked again. "Aaaahhhhhh...." "You like that, don't you, you little pet. Mmmmm... How would you like it if I were to use my entire muzzle, hmm?" The fox's tail suddenly twitched as his entire body had a spasm rip through it. "Would you please...master?" As he said that she laughed and said "That's it. Now you're getting into the spirit of things." She went down on his throbbing shaft. As she started sucking and licking, he began to squirm. The others stopped what they were doing (if they could) and began putting the leather straps to use. They took his arms and placed his wrist bracers in a pair of braided leather straps hanging from the ceiling. As they did this, the collie happened to be on the floor near his hind paws. She saw a small wound on his leg, and instinctively began licking. Marle shuddered at the feeling of the tongue against his calf. Before she caught herself, she had started licking his inner thigh. Unfortunately for Marle, this was another stimulation spot. He quivered and moaned as she lapped at his thigh. The wolfess looked down at the collie. "Very well, since Jenn has decided to push him a little further, I guess it's open season on the fox. Only if he begs first though." When Marle heard this, he started to say something, but before he could, a leather strap was bound around his muzzle. "Whimper, pet. If you truly want yiff, you must beg. Marle whimpered and struggled. His tail whipped back and forth, his length was twitching, pre dripping from the tip, his wrists bound to the ceiling, and his muzzle tied shut. The wolfess couldn't picture a sexier scene. Unless of course another male were to have his way with him. As this idea passed through her mind, she immediately told it to Cepher, Sin, Taro, Echinos, and Sihft. As Sihft and Cepher stepped forward, Marle began whimpering a bit louder. One thing definitely caught Marle by surprise. Cepher pushed his tail to the side. As Cepher began rubbing his hard shaft against Marle's tail hole, Sihft began pawing him off. Marle was so busy moaning and even yipping a little, he didn't remember what Cepher had begun to do. As Cepher started to push in, Marle twitched and squirmed. "Mmmphh..." "Wait." The wolfess raised her paw. "He's trying to say something. I will allow it. Just this once." After she said this, Cepher pulled back. "Crap...I thought I was finally gonna have some fun." As they pulled off the leather binding around his muzzle, he finally spoke. "I've never actually....had anything in there. Can you please go easy?" The wolfess shook her head. "Sorry, you're the pet now. Whatever Cepher decides to do, is his decision alone. Have fun!" Right after the words left her muzzle, Cepher slammed into Marle. His White fur contrasted greatly against Cepher's dark purple scales. Marle cried out as pain and pleasure racked his body. Little did he know his painful fun was just beginning. Cara pulled Sihft away from his front. She leaned forward and began licking his neck. He was still moving in time to Cepher's thrusts when she was licking him. "Murrrrrr" Marle started murring, and was then thrown into a whole new state of need to spooge when she started doing something even more severe. Biting. He went into euphoria when she started pawing him off as well. "Aww...this little foxies tail hole is sooo tight! I think I'm gonna cum soon! Ohhhh...." The others who had been watching and pawing off quite fervently decided it was time to start getting in on a little of the fun being had with the new pet. When Marle opened his eyes, he also saw Berlot across the room being pounded on quite heavily by Sihft. "It would seem as though we aren't the only ones having fun Cepher." After the wolfess said this, the only response she got from him was a moan.

As she said this, he was already in the process of finishing up. The slenderness of Marle's tail hole made Cepher shoot off much earlier than he normally would have. As Cepher came, he cried out, and nearly lost his balance. Cara had stepped back to get a keen view of the situation, leaving Marle to moan and squirm at the feeling of all that spooge shooting into him, and his own member left sticking straight out, throbbing and oozing much pre-spooge. After he finished, Cepher took three steps back, then plopped down on the ground. As he did so, Jenn and Caer rushed up to him and started 'cleaning him up'. "Mmm...I always like the way this stuff tastes coming from him, don't you Caer?" Caer merely nodded and gave Cepher's cock a long lick, from base to tip. As Cepher lay there prone, Marle was still hanging from the ceiling, naked and unsatisfied. His tail hole was still twitching and spasming. Cara looked around for another male to mate him. She knew that Taro would be much to large for him, but that she had already gotten him started on this new feeling, and that he'd want more before he would finish. Sin and Echinos were busy in the corner, Sihft was still on top of Berlot. As she just began to think everyone was too busy, Taro nudged Sin in the side, and then pointed at Marle. Cara wasn't exactly sure what he'd just said, but Sin moved rather quickly. As Sin stood up, Marle's eyes had already moved in his direction. He knew what was about to happen. As Sin began moving towards him, Cara simply laid near and watched. Sin licked Marle's neck, then his cheek. "What's wrong? Why the worried look? After all, Cepher's already left you all wet and's not like I'm gonna hurt you. Besides, I'm just a little bigger than him!" Sin slowly began pushing against the edges of Marle's tail hole, but didn't actually push in. "Heh heh...makes you wonder when it's actually going to happen, doesn't it? Allow me to end the suspense for you..." As Sin said this, he finally pushed in, causing Marle to make another one of his inevitable moans. As fun as this all was, the fact that Marle had already outdone one of them, and still hadn't came yet, was beginning to upset her. She thought about moving in personally, but Jenn had already started going for it. As the two neared him, Cara growled a little at Jenn. "This is MY pet, understand? You want some, you have to ask ME first! Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go ahead and finish him off." Jenn just grinned playfully, sat down under Marle, and waited for Cara to start toying with him again. As Cara got in front of him, she dropped to her knees, wrapped one of her paws around his shaft, and gave a few light licks to the tip. When she did this though, Marle started pushing forward. It made her a little worried just how hard he might start pushing if she actually put her muzzle back on him again, especially after Sin had already started pushing. Suddenly Sin started moaning louder and with every thrust. "You already about to finish Sin?" Jenn giggled a little. "This is perhaps one of your fastest times yet! Maybe the new guy's got something over you. I know Cepher's never spooged that fast; does that mean that Marle's tighter than the rest of us females, and even you and Cepher?" Sin just looked down at her a little mad, but he couldn't really be angry, let alone keep looking down, at a time like this. As Cara started to push her muzzle back down onto Marle, he started pushing again, except this time, a little calmer. She couldn't believe that he could restrain himself, yiffy as he was, without somehow knowing that it was one of her concerns. "Ah. Cara! Quit doing that! Every time you put your muzzle on that thing, he starts pushing forward, which in turn, causes him to start squeezing his tail hole!" Cara snarled; yet again someone trying to tell her what to do with her pet. She pulled her muzzle back. "Very well, since you don't want me to play with him, I guess you can take his place!" While she was saying this, she moved to a chest in the corner that Marle had seen someone unlock earlier. Sin stopped dead in Marle's hole. "Wait. What?" Jenn giggled again, only this time at Sin's bewilderment. "You'll see!" she said. Sin shrugged it off, and started back up. He hadn't taken into consideration the fact that while he had been stopped, Marle's tail had been wrapping around him. He suddenly felt a light brushing against his tail hole. He looked back to see Marle's tail holding him in place, and Cara standing behind him with a huge black strap-on. "And now, you'll see what I meant." Sin's eyes got a little bigger then usual. After all, he'd never done anything with Taro, and didn't even know Cara had that toy. He cried out as she relentlessly pushed into him, the bottom of her strap on rubbing her clit, only giving her more incentive to keep pushing. As she did so, he started moaning more, louder, and pumping Marle faster. He'd only gotten in fifteen more thrusts before he shot his load into Marle. "Gahhh...AhhHHnn!!" He finally came, and as the last bit shot out, he slumped backwards into Cara who was already pulling out. "Wow! That was really explosive!" Cara looked down to see Jenn's muzzle and chin down to her throat covered in spooge. "So that's what you were doing down there, huh?" Cara laughed at the sight of the collie's face all covered in white, and her trying to lick the very center of her muzzle. "Here, let me get that for you." Cara lapped up whatever Jenn couldn't reach, then gave her a light kiss. Jenn looked up at Marle's still erect cock, then back at Cara who was giving her a funny look. "Aren't you going to help him out?" She shook her head. "No, but you and a couple of the others are." After she said that, she let him loose from the ceiling, only to tie his paws behind his back, then push him onto the ground on his belly. He yelped kind of loudly, after all, he didn't have any way to catch himself, and his still yiffy shaft was pushed back and under him. When Jenn and Cara saw it sticking out from between his legs, they both had to stifle a bit of a laugh. Cara leaned forward and whispered something in Jenn's ear, and Jenn nodded quickly and started telling Sihft and Caer, and the three went upstairs to get something. While they did this, Echinos and Taro were still playing with a weakened Sin and Cepher. Berlot, who had been exhausted earlier by Sihft's relentless yiffing (all in all, he'd made her cum twenty-eight times). "Well" said Cara "At least you won't have to worry about the other five. Now it's just me, Sihft, Caer, and Jenn you have to get off, doesn't that feel nice? After all, the way those to are yiffing poor Sin and Cepher, they'll cum before we're even done. Too bad for them though. Apparently, you feel quite good to most males." His muzzle still being bound, all Marle could do was whimper and squirm a little. "Aw, you wanna cum? Don't worry; we'll take care of that." She began stroking his head. As she did so, she noted that his hair was black, but his furr white. She assumed that he was simply like her as far as hair color went. Suddenly the other's had come from upstairs, carrying something in their paws that Marle couldn't identify. "Oh great" he thought "some new type of toy their going to use on me..." He wasn't wrong. As they got behind him, he felt something cold and metal snap shut around his left calf. Then his right. "There, this should keep him from being able to close his legs." Marle recognized Echinos' voice coming from behind him, then felt his paws on his hips. Then his meat against his well worked tail hole. "Well, it's still a little tight for my tastes, but I'm sure once I push in, it'll loosen a little more." Echinos had started mounting Marle, and the new invasion felt massive to him. Echinos had to be at least one-third thicker than Cepher. Cara and Jenn watched with open jaws as this first-time tail hole yiffer was able to take Echinos' entire length without crying out loud or trying to squirm away. Then they realized something, Caer had been holding his muzzle against her thigh, which he had suddenly clamped down on, making her bleed, and moan. Besides that, Marle was trying to squirm away, but suddenly Echinos grabbed his hips and slammed into him. Marle's entire body convulsed from it, but he pushed against Echinos afterwards, and Jenn who had been watching, saw him tightening and loosening his hole. "Yeah, that's it...nice and tight...ooohh..." Echinos couldn't get enough of this new tail. As Jenn turned to remark on this, she caught Cara giving Caer oral, and lapping up the blood while she was at it. Right when Cara stuck her tongue into the side of the wound, Caer cried out and pulled her muzzle to her slit. As her back went rigid, her hips bucked, and her eyes squeezed shut, she released all of her spooge onto Cara's muzzle. Cara, not one to complain at such a thing, eagerly lapped it up, along with all the blood that was left, and let Caer slump backwards, legs still splayed open. "Hey Jenn, I think I have a better plan then earlier." After she said this, she told Jenn what it was. "Don't you think that if we do that, Caer'll be a little upset?" Cara shook her head. "Would you be?" Jenn saw the wisdom in this, and decided to help her.

END CHAPTER II: The beginning of Marle's first Yiff

CHAPTER III The end of Marle's first yiff

Cara and Jenn picked Caer up from her sides, and then put her down next to Marle. After they did this, they asked Sihft to pull out for a second. He did, but he was a little upset about it. "Couldn't you see how much fun we were having?" Cara merely laughed, then said "I think the two of you will have even more fun this way. Trust me." Sihft just growled. "Whatever." Jen looked at him then back at Cara. "Wow, he really likes the new pet, doesn't he!" Cara nodded. "I've never seen him push like that with anyone." The two put Marle on his knees, and instead of giving them any trouble, he just obeyed Cara's will. "Wow, this one learns fast, doesn't he!" Cara smiled at Jenn as she said that. "A lot faster then that other annoying vixen anyway." Now it was Jenn's turn to nod. After placing him in this position, they then pushed Caer under him. Before she could protest, he'd mounted her and started pushing like a rabid fox. "Whoa, he really wants to cum..." This gave Sihft his chance to push in. Marle only slowed by a fraction of a second as he did so. Caer was crying out loudly as she was pumped faster and a lot harder than she had been as far as she could remember. "Ahhh....T-this....was reallyyyy...screw....ahhhhhhhnnn.....screwed up youuu...mmm...twoooohhhhhh....." Cara gave Caer a half snarl, half smirk. "Heh, well at least you get to try him out first. Besides, he looks a little smaller than Taro...." Cara's sarcasm fell upon deaf ears. Everyone but Echinos, Marle, Jenn, Caer, and she had passed out from the exhaustion of all the yiffing. The males all lay together in the same corner, with Berlot and she still hadn't finished yet. The strap on had gotten her a little wet, but it wasn't enough. "Hey Jenn, catch." She gave it to Jenn, and was going to see just how good Marle's other 'talents' were. Jenn yipped with joy as she got to try the new toy on. "Fits like an 11-inch glove!" She positioned herself behind Sihft. Marle, just barely able to contain himself for a minute, looked back to see what all the commotion was. As he did, he was surprised to see Jenn push the dildo between Sihft's legs. Sihft was a herm. He did not know that. He was brought back into his frenzy as Caer started moving under him. He slowly developed a rhythm with her. While his eyes were shut tight from the intensely pleasurable feeling of getting to finally near cumming, he felt something lock around the base of his cock. "You'll finish when I say you can, foolish pet." He started pushing again, but he could feel the pressure building up inside him. His need to cum became so intense, he felt like it would never happen. Cara sat down in front of him, her legs open in front of his muzzle, and started undoing the leather band on him. "You know, I've always wondered if a foxes tongue is any better than a dogs tongue..." She pushed herself against his muzzle, then said "Let's find out." Marle, getting the hint, pressed his muzzle closer to her, then pushed his tongue into her. She cried out in surprise at the new feeling. He quickly began lapping at her insides, his muzzle twisting back and forth as he did so.

The feeling that drove him to keep lapping her out was the pull and tightening of her hole around his tongue. " must have done this before!" As Cara said this, she got tighter than ever, a feeling filled her, a familiar one, something like that of a spring pushing down on her belly. "Aaaaaaaaaahhh! I think I'm cumming!" She cried out as the white sticky liquid shot out of her, going all over Marle's muzzle, inside it, and on her inner thighs.

After she spooged on his face, and he was done licking up the mess, he started whimpering. Cara looked down. She forgot all about the ring she'd placed on him. She stood up (uneasily at first) then went behind Marle to undo the ring. Just as she'd put her paws to his cock though, Caer cried out and came all over her paws. Cara was a little embarrassed at first, but then she licked herself clean. " taste nice Caer, why haven't I ever eaten you out before?" Caer was too tired to say anything. Marle was so busy fucking Caer senseless, he'd forgotten about Echinos who was still screwing his tail hole. The pleasure of finally getting to push into something had made him pretty much an animal. The sensation wasn't having much of an effect on him though. Echinos seemed to be pumping at full speed, and Jenn looked like the strap on must have been rubbing her clit the entire time he'd been eating Cara out. "Crap! Don't you e-ever...ahhh...get *pant pant* exhausted?!" Echinos was moaning and groaning so loud that Marle thought he could wake the dead if he were to orgasm! Jenn started shoving really hard into Echinos, and this kept happening until both of them climaxed together. Cara watched all this with an expression of total ecstasy. She knew that Marle had enjoyed every minute of this, and that none of the others would object to his staying with them. He lay there, vulnerable, exhausted, and still erect. Now was the time for her to help him release. This would not only establish a connection between them, but it would seal the idea of his being her pet in his mind.

She walked over to the huffing, hot, wet furry laying on the ground before her. When she reached him, he whimpered lightly, thrusting at her, begging her to remove the cock ring. She was intending to anyways, but since he asked, she decided to drag it out a little longer. She looked around, and saw everyone else had passed out in one corner of the room or another. "Oh well, I guess it's just you and me now. Ready to cum little pet?" Marle didn't make a noise. He was transfixed by something in her eyes. She made him feel comfortable. The overwhelming urge to cum, his exhaustion, everything seemed to just melt away as he felt himself lost in her eyes. He was brought back to his senses as she started pawing him off. He knew she was prolonging his torture for being disobedient. "Aw...does the little fox want to finish?" Marle tried to smile, but could only manage to whimper a little. It was time. Cara stopped pawing Marle off, and spread her legs over his crotch. As she went down, Marle's cock felt enormous to her. He thought she felt extra-tight. She moaned out in pleasure as he finally hilted into her. He was so paralyzed with pleasure, he could do little more than lay there and breathe. "Aw, I thought you wanted to cum! If you really want to yiff, you're actually going to have to put some effort into it!" Marle nodded, grabbed hold of her hips, then started thrusting into her. Her pussy was contracting and spasming around his member so hard that after only a few joyous pumps, he came inside her. His eyes squeezed shut, his body tensed, his spine went rigid, and he couldn't do anything but short, fast, thrusts. He could feel the cum building inside him, preparing to burst out at any moment. Finally, he climaxed. His load was so huge, Cara thought it was going to gush out of her, but at precisely the same moment he had climaxed, she felt an overwhelming urge to cum as well. The two came over and over again, the mess of spooge causing them to make squishing sounds as Marle attempted to keep yiffing his new mistress. Finally, the pair was so exhausted, that all they could do was collapse, Cara, using Marle's chest as a pillow. "'ve not been yiffed like THAT in quite a while!" Cara giggled as Marle simply sighed. "Oh, well, my new pet, did you have fun?" Marle looked down at her. "Yeah, actually, I did. Too bad I won't have any energy in the morning..." Cara laughed. "Don't worry, I'll wake you up in time for breakfast. Now I think you'd better get some rest, like the others. If you don't, you really will be exhausted in the morning." Marle sighed again, and then fell asleep, his arms around his mistress, whom he'd only met just that evening. He was amazed, one last time before he passed out, that she'd gotten through to him so easily. As he pondered why he felt so relaxed around her, he heard her mumble "Good night, sweet pet..." and thus, he fell asleep.

Dedicated to: My wonderful Master, who has been there for me, through thick and thin, despite the fact that we hardly knew each other at first, but captured my interest right away. Thank You.