Dance in the Circle Chapter 4

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#5 of Dance in the Circle

The family, now reunited, works to come to terms with their new, shared reality, and June works to come to terms with her feelings for Caroline

Johnny said goodbye to the three foxes and gave the squirrel a bow of his head and a knowing wink, that Caroline couldn't help but squirm a little at. Still, as he was leaving, she came out to help her family to their feet. Eveline couldn't help but stretch, feeling how good her new body felt. There were none of the aches and pains that she'd gotten used to over the years. "So... who might you be, cutie?" Her tone was playful, at least, as pointed as the question was.

Caroline blushed a little, smiling at Eveline as she gave a little curtsy. "James... well, he kind of adopted me... after I lost my parents," she said gently.

Eveline couldn't help but laugh a little, walking up to her and looking her over appraisingly, hmming and tsking. She really had Caroline squirming by the time she grabbed the squirrel up in a great big hug, getting a squeak of surprise from her. "I suppose I have an adopted daughter to care for as well now... at least I don't have a mistress to deal with," she said, laughing and smiling as she pulled back from Caroline. The look on her face said that she really was just joking.

Caroline couldn't help but blush badly at that, but even she couldn't help but laugh as she moved to stand by June's side. Eveline saw how the two of them stood together with a new kind of clarity. For just a moment, she wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it all, but in reality... she could see that the two of them were really quite in harmony with each other. Even if the two of them hadn't come to terms with that, themselves.

James smiled and sighed heavily, looking as though the weight of the world had been lifted off of his shoulders well and truly as he reached out to hold Eveline's hand, stroking the back of her paw with his thumb. He walked the four of them back into the home, and Eveline smiled as she looked around, nodding her head in approval. "Mmm... could use a little bit more of a woman's touch... but really, James, you've not done badly," she said with a little laugh.

James chuckled, smiling and shaking his head as they went to the sitting room, and just took a moment to catch up on everything that had gone on. Eveline was a little bit surprised, though not upset as she found out that James (and Caroline) had been keeping a watchful eye on them, giving them a playful little wag of her finger, which got quite the laugh out of everyone.

"What about your husband and your other two daughters?" James had realized possibly the one hiccup to their happiness.

Eveline sighed and shook her head. "I... hate to say, but they've probably already started to forget me. I've been suspecting that he had his eye on another woman... and I know those two girls are already quite the flirts... They'll have husbands before long, themselves," she sank back a bit on the couch there. "I can't say that I'm entirely happy about it... but honestly, I'm better off here... we're better off here," she said, looking to the three others as her ears perked back up again and she leaned against James' side, letting out a far more contented sigh.

June smiled and shook her head a little, chuckling softly, "I think that mother is right... they'll do just fine without us... and without having the burden of the weird sister. I'd be surprised if both of them didn't have husbands within the year."

Eveline laughed properly at that, a smirk on her face, "But dear, they are on the young side for marriage!"

June just smirked back at her mother, "Only just... and that's the only reason I give them the year."

Everyone got a good laugh at that before the conversation just rambled on, the four of them relaxed and content. The day went on very nicely like that for a good while, with the sense of giddy peace filling the room. Dinner was a delight, with Eveline taking charge of the kitchen and really working her magic. She hadn't felt like cooking like this for a long time, and they all loved it immensely.

The only thing was that she was well and truly flirty with James as they ate, which made both of the girls blush quite badly as they watched their parents acting like young foxes in spring. When dinner wrapped up, Eveline smiled and excused herself and James, the two of them nearly chasing each other up the stairs to the master bedroom.

The two girls sat there blushing madly at that, looking at each other in silence. It was good that the house was built into a tree the way that it was, since that meant the master bedroom had good, thick, living wood walls.

Unspoken between the two of them were the feelings for one another that they'd been wrestling with since June had come to the house. June hadn't even really allowed herself to think much about them outside of her dreams since she was still set enough in her human ways to think of being with another girl romantically. Still, in her dreams, it really was another matter. They were vivid on a nightly basis, filled with thoughts of things she'd never had any experience with before. "So... umm... what... should we do... now?" Her voice was a little shaky, as she was having a very difficult time wrestling with the kinds of thoughts that raced through her dreams.

Caroline could see the bright blush on June's cheeks, and she really could not help but smile wickedly as she reached out to rest her hand on June's paw, stroking the back of it softly and drawing a shudder from the young vixen. "Mmm... maybe the two of us should go to bed, ourselves..." she said, her voice husky in a way that brought a soft sound from June.

The vixen looked into the squirrel's eyes with mingled hope and fear as she worked her suddenly dry mouth for a moment before she said, "I... you mean... you... and me..." Her tone was nervous and excited.

Caroline leaned in and kissed June softly... but far more than sisterly. The kiss was tender... loving... romantic. June whimpered just so sweetly at it, leaning into it and drifting forward a little bit as the kiss was broken. "Yes..." the squirrel whispered before she rose and drew June up to her feet as well, leading the incredibly shocked vixen up to the room they shared more in the boughs of the tree, closing the door and latching it before she pinned June up against it, pressing her body to the vixen's as she kissed her deeply.

June just melted, moaning oh so beautifully into the kiss as she arched up from the wood of the door into Caroline's body, her hands moving to grasp at her friend's sides, looking for some kind of anchor as everything was washing over her like that. Caroline broke the kiss after a long moment, one hand moving up to rake her fingers through June's hair, gripping it softly. "Mmm... that's much better, isn't it... we've both been wanting this since you came here..." she murmured, licking at June's lips and then bringing her mouth down to the base of her neck, giving it a soft bite, which nearly took all of the strength out of June's knees.

The vixen was panting hard, her mouth working as she tried to piece her brain back together, as much as Caroline was working to make that very difficult for June to do. "But... we're... girls..." she managed to whimper out after a long moment, even as her hands were completely disregarding the concerns of her head.

"Mmm... that isn't frowned upon among the fey..." Caroline murmured, giggling as she nibbled along June's throat, the vixen tilting her head back to properly expose it. All resistance was melting away very quickly as Caroline helped June from the door and over to the bed, laying the poor overloaded girl down on the sheets before she started her wicked work. She carefully unfastened June's dress, gently removing it from her vixen's body and setting it off to one side before she slipped out of her own dress, moving to straddle the panting girl's waist.

"I fell in love with you... such a long time ago... I've wanted to be with you... like this... for so long..." she moaned as she leaned down, kissing June full on the lips even as she gripped the vixen's hair assertively. June moaned oh so beautifully at that, practically bucking up off of the bed as her hands moved to grip her sides, clinging tightly to her as she looked up at Caroline in awe. All of her barriers were crumbling away, leaving her free to crave what her heart truly desired.

"I... mmh... think... I felt it... all along... even before I knew you were there..." she moaned up at the squirrel, blushing so adorably as she lay there beneath the squirrel, who was very much taking charge of the situation, while June's heart was not just content... but outright delighted to be the one being controlled. It was such a strange dynamic for the vixen, who'd never been raised to understand this kind of love... but as much as she knew nothing of it in her head, her heart knew damn well what it not only wanted... but needed.

Caroline smiled brightly, her ears perked up so nice and high as she sat there atop June, her heart positively dancing as she felt her vixen submitting like that, her tail wiggling happily behind herself. "I love you... so much... such a wonderful girl you are... and now... you are my girl..." she murmured, kissing her deeply once more while one of her hands moved down between June's legs, her fingers just toying with the girl's mound as though she had every right to do so. Though, with the way June was behaving... the vixen was giving her every right.

June sang so prettily for Caroline as she was played with, her legs spreading apart to give the squirrel better access, her pussy already dripping wet with excitement. Feeling June so ready really spurred Caroline on, and the squirrel couldn't help but begin to move. June was very confused by what Caroline was doing at first, but as the squirrel brought her legs to straddle June's head, her own dripping wet cunt right there over the vixen's muzzle, there was some deep recognition of what she should do.

Recognition, but no skill or experience to go on as she started to tentatively lap at Caroline's lips, just following her instincts as the squirrel moaned for her vixen. "Mmh... that's my good girl... " she praised as she leaned down, herself, raking her own tongue over June's sex, shuddering at the sweet taste of her juices. If she hadn't been in love before, that would have certainly sealed the deal as Caroline started to lick with a will.

Fortunately for June, she had enough presence of mind to take Caroline's actions in stride, letting it guide her as she worked to learn quickly, wanting so desperately to do well for Caroline. She wanted her squirrel to feel wonderful... wanted to please her. She wanted Caroline's approval down to her very core just that wonderfully.

For her part, Caroline was beyond delighted, panting into the vixen's mound as she ate her out. She was ecstatic that she was working to learn so quickly, and it wasn't going to be very long before she came for her vixen, spraying her juices over June's face, soaking her fur so sweetly as she arched her back and moaned so wonderfully. She kept with it, though, and showed no mercy in pleasuring June. The poor vixen was hardly prepared for the squirrel's redoubled efforts, and it wasn't long after that she climaxed as well, cumming quite hard all over Caroline's face.

The squirrel panted as she half slumped against her vixen, moaning oh so sweetly as she started to move again, turning around to kiss June just that deeply, licking inside of her muzzle, letting them taste each other as their arms wrapped around the other. It took them a long moment to come down from their first rush of desperate, frenzied need for one another, but as they did, they couldn't help but laugh a little, a look of bliss on their faces as they gazed into each other's eyes.

June found her words the first, licking her muzzle clean as she looked up at Caroline. "This... this is going to be... not the only time...?" she murmured, blushing horribly at the question, but she needed just that little bit of reassurance.

Caroline smiled warmly and caressed June's head sweetly. "Yes, June... this won't be our only time... not by a long way... we... mmm... I never want this to stop... I want you to be my sweet vixen... for always..." She held back from outright saying what she truly wanted, but it was right there in what she was saying.

June blushed hotly at that, her ears folding back so adorably, squirming there beneath Caroline as she gently reached up and pawed softly at her. "Y... your..." she whimpered so beautifully that Caroline's heart melted. "Like... like your... wife?" She really was struggling to wrap her head around a wholly alien concept.

"Mmm... my wife might be one way of looking at it..." she murmured, "Some in the fey world would call us mates... but... I want... I want something that... I don't know how you will feel about," she said, taking a deep breath, looking into her eyes. "I'm... a dominant... I want to be your dominant... your mistress... and for you to be my submissive... my pet... my sweet girl to care for..." she murmured, her heart beating just a little quickly in her chest as she waited for June's reaction to what she'd just said.

The vixen stared up at her for a long moment, her mouth hanging open with her eyes quite nice and wide. There was a long moment for Caroline to become quite nervous, but the slowly rising blush on her cheeks did give Caroline hope. Within June's heart, the rational human within her was at war with the fox, trying to argue that this was improper, unorthodox... wrong, but the fox within her was standing its ground very well, demanding that this was good and right... that it was what she craved deep down.

She wanted Caroline... had enjoyed being with Caroline since her arrival, letting the squirrel take charge of things and guide her. It felt natural. It felt right. This felt right. She finally came to her conclusion and blushed so sweetly as she ducked her head submissively and leaned in, nuzzling softly along Caroline's throat. "Yes, Mistress..." she whispered sweetly.