Isekai Lovers

Story by Mlinzi Lioness on SoFurry

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When Sonzai finds himself in another world he also finds someone who loves him despite his need to wear dresses.

It'd been a long 18 years since Sonzai had been reincarnated. He had once called Japan his home though he hated it. His life had been drastically altered by a single man with a gun. Honestly, Sonzai felt he'd been saved from society since he loved to crossdress and act like a girl. A blessing in disguise. What he hadn't expected was to be reincarnated into the world of Nihon as an anthro panda.

He wasn't heavyset by any means. His waist curved almost in an hourglass shape accentuating his hips. Though, he kept it hidden under his frilly pink dress. The other denizens in his village smiled knowing full well the situation he endured. They didn't find it the least bit strange nor did they care that he had male suitors calling for him. However, when the suitors came calling they would turn away in embarrassment having never realized his true gender.

Sonzai spent his days working at the local tavern playing host to adventurers passing through. The village consisted of panda's but the adventurers came in all species. They would tell stories of their heroics and adventures in hopes of impressing him. He wouldn't let on his true gender and had fun with them all the same. One patron didn't care to revel in glory and praise for his work. He cared about one thing. The sweet innocent smile of Sonzai. Now, this particular patron was a badger in his early twenties and already looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with. Part of him longed to be with Sonzai but was too shy to admit it.

The panda slid past the other patrons to deliver food to a new set of adventurers that had shown up. After he placed to food on the table he looked over at the badger and smiled. He'd taken a liking to him. Sonzai walked over and sat on his lap.

"And what should I call you?" Sonzai said in his best sweet voice.

"Well, you can call me Senshi, Mrs. Sonzai."

Sonzai giggled and laid his head on the badger's shoulder. Senshi was grateful his fur hid the blush in his cheeks. The warm feeling of the panda in his lap caused him to huff before picking Sonzai up cradled in his arms.

"I'm taking Mrs. Sonzai to my room." Senshi grinned before carrying his new flame up the stairs to his room. The owner tried calling up the stairs behind him but he couldn't hear them before he shut the door and locked it. With a devious smile, Senshi laid Sonzai on the bed and took off his leather strapped gear. Sonzai licked his lips watching as the badger stripped.

The room was dim with the shutters shut and the oil lamp unlit. Sonzai could still make out the outline of the badger. Senshi kneeled on the bed leaning over, taking his time to lift the dress and slide his hand up along Sonzai's inner thigh. His hand brushed past the panties but something caused him to stop. He slid his hand back down the front of what he thought should have been smooth.

"What's this?" Senshi mused as he groped the Panda's sheath and balls. "So, you're a guy then. All the better."

Sonzai giggled as Senshi leaned in to grip the Panda's panties and pull them off with his teeth. The panda ran his hands over his chest wrinkling his dress as he rubbed his nipples. Senshi got the panties off and tossed them aside. He moved up the bed and lifted the dress sliding it up over Sonzai's head before dropping it over the side of the bed. With one hand Senshi gripped a now erect panda cock and slid his hand over each inch.

"Well, 'Mrs' Sonzai, let's see how loud I can make you moan."

The badger licked his free hand stopping to spit a little more into it before rubbing it over his own erect shaft. He reached to lift both of Sonzai's legs until he could see the star hidden just barely under the fluffy tail. Senshi pressed his thickness teasingly against Sonzai's hole before sinking it deep within. Sonzai huffed wrapping his legs around Senshi's waist pulling him closer.

Sonzai pulled the badger down on top of him holding him close. Senshi murred as he directed his attention to the neckline of his new playtoy. With each nuzzle of their muzzles, the badger would lean into the panda's neck and press his tongue at certain points. The panda took deep breaths at first but then moaned with each press. All the while Senshi rocked Sonzai's body with each thrust. It wasn't long before the Panda's moans filled the room. Between the sensitive points on his neck and the feeling of the thick shaft pressing hard on his prostate, it was overwhelming to Sonzai. Something the Panda hadn't expected was the feeling of the badger's fur brushing against his exposed cock. Before he could stop himself, Sonzai matted both their belly fur with thick ropes of cum. The badger could feel Sonzai's hole constrict around his shaft with each pump trying to milk his creamy goodness. Not long after Sonzai came Senshi filled the Panda's inside with his creamy goodness.

While they smiled and stayed in each other's warm embrace a loud banging came from the door.

"Is everything alright in there? We could all hear what's going on."

"We're fine in here." Sonzai huffed panting. "I'll be back to finish my shift soon."

They both listened as the footsteps faded down the hall.

"Hehe, so everyone heard us." Sonzai giggled.

"I bet there's not a dry seat in the house now." Senshi sighed nuzzling Sonzai. "So, you want to get dressed and get back to work?"

"Not yet, I want to relax in your arms for a little while longer."

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