Plebe Notes
#1 of Plebe Notes
Day: 01
Webster's definition of a plebe:
Plebe- (n.) a member of the freshman class at the U.S. Military and the Naval Academies
MY definition of a plebe:
People Lower (then) Every Body Else
That is the realization I have stumbled upon after being here for close to a whole day. Where is here you may ask? Well here is the Southern Military University in Milledgeville, Georgia. Don't worry, I had never heard of the place either till about a month ago. I wish nobody would have told my parents about the damn school.... maybe then they've been more loving and sent me to Valdosta State; instead of taking the cheap way out. Sigh , fuck it, fuck it all. You probably wondering why I'm even writing this journal...statement...I don't know what this thing is, but its helping to relieve some of my frustration, so if anybody don't want to hear me rant; 'get da hell out'. Ok, so I'm Michael Stewart or mike mike as my friends call me, just another 18yr. old teen graduate of high school from the ATL (Atlanta for those slow people out there). Anyways, I had some pretty sweet plans before being stranded at SMU. Originally I was supposed to be attending Valdosta on a full ride basketball scholarship. I'm the best point guard in the state(at only 5'4'' too) so I got a lot of offers. I wanted that party life so Valdosta felt like my ticket to bitches and beer. All my paperwork had been stamped and processed EXCEPT for a plain up to date physical. Now I'm an athlete so physicals are nothing new to me. I figured that it would be routine as usual and I'd pass, as usual. Well you can imagine the look on my face when I got the report back with a large "Medically Unqualified" stamped across the paper in blood red letters. Apparently since I'm an amalgamis, I....wait....what you mean you don't know what an amalgamis is. Really? Sigh , this is getting old, okay an amalgamis is any being that is part human and part anthromorph (or morph if you want to be non-technical about it). My dad is black and my mom, who I favor more in appearance, is an artic wolf so to speak. The only bit of my dad in me is my brown skin under all my medium length fur, the absence of padding on my hands and feet, and how my teeth are laid out. Other than that, you can't really distinguish me from any other wolf in town...well I guess you can since I'm the only amalgamis in this hick town.
SO...I'm stuck here at this god forsaken school in the god forsaken boonies enrolled in the god forsake Army ROTC cleaning my commander's piece of shit toilet with a dumbass toothbrush at 1:00 in the fucking morning. I wonder how long it'll take to get kicked out this dump?