Hypnovember - Day 8: Forest

Story by dark end on SoFurry

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#49 of Hypnosis

Enjoy a calm and relaxing walk through the forest which is absolutely nothing but a calm and relaxing walk through the forest.

Daniel stood at the edge of a forest. He knew it was a forest because he had been told it was. And he knew it was twilight because he had been told it was as well. The sun was setting on the unseen horizon, turning the sky a pleasant purple hue. It was warm, with just a slight nip in the air from a pleasant breeze that ruffled leaves around him.

The cougar took a step forward. He was entering the forest. That was what the voice told him.

He was entering the forest, even though he wasn't moving. He was, in fact, still sitting. But this did not bother him.

Leaves and sticks made a pleasant crunching sound under his unmoving feet. With each step he descended deeper into the forest. Deeper. His eyelids hung heavily. His breathing was slow. He felt relaxed, natural, peaceful. He was alone and all his worries felt miles away.

The cougar's ears flicked with each sound around him, the quiet twitter of evening birds and the whisper of a breeze through the trees.

Daniel kept walking until he came to the edge of a glade. A pond stretched out before him with crystal clear water. He felt compelled to step into it, but he could not do so with all his clothes on. He didn't want to get them wet. So off came his clothes, one piece at a time. This time he was actually moving, although his motions were slow and placid, as if he were already underwater.

When the last piece was removed and he stood naked in the glade, he paused for a moment and let the wind ruffle his fur. Then he extended his foot and took one step into the water.

The water was pleasant, neither too warm nor too cold, but it soaked in deep under his fur. Daniel stepped forward again, so both feet were now soaking up to their ankles. And then he proceeded onward, feeing the water inch its way up his legs.

But there was an unexpected excitement within him, perhaps from him stripping down nude in the semi-public forest. He found his shaft was erect, fully out of his sheath. And with each step deeper into the water, it pulsed with greater need. He didn't touch it. He knew there would be opportunities later.

Then he stepped deep enough into the pond that the water came up over his shaft. But this water felt different, warm and wrapping, suffusing his entire length with pleasure. He groaned out and looked down. There were leaves dotting the pond just in front of him, reds and browns and deep blacks. And if he squinted and focused, the colors came together in the form of his therapist, Dr. Luzhkov, on her hands and knees in front of him, muzzle over his cock, vulpine tail swaying behind her. But that was silly. They were only leaves.

He kept wading through the pond, moving without moving, except now with every step, his hips flexed, his shaft slid forward and back through that blissful warmth that made him feel so good. Sharp teeth grazed ever so gently along him, but there were no teeth in the pond. It must have just been some errant branches that had fallen in.

By the time Daniel reached the far side of the lake, he was panting in desire. He stepped up and out of the water, feeling the blissful warmth leave his shaft. He stood on the far shore, dripping in more than one way.

Before him was a cave. He could tell by looking at it that it was warm, a refreshing change from the increasing coolness outside. So he entered.

Immediately he felt the change, but not on his fur, instead feeling it around his bare and twitching shaft. It was so warm, and wet, and squeezed him in all the right ways. He stepped forward again, his hips flexing as he moved. The cave was so wonderful, so warm and tight around his length. He descended deeper, more eager, moving faster as he felt the tight walls around his shaft.

Leaves had blown in from the forest, and if he concentrated, he saw Dr. Luzhkov on her back before him. He heard echoes from deep within the cave that sounded like moans, but it was probably just the wind. He ignored it and went deeper, faster, harder.

He had been panting before, but now Daniel was exerting himself. With each step into the cave he thrust his hips, straining to push his shaft deeper into that wet warm cave. His eyes rolled back and his legs shook. He was close, so close to the exit, so close to release. He went faster. His hips shook with the strain. And then suddenly, he was through, he felt his cock twitching and his balls tighten as he climaxed.

He slumped back, sighing deeply as the forest and the cave began to fade from around him.

* * *

"So, Daniel, as you can see, you do not have any issues with achieving orgasm." Dr. Luzhkov was redressing herself, resuming her seat and putting away the pocketwatch she had used to hypnotize the cougar.

"I... uh, guess not." The cougar looked down at himself. He was still naked, just as he had been in his forest fantasy. His shaft was still half-erect, drooling a bit of his seed.

"You only have trouble achieving climax when you believe you need to satisfy a partner. When you do not recognize that you have a partner, you have no issues whatsoever."

Daniel rubbed the back of his head and crossed his legs to hide his shaft. "But was all that really necessary?"

The fox smiled. "I've found that people do not believe things until they experience them directly. And besides, this was more fun."