
Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#252 of Commissions

Commission for Sarkethus!

When a low-level druid approaches a much more experienced member of a rival order, surely it's an opportunity to learn and exchange ideas, right? Poor Cherno underestimated how cruel his fellow druids can be, and the deer finds himself at the mercy of two cruel cats.

Contains: Noncon, musk, gangbang, worship, twincest, humiliation, mind breaking, and an alternate ending involving vore, digestion, and disposal!

In the absence of a breeze, the forest made for the best shelter. Cherno wiped his brow with one hand while the other remained firmly wrapped around his quarterstaff turned walking stick. The buck had to admit he was a bit embarrassed to show up in the realm of another druid all covered in sweat. How was he supposed to present himself as a master of nature if he could hardly handle a bit of heat? The humidity ensured he was glistening beneath his leathers while he trekked his way through the dampness of the rainforest in which the land's warden and mistress dwelt. Well, he probably didn't have to worry. He was pretty new to all of this, and all the other druids of his own order had been patient and helpful as he learned to walk the path.

Granted, they had all been members of his own order. As a student of a peaceful, harmonious way, Cherno always got along well with his fellow followers. Today was his first time venturing into the territory of another order - though hardly an opposing one. Their views might have been less optimistic, and their practices sometimes more brutal, but such things were to be expected when living in a more hostile part of the world. Nature was much less forgiving in such a place, where the most massive of beasts dwelt and the most venomous of insects crawled. He was confident he could open a good dialogue between two different schools of thought.

Of course, he couldn't be too calm. There were threats in such a place, as always. Once he considered that a little longer, he gripped his staff tighter and took a cursory scan around the dense brush. In his own lands, the worst he dealt with were the occasional feisty wolves, or a grumpy bear. It was nothing some minor charming spells couldn't get him out of. But if he dropped his guard for one moment, who knew what might have pounced him? To say nothing of the dangers of spiking himself on an envenomed thorn, or stumbling into a well-concealed web. Despite the tropical heat, he found himself feeling a little chilled at the thought. He was sheltered from the sun beneath the thick canopy, but that just meant there were more shadows for beasts to hide in while they snuck up on him. He swore he got the sense of something following him the entire time, but he needed to refine his wild senses better to know for sure.

When he came across the resident druidess of the forest, his immediate relief faded to caution, the more he looked at her. Clad not just in skins, but in the skull and bone of fallen creatures, she sat crosslegged in a circle of bloodied stones with her hands raised high towards the all-concealing canopy above as if in praise to the glory of an unseen one. Or at least he assumed it was blood painted in intricate patterns across the stones . It looked fresh. The pantheress chanted amid the dead traces, wearing the skull of an ox like a crown, and all around her the energy had gathered. It rose in crimson wisps and painted strange symbols and patterns upon the stretched, dried skin of an unknown animal upon a rack. Cherno didn't recognize such magic. It made his fur tingle just to look at it. When she gazed at him through the sockets of the skull upon her head, he froze right where he was standing.

"My my. A visitor? I thought I had made it abundantly clear to the townsfolk that I am not to be disturbed."

There was no small part of Cherno that wished to do nothing more but to turn his tail and flee right that very moment. Perhaps it was his instincts, or perhaps just common sense. A cat the colour of the night gave him a violet gaze that teemed with threat. In that moment, it served to remind him that they both followed the rules of nature. And in nature, a pantheress like her was a predator of a gentle leaf-eater like him. Yet for all the intimidation he might have felt, he gripped his staff firmly and introduced himself.

"Ah, no! Not from the town. I'm a travelling druid, and I thought it customary -"

"You?" She did not hide her disbelief. Slowly rising from her cross-legged pose, she stood before him, armoured in nature's fallen. "You are Her champion? Do you cast woeful looks upon those who would stomp upon your roots? Tame beasts with a gentle coaxing?"

"I'm not sure what you mean," he said, even as he found himself thinking that he probably did. It wasn't exactly the warm welcome he'd been hoping for. "You are called Mira, right? I'm Cherno, from the circle of harmony, and -"

"Ah. That explains it." She didn't so much cut him off as she just picked up where he trailed off. "We do not follow the same beliefs, deer. I have seen nature's brutality. The strong survive. And they take what they want."

From there, she shifted from a more aggressive, hunched pose and swirled a lock of black hair around one of her fingers. A rumble emanated from her, felt right through the air, or perhaps resonating down to her paws and up past his hooves.

"Maybe what I want is you. Are you going to stop me? Let's see your magic, warden."

With that, she came closer still, inching towards him, giving him plenty of time to prepare a spell. He'd never used magic against a fellow druid. The thought of such left his incantations scattered, his focus strained. She was getting closer. Maybe it was all a show, a test of his mettle before they proceeded with the usual exchange of knowledge that came with meeting another like him in their realm. He concentrated as deeply as he could with the looming black cloud of a threat coming closer and finally pushed his hands out to cast a simple binding spell. It was the best he could manage on such short notice.

Creeping vines emerged from the dirt, obeying his direction, lashing at her ankles in effort to bind her. Mira simply responded with a dismissive gesture as much thicker, thorny vines sprang up to encoil and choke Cherno's tendrils seemingly to death. Nothing he could summon up or manipulate would have had a chance against her. He frantically cycled through his magical knowledge. He hadn't prepared anything for this precise situation, for certain. Attempting to call upon the beasts of the unknown forest couldn't have ended well. Same with attempting to charm her directly A simple cantrip of flame was hardly more than a spark in his hand, but he conjured it nonetheless in a final desperate effort to keep his attacker at bay.

When he lashed out with the little puff of fire, she simply tipped her head to the side to avoid it. His final plan was to attempt to fend her back with his quarterstaff. Nothing to do serious harm, just a sweep at her legs so he could make his getaway. That was his primary desire in those moments. All he wanted was to leave, and he could simply tell his order that he could not find the forest's guardian. Before he could consider the consequences of a little white lie like that, she grabbed his weapon mid-swing and wrenched it from his grip with ease. He was left defenseless, helpless, staring at her for the brief moment she took between disarming him and utterly disabling him.

A quick blow just above his hooves sent him tumbling. He hit the ground rather hard and was left looking up at his death-clad attacker. She pointed his own staff at him like a sword at his throat and finally just gave a cruel chuckle.

"Beaten by your own weapon? Not even a thunderclap or a flaming sword to challenge me?"

"I don't ... usually need to use those spells," he sheepishly admitted.

"Were I more generous, I might offer to help you learn. But what have you done to deserve my mentoring? Perhaps you're better used to satisfy my appetite. Your antlers will make a fine crown, whelp."

Even as a druid, a master or at least an apprentice of nature, he could not fully separate himself from the deer he was. A flash of her fangs told him it was time to immediately flee from there, as fast as he could. He didn't think about how dangerous it was to show her his back, nor did he consider how generous she was to simply let him get up and run like that. She watched him go as he tore off into the trees, not caring about the branches whipping against his skin, nor about the other potential dangers lurking in every shadow. The pantheress had proved herself the most dangerous creature of all. His leathers grew tattered as he made his mad dash towards safety, fully convinced that if the big cat caught him, she'd kill him. Once his instincts latched onto that thought, there simply was no stopping his legs. Until he hit the tripwire at least.

It took him out at the ankles mid-sprint, sending him toppling over himself so roughly that a prong of his antlers snapped off as he collided with the ground and rolled over himself a few times. A rustling in the trees was the only warning of his attacker. He looked up to see a flash of green eyes, framed by a hood that fell back as the leatherclad brigand descended from a branch. It wasn't Mira, but another big cat. The leopardess pounced on him from considerable elevation, knocking him flat. The lock of her fangs around his throat briefly deprived him of air and set off a sense of pure panic that left him kicking and thrashing beneath her weighty form. A tightly-bound bust squished to his heaving chest while she nibbled on him, stopping short of suffocating him. A few good chomps ensured he knew how sharp her fangs were.

A lock of crimson hair drooped from her hood while she ran her hands down his sides, grasping at every little satchel and trinket he kept on his person. He was pretty sure he recognized Mahiri from a wanted poster or two. Everything of value got stripped off his body in turn, sometimes tugged free, sometimes sliced off with the blade of a dagger. She cut his coinpurse and collected his meagre wealth for herself, and she snipped the strap of his humble armour while she was at it. It wasn't long before she'd stripped him totally bare, leaving him at the mercy of her paws, and her claws. Those natural blades were just as deadly as her knives. She stroked along his chest with them as she considered her naked prize.

"That's all you have to offer me? And here Mira promised me some rich fools would wander through here." She leaned in close, pressing her nose right against his own. "I'll just have to find a use for you."

He was drained of magic and stamina alike. Not that either of those would have helped him resist the nimble thief. She got a good grip on his hair and used it as a handle for turning him over and shoving his face in the grass. He got his nose rubbed in the dirt while she mounted up on him. The grip of her fangs around the back of his neck ensured he wasn't going anywhere. She nipped him as if searching for a scruff to latch onto, but he was no cat. Instead, she just locked her teeth around his whole neck from behind while she rubbed a thick bulge against his rump, thrusting him back down to the forest floor every time he tried to raise his hips and push her off of him.

"Curvy buck, aren't you? Sure you grew those antlers yourself?" she rumbled in her ear as she crudely humped him, again and again.

It wasn't long before he felt her growing against him. Even beneath the layer of black leather, he could sense her lust as she rubbed it against his bare rump again and again. Only after she'd humped him for a minute straight did she actually start loosening her belt and lowering those tight breeches of hers. A solid, ebon cat cock pressed against one bare cheek of his butt, already spilling a layer of precum onto his fur. He caught her scent immediately, a mix of pure lust and the pent up sweat that came with dressing in leather in such a humid environment. He started perspiring even more just being beneath her, soaking up her body heat and scents alike like a squirmy little sponge.

"Don't ... " came his faint plea, stifled by her slightly choking grip. That was all he bothered to say, knowing that horny cat wasn't getting off of him, and he couldn't fight her when she'd already won.

"Go ahead and squirm for me, doe meat. You're a long way from your peaceful little grove, aren't you?"

As much as he wanted to hold perfectly still and spare the indignity of struggling, he soon found himself whimpering and wriggling alike as she pushed to enter him. The fat tip of an uncut dick pressed right under his little tail. She indented his flesh with the pressure of a slick shaft spreading him open, and then rumbled her way through penetrating that tight buck butt with a little schlick of her excess juices. A sweaty forest fuck from a cruel rogue cat was hardly how he saw his meeting going, but there was no escaping the lusty feline pushing under his tail. He felt the warmth of her cock in his belly, felt her spurting an excess of precum, felt her teeth, her claws, her cushioned bust squished against his shoulders the entire time. Squirming was purely ceremonial by then, but still desperately grasped at the grass nonetheless, as if nature might have mercy on her servant if he expressed his distress enough.

Nothing answered his silent call but for the plap of a fat pair of leopard balls pumping against his butt. She spanked him hard as she fucked him deep, driving selfishly into his tight hole while she nibbled on him. Now and then he felt the scratch of her tongue on his neck when she took another taste of him. It was a constant reminder that he was prey to the superior hunter, that he was lucky she only wanted his ass for the moment. She tugged his hair, she swatted his rear, and most of all she thumped him hard as her pace turned more savage by the moment, pounding him down into a pronounced indent in the dirt, as if to plant him like a seed.

Yet for all the discomfort that came with her roughness, the deer found a certain pleasure in the ferocious, forceful fuck he was enduring. Her wet cock plunged into him with such lust, such untamed desire, pressing his tender button over and over, and he couldn't help but start firming a little himself. A twitch of his trapped sheath against his belly brought a whimper out of him, and so did a pleasured clench of his ring around Mahiri's buried shaft while she had her way with him. Feeling his body start reacting to her was enough to make her deeply rumble all over him, stimulating him further with those powerful purrs while she fucked his ass numb.

"You love that, don't you? A fierce predator to take you for her own ... it's just natural."

She chuckled at her own joke. Too bad Mira wasn't there to hear it. The pantheress hadn't given pursuit of the deer, knowing her twin was laying in wait. It was just Mahiri and Cherno alone while she defiled him. He panted while she grunted her way through that thudding, grinding rut, pleasuring herself with his girly body and pleasuring him right back in the process. There was nothing kind about the way she fucked his butt, but he proved himself at experienced in something at least as he took her cock without too much further complaint. He still squirmed, of course. He wasn't about to fully calm down when he had a big cat's fangs around his throat, no matter how good her cock felt shoving balls deep in his tight, girly ass.

The leopardess had robbed him of his few possessions and his dignity alike, and all he could do was bleat about it. She got faster, harsher, throwing her body into his, smashing him down into the grass while she smacked his ass with two truly plump cat nuts. His response was to tighten up for her, to moan and cry and lift that cute butt right up for her to smack down again with her endless thrusts. He could feel her twitching hard inside him, feel those thin spurts thickening. She'd already made such a mess of him. He was soaking in sweat, most of it his own, the rest a mix of salty perspiration that splashed off from his soaked rump while she fucked him to a musky peak. His shaft was rigid, squished between the dirt and his cock-bulged belly, leaking, pulsing with the pace of his pounding heart.

Her teeth dug slightly deeper and her grip on his hair grew harsher, painfully stealing some azure locks from his scalp as she rowled her way to a bellowed climax. It was hardly a roar, but instead a scream of feline bliss as she buried that sleek shaft inside him as deep as it could reach and clenched her way to painting his insides pure white with fresh cat cream. He felt his belly swell and he felt a splash of the excess pour down his taint, marking his balls in leopard cum while the rest shot straight inside of him. That warmth, that throbbing climax, that roughness, it was all enough to get a solid spurt of the girly deer right back. No matter how violent, how forceful, how cruel the cat had been with him, a fat cock in his ass still made him cum.

He was still shooting for her by the time she started binding up his wrists with some spare rope she kept on her person. A slow pullout made for a messy _splurch_of her jizz all over his backside, followed by a few last ropes across his cheeks and back. She huffed, she growled, but mostly she purred. A whack on his splattered rump snapped him out of his orgasmic daze. It was time to get to his hooves, no matter how weak his legs might have felt. She dragged him up once she got her cock away, though she still bulged plenty. He staggered, he panted, he even drooled a little when he couldn't quite catch his breath. Soaked and smelling of feline lust, he stumbled his way through the forest in a daze, all the way back to where Mira awaited on a makeshift throne of roots and skulls alike.

The ancient trees had woven themselves into a cozy seat for the pantheress. Perhaps at her command, or perhaps to simply accommodate her whims. She'd decorated her chair with the remains of those who had perished in the forest - and from a glance, they were far from just beasts. Cherno recognized the toothy skulls of wolves, of hyenas, of birds of prey - and even those of other cats. A little cannibalism was never fully out of the question for a druid, as much as he preferred not to think about it. Though that all perhaps distracted from the fact that the black cat was fully naked as she awaited him. She looked like she could hardly wait any longer.

Her glistening form was drenched in perspiration as she idly throbbed in welcome. Her dark shaft closely matched her twin's, though it was adorned with even more uncut skin, enough to almost totally conceal its head. Mahiri shoved him with a foot when he hesitated for too long. He stumbled forth and fell to his knees before the forest goddess while she regarded him in violet. There was fear in his heart, but there was also respect and reverence for the superior warden of nature, no matter how brutal her ways might have been. He hoped that all reflected in his shiny eyes when he looked up at her, trembling slightly, still sloshing with all the spunk Mahiri had put inside him. She looked past him and to her sister instead.

"Is he as good a fuck as he looks?"

"Mmhm. Tight. Squeezy. Just doesn't know what he needs yet."

"Good." Mira's smirk was truly wicked. She beckoned to the kneeling buck. "Come closer, then. Let's see if we can't teach you a thing or two."

It wasn't an offer. He hesitated for just half a moment, but that was enough to get him seized by the antlers and dragged facefirst into her heavy balls. Her wild musk hit him immediately, flooding his senses with a dose of pure pantheress. It was enough to make his eyes water slightly, and every breath just sent him further into head-spinning, choking intoxication. That was all just a start. He swam in her sweat while she scented him with a deep grind. Her grip on his antlers never wavered, threatening to pull them right off for how rough she was in keeping his face poised right between her nuts. Rubbing herself all over his features ensured he swiftly smelled thickly of her, drenched in the superior scent of a true druid, and not just some journeyman like him.

"If you intend to be more than a pelt around my waist, you'll show me some tongue," she thundered.

Though her words were more felt than heard, he understood the threat just fine. It never escaped him that he was at the mercy of two big cats who'd already proven they cared little for his well-being. Mahiri already would have broken him if he wasn't so resilient to a good, deep dicking. Mira, he trusted even less to contain herself when she had an urge. She was wild. A few steps from a feral beast of the woods. Her rich taste only reminded him of that. He started slurping her balls clean as best he could, though he could hardly keep up with all the sweat glistening up on her silky fur. That soft fuzz stroked his tongue pleasantly while he licked her with all the reverence he could muster, but even soaking her nuts in several layers of deer drool wasn't enough to keep her from growling and yanking him closer.

"Now suck them," she commanded.

He could only handle one at a time. The taste was enough to make his head absolutely throb with the swirling disorientation that came in nearly drowning in scorching panther musk. His lower lip outright trembled as he struggled to fit even one of her massive nuts past his lips. He felt like he might pass out at any moment, with his nose pressed in her crotch, inhaling nothing but wild cat with every shuddering gasp. Even so, it was no excuse not to suck her balls as best he could. A cheek bulging, drooling, loudly schlurking treatment was hardly elegant, but it seemed to keep her rumbling in the less threatening way. No growling, just that constant heavy vibration resonating down from her chest and through her entire curvy body.

While he serviced her, she slowly closed her thighs around his head. For such a capable creature, she was very soft. Her thighs came padded with some extra pudge, as did her belly and breasts. It all made her look athletically well-fed, and that only motivated him to shove her nuts in his mouth all the deeper, one by one, alternating with a brief gasp in between to keep from suffocating. No doubt her instincts were telling her the exact opposite of his own at every moment. She loomed above, quietly sinister, blacker than shadow, and he knew she saw him as little more than meat. He had to prove to her he was more than that, and his every slobbery suckle surely brought him closer to his goal. That was of course the only reason for how eagerly he worshiped her like a goddess. That his cock was firm the whole time, throbbing when he took a moment to inhale drenching forest aromas, surely didn't mean anything.

"Something tells me we have a little musk slut on our hands," she chuckled as she watched the intoxicated deer work her over. "I'll make you stink of cat by the time I'm done, buck. Here's a little more for you."

This time she shifted her grip down to take him by the hair once more, just to make sure he followed her every single tug. He found himself facing her well-wrapped cock, but before he could move in to suck, she held him in place with a tight grip right down to his scalp.

"Tuck your tongue in there. Right under the skin. Clean me, whelp. Surely you're good for something."

He'd already grown so intoxicated on her, he didn't know how he could possibly handle any more of her overpowering taste. Yet as he dipped his tongue beneath that heavy foreskin to dip deeply into her muskiest place, he found himself falling deeper into mind-wiping oversaturation. One tiny lick was enough to make him reflexively recoil. It was too much, too rich, too flavourful, pummelling his senses with pure cat taste. A slight shudder almost became a choke, but he didn't dare pull his tongue out. He remained trapped between the dark black skin and the plump head of her cock. Through a salivating haze, he followed the whims of his party hypnotized mind, swiping smoothly all around her tip, licking every little detail, cleaning up the accumulated sweat and scent that clung to her pulsing spire. The precum shooting into his open mouth was like a refreshing drink compared to the numbing cocktail of pure, untamed cat musk.

As much as he might have tried to keep showing her good service, there was only so much his senses could take. Denied of anything resembling fresh air, he found himself wavering, his eyes fluttering as the pantheress bath threatened to drown him. His tongue still moved to lick her clean as if purely by instinct, but he faltered a little more while her thickly potent flavour pounded through his mind. It was more than just a taste by then. It overtook his whole being, leaving him a slumping fading mess of a drooling deer doing his best to keep adoring the forest goddess. When his efforts proved unsatisfying to the big cat, she snorted and shoved him back with a paw pressed firmly to his chest, easily toppling him in his weakened state.

Left sprawled out on his back, he got perhaps two seconds of reprieve before she stepped on him. Thankfully not with the full weight of her supple body, but just with a paw pressed down on his solid shaft, pressing it down to his belly. There she rubbed a few times, spreading the dirt and sweat alike across his inches. He simply endured, panting hotly, every breath tasting of her cock, while she walked her way across his body. Her weight remained balanced on her natural throne as she kneaded those damp pawpads along his belly, his chest, then his face. He was eclipsed in sweaty cat paws as she squished them down over his features, leaving his nose trapped snugly between her toes for him to sniff. As drunk on her as he was, that deep, needy inhale was something that came purely by instinct.

Choking on the cloud of pantheress that had enveloped him, he soon did his best to turn his head away and gasp for something resembling air while she squished him beneath her paws. When he saw her rising up, he feared for a moment she might crush his head right then and there. Instead, she slipped off to the side, leaving trails of perspiration along his cheeks as she stood above him. A glance at her lighter twin had the two cats exchanging chuckles at the sight of the poor, sprawled deer, drenched and thoroughly dishevelled, soaking in pure wild cat, bathed in her natural forest aromas, steaming with her raunchy mark. And it all just made him so hard, no matter how humiliated or even disgusted he might have been getting tainted by the dirty cat.

"How far does this boy's depravity go? Will he cum for us, just by sniffing a dirty savage like me?" Mira teased, ever so slowly lowering herself down as she spoke.

Cherno saw his fate looming, He knew he should have tried to crawl out of the way, but his body wasn't responding. She'd drained him of all his power with her potent scent, and he was only going to dive deeper into musky pantheress as she nonchalantly sat directly on his face. He got his muzzle shoved firmly between her plush cheeks, immersed in silky-sweaty fur, kissing right up against her rim while she seemed to rain sweat down upon him. There was a great deal accumulated there, and her grinding on his mouth and nose ensured he didn't miss that fact. Lipsticked by her taint and ring alike, he simply sputtered and faintly struggled, giving a meek push on her thighs as if she might show mercy for the pure raunch-drenched deer smothered under her thick ass.

"You're not getting out until you cum for me, buck. Sniff. Lick. Drown yourself in panther like the dirty deer you are."

Her words came with the kind of threatening rumble that he knew she wasn't just teasing. She'd suffocate him if she didn't get what she wanted. And her scent still drove him mad, even while he struggled for air. There was little more to do but to inhale her, to breathe her deep into his lungs and lick his way along the soaking crevice of her taint until he could properly eat her ass. One good swipe along that slathered rim was enough to make him regret his decision. He swallowed her salty sweat and flooded his senses in her thought-breaking musk until he felt as if the perspiration pouring from his body was her own. His own scent had long since vanished, rubbed away by her grinding dominance, He was forever defiled, little more than a big cat's sweat rag, desperately licking her ass in hopes she might be satisfied with her throne before he expired.

It wasn't a matter of getting her off. Instead, the constant swipe of his tongue along the taut ring under the panther's tail kept him inundated with musk to the point it simply pressed buttons inside his mind he never knew could be pressed. For all her drenching essence, her ripe, searing scent of wild cat, every lick brought him a tingle of pleasure unlike any other. His tongue was nearly numb, his face was drenched, his hair matted down with all the sweat he'd absorbed. And still he licked on, savouring the naturally dirty cat until it brought him his peak. Without a single stroke across his azure spire, he suddenly, violently erupted for her. She turned her head over her shoulder and watched him gush all over himself just from eating her ass, licking his way to a climax he couldn't possibly contain.

Only when he was a steaming, staring wreck, bathed in her scent as much as his own spunk, did she finally withdraw from him. He was left coughing, choking his way back to consciousness, if it could be called that. His eyes were open but hardly seeing. His body writhed and twitched of its own accord, shuddering his way back to the real world. His breath remained saturated with hot cat, leaving him feeling like he was breathing fire. What had been a pretty deer was a dirtied rag, soaking up earthy, sweaty forest cat scents, smelling like a beast of the wild. Her taste would never leave his tongue for as long as he lived, and he'd be lucky to ever bathe it from his skin as well.

"Musk slut doesn't begin to cut it, really." Mahiri idly played with herself, scanning up and down the stupefied buck. "I've never seen someone cum just from huffing your ass."

"Maybe you should spend a few weeks out here with me, then." It was at the same time a tease as it was a genuine invitation, from the sound of it.

"Maybe. If the entertainment remains as good. Though I already miss having a real bed."

She stepped over to him and nudged him with a foot. He wasn't getting up. Instead, he faintly murmured, trying not to drool too much as he doggedly panted his way back to relative stability. His cum slowly tickled down his hips while he gazed at the vaguely spotty blur above him. Mahiri shrugged at the sight and simply started stripping from her armour. There certainly was no need for protection so deep in the forest, though it did mean putting aside a multitude of hidden trinkets, weapons, and other tools. She was hardly any less drenched than her twin, peeling herself from the clinging layers that kept her ample curves confined. Now he had two soft cats standing over his body, mixing their scents. For all his weakness, he couldn't help but find himself twitching back to casual interest, then increasing need the more he inhaled the dirty cats who'd captured him.

"Pathetic thing didn't even make me cum," Mira said with a grimace.

"Easy way to fix that. But I see something I want.."

The leopardess nudged at Cherno's hardening shaft with her bare paw, slick with the sweat that'd accumulated in her boot. It only took a tiny bit of attention for him to swell to full, clenching, taut arousal. His balls pumped with the sudden need that flowed through him, no matter how recently he'd been released. Exhausted or not, he stayed hard for the spotty cat slowly settling down atop him until she could sit snugly on his dick. She didn't hesitate to line it up under her tail and put her weight down on him, forcefully shoving him inside her all at once. He bottomed out in thick rogue rump with a thump of his balls to her spotty cheeks, left with nothing more to give her but a whimper. Which was silenced soon enough when Mira chose her spot.

It was a good thing he'd managed to stabilize his breathing, because it was time to smother in sweltering druidess once more. She knelt over his face and let her nuts plap down on his chin at first, but soon she shadowed him, planting her hands in the dirt so she could stroke her cock along his lips until he accepted it inside. Everything he did was pure instinct by that point. Latching onto a fat, uncut cat cock only came natural to a good little doe like him. Once again that taste assaulted his senses, and now he had a tight, flexing hole wrapped around his dick to help milk the musk-drunk pleasure out of him even faster.

The combined power of their purring kept him stimulated while they rode and fucked him alike. Mira's cock shoved straight into his throat once she found her position, pounding straight down into his mouth while he glurked and guzzled all the juices she stirred up in her rising lust. Mahiri meanwhile bounced herself up and down on his shaft, shoving him balls-deep in leopard butt, slapping those cheeks down on his hips and balls while she ruthlessly rode him. He couldn't even thrust back into her for how hard she came down on him, again and again. All he could do was cling to Mira's hips and hope his little squeezes encouraged her to be a little gentler with his poor gullet.

Snorting and snarling their way through their utter domination of the low-level druid, they rode his body into the ground in the utter opposite of synchronization. It was as if to ensure he couldn't rest for a single second, getting his throat plunged one moment, then his dick driven deep into the clenching confines of a tight leopard ass the other. He could only vaguely paw at the both of them as they rode his cock and face alike. There was some trace of resistance left, some shred of his dignity that made him paw and push at their curves while they claimed him yet again, but he knew when he was beaten. All that remained was to wait until they tired of using his body.

He wasn't entirely certain of it it was the grip of Mahiri's rump around his cock, or the taste of Mira's cum that truly set him off. They collectively summoned up more and more sexual stamina from him, rushing him to another orgasm as if in tribute to the two cruel goddesses atop him. For every shot he gave inside the leopardess, she gave another across his belly, and her own sister's back. Mira was hardly phased when she was busy delving balls deep in Cherno's throat, leaving him to suck down as much of the overwhelming load of panther cum as he possibly could. The taste hardly registered in his senses at first while he was busy gulping desperately to keep from choking, emptying his balls between the cheeks of a thick-bodied thief in the process.

For all his effort, he still couldn't swallow it all. He ended up with an overflowing reservoir of a throat, pouring black cat jizz down his cheeks and chin when it didn't just end up in his nose. That left him sputtering and recoiling, trying to get that savage dick out of his mouth before it choked him out. Mira stayed inside his mouth until she'd dumped most of her load straight into his belly, and only then did she pull out to paint the face and hair of the struggling deer. He got further inundated in her scent in the process, feeling it sinking deeply into his fur, staining his locks, drenching his senses into a deeper spiral of musk-induced dizziness. Hacking his way back to breathing just made him wriggle there beneath the leopard, getting his nuts drained by her clenching rump, a few last ropes of her cum spraying across his increasingly taut middle.

A wheezing, steaming, squinting wreck of a buck was probably a good indication of their triumph. They'd beaten him. There were no bards to sing of their victory, but they would have all agreed. That was one defeated deer. He'd learned his lesson, most likely. Never would he assume his fellow druids were friendly again. If they'd just give him a few minutes, or perhaps hours, to gather his wits and hobble away from their combined assault, he would have been happy to never speak of his violation again. Even if it was going to take a series of thorough baths in whatever streams he could find before he felt remotely clean again. Yet for all that wishful thinking of escape, the feline smirks he glimpsed through his blurred vision told him they still had plans for him and his girly body. He hardly felt flattered that they desired him so much.

"What a mouth on him. Feels like he's spent more time under a tavern's table than he has on his fighting skills," Mira purred.

"We've all got our talents. Some of us were made to suck cocks," Mahiri mused. "Let me have a round with that cute face."

"Of course. I want some time under that little tail. He's been lifting it ever since he met me."

"Deer always look like they're offering themselves up," came Mahiri's chuckle.

They wouldn't let him rest. They wouldn't even let him lay there and passively endure their lustful greed. No, they had to haul him to his hooves, no matter how shaky he was. He was amazed really at how effectively they'd sapped every last trace of his energy. His mind was clouded to the point he felt as if he'd never known any magic at all. All his teachings and natural experience alike seemed to drain from him while he lingered in the choking cloud of two musky cats. Every breath was another pungent sample of feline richness, especially from the pantheress. It clung to every single inch of his naked body, sweltering and potent, ensuring all would know precisely who he belonged to even if he did manage to make his escape once they were done with him. If they ever were.

That didn't seem likely given the state of their solid, slathered cocks. They were still pumping, their balls still clenching up with fresh lust for his girly form. They tugged him by the arms and antlers alike until he was standing with their full support. Like a doll in their clutches, he limply teetered to one side before they caught him and forced him to plant his hooves while they bent him over. He found himself with his arms tugged back, his face shoved directly in the leopard's crotch, and a plump panther dick shoved up between his cheeks. The black cat rubbed there for a while, grinding along his balls and taint, crosswise along his rim, streaking in the jizz still dripping from him from Mahiri's rut. That didn't bother Mira in the slightest.

She eventually found her way to that pre-lubed hole and yanked his hips back in a clawing grip so she could bury herself beneath his tail. He took half that uncut cock at once, and any noise he might have wanted to make got muffled in the thick fur of the leopard's loins. He smothered there, his nose shoved right above the base of her shaft while she rubbed her dick under his chin. Of course she eventually found his mouth, letting it glide along his lips to smear them up with a glossy layer of her juices. She couldn't make her mind up whether his hair or his antlers were better for yanking, gripping both while she forcefully jammed her thick member right towards his throat, ramming forth with ruthless force, making him suck her off or choke. The choice was hardly his.

Without a shred of dignity left to retain, he warmly nursed the leopard's cock while she fucked his face, maybe in vague hopes that they'd finally be satisfied with him if he cooperated a little. Or maybe it was just to slurp the taste of that glossy black dick, and swallow it down for himself. There was plenty for him to gulp with how much she spurted into his throat. Mira too was already making him even wetter with all those excess juices shooting from her shaft by the time she was fully buried in him. His belly stretched around the shape of that oversized spire, stretched out a little more once she started spanking his ass with deep, powerful strokes. Mira was just slightly bigger than her twin, but enough that Cherno noticed while she reamed him.

Soon it became apparent to him that he was caught in the middle of an unspoken sibling rivalry. They couldn't help but get a little competitive. One solid, doe-making thrust under his tail propelled him forward into the leopard's groin, only for Mahiri to thump him right back a little harder. They battled to see who could rut the deer harder, folding him between their soft bodies, slamming him with strength their curvy forms didn't immediately imply. There was a little cushion on their thighs and bellies when he got smacked into them again and again, but mostly it was a spanking, breaking ride that left him shaking before they even accelerated to full pace. The schlurk of cum-lubed cock pressing into his rump, and the constant glurk of him attempting to keep up with all the juices spraying down his throat ensured their grand finale was as noisy as it was messy.

His hands were technically free, but the most he could do was lightly paw at Mahiri's belly while she fucked his face like any other hole. The brutality of the pantheress' savage pace, driving that dick deeply into his jiggling rear again and again ensured that the leopard's strokes delved even deeper down his throat. Soon his arms slumped as he felt himself teetering on the edge of consciousness, hardly getting a chance to breathe, choking on leopard precum, and getting his pleasure button absolutely annihilated in the process. He was left drooped and weakened, faintly sucking Mahiri off with what little he had left to give. They fucked him so deep he didn't even have to support himself on his hooves anymore, left dangling and impaled between two horny feline beasts.

He eventually was allowed to fall to his knees between them, but he regretted that in a way. That just seemed to give them more leverage to fuck him from both sides at once. His eyes watered, his body spasmed all over, and most of all the clenching pump of his ass around Mira's dick signalled another impending orgasm being forced out of him. As good as it might have felt, he didn't want to keep cumming for the nasty cats. That just confirmed all their teasing, all their smug satisfaction that they'd broken him into nothing more than their slut. Maybe that was true. Maybe he never was a real druid if he could be so easily disarmed and claimed like that. Or maybe that was just his shattered mind talking while he experienced the last spark of pleasure he could possibly endure. It all erupted in one more pumping cumshot before he flickered out into something near oblivion.

Spilling his seed upon the forest floor, he swiftly felt the cats following suit, one after another. He wasn't sure if it meant Mahiri won or lost that she went off first. A yanking tug of his hair claimed a handful of it while she snarled her way through her sloppy throatfuck climax. She put one hand on her hip to brace herself for dumping her nuts straight down his gullet, leaving him drooling it moments later when he couldn't possibly swallow any more of that fresh, hot cream. He was bloated, his belly sagging, gurgling, his groans muffled by the white fur smothering his face. With his nose buried in her crotch, puffing her pure leather-toned musk, he desperately gargled as much of her spunk as he could take, shuddering and choking on her dick in the process, sure he couldn't possibly handle another load, just as he got one.

The pantheress gave his ass a harsh smack that rang out through the forest while she bred him full of cat cum. At least Mahiri pulled from his mouth in time to let him whimper his way through accepting Mira's seed. She clutched him and clawed him while she emptied her taut nuts under his tail. A thick shot of spunk was immediately followed by another, and another, endlessly filling him up until he swore he could taste her jizz mixing with Mahiri's own. Shortly after that, he didn't have to swear it. His utterly bloated belly couldn't possibly handle anymore. Instead, he drooled the cum that wouldn't fit inside him. Mira fucked him full and turned him into a fountain from both ends by the time she pulled out, letting all the excess spill down his balls, his thighs, and pool on the ground below to soak the soil in the essence of their forceful courtship.

While the cats jizzed their last over his sore body, he closed his eyes and simply focused on recovering. His body was broken. They'd definitely injured something in the process of claiming him, but it was hard to tell what that might have been. Yet for all the humiliation, all the pain, all the anger he felt over being repeatedly violated for no crime at all, he couldn't deny the pleasure that came with marinating there in the fur-staining essence of the dirty, sweaty cats. They knew how to make him cum. They knew what he needed, even when he fought them all the way. Until he couldn't resist them anymore, anyway. He was facedown in the dirt, twitching like a fresh carcass, his head spinning, and his body numb. Yet there was still strength enough to bleat when he felt himself being denied his one last remaining symbol of buckhood.

Mira stepped on his back while she tugged his antlers free with the kind of expertise that spoke of having done it plenty of times before. It was painless, of course. She decrowned him as if to signify that he was truly hers. Nothing but a moaning doe, hardly the adventurer he claimed to be. He writhed in the mud beneath them, a rug for their paws, a vessel for every drop of seed they had to give him. Mahiri offered him a foot, and without a second thought he set to licking it clean, dipping his tongue between her toes, swiping across her dirty pawpads, drooling for just a little more unrefined feline fragrance, wherever he could get it.

It wasn't long before the pantheress had woven herself a new trophy to wear atop her head, queen of the forest that she was. She placed Cherno's stolen, slightly damaged antlers atop her head and returned to her natural throne. Mahiri dragged the deer across the ground to lay him at the black cat's feet. He clung to her, faintly sniffing between panted breaths, Some small part of him still had to admit it. He wanted more of her. By her contented rumbles, the feeling was mutual. She had plenty more to give, to inflict upon her panther-musked slut groveling before her.

"That's a good doe. You may dwell here if you promise to keep serving."

The last shreds of dignity and autonomy melted away when he heard that offer. To know he had the approval of someone so much greater, so much more powerful was enough to drive him to utter reverence, to adoration for the dark feline and the crueller side of nature she represented.

"I'll ... I'll give you anything," he murmured. "Thank you for your mercy."

Mira chuckled at that. "I may change my mind yet. But in the meantime ... worship me, greenhorn. Drink the natural taste of wild cat. Show me how I can expect you to praise me."

Licking at her feet was certainly a start. He felt as if he had no strength left at all, moments ago, and yet her commands seemed to compel him. Rising up to lick her cock and clean it of all the coated juices of their mating, the layers after layers of richness clinging to her uncut inches, he simply moaned for her as if to wordlessly confess how much he loved her taste. There was nothing dirtier, untamed, truly savage like her crude, concentrated forest flavour. He sucked it down as he knelt before his new goddess, listening to her rumble.

"Perhaps in time I can even teach you a thing or two. You have some skills, don't get me wrong. They simply saw no nurturing in that weak order of yours. With me, you shall thrive and serve alike."

"And I'll be sure to come visit now and then," Mahiri teased. "I can hardly get enough of that soft ass. If you're sharing, that is."

"We are blood," Mira simply stated, nodding. "And besides. There is a ravenous need in this little doe. I think we'll require our combined strength just to keep up with his needs."

It was a very polite way of calling him a slut. He couldn't deny it. Dipping his tongue into her uncut skin once more, he focused solely on cleaning her rather than pleasuring her. And there was plenty more of her to lick in time. Whether it was swiping his way up along her soft, well-fed belly and getting to the sweat accumulated under her breasts, or working into the tufty fur of her underarm, or working all the way down under her sex-slick nuts to lick her taint, he sent himself further into mindlessness while he sucked her musk right off her glistening form. How he was supposed to learn anything as her dumb, drooling whore was beyond him. But he had utter faith in her, and everything she had to offer. It just took some roughing him up to shape him into the form he was always meant to take.

Mira stepped on his back while she tugged his antlers free with the kind of expertise that spoke of having done it plenty of times before. It was painless, of course. She didn't consider that trophy for long, soon tossing them aside in the name of hauling him up from the dirt before he could grovel any longer. He teetered before her while she regarded him with a whole new look. It was of similar intensity to what she'd already given him, but with a flash of something more fearsome, as if something more primal was taking her over from deep within. He saw her curl an upper lip to expose a fang, saw a glimmer in her eyes that overwhelmed him with the urge to break free of her grasp and sprint off into the trees, no matter how weak at the knees he might have been, but he truly had nothing left.

When she spoke, it was a barely coherent rumble that escalated to a full snarl.

"Worthless meat."

Mahiri knew that tone well enough to arch a brow.

"Sis? You're sure? I was enjoying that."

Mira took a breath and settled down somewhat with a slump of her shoulders. Her next words were more clear, spoken decisively.

"The forest takes what it wants. There is nothing I can teach him. He is of no further use to me."

The leopardess just shrugged. "Well, it's your home. Sorry, bucko."

Cherno glanced back and forth between the two cats. The leopard wore a face of indifferent amusement, and Mira was all snarls. She yawned her jaws open in his face as he flinched away, digging his hooves into the dirt, trying to brace himself and wrench free of her grip on his arms. He already felt naked and defenseless enough without his staff and his antlers. He was drained of magic, his memorized spells knocked right out of him by two relentless cat cocks. Whatever she wished to do with him, he couldn't resist her with anything more than the pathetic squirms of a cowardly commoner, not the brave adventurer and warden of nature he'd been training to be.

It wasn't the first time he'd faced down a set of hungry fangs. All those previous times, he'd managed to use his charming spells to calm the situation before having to fight. This time, he could only wriggle in Mira's hands as she lunged at him. His startled cry echoed into the open gullet of the hungering pantheress. She shoved him into her jaws without any further warning. Gripping, grabbing, groping at his struggling form, she slowly overtook him like a shadow as she sucked his face tightly between her lips. She wasn't all that much bigger than him, so perhaps what she was attempting to do was impossible, nothing more than intimidation, or a famished ambition that would go unrealized. That was what he hoped right up to the moment he felt her jaws start to stretch.

The horror of getting shoved into the humid confines of the black cat's gullet kept him crying out, no matter how useless the sound might have been in the middle of the forest, muffled in her slick flesh. The bulge of his terrified expression slipped deeper down beneath her silky fur while he tried to knee her in the gut to dissuade her from consuming him alive. That her teeth were poised right at the back of his skull didn't keep him from struggling. Panic was a powerful force, bringing energy to his exhausted body, drawing from his reserves. None of it kept him from getting his head gulped down by the hungry feline, but at least he made eating him more difficult for her.

All was dark and wet, loudly slurping all around him while he got tugged deeper. Mira forcefully pulled his arms straight down so he couldn't interrupt her while she worked on his shoulders. The gape of her maw around his slender body was tremendous, maybe even terrifying. That didn't keep Mahiri from lustfully watching the whole time though, slowly stroking her shaft to the sight of her sister devouring a living deer. The big cat inside them had never left them, no matter how much more intelligent they might have been than their feral ancestors. She swallowed hard, taking him down towards her soft gut through sheer overpowering force. That was enough to allow her to push past apparent biological limits and ingest the whole buck at once, alive and struggling for his life.

Eventually, she got a double handful of his butt so she could start hefting him right off the ground. Her harsh squeeze reminded him how sore he was after all the pounding. He flinched in her grasp as he limply kicked his hooves through the air. He was so weak, so tired, hurting all over in ways that pure adrenaline couldn't make him ignore. She scraped her fangs down his spine as she gobbled him with relative ease, drooling her way to fully swallowing him. Once she got her head tilted back and her lips neared his waist, she scooped her rough tongue between his legs to tease his balls and taint alike. It wasn't for his pleasure, but rather to simply give her that much more leverage to tug him in for the guzzling and gulping that slickly echoed all around his trapped, bulging form.

It wasn't long until his frightened face reemerged from behind her bust to appear in her stomach. His features pushed out beneath her slight pudge, still calling out for help to no one in particular. There were no beasts, no spirits, no fellow members of his order that could save him from his gurgling fate. Mira's gut was already making the aggressive noises of digestion, heavily churning inwards over her prey while he settled deeper and deeper into her noisy belly. When he got his arms free, he pushed them on the walls around him to try to create more space to breathe. That just seemed to stir up more activity, leaving him slimed up in the dripping juices of impending digestion. She hadn't even finished devouring him yet.

What had at first seemed an impossibility seemed more inevitable as she slurped her way down his inverted thighs. He still kicked away, sometimes pricking himself on her teeth, or grinding uncomfortably against her scratchy tongue in the process. None of it prevented her from giving those last shuddering, rumbling ulllps to drag him straight into the swell of her stretched middle. Her gut sagged in her grasp as she clutched it tightly, slowly staggering back with the weight of her prey until she found her throne once more. The skulls adoring it made a lot more sense at that point, given her appetites. He wasn't the first person she'd digested alive. Nor would he be the last.

Panic barely began to describe his reaction as she slurped the last of his hooves down and sealed him in that flooded tomb. He could already feel it. His body tingled all over at first, but the sensation quickly escalated to an unpleasant itch, then pain. The fur loosened from his skin as the searing acids burned into his flesh. It all worked much more rapidly than ordinary digestion. Perhaps that dark ritual she'd partaken in had empowered her appetite. He didn't consider the specifics when he was stuck enduring a torturous demise, struggling against the walls that threatened to crush the life out of him between heavy, sloppy churns and groans.

As Mira recoiled, she gave her gut a slap and her cock a firm squeeze. All she needed to was beckon to her sister and the leopard approached as if hypnotized. Yet there was nothing magical about the natural attraction Mahiri felt to Mira's swollen gut. She soon knelt before the pantheress and worshipped the queen of the forest with her tongue and paws alike. Cherno vaguely felt the squeezes of admiration the leopard gave her twin, silently praising the swell of her prey-stuffed belly while the two cats exchanged mutual purrs. They eventually met in a kiss, squishing the suffering deer between them both as they lovingly smooched, exchanging the last traces of his precious taste.

From kiss to slurping southwards, Mahiri dragged her tongue down along the panther's body, eagerly swiping as much of that silky-sweaty form she could. She licked Mira's breasts, her belly, and eventually found herself fully on her knees before the forest queen, licking her dick. Though they were twins, there was always the question of who was the cleverest, who was the swiftest, the strongest, the most deadly of predatory cats. In Mira's realm, there truly was no contest. Mahiri delighted in servicing her sister, letting the muffled cries of a dying deer and the constant cacophony of messy digestion keep her senses tingling while she sucked her twin sister's cock as skilfully as she'd fucked that buck's face.

Mira rested a hand atop the crimson locks of the kneeling rogue but only passively took in the pleasure of that generous blowjob. Of course, the main attraction was the struggling effort that deer still managed to give as his body was painfully melted in her stomach acids. It was more than just melting through his skin. It weakened him to the point the squeezing walls started to crush him, to pull him apart with the pressure. He couldn't make out all the grotesque details, thankfully. That was a small blessing when he knew that his fate loomed closer and closer. The caustic air burned his throat. He couldn't scream any longer. Even fighting his own demise proved increasingly difficult when there was so little strength left in his body. The temptation to simply submit, to become part of her, feasted on by the superior druid to feed her curves and power alike, was something he couldn't resist for much longer.

When his body fell to spasms, Mira gave a shaky breath through her clenched teeth. She closed her eyes, she rubbed her gut, and she throbbed inside Mahiri's mouth while she got sucked to one last messy peak. The expertise of the leopard's lips and tongue sliding along her cock was pleasure enough, but it was those fading, choking, dying twitches that truly set her off. Cherno felt something break inside him, something vital snapping under the pressure of acid and crushing churns alike. At least he didn't feel much more. All was numb in the sweltering darkness as he gurgled his last, gargling the digestive juices around him, tainted with his own partly liquefied body. A gruesome death was the only gift she granted him for intruding upon her territory. Soon he'd be nothing more than pantheress pudge.

Mira came straight down Mahiri's throat with a mrowling cry, gripping those lovely crimson locks tighter to keep the leopard where she needed to be to swallow every remaining drop the black cat had pent up in her sweaty nuts. Mahiri gulped and groaned, eventually giving a muffled mmf when she found herself overwhelmed by the sheer volume pouring into her belly. That was the biggest load yet. Mira's excitement swelled even higher from snuffing the deer in her belly than it did from fucking him. Panther jizz cascaded down Mahiri's chin, onto her bare breasts while the two cats steamed there in the heat of the humid forest, shrouded from the scorching son but sweating thickly nonetheless.

"Delicious. Now all that remains is to claim my crown. And to return him to the forest," Mira mused

Mahiri coughed a few times once she pulled off her sister's cock, then took some time to lick her chops as if she might possibly clean all the mess from her face. Only once she'd lapped up and swallowed even more cum did she speak.

"God, you're such a good predator. Watching you at work is like witnessing art in motion."

Mira purred at the compliment, rubbing through her twin's hair.

"Stay here a while. You know I always have room for you in my forest. I will need some good rubs to help that fool settle into my guts. Eating him has awoken certain other appetites. And you're always ever so fuckable, dear sister."

Mahiri just smooched her twin on the tip of the cock in response before she started to rise. A snuggling seat in the panther's lap helped her rub at the softening form of Cherno beneath the layers of pudge between him and the outside world. He less and less resembled a deer the longer he stewed in Mira's potent digestives. It'd only be a few hours before he was fully processed, claimed by his superior's body to pad her out and thicken her most attractive shapes. She had a helpful rogue to massage her into relaxation in the meantime.

By the time she'd fashion herself an elegant crown of leaves and antlers, she was ready to be rid of him. Mahiri snoozed at the foot of Mira's natural throne while the pantheress stepped off into the night to find an appropriate place to feed the former deer to the roots of a tree. At least he wouldn't be fully useless. His demise would serve the forest as fertilizer. In a sense, it was an honourable death for a druid, or at least as honourable as he could hope from such a wicked feline. Mira was fattened, thickened all over, wearing him well as her trophy. Squatting her prey-padded ass down at the twisted roots of one of the forest's most ancient trees, she lifted her tail high to allow nature to take its course.

The bones of her prey were largely pulverized, embedded deeply in the mess as she started to shit him out. There were still some traces though, some thicker chunks that tickled her while she squeezed him down to the grass below. A few faint huffs and even groans escaped her while she made a hefty dump of the former deer, tickled and stimulated by the solid pieces of his former skeleton. The longer she worked on disposing of him, the more traces there were left, whether it was tufts of his fur or long, ruined locks of his once-pretty hair. Then there was perhaps a femur, perhaps a rib in more recognizable state, all leading up to the final insult as she began to push out the hollowed remnants of his filthy skull.

It didn't bother her. If anything, she moaned her way through the process of shitting the last of him to the earth below. Eventually, that empty skull thudded atop the mountain of former deer, a fitting topper for the filthy tombstone that was the end of his existence. Except she wasn't quite satisfied with that. A turning glance at her own handiwork, and Mira considered for a few moments, coming up with something especially devious. The deer might have been utterly dead and digested, but some faint hint of his spiritual energy remained. It was just enough that she could gesture to the skull of her prey and its empty, waste-packed eye sockets began to glow, and then to rise into the air, gifted with the power of flight. She beckoned, only to point firmly to the darkened trees beyond, where a river awaited.

There was ever so little left of the deer's mind, but the command was simple enough to understand. Fly to the water, and wash yourself, so that you may properly serve. Cherno's floating skull had little choice but to obey. He knew only her will. As for what she'd use him for, be it distraction for her enemies, or servant to retrieve from the branches what she didn't wish to climb for, or simply a back scratcher, it didn't matter. He was bound to her in death, his body layered on her curves, feeding her power, while his spirit remained tied to the natural world, unable to move on.

The rest of him slowly sank into the soil, to be absorbed by the great, towering trees, to nourish an ancient plant after satisfying the appetite of a feline predator. As a servant of nature, he should have been delighted to continue the cycle, like so many of his cervine kind before him. But he couldn't think nor feel much of anything anymore, but for mindless, undying loyalty to the predator who had ended his mortal form on a whim.