A Very shiny Christmas

Story by ShinyLove on SoFurry

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#4 of Silver

"Oh fuck, fuck fuuuuuuuuuck", Sandrah moaned as she effortless slid in and out of her husbands swollen, silver rod.. Andrew had gone to the pharmacy to pick up some last minute bags of candy for the gathering, just a little extra to help the kids be occupied while the adults let loose and could enjoy themselves guilt free, if just for a few hours.

What he found was a mother, absolutely drop dead gorgeous in every way, ask if he could quickly help her with her car. Yea, it was probably going to make him a little late, but it's the season of giving, the season of getting shoved into the open trunk of the SUV by the middle aged slut while you were in mid-daydream about how her body could be so perfect, and quickly realizing a college teen, body coated in metallic silver, was now straddling your face with her delicious, soaked, puffy cunt. He did, for a brief moment, try to resist, but the taste of the girls slick juices filled his mouth so fast. He could barely put his hands on her hips to push the slut off, before using his hands to push her delicious scent deeper into his face. While the silver slut moaned and flooded the strangers mouth, the mother smiled as she happily slid the man's jeans down, and stuck a few fingers down her throat to start graciously spewing gallons of hot silver all over the man's crotch, drenching his cock, balls, soaking down into his now hair-less, shiny asshole as the silver had now completely imprinted it's new understanding of love into his mind. She got to watch in mere seconds as his dick went from the average five inches to a solid, girthy 13, his balls sagging and swelling to size of softballs, all shiny and smooth in her silver spit up.

But don't worry, he didn't forget the bags of candy.

Andrew pumped his wife full of silver, she too had little time to react when he came home and his jeans were covered in silver paint, his crotch so visibly swollen, his lips all shiny and slick, and his eyes so clearly full of lust and love. She had little time to say anything as he walked up to her and opened her mouth, planting his delicious soaked lips on hers and sliding his slick shiny tongue down her mouth, swirling it around and giving her a tease of the bliss the silver was about to give her. She quickly reciprocated, trying to get as much shine in her as she could, the taste overriding her natural thoughts and questions. It's how they rapidly found themselves on the couch fucking and spewing shine in pure love.

The family gathering was just a half hour away, the two new silver lovers explored their new gift and talked about how they were going to share this love with everyone. They both remembered the bag of goodies they were bringing for their nieces and nephews, and they couldn't just let them miss out on this gift, especially on Christmas. Spilling the bags of M&M's, mini snickers, mini kit kats all into a large salad mixing bowl. Bringing it to the ground, the two lovers put it beneath them and starts unloading their velvet shine all over the treats, coating them and filling the bowl completely to the brim with silver from all their holes. Draining the bowl and seeing all the candy was properly shined up, they put them into tupperware, cleaned up a bit (minus Sandrah keeping her silver lips as lipstick) and headed out to her sister's gathering.

When they got to the house, they noticed a distinct lack of cars. In fact, it was possible they were the first ones there! With their gifts in hand, they quickly strutted over to the front door and let themselves in.

"Kat, it's Sandrah and Andrew, we're here", they yelled into the house.

"One second!", Kat said, seemingly from the kitchen. The silver couple quickly scoped out the surroundings, no sign of any other shoes or anyone else, expect for maybe Kat's daughter, Victoria.

"Hiiiiiii!, merry Christmas!", Kat said as she rounded the corner, hands extended as she hugged her sister. Andrew was doing a rather good job of keeping his new endowed cock in check, it was a slight bulge, but still soft and not stiff rod that outlines the entire side of his leg. The pair exchanged greetings, Kat led the way to the kitchen/dining area as the two silver sluts looked at each other and grinned.

"So, where is everyone?", Andrew asked.

"Oh, Tim is actually driving to Katie's house to pick her family up. Apparently a fucking tree fell on their car last night. Thank god nobody was in it". She continued to expand on the story for far too long, the two silver sluts smiled and listened as they both had the same thought in their mind.

Waiting for an appropriate gap in the story, Sandrah asked if Victoria was here.

"Oh, yea she is in her room, probably listening to music and waiting for her cousins to get here, why?"

"No reason, it's just been forever since we've seen her, we want to see how much she has grown!"

"...you saw her at the gathering for Thanksgiving... a month ago. I'm not exactly sure how much she has changed since then..."

"Heh, yea, you're probably right, but stranger things have happened"

Kat was obviously a little confused, but quickly ignored the awkward question when she realized she had been prepping food for two hours and really, really needed to take a piss. She excused herself to the master bathroom and did her little thing. When she flushed the toilet, she heard the door open to her room and heard her sister asking if they could come in.

"Uhh, yea, just one second, I'm just finishing up..."

She opened the door and saw her sister and Andrew right in front of her. She couldn't even ask them to step aside before they practically barreled their way into her bathroom with no invite and little manners.

"Wow, this is really nice sis!"

"Uhhh yea, can you guys, like, ask before just barrel into the bathroom?"

"Oh, sorry, we were just admiring your room, and we actually had a gift we wanted to give you now!"

Sandrah was holding something behind her back, she brought it forward and revealed a massive bottle of lotion that she had brought from home, and filled with silver.

"What the... holy shit! How did you... you got me a 250ML bottle of this stuff!?"

Before she could happily accept her gift, Andrew "accidentally" pushed Sandrah, where she "accidentally" squeezed the large bottle of "lotion", spewing it's contents all over her sisters shirt and chest.

"Oh, FUCK", Kat squealed. "What the hell! Dude this is like my fav...orite... shirt..."

Her anger quickly subsided as her breath grew heavy. Her eyes looked down and focused on her chest, the silver lotion drenched her shirt, but it felt so warm on her skin. Her shirt stuck to her as she felt the lotion seep through it, getting all over her chest as the feeling of pleasure radiated through her body, spreading from her chest to her stomach and beyond...

"Oh... I... fuck", she whimpered as she ignored her sister and brother in law standing in front of her. Mesmerized by her soaked tits, she started caressing them as little bits of pleasure shot through her skin with every little touch. Moaning heavily now, she lifted her shirt up to expose her pure silver tits, swelling with every passing second as they started pulsing to her touch, leaking silver milk out of them with more intensity as the corruption spread deeper into her chest.

Kat was enamored with her shiny tits, she looked up as she felt Sandrah take her fingers to her chin and slide her tongue down her sisters throat. It shocked Kat, but she was already so horny that she graciously accepted her sisters tongue, tasting the shine for the first time and quickly reciprocating the sloppy kisses, ignoring that Sandrah was somehow filling her mouth with the delicious "spit", having her gulp it down rapidly as the taste forced her to comply, to suck in as much of this slick, velvet fluid she could.

Well, it didn't take long after that. The scene rapidly escalated as Kat found herself between her sister and brother-in law, getting filled with the amazing girthy silver rod, her sister sucking and milking her engorged silver tits as she cried and moaned. Orgasms rolling into orgasms as her bathroom floor quickly became a pool of silver from the sluts holes unleashing love with every opportunity.

The two silver sisters craved each others love, but Kat knew her daughter needed to feel this heavenly bliss herself. She told Andrew to go into her room and show her this amazing love. Andrew didn't waste any time, he gathered the bottle and slipped out of the room, ramming his swollen cock into his jeans, hiding it between his legs as he charmingly talked to his niece, home for winter break. Victoria didn't have silver on her, but the scent of it was thick in the air, and it was making her rather... open to suggestion, unbeknownst to her.

Andrew showed his gift, and asked if she wanted to try some on. She opened the bottle of lotion and the scent shot through her and opened her mind to infinite possibilities. It was like hypnotic suggestion as she undressed and let her uncle slide the slick oil over her body, rubbing the warmth and having the chrome whore feel her body grow so hot and needy as her little tits were rubbed full of silver and her swollen pussy lips spread and rubbed with a generous amount of shine.

The next half hour, the house was filled with fucking as all parties gathered in the master bedroom and explored their new blessed bodies, freely loving and spewing endless silver juices, cumming and cumming... until they heard Tim enter the driveway with Katie and her family. The four shiny sluts all smiled as the silver juices running down their skin... They quickly grabbed a rag and washed each other off the parts that weren't going to be covered with clothing. Of course, all of them were now blessed with shine, their bodies blessed... Tim might have a few questions, like why his daughters tits suddenly grew two sizes, and why his wife's had done the same. Not to mention their perfect, bubble asses...

But it's not like he can just ask his daughter why her tits were swollen in front of his in-laws and their kids, this is a family friendly gathering!

A very shiny Thanksgiving

Mary couldn't wait to see her family. Ever since she moved to the city, it has been so difficult to make time to see her brothers and sisters, only seeing them during the major holidays like Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. Driving in her mini van,...

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Silver Slut Bus

Days after initial infection: 7-14 ----------------------------------------------------------- Riding on the shuttle home after his night class, Jeff was in the far back, earbuds in and scrolling down on his phone waiting for the last stop at...

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You can't hide from The Shine

Time since initial infection: One Month - Six Weeks ------------------------------------------------------------ Kelly screamed in anguish as her husband slammed the door shut. "Dan no! He's still out there, open the damn door!", she...

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