[Commission] The Foxtrot experiment

Story by Mrachko on SoFurry

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#11 of Commissions

A commission by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/cluedofanatic/ over at furaffinity

//After a vicious battle, Renamon has beed captured by HYPNOS agents. What do they plan on doing with her?//

"Sir. She's down."

HYPNOS agents stormed the street, surrounding Renamon. Rika tried to get to her, but the little girl was no match for the heavily armored guards. The girl screamed for her digimon and Renamon's eyes lit up. She jumped to her feet and with a spin kick she knocked back a few agents.

"She's up! She's up! Get the prods!"

Renamon punched and slashed and kicked, agents flew back, but for each fallen one, five more came in. She had been defeated moments earlier. She had not the strength to fight all of them, but she was damn willing to try.

"Where the Hell are those prods!"

The helmet cracked. Broken nose. Broken teeth. He was out of commission.

Riot shield slashed and useless.

Broken arm.

Broken jaw.

Broken leg.

The batons were a problem. They hit her back, ribs, arm. With the blow to the head, she went down. They continued to wale on her while she was on the ground. Batons, kicks with iron-tipped boots, even punches.

The moment she could gather herself, she grabbed the first foot that came right in. There was a grotesque snap and a bend and she used the soldier's torso to push the others away.

And then she saw the next wave.

She punched. She kicked. They were going down, one by one. Until one finally managed to hit her.

An electric shock shot through the point of contact, spreading through her entire body. Every muscle in her body spasmed and tightened. She almost broke her own teeth, if it were not for the tremendous force of will to land direct jab into the assailant.

She didn't have time to breathe as more surrounded her once more, each one hitting her with the same weapon, each one sending wave after wave of electricity through her body, making her convulse. It didn't take long until she finally fell over.

The agents were quick in their clean-up. She was immediately fitted with a collar and bindings and thrown into one of the many black busses. The casualties were quickly removed from the street.

Only Rika remained, unsure of what happened. Her eyes started to water as a cold wind blew through the empty street.


"We have the target. She will not be an issue. We are currently escorting her to lab LANDA 23."

"Well, well, well Renamon...you were quite the pest back there. Gave most of our boys a hard time. But I'm sure we'll figure something out and let bygones be bygones. What do you think fellas?"


"Clearance name: Agent 27 of task force FOXHUNT. Permission to transport target to LANDA 23, sector 3."


"I hope all is to your liking, sir."

"She looks like a fine specimen. Strap her up and get her down to the cell."


Waking up had never been such a difficult task. Her eyes barely opened and they burned from the fluorescent lights. She quickly recoiled to one side, finding it extremely hard to move.

It took Renamon quite some time before she managed to fully wake up. The events from the incident were pretty hazy. After the fight, there were bits and snippets. People talking. A desert field. Cold, sterile hallways.

She tried to move, but found herself unable to do so. Her arms and legs were fully restricted by a straightjacket and a diaper filled with padding, making it impossible to move.

She tried yell out, but couldn't, realizing she wore a wire muzzle, which felt a few sizes too small for her.

She tried moving her neck around, to get a better view, but she was barely able to. There was a heavy collar tightened around her neck, around 4 centimeters thick.

Trying to roll around, she noticed that her legs were being separated by some sort of padding.

She growled, she turned and she struggled, slamming herself into the bars of what seemed like a cage.

A cold chill shot up her spine. She wasn't simply a prisoner. Prisoners had rights. Rights to decency at the very least. With this set up she was being humiliated.

The cold chill quickly turned into a boiling anger. She tightened, straining her muscles, trying to rip the straightjacket apart. Every fiber of her being went into it as she pulled harder, her heart racing, her teeth grinding. And then she felt it.

Just for a second it loosened. And then came a three note melody.

And an electric shock pierced her sending her into a convulsive spasm. She fell to one side, bending backwards as the electricity passed through her, igniting her nervous system.

She tried fighting it, as best as she could, trying to withstand the pain. But with each passing second, the intensity of the shocks became stronger and stronger until she finally gave in, letting her body convulse freely, trying to mentally block the pain as much as she could.

She hoped that it won't last long, she hoped that when she gave up, it would stop.

It didn't.

It went on, for what seemed like hours. Her body tried to twist, but the restrains made it impossible.

Finally, the electricity stopped. Her body felt liquefied, as if it was spilling all over the cage floor. Her mind was blank, barely forming any thoughts, as drool slid down her cheek into her fur. The only moment she would regain a fleeting form of consciousness was when her body would involuntarily jitter. Each time a wave of fear overtook her, that the shocks would begin once again. And each time she was thankful that it didn't.

She gazed up at the white ceiling, the fluorescent lights burning her eyes much less than before. It was a bit peaceful actually. So peaceful that she slowly drifted off...


The sound of a door sliding woke her from her dreamless sleep.

"This is her, sir."

"I see. Any problems?"

"None. She was delivered as planned. There were no complications as she was prepped up. She was asleep for about four hours. After that, we did record movement, rise in heart rate, intense breathing. Her stats went up and the system shocked her back into submission. After that she fell asleep again."

"When was that?"

"About six hours ago, sir."

"I see. I'm guessing it's time to wake her up then. You are dismissed."


Renamon struggled to turn around.

"Did you have a nice nap?"

With much effort and grunting, she managed to push herself onto the bars of the cage, propping herself up, her back turned to the new arrival.

"Not feeling very talkative, are we?" the man asked with mock concern in his voice.

She didn't answer. There was no need for that, no need to give them any satisfaction.

"Hm...where I'm from, people usually respond when greeted."

Renamon shuffled a bit in her place, mockingly making herself more comfortable. The guard smirked.

"Alright. My name is Robert Kruger." He said as he cracked his knuckles. "You broke my nose the night we captured you."

Renamon lifted her eyes up to see Kruger's misshapen nose. A wee smile crawled onto her face.

"I wouldn't say I was looker to begin with, so this is no big deal. No hard feelings on my part since...I was the one who finally subdued you in the end."

Kruger let his last words ring, but when he saw there wasn't going to be a response, he continued gently.

"Yes, you did hurt a few good men. Broken noses, broken teeth, broken jaws, broken arms and legs. I heard there's a chance a certain agent from my personal team may not walk again. Oh, you're smiling? Don't worry. He's a tough guy. He'll pull through. You on the other hand..."

Kruger took off his jacket and pulled out a leash.

"...you probably won't be so lucky."

A chill went down Renamon's spine at the thought of possibly getting electrocuted again. And Kruger noticed. His upper lip curved in a vile grin, but he quickly regained his composure.

"To me, you are an animal, that somehow learned to talk. No different from a parrot. If it were up to me, we would be having this conversation..." he looked over Renamon, who simply stared at him with malice. "...or rather monologue, with me talking at a mass grave. But, that is simply my opinion. And my opinion on your ilk ain't worth much. The boys upstairs have differing opinions, that are worth more. You are to be tested, examined and reeducated. I am not aware of the details, but I personally hope it's unpleasant."

Kruger waited for a response. And when Renamon refused to comply in any way, he simply opened the cage and threw the end of the leash inside. Almost instantly, the leash shot up towards the digimon and attached itself to her collar.

"A magnetic miracle of technology." Kruger said dryly.

Renamon did not move. She knew if she tried to escape now, she'd instantly be caught. And the electrocutions might start again.

"Get out." The guard ordered her.

She did not comply, opting to just glare at him.

"Get out."

Once again there was no response.

"I will not ask a fourth time. Get. Out."

Renamon let out a deep sigh and turned to one side. She was dead set on making things as difficult as she could, retaining what little dignity she had left, while formulating her plan.

"As you wish." The guard said, with a note of annoyance in his voice.

He pulled a small device and clicked a button. The device produced a three note melody and her collar activated.

She immediately fell to the floor, convulsing as the voltage slowly rose. Each second was an eternity of agony. She wanted to turn, to lunge at him, to bite him at the throat and rip it out. She wanted to make it stop. She would do anything to make it stop. Even...comply...

After what seemed like millennia to her, the shock stopped. Kruger turned the small device in his hand, his eyebrow raised in admiration.

"Nifty little thing, isn't it?" he said, still eyeing the remote. "Has a range of four hundred meters. The signal can pass through concrete without any delay. Has an intensity adjuster. It even plays a nifty little jingle each time. But I guess that's more on your part."

Renamon lay on the ground, breathing heavily. The world was spinning all around her as her heart tried not explode within her chest cavity. She stared at the ceiling, trying to control her breathing to no avail. At random moments, she her chest muscles would spasm, causing her entire body to violently twitch and then hit the concrete floor.

"Yup, the lab-boys said it was part of your training. A way to make you more submissive. Don't really know what they mean, but I don't get paid to know." Kruger chuckled to himself and then his tone turned serious once more. "Now. A final time. Get out."

He pulled on the leash, but Renamon didn't move. She couldn't move. Every cell in her being screamed to move, to run, to slash, to kill, but she could not muster up the strength. Just a few more minutes. That's all she wanted.

"I guess you still need a bit more motivation."

The melody played.

Her ears twitched.

Her pupils narrowed.

She could feel the shock going through her spine, through her nerves. It wasn't as intense as before. She could still control herself to a limited extent. She felt like her insides were slowly frying, but at that moment, amongst all the things she wanted to do, she could do only one.

She started crawling, pushing herself with her legs towards the guard. It took all of her strength and will power to accomplish this simple task, for her legs barely did what she wanted of them. They would shake and kick and bend, but finally she managed to get her head out of the cage.

"Good girl." Kruger said with a sardonic tone.

It stopped. Oh, God, it had stopped. Renamon breathed in deeply, finally able to relax, to not struggle. It took all her strength to crawl there. It took all her strength to keep her bladder under control. And yet it felt like if it had lasted just a second or two longer, it wouldn't had been enough.

"Alright. Let's go."

Kruger yanked her leash, pulling her towards the door.

As they walked through the hallways, she constantly stumbled and fell and got dragged on the floor, until she somehow managed to push herself up and once again stumble around and fall down. The straightjacket made sure she would easily lose balance. The padding on diaper made sure that her steps were never straight.

"This is LANDA 23, your new home. Get comfortable."

Walking through the hallways they'd pass by numerous agents and scientists, around watercoolers, coffee machines, on hallway sofas, all of them conversing and discussing whatever it might be people in HYPNOS might discuss.

It seemed so strange. Men and women, usually so evil and dastardly, just sitting around and talking. Some were discussing findings and experiments, while others simply talked about the ball game last night, or how their kids are doing. Above all yells, even the people in HYPNOS were human.

And yet, each time Renamon and her captor passed people, they would always turn around to stare at them. Some had grins, others seemed dumbfounded.


"He actually caught her..."

"That Kruger...an absolute fucking legend he is..."

"God damn. I owe Gary twenty bucks."

"Nicholas! Pay attention! You short circuited the entire grid, because of shit like this! Learn to pay attention! That there isn't your job! This here is!"

It was humiliating. Being stared and gawked at but all manner of people. None of them really willing to help in any way. Almost all of them cheering her capture. And even those who weren't, still had some comments.

"This is the top field research laboratory of HYPNOS, created to contain, research and, if needed, eliminate freaks like you." Kruger said as he yanked the leash, forcibly pulling Renamon to the ground. "Get comfortable. You'll be our special guest of honor until the boys in white are through with you. Personally, I hope it's soon, but knowing them, they'll most likely keep you around as long as they can. And even longer."

His mumbling was slowly getting on her nerves.

"I personally, never really got that curiosity itch when I was young. I wasn't a bad student by all means, but I didn't really care why exactly things worked. Only if they worked."

His rants continued on. He was getting completely distracted. She was close. Soon her escape would come.

"Hey, Robbie!" a man yelled out as the pair was waiting for the elevator.

"Tony!" Kruger exclaimed, almost completely forgetting about his captive, welcoming the guard with open arms. "Good to see you! How you've been?"

"I'll be honest with you - I just can't get a break."

"You've been gambling again?"

"Yeah...I bet a twenty you'd come back with two broken ribs!"

"You bastard!" Kruger said, hitting him in the shoulder. "Some more faith would have been appreciated!"

"I guess it would have." Tony looked at Renamon, who was struggling to get up from the floor. "Can't believe you did it. Robbie Rotten captured Renamon. I bet a promotion is waiting for you upstairs."

"It is. First I got to take her to sector Zeta."

"Ah...the fox hole. You really think the Doc is trying to tame them?"

"It's not my job to think what doctor Philip is or isn't thinking."

"But still...you gotta be a little bit curious..."

"I am. But not curious enough."

"And you wonder why people call you Robbie Rotten..." Tony laughed.

The elevator soon came and Renamon got violently dragged inside by the two guards. She was thrown into the back corner and the guards continued talking, their backs turned to their captive.

Confident that nothing could possibly go astray, they didn't pay Renamon any mind as she pushed herself against the corner and managing to get herself up on her two feet.

The elevator itself was probably used for large shipments between the floors, judging by the size of the cabin, but even so, an elevator was still and elevator. A closed box. Where no one could run away.

Neither of them really expected what followed. Either they were overly confident that her spirit had been broken. Or they had really lost themselves in their conversation.

Either way, with a single kick, Kruger got slammed onto the door. Tony didn't have much time to react. He had reached to his gun, as Renamon's heel was a centimeter away from his jaw.

A grotesque snap and Tony flew, smashing his face onto the mirrored wall, cracking it.

Renamon turned towards Kruger, who, barely conscious, had managed to take out the remote for the collar.

Her eyes flashed. She threw herself forward ready to curb-stomp her captive.

Three notes played.


"Dr. Zamzza. Agent Philip Jones reporting in with prisoner Lisana."

The doctor stood up from his desk, fixed his glasses and waddled towards the door. Through the intercom he observed the young agent and the prisoner, who was tied down to a bed, her previous gear still on her.

"Young Philip, the prisoner seems...a bit unwell."

"Sir, that is correct, sir."

Zamzza rubbed his chin, deep in thought, finally deciding to open the door.

Agent Philip Jones pushed in the bed, accompanied by two more agents behind him.

"Sir, where should I put the prisoner."

"Please, Philip, right over there." the doctor motioned towards a collection of lamps hanging from the ceiling right above what seemed to resemble a dentist chair. "May I ask what happened to prisoner Lisana...and agent Robert Kruger for that matter?"

Agent Philip Jones, although young, had a very well defined understanding of the pecking order and following commands. Almost immediately, he ceased dealing with Renamon, turning towards the doctor.

"Agent Robert Kruger got badly injured while prisoner Lisana was trying make an escape. He, as well as agent Anthony Lince, are currently in the emergency room, being treated for severe skull fractures."

"I see..." doctor Zamzza said. "What about prisoner Lisana?"

"Sir, I could only speculate."

Doctor Zamzza looked up at the agent from the corner of his glasses.

"You are free to do so."

"Sir. From what been relayed to me and on my own personal understanding of the subject matter, I can only speculate that during her break-out attempt, prisoner Lisana managed severeely wound both agents, but in the nick of time, agent Robert Kruger was able to activate her shock collar on the highest degree. According to our timetables and the scheduling on the floor, it's assumed they were stuck in the elevator for about five minutes. The agents had most likely lost consciousness way before. I am praying for their quick recovery, although I am fully prepared for the darkest outcome."

"Alright. And what about the prisoner?"

"As I said, she had most likely been trapped in the elevator for five minutes with her shock collar on the highest setting. There are footprints and scratches in the elevator, indicating that she underwent a great deal of discomfort. She had large bruises on her head, self-inflicted by all accounts. There are no signs of permanent neurological damage. Eye witness accounts state that when the door opened, she was thrashing and screaming, while experiencing a severee seizure."

"That was to be expected I presume."

"More detailed analysis on the prisoner's condition haven't been made, but I presume that there is a high chance of ripped muscle tissue and tendons."

"I see...well I guess it's up to me to determine if any of that is so..."

"Also I suspect internal burning due to prolonged exposure to high voltage."


"As well as possible brain injuries."

"Agent Philip?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Care to join me by the prisoner's side?"

"Certainly, sir."

By the time she had been strapped to the chair, Renamon had begun to awaken. Patches of memories rose up in her mind. Electrocution. Pain, Agony. It was like her entire being was on fire. No matter how hard she screamed and kicked and scratched, it didn't stop. She remembered bashing her head against the floor, first from the spasms, but then deliberately, hoping to somehow either break the collar, or numb the pain, or at the very least knock herself unconscious. She remembered an eternity of pain, of crying, of screaming. She remembered her body trying to rip itself apart. She remembered, for a moment, considering biting her tongue off. She remembered the elevator finally stopping and guards storming inside, turning off her collar. And then blackness.

At least she managed to crack Kruger's skull like an egg. If by any chance he managed to survive this, hopefully he'll be a vegetable for the rest of his life.

But all that seemed like a distant dream. Like it never really happened. And the only proof she had of the existence of the entire incident was a migraine and the pain she felt through her entire body.

She was now conscious enough to realize she had been strapped onto an odd chair, with both Doctor Zamzza and agent Philip Jones standing above her.

"Hello there, little Renamon." The doctor said with patronizing voice, trying to scratch the bottom of her chin. "Or should I say, Lisana. We have to call you by your code name from now on. It's part of the experiment we are going to have with you."

The doctor pulled out a syringe and grabbed Renamon's muzzled mouth, pushing it to the side and injecting the liquid into her jaw.

She felt the prick and the flow of cool chemicals spread through her cardiovascular system, which slowly started to numb her mouth.

"There we go. What a good little patient you are."

"Sir, with all due respect, she's hospitalized more than a dozen agents by now."

Renamon tried smiling to those words, but he had lost all control of her mouth.

"If a dog bites a person, you don't hold a grudge against the animal, do you Philip? It's an animal. It can't think."

"Sir, I am sure you see how..."

"Shush!" the doctor cut the young agent off. "I am about to operate."

The doctor undid Renamon's muzzle, leaving her slack jawed. Grabbing her now motionless mouth, he pulled a modified drill and went straight to work on her teeth, carefully making sure to grind her canine teeth into inoffensive nubs. Tooth by tooth, her mouth transformed from a weapon to nothing more than a gentle clamp.

She didn't feel pain throughout the process, but she could feel the vibrations of the drill. She could hear the sound of her teeth being pealed down. She couldn't see what exactly was going on, or even move tongue to check. But she was afraid. Now she was truly afraid. She was afraid and worried and anxious and unsure of herself. Unsure of her strength. Unsure of her power. Unsure of her place in the world. She didn't want to be here. She didn't even know where here was. But this was the final straw. This humiliation was the final straw. And she did what she had been fighting against during her entire stay.

"Um...doctor, sir. I think the prisoner had an...umm...accident..."

"Oh, goodness...poor little thing, must be frightened. I guess she has to get changed."

"I would also like to make a suggestion." Philip spoke up again.

"Yes, agent Philip, what might it be?" Doctor Zamzza replied with a deep sigh as he glued mouth guard to both her upper and lower jaw.

"Maybe you should do something about her claws as well."

The doctor stopped for a moment.

"That...that sounds like a good idea...thank you, Philip." The doctor said and put the muzzle back on her mouth.

"Sir. Me and the boys should get going. Our outside shift will start soon..."

"Oh, you are dismissed, agent Philip. Don't let me interrupt your rounds."


And with that the three agents left the laboratory, leaving doctor Zamzza alone with Renamon. The doctor pulled out four more syringes, injecting her arms and legs.

"There's no need to worry, Lisana. I won't hurt you. I'm just doing this for your own safety. If you are good, you just might get a prize." The doctor said with a smile.

The procedure didn't last long, the doctor preferring to use pliers to break off her claws and then trim them down with a grinder.

Throughout the process, Renamon tried to move, tried to react in any way, but the anesthesia was too strong. She had defeated squads of agents the previous night. She had bested two guards, using only her legs. She had survived five minutes of electrocution. And now she stood helpless, next to a short creep.

"And there we go. All done." The doctor said as if he was proud. "You did such a great job, you deserve a reward."

While still under the effects of the drugs, the doctor attached her legs to stirrups and undid her diaper.

"You are going to get your diapey-wipey changed. Yes, you are. Yes, you are."

This was the peak of her humiliation. The doctor's hand going through her nethers with a wet-wipe, talking to her as if she were some sort of infant. At least she didn't have to wear the old diaper, soaked in urine.

But as the doctor cleaned her more and more, his strokes became harder, less gentle. His fingers would slip, sliding through her vagina or even her ass.

Renamon tried to move, but to no avail.

"Uh-uh-uh..." the doctor said wagging his finger. "No trying to run away."

And with that, Renamon tried to scream, but her jaw was still numb. The sudden pain of the butt plug entering her, without any preparation, without any lubrication, sent a torrent of pain throughout her body. She thought she had been humiliated before. This was her peak.

With tears in her eyes, she looked down at the doctor, who watched her reaction with glee.

"Remember, Lisana. You get treated nicely, only if you act nice. If you act bad...well..." Renamon's eyes went wide as he pulled out a saw. "It would be extremely easy for me to just make sure you won't be able to leave this place."

Renamon froze. She had never been in such a position before. To be so thoroughly defeated, that her enemies could just play with her in any way that they saw fit.

The doctor quickly put a new diaper on her, not really doing the bottom of it properly and he picked her up, placing her on the wheeled bed and pushing her into the neighboring room.

To Renamon, things were starting to make less and less sense. She found herself in what looked like a nursery. The floors were covered in a colorful, soft material. The walls were painted with drawings from fairytales. There was a crib in the corner of the room. And a small table in the middle. And numerous toys were littered all around.

But the strangest part of all were all the cameras. One in every corner. One by every wall.

Zamzza untied Renamon and gently placed her on the ground, patting her head. He then placed a bowl with dog food in front of her.

After observing her of a minute, he produced a remote from within his pockets. He turned to the camera and clicked his remote.

"Day 1 of the experiment "Domicile". We have successfully captured target Lisana and we've brought her down to the Foxhole. During the next couple of months we will test the possibility if digimon are able to be domesticated, using a pavlovian-behaviourist approach. As you see, I've currently give Lisana a bowl of food. Let us see if she will eat it."

Renamon was not willing to play any of these games. The moment she got her feeling back in her limbs, she was going slaughter this man and go on a rampage throughout this lab, claws and teeth be damned.

She looked up at the doctor and tried to growl at him defiantly. Although she couldn't, the message was not lost on him.

"Right." He said.

He stepped behind her, stepped on her head, burying her face in the food.

"Will da widul foxy eat her food?" Zamzza said, still pushing her into the food.

Renamon refused to eat. Whatever he might do, she would not eat.

The melody played and Renamon began spasm on the ground, thrashing left and right, unable to control her body movements at all. After a while, he stopped.

"Go on now, Lisana. Eat."

She looked at Zamzza defiantly, not breaking eye contact. Again the melody played. And again she twisted on the ground in searing pain. But there was nothing else he could do. She had endured this for five minutes. She had robbed them of all their tricks. Now all that was left of her was to find a way to break out.

Not after long, Zamzza took his foot of the digimon and once more turned to the cameras.

"It seems like we are having some troubles. This is the perfect time to test the other side of our experiment."

He took off his lab coat. And his sweater and pants. And his underpants.

Renamon turned around to see what was happening behind her, when he grabbed by fur on her head pushed her face into the food once more. And then he pushed himself inside of her.

She wanted to scream. She wanted to turn around and cracking his skull open. But she couldn't. All that she could do is stay still and take it as he pushed himself in and out of her, his cock, much more massive than what one might have expected, deflowering the digimon, almost ripping her insides apart.

She closed her eyes as tears formed in them and buried her face in the food. This was it. She hated this. She hated herself. She hated that she couldn't do anything to stop this bastard.

The rape continued for five minutes, during which time Renamon's mind simply went blank as a means to fight of the pain and humiliation.

Finally, with an awful grunt, Zamzza ejaculated inside of his prisoner, filling her womb with his seed.

The doctor pulled out and tapped her diaper, his semen unable to leak out, drying onto her fur. He put his clothes back on while Renamon tried to process what had occurred.

"Here, Lisana. I have something for you." Zamzza pulled Renamon to his side.

With meek eyes she looked up to see him holding a baby bottle.

"It full of all sorts of vitamins and minerals. Perfect for growing girls like you. Here. Drink up."

With shaking hands, she tried grabbing the bottle. She didn't want to fight anymore. She didn't want to be beaten, electrocuted or...

She sucked on the bottle in compliance.

"As you can see." Zamzza turned to the camera. "We have some sort of progress."

As she sucked the liquid, the weight of the past few hours had begun to take its toll on her body. Feeling drowsy and dazed, her eyes slowly began to close.

"There you go. How's a good little girl? Finish you bottle up and daddy will put you to bed."

A minute or two later and Renamon could barely keep her eyes open. Zamzza gently took the bottle away from her and carried her to her crib.

"There you go, little Lisana." He said as he tucked her in. "You had a very long day. It's time you had your sleep. You won't grow if you don't get your sleep."

The doctor tied her leash around the crib and put headphones on.

"Sleep well, little one." He said before kissing her on the forhead and exiting the room.

Renamon's mind wandered as she fell asleep to the sound of looping grooves, ambient synths and the sounds of some distant chants and words, that she couldn't quite make out. But it probably wasn't important. If it was, daddy would have told her.

She finally closed her eyes, scratching her cum-stained fur through her diaper.