Quarantine Drills - Part 3 - Teaser

Story by Munkus69 on SoFurry

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#18 of Teasers


This is the third part of the Quarantine Drills story, which I have separated, because I feared, that a constant stream of sex scene after sex scene might be a little boring. To me, it would be, so I tried to break it up and still make it as interesting and fulfilling (intensely written) as possible.

In this part, after Roger and his daughter Freya have had a wild breeding session, they are being caught by their youngest toddler - well, sort of. Roger tries to pretend, that nothing untoward has happened, and follows his actual parental duties with the toddlers, while Freya is on her own, trying to ensure, that there won't be any consequences of their breeding. Which fails, obviously.

While she is cleaning herself in the shower and also briefly after, she is still suffering the reins of the "deep heat" part of her cycle, chasing one orgasm after the next. And while her Daddy is busy elsewhere, she lets her fantasy take over, daydreaming and using her hand.

This section focuses mainly on the kinks of masturbation and "unknowingly pregnant".

You can find the full story here https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1121754 as well as the previous versions of the story.

I will provide more, as soon as possible.

I hope you enjoy it.

Dirty little Piggies

(There seems to be a problem with the beginning of the story, which I am unable to upload here. For some reason, that part always gets deleted, no matter how many times I add it, I don't understand why. It starts with the youngest toddler barging in, wondering what her daddy is doing on the sofa and Roger being relieved, that the kid cannot see him properly, so he is not in too much of an embarrassing situation. Roger tries to send the toddler away, back to bed. The kid mentions, that she has heard noises, which is why they were all woken up.)

"Yeah uh... never mind that." Roger paused, desperately trying to figure out a way how to get rid of the toddler and out of the precarious situation. What would shut her up and get her to run upstairs this instance? An idea popped into his mind and he spoke without contemplating it further: "Look: I'll read you the three little piggies and then you will go to bed again, okay." Bribery seemed like the best option.

"Really?" Sudden excitement, tail and ears quivering with it. "All of it?"

Roger sighed. He hated the repetitive story. But it was the favorite of all three pups and had been just as beloved by Freya when she was at their age. Maybe it was the hunting dog inside them that made it so addictive to them. Blood curdling with dread, he felt his knot shrink as his arousal was snuffed in an instant, replaced by the knowledge that he would have to work his way through the entire, fucking story for what felt like the millionth time. There was a wet squelch and a dull thud as Freya fell unceremoniously on the sofa, suddenly released from his shrinking knot.

"What was that n-"

"All of it, I promise. But only if you go now! Now, and off to bed straight away, or no story, understood? And tell Marala to switch off the Play Station, godsdammit!"

"Maraaalaa! Daddy says, you have to switch it oooff!"

The shriek was deafening, so was the answering wail, but Roger watched the little girl toddle away upstairs where the battle would be fought in just a few moments. He sighed with relief and glanced down at Freya, a churning sensation of mixed feelings in his gut.

She was still lying there, slender body resting on the cushions of the sofa, legs open wide and knees slightly bent. She looked like the goddess of young sexual arousal, of fertility made flesh. Her eyes were those of an exhausted feral canine, her swollen spade oozing just a little cum. Some droplets of cum had fallen off the tip of Roger's cock as it had started to shrink and now there were a few glistening white dollops of rich, thick cream marking her black and gray fur. But the majority was clenched shut in her tight pussy, swollen from the heat and now full to the brim with her father's fertile cum once more. As he was watching it, he could actually see the soft twitching that were shuddering through her spade every now and then. Another wave of arousal flushed through Roger as he watched the swollen, spade with that faint sheen of cum and femjuices, just glistening at the area where the lips met. The heat of the sensation was kindled even higher as he saw Freya shudder softly, running her fingers over her nipples in a luxurious, lazy fashion. Her tongue flicked out of her snout and wetted her nose and her body was moving gently as if she was shimmering deeper into the cushions, posing for him to show off what a beautiful work of art was lying there. Lazy, satisfied, still in deep heat, with the possibility of another rut after a brief pause.

The feeling was so intense, that Roger felt a little ashamed for devouring his own daughter with his eyes as if she was another prize to be won. Someone to breed and stuff and ravish at any and every opportunity. He felt guilty, that he had enjoyed the rut so much, despite the fact, that he had loved every single second of it. "What a mess", Roger muttered, raising a hand to run it across his head in a soothing gesture. He was still panting heavily, partially from the physical strain, partially simply from emotional roller coaster.

Freya smiled lazily at him, her fingers now twirling the short, soft fur at her belly. It was steel gray and outlined her flat belly perfectly. Now she lifted her head and glanced down at her stuffed vulva, raising her eyebrows in surprise. "No, not at all. You made much less of a mess than Francesco did when I was with him on that party two years ago. When he pulled out, he was still cumming and it was all over the place. I guess he was trying to mark me as his breeding bitch or something." She shrugged and made a dismissive comment about a Dachshund's sense of ego, size of the dick and knot and his breeding capabilities.

Roger stared at his daughter, startled at her casual tone and completely missing everything she said after that one keyword. Two years ago? She had had messy sex parties two years ago? In his mind, he did a quick calculation and, yes, came up with the fact, that she had still been under age at that point. By now she was 18 and of age in their community, although to Roger - and probably everyone who saw her at first glance - she was still a Teenager. Time flies, he thought, his fuzzy black and white ears flattening themselves against his head for a brief, rueful moment. Time flies. In just another blink of an eye, she will be moving out and...

Roger blinked furiously, mentally slapping himself around the head and shaking it hard enough to cause his ears to flap noisily. You just bedded and bred your own fucking daughter, why the hell are you contemplating the flow of time right now? Are you nuts?!

Sensing his befuddlement, Freya reached out and grasped her father's wrist. "Daddy, please, whatever you think now..."

"This is a mess", he interrupted, stress hitting him like a cold shower once more. "Look at what we did, I am your... and you... you are my..."


A slender hand reached out and clamped itself around her father's muzzle, squeezing it shut, like one would with a mouthy pup. He was startled. And shut up.

"Listen to me: Don't think about it. This is our little secret, all right? It is due to the stupid quarantine, it is because I am lonely and horny and in heat. I demanded it, I basically forced myself on you. I am old enough to make my own decisions. I'm a grown-up. I know you think, that I am still a teenager, and maybe I am, in a sense", she broke off, her eyes darting to one side, distracted by a sudden thought. Then they fixated on her father again. "Point is: Both of us were completely pent up. It was just a releasing of tension, nothing more. I am in heat, you are pent-up. I am taking the pill, like I said before. Nothing bad is going to happen, no consequences, all right? No-one has to know. This is our little secret and it is going to stay that way. No freaking out, okay?"


Freya looked into his eyes as if trying to hypnotize her father. "No freaking out, okay?"

With difficulty, Roger managed a tight nod. He was still feeling all over the place, overwhelmed by what he had done and with whom and all the possible consequences of it. But he kept his muzzle shut and his nerves under control when Freya released it.

Still speaking like she would to a person standing on the ledge of a very high building, Freya continued: "I am going upstairs right now and take the pill, like I am supposed to. No pregnancy, no nothing, all right? Just take it easy."

The missing pill

With toddlers in a household, especially active, nosy little things that have the sniffing urges of a hunting dog and the tireless energy of a Husky, many things can go wrong. Some things may get lost, others will be strewn all over the place. And yet other things may just end up displaced or buried.

Freya sighed as she opened the second to last drawer of her desk and saw that it looked like a mini-hurricane had gone through it. Luckily it was not her Toy drawer, which she had secured with one of those toddler-proof closing mechanisms. Because no one wanted to see a bunch of toddlers fighting around with ginormous knotty dildos, even if they didn't know what exactly that was and what they were playing with. But unfortunately, this was her "little helper" drawer, which was usually full to the brim with condoms, various pills and a few tubes of massage oil and lube.

She squatted down to have a good look at the ransacked drawer, taking care to flex her vaginal muscles tight. She could still feel the extra creaminess between her legs, which told her, that she was full to the very brim and would probably be cooking up a litter of her own, if she didn't take action soon.

Sighing, she took out some of the condoms, which had been torn out of their wrappers - probably looking for balloons and dropped to the ground because they were yucky feeling and then tossed away. "Toddlers", she muttered, then had a good look at her pills. There were a few boxes of anti-baby pills, which she was on, like she had claimed. Every single box of pills had been ripped open and the silver separators been pulled out. The majority of the small pills had been squeezed out of their plastics and were merrily scattered in the bottom of the drawer, wildly mixed with blue and pink pills. Freya frowned at the separators that usually helped women indicate whether or not they had taken their pill for the day, then down to the mess in the drawer. She really needed to place a child proof lock on this one too. To make sure that the rascals wouldn't eat the pills by accident. She really hoped that they hadn't done just that. It was a foolish thing not to have secured this drawer, not just because there were things in there, that should have been kept out of the hands of little pups. She would take better care in the future and puppy-proof the drawer right away, she decided. Do the responsible thing.

Carefully cleaning up the mess and scooping the pills into a different box, Freya missed the fact, that she had forgotten to take her pill the evening before yesterday and had been unprotected since. Believing that she was still protected and not knowing, that the effect of it was now null and void, Freya dutifully licked one of the little orbs off her paw and swallowed, smiling softly as she did. No one would ever know what she and her dad had done. She was sure of it. And until her mother would come home, she could have fun with Daddy all day long.

End of Teaser

Quarantine Drills - Part 4 - Teaser

The Jilted Wife comes home About three days of wild abandon passed by. Three days in which Roger was constantly alternating his attention between three demanding pups that were trying to put their little paws into and onto everything they could reach,...

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Quarantine Drills - Part 2 - Teaser

Daddy Issues When he went back to his bedroom, Freya had opened the windows and let in some fresh air. And although Roger had been very intrigued until now, he realized, that this was maybe not the best course of action. After all, Freya was his...

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Quarantine Drills - Part 1 - Teaser

### [The lonely Husky](#table%20of%20contents) "Yeah....Yeah... No I understand, you gotta do, what you gotta do, honey. Yes. Yes, I can guess that the hospital is completely bonkers at the moment. Yes, love you too babe." Roger hung up the phone...

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