Polarised- An MTF Anthro Polar Bear TF/TG WG Story

Story by pruvia on SoFurry

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Eirwyn purchases a potion to deal with the winter chills. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), he discovers it has some beary interesting side effects.

Eirwyn shifted around uneasily, the crowd around him threatening to part him from his tight grip on the counter in front of him. Meanwhile, the single assistant providing wares to the Christmas crowds ran around at the back of the shop as they had for what felt like an eternity. Could his order be lost?

"Eeeirwhyn?" His blank gaze registered the shop assistant standing on the threshold between the storeroom and the shop front. The label on the package in front of them had them rather vexed. "E-I-R-W-Y-N?"

"That's me!" Jesus, that's a new one. Every day of his life since he'd decided to not do university in Wales had brought a new, horrific mispronunciation of his name; it amazed him that after all these months he was still hearing new ones every week. He forced himself to smile. "This is my order?"

The assistant looked past him at the massive crowd. "Yes. Anti cold potion, best of the best."

He looked at the little brown package. "Is there anything I need to know?" He hadn't got a potion in his hands before a brewer explained a mountain of information to him first.

"It's diluted- can you pay now?" He thrust his card at the reader until it scanned; his ears turned red when he noticed the shop assistant looking at the name engraved on it. "What the fuck is that?" they muttered, more audibly than they had likely intended.

"Eirwyn!" He said and thrust his way back through the crowd before the petty urge he suddenly had to mispronounce the name on the assistant's tag manifested.

The frosty day stiffened his glove wrapped hands. His nostrils twinged in protest from the sharp bite of freezing air in his lungs, ears stinging. Eirwyn tore open the packaging to the potion and tossed it into a bin, unscrewing the lid. He couldn't stand the cold, not in the slightest. But for a moment, he hesitated.

The bottle was rather large, the pale blue liquid inside bright. Was it sufficiently diluted? The shop assistant had looked rather stressed...

Bitter sleet slashed through his hesitations and with no more hesitation, he gulped it down. It tasted a bit like chilly toothpaste, though Eirwyn could hardly focus on the frigid fluid sliding down his mouth with sludgy snow and sharp drizzle shoving itself into his face.

Warmth spread through him almost immediately. He could still feel the wetness of the weather, and the pressure of the wind, yet he felt wrapped in a toasty blanket. A smile appeared on his no longer stiff face. That is, until he felt his right forearm get warmer, a bit itchy. Eirwyn's smile faltered.

His thick winter coat had to be shrugged off and tossed onto a bench, passerbys giving him concerned looks. Hunching so they couldn't see him pull up his sleeve, he tentatively revealed the itchy spot.

It looked normal, except for the way the sensation seemed to spread while he stood there like an idiot. He pulled his sleeve back up, and tossing his coat over his shoulder, made his way to his car. Something wasn't right, but perhaps it was just a minor side effect? He'd wait it out, just to make sure. Being stuck in A&E for Christmas sounded hellish, especially if it all ended up being for nothing at all.

The warm sensation persisted, itchiness tracing it. He did his best to focus on the road instead of the weird feeling; it wasn't like he could do anything about it until he got home, and besides, it wasn't that bad. It's nothing, I'm sure. The effect of the potion was working as intended.

Eirwyn reached a column of traffic and squirmed in his seat. Everything clung more than it should, his clothes pinching him at points they hadn't half an hour ago. Discomfort and dread built up until he broke into a cold sweat. It wasn't helped by looking down at his arms.

They had grown. He could see the cuffs of his shirt dig into the softening flesh of his palms, the fabric over his biceps stretched tight when he pulled his arm from the wheel so he could examine them. They weren't red; they weren't sore. They were merely bigger, padded out. Fatter. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood- he couldn't stop now; he wasn't getting any help in this traffic. He inched ever so slightly forward, staring at himself in a wing mirror. The face looking back at him bore a developing double chin and stubble. Eirwyn always shaved himself before heading out.

As a distraction, he fumbled with the radio he hadn't turned on in years. His hands were also stubbled. While he watched, the shadow of the stubble spread towards his bloating fingers. Yet another terrible thing became apparent then; his usual hair was black, and this stuff? It was pale and shiny, white.

He watched it continue its course while an inane radio show babbled into his itchy ears. Every bit of him was uncomfortably warm now. Even his shoes felt cramped, toes hardly able to move in his shoes. The sides of his ass bit into the seat as it swelled up like dough, his belly growing to match. The upper flesh of it dug into his steering wheel. Eirwyn was now almost twice the size he had been when he started driving, and still growing. As the hair on his hands thickened, he feared this was only the beginning.

Just as he became tempted to get out for fresh air, the car in front of him lurched forwards. He followed it as a chorus of beeps cursed his delayed reaction; just one more exit and he was home, or at least somewhere he could safely step out and call for help.

He wriggled around in his seat, fat rolls jiggling. Come on, come on... He clung onto the wheel until it hurt, though the pain abated after a few moments. The cars ground to a halt again.

The hands grabbing his head were all wrong; too big even for his enlarged body, fingers cushy. Eirwyn stared at the hands- no, paws, for they had big, thick black pads that felt like rubber, and were covered all over with thick white fur. They were also extremely warm.

The potion was turning him into an animal. That did it for him; he cracked open his door, panic building in his chest alongside an addition pressure-

BLOOMPH. His chest thrust forward just as he could wriggle his fat ass out of his seat, two enormous mounds pressing him in. He slammed the door shut, struggling to see the traffic roll along ahead of him over his two fresh tits.

"Really?" He questioned the air itself. "Is this?" He wriggled his paws around. "Not bad enough already?" If there was a God, he opted not to answer or present any answer to Eirwyn's current predicament. With his massive body that hemmed him in (and the roasting hot fur he could feel growing around it), it felt like he just couldn't catch a break. At that thought he felt seams give away and realised in a sense, he had just caught one; the last type he would ever have wanted.

The surge of fur was clearly too much for his clothes, who tore off him in a spectacular cacophony of ripping. The jiggling, furry body beneath unnerved him, especially the tits. Now they had no fabric shielding them, he could clearly see enormous cleavage and fat, dark nipples that twinged with arousal as they rubbed against the interior of his car. His still human face flushed.

Breath quickening and heart thumping, he felt the telltale pulsing of his cock standing erect beneath layers of fat and fur, completely out of his view. It began feeling far too hot.

The traffic remained rigid, so he felt it falter, still hard, with no distraction as it shrank. "No, no," he mumbled with lips and tongue that felt swollen. "Grrrrr..." He grunted; his face began bulging forwards, long tongue licking a big, wet nose. His ears pressed back.

In one massive effort, he shoved his fingers into his fresh cunt. "Groohhhd," she moaned as her spare hand ran in circles around her nipple. White fur puffed around her cheeks and face; no longer would she have a bare, human face. Her snout rippled into a snarl, thoughts dissolving into a horny mush. It was hard to care about being a big, fat female bear when your needs were right there, calling you to satisfy them.

But as hard as she tried, she couldn't make herself cum. Big and thick her fingers might be, and ripples of delight tingled all over her chest, but she couldn't climax. I need more, she thought with a wordless snarl, mind full of massive bear cock. No cock here. Need a replacement.

Punching and tearing with all her weight, the massive bear forced her way out of her confinement, no car daring to move as she stumbled into the margins of the road in search of satisfaction. Eirwen's mind was a desperate haze when she saw the stick. With a roar, she thrust it into her.

Such an act would've been a terrible idea if she wasn't a bear; her puffed up pussy was more than tough enough to stand such a rough onslaught, enjoying the feeling of something full stretching her open.

Roaring, she finally came, spittle flying. Her dull eyes half shut as she lay there on the ground, feeling too heavy for any motion other than playing with her tits. She wasn't sure what had just happened, but she felt really good! So warm and round and furry, with nice big tits. However, he stomach was rumbling more than she liked...

She rubbed it and found another pair of sensitive growths just below her tits; soon they popped out of her fur, dark in contrast to its paleness. Little mounds of fat grew beneath them. She reached down and felt another pair; she snarled as milk spurted from the littlest pair of new tits, her teats full to bursting with milk.

Milk is for offspring, she knew, even in her dull minded state. Eirwen wasn't as surprised as she should've been when her clumsy paws felt her stomach grow taut beneath all the cushiony layers.

The growth came in clear increments; one burst and it bulged a bit more, a kick thrusting into her hips. Another blimp outwards and downwards, and another, and another. She groaned in pleasure, milk freely dripping from her tits as cubs grew in her belly, until even as she stood upright, it dragged against the ground.

Huffing in pleasure, Eirwen looked to the horizon and began pulling herself along. She wasn't too far from her den; which was good, because with a belly like that (and the cramps in her stomach), it wouldn't be long before she met her cubs.