Fighting for Strangers Chapter 2

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#3 of Fighting for Strangers

The recruiting seargent who talked Johnny into joining has a life-changing encounter with a stag as he's passing through the woods.

The recruiting sergeant came away from an inn nearby at break of day. He wasn't in a good mood, though, not having managed to talk any of the young men of the village to sign on as soldiers. He rode off with a scowl on his face as his horse trotted into the nearby woods. He'd not wanted to go to the next village over, it was a good way out of the way.

He didn't notice at first how quiet the woods were, he was that distracted with his foul temper. But after perhaps an hour, it started to hit him just how silent everything around him was. Eerie, but he'd just have to push through and get to the other side of the woods. Only, soon, he realized there wasn't a road. There had to have been a road. He was just riding along one. He tugged on his mare's reins to turn her around, but the forest had closed around behind him. This was impossible.

He turned around once more, and he saw something properly impossible. A young man in what might have once been a military uniform. He stared at him for a long moment before there was a little glimmer of recognition. "James... wasn't it? What the hell is going on?" He asked, his tone sharp and harsh.

The young man just smiled up at him and shook his head. "Johnny. But we're barely names to you at any point, aren't we? Just cattle to lead to the slaughter," he said, his voice dripping with disdain as he looked up at the recruiting sergeant.

"Insubordinate little shit. Just wait until I get out of here, your commanding officer will be hearing about this," he said, his voice full of bravado, though his heart was full of fear.

"I'm afraid I don't have a commanding officer any longer. You barely remember that you recruited me years ago. My tour long since ended. I'm not some little nieve soldier to send off to fight your wars anymore," he just about spat. "In fact, I don't even really belong to your world anymore. And soon, neither will you." His eyes burned with anger, and there was something truly unearthly about him.

The sergeant's horse whinnied and reared up, turfing the pompous ass onto the ground before Johnny reached up and held his hand out to her, making soothing noises that calmed her far better than anything the sergeant had ever managed. She trotted off to the side of the clearing and waited patiently as the man looked up at Johnny, disbelief and fear in his eyes.

Johnny grinned triumphantly down at the man, laughing boldly as he shook his head, antlers standing proud atop it. "You really are a pathetic little worm. Though, I think you'll end up better off than that. You'll have a new life. Just as I do. One where you'll be free of the politics and wars that you've been a part of. Just as I am," he said balefully, the stag standing tall over the cowering man.

"Get away from me! You have no right to threaten me!" There was panic in his voice as he rolled onto his back, trying to crawl away from this human stag, not wanting to turn his back from him or look away.

"Mmm... no right... just as you never really did have a right to murder countless young men by sending them off to be slaughtered in war. No matter, though. You won't be doing that anymore."

"Leave me alone! I only did what I had to!" He was hysterical now, curling up against a tree's trunk, bringing his arms up to cover his head.

"No... you only did what served your own interests. But now, you'll be in service to another." Jacob said as the sergeant's mare walked over. Walked over. She was on two legs now, just as Jacob was, standing tall and proud over her former owner as she looked down at him.

The sergeant properly lost the capacity for speech at that point, simply starting to jibber away. Jacob shorted and waved his hand sharply as the sounds were cut off by a sharp gasp, his eyes wide as everything slowed down to a crawl for him. His mouth tried to work, even as it stretched outward, forming into a muzzle of his own, chestnut fur spreading over it even as he could feel his ears making their way to the top of his head with steady grace.

His body began to warp as well. He'd never been a big man, or a terribly well toned one, but he could feel his body taking on a lighter frame even as his muscles actually began to firm. His changes didn't stop there, though, a sound of shock coming from him as he could feel his waist drawing in and his hips and chest filling out. He couldn't believe what was happening, letting out a soft whimper and small sounds of confusion... but they all sounded so wrong. Those couldn't be him. They were entirely too feminine.

He shuddered, feeling his chest filling out into a pair of soft breasts while the space between his legs ached almost painfully. He was afraid to see what was happening down there, but couldn't help but bring one hand down to find out. Just as he had feared, his malehood was gone, replaced by a - there was a sharp gasp as his fingers explored. Between his legs... no, her legs was now an exceptionally sensitive womanhood. She pulled her hand away from it quickly as she doubled over, arching her back as the changes coursed through her.

As time came back to her, she lay there half curled up on the forest floor, her arms wrapped around herself as she panted hard. It was long minutes before she managed to lift her head once more to look at the pair standing over her, the stag and the mare. The stag still scared her, but he no longer looked threateningly down at her. More satisfied. The mare, though, looked rather intently down at her, smiling warmly as she knelt down and stroked softly along her head.

She couldn't help but make a little noise... a soft whinny, which brought a ruby red blush to her chestnut cheeks. She was a mare, herself, though a much smaller one than what had been her riding horse was now. She whimpered softly as she looked up into her eyes, pleading for forgiveness. Her mare's eyes gave exactly that. She let out a soft sigh of relief before she passed out from everything, her mind needing a proper reset.

The mare smiled and sat down, gently cradling her on her lap as she looked up at Johnny. "What... what now?" Her voice was just a little shaky, still unused to speech.

"We go home. The two of you to yours, and me to mine," he said, his tone gentle as she nodded her head and rose, picking her sleeping girl up in her arms, cradling her softly as the three of them set off into the vividly real woods.