Finding Family Chapter 1

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#1 of Finding Family

Take Care Bear and Independent Bear come to live in the Kingdom of Caring

A/N: TakeCareBear and I wrote this story about a year ago and I was holding on to it until I was finished all my other long term projects. I hope you all enjoy reading this.

Finding Family

Chapter 1: Accidental Adoption

The silver bear with a white tummy wandered through the colorful forest. He couldn't remember how long he'd been here, only that he'd been running away and the muted autumn colors of the forest had changed to something much more vibrant and colorful. One thing he knew was why he was running; his strange powers.

He slowed to a stop in the middle of the forest and took several deep breaths. There was some fruit around but he wasn't hungry. He felt the energy welling up inside him again and walked into a thinner area of the trees. "Ok, just need to let it out." He touched the sides of his head.

The energy rushed out faster and stronger than he was prepared for and his eyes shot open wide. A ring of blue energy exploded out from his body, slicing four trees surrounding him clean from their bases. He stood still for a moment, then heard the creaking of the trees surrounding him, which slowly fell sideways and crashed to the ground. The silver bear winced then looked around, seeing that the trees had fallen in a perfect square.

"That was... too much," he shook his head. His ears perked up when he heard the sound of crunching through the undergrowth then panicked and bolted from the clearing away from the sound.

A red bear with a white tummy hiked though her forest. She'd been here for as long as she could remember, 7 or 8 years she guessed. She considered it her forest since besides the animals she'd never seen anyone here. Depending upon weather she alternated between living in a cave in the back of the Forest and living under an incredibly large multicolored Oak tree, as this tree had a section of the trunk missing where she could store her books and things.

Today, she was simply walking her forest and checking things out. She stopped suddenly, hearing a strange noise in the not too far distance. Something she'd never heard before.

"What was that?"

She hurried a bit, hearing the leaves crunch under her feet but not stopping to think that she might scare whatever it was off. She was used to being alone and facing any fears head on - she had no choice in the matter. Whatever this was, she wanted to know more about it.

Her eyes widened when she got there. Four trees down in an almost perfect square, and the energy in this section was unlike anything she'd felt before. She shivered, not necessarily in fear but simply because it felt so different.

"How did this happen?"


The silver bear kept on the move from that day onwards, trying to contain his "outbursts". Every so often he heard the sounds of human voices nearby and moved on to make sure he was never discovered, and he wasn't for months.

It was getting close to winter when he settled near where the forest thinned out that he could see light breaking through the trees up ahead.

"They keep getting closer, they're curious." He took a deep breath. Whoever lived in this colorful forest kept nearly finding him and he wasn't sure if they were trying to find him or it was just bad fortune. He had to make a decision, stay in the forest and in the cover where he knew people lived, or leave and take his chances outside.

The sudden snap of a twig nearby made up his mind, he'd take his chances. He turned and moved towards the light.

The silver bear held up his arm to shield his eyes from the sun as he stepped into unfiltered daylight for the first time in months. He squinted but kept moving forwards, then froze. Ahead of him was a small town with buildings made out of... clouds? He looked down at his feet to see that the dirt had been replaced with the same cloud-like substance. He reached down to touch it, he had often wondered what the cloud felt like and they were damp.

He shook his head and stood up, this was a bad time to think about that. Buildings meant people and people meant being chased again. He turned around to go back into the forest but heard a voice behind him.

"Wait, please don't go!" the voice was urgent but soft.

For some reason, the silver bear didn't run but turned to look at the voice. It belonged to a green creature, looking sort of like a slender green horse with long silver hair and a spiraled horn sticking out of her head.

She smiled, "Don't be frightened. I'm not going to hurt you." She held out a hand. "My name is Life Heart Unicorn, who are you?"

The Silver Bear stood still for a moment before turning around. He was afraid, but the unicorn seemed to exude an air of calm. "I...don't have a name."

"Oh... that's sad." Life Heart approached him, "Are you alone?"

"Yes," the silver bear nodded.

Life Heart got close enough to touch him. The silver bear flinched and his felt his power flare up again which made Life Heart step back. "Oh my! This is something I've never seen before."

The silver bear stepped back, "Please don't hurt me!" he held up his hands defensively.

Life Heart could see the fear in his eyes and stepped forwards, "I know what you've been through, being chased by people because of your powers." She made it to him and extended her hand, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Will you come with me?"

The silver bear felt calmed by her voice and reached out to take her hand, "Ok."


The red bear never did find out what had happened or what had caused it. The few books she had didn't give her an answer and she knew it wasn't weather related. On the other hand, that near perfect square had made a perfect reading spot. And sometimes, she swore she could still feel a bit of the same energy she felt the day the trees had fallen.

Several months later, she stood near the rainbow river fishing. Taking a brief break she looked down the river only to be startled by some type of ship coming at her. It was still far enough off that they probably hadn't seen her, but she wasn't willing to take that chance. She quickly picked up the fish she'd caught and her fishing rod and headed back toward her cave in the distance.

Late in the afternoon the red bear emerged from her cave. She wanders the first carefully looking for whoever had landed. She was curious, but not dumb. She was determined to find them, before they found her. Knowing all the ins and outs of the forest, had its advantages. They wouldn't see her unless she wanted them to.

Suddenly she heard crying in the distance and that changed all her plans.

She quietly headed for the direction of the cries. Once there, she peered through the bushes knowing she wouldn't be seen. The noise was coming from a blue rabbit cub wearing a diaper. He wasn't much more than a toddler. He'd somehow fallen into a rosebush and was covered in several thorns. A yellow monkey (who appeared to be just slightly older) sat in a tree taunting him.

"I climbed the tree and you can't... You fell.... Hehehe!"

"It hurts...." Cried the rabbit. "It's not funny... it hurts."

These cubs were on the boat? Why? Is this how she had ended up here? The red bear knew what she had to do. First of all, the rabbit needed some help. Then she'd deal with the monkey and give him a piece of her mind. She still approached cautiously.

"Can I help?" she asked.

The rabbit jumped, which made him cry a bit more. "Here... let me help.. I know how to get them out. I promise. It's happened to me too." Something about her calm voice settled him.

"Can you weally?" he asked. "Will it hurt?"

"Yes I can... It'll hurt for a bit. But not near as much as it does now."

She removed the thorns easily as she'd done countless times on her own. He whimpered a bit, but instantly felt better. She removed several on his paws, a few on his tummy and chest, and a few on his back. He'd fallen hard into the rosebush. "Tried to brace your fall with your paws, didn't you?" she asked. He nodded.

"Did we get them all?" she asked him after a few minutes.

"My foot...." he pointed. "It hurts too..."

"Ah.. yeah... that one's smaller. I missed it.. sorry..." She gently got it out too.

"Thanks! That's better!"

She smiled... "sure... no problem."

"You have to watch out for those bushes," she warned him. "They have sharp thorns, as you've found out the hard way."

He nodded still sniffling, "that hurt.."

She nodded, "How did you fall in there, anyway?"

"I was trying to climb the tree..." he pointed.

"Why'd you want to do that? Rabbits aren't meant to climb trees..." she pointed out. He frowned and hung his head.

"Yeah.. Swifty.. you can't climb the tree... you can't catch me...." Playful Heart teased further.

This did not set well with the red bear. If possible, her fur got even redder. She was furious.

"And YOU...." The red bear began firmly and angrily, turning towards the monkey in the tree, "Teasing him for falling when you knew he was hurt. How DARE you? That was downright mean and completely uncalled for. Get down here, now...."

This time it was the monkey's turn to frown. He hung his head a bit as he slid out of the tree. He didn't know who this was but he knew he was certainly in trouble when Noble Heart found out.

"What made you think it was ok to taunt him?" she asked.

He shrugged and looked at her slightly confused.

"That's not an answer. What made you think it was ok to tease him?" She tried rephrasing the question.

It's not ok.... I'm sorry Swift Heart... Are you ok?"

"Yeah... I'm ok... thanks to her," replied Swift Heart. "I forgive you, Playful Heart."

The red bear blinked... "Swift Heart? Playful Heart?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah, my name is Swift Heart. I run weally fast! Wanna see?" He seemed to have already forgotten about the thorns and the taunting. Without waiting for an answer he went running around this section of the forest at top speed and then returned. "And his name is Playful Heart. He likes to tell jokes and tease but it's not always funny."

At this point, Noble Heart approached, having seen most of the exchange. The red bear wasn't expecting him. She was ok with the cubs, but not with someone older and bigger than her. She didn't want to fight over territory. She dove back in the bushes and started to run off. But his voice stopped her in her tracks so she hid instead.

"It's alright... I'm not going to hurt you." He turned towards the thick bushes and trees. He couldn't see her, but he didn't think she'd completely run off.

"I'm Noble Heart Horse, their father... of sorts," he explained. "Thank you for helping out Swift Heart. We didn't mean to startle you or invade your home."

"We?" she questioned.

This confirmed she hadn't gone too far...

"Yes, counting me... there were 11 of us on the ship."

She approached again cautiously, walking through a nearby path.

He pointed to the clearing nearby. There was a raccoon playing with some sort of device, a pig picking berries off a bush, a penguin playing in the water hole nearby, a lamb playing in the grass, a dog chasing his tail, a cat grooming herself. It was then that She also noticed a small elephant hiding behind Noble Heart.

They are, Bright Heart Raccoon, Treat Heart Pig, Cozy Heart Penguin, Gentle Heart Lamb, Loyal Heart Dog, Proud Heart Cat." He paused patting the small elephant on the head, "And this is Lotsa Heart Elephant. He's been a little nervous since we left True Heart and the Bears."

In his arms he held a small lion cub, "and this is Brave Heart Lion."

She could tell the lion, lamb, and the elephant were clearly younger than the others... but none of them were more than toddlers. He had his hands full.

"Why did you leave them? Why are you here?"

"That's complicated," Noble Heart replied.

Take Care nodded... "Well.... Good luck... I guess..." She shrugged and then headed back into her forest.

"Where are you going?" asked Swift Heart.

"Back to my tree," she answered, pausing.


"Because it's where I live...." She answered.


She looked at him curiously. This little rabbit just wouldn't stop. "Why do you ask so many questions?"

Noble Heart burst out laughing. "I ask myself that every day...."

She smiled a bit getting his message, but turned to leave.

"Do you have to go now? What's your name?" asked Noble Heart.

"I don't have one," she answered.

"You don't have a name?" asked the pink elephant.... "Where's your famiwly?" Their misuse of certain letters of the alphabet was kinda cute. She didn't remember doing it, but then again... she'd never really had anyone to talk to either.

"I don't have one...." She answered, slowly walking back in the direction she came from.

This time it was Noble Heart's turn to ask a question. "How did you get here?"

She shrugged. "I woke up here one day. I've been here since... I guess I've been here eight years or so..?" She questioned the last part; it was hard to keep up with time.

"You've been alone all this time?" Noble Heart asked.

She shrugged, "Yep... See ya later.... Maybe.."


The Silver Bear stood inside a large building that was shaped like a big red heart. He had been nervous for the whole walk with Life Heart but hadn't tried to run. She was the first person he'd met who wasn't trying to chase or hurt him so he felt safe. Now he felt nervous as he stood in front of three older bears, one iridescent blue, one grey and the other cream colored, and about two dozen multicolored bear cubs, all in diapers and with strange emblems on their bellies.

Life Heart was talking with the bears then turned to face the Silver Bear. "Welcome to Care-a-Lot, this is True Heart Bear," She pointed to the cream colored bear, "Grams Bear" the grey one, "And my mate, Sage Heart Bear," she took the blue bear's hand.

"And these are the Care Bear cubs," True Heart spread her arms out to indicate the multicolored bears behind him.

The silver bear gulped, nervous with all the eyes on him. He raised a hand, "Hi..."




Voices erupted from the cubs. An orange one with two crossed smiling flowers on her tummy jumped forwards, "Hi, I'm Friend Bear! Who are you?"

"I... don't have a name," The silver Bear said.

"Aww, that's sad," A green bear with a complicated heart design on his tummy had stepped forwards. "I'm Love Heart Bear."

"Hi, Love Heart Bear." The silver bear said.

"Now you two, don't crowd him." Grams walked forwards and carefully pulled them back, "These two are always eager to make friends."

"He has a special power," Life Heart stepped forwards, "I can feel it in you, don't worry." She tapped her horn, "I can use magic and my mate can use elemental powers. What can you do?"

"Show us!" Love Heart peeked out from behind Grams.

"Yeah, show us!" A yellow bear with a smiling sun on her tummy named Funshine piper us.

"Please, I want to see," a green bear with a shooting star on her tummy name Wish Bear said.

The silver bear gulped, "OK, just... stay back. I don't want to hurt anyone." He scanned the room and saw some wooden blocks piled up in a play area and pointed a hand towards the block. He grimaced for a moment and the blocks began to wobble. Everyone watched the blocks as the one on top of the pile lifted up and began to float towards the bear's hand, until he managed to grab it out of the air.

"You can use the force?" A dark blue bear with a raincloud on his tummy named Grumpy Bear asked.

"What's the force?" the silver bear turned to face them.

"I don't think that's it, it's from a movie the cubs have watched." Life Heart stepped forwards, "You're psychic and rather powerful for your age. I can teach you how to control it if you want, and are willing to stay."

"I can stay here?" the silver bear was fidgeting with the wooden block in his hands.

"If you want," True Heart stepped forwards.

"Life Heart and I can look after you," Sage Heart walked forwards to take Life Heart's hand. "Do you want to stay?"

The silver bear looked up at them, then nodded, "Yes."

"Then you need a name," True Heart said. "what do you like to do?"

"I like to be... alone..." the silver bear said.

"How about Independent Bear," Sage Heart suggested.

"Ok..." the silver bear sounded unsure but wasn't sure what else to say.

"Just hold still," True Heart's tummy symbol glowed and fired off into Independent Bear's tummy leaving his own symbol in the place: a small red heart with a ring of ten yellow stars surrounding it.

"Are you my big brother?" Love Heart asked.

"If you want him to be," Sage Heart said. He ruffled Love Heart's hair, "he's mine and Life Heart's son, the rest are adopted."

Independent Bear just stared at them in confusion.

"Don't worry, we'll explain everything," Grams took the bear's hand, "Let's find you a room."

"Ok," Independent Bear nodded and let Grams lead him through the building.


Noble Heart had been quick to invite her in the family, but she hadn't been quick to accept. After all, she'd spent the last several years living completely on her own. Through reading, she'd learned to crest her very own fishing pole allowing her to fish in the Rainbow River. She'd learn to collect berries and nuts, and various crops automatically grew in the spring, summer and fall - she didn't really have to do much to keep them going. By building a fire she could keep warm on cooler days and cook as well.

Noble Heart had been a bit shocked the first time he learned that she knew how to build a fire, but her answer had been simple, "how else was I supposed to stay warm and cook?"

She had him there... almost.

"You wouldn't have to do that anymore if you lived with us."

"I like being alone. I'm not used to being in a house, I like the outdoors."

So, he backed off and let her take her time. Almost every day she'd come by for a while in the afternoon while they were all outside. She'd always refused to come in the house. But she enjoyed hanging out with all of them and playing with the cubs. She and Gentle Heart Lamb and Bright Heart Raccoon seemed to be forming a bond. The little lamb loved her dearly. He'd noticed the red bear was great at looking after and protecting each of them- showing them which berries were safe to eat, and showing Noble Heart where the crops grew. Not to mention, she showed the cubs various thorny bushes, and some areas that had rather large holes in the ground that they needed to avoid.

"Hey red bear!" Gentle Heart greeted, reaching up for Take Care to pick her up. The red bear obliged "Good morning, Gentle Heart."

"You need a name," Loyal Heart spoke up. "We can't call you "red bear" forever."

She shrugged.

"I've been thinking about that." Noble Heart nodded. "You have a real knack of taking care of things. Everything from helping Swift Heart that first day, to showing us how you've survived here all these years and taking care of the cubs. I think we should call you Take Care Bear.

The cubs cheered. She thought about it and shrugged, smiling a bit, "alright."

A few weeks in, a very rainy fall set in on The forest. They couldn't go outside and hadn't seen her in the last three days. The cubs kept asking about her but Noble Heart really didn't have much to tell them.

"Do you think sssshe's ok?" Asked Cozy Heart.

"I do. I'm sure she's toasty warm in her cave."

"Why would she want to stay in a cave when she could stay with us?" Asked Playful Heart

"It's just what she's used to guys. I think eventually she'll join us, but we can't force her to."

Gentle Heart had taken to staring out the window. "I wish she'd come..."

"It's too wet. She'd make herself sick gettin out in this mess. We don't want that."

The cubs agreed, although they clearly missed her. Gentle Heart let the curtain fall for a bit, and tried to get interested in playing, but it didn't last. She was soon back at the window, watching. She hadn't been sitting there five minutes when she suddenly called out... "I see her! She's here!!"

"What!?" Noble Heart peeked out then hurried to the door.

"Take Care, you're getting soaked! Come on up here."

She chuckled, "It's just water, Noble Heart." But since he didn't seem interested in meeting her outside she stepped onto the porch.

"Come on in..."

"I just came to make sure you guys were ok, I wasn't going to stay."

"Please......" begged Gentle Heart practically jumping on her, "I've really, really missed you!"

"Ick... you are wet!"

Take Care chuckled. "It's just water."

"Cold water, seriously... please come in and dry off and stay a bit." Noble Heart insisted.

"Please?" Gentle Heart asked again.

"Oh.. alright."

Noble Heart turned to find 8 more cubs standing in the doorway and a 9th crawling towards them. "Would someone go and grab Take Care a towel?"

"I will!!!" 7 cubs cheered. Bright Heart quickly realized everyone was going to volunteer, so he didn't. And Brave Heart wasn't really talking yet, he simply sat and waved.

Take Care stepped inside behind Noble Heart. The house was certainly warmer, she had to admit.

Swift Heart had been fastest, so he passed her the towel which she used to dry off a bit. Then she spent the remainder of the afternoon visiting and playing with and reading to the cubs. Noble Heart convinced her to stay for supper. And then she stayed all the way up until the cubs bedtime, reading them a story.

Once they were asleep, she prepared to leave, but about the time she got to the front door another massive rainstorm hit.

"Please don't, Take Care. It's after dark and pouring down rain. I know you know the forest well, but what if you were to get hurt out there and be stuck in the rain."

"Noble Heart, I've been in that forest all hours of the days and nights and in all weather."

"Please... you can stay here tonight. You can have my room, or sleep on the couch, whichever you prefer. Just for tonight. That's all I ask."

She could see his concern. It was raining crazy hard. She'd be soaked to the bone in just a couple of minutes.

"Alright... just for tonight."

During the first bitterly cold winter snow, a few weeks later, she actually came looking for a place to stay.

"I'm having trouble keeping a fire started with all the snow. I wondered if I might could stay a few days..."

"Stay FOREVER!" Suggested Treat Heart.

Take Care grinned, "I don't know about that... but I would like to stay warm and hang with you guys for the next few days, if that's ok.

When 10 little cubs attacked her in a hug, she could safely assume it was a yes.

"Absolutely," Noble Heart agreed, "happy to have you."

A few days turned to a couple weeks, she'd leave for part of a day to check on her cave and to bring back a couple of books and any other belongings she decided she needed. She didn't have much. Noble Heart had given her a space upstairs at first, but that was further away from the cubs and she liked being near them and looking after them. So she'd take the room across the hall.

"I gotta admit, warm showers and having a fireplace under a roof is kind of nice..." She spoke as she entered the living room one night after taking a shower.

Noble Heart grinned, "I assume your baths are done in the rainbow river."

She nodded. "Yeah... it's pretty cold this time of year, even freezes at times." He shuddered. She chuckled, "it's all in what you get used to and adapt to."

"Alright, in that case, do you think you could adapt to living here?"

"Ooohhh I see what you did there..." she chuckled.

He nodded, "I understand you're older. I understand you're more independent and you don't necessarily need me looking after you constantly. That said, I'd love to be someone you can come to and talk to, and I'd love to be able to help you when you need it. You are pretty incredible with the cubs and they love you dearly. We'd like to have you join us, as a big sister and perhaps... eventually... as a daughter." He'd thought about this and phrased it carefully so as not to freak her out as she really didn't like the idea of having anyone in charge of her... he'd already figured that out.

"You have been very kind letting me stay and I do love the cubs. Thank you for letting me be me and not pushing me too much. Yes, I think I'd like to stay. I'd like to join you. If it's ok, I'll go get the rest of my stuff tomorrow."

He nodded, "welcome to the family, Take Care. We'll make it official with the cubs in the morning."

The next morning they told the cubs. There was so much yelling and cheering that Take Care felt like her ears would explode. They tackled her in a hug, knocking her to the floor. Once they calmed down a bit, Lotsa Heart finally commented... "she needs a tummy symbol.. and that's the truth!"

Noble Heart agreed and used his Care Bear Stare to give her a symbol, a smiling light red apple.

And her new life with them began.

Finding Family Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Book Buddies Independent Bear settled into his new life in Care-a-Lot with relative ease, or at least he wasn't given too much time to think about it. Life Heart started teaching him how to control his psychic abilities almost...

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