Mila the Fox- Part 1

Story by BadSanta on SoFurry

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Mila is a college student who's life changes after an unfortunate encounter in the park. I would like there to be more to this part, and there will be continuation in the future, but writing is difficult for me write now. The intended story path is for Mila to be 'Rescued', only to have her rescuer turn out to be an even bigger lecher whom abducts Mila and turns her into a sex-pet. The story will follow Mila's transition into such a life, and all of the encounters that go along with it.

Mostly, I want to know if the descriptions are acceptable. I'm trying to strike a balance between 'Giving as much detail as humanely possible' and 'Keeping it still interesting to read'.

I'd also like input on Kinks that people would want to see included in the future.

Character was initially inspired off of this depiction. No association.

Mila hummed as she took in the park square. It was such a quaint place at night, so serene with the sparkle of the tall buildings that surrounded the park off in the distance, while the near forest of trees blocked out all sights from the busier streets, the incoming paths and stretches of grasses and flowers always possessing at least a few short bends or turns so the gates couldn't be seen from any angle. Though it wasn't really a square, more like a broad disc of concrete with decorative bricks forming a mosaic of zigzags and rippling waves along the interior, until touching upon the central fountain's base. The edge of the base possessed a ledge that served as one continuous bench or step into the pool, the water illuminated by lights hidden in recesses within the stones, making the water seem to glow and casting bluish light over the series of pillars that took up it's centerpiece, the tallest and widest sending a gently spray into each of the gradually shortening pillars, who in turn sent a myriad of streams all across the fountain. Gentle and continuous, the little splashes made a white noise to drown out any sounds of traffic that might reach from beyond the park's walls.

She was a pretty fox by nearly any metric, proud of her appearance, even if she put far less work into it than she'd ever admit. Her hair was just naturally that straight-but-wavy mess that just happened to fall into place perfectly, the golden locks cascading down from between her ears. She had to cut it a little short along her forehead so it wouldn't hang over her eyes, but it fell down to her shoulders everywhere else, a brilliant mane that sometimes hid her thick, fuzzy ears entirely. The heavy membranes just blended right in unless swiveled in the direction of the viewer, where a lighter inner fluff made it far more distinguishable. Some had even mistaken her for a human when they couldn't see her face as a result, the rest of her fur a light tanned color that was just a shade off from being identical to fair human skin, and it layered so finely to her body, so brushed and clean, that it would even give a little shimmering sheen like particularly smooth skin might. She didn't mind though. Anyone that saw her face would be able to tell from that slender vulpine muzzle she wasn't some boring average girl, with those long whiskers that brushed against the edges of her hair, or those brilliant amber eyes that shone so clearly even in dark or dimmed off lights. And all that was to say nothing of her tail- As long as either of her arms, the bushy hairs were so thick and full that she had to brush it constantly or risk letting it poof out to a size that would dwarf her head. She couldn't bear to do more than trim it- The magnificent hairs were each almost a foot in length, and they flowed along the root like some sort of river's current. Packing in so neatly together that just the thought of disrupting the flow made her shiver. And... The memory of hugging it during hard or long nights while growing up was a warming one. She still did sometimes, though she'd die before admitting such a thing. It was too embarrassing.

She liked to dress simply in general, and was doing so now- Her face was stylish enough. Besides, she found that the people who cared about what clothes she wore tended to be more shallow than what she enjoyed hanging around. So comfort became her style, and a sweater jacket her choice of top. There was nothing beneath it- Winter weather or not, her fur did an excellent job at insulating her further, and her chest was flat enough that she needn't wear a bra- But the needled felt gave her the sense of modesty she needed for civilized life, the burned orange bright enough to appeal, blending well with her natural fur, without making her feel too noticeable. And... Well, she'd be lying if another layer to stave off the incoming chill wasn't a welcome one. The stitching was plain, but fine and well-done, more tightly tailored to her shoulders and back, with plenty of room around her chest and arms so it'd keep a full range of motion. The broad frills along the cuffs and bottom hem had been the deciding factor when she bought it in the shop. That, and the little fuzzy bear ears along the back hood, though she wasn't certain that hood was ever gonna fit over her head. Too much hair in the way. It never got cold enough for her to really consider it anyway.It matched well with her stockings, the nylon fabric more of an ultra-light grey, but her fur below and the surrounding lights gave it a just the right hue that anyone looking at her would be tricked into thinking it was a paler orange. The reason for the stockings was that she simply didn't have any leggings that would work well with the jacket, and she didn't want anyone to think she'd go outside without bottoms. Most leggings felt uncomfortable against fur anyways. If one looked closely, they might notice a few strands of loose fur sticking out from beneath the sweater's hem, her rounded thighs nearing the shaggy end of the spectrum, but if anyone ever gave her such a scrutinizing stare she would either smack them or turn tail and walk the other way! ...While keeping her tail firmly down. She didn't need any shoes, not until the snow fell anyways- And then she could normally just stick to certain sidewalks. Her paws were thick and heavy, ankles fluffed out but the footpads themself so thick that she had to balance herself a little to walk perfectly straight, but perfectly angled should she ever need to run. Each of four digits more or less equal in size, though stretched along a tight curve, a thick and stubby claw clicking into the stone with each step.

As to what she was doing in the park to begin with? Well, what else was a young girl to do by herself in such a scenic place, phone in hand and no-one else around?

Quietly, she carefully propped the device against one of the lip of one of the dome-topped trashcan that rimmed the circle's perimeter, adjusting and angling it out so she could see herself in the front-facing camera, capturing the fountain behind her and nothing but the dark outlines of treetops and the lightly clouded and starry sky beyond. It was the perfect angle- One of the footpath lights shown up from just beneath the trash can, and two more lined the bench on either side behind her. She felt like she was on a stage! Eyes lighting up as she broke out into a brilliant sort of smile, eyes crinkling up and muzzle parting just that little bit, a steamy white cloud puffing out as she exhaled, filtering above her eyes as they slowly opened again. Her heavy paws lifted up to chest height, spreading out for the camera with the wrists locked together, open like she was offering something up! The four digits similar to her feet, but with more of a gap between them. A thick, grainy little bean centered on each, while the pad itself required some precision work to manage, though she'd gained such skill since long ago.

Just as her chest swelled so she might begin to sing, she saw a flickering shadow dash along the tiny screen in front of her. Only having time for a shocked gasp to escape from her lips before something was slung around her neck, a hardened banded rope biting into her windpipe, choking off the retaliatory cry while yanking her entire body back. She could tell her assailant was smaller than her- The rope was being pulled down as much as behind- So she threw her elbow low, and was rewarded with a grunt as it made contact with a hunched shoulder. Glancing off a bony joint and sliding down the curve of their back. She didn't have an opportunity for a second blow, all the pressure on her neck biting into the nerves, forcing her to squat half a foot, and as she tried to finesse her attacker by turning her palms back and running them along their figure, all the weight on the rope suddenly pitched off to the side.

Mila gave a gargling cry, sucking in air as the pressure from the rope was briefly released, before slamming her right shoulder into the bricks and dashing her forehead against the stone, the world exploding into white fuzzy dots that covered all of her vision, body going numb. It only lasted for a moment, but she thought it was minutes before her sense returned, and her assailant was quick to work. She could feel little stubby legs clenching over her tail, a small but muscular chest pressing into her back, little shuffling movements as the rope around her neck tightened, shifted, then went still. She tried to reach back, but immediately the rope was yanked, cutting into her windpipe and making her gag, sharp tiny teeth clamping down into her shoulder with enough force that it broke the skin, making her freeze up. Both bite and and rope drawing tighter the farther back she reached, the pain making her wince and recoil several times, but they loosened to nothing when she dropped her armed back down, laying it to rest beside the arm pinned beneath her. Tears began to well along the corners of her eyes, trickling on down as she choked out her first words, voice unsteady but managing a semblance of calm "Let me go. I have... I have friends on the way. Lots of 'em, we're supposed to meet here. Leave now... Leave now, and I doubt we'll ever find you, but if you don't stop what you're doing I promise that you'll regret it."

She was proud of how well she told the lie, but it was a lie nonetheless. He paused for a moment, and she shivered as blood trickled from the bite wound, crimson soaking into the surrounding fur from the corners of her vision, and hope surged through her body, but a snicker sent something solid plummeting through her. He didn't need words to communicate how much he cared about her threat, and she could tell he was a 'he' from the way a fuzzy lump rolled against her upper hip, grinding in over the top of her tail, the sagging skin of his balls battering into the tailbase She jerked, but then stopped immediately as those same teeth placed themselves carefully over her throat, the tips aligning with a heavy vein that she suddenly felt throbbing as he pressured those sharp points into it. The threat clear as day. She couldn't help the sniffle that came as she went still, quickly leading to a burst of movement from her assailant, the rope slackening completely as a spindly paw gripped over her shoulder, clenching so hard into the bite wound that it made her wince, another tucking in beneath where she lay.

Little tiny claws sinking into her fur, the narrow tips digging into skin, with webbing between each digit - It was an otter, she was sure of it. His body wriggled along her backside, legs dropping from her tail as he began to stretch! Those webbed feet extending down, their claws hooking into the back of her thighs, ripping threads along the stockings as they clenched into the fabric, punching in tiny holes that expanded with the pressure placed upon the fibers. His crotch was wedging in beneath her tail, giving greedy little pushes forward that mashed into her fur, smearing something warm and wet down to the skin, like he could hardly control himself. The heat and warmth growing more concentrated as the narrow of his cock began to peak out from the confines of that slit-like sheath, expanding out a bulbous head that pulsed and leaked out a warm and sticky liquid into her fur, just saturing the hairs.

She thought he was going to push up into her tail at first, the blunted head following the gentle curve that funneled in between her cheeks, but his body just rippled, and he adjusted himself for a downwards trajectory, sniffling as she tried to tuck her thighs more tightly together- But his penis was slick and slippery. Tears spilling down her cheeks as he dragged himself across the tender lips that lined the entrance to her body, nudging into the tender grains that puffed out from the surrounding pelt, but it did nothing to stop him. She could feel the warmth of his cock blooming into her, his seed flowing freely into her body the moment penetration began, his shaft swelling as his hips tucked in close, balls grinding up and down along her thighs as humped himself into her. It wasn't sex- It was the accumulation of pent up need. The otter's body shivered and trembled with desperate relief as he bred her, slamming his crotch constantly forward, pulling back only by coincidence when one of his legs slipped and he had to readjust his grip. That didn't mean the otter's shaft ever stopped moving- No, she could feel it twisting as it surged along her walls, so meaty and dense that it felt a lot thicker than it actually was. Driving far deeper than she'd ever touched herself, even with toys, making her own hips jolt at the sensation, knees squeezing together like the act might somehow squeeze him out.

But it did not.

His teeth grazed along her neck as those hips kept jittering, hot breath puffing out along her throat, nostrils flaring into her spine as he kept ejaculating into her with hot, thick gobs. Mila could feel the mess spilling inside of her, and it made her feel dirty, like he was slathering it on the outside of her fur. So warm... So much of it. It felt like she was being filled, like her belly would start swelling, all the pressure and heat that was being poured inside of her, but of course it was only an illusion. The friction between them magnified the sensation, the constant upwards force that the otter was pushing into her body. Her mind was in a haze, trying to block off what was going on, so much so that she didn't even register the heavy thud of several pairs of feet until the otter's body tensed and all his movement stopped. Shaft still pulsing, still releasing gooey gobs of seed, but his movements as a whole had ceased.