A Furry World - Part 1 Home Sweet Home

Story by Chakat Firestar on SoFurry

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I walked down the street my ears down my tail drooping as I look from building to building. It had been nearly 4 months since thousands of people woke up as furries and while I was walking I still drew a lot of stares.

From flaming red fur, slightly bushy tail, earth brown socks and gloves and masculine looks you would guess I'm a foxtaur tod but the illusion was broken by the large feline from and large breasts hidden under a loose jacket revealing than I'm a chakat in foxtaur clothing.

I had finally gotten permission from the government to look for a place to stay outside the facility where all the refugees stayed. I like many had been chased out of my home country ironic since it was a place famous for peoples fight to prove that no matter what a person looks like they are still a person. I growled as this thought passed through my mind again and looked at the high rise buildings of New York. "To think I always wanted to visit here" I mumbled "I guess you should be careful what you wish for".

My ears perked up as I saw the sign in the window "ROOM TO RENT" but they quickly fell down again. "10th time the charm" I sighed as I opened the door a small bell tinkling. I walked right into a color explosion my new eye sight dazzled by all the bright colors and I had to back out fast only then did I look at the rest of the window and read the words painted there. "Kristy's Hobby world".

I walked back in ready this time and saw it was like a different world in the shop. Splashes of color everywhere shelves stacked with paints, paper, wood, books and etcetera. I didn't even notice the short woman standing next to me till she spoke.

"Can I help" she said and I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Ye...yes I'm here about the room" I stammered out. "Well the room is for a human..." she started and I felt my legs begin to go limp "...so I don't know how comfortable you will be". I had already started to walk to the door before her words hit home.

"You will let me rent it to me" I asked looking her up and down she was a bit shorter than a foxtaur and her blond hair was even brighter than my own and longer too but what I saw the most was the true honesty in her face.

"Of course dear if you can afford it you can have it" my knees gave way and I sunk to the floor. She left me there a few moment then she shook my arm "well do you want the room or not" she asked sternly. "Yes yes I will take it" and we spent the next few minutes agreeing to a price. I was given a monthly allowance by the government and it was more than enough for the room and other charges.

"Well let's get you settled in. Where are you bags?" she asked as she led me up to a stair way. I just pointed to the pack on my back the let her lead me up the stairs.

The room right across from the stairs was mine now and she had been right it was made for humans and a two legged furry wouldn't have had a problem but for my taur body it was a tight fit. It had only two rooms a main room with a small TV, a couch and a table to work at. The bedroom was small with a single bed a closet and another table. I sighed but I was happy. She then showed me the rest of the place there were five other room, a bath room and a large kitchen. I heard to shop bell ring again "I think someone just came in to the shop" I said. Kristy looked at me then walked to the stairs and turned "by the way what's your name?" "I'm lupus Twopaws but just call me lupus" she smilled then disappeared down the stairs.

It took me about an hour to get my room right. The couch was moved back leaving the rug open and the bed frame was propped against the bedroom wall and the mattress lay on the ground still small but it would do till I can find a place that could sell me what I needed. I unpacked my pack it didn't contain much a few jackets some tops and two pants. I grimaced as I looked at them the ones I'm wearing feel uncomfortable. One of the things furries had to agree to before we could live outside the facility was that we had to wear clothes even taurs had to wear pants and even though they fitted they were uncomfortable as hell. I was just about to take them off and relax a bit when someone knocked on my door. A rather elderly looking man stood in the door the smile on his face turning into a look of disgust "what are you doing here freak are you the new guys pet". I repressed a snarl "I'm the new 'guy'" I said as calmly as I could the pet part having hit me hard. "We will see about that" he said and left.

Moments later I heard shouting and strained my ears to hear then quickly tried to stop hearing but both my sensitive ears and empathic senses made me hear and feel every hate filled word and I had to stop myself from rushing down and attacking the old man. When it died down I heard them coming up the stairs my door still wide open and soon they were both at the top of the stairs. The man turned to the right and Kristy walked into my room. Before she could speak I said "I'll leave" and started to move to the bedroom to get my stuff. "Don't or I will be stuck with two empty rooms". Looking puzzled I just stood there staring. "He is leaving. He said he can't live in a place that would give a room to a freak" she said sadly. I had to fight back the tears and the anger as my untrained ability was flooding me with her emotions I then just smiled and led her to the couch "just sit and calm down I won't leave".

A few days later the old man moved out and I was glad to have him gone his hatred and anger was like a bad smell in the air and I was glad it was gone.

To pay back Kristy for her kindness I started doing odd jobs around the place. Fixing lights, helping with the stock and just general stuff. I was happy. Too bad that the old man leaving was just the beginning of my problems in the outside world.

A Furry World - Part 2 Furries Come and People Go

It's been a week since the old man moved out and I was packing out some scrapbook kits when the bell rang and in stepped a wolf morph his brown grey fur clashing with the shirt and pants he was wearing. He had human like legs but that's where it...

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