Half The Man he Used to be

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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Here's a porn thing I kinda just felt like writing.

There's a bit of world building and set up for something I might start posting soonish.

Kit, a skunk mechanic out of Los Angeles is pulled into work at his home-town out in the desert to fix the electricity.

Thing is, he's got to work with one of the local gangs, who've got access the the power station.

Oh, and to make matters worse, the guy the gang sends to watch him is his old high school crush.

Goodness, I hope things go well. D:

East of Los Angeles, June 14th 2185

9:25 AM

It was hot as hell out in the desert. The skunk was sipping on the nearly completed iced coffee outside the small bungalow. The power in the whole small town had gone out. The sun reflected harshly off the solar panels all around him. The doors were locked and the shudders all in the closed position. Apparently, a local biker gang had the keys, with the local officials having no answers as to why. Kit grew up in this dusty little town, which was why he claimed the job. A chance to visit family and old friends. However, he wasn't happy of having to deal with the local gangers just to do his job, but doubted there would be any trouble. So long as he kept his head down and did the work. The city would wire him the cash later, hopefully the Hellcats wouldn't be an issue. He stuck to the only shade on the west side of the building, beside the door. The roar of an old diesel powered bike echoed it's way through the solar array. Kit listened intently, trying to get a number. As far as he could tell it was just the one. Eventually one of the cats rode up, parking his wheels beside the skunk's truck. The cat was wearing a long sleeve shirt under his vest, with a small pack on his back.

Kit froze, almost dropping his drink as the cat lifted off his helmet. Joshua Keller, the skunks oldest and biggest crush. He couldn't believe it. He always knew about the family ties, but never really connected the dots that he'd be a Hellcat. He heard through the grapevine that he'd recently been hurt in a fight. He had no idea how badly until now. His fur was patchy, his right eye was clearly modded, along with his right hand, maybe the whole arm. Seemed like he had been blown quite literally half to death. He still looked vaguely cat-like. His family was a grab bag of different cats. It gave Josh a unique sort of look, definitely feline, but you'd stumble over your thoughts trying to pinpoint any dominant one. It was something Kit had always liked about him. He liked a lot of things about him.

He wasn't taken aback seeing the feline like this. He felt bad for the guy. There were very few things implants couldn't fix, but it looked as though he just had the basics done. Complete, but scarred. His heart broke a little seeing the cat like this. His once proud swagger shrunk into him dragging himself like an injured animal, scared of the world around it. Kit waved to Josh, putting on his friendliest smile.

"Sup?" Josh said, lighting up a cigarette.

"It's locked." Kit pointing to the door.

Josh looked over the small building, "'Cause the power's out."

"Need to get inside to fix it." Kit said, jingling his toolbag to validate himself.

Josh looked over the door, then sighed, "Alright."

"You got the keys?" The skunk tried his best to seem tough.

Josh tossed the cigarette onto the dirt as he stepped into the shade, his bag sliding off his arm. His robotic arm reached into the bag without a sound. He was still a bit clumsy with it as he dropped the keys as he pulled the arm out. The hand looked human, generic. Though it was a black matte color which reflected little light, if any at all.

"Carbon fiber?" Kit said, trying not to call attention to the mishap.

"Hm?" Josh said, looking up with the keys in his new hand.

"The arm." Kit said, trying to sound casual, "I hear carbon fiber is really tough."

Josh stood up, extending his arm to offer the keys, "Yeah, still need to reshape it."

"Gonna put fur on it?" Kit asked, taking the keys.

The feline shrugged, "Dunno yet." He looked into the skunks eyes, pointing at him, "Kit, right?"

Kit nodded, "Josh, if I remember correctly."

"Yeah, I remember you sat next to me in uh.." He snapped his fingers a couple times, "Mrs. Walsh's class."

Kit grinned, "Yup!"

"Haven't seen you around here since.." He thought for a moment as Kit looked for the manual controls for the door.

"A while back, right?" Kit was fiddling with a panel at the door's side.

Josh chuckled, "We had a party after prom. You were drunk."

"I imagine you were pretty drunk, too." Kit said, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing. The memories of that night flooding back.

"I remember the good bits." Josh said, standing right next to Kit, examining the skunk's work.

"I, uh. Am afraid I don't remember much." Kit lied, remembering the blowjob he'd given the biker in front of everyone. He continued to work on the door, finding the controls. With the latch undone, the door clicked. Josh slid the door open, walking inside the musty old room.

Kit stood up, gathered his things and followed the cat inside. It was dark inside the room. Thankfully, the manual controls for the windows were easy to find. Josh was already getting the ones around the small office area open, filling the room with light. It was a cozy place for working, still set up from before it was all automated years ago.

"So, what are we looking for?" Josh said, falling back onto a dusty couch in a small break area.

"There should be a control panel somewhere around here." Kit scanned the room, honing in on the most likely place for what he needed.

"Like an oven in here." Josh said, kicking off his shoes, revealing that one of his feet was also robotic.

"AC will be the first thing I turn on." Reassured Kit, pulling a small screen from his bag of tools. He plugged the screen into the central hub of computers. He had to replace one of the emergency batteries. The emergency system did boot up, but the software repair was going to take a while.

"Fuck it's hot!" Came Josh's voice from behind him. He'd begun pacing the office, fanning himself with a found folder.

"Could start taking clothes off." Suggested Kit, half joking.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Josh said, taking off his vest.

Kit turned his head around towards the feline, "I was kidding."

Josh walked over to the skunk, "I don't remember you kidding at prom." He grinned.

"You'll have to remind me." Kit said, turning back to his work.

Josh sat on the desk beside the mechanic, "We were drunk, on a couch much like that one over there." He pointed towards the couch he had just been laying on.

"Can I let you on a little secret?" Kit cleared his through, taking a deep breath.

"By all means."

"I hadn't had a single drink that night." Kit put the tablet to the side.

Josh laughed, "Y'know, I don't think I had a single drink, either."

Kit looked up at the cat, "Really? You just let me.."

Josh nodded, "You did a good job."

"Does that mean you're?"

"A fan of oral sex, yes." Josh laughed.

Kit rolled his eyes, "Gay. Are you gay?"

Josh just nodded in reply.

"So, is that why you took this job?"

"Didn't actually know who'd come, tell ya the truth."

Kit sighed, "Oh, then why did they just send you?"

"I kinda saved the boss's life. So I've been on harmless jobs." He frowned, "Officially, I shouldn't be telling you this."

"It's not a secret what the Hellcats do." Kit said

Josh laughed, "How about, without incriminating myself I just say, there was an uh.." He looked around, as if checking for police, "An accident."

"And this accident could have killed your boss?"

"But it didn't, thanks to my quick thinking." He looked proud of himself.

"I see." Kit nodded, fanning himself.

"As a token of his gratitude, he offered to save my life in return." He then pulled off his shirt, showing the extent of damage to the upper half of his body. The whole right arm had been replaced at the shoulder, the right eye he had already seen. His side was scarred up and patchy. It went all the way down into his jeans.

"Lost the leg, too." Josh said, solemnly, "Along some other things.."

"Other things?" Kit asked, dreading the answer.

Josh nodded, "Well, it's been replaced." He grabbed his crotch, "Top of the line, too."

"Can I see?" Kit asked, overcome with curiosity.

"How long do we have on the repair?" Josh asked, looking over to the small screen.

Kit looked over his small panel, "Probably a half hour or so?"

"Good time for a break, then?" He gestured towards the couch.

Kit nodded, "I think so, too." He stood up, unbuttoning his own shirt, tossing it back at the computer. Josh fell back onto the couch, undoing his pants, pulling them down. He kicked them over towards the television that was attached to the wall across him. By the time Kit had walked over to him, he was only in his boxers, an obvious tent in them.

"How does it work?" Kit asked, sliding his own pants down to reveal his briefs.

Just rubbed his cock through the cloth, "Same tech that is hooked up to my brain that controls the arms and legs." He wiggled his carbon fiber human shaped toes, "Same impulses that control it all controls my dick. If I think I'm going to use it, it reacts."

"Do you still feel it all?"

Josh nodded, "It feels better if I program it to."

"Did you?"

Josh shook his head, "Kept it all at base settings for now." He frowned, "Still have to get it refitted for a feline cock, though."

"Do you still cum?" Kit sat on the coffee table, reaching for Josh's erection, stroking it through the cloth.

"Yeah, base settings have close to realistic orgasm control, and the cum's synthetic." He pulled his boxers down, showing the skunk his human like cock. It looked like a dildo, his balls looked to be made from the same soft material. They looked fairly life life, though very much not feline. His leg had been replaced at the hip, and some other parts of his pelvis. The injury looked deadly, and Kit felt a pain in his heart imagining what must have happened. He pushed the thought aside for now, choosing to ogle the large throbbing synthetic cock in front of him.

"In a month or so I'm going back to get my new implants." He continued, "Had to make them to order."

"So have you used it yet?" Kit said, resuming his stroking. It felt close to the real thing, but still a bit like one of his toys at home.

Josh shook his head, "Not yet." He let out a soft moan, "Would you like to try it?"

Kit nodded, kneeling in front of the cat as Josh spread his legs. Kit put his nose up to it as he looked up at the cat. He gave a good whiff, noticing it still just smelled like a toy. He was taken aback, it wasn't like he was into heave musk or anything, but it was weird without any amount of male smell.

"Huh." Kit said, leaning back a bit, "It doesn't smell."

"It's temporary, new one will be hooked up to hormones and all that shit." He held the base of his penis, giving Kit's snout a little bop with it, "It'll smell like me."

Kit gave the fake cock a long lick, "Will it taste like you, again?" He noted it tasted like a toy, as well.

Josh lunged his hips forward a bit, "Oh, god. It feels good, though."

Kit felt it throb heavily on his tongue on his next lick, "This is pretty weird."

"Please keep going." Josh said, desperation in his voice, "It's been so long."

Kit grinned, "Never said I'd stop." He put the tool into his mouth, like he'd do for anyone. He could taste the pre, which he was thankful still tasted like real precum. Josh let his head fall back, placing his robotic hand on top of the skunks head. Kit's bushy tail swayed as he got to work.

"Just like that." Josh said, guiding Kit as the skunk's muzzle bobbed on his dick. Kit was enthusiastic, hungry for this cock. He didn't know the next time he'd ever be able to do this again, he made sure to enjoy every stroke.

"Oh, it uh." His breathing had gotten to panting, "It should still taste like normal jizz."

Kit nodded in reply, eager to taste it. He continued his sloppy work, his paw on the base stroking in rhythm of his warm mouth.

"In the future, I can make it taste however I want." He grinned, "So let me know if you have any requests."

Kit took the cock out of his mouth, "You would want to do this again?"

Josh looked down at him and smiled, "Gotta say. You're really good at this."

"Thank you." Kit grinned, nuzzling the hard rod.

Josh nodded, "A natural."

"If you're taking requests, I'd say I just want it to taste like you." He winked, "Or mocha." He put the member back into his muzzle, returning to his blowjob.

"Mm.. Mocha.. I'll.. Fuck." Josh gripped the couch's cushions.

Kitt redoubled his efforts, gliding his soft tongue along the synthetic material that was now throbbing dangerously close to it's limit. He was no longer hearing the warnings that were being given to him from the cat. He was going to drink every drop that Josh could provide.

Josh groaned, holding down the skunk's head to the base of his robotic dick as his orgasm washed over him. Thick ropes of synth-cum poured down Kit's throat. Kit could taste it was a bit off, but close enough to what he was used to that it did scratch that sexual itch he'd been missing out on lately. He swallowed it all, moaning into the feline's crotch, finally smelling a trace of his musk somewhere along his working leg.

After the moment was over and the cat's hand relaxed atop Kit's head, he pulled back, wiping a small amount of left over cum from his lips and chin. Josh was still panting, a bead of cum at the tip of his erection. Kit squeezed the tool, milking the final bit from it, licking the tip. Josh shook, moaning loud enough to make Kit nervous about being heard before remembering they were in the middle of nowhere.

"Oh gods, it's sensitive, fuck!" Josh had to pull his cock away, "Shit, that needs to get evened out." He was breathing hard.

Kit grinned, "How was your first blowjob with your new cock?" He sat to Josh's left, immediately the furred arm pulling him close. Without hearing a verbal reply, he was pulled into a kiss. He felt the robotic hand place itself on his cheek. He returned the kiss eagerly. His feelings for Josh from high school that he'd spent years locking away began to resurface. It was as if he was back at that party, only this time not running the second he got a mouthful of seed.

They pulled themselves apart, staring into each other's eyes, a string of saliva still connecting the two. There was a rumble all around them, the lights began to blink into life and air was starting to push out into the room from vents in the ceiling. They could hear the sound of the machinery lurching back to life from the other end of the small building.

With a sigh of relief, Kit leaned back, "Looks like it worked."

"We can stay a little longer, though?" Josh said, groping the skunk's tented briefs.

Kit nodded, "Of course. There's still another test I'd like to perform."

"But first.." Josh tugged on Kit's underwear, "You should remove these."

Kit stood up, his waist eye level with Josh, "Be my guest."

Josh licked his lips, pulling Kit towards him until the throbbing meat inside was squished against his muzzle, he inhaled deeply, taking in the skunk's scent.

"I can see why you'd miss this." Josh said, nuzzling Kit's package, slowly pulling down his last remaining garment.

Kit laughed, somewhat embarrassed, "Hopefully this heat hasn't made it too much?"

Josh freed the skunk's member from it's confines, "No, it's perfect." He then began hungrily licking and kissing the flesh. Kit's knees began to go weak when he felt the warmth of the cat's muzzle, his tongue taking a tour of his cock.

Kit let out a pleasured moan, "Oh, Josh.."

The feline stroked the cock with his mouth, his hands having a firm grip on Kit's waist, pulling him into his maw.

Kit suddenly stopped Josh, "Wait, hold on a second."

Josh pulled the member from his mouth, "What's up?"

Kit blushed, "I want you inside me."

Josh grinned, standing up until the two were again face to face, "You have no idea how much I wanted to hear that."

Kit kissed the feline passionately, causing the two to move in a lust fueled frenzy. Kit moved over to the couch, getting on his knees on the cushion, resting his upper body on the back of it. Josh placed himself behind the skunk, lifting his tail. He pushed his face under the large bushy tail, taking in more of his partner's natural scent.

Kit could feel hot breath on his entrance, a feeling he looked forward to any chance he got. Soon one of his favorite feelings, that of a warm wet tongue making contact with his hole made him squirm. He could hardly control his body, making it obvious to Josh that his tongue bath was going over well. Josh made out with the warm inviting hole until he felt it was time for the main course.

Kit was always a little disappointed when the rimming stopped, even though the next bit that followed was what he was really seeking. The feline stood up, placed his hands on the skunk's hips and lined himself up, pressing the tip of his slicked cock against the needed entrance.

"Ready for it?" Josh teased the flesh ring, prodding just gently enough not to slip in.

Kit let out a whine, "Please." He huffed. It was all Josh needed before sinking himself into the skunk, lubed by the healthy dose of spit he'd applied moments before. Inch after inch of the feline's prosthetic cock drilled into his hole, until Kit could feel Josh's balls against his taint.

Josh leaned over, kissing the back of Kit's neck as he began to pull out, only to slam forward again. Starting his cycle of thrusts into the silky smooth tunnel of the skunk's backside. He pulled on Kit's hips, frantically humping his partner, both their moans echoing inside the empty building. The sound of heavy breathing and gentle moans took over the gently whir of the electronics.

Kit pressed himself harder against the cat, one paw gripping the cushion of the couch, the other gripping his own cock, stroking it in time with the rod pushing into him. Before long, he felt another hand on his, the soft fibers of the material used to create Josh's arm was now wrapping around his cock. Josh pulled them into a more upright position, his fucking growing more and more passionate, frenzied.

With the mechanical hand jerking him off and the cock inside him throbbing harder Kit knew he wasn't going to last any longer. Josh didn't seem very far behind, himself. Kit turned his head back kissing Josh deeply.

Both of the furs moaned into the kiss, a sharp gasp uttered between them as Kit's member shot a thick stream of cum onto the couch, the hand on his cock stopped and began a gentle milking. At this point, the orgasmic tightening of Kit's anal ring had brought the feline crashing into his own bliss. Shot after shot of Josh's false seed rushed into the skunk. Josh held his partner tightly as the two rode out their collective throws of passion. Their kiss weakening as their energy depleted. Kit shifted forward, causing the cat to push himself back in uncontrollably.

"Fuck, wait.." He panted, "It's really sensitive.."

Kit was breathing heavily, leaning over the couch again, letting out a sigh of contentment.

"Okay, here we go.." Josh pulled out slowly, collapsing onto the couch as his seed dripped out of Kit's hole.

Kit looked around for something to clean up with, settling on his briefs to wipe his cum from the seat before falling down onto the couch. Out of breath and satisfied, the two cuddled as they enjoyed their afterglow.

"Hey, Kit?" Josh said after kissing the Skunk on the head.

Kit laid his head on the feline's chest, "Yeah?"

"There's a fight on, tonight." He cleared his throat, "If you want, I'd like you to come to the club and hang out."

"Aren't those biker gangs kinda homophobic?"

Josh laughed, "Kit, I saved the boss's life. I'm untouchable."

"Wait, like, a free pass?"

He nodded, "So long as I'm not acting against the club, I can do whatever the fuck I want."

"Well, so long as I'm safe.."

"You'll be untouchable by extension." He cocked his head, "Well, again, so long as you don't actively do anything stupid."

"That's good to know."

"So what do you say?" Josh smiled at the skunk.

Kit nodded, "I'll just finish here, then."

"And uh." Josh scratched his head, "Who knows, this building might need a full time worker.."

"Like, permanent job?"

Josh grinned, "Who knows with this old tech, right? Might go out again in a week, a day."

Kit eyes him suspiciously, "And a place to stay that isn't some shit micro-apartment."

"I can get an honest to goodness real house in town."

"When do I start?" Kit grinned.