Dance in the Circle Chapter 6

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#7 of Dance in the Circle

Where a mistress and pet face the morning after with their parents, followed by a meeting with a pair of wolves.

By the morning, they'd at least managed to curl up with one another in the bed, snuggled down quite happily in each other's arms, as content as could possibly be. They were still dressed from the night before, of course. Caroline was the first to wake up, yawning and stretching before she snuggled in against June, sighing happily as she nuzzled along her vixen's ears.

June shivered and twitched a little, making soft, sweet sounds as she nuzzled up under her mistress' chin, cooing softly as she slowly started to wake up. Caroline couldn't help but just lie there and watch her wake, feeling so happy at the sight of her like that with the morning sun shining in on the two of them.

"Mmm... morning, pet..." she murmured, her fingers caressing June's cheek gently, her vixen nuzzling softly into her hand.

"Morning, Mistress..." she responded with a heart-meltingly adorable yawn, capped off with a little squeak.

Caroline couldn't help but beam at her pet. For both of them to feel like this the morning after... it was beyond amazing. She'd hoped for this for so long... and she really hadn't been able to ask for more.

They did lay there for a good while, in no real rush to get up and moving for the day, but in time, they both felt the needs of their bodies pushing them out of bed. June struggled with the fastenings for her harness, not quite able to figure them out this early in the morning, and when Caroline came to help, she wasn't quite able to figure them out, either. So, they dressed her over the harness, which June couldn't help but feel... quite deliciously naughty about.

In solidarity, Caroline dressed as well, incorporating the corset. Some of the clothes that Johnny had sent suited that quite nicely, and they made their way downstairs, not even thinking about the collar that was resting around June's neck. They did, at least, stop by the bathroom to tidy up a little bit... at least cleaning their hands and faces as best they could.

When they got downstairs, Eveline and James were pottering away in the kitchen, working on breakfast. As the two of them heard the girls arriving, they turned to greet them for the morning, though they were rather surprised at the sight that greeted them. Eveline's eyes, in particular, glittered with understanding as her eyes darted down to June's collar. "That's a rather cute little... accessory you've got there..." she said playfully, a nice, big grin on her face.

"I... what?" She started to ask as her hand moved up to her neck, feeling the collar right there. The color drained from her face as she looked at her mother in horror, realizing that they hadn't thought about the collar. "I... oh... well..."

Eveline and James couldn't help but laugh at her flustering, grinning to one another while Caroline moved to half stand in front of June, quite naturally protective of her pet, just ready to handle any questions.

She was rather caught off guard, though, when Eveline came over and hugged both of them, laughing softly and nuzzling both of them. "Don't worry girls... I could tell already... and I'm not upset... and neither is James... I saw how the two of you were together, and I suspected... and we talked last night about it. Well... after we'd spent a bit of time... reacquainting," she said with quite the mischevious grin.

June blushed, but in light of what she and Caroline had done the previous night, themselves, she really couldn't complain about her parents having some personal time as well. As much as she might not like hearing about it, at least she hadn't heard it.

"I'm not even surprised at how it all shook out, honey. Don't forget... I've known you for your whole life... you are a sweetheart to the core, as much as you've had to fight for yourself for much of your life. It's never suited you. I've seen that, and it's broken my heart. But we have a new life now, and you have a lovely squirrel to take care of you and let you be the sweetheart that you were made to be."

To say that June was shocked by her mother's reaction to it all would be an understatement. Still, as rough as things had gotten with her mother over the years as she dealt with her husband's disappearance, she'd never been cruel to June and had never lied to her. So, as incredible as all of that was, it had to be true.

"So... you are alright that she is my Mistress?"

"Mistress?" Eveline asked, looking to Caroline and James with a bit of confusion.

"Not in the sense we'd think of it back in the human world, love," James said with a little chuckle. "It's not an illegitimate female lover... it's... a female dominant."

Eveline's eyes widened a bit, turning her gaze back to June and Caroline with a new appreciation for the two of them. "Oh... well... that is how it is..." she said, a grin broadening across her face as she looked back to James, who couldn't help but swallow nervously at the gaze his wife was giving him. "We'll have a word about that later, dear," she said in a way that made June blush and giggle while Caroline grinned from ear to ear.

"So... I guess that I wound up with a mistress on my hands after all... just not in the way I'd worried," she said, laughing and sighing as she kissed Caroline's cheek. "Just know that if you don't take care of my girl, it won't go well for you." Her tone was relatively light, but Caroline could hear the blade hidden in it.

She gave Eveline a lopsided smile and gave her a little bow of respect, seeing that she had a mistress on her hands as well. She'd always thought that James could do with a mistress in his life, not that she could have ever been his dominant. He was too much of a father figure for that. "Yes, Ma'am. I would never do anything to hurt, June. I love her too much."

Eveline smiled broadly at that, giving Caroline another squeeze, relaxing visibly at that. "Good... I'm glad we have an understanding about that. I will be very happy to have you as... well, a daughter-in-law. Or would it be in-pact?" She asked with a laugh, shaking her head, even as June's belly growled quite loudly. "Mmm... but I suppose food before we worry any more about that... come on, breakfast should be ready."

She bustled them off to the dining table, settling them all down to eat and chat. She noticed the poise that June seemed to have now, but she really didn't fuss over it. She was just beyond tickled at the way things had turned out for their family. Not in a million years would she have thought this was possible.

After they'd all eaten, June and Caroline slipped off to have another go at getting the harness off, but it was still defying their best efforts. They couldn't even find the letter from the night before. It had gotten well and truly misplaced in everything that had gone on.

They decided that their best course of action would be to go and see Johnny to see if he could help them out. They said goodbye to their parents before they left, walking through the woods, just taking their time as they walked to Johnny's estate.

As they were arriving, there was construction going on next to it. It appeared that there was work being done on a second estate. Standing there watching it was a drop-dead gorgeous black wolfess with a sweet looking younger black wolf by her side. June saw the black and red collar around the younger wolf's neck, and she couldn't contain her curiosity, walking over to the pair quietly.

The pup seemed to notice them first, turning to look at the approaching pair, and when she saw that June was wearing a collar as well, her tail began to wag excitedly, though she didn't leave the older wolfess' side. The black wolf didn't appear to notice her, even as the younger wolf, looked back and forth between June and her mistress, whimpering softly. Still, as she got close, the wolf spoke, "Mmm... it is coming along nicely, isn't it?"

Her voice sent a shiver down even June's spine, and she couldn't reply with words, just a little whimper as Caroline reached them as well. "Yes, ma'am. It is coming along very nicely. Is it your home?" She asked, knowing well enough to have her best manners as she spoke to the wolf. She had all of the bearing of a mistress, and for her to be standing here like this by Johnny's home, she had to be important.

Polly smiled and turned to look at the new arrivals, at last, giggling a little at how cute June was as Sascha sniffed around her, though being careful not to touch. "Well, well... a young mistress?" Her smile broadened as she looked to Caroline, who laughed softly and gave Polly a sheepish little smile.

"Yes, ma'am. Well... as of last night," she said, coming up to rest her hand on the small of June's back. "June just became a fairy a few days ago, but after her mother joined us... well, we kind of... hit it off."

Polly's eyes lit up and her ears stood high. "Oh! You're the new mistress that Johnny was talking about. Oh, congratulations!" She was very happy, which Caroline couldn't help but blush a bit, as much as she was just that proud.

"Yes... and we got the package that Johnny sent us last night, and... well, we've got a little problem. The... harness won't come off," she said, trusting that Polly would understand.

She giggled and shook her head, sighing. "He forgot to send the instructions for it, didn't he?" She seemed half exasperated, but mostly just amused.

Caroline blinked, thinking for a moment. "I didn't see anything that talked about instructions... it looked like it was just held together by clips."

"Mmm. Magical clips, actually. That way it won't come off by accident... only when you want it to," she said with a toothy grin. "Sascha here in particular very much loves wearing her's underneath her clothes," she said, making the younger wolf blush just so sweetly.

June looked to Polly, blushing quite badly herself. "Mistress... it... actually does feel kind of nice under my clothes..." she said with a lovely little whimper.

Caroline looked quite surprised, blinking a bit at June before she smiled and hugged her vixen tightly.

"Still..." Polly said, "It would be good to know how to remove it." She guided Sascha to turn around with her back to the other two. "Just place your fingers here and focus your magic on it, and it'll release without a problem," she explained, and Caroline felt for the little plate where Polly had just shown her. She didn't release, though.

"Thank you, ma'am. It will be good to know how to release it when we need to," she said, bowing her head in respect.

"Oh, no need to be so formal. Just call me Polly," she said, holding out her hand.

Caroline smiled and took Polly's hand, shaking it firmly. "Caroline. And this is June," she said, properly introducing themselves at last.

"Mmm, very nice. We'll have to keep in touch... I'm sure our pets wouldn't mind getting to spend some time together. They really are sweethearts, aren't they?"

Caroline laughed softly and smiled sheepishly at that. "It would have to be over here... we... well, we live with our parents," she said, blushing quite badly at that fact.


"Yes... June's father adopted me after he became a fey, and now his wife and daughter have become fey as well, and we all share the same house," she said, blushing worse, "And... I think that her mother may be curious about... becoming a mistress herself."

Polly's eyes widened at that, giggling in surprise. "My, my... It sounds like you need a home of your own. It doesn't need to be far from your family... but two new mistresses under the same roof... you both need some room to breathe," she said, thinking for a moment before she slipped away and walked over to the foreman, talking with him for just a moment before she came back holding an acorn, which she gave to Caroline.

"Plant this near your parents' home... not right on top of it, but near it. Then step back and focus on how you want your home to be. It'll grow nice and quickly for you... though you'll need to sort out furniture and furnishings on your own. They showed me these... but they just weren't a good fit for me," she said with a little laugh, "Not with three pets already!"

June blushed a bit at that, and Caroline was quite amazed herself. "Three pets? Oh wow... " she said, looking to June and giving her hand a squeeze. "I think one will be just fine for me," she said, making June blush and smile softly.

"As best suits you. Both of you," Polly said with a warm smile before she came in and hugged both of them tightly, Sascha darting in to join the hug. "In any event, do enjoy your new home, dears, and do keep in touch."

"Oh, don't worry, we will."