
Story by Scarlett on SoFurry

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As the day slowly changes to night, the sky turns into its own mural, the sky slowly changing from shades of blue, and gently contrasting into oranges and slowly beginning to darken. Now is the time that the chill of evening sets in and takes over the atmosphere. The deep interlocking valleys are deprived of the oranging sunlight first, the shadows slowly creeping up their peeks, and finally finding a hidden, yet quite massive mansion, which seems to be carved out of the mountainside itself. It slowly falls victim to the darkness.

Undetected by anyone who may have been watching, a small projectile like object nears this fortress at an impressive speed, not altering its course or velocity. The object in question quickly finds refuge on the rather large outside balcony, only then slowing her pace as so she could land. She did so quietly, as it is discovered that this object was in fact a girl. One of feline genes, even. An eerie gleam of metal seemed to come from her for a brief moment before it mysteriously vanished. She perched herself on the banister railing on all fours, closing her eyes and concentrating. Her breathing is light as all her focus is put into her hearing, tracking to make sure she was not followed.

After a good ten minutes of this, as well as occasional sniffing of the air, she finally came down off of the perch, slowly walking towards the bedroom entrance. She took a brief look left and right once more before slowly and silently sliding the door open, and quickly slipping in, closing the door behind her. Little whines and buzzes could be heard as the security systems surveilling the door kicked into gear. She walks up to a genuine leather couch and sits on it with a sigh as she brushes her hair out of her eyes. She leans down, reaching for her boots, slipping her fingers underneath the rim and beginning to ease the thigh high, high heel, platform-like boots off of her legs. She slowly eases them over her knees and continues down the rest of her sensual legs. She peels the remainder of the boot off her heel and foot with slight ease, her foot popping out of it soundlessly. She un-straps her sword from the side of her shin of her other leg and repeated the action of removing her boot.

She sits back up in her seat, tossing the boots in a random direction, not having a second thought about them. She gazes down at her cat suit... or what was left of it. It had seen its last day, it seemed. She simply ripped it apart from where it was barely holding itself together and simply stepped out of it, tossing it behind her inside an unseen wastebasket.

The day had been quite short of profitable. The job she was sent on bombed. She had been offered to bring in a subject, contracted to be paid handsomely if this subject was brought back alive, only half of what she was to get if he was terminated, but she had no choice. The subject was a threat to her healthy being, so she had to terminate him for her own safety. Yet just disposing of him was a job in itself. She sighs as she thinks back on it, her gaze averting back to where she had thrown her wardrobe, reminded by the battle from the shreds left in the fabric.

She stood up, the cool air of the room caressing her nude body in a chilly embrace as she draws in a deep breath, stretching her arms above her head. She stands on her tiptoes as she stretches her body in place. She lets off a slight moan as her body loosens after the stretch, and begins to head towards the master bedroom, soon to wash her daily troubles away with a nice hot shower. Along the way as she walked down the hallway, she turned to a room on the left, opening it up a little and peering in. There she saw her love sleeping. In the nude. Quite provocatively as well. The sheets were all strewn across the bed, she laying in the middle, surrounded by a collection of toys and gadgets suited for her needs. Scarlett was kind enough to let her love dip into her collection. Shimmer was quite the sexaholic, and she couldn't help but smile as her name was called in the middle of the butter girl's sleep. She slowly slipped into the room and up to her mate's bed, leaning down and kissing her on the cheek and trailing a paw down her body, caressing softly. Shimmer responded by moaning a bit in her sleep, and tilting her muzzle over to where Scarlett's lips where, as if on instinct, subconsciously kissing her most passionately. Scarlett giggles softly as she pulls away, snatching the strewn sheets and slowly covering her love, collecting her little 'toys' and putting them away for her. She slowly walks out of the room, silently closing the door behind her.

She continues on down the hall, coming across another occupied room. She cracks the door and peeks in, looking to find her 'sister' asleep as well. She was also in the nude... but then again, she was always in the nude. She smiles softly as she opens the door and strolls in, walking up to the young kitten. She caresses her cheek softly, Furball submitting a moan to her before Scarlett kisses her on the forehead, pulling the sheets over her shoulders and returning to the hallway. She closes the door softly.

She continues down the hall until she reaches her own room, unlocking the door and opening it, taking residence inside. She walks up to the bed and flops down on it lazily, and laying there for a brief while before rolling onto her back, resting her hands behind her head. Her mind drifted, submersed in her own thoughts, as they passed on the purpose of her life, as it usually did when she was alone. She wasn't entirely made of a genetic make up. She guessed she could be classified as a cyborg of some sort. Her skeleton was laced with some sort of metal, one of unknown origin to her. It was supposed to be the strongest in the world, and she did not doubt it. Whereas she did not only acquire a metal skeleton, she got a few toys to go with it.

She stood in the darkened room as she sighed once again. She slowly walked up to the full body-sized mirror and looked at herself in the dark. She slowly clenched her fists and released them slowly; then, without warning thrust out a set of metallic wings from both of her arms. They expanded another length of her arm, and then some, just barely brushing against the floor. She growled as she looked at herself. These were also given to her. She remembers the day all too well. As well as the day... she would never be the same.

She retracted her wings and made her way to the shower in a huff. She opened the side of the cylindrical shower stall and stepped into it, pressing a few buttons on the side, lined up with a row of gold trimming. She sets the shower settings to massage and the shower comes to life. She sighs softly as the warm water begins to pulse over her body, arching her back slightly and tilting her head back as she gets as much out of the shower as she wants.

She was made for one purpose in life. Destruction. That was the only explanation she could conclude with. It was possible that she was on their list from the very start. A girl child, no surviving parents, locked up in an orphanage. Its all the material they needed. A subject who had nothing to live for... at least, that's what they saw. She lost her parents supposedly in a train wreck, leaving her alone when she was 2. She was put in an orphanage after that. The quiet one. Wouldn't get along with anyone. She was the oddball of the group. The lowliest. Even in an orphanage, it seemed that there were higher classes of species. A mingle of races... lions, tigers, bears, dogs... even rodents. Even them she could not get along with. It was a concern to the staff. They always tried to help her blend in, but it was like her brain would just not process it, wouldn't let the acceptation take place. She didn't care about them. She wanted to be free. It was then she started plotting.

At the age of nine, she made her first and only successful escape from the orphanage. They didn't even know she had escaped until she was long gone. Out of the city. She had traveled entirely on foot, with a pouch slung over her shoulder on a stick. The population of her city just looked about it as if it were an everyday thing. They didn't care. None of them did. She reached the edge of the city by nightfall, and did not stop. She ventured through the dark, forested road for as long as she can remember. It was then she came to notice a strange ruffling in the bushes. Her senses had been aware of it for quite a while; she was just not paying attention to it. She wheeled around, but found nothing. It was then her world went black.

She woke up in some kind of tube, filled with a strange greenish liquid, floating upside down with an oxygen mask on. She blinked a few times as her eyes were yet to adjust to the liquid. When she was able to, she surveyed the room. Lab coats. A bunch of doctors. They were talking with one another, monitoring screens, writing down on clipboards. A handful of them were staring straight back at her as she stared at them. Talking a bunch of foolishness, they were. She couldn't understand a word of their technical talk. She didn't understand them. All she understood was pain. It suddenly rushed into her body, surging through her like electricity through a short circuit, pulsing through her to the point where she almost spasmed. The liquid bubbled furiously; lights and bells went off on the control panel. She screamed out into the oxygen mask, but the sound was dampened into nothing by the liquid. It was too much for her to bear... the world fell dark once again.

Scarlett finds herself slouched over in the shower stall, her arms resting on the sidewall, supporting her weight. She shook off the thoughts briefly as she reached for the soap and began to apply some to her paws and lather it up thoroughly. She slowly drifted her paws over her body, starting with her stomach and lathering outwards. She worked on her top half first, fully coating each arm and paw in succession before moving down towards her chest. She slowly works her paws over her soft, supple breasts, spending extra time over this region, caressing and foaming with a tender loving touch, stroking in circular motions before motioning her palms over her nipples. She grinds her paw pads against it, its firm texture pulling and brushing against her sensitive peaks of flesh, slowly hardening them. She purrs softly as one hand strays away from her chest and reaches for the back brush, while her other paw continues to fondle herself, starting to pinch and tease her nipples. She uses the brush on her back, reaching behind her precariously as she applies soap to it and begins to scrub at her back. She always enjoyed when someone else did her back for her, but neither Furball, nor Shimmer were awake. She sighs as she finishes scrubbing her back, replacing the brush in its holster and reaching for the soap once again.

Her mind begins to wander once more. It didn't take her long to learn about her wings. After she was locked down inside of the institution, and 'tamed', she was introduced to training sessions. She was pitted against opponents nearly twice, and even sometimes three times her size and told to defend herself by any means necessary. And that's exactly what she did. She was fierce... vicious. All her battles were valiant. She was not a quitter. She always put in 200% effort. But there came a time she was pitted against an opponent that she just could not beat. She was going to lose. The bear-like male she was going against was just too strong, too big. Her speed, strategy and skill were not enough... she needed more. She got more frantic with her attack, pressing on as best she could. Her opponent took advantage of her exhausted body, catching her in mid attack and pinning her to the floor, proceeding in choking the life out of her. Her mind raced as she tried desperately to get him off of her.

She didn't know if it was pure adrenaline, or just the sheer desperation she was in, but the most incredible and strange thing happened. She had her arms locked over his giant paws as they were wrapped around her neck. Then all of a sudden, with a sheer extreme and feral scream, a set of wings painfully sprouted from her arms, the pain of which she channeled into her next attack. With two swift swipes of her arms, the bear's arms were no longer attached to his body. He roared in pain as his arms fell away from her neck, literally, and fell to the ground. She was quick to recoil her legs back and plant both her heals into his sternum, sending him flying back towards the opposite wall. She then continued to swing and swipe her arms in his direction as miraculously wave upon wave of what looked like blades came out of her wings, flying lethally at the bear.

When the staff arrived, they were both a bloody mess, the bear from her fury, and herself from her wings piercing her flesh for the first time, blood running off of each individual blade. She sat there with her head hung, breathing heavily as she regained her composure. She had never killed a person in her life, and here, at the age of fifteen, the girl codenamed: Scarlet Angel had killed a man in fear of her life. She wasn't to know it, but she was now the most dangerous fifteen year old on the planet. She was sedated and taken to her chambers. Training started anew after that day, focusing on skills with her newfound wings, and that and other training continued on as long as see could remember.

It wasn't soon after that that she made yet another valiant escape and took it upon herself to go into hiding. She was smart enough to know how much she was worth to them, and vowed never to go back. No more training, no more suffering. And there she was again. No real purpose in life. Created to kill, nothing else. Yet she had managed to get through life, even go to school, where she found love and lost love, graduated with the highest honours, yet managing to keep a low profile as in case the government was still looking for her. She even had her own team at one time... but that in itself was a tragic story

Scarlett snapped back to reality, not wanting to think about her past anymore. She proceeded in cleaning herself as she thought of the present. She was very well off, ran her own business, and had friends and family that she loved dearly, and that actually loved her back. She decided she was not going to dwell on past mistakes, much with the influence of her family, and concentrate on the future, on how to make it better, in her little own way.

She smiled at the thought. Furball, her somewhat adopted sister (and strangely a sex slut). Shimmer her mate for life (and intriguingly sexaholic). JJ, her absolute best friend, erotic lingerie designer and porn star. Yes, she hung with a strange batch, but she loved style of choice. She smiles and blushes slightly as she shakes of the thoughts, going back to cleansing herself. She takes her lathered paws, and leans forward, resting her rump against the clear glass of the shower stall, and begins to lather her legs, feet and ankles up. She slowly moves her paws over each calf, them slowly becoming white with soap bubbles as she continues her way up. She passes her knees and begins to work up her thighs before she stops briefly, sitting on the shower stall floor, with her knees bent almost up to her chest. She continues her cleaning from the new position, her paws making their way downwards as she moves closer to the rest of her body, working on the outer thighs to begin with, then slowly inwards.

She mmm's softly as her paws drift closer and closer to the apex between her legs, purring softly as they creep in towards her womanhood. She let out a gasp of pleasure as her fingers brushed over her sensitive, and surprisingly ready slit. She let out little whines and moans as her skillful fingers careen and crooned over her sex, manipulating it just the way she liked.

Her chest begun to rise and fall a little quicker now, her breath rate picking up some. She was still limiting herself to just stroking her pussy as the shower water washed the soap off her body. She begins to pant lightly as she slowly drags her fingers downwards across her slit, at the pace of a snail, making that more agonizing for herself... that much more tantalizing.

She closed her eyes softly as she slowly begins to spread her sex with her fingers as if she were inviting an invisible partner to enter her. She then uses her other hand to caress and finger at the sensitive flesh inside of the folds of her labia the heat picking up in her body as slow waves of pleasure washing through her.

She finally presses two of her fingers inside of her, moaning loudly as she does so, slowly pressing them as far as she can, imagining that it was her love that was fingering her. She trembled softly as her muscles grabbed at her fingers like a vice, her eyelids fluttering slightly from the pleasure. She gasped and whined as she pulled out and thrust her fingers back in, slowly working up at her own pace as she began to finger fuck herself. She began to breathe fast and hard as her paw worked up to a frenzy, almost a blur as her fingers disappeared and reappeared from in her pussy, bringing her free paw back up to her breasts and taking her throbbing, pink nipples between her fingers. She pinched her needy looking nipples hard as she pressed a third finger up inside her, her climax quickly sneaking up on her. She massaged her breast lustfully as her fingers hammered into her pussy over and over again, starting to roll her hips into her own thrusts. She was very close.

She closed her eyes very tightly as she molested her own sex, her juices flowing freely with the shower water before she felt herself tense around her own fingers and stifled a wail as her pussy exploded in a flow of her nectar, gushing out between her fingers and onto the shower floor, mixing with the water and going down the drain. She shivers and whines as she continues to pump at her sex, drawing out her orgasm as she gives her clit a thorough caressing, almost setting her off a second time, and doing so as she squeaked in pleasure and surprise as her paw was met with another warm gush of her fluids.

She pants heavily as she pulls her nectar coated fingers out of her cunny and brings them up to her mouth, gently sucking them clean, moaning at the taste of her own cum. She then leans her head against the side of the shower, catching her breath before she cleans herself all over again and turns off the shower. She takes a fluffy towel off the towel rack and pats her fur dry.

She purrs lightly as she beams in the afterglow, placing the towel in the hamper and turning off the lights in the bathroom. She walks back out into the darkened bedroom and to her queen-sized bed. She pauses briefly as she sees two nude figures lying on her bed with a space in between. She smiles softly as she climbs up into the bed and cuddles between Furball and Shimmer before settling off to sleep.