Special slave

Story by Kirtazar on SoFurry

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Story of Velvian. Small fox on the travels around the world where humans started a war and bring into the world chaos. This time he will get enslaved into the hands of desert king and ended in ownership of owner of a well known desert harem. What will happen to him is only on you to find out.

Special slave

Life is strange. Sometimes life gives you everything you wish for and then other day it knocks you out on the deepest bottom you can ever be in. It's never unpredictable and you never know when it will go well and when it will go bad.

I was a young thief travelling around the world completely alone. Exploring was the only thing I loved and so I traveled from place to place and surviving by stealing or using my surroundings. Sometimes I caught myself a fish or stole bread from a market in the city just so I could survive and not starve to death. This way I was exploring all kinds of places that others could only dream of. Unfortunately stealing is a risky thing to do and once i was travelling to the desert town i was caught and put in a jail. Because of not having any money I was sold as a slave to the king of the town that was building a pyramid for himself so he can be remembered.

Because of my small fox size I was not worth much then a few coins and all commanders beat me for being worthless. I was strong for a fox, but I was nothing compared to elephants, bears and other huge creatures enslaved like me. Other slaves also were not pleasant to be imprisoned with. Sometimes they spit on me just for fun or if they had anger so they found the weakest creature around to beat up. There was no one that would help me in those moments and so I stayed alone and stood aside as I always do.

Weeks went by and few commanders found a good use for my small and agile size. I was used as a messenger for my speed and small thing transport that needed to be delivered fast. If i had no messages and supplies to deliver i was used as a transport of materials or builder with others and so i was more useful than most of the slaves. It made them more angry and few tried to hurt me for it, but with time i found a way to escape our cell through metal bars that were spaced just enough to keep everyone inside, but one of the bars was almost ripped out so it made just enough space for me to bail out of the cell each night and run on top of the building where i spent the rest of the night free from all trouble.

One of the guards saw me on the roof and silently reached the window I went through on the roof. While I was asleep he grabbed my chains and dragged me back inside. I was shocked from the start so I crawled into the corner not knowing what was happening. His angry face as he approached me filled me with fear. He pointed his sword at my neck and I felt the steel just touching my neck as he asked me: "Why didn't you run and how did you get on the roof." I was so afraid, but slowly I told him that I was just running away from a cell to not get beat up or maybe even killed by others. That I was not planning on running away. It would be suicidel attempt anyway. Going into the desert with no supplies and with no idea where to go. Town full of guards and me in slave clothes. I would be in jail again and killed for the attempt of running away. Guard slowly lowered his sword as I was explaining to him what I was doing. I lift my chained arms so he can take me back to the cell and that I am sorry for causing troubles, but he didn't do it. He left me in the room with the window and told me to not try to run away. As he walked away he smiled lightly and then disappeared into the dark. I was surprised, but I felt happiness like I haven't felt in years. Other night he even brought me some bread to eat and we talked about his life as a guard. He had sympathy for me. He knew I didn't deserve to be a slave, but he couldn't do anything about it, but he helped how he could. He was my first friend in years of wandering all corners of this world.

Finally after a few months of hard work the pyramid was made and its beauty was visible to miles in all directions of the desert. The process was difficult, but even tho we were forced into the work, we got everything we needed. Food, water and shelter. The king made a celebration for all the creatures in the town and he released all the slaves for a day with only 2 rules. They are not allowed to leave the city and they are not allowed to do any problems and crimes. He even reserved a harem for those who were most useful to him to get laid after hard work. I was one of them. Harem was amusing. You could pick from many beautiful women and men. But I didn't feel like I fit into the group so I stood aside once again. I just watched all the slaves getting wild, picking the most beautiful women in the harem to please their desires. I was afraid of only one thing. The bear. He was one of the strongest and most aggressive creatures I knew. Only thing that kept him down were commanders with whips making him submit everytime he rebelled against them. He was one of the useful ones allowed into the harem just because he was useful to carry massive stones that no one else could carry even in pairs. I was afraid that one of those women would be abused or hurt by this brute. And I was right. One of the prettiest girls in the harem, a pretty wolf girl with silver fur and beautiful blue eyes, almost half the size of his own was chosen to please him. With his size no woman could take him so she offered him things she was able to do, but he wanted more. He pinned the girl to the ground and tried to rape her on a spot. I don't know what went through my head, but I couldn't let that happen. I started running at them and she started screaming for help as he silenced her with his massive paw. I ran at full speed at him and kicked him off the girl. I saw her crawling away as a massive mad beast stood up and approached me with his claws shining in the light. He was about to kill me. His massive paws tried to hit me and tear me apart, but my fast body dodged every single attack that the beast threw at me, but it didn't last long. I backed into the wall and I had no more space to dodge his massive attack. He grinned at me as he punched me with all his strength and I dropped on the ground half unconscious seeing guards taking care of the bear, probably saving my life. I heard only a few words before falling unconscious. "Don't hurt him. He saved my life. Take him to jail. Let the master decide."

When I woke up I was dressed in a velvet shirt with golden jewelry, velvet skirt and soft velvet underwear exchanged for my slave pants and underwear. I was on a soft carpet in a corner of a room. Room was huge and empty at first. It was painted in all kinds of colors and everywhere I looked I saw at least a little bit of gold markings. It seemed like a room for the king himself.

"Foxxx, tell me... Are you afraid of sexxx"

The chair that was in far back side of the room with a window looking somewhere into the building instead of outside turned around and snake like creature with a velvet cloak look toward me with a curious looking eyes

"What, you don't have a tongue? Or are you afraid of me? Foxxxes like you are really rare in this region. Tell me. How did you get here into the town... As a ssslave?"

Snake looked into my eyes with an evil smile. I was still shocked from all of this happening. Where was i? How did I get there? What happened to that bear? All those questions just blast through my mind. Snake´s smile disappeared and he stood up slowly approaching me.

"If you are not going to talk and keep wasssting my time I am going to use other ways to make you talk. SSSPEAK SLAVE!!!."

When he got a little closer I noticed his right hand carrying a leather whip and I got afraid and crawled back to the wall and covered my head with my paws.

"I am sorry my lord. I am just confused about how I got here and what happened. I will talk and tell you everything you need to know, just dont use the whip please."

"Hmmm very well then ssslave. From now on... Call me massster. How did you get into the king´s ssslavery and what a foxxx doing here in town in middle of the desssert."

I lowered my paws down and looked at the snake. His evil smile was back on his face and he was slapping his hand with a whip waiting for my answers.

"I traveled around the world and I ended up here in this town after a caravan brought me here. My whole life I was living out of nature resources or by stealing from others. I was caught and enslaved, because I had no coins on me. That's how i got here and ended up as a slave my master"

"Hmm fassscinating, You know who i am ssslave? And you know why you are here?"

His eyes were curious and it felt like he looked at every single movement I did. Then he looked away and went back to his chair randomly flailing with a whip around like he would want me to know he still has it.

"I don't know why I am here, master. Only thing i remember is that i attacked one of the slaves that was about to rape one woman out of the harem king invited us in for our great deeds on a pyramid. If I am correct, I am here to be judged by you for my unacceptable behaviour."

He giggled at me and sat back into his chair, putting the whip aside.

"Hahaha silly foxxx, You are not here to be punished for your behaviour. Your acting was purely good. You saved one of the bessst members of my harem. And she begged me to spare your life even tho you should be killed like your enemy bear. You both disobey king´sss order to do any crimesss. He almost raped that woman and you ssstarted the fight, but i asked king for a favor for you my dear ssslave, because your disobeying was, because you wanted to help that poor girl."

I was shocked as he laughed at me and told me how it was. He moved his hand so I came close to him and pointed out of the window. I looked outside and saw his harem in full beauty. I saw all slaves enjoying themselves with other women and I saw a woman that was almost raped by the bear being safe.

"I... I don't know what to say master... I am in your debt... Thank you for not letting me face death itself."

I dropped on my knees and bowed down to the master thankfully for his forgiveness and mercy. He lifted my head with his foot and made me look into his evilly smiling eyes.

"You are ssspecial than the others. You didn't abussse the fact that you could sleep with whoever in my harem you wanted... Why."

"I... wasn't feeling worthy of anyone in the harem. I was just a slave... Nothing else... And... I have a different taste than normal creatures."

When I said it my master´s eyes fired up with even deeper curiosity than they were before. His foot forced my head higher and made me stand up next to him again. His eyes slowly looked all over my body and made me feel all exposed so I covered my chest and crossed my legs.

"You ssslave, makes me really curiousss. I love when people are mysssterious. Ohhh i also asssked king for permissions to keep you as my ssspecial slave... I knew you will be really interesssting"

"Y-you want me to be... member of your harem master?

I start blushing just from the idea of me pleasing others with my body. It wasn´t the future I wanted to live in. But before I started to think a little more about it, master put his foot under my skirt and pressed it against my crotch. In shock I stepped back and looked back at the master. His face smirked at me while his eyes pierced through me making me feel completely naked. He stood up and approached me. I tried to step back, but after a few steps back I reached the wall and the master got really close to me.

"You will ssserve me personally slave. You are myssstery to me and i love to experiment with people's desires... Finding yoursss will not be that hard i believe. Do you mind me exxxploring your body?"

As he finished the sentence his hand rubbed my exposed belly and slowly moved down to my skirt. I turned bright red and all ashamed I tried to push him away from me. But when I wanted to push him his hands in a moment grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall. I whimpered a bit and leaned against the wall. His hissing tongue almost touched my face as he was enjoying his control over me.

"Hmmm so rebelliousss. I love when something is not completely for free, but be aware foxxx. Cobras have quick reactions as well... And our poison killsss in a second. You wouldn't like me to bite your... Preciousss neck. Wouldn't you."

As he finished it I heard his hissing noise as he opened his maw lightly. I felt his fangs rubbing along my neck looking for a vein to pour their poison in. I twitched in his strong grasp and resisting was impossible. I was afraid of him and on the other side i felt some sort of pleasure from him owning and controlling my life having full control over it. I started to get hard while he threatened me with death if I disobeyed and so I crossed my legs slowly to hide my raging boner that was getting more and more noticeable. I stood there helplessly hoping he will not poison me with just one bite. Then he giggled and leaned back from my neck and looked into my eyes.

"You little pervert. Already enjoying himself when I am just getting started. You think you will hide sssomething from me? So what is it... Do you like being in control? Or is your neck your weak ssspot? Or maybe... Both?"

While he was looking at me with curious eyes waiting for my answers. I felt his tail wrapping around my right leg slowly finding its way up to the skirt and slowly sliding inside my velvet underwear wrapping around my hard dick. His hands kept holding me tight to the wall making me unable to escape and get out of his grasp. His tongue twitched in front of my fully red face and his eyes enjoying my shame of myself.

"So ssshy, so sssubmissive and so cute. You will be my favorite ssslave foxxxy. We will have ssso much fun together. You will accompany me today in the evening. GUARDS!!! You know what to do"

Guards rushed into the room and before they saw me, master threw a black cloak at me and smirked at me as his eyes looked at my lower parts. Left totally hard and ashamed, I covered myself with a cloak and let guards chain my hands and legs and then guide me to the special room in the harem. Water was flowing from the upper parts of the room making a nice waterfall of hot steamy water and then I saw them. Mostly girls and a few guys from a harem completely naked enjoying their bath.In the middle of the pool I saw her, it was the girl I saved from that bear, more beautiful than ever and when she saw me she smiled and showed me to come closer. While I was looking around the place I didn't realize that the guards were already gone, keeping me there standing in the middle of the hall. When I realized I smiled stupidly and slowly approached the pool of steamy water with the girl already waiting for me.

"Welcome to the harem, my hero. I am Elleanora. But you can call me El."

She smiled at me and reached for my hand. Her breasts were covered behind the ledge into the pool and her sweet smile looked so innocent, her beautiful blue eyes and her shiny silver wolf fur. I was stunned by the look of the place and her beauty. Without thinking I reached for her paw with a shy smile. When she grabbed my hand her innocent smile changed to a devilish grin and she pulled me into the pool. From a shock I swallowed some hot water from a spring before getting above the water in my soaked clothes. I gasp for air and coach a little. She burst into laughter and many others too. When i looked at her kinda pissed i saw her innocent smile again she was standing all naked and water up to her belly half exposed and not shy whatsoever. She slowly approached me and her right hand reached to my shoulder and started removing my wet black cloak I got from master.

"I am sorry I had to do it to you. You looked so distracted that I couldn't resist. And don't be shy. Everyone here is your brother and sister. We are helping each other and so is the master. You can consider yourself a lucky guy. What's your name?"

She looked so innocent and her voice was gentle and sweet. I wasn't sure if she was really that nice or if she is secretly a devil hiding behind a sweet innocent girl. She was a little bit bigger than I was so my eyes were at the height of her breasts so I tried not to stare. She got my cloak off and then she started to remove my shirt with both of her arms but i stepped back to stop her

"I am Velvian... It's nice to meet you El... I-i am sorry, but i am not really into... Revealing myself like you all do... C-could i keep my shirt for now?"

She started to giggle as I was being very shy and afraid of getting naked. She sat in the water so the water was covering everything except the head and the neck. Then she threw the cloak outside of the pool and looked at me with her charming eyes.

"It's really nice to meet you, Velvian. I am grateful for what you did in the main room. I thought I would have to face that brute until one of the guards came to rescue me. But instead one small fox arrived to risk his own life for mine. I am happy that master listened to my begging to save your life and buy you from the king."

She blushed a little bit and turned her face aside. In my head i was surprised that master paid for my slavery and that she begged to save me. My life turned upside down in not even a day and from worker i went all the way to personal slave of one of the most important merchants in the town.

"So... You are the reason master bought me from the king? Then I should thank you for giving my life a second chance. I should owe you instead of you owing me El... Thank you. Without you I would be just another dead body in a pit of dead creatures."

"I wish I could agree to that, but I think master was already interested in you even before you attacked that bear. He was asking everyone that is in the harem. You can say that master is obsessed with information that is unknown to him. His curiosity gives him his charm. And because you were the only one who did not grasp the chance to sleep with any one of us. It made him really curious. Only a small number of creatures are able to control their lust and I bet many of us wouldn't mind sleeping with someone like you."

Her smile changed to the devilish smile like before and she ran her eyes around my body exploring it. I lay into the water so my body would be fully covered and I started blushing again. Everything started to make sence. Master was obsessed with information about why wouldn't someone grasp the chance to sleep with prettiest girls and guys in a town and that made him want me and now he wants more from me than just one answer to feed his curiosity.

"Master talked to me about you and wanted me to get informations from you, but if I would get it out of you and tell him. He would lose his charm again... That's why I will not do that, but I am here to do other things that you would maybe like, but that's for another day. Today is your special day."

While she was talking about me I blushed even more, feeling like a test subject for her and master as well. She started to swim around me, but I didn't pay attention to that until she finished talking and pressed her breasts against my back and wrapped her paws around my belly. I yelped, but before I tried to struggle out of her hug she whispered into my ear.

"Master wants you to be clean for today evening when you two will share time together. It's up to you if you want my help or if you will do it alone. I promise I will just help you get clean, okay?"

"O-okay... Just keep the underwear and leave that space alone. I will do it alone."

She nodded and her paws started to rub my belly slowly upward removing my tight shirt. Her touch was so gentle and teasing, but she kept her promise and didn't get close to my crotch. Her gentle touch slowly cleaned my entire chest and she even gave me a nice massage while she was cleaning my shoulders and neck. While she was helping me to get clean I absolutely forgot she was completely naked and I just enjoyed her care. When she was done. she sat next to me and whispered into my ear again?

"You really don't want me to help you with the rest? You seemed to enjoy it from the start. I promise that I will not bite."

She laughed at her own joke and smiled at me waiting for my response. Her eyes were filled with curiosity as well as master´s eyes when I was in his room. I resisted to get excited for the entire cleaning, but as her eyes looked below the water wanting to see, feel and maybe even more what's below the remaining piece of cloth i had on me. I got excited and blushed again trying to keep it cool.

"I am sorry El, but I don't feel like it right now. I-i will just get dry and hopefully get another piece of clothes that are not soaked with water."

Her eyes stopped exploring for a while and then she grabbed my hand slowly and moved it close to her. I lost my balance and by accident touched her boob. I blushed even more, pulling my hand back to me. Before I apologized she giggled and grabbed my hand again, this time pulling it just to her so she could remove my chains with a key I just noticed.

"Haha. Don't be shy. You can touch me whenever you want. You still need to return the favor I did for you so get ready foxy."

She looked into my eyes evilly. She was really enjoying teasing me with just the words. I looked away because I couldn't look into her eyes without feeling worse than how I was feeling now. As she removed all my chains she threw them out of the pool and sat on the underwater bench so the water would be just barely above her belly.

"w-what favor do i need to return... I thought you weren't the one saving my life... So wh-what favor are you talking about."

"Heh you forgot about me helping you get clean... Now you need to help me to get clean. I need to be ready for evening service and for many customers that are going to arrive. So hurry up. We don't have much time left to get to work, Velvian."

She lifted her right leg above the water for me. I wasn't happy about what she wanted me to do, but I got to work. I started cleaning her paw, tickling her a little as I was cleaning between her fingers. Her fur was shiny from the daylight that was coming down from the glass ceiling. Then I went almost all the way down stopping on her little thick thighs, but no lower. She looked at me disappointed when I left her intimate parts alone. I was completely hard so I tried to hide it below the water. Her body was just too elegant to not enjoy it just by touching it. I showed her to turn around and she looked at me sad, but still turned around.

"Ohhhh you left the best part unnoticed. Why so foxy. Are you afraid of invading my private parts?"

"H-hey i am sorry i am just new to all this... And don't forget you also didn't clean my private parts so there is no need for me to return the favor there."

I was still totally red and hard from her body and I couldn't resist it. She sat there in front of me elegantly and her tail was wagging under the water. At Least she enjoyed herself while I was in an awkward, shameful position cleaning girls back with rock hard dick trying to not get exposed. She just sighed and accepted that I am gonna leave her intimate parts for today. Then I started to clean her back from the bottom to her shoulder. I even added a little bit of scratching that she really enjoyed by her pleased light moans. I tried to give her a massage that she gave me and she told me how to do it better. Little bit harder or slower. Where are spots that need to be massaged and at the end she didn't say anything, just enjoyed herself as I gently massaged her shoulders.

"W-was i good at it? And be honest I don't mind the truth straight away."

"Yeah, you weren't bad. You just needed a little guidance with the massage, but those scratches were delightful. I don't get much care from others. Customers usually just finish and leave. Sometimes I wish I could just cuddle afterwards... Unless they are some ugly almost impotent pricks... Those are the worst."

I smile at her rubbing her shoulders to show a bit of sympathy. Then out of nowhere she laid her back against my chest and sat on my lap. She turned around with her classic evil grin looking right into my soul.

"Well, well, well. I am not the only one enjoying himself here. You tried to hide something from me, foxy? It's hard to hide something of this size. Kinda strange, someone so small can have equipment like you hehe."

I just didn't say anything, letting her make me feel ashamed of myself once again. Her silent giggles slowly disappeared and she grabbed my paws and wrapped them around her waist.

"You still have something to clean Velvian. Don't let me wait, we need to go soon... And you can't say no to this because i cleaned your chest as well so... Get to work cutie."

"Y-you are enjoying teasing the hell out of me don't you. From the start you and master like to toy with me and make me ashamed of myself."

"Ohhh we surely do like teasing people that are very shy and so vulnerable. I bet you are enjoying being ashamed in a way. Because if you wouldn't be enjoying it. I wouldn't be poked by your hardon down there."

She giggled once again, but this time more evilly like if she would enjoy me knowing her evil intentions. I wanted to say some excuses to her, but it was pointless. She wouldn't believe me anyway and maybe she was even right. I started cleaning her belly, but this time I wanted to tease her back. I moved as much as possible above her pussy, but didn't touch it, just gently rub her and clean her lower belly. While she was sitting on my lap I could put my head on her shoulder and lightly breath on her neck while I was rubbing her belly. Then I went up to her chest, rubbing it nicely, cleaning under her breasts and between them. I felt her heart beating faster and faster. I couldn't resist so I gently kissed her neck. She moaned louder from surprise and she twitched in my arms. Then I move my paws across her breasts, rubbing them teasingly. My hard dick throb in my underwear rubbing against her rump. Her breathing got faster as I was rubbing her breasts enjoying their size and softness. At the end when I finished cleaning I squeezed her breasts gently and whispered in her ear.

"Favor is repaid. You teased me. So I teased you back."

She was panting all excited and I gave her a last teasing bite on her neck before lifting her up and jumping into the water. She didn't expect it at all and she gasped just before we dived below the water. She pushed me away from her and tried to get above the water. I emerged from the water with an evil smirk and I looked at the El. Her face was still shocked. She turned around at me with anger, but then she smiled at me back and shook her head. I leaned against the ledge with a smirk looking at her. She approached me still with a calm smile and she pressed my shoulders against the ledge and looked into my eyes.

"You are really special, Velvian. I like that about you. But next time I am not gonna hold back. Right now you are lucky that master wants you in his room in the evening. If not I would tease you so much you would beg me to stop."

Her knee pressed against my crotch and rubbed it. My heartbeat increased when she pressed me against the ledge and her words were music to my ears. I really enjoyed being in someone's control. Master was right and now both of them knew how to make me submit. Maybe I should finally stop resisting and try it for the first time. She got out of the pool and told me to get out of the pool to get dry and dressed for master. She gave me a huge linen towel and a pair of clothes that I had before. I knew there was no private place to dress up so I dried out first and then got naked. Elleonare was of course observed and when she saw me naked she teasingly wissled with amusement continuing with another girly giggle. When I got dressed up I waited for a guards to guide me into the room again. But this time without the chains. I guess master decided to trust me and I believe he was watching me and El in the spring from another hidden window like the one in the main hall.

Guards brought me to the massive door from master´s room and left me without saying anything. I was confused so I entered without knocking. Master was in the bed silently sleeping. It's weird that a master doesn't have any guards guarding his doors if some intruder or slave decided to hurt him. I went to his table and looked outside of the window. It wasn't a normal window. Before it was a window into the main hall, but this time it was a window into the hot spring. It was strange and fascinating. On a masters table were a few kinds of detailed art of naked people. I could recognize a few harem members and mostly Elleanore. Her nice shaped body with her breasts and well sized rump. But there was a drawing of me as well. But it was different. I was in clothes. Master was drawing people around him, but because he never saw me naked he never could draw me like the others. I was so focused on things on master´s table. Leather whip, but different than the ones commanders were using. Instead of long covered in small thorns to scratch victims body this one was short and smooth probably not to hurt a person that much. Papers and piles of drawings that master probably drew in his free time. Bowl of fresh exotic fruit and opened a jewelry box with golden chains and all kinds of golden jewelry. In a single moment a pair of hands wrapped around me and held me in tight embrace making me unable to move. One hand holding my neck and second one holding my arms lined up with my body unable to move almost an inch. I didn't know what to do, but then I heard that familiar hissing voice in my right ear.

"Curiousss foxxx... Abusing the moment when hisss master is taking a nap. What were you looking for foxxxy."

I gulped as his voice whispered in my ear. I was stoned, unable to move an inch. His hand holding my throat with claws lightly dug into my fur and his strong arm squeezing my chest and arms make me feel hopeless.

"I-i am... sorry master... I didn't want to wake you up and... I was curious... Forgive me."

His claws lightly tapped on my neck and I could feel his warm breath on my shoulder. I felt his fangs against my neck for a moment filling me with fear and respect, but then I felt only a warm kiss and then he released me from his grasp. I turned around and looked into his eyes. His eyes were calm and peaceful. In that moment I knew he was not angry at me. He just abused the moment to scare me.

"You are forgiven, ssslave. Now come. Join me in my bed. We have a lot to talk about."

I obediently followed him into the bed getting on my knees with my hands on my crotch. He laid on his side with his black cloak once again. This time I could finally get a better look at him. His scales were dark green with black marks. His legs and arms were strong. No doubts he could imprison me with just one hand. His long and strong tail was wrapped around him as he was staring at me.

"Ssso slave. How did you enjoy your bath with Elleanore? I bet you already know about the magic window, but I wanna know how it felt. Elleanore told me she will try to ssseduce you, but you are stronger than that. I love your ssspirit."

I blushed and rubbed my shoulders a little ashamed. Master looked at me not even needing my answer. His tail moved to my chin and moved it so he could look into my eyes. His tongue twitched from his mouth looking at me with his devilish smirk.

"You don't need to be ashamed here. I am your massster and i will help you with whatever bothersss you. Let me ask you foxxx. Are you still pure?"

His eyes lit up with curiosity. He leaned to his glass filled with red wine and took a sip of it not letting his eyes from me. I didn't get him at first, but then I realized what he truly meant and I blushed even harder and looked away.

"Hmm fassscinating. You don't even need to speak and your body is answering all my questionsss anyway. You ssslave have so many options to change it and you still didn't even try it. Ssso let me repeat my question from earlier."

His tail wrapped around my ankle and pulled me to him. He supported himself with his hands next to my head and looked into my eyes. His body was almost twice as big as mine. His cloak slightly opened up revealing his strong muscular chest. He leaned closer to me and his hissing tong twitched in front of me. I just laid there stunned looking into his yellow predator looking eyes.

"Are you afraid of sexxx? Or are you waiting for someone to claim you themselves? Because I know about few... Adeptsss. That would like to... Claim you.

As he whispered into my ear I shivered from his dirty talk. I didn't know what to do. He leaned back from my ear and his lips almost touched mine. I heard his calm warm breath against my lips, but I couldn't control my body. I was like paralized by his charm. His smirk seemed to be even more devilish than before. He leaned even closer and then kissed me lightly at first, but then his tongue slowly made me open my mouth and kiss him deeply. His tongue wrapped around mine and my hands started to have minds of their own. My right hand slowly wrapped behind his long scaled neck and my left hand slowly reached his chest and rubbed it exploring its hardness. His tongue slowly reached deeper into my mouth and slowly went lower into my throat. I was enjoying myself, but master grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the bed and slowly let go of our kiss.

"Did i allow you to explore me ssslave?"

He smiled at me and enjoyed his power over me. He giggled when I looked ashamed at him for getting myself carried away.

"I am sorry master... I got carried away with your... charm. I will not do it again."

"Hehe. You will do it again foxxxy. Because you are curiousss. But I can tell I was right."

He let go of my wrists and got back on his side, getting back to his glass of wine. I slowly get up on my knees noticing my massive boner poking in my underwear. I covered it with my paws and looked into the bed.

"H-how were you right, master. I don't understand. Could you please explain?"

"Well foxxx. I have owned this harem for almost half a century. I saw all kindsss of people with all kindsss of taste. And I can tell when someone is inexperienced."

"W-what do you mean inexperienced... I had some experience back before I ended up as a slave."

"Ohh really? I am really curiousss what experience you had foxxxy. Tell me."

As he said it his tail teasingly got wiggle his way close to me slowly sliding below my skirt and rubbing my bulge. He knew from the start even when I tried to hide it. His teasing didnt stop and he waited for my answer.

"I-i did... I tried... some things, but... but i don't wanna share what things... P-please master... Can you stop teasing me?"

My stuttering made master laugh lightly as his tail slid inside my underwear and wrapped his tail around my hard cock like he did before, but this time he squeezed it much harder and didnt stop just there. His tail continued down around my balls and slowly rubbed between my asscheeks teasing me more than before rubbing the tip of his tail against my hole. I yelped and clenched as he kept teasing me more and more.

"Why would i stop ssslave... I am having a lot of fun making you assshamed of yourself and teasssing you. And I can tell you are enjoying yourself as well.

As he finished his sentence his tail slid inside my tailhole and lightly pressed in making me lightly moan.

"You had no real experience foxxxy. You are too innocent to admit it. You are experienced with toys and that's all I assume. That's why you are so easy to tease. You wanna try it, but you are afraid of it as well. Tell me foxxxy... Am I correct?"

His tail started to press against my prostate and kept squeezing my dick harder. I knew if he keeps it up I am not gonna last much longer. My legs squeezed strongly trying to stop his tail from moving, but his tail was stronger and my fur slid across his scales easily.

"Y-yes master... You... you are correct... Please... stop... I can't resist anymore."

His strong hand grabbed my ankle and pulled me toward him. Then he immediately grabbed my skirt and underwear and pulled it off me in no time. His tail released my dick but kept thrusting inside my hole pressing against my pleasure point. He grabbed my throbbing dick and started jerking it off. Making me moan louder.

"Why would I stop now? The best part is just here foxxxy. Enjoy it and don't hold back."

His hand kept jerking me off while his tail kept pressing inside me. I whimpered and tried to hold it more, but I couldn't resist anymore. I twitched hard and cum all over my chest... When I finished, master let go of my dick and pulled out his tail. I was panting and relaxing on my back and he put his hand to my mouth.

"Good job ssslave. Now clean your mess what you did."

He laid next to me and smiled while he pressed his hand covered in my cum against my lips. I hesitate a little bit, but then open my mouth and lick his hand clean obediently. When I finished, he laid on his side looking at me with a smirk. His tail slowly rubbed against my chest and got covered in my cum and then slowly pressed against my lips and waited for me to open up. I licked his tail clean and we repeated this a few times until I got clean as my chest was clean and I was cleaning his time one more time with my tongue he pushed it lightly inside my mouth.

"What a good ssslave you are. Obediently listening to his master. I bet you will be a really good ssservant after you will get little more experienced."

His tail slowly pulled out of my mouth. And then reach for one of the towels that master had next to his bed and cover my nudity with it. I blushed and looked into master´s eyes with a little sad face.

"T-thank you master, b-but... Why are you pampering me like this master? I didn't do anything to your use and you did more for me than people did for me in years."

Master laughed a bit and then smiled at me. He was relaxed and calm, slowly sliding across my whole body.

"Becaussse i care Velvian. I may be a master for everyone in this building, but everyone knowsss that I am always willing to help every one of them. For me, ssslaves aren't just things I own, but still creaturesss that have feelings and desires. And you are ssspecial. You are making me curiousss about everything you do. I didn't stop looking at you from the time I sssaw you in the corner of the main hall not going to get laid. Even when I was asleep it was just the tessst. Test if I can trussst you."

"W-wow master... Y-you said my name. I guess you listened to me and Elleanore in the hot spring. I-i just wanna say that i am grateful for all of this. I wish I could repay you somehow. It's for the first time in years I am feeling kinda like home. Thank you."

Master smiled at me once again and reached my chin lifting it up. He caressed my still red cheek and then leaned back again.

"You are not ready to repay me. And yeah I was listening to you and Elleanore. Ssshe is a devil. Don't get charmed by her. But I bet you already noticed, didnt you?"

"Heh. Yeah I already noticed her charm, but I was able to resist her at the end. But she was talking about not being allowed to do stuff to me. Was that your order?"

"We all have rulesss here. That new member of this harem needsss to allow us to embrace our... Warm welcome."

His smile turned into a wide grin and his eyes slowly slid down almost getting me naked just by his look. He finished his glass of wine and put it aside. Then he stood up and went to his chair and sat in it.

"Ohhh so that's why she said she will have fun with me later... After i will be open to it and embrace it. But... Didnt you then break your rules master?"

"Haha sssilly Velvian. I am the owner of this place. Rulesss are what I will say. But I myself respect our rulesss and you didn't stop me or ssstruggle. So I assume I can take it asss an allowance from you, don't you agree?"

He turned around at me and smiled. I smiled back at him and looked away slightly blushing while he started looking outside of the magic window again.

"I guess you are right, master. Thank you... for everything... Can I ask you master. What were you planning with me today... in the evening? Just out of curiosity"

"Hmm, i wanted to know you better foxxxy. Maybe exposed sssome of your likingsss. I think I already... Found few of them. But except that I am amusssed by you. I sssaw fox only rarely when I was outssside of those empty landsss. You are a rare ssspecies in this town... Heh and you are really easy to teassse... It makesss me feel... More in control."

"But you are the owner of this place. Don't you feel more in control, because of that? You have many servants below you that would do your bidding anytime you order them."

"This control is different. It's like... Making sssomeone feel in a way you want them to feel. Just by doing a few... Ssspecial things to them. You may not know it yet. But you enjoy being owned. Maybe because of your passst. You like to be in someone´sss control. You like to be... In full control. Being unable to move... Doing how you are told and work toward your reward. It makes you perfect bottom. Ssshy, cute and vulnerable. And you didn't ssseem to dislike it from both gendersss. Tell me foxxxy. Am i wrong?"

He turned around to look at me after he finished. I was sitting in the bed covered in a towel, my face completely red like a tomato. He laughed hard and turned in his chair.

"Haha sssplendid. I will take it as a yesss. I will not teassse you anymore Velvian. I bet it was a really shameful day for you. If I didn't know foxes are brownish colored I would say that they have red fur on their face, how much you are blushing today."

Main hall was starting to get empty when guests started to leave after desires were finally pleased and daylight slowly changed on a moonlight. Master relaxed in his chair pouring wine into his glass while he observed people finishing their intercourse.

"You are welcome to ssstay in my room for today, Velvian. I am not going to force you into anything... Not like your delicate body could handle me unlessss you will practice... You can choossse to be in your bed that is next to mine or you are also welcome into my bed for today."

I looked around and noticed a small pile of pillows and blankets next to the master´s massive bed. I also picked up my clothes that master forcefully took off of me while he was pleasing my desires and so I wanted to dress up again. I put down a towel and started to dress up, but master´s eye never misses an opportunity to see stuff around him. He turned around just in time to see me semi naked slowly putting on my underwear and skirt. His giggle made me turn around and see his eyes staring at my behind. I sat on my ass just to hide myself behind the bed shyly.

"Master... Is there a moment that can escape your eyes? I was sitting here for almost 10 minutes without moving and just when i moved to dress up you turn around"

I finished putting on my clothes and then looked at master with pout. He stood up and wrapped his cloak as he approached the bed and laid in there. His smile never disappeared. He was always calm and peaceful. Except that one time when he threatened me with a whip after I woke up in his room. I bet it was one of his tests. How would I react to it.

"You were making some noisesss. That's why I turned around and usssually I catch every detail that is happening around me. You don't need to be assshamed of your nudity. Here we ssshare our beautiful bodies with each other. No need to be assshamed or ssshy."

"Then why are you in your black cloak all day master. If you are not afraid to show off your body, why are you wearing your clothes and not being naked."

His smile changed into that evil grin he always made before something evil and teasing happened. He took off his black cloak and threw it on my face. I tried to remove it from my face, but his scent smelled really exotic. I took one breath before removing it and threw it aside. Master was completely naked laying on his side. His evil grin and his twitching hissing tongue looked right at me. His body was muscular and well built. His private parts were well hidden in his slit. I looked away and blush lightly, getting hard. Without any warning master´s tail wrapped around my waist and pulled me on the bed and turned me around making me look at him.

"Hmmm foxxxy. Daring to open his rude little mouth and making me get all naked and then not being able to even look at me? What's wrong ssslave... Are you afraid of looking at my NAKED body? You don't even sssee everything... Yet."

His hand reached my neck and squeezed it gently. Making me look at him. I wanted to look into his eyes, but my eyes were curious about his body. Slowly my eyes got distracted by well built body. Strong, muscular, Manly.

"That black cloak was jussst, because of you. I didn't want to disssturb you and... Your curiousss eyes. That can't keep exploring my body. Sssomething caught your eyes?"

He dropped me on the bed and smiled. He didnt look angry at all. He just wanted to play with me.

"I... am sorry master. I didn't know... Now I feel bad that I said it."

"I dont need your apology. There is nothing to apologize for. I want your answer foxxxy... Did something catch your eyes? Hehe. I am curious."

He smirked at me and exposed his body more so I could look at it a little bit more. I noticed his chest was covered in small scars printed into his scales. Almost covered up by his marking. I hesitate between looking at him and away.

"It's just... I don't know how to describe it. It feels weird. I just... Don't know what to do."

"You know what you want. Why to hold it back foxxxy. Just ask if you want something. Ssstop resisting to your feelingsss and embrace it. Or do you want me to give you an order?"

I looked away, completely turning my back to the master. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to touch him. I wanted him to touch me. Thinking about him and his body just made me feel excited. Before I made up my mind. Master wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me up on his lap. I leaned against his chest and looked up to him. His calm and peaceful smile and his hissing tongue was just above my head. His hands slowly wrapped around my chest and one of them slid below my tight shirt moving it aside. His hand slowly rubbed my chest. My heart started to beat all excited. I panted as his second hand slowly explored my belly and slid down by my thigh really close to my already hard dick. When I wanted to say something master just silenced me with his tontail and gently whispered.

"There is no more words needed. Today I will sssatisfy your desiresss. You can touch and do whatever you want. But there isss no need to return the favor."

"T-thank you master..."

His eyes lit up again, but this time it was a lust. His long neck made him able to lean to my neck and let his twitching tongue tease it before he gently kissed it and I leaned my head to expose it. His hand slowly caressed my chest and his second hand moved down by my inner side of my thigh gently rubbing against my crotch. Then he bit my neck lightly with his fangs. Feelings of being so close to death made me much more excited and my master knew it. His hand gently grabbed my bulge and rubbed it to tease me before sliding his hand down to my hole. His finger started to tease my hole and made me slightly moan.

"Ahhh master... I just wanna be yours..."

When I said it I couldn't believe it, but master did not stop at all. It seemed like he got really excited himself.

"Ohhhh sssomeone is embracing his lust. I like that. You got me a little bit excited foxxxy."

In one motion he removed my skirt and underwear exposing me in front of him. I shyly crossed my legs and spread them with his arm forcefully, but I didn't struggle back. He moved from my neck to my cheek and slowly made me move my head toward him so he could kiss me deeply. It seemed that master was getting really into it and I started to feel a little poking against my rump. First just one and later even second. When he kissed me deeply he also pressed his finger inside me. I didn't expect it and lightly bit on his tongue from surprise, but he seemed to didn't mind it and kept going. This time his tongue reached deeper inside my mouth slowly finding its way inside my throat. I was like paralized in his embrace. One of his hands held me against his chest and the second hand fingered my tight hole while his tongue was slowly wiggling inside my throat making a small bulge on my neck. His hand slowly moved from top of my chest up my neck gently squeezing it. I felt completely taken and I loved it. My moans slowly filled the room as I couldn't hold it back anymore. Master seemed to like my moans as my rump felt more and more poking each second. My needy hands slowly moved toward my rock hard throbbing and I wanted to stroke it, but master noticed it and with his tail slowly wrapped both of my wrists together. He pulled his tongue out of my throat and I took a deep breath and swallowed all our shared saliva.

"You don't want to ssspeed up our little fun, do you foxxxy. I will need to get chastity for you if you will disobey like thisss hehe."

"I-i am sorry... master... I just can't... hah... help myself."

He smirked at me, let go of my hands and I put them behind me to not get more needy thoughts. His fully hard cocks now bounced from below me and now I realized why he said I wasn't ready to take him. If he had just one cock I could handle him, but two would be a massive challenge.

"M-master... Can you... stop please?.. I would... like to try something."

Master looked a bit confused, but he let go of my chest and my tight hole. Without saying anything he observed what I had planned. I moved from his lap and then leaned toward his crotch and two huge dicks that got out of his slit. I looked at them and I knew what I wanted to try. I grabbed one of the dicks and started rubbing it gently up and down. I leaned toward his tip and let my tongue wrap around it. My tongue started to tease it and cover it in wet saliva. Master started to look surprised and slightly pleased with my effort. I started to experiment a little and with my second hand I started to jerk off his second cock that I didn't pay attention to with my mouth. I started to get a bit of taste from my master´s dick and it tasted amazing. Just a little bit of his taste made me more excited to try more. I started to lick sides of his dick slowly all the way down and then all the way up, ending it at his tip. Then I switched to his second dick to give it a little bit of attention as well. Master slowly relaxed and lay on his back without interrupting my work. After a while of kissing and licking both of his dicks, I put one of his tips inside my mouth and tried to go the way down, but I got greedy and choked a little bit pulling it out of my mouth and couch.

"Hehe ssslow down Velvian. You are doing a really good job. Just take it ssslow. We have all night ahead of usss."

I blushed as he complimented me and so I licked his dick from the bottom to the top. He looked surprised and pleased with my teasing and so I continued with it. I pressed his tip against my lips and gently bite on it before going deep with it but this time slowly. I took over half of his cock as it reached my throat and I went back up. My tongue slowly wrapped around his dick covering it in my saliva enjoying his amazing taste and size. But master had other plans in his mind. He showed me to pull off and so I did.

"Lay on my chessst foxy. Head down ssso you can give attention to one of my big boysss. And asss up so I can give a little bit of attention to your behind."

When master said it I blushed immensely, but I listened to him and I laid on his chest. My dick slightly poked him while he had my ass almost infront of his face. I had my face next to his cocks and I got back to work slowly sucking one of his dicks and enjoying his taste. Master didn't hesitate either and spread my asscheeks exposing my already lightly spread hole. I heard his familiar hissing sound before I felt his tongue rubbing against my hole. It was still sensitive after his fingering, but he didn't waste his time and let his tongue slowly slide inside of me spreading me even more. I moaned hard, but kept sucking his dick trying to give it as much care as he was giving to my hole. His tongue gently wiggled inside of me rubbing itself against my prostate. I was slowly getting closer, but then I got a nice present. Master dick started to throb and leak some sweet pre. It seemed that master was enjoying himself a lot as well. I wanted to give him a little bit more. So I started pushing his cock a little bit deeper. At first it felt weird as his cock found its way down my throat, but slowly I got used to it and increased how deep I went on my master´s cock. I moaned a little louder as I was getting really close, but I tried to resist a little longer. But master started to pant more frequently and louder. He was getting closer too. He could resist and with one of his hands he pressed my head against his cock helping me to go even deeper with it. I started to choke on his cock gently, but I didn't care. I wanted to please him as much as he was pleasing me. I twitched and moaned louder and I couldn't resist much more. I cum on my masters chest and before I finished I felt my master's hand pushing even harder all the way down on his cock. I felt his cock deep inside my throat and felt it throb knowing he is about to cum. His warm cum slowly flowed down my throat while master kept pinned me against his base. Only after a while when he was almost finished, he let go of my head and I pulled out all the way gasping for air. His cock still shot a little bit of "cum on my face.

"F-fuck... Are you okay foxxxy? I apologize, but after an entire day... Imagining ssstuff with you I was really pent up."

I caught a second breath and looked at the master's tired face. It looked really pleased and he was panting heavily. I looked at one of his semi soft dick still leaking a bit of cum and I decided to clean it all. His cum was tasty and sweet. When I was done I slowly sat next to him.

"You were thinking about having sex with me master? W-why didn't you just order me to please you."

"Because if I would force you it would be only one-sssided. And I don't want it to be only one-sssided."

I didn't know what to say. Until now I was only used to pleasing my owners and masters and now my owner cares for my own good and even sacrificing his own desires for me to feel welcome.

"M-master... Could i... Offer you... Something more? Maybe I can try to repay your generosity... Even tho I am not forced to repay you. I just... wish I could repay you."

"Hmm there could be few thingsss you could do for me. Firssst... You could clean up your messss you did."

He smirked at me and exposed his belly that was covered in my cum. Without any shyness and hesitation I got on all four and teasingly licked his entire belly and chest clean, but without swallowing. Then I sat on his chest and opened my mouth wide, showing him my affection, but before I swallowed it he pulled me on top of him and kissed me deeply. His tongue wrapped around mine and I felt his hand holding me in place. I didn't resist him and shared some of my cum with while we made out. As we let go of our kiss he flipped me on my back and pinned my wrists to the bed getting his face really close to mine.

"And for the sssecond thing. I need to ask you one thing, Velvian. Do you want me to claim you assss no one did before?"

His second dick was still wet from my licking and its tip rubbed against my stretched wet hole. I hesitated a little, but I couldn't resist to it anymore. I slowly relaxed and spread my legs more for him. His dick started to run against my balls and the semi soft dick already getting excited again.

"I-i wanna be yours master... Please claim me and breed me..."

His eyes changed as if his wish was fulfilled and now he was able to do what he wanted the whole day. I blushed once again and moved my head aside exposing my neck unintentionally. He slowly moved to my neck and kissed it with his fangs rubbing along with it. He knew very well it made me really excited.

"I will make thisss night unforgettable for you foxxxy. I will make you mine... Yessss. And breed you with all I got left in me."

As he finished it he didn't hesitate and pressed his tip against my wet hole. Even with his size it slid inside me easily with all that saliva on his dick and around my hole. I moaned loud as my hole squeezed his dick that kept sliding his way inside me. He leaned to my ear and bite on it gently and pant into it. When he reached all the way to his base. It seemed like I was completely full and my legs started to shake. But I wrapped my legs around his waist and enjoyed the sensation of his dick throbbing inside me. He slowly pulled out halfway and then slowly pushed it inside again. Each thrust hit my prostate and made me moan in master´s ear. But it seemed to turn him on. I knew he was really pent up, but he tried to be as gentle as he could. He slowly increased his speed, but it was noticeable it wasn't enough.

"Please master... Go a little harder... You don't need to be gentle... Ahhh.. please"

First time in the entire day I saw master´s face in doubt. He knew that if he would go harder and faster it could hurt me, but he lightly nodded and changed position. He moved me on a pile of pillows and didn't hold my hands. He grabbed me by my waist and started to increase his speed faster and his thrust got a bit harder. His dick was throbbing inside of me and pushing my prostate making me moan louder than before. My legs seemed to not work anymore, they were just wrapped around my master's waist and they stayed like that. My hands wrapped around my master´s long neck and I cling onto him. My paws rubbed his back gently digging my claws into his scaled back harmlessly. I moaned and panted into my master´s ear and I heard him too. His cock felt bigger and bigger as he throb intensively getting closer to finish. Master out of nowhere bit my neck and I moaned louder. It wasn't a painful bite, but a bite from love and affection. I felt his cock throb and then I felt his warm cum filling my insides. Master was panting heavily and he laid on top of me exhausted. My hole squeezed my master's dick like if it would want to milk that cock completely dry and after some time. Master pulled out his cock and I felt my stretched hole getting some rest, but not for long. Master shoved a small buttplug inside again, keeping all the cum inside of me.

"V-velvian... Thisss. Was the besssst sexxx... I had in a long time. It ssseemed like you knew every sssingle thing that would please me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"I never felt this good in my life, master. Thank you... For being my master. I had the best day of my life."

"I am happy to hear that foxxxy. I would... Give you a choice if you wanna sssleep in your bed or ssshare mine, but after this i am ordering you to ssstay inside my bed and sssleep with me hehe."

We both laughed at his joke and we slowly found comfortable positions to sleep in. He wrapped himself and his tail around me and covered us in a blanket. Then he wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me on his chest. I didn't mind. It felt nice to have someone next to me. We slowly fall asleep from an exhausting night.

Night was silent and a light breeze was flowing through the night. Moonlight was shining on the town, lighting it up almost like in daylight. When sunrise started to appear on the horizon, Elleanore entered master´s room as usual and noticed master and his new slave sleeping in the same bed. Master with his bigger body wrapped around me and with his hands around my chest. She slowly approached the bed and observed us both peacefully sleeping. Her eyes were mainly on me. After yesterday her curiosity about me greatly increased. She admired my control over lust and her charm. I didn't submit even tho both of us knew I wanted to submit. I slowly moved in my master´s embrace and started to wake up. My eyes slowly opened, getting used to the daylight from sunset through the ceiling window. When I spotted Elleanore smiling at me and then slowly looked around me noticing that I was in my master´s embrace. I blushed lightly as I remembered about yesterday night. Now I realized I was completely naked and still having a buttplug in my tailhole. I covered myself, but slowly so I didn't wake him up. Slowly freed myself from his embrace, but Elleanore stopped me on the side of the bed and started whispering.

"Where do you think you are going, cutie. Your duties are still on the bed. Ready to be taken care of. Don't be shy. You already experienced it yesterday, didn't you?"

Her evil smirk made me blush a little more and she knew she was right. She was dressed in the same outfit as me, but her clothes were bigger, because of her big breasts and bigger body size. She reached to master´s tail and caressed it gently, attempting to wake him up. Her smile changed to a confused look. Usually that was the only thing necessary to wake up master with ease. She started to shake with master´s tail, but he still didn't wake up.

"Master. It's already sunrise. Your daily morning care is ready to be served...

Master?... What did you do to master. He is not waking up."

She looked at me with a worried and scared face. She looked at me as if she wanted me to suffer for unspeakable things.


At that moment master´s tail wrapped around her mouth from behind and covered it to silence her. She got scared and looked in master´s direction.

"Pleassse. Don't ssshout at anyone. It hurtsss my ears. Thank you for your alarm El, but today I am gonna passss on morning care... I had an amazing evening and got what i needed already."

His tail slowly dropped from her mouth and her face was still really surprised. She looked at me while I was hiding myself behind one of master´s huge pillows.

"How did you... Ehm... I am sorry master for my shouting. It will not happen again. I was just afraid something happened to you by... Your new servant..."

She looked at me still surprised, but her eyes looked down as she felt bad for shouting at me and offending me for harming our master. Master slowly sat down and stretched his arms. He was also completely naked, but he took one of his many black cloaks and wrapped the belt around his waist to keep him covered.

"You are forgiven my dear. Now. Take my ssspecial foxxxy into the bath. After yesssterday we both need to clean up hehe. I will get on my way. You can arrive little later... And El... You know the rulesss."

She looked at master while he was walking around her toward the door out of the room. She nodded on him and he disappeared behind the corner. She slowly turned around with a curious blank face. She looked amazing. Her fur was just perfect in the light of the sunrise. Her clothes were revealing like mine, but still enough to hide most of the private parts. She approached me slowly.

"How... did you manage to please master like this... He is almost never pleased for longer than a few hours. Tell me what happened in the night..."

She looked desperate to know everything that happened, as if she wouldn't believe it was possible to please master this way. She kept staring at me and i was still hiding behind the pillow.

"I... don't know what I did... He was just... Pent up and he was teasing me... A lot. Like you. And he just started to please me and i didnt struggle... I wanted him to take me. And then I wanted to try to return the favor and we just... Continued for a while until we both were totally tired."

"And that's it? You pleased him... You. Virgin with no experiences whatsoever and just make him pleased for the entire night and morning?"

While she kept on mocking me I saw master approach from a corner he disappeared in. He smiled and he put his finger on his lips telling me to not say anything. His massive body slowly approached behind the Elleanore and stood there. It was impressive how silent he was when he wanted to, same like he sneaked behind me while I was looking at his table.

"You know how many creatures are trying to please him like this? For so long and no one succeeded and do you think i will believe you that YOU did it. On a first try."

When she finished her sentence, master slowly wrapped his hand around her. His left hand wrapped around her breasts and squeezed her right one and his left hand held her by the belly and slid under her skirt. She yelped for the second and then she moaned as master started to please her with his fingers. His jaw moved to her ear and spoke so loud that even I could hear, because if he didn't want me to hear it he would whisper with his teasing and calm voice.

"Ohhh sssomeone is a little jealousss on my special ssservant. Why are you jealousss my dear. You ssshould be happy that I enjoyed myssself with him... Or maybe... You wanted to be the one that would pleassse me this way?"

It seemed like master hit the spot. Elleanore looked a little disturbed and wanted to run away, because she started to struggle in master´s grasp, but master didnt let her go. She moaned a little more as master squeezed her breast more and her skirt was getting soaked wet. It seemed like she wanted to please master more than usual.

"Go ahead into the ssspring and we will arrive sssoon. And be a good girl. Foxxx did only to pleassse me. Nothing wrong. Now go."

When master's arms opened up. She left immediately kinda pissed. Master giggled when she left and looked at me. He smiled at me and licked his fingers covered in Elleanore´s juice. His eyes were exploring me like he wouldn't get enough yesterday. His tail reached the pillow and started to drag it away from me. I tried to keep it to cover myself, but then the pillow slipped through my hands. I used my tail to cover my crotch and I looked at master with annoyed pout. He laughed and turned around. He pulled one smaller cloak of my size and threw it on me. I smiled at him from his nice gesture and I slowly dressed up and then went to him.

"I am really sorry for what happened with Elleanore. I dont know what pissed her off so much. She was different yesterday. So teasing, curious and charming."

"You know Velvian, after years of being pleased by my servants. It's not easy to please me for a long time. It was never easy to begin with. But you and your... Ssshyness, cuteness and innocence is just what I love the most. You resssist a lot to my charm and i usually can read people well. Like i knew what you like as sssoon as i sssaw you waking up in my room. You made me break my own rule to not force new member into sssex. But I would break it if you wouldn't agree to it at night. Ssshe tried her best to pleassse me, but ssshe didn't succeed."

"M-maybe i can do something for her. I don't want her to be angry at me. Do you... do you know what I could do to make her feel good about me?"

Master smiled at me for my nice gesture and thought a little bit. He tapped with his fingers on his chin and then when he smelled those messy fingers that he teased El with he knew exactly what would work on her.

"I have already plan foxxxy. But you will need to listen to me. Now let's get going. We need to get nice and clean."

I didn't know what to think about his plan, but I was willing to try it. We arrived into the hot spring where most of the members just barely started to dive into the spring. El was on the same spot like yesterday looking into the ceiling probably thinking. Master dropped his cloak on the ground and slowly entered the spring showing me to follow him. At that moment I got scared, because I realized I had only the cloak and nothing else. I stepped into the hot spring, but then I saw master shaking his head at me. I realized he wanted me to go full naked. He was next to El and whispering something to her. She looked sad at first, but then she giggled and smiled toward me. I blushed even more and i didnt want to undress when she was looking at me, but she didn't let her eyes off me. So I took off the cloak and quickly got into the spring. I knew that she was staring at my sheath immediately when I got naked. She wanted to see yesterday and now she got the chance. When I dived below the water she started to swim toward me with master behind her.

"Look who finally grew enough to get naked infront of us. Why don't you show us a little bit more of you, Velvian."

I pouted and dived almost entirely below the water so she wouldn't see much. She slowly swam to me and giggled as she kept looking at me with her devilish smirk. She approached me so close that she almost pressed her breasts against me if I didn't step back, but it seemed like it didn't stop her. She took another step closer to me and stepped back in response, but then I couldn't step away from her anymore. She smirked even more and pressed her chest against mine. I couldn't resist and started to get hard.

"Well, well, well. Now when you let master use you for his pleasure there are no more rules that stop me from using you too Velvian. I hope you don't mind."

Her evil grin stared right into my eyes. Her nipples rubbed against my chest as she started to tease me with them and I tried my best to not get hard even more so she wouldt notice.

"W-wait master said that i need to allow it first... Please... Don't do this here. I can't infront of everyone here."

"Ohhh you are no fun foxy. Well atleast i tried to make you allow it... The rule is still here. But... I got a special order from my master. That I need to clean you whole. And you know what that means, do you."

Her paw slowly rubbed my inner thighs and slowly got closer to my crotch. She made my legs spread a little and I blushed completely not knowing if I needed to accept it, because it goes from master or if I may deny it. But then she sat on my lap and my cock was completely hard. her pussy rub against my hard dick she moved her paws from my thighs to my belly rubbing it all the way to my chest. Her hands gently explore every part of my body. My dick was throbbing so much because of her big breasts against my chest and her pussy rubbing against my dick i was really on the edge of falling for my lust and then she pressed me against the wall of the spring and kissed my neck. I moaned loud and many of the people around looked toward me and El. She didn't mind it at all, but I was embarrassed. Master was enjoying the show the whole time and so he approached us when El had me pinned against the wall of the spring.

"Fassscinating you two. You are doing sssuch an amazing show, but we need to make a few changesss. Follow me."

He walked out of the spring and I noticed he was completely hard. His dicks were rock hard like yesterday and he didn't try to hide it at all. El looked at master angry as she lost a moment to get me where she wanted to have me. I hesitated to get out of the water, but when I turned around and saw his impatient face I got out of the water immediately hiding my nudity with my wet tail. We arrived in different section of the room. It was completely empty. It seemed like separated for a reason. He slowly walked inside the pool.

"Foxxxy, welcome to my personal spring. Here. You have privacy here that you were missssing, unfortunately I will be here for the whole time. Elleanore? You can continue your... Amazing show."

Her eyes looked at me and she grabbed my hand slowly pulling me into the hot spring. I didn't want to go, but I followed her into the spring switching my look on her and him. He sat on the other side of the pool staring at me and El really excited as his dicks slightly peaked from the water. She pulled me to the side of the spring on the opposite side from the master and pinned me against the ledge. I could see her lustful eyes exploring my body. She sat on my lap and pressed herself against me. Her clit was rubbing against my dick and her nipples were against my chest.

"Now when I got you all for myself... Do you have something you would want me to do for you? Or... maybe do to you?"

She smirked at me and slowly rubbed her hands along my sides. She was really hot and full of lust. She was determined to get what she wanted and the master gave her the power to get it. I could only wait and enjoy the moments. I pant from excitement and I just went for it. I wrapped my paws around her and held her close to me while I leaned for the kiss. First it was a light kiss on the lips, but it was like a button that made her go wild. She kissed me back and bit my lips teasingly. When I looked into her eyes and her wide grin I smiled lightly and blush as we returned back to making out. Our tongues wrestle in the passion and our paws just went to explore each other's bodies. Her paws explored my hands and shoulders while mine went down to her ass and squeezed it. After a while she pulled away from a kiss and the saliva string was between our lips.

"Rawr, Velvian. You sexy fox getting me all excited for you and then you just keep it more and more exciting. Are you ready to get yourself milked by a needy wolf girl?"

I looked into her eyes and I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't get myself to speak. She giggled and leaned to my neck and kissed it. At that moment I saw the master´s amused face. He loved what we were doing and I saw him stroke one of his rock hard dicks from all the excitement. He noticed me looking at him and his hissing tongue wiggle around as he was panting a bit. It seemed like he was having fun for a while. He lifted his eyebrows telling me to go on. At that moment El lifted her ass from my lap and rubbed her pussy against my dick hard dick. She pressed its tip against her entrance and slowly sat on it all the way down to my knot. She felt really tight and her inner walls squeezed my shaft hard, milking it. Then she started to ride my dick. I was so excited and we both moaned lightly at first, but as she started to speed up we got louder and louder. We both were filled with pleasure, but she was starting to get exhausted. She was panting more and more and she was leaning on top of me rubbing her huge tits against me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and stood up with her in my arms and turned around to press her against the ledge, like she did it to me. She was surprised and looked into my eyes.

"You are stronger than you look, Velvian. I like that"

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned to kiss me while I was rubbing my already full sized knot against her clit. She was so warm inside, squeezing me still tight and I knew I was not gonna last long. I pulled out a kiss and smirked at her. I moved my paw down to her clit and rubbed it as I was pressing my knot against it, spreading her gently. She moaned lightly and leaned against the wall to get nice and comfy. I started to fuck her always pressing my knot against her pussy making her moan each thrust and i pant with her enjoying her tight grip around my shaft.

"Fuck... you are really tight... You want me to knot you El?"

"You need to knot her foxxxy. That isss my order."

I didn't even have time to turn around and I felt the master´s tail wrapping around my tight and slowly rubbing against my ass. He wrapped his arms around my chest without making any sound and El smirked at me. She saw him come and didn't say anything to warm me. Master´s hard dick rubbed against my asscheeks and back while they were rock hard.

"You don't mind me joining you, right? I had enough of the view and I couldn't resissst."

Elleanore and master were arranged on this and I had no idea. Master´s tail slowly found its way into my hole and slowly spread it wide. I moaned and El pulled me on top of her. She was ready for it when she was leaning against the wall to get on a shore so I could lay on top of her lightly. I was laying on her breasts and she held me close so I couldn't leave while the master was preparing my ass and pressing my back against El.

"You were planning that all along, weren't you."

"Hehe, you don't mind that, do you, Velvian."

"Sssurprises are the best for you ssso we prepared one for you."

When the master said it he pushed his tail in my ass making me moan loud. Elleanore moaned as I pushed my dick inside her and knotted her. Then the master pulled me out of her so I released my knot and and his tongue hissed next to my ear.

"Not yet foxxxy. I still have something for you. You wouldn't like to miss that... Would you."

When he said it, One of his dicks lined up with my hole and the second one rubbed against my asscheeks. His arms wrapped around my chest and teased it with claws. I was panting heavily and my heart got much faster. I was between both of them and totally in control and I couldn't do anything about it. I loved it.

"Y-yes master... I wouldn't want to miss that... Please... Join us and don't hold back."

I heard the master´s pleased grunt and then he pressed his lips against my neck and kissed it while he slowly pressed his tick inside me slowly going half way. I moaned and pant from the pleasure pressing myself against Elleanore. He was slowly going deeper and deeper making me used to his size. I was twitching in pleasure and moaning the whole time. But then he pulled out and started thrusting me. He hold me in his arms tight so he could move me with him and fuck Elleanore too. Me and Elleanore moaned in pleasure, slowly getting close. Master panted on my neck with each thrust. It seemed like he was jerking off from the start and he was close to himself. His dicks were both throbbing and leaking a lot of pre. Master got so eager that he pushed Elleanore further on the shore so she could lay on the floor while having me on top of her and I had master on top of me. After a while of endless pleasure we all started to get exhausted and close to finishing. My dick was getting milked and my ass was stuffed fully each thrust. I couldn't last much longer.

"F-fuck. You're overcoming me, I can't take it anymore. I am... sorry."

Master grinned at Elleanore and she nodded with the same smirk. Master pushed his dick all the way to the base into me making me moan loud and lay on Elleanore knotting her tight pussy. She moaned with me holding me tight on her breast kissing me deeply. My dick started to pump her full of my cum making her feel nice and warm. Master kept having his way with my tight ass thrusting all the way down. He also reached to his second dick and started jerking it off while he rubbed it against my asscheeks, it leaked a lot of pre on my back as he was getting close.

"It'sss your time to get you filled foxxxy."

He lifted me from Elleanore´s chest and I saw her moan and pant exhausted. His tail wrapped around one of her tits and squeezed it tight. Then master started to fucking me slowly, but nicely. One of the dicks filling my entire belly made a small bulge on my belly and the second one squeezed between me and him leaking and throbbing, ready to burst. Each time he trusted in me, he pushed me against Elleanore making me fuck her a little more so she would get a lot of pleasure that made her finish. Her moans were loud and her pussy was so tight it felt like I was getting milked for every single drop of my seed. Master didn´t stop and I felt his dicks throbbing ready to burst. He pushed his dick inside me all the way to the base and both of his dicks started to burst his seed out. My belly started to get full and my chest started to get wet and messy, just like my master´s chest. He put me down on top of mel again and i felt his second dick rubbing against my ass covering my back in cum that slowly flowed down on El. Then he lifted his dick making him shoot on my head and a little bit on El´s face too. We all were super exhausted and panted while we rested for a while. I looked at Elleanore and her pleased blue eyes shone in the sunlight filling the room. Her messy face was so cute and adorable. I couldn´t resist so I licked the cum on her cheek and helped her get clean. She giggled and she kissed me giving me a nice deep loving kiss. Master slowly pulled out his dick from inside me, making my ass leak a lot of his cum and then he sat on the edge of the hot spring.

"Well done ssslaves... You deserve sssome day off today for such a hot ssshow hehe. You are able to do anything for now... I will give you an order if you will be needed."

He relaxed and panted and it seemed he was ready to go away unclean. Elleanore whispered in my ear that we needed to pamper the master for such an amazing ending he prepared and I just smiled and nodded. I slowly pulled my dick out of her when she finally stopped squeezing me and then we both slowly got into the water. Master was looking at us a little confused while we slowly got to the edge he was sitting on and each of us started to lick one of his dicks clean. He smirked at us, really pleased and let us do the work. We both were doing it in different way. While I was licking master´s dick from top to bottom, kissing it and sucking on his sides. Elleanore took little more advanced technic and suck master´s dick with no problem. He pet both of our heads and happily smiled while he was getting all clean. After we were done with his dicks I looked at his messy chest. I spanked Elleanore´s ass lightly and she looked at me a little blushy. The only thing I needed to do was lift my eyebrows on her and start looking at the master´s chest. She knew what we had to do. While we left semi soft dicks behind we moved up and started to lick his abs clean. He smirked even more and his tail slowly wrapped around my waist.

"You jussst can't get enough of your massster? I wanted to give you sssome privacy for some time, but i sssee that you want to get nice and clean firssst."

He lifted me up with his tail and then he lifted El with his arms slowly going down into the water to get clean properly. Then he put us down and let us clean him completely. Elleanore didn't hesitate and whispered something to master into his ear, but I couldn't properly hear anything, because of the water in my ears. Before I emptied them they were smirking and El went for some sponge and soup. She threw them at me and then she moved behind the master with a little seat that she used to clean the master´s back and give him a nice massage.

"Your work will be master´s legs and chest Velvian... You think you can do it well?"

She smiled a little evilly, but nothing weird. So I nodded and grabbed soup and sponge. I slowly moved to the master's feet and started to clean them. He was slightly ticklish, but he didn't show it in his smile. Then I continued to his legs, thighs and then crotch. His dicks were already hidden in the slit so I didn't need to care that much, but then I started to clean his abs. His body felt so strong and made from metal. It felt really nice to clean it. I took a little bit more time with it, slowly cleaned his belly and then moved to his strong chest.

"Sssneaky little fox is taking it´s precious time with master's chessst and absss? You like what you feel, Velvian?

I blushed a lot when he said it, but I wasn't that shy anymore. Before I got time to answer he lifted me up on his lap and squeezed my ass while our lips almost touched.

"You are ssso adorable and sssexy... It seems like I can´t get enough of you. You and Elleanore are welcomed into my room for the evening. It will be so much fun with you two."

He moved me a little bit up and made my lips pressed against his. Without hesitation he pressed his tongue inside my mouth and wrapped it around my tongue while we made out. He slowly pressed two fingers inside my stretched hole rubbing them inside and let the rest of the cum drip out so he could clean me up next. Elleanore slowly walked around with a sponge and started to clean my back while I made out with the master.

"You two are really sexy together, not gonna lie. Submissive obedient fox and charming passionate dominant snake master. What an amazing duo."

Master pulled out his tongue and giggled at Elleanore´s joke. He slowly put me down after we both were already nice and clean and he slowly stood up. He looked at El and smirked. With his tail he made her slip on her back and then slowly move on top of her. He supported himself against the ledge and leaned toward El´s lips.

"Don't you think you were alssso important part of this amazing time? You are the exact middle that can be both... Sssubmissive or dominant. I love that about you El. Don´t forget that."

She blushed and smiled a lot that the master still cared for her as she had some doubts about it and she started to moan out of nowhere. I noticed the master starting to finger her wolf pussy under the water, teasing her. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her deeply like he did to me. Then he stood up and clapped his hands a little and 2 naked girls brought him cloak to get nice and dry. He slowly started to walk away and then he turned around.

"Elleanore? You and Velvian have a sssweet day off and you can get sssome gold and go have sssome fun around the town. Get yourself sssomething nice. It was a pleasure to ssspend time with you two."

Elleanore looked at the master with excited eyes. She was really excited and just happily nodded to the master while he was walking away. Then she turned around and happily smiled at me.

"Did you hear that Velvian? We can go shopping together. I love shopping, but... You know. I already had some plans for us while we would have the day off."

She slowly walked up to me and smirked evilly. I knew that face already, she was thinking about some dirty stuff. She laid on her ass and started to wash her shiny fur.

"You and me. Completely alone in a private room doing all sorts of stuff heh. I bet you would enjoy every second of it. I like to do all sorts of things. You will have to wait for another day tho. Because getting a chance to go shopping is not really very common for me."

I was wondering what she was thinking about. Me and her in the room alone. She would have no boundaries that would stop her from getting what she wanted. Those two girls were waiting with two more cloaks for us to get out of the water and get ready for our reward. I was shy, but El grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the water. She was strong. I didn't realize until now how strong she actually is. She was truly held back the whole time. I picked one of the cloaks from those girls and I saw both of them staring at me. All the people around here never saw a fox before or they were just curious about a new member of the harem. But it was embarrassing to be completely naked in front of two girls. I got my cloak on and went into the changing room where Elleanore was already getting dressed. She looked really excited to go shopping. Classic girl. We both got naked and then she guided me through the part of the harem I had no clue about. She took me on the other side to use the back door instead of leaving through the main gates. Two guards were already waiting for us outside with two bags filled with gold coins. I didn't see so much money for a long time. I knew the master was swimming in gold, but I didn't know he was sharing his coins with his slaves to give them some reward for being obedient and hardworking.

Outside was nice and warm. Sun was shining and the weather looked perfect for a day outside. Elleanore looked excited and she was looking around. In one moment she grabbed my hand and pulled me toward a stall with jewelry. She was trying them all while guards were walking around. Master knew that it's dangerous to leave someone like Elleanore. Pretty girl without protection or maybe he still didn't believe in me to not run away. I was looking around enjoying the outside after a long time locked in a cell or working hard at the pyramid. Everything looked so nice and peaceful. Birds were flying across the sky, probably travelling across the desert somewhere with more water or less warm weather. When I turned around, I saw El looking at me with her classic evil smirk. She giggled when I was looking at her confused not knowing what she was thinking about. I got distracted again and she probably bought some jewelry for her collection. Then we moved on. Day was going by kinda quick and El didn't take long to spend all her gold while I was mostly walking around enjoying her silly excitement for things like jewelry, clothes and exotic fruit. I gave her half of my coins so she could continue enjoying herself and then when she ran away to another stall that caught her eyes I saw a familiar face. It was the guard that found me on the roof and gave me some food and spent some night with me talking about our past. I wanted to thank him, but guards had their eyes on me. I couldn't go without them noticing and i didnt want to give him any trouble. I realized El can help me easily. I went to her when she was trying on some hats that would protect her from the sun and I whispered in her ear.

"Could you please distract guards for a little moment? Please trust me. I am not gonna run away."

She just giggled and winked at me as she got back to her business. She put all the stuff she bought on one of the guards that was getting a little bit overwhelmed and then out of nowhere she screamed and ran toward a stall that was a little bit far away. Both guards got confused and started to follow her. It worked well. I went to a guard on a corner of the market. I poked his shoulder and he looked at me. He immediately realized who I was and his surprise showed that I changed from a poor slave working for a king in awful conditions to someone who lives in luxury. I leaned to his ear and whispered really quick into his ear.

"Thank you for being so kind to me. I really appreciate it."

I put all the remaining coins from my back into his pocket and he was stunned he didn't say anything. I nodded at him with a warm smile and he waved at me with a confused smile. Then I started to run toward El and two still distracted guards. She was keeping them busy really easily and it seemed guards were not protecting me. But mostly her. Master believed in me that I am not gonna run away. It felt really great to know someone was believing in you even tho i could always betray them. But why would I do that? I have everything. Food, shelter and a lot of fun and pleasure. I got back and Elleanore knew I was done. After a while she finally spent all the remaining coins I gave to her and we started to go back to the harem. The day flies by so fast when you have fun and no stress. Elleanore was kinda tired, but her smile was smiling all the time. She seemed to have the day of her life. We went through the main entrance with the master already waiting for our arrival. It seemed like he knew when we would arrive. He welcomed us back with a warm smile. He showed us to follow him. We slowly arrived into his room and guards brought all the things that Elleanore bought.

"I sssee you had a lot of fun today. Why don't you ssshow me what all you bought, hmmm? Elleanore you can ssstart with your... Ssshow."

I got kinda afraid, because I didn't know the master would want us to show him anything we bought. I didn't buy anything, because I didn't feel like wasting money on myself, but I don't want him to get angry at me for giving them to the guard that helped me when I was in need. I was thinking for a while as Elleanore showed every single piece of her new clothes, jewelry and other girly stuff she bought for herself. When she was about to end, the master looked at me realizing I didn't bring anything with me.

"What about you... Velvian. You didn't buy anything ssspecial for yourself? What did you do with all the coinsss, i gave to you."

"I-i wasn't feeling like deserving any of that gold master. So I gave it to Elleanore so she can enjoy it instead."

Elleanore took a deep breath, but then swallowed it, because she didn't want to screw me up. But it was too late. Master noticed my stuttering and her hesitation. He knew something was off.

"Hmmm interesting. Are you trying to lie to your... Massster foxxxy? Sssomething here doesn't feel right. I don't like when sssomeone is lying to me."

Elleanore wanted to say something, but Master put finger on her lips to stop her. He didn't seem angry, but curious. I was starting to feel bad about lying to him. He slowly approached me with a curious look in his eyes. I knew I needed to tell him. I looked into the ground, blushing, feeling really bad and sighed.

"I-i am sorry master... I gave Elleanore only half of my coins... And... The remaining half I gave to someone who helped me when I was in king's prison."

"Ssso... You gave one half to Elleanore and then gave the sssecond half to a ssslave who you met in prissson?"

"N-no... It wasn't a slave master. It was... Guard who didn't put me back to jail when I was running away from it every night to not get beaten up by other slaves in the cell. They were jealous of me being useful to the king, but because I was weak... They knew they could beat me up with ease. G-guard was bringing me some food and water and I wanted to thank him for that when I could... Gold was the only thing I could do for him. I am sorry to disappoint my master."

Master laughed when I finished my story and got back to his chair smiling. Elleanore was confused like me and we both looked at him not knowing what was happening.

"Hahaha sssplendid. How humble can sssomeone be? YOU... Velvian. You had one chance to ssspend some gold on thingsss you like. Anything you had on the market and you ssstill gave one half to Elleanore and the other one to the guard that gave you a favor when you needed it. Your generosssity is incredible. I am not mad at you. I am proud of you."

Me and Elleanore smiled at the master when he was laughing in his chair. When he finished, both of them looked at me and smiled. I looked away and laughed. I really didn't expect such a reaction. That really caught me off guard.

"T-thank you master... But it was your gold to begin with. I am grateful for getting such an opportunity from you, giving us a share of your gold and giving us a reward for well done work."

"It was pleasssure to give you sssmall piece of my gold for you two to have sssome fun. Alssso... I wonder what is inssside of that last bag behind you, Elleanore... Nothing can hide from my all ssseeing eyesss."

Elleanore smirked and approached our master and whispered something into his ear. His eyes shifted and his hissing tongue twitched around excited. Elleanore looked at me when she finished and I noticed what bag he was talking about. It was a bag from the first stall we visited. With all kinds of jewelry and decoration on ears, neck and fingers. He giggled silently for himself and whispered something back into her ear. She looked a little bit surprised at first, but then she nodded and went back to her place without saying anything.

"Well my ssspecial slaves. Change of plansss. I will go sssleep little sssooner today. It was. Really. Ssspecial day for all of us. You two ssshould go to your rooms and get sssome rest for tomorrow. I have big plansss to accomplish."

Without any chance to say anything he snapped his fingers and guards entered the room. Two of them started to guide us into our rooms and third one was carrying all of the Elleanore's newly bought things except one. The bag they were talking about. Curiosity was driving me crazy why they didn't tell me what was in the bag. But with their grins I knew it was someone sexual to them. We slowly arrived into our rooms and we got placed next to each other. Room was well prepared. It had a small window with nice moonshine filling up the room. It had glass filled with crystal water and decorated with all kinds of rare gems. There was a bowl of fresh exotic fruit and a few books with candle and matches. In the corner of the room was a big bed with many pillows and a blanket the same as the master had. The room wasn't made for slaves, but for top tier guests. Master really didn't treat his slaves as trash, but he pampered them and kept them in a happy mood and in return everyone was loyal to him. While I was distracted by the amazing look of my room I didn't hear the door of my room open up and Elleanore sneaked up behind me and grabbed my muzzle so I wouldn't make a noise. Her big tits immediately made me sure it was her and she was slowly dragging me into her room. I knew it's pointless to struggle and i didnt want to make any noise to get the attention of others.

She locked the room and looked at me while I was confused about what she was planning. Then I remembered what she said in the hot spring. "You and me. Completely alone in a private room doing all sorts of stuff heh. I bet you would enjoy every second of it." Then I noticed her hand holding something that shined in my eyes with the moonlight. She looked beautiful. Her fur was soft, fluffy and shiny from beautiful moonlight. She approached me and I noticed she was holding a black collar decorated with shiny diamonds. I looked at her surprised and also kinda terrified what she was going to do with it. She grabbed my hand before I stepped back and pulled me to her lightly. She was strong even tho i tried to get out of her grasp. It seemed like I didn't move an inch with her.

"No running away now foxy. You are all mine for tonight and you will listen to everything I say."

She knew exactly what I wanted and she knew she had me wrapped around her finger. She slowly pulled my hand down so that I stopped resisting and got on my knees. She smiled pleased and put a collar around my neck. I was blushing and felt ashamed how easy it is for her to control me. Collar fit me well and it was really soft. Then she attached a leash that was nice, soft and decorated with diamonds. She planned all this. Maybe not for today, but she knew she would get a chance to put those things on me and order me around.

"Ohhh what a good boy. I was afraid I would have to force you. But I wouldn't mind even that. Putting cute boys on their knees is always fun."

"W-what are you planning to do El... You know I don't need to listen to you and just leave. You don't want me to grab the attention of others."

She smirked and wrapped the leash around her wrist and tagged on it lightly. She got on her knee in front of me and almost pressed her snout against mine.

"Then why are you on your knees already and not in your room instead... We both know you are not gonna grab the attention of others, because you're ashamed to try it at all. So don't bite and start enjoying it. We both know you want it as much as I do."