Keema's Adventure: Werewolf

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#14 of A Voluptuous Lizard's Adventures in Skyrim

Keema becomes joins the inner circle and becomes a werewolf in secrecy to the other new members of the circle. But things turn sour as what could be a celebratory mission to slay the silverhand results in the death of Skjor. Aela mourns for the death of her beloved, and Keema leaves her alone and give her space. Griefing, she releases the other werewolves who thank her. In appreciation, the alpha decides to let his son fuck her, which she gladly accepts (Cause you know, she's gotten used to being fucked by now).

The cover image belongs to Securipun and I have no ownership of the image at all and got permission from them. You can follow them on furaffinity if you want, here's the link:

After the anti-climactic ceremony and being welcomed into the circle, Keema approached Kodlak while the others seemed to be excited about what it actually meant to be in the circle, and if their pay would be bigger and were going to be sent on more important requests by the people of skyrim.

"Excuse me, master Kodlak-" Keema was about to say when Kodlak interrupted her.

"My dear youngling, I'm nobody's master. Now, what is it that you wanted to ask me?" Kodlak asked her.

"I... You're right, sorry about that. I just wanted to ask, are the members of the circle...?" Keema said, not wanting to accuse Kodlak and offend him, she couldn't bring herself to finish what she was thinking.

"Werewolves?" Kodlak finished for her.

Keema nodded, not really understanding why Farkas was able to transform into a werewolf in Dustman's Cairn, why he told her never to tell anyone about it, and why they were the way they are now.

"I see... So you must have witnessed Farkas transform to have known about it. It's all true, but that's all I can tell you for now. Yes we are werewolves, and whether you see it as something to fear or admire, that's up to you. All I ask of you is to keep this all within the companions, and don't tell anybody, especially the jarl about this, the reputation and honor of the companions will be tainted if word of this gets out" Kodlak told her.

"... And the others? Are they going to be informed about this?" Keema asked Kodlak.

"They will be told in due time, but now is not the time. Today is a day of glory for all of them, no reason to ruin it with a long kept secret" Kodlak said as he looked at all of the companions, who were now in the inner circle, celebrating and drinking to their hearts content.

Keema understood, from what he gathered, some of the others had been in the companions for years, and she didn't want to ruin the day they've been waiting for a long time.

"Go on then Keema, join them, no need to worry yourself over this" Kodlak advised her.

Keema did just that, she joined her fellow companions, her friends... Her new family, and celebrated their promotion with them.


Keema slept peacefully, after a long night of eating, drinking, and talking about this accomplishment with each other, she almost forgot about what she experienced in dustman's cairn.

Her peace was short lived however as Njada woke her up.

"Wake up, Skjor is looking for you" Njada told her.

Keema groggily got up and rubbed her eyes, and looked at Njada as she tried to understand what she was saying.

"What? Skjor is looking for me?" Keema asked.

"Yes, right under the forge, now go, I need to get my sleep" Njada said irritably, before going back to bed.

Keema wondered what Skjor could possibly want with her, and went to the location Njada told her, seeing Skjor waiting for her.

"You were trying to find me?" Keema asked him.

"Yes new blood, but that pitiful ceremony wasn't fitting for someone such as us. The real reward awaits you in the underforge" Skjor told her.

Real reward? What was Skjor talking about?

"The underforge? Real reward?" Keema asked him, not knowing what he meant.

"I forgot, you don't know where it is, but I'll show you the way. As for your reward, you're just going to have to follow me and see" Skjor said before turning towards the wall and opening it to reveal a stone door, camouflaged along the stone wall, and going inside.

Keema wasn't too sure about this, but followed her senior as she wondered what awaited her inside.

As they went in, a werewolf was waiting for her and Skjor, who was standing right in front of some large stone bowl from what it looked like.

"A-A werewolf!?" Keema reacted and drew her sword.

"Calm down! That's Aela, she has agreed to be your forebear" Skjor warned her.

"That's... That's Aela?" Keema said as she sheathed her sword, finding it hard to believe this werewolf was Aela.

"Yes, and it's no secret that we have something hidden from the eyes of others. That pitiful ceremony in the back of the hall wasn't a fitting reward for all your efforts. But since you've already known, you'll get a taste of the power and might of what being a werewolf feels like. Kodlak says it's a curse, how could something that makes you stronger be a curse? So we took matters to our own hands. Are you ready to heed the call of the moon shield sister?" Skjor asked her.

"Wait... You're making me a werewolf?" Keema asked them.

"Yes, it's the best reward for someone in the inner circle, a reward that will make you stronger, more agile, and hunt down our enemies like prey. Once again, I ask you, are you ready to heed the call of the moon?" Skjor asked her again.

Keema didn't know what to make of this, but if it would make her stronger, and help her understand more about why they were transforming themselves into werewolves, it surely wouldn't hurt to become one if Skjor's words were true about this being a blessing...

"I'm ready" Keema replied.

"Good, at first, you won't feel like yourself, and start hunting down prey, in other words, you'll start hunting down those who you hate in this city the most. But that's why we're here, to stop you before you'll do anything you regret. Now, it's time to join the pack, drink of this blood and you'll be like us" Skjor said before taking Aela's arm, who willingly let him slash it open as a large amount of blood came out of the gash and onto the bowl, filling it halfway.

Keema was surprised, was she really supposed to drink this?

"It's alright, only a handful is required, go ahead, drink" Skjor assured her.

She approached the stone bowl, and took a handful of the blood in her hands and drank.

Before she could wretch in the taste of it, she could feel her muscles spasming, her jaw growing longer, her scales being replaced with fur, she bent over and started to transform into her werewolf form, and as she completed her transformation, she howled in the air.


Keema woke up in an unfamiliar place, it didn't seem like she was in whiterun anymore, and it was really dark, but she saw one thing as she regained her vision, a light... It was... A torch?

Upon recovering her vision, she realized she was in the wilderness, and no longer in whiterun territory from the looks of it.

"You're awake! Your transformation was not an easy one to deal with" Aela said as she helped her get back on her feet.

"Where... Am I?" Keema asked her.

"You transformed into a werewolf and... killed someone along the way" Aela told her.

"...! Wait I did!?" Keema asked her, she felt guilty knowing she had accidentally killed someone... If it even counted as an accident.

"Yes, but don't feel bad about it, in fact, you've done everyone a favor" Aela assured her.

"...? Who did I even kill?" Keema asked her.

"Olfrid battleborn, but if you ask me, whiterun is better off without him" Aela informed her.

Keema breathed a sigh of relief, Olfrid always demeaned anyone who wasn't rich in whiterun, and talked down on the gray manes and started fights and disputes over each other's honor. Keema knew it wasn't exactly a good thing to think of but if anybody ever deserved it in whiterun, it was Olfrid... Besides Nazeem.

"Oh... Well I guess that softens the blow a bit" Keema said as she and Aela laughed it off, but Keema remembered something important to ask her.

"Where are we? How far did I travel to?" Keema asked Aela.

"Well, you traveled far, I'll give you that. But you accidentally traveled far enough to get to a silverhand hideout. And what better way to celebrate your transformation than to eliminate our enemies and wipe a group of them out and their base?" Aela said as she pointed at a fort.

"Wait, where's Skjor?" Keema asked her.

"He charged in ahead, but we're gonna follow him. We're gonna slaughter them, all of them. Lead on, Skjor should have lead the charge a few minutes ago" Aela said, drawing her bow.

Keema drew her sword and charged inside the fort, eliminating each silverhand that got in their way.

The silverhand all used silver weapons, and she noticed that whenever she would get wounded, she would get hurt at least twice as much, they used silver swords, greatswords, arrows, all of their equipment besides their armor were made of silver.

"This... Stings..." Keema said as they just killed a bunch of them, drinking a healing potion as she sustained some damage from them.

"Ah, right, this is a side effect. Silver weapons affect us more than usual in exchange for this power. But you don't see any other groups using silver weapons, it's unpractical, no good parrying against steel weapons, which is why we use skyforge steel" Aela told her as she bandaged up her bruises.

"Could have told me that earlier" Keema said as she finished up with her wounds, before looking at the cages, three werewolves were still alive as opposed to the one that was dead and hanging in a storage closet near the entrance of the fort.

"What are these werewolves doing here?" Keema asked Aela.

"Probably to torture them. As you may know, the silverhand were initially recruits of ours, but they're pretty much just glorified bandits who gave themselves a name. One day, they found out about our ability and escaped to tell the tale, and named themselves the silverhand in hopes that they'd become an organization that people would support and... Well look at them now. These wolves though..." Aela sniffs the air "Nobody we know by scent, nor are they Skjor, let's keep moving" Aela urged her.

Keema looked back at the werewolves and felt sorry for them, before joining Aela further.

They fought their way into the dungeon when they came upon the main chamber.

"Be careful, their leader is a nasty one. They call him the skinner, I don't think I need to tell you why" Aela warned her.

Heeding Aela's words, they charged in, and with Aela's support with her bow, they both managed to beat the remaining silverhand members along with Krev who was burned to a crisp with Keema's shout.

As the battle ended, the both of them took a moment to recover from their ordeal.

"Whew... Krev was really good with that greatsword... I should really receive some greatsword training with Vilkas, those things pack a punch" Keema commented as she was on bowing down on her knees, catching her breath.

"Well, you can ask him anytime if he's not busy. But don't expect him to go easy on you, besides, we got another set of piece of wuuthrad from Krev so this trip was worth it" Aela said before her eyes fell onto something she didn't expect to see.

There laid Skjor's corpse on the floor, dead, right in the middle of the room, and they hadn't noticed it until now.

"S-Skjor... Skjor... Wake up... WAKE UP!!!" Aela yelled loudly, frightening Keema as she began wailing in sorrow.

"Aela... Aela... I'm sorry this happened..." Keema tried to comfort her.

"I'll make them pay... I'll make them all pay..." Aela said, her voice turning from sadness to pure rage.

"Let's go home... We should tell everyone about what happened" Keema put her hand on her shoulder.

"No... I'll stay... I'll stay... I just need to bury him... And track any more of them that has escaped..." Aela sobbed against Skjor's chest.

"Aela... I'll help you bury him-" Keema tried to comfort Aela before she lashed out at him.

"I CAN TAKE CARE OF HIM MYSELF!" Keema fell back on the ground, crawling a bit as Aela angrily screamed at her.

Aela realized what she had done, and apologized.

"I'm sorry... You shouldn't be seeing me like this right now... Get out of here and go back to Jorrvaskr, you and I have work to do, and we'll make the silverhand pay" Aela said before going back to Skjor's body.

Keema got up and left Aela alone, she was about to leave when she remembered the werewolves. The beast blood made her feel some sort of kinship with them, and she couldn't help but feel some sympathy for them.

Keema didn't want them to suffer, and with the silverhand gone, they'd just starve to death... So she decided to release them.

Backtracking towards the cells, she came back and opened the cell doors, with the werewolves confused as they were released.

At first, they snarled at her after being freed, but then they sniffed the air, and realized she had the beast blood with her, except she was only a half werewolf and not a full one like them.

Startlingly, the werewolves began to communicate with her, having the beast blood allowed them to talk with them and understand them.

"Thank you argonian, I sense that you are like one of us" One of the werewolves said, expressing their gratitude.

She was surprised they were grateful for her, she thought they'd tear her apart.

"It's just... I feel some sort of kinship with all of you... And my name is Keema" Keema said to them.

"Keema... I will name my child after you once I meet a suitable mate..." The werewolf said in gratitude

"It felt like the right thing to do, I couldn't leave you all alone here to starve to death" Keema told him.

"I see... Then I'll give you the highest reward that my clan can give. My oldest son's seed that carries the power to birth strong pups, as strong as me and my kind, I hope you appreciate his... endowment" The alpha werewolf stepped aside, and revealed his oldest son, who had a nice, sizable knotted cock for her.

She gasped in surprise at the size, it was throbbing, and precumming like a faucet, Keema licked her lips at the sight of it.

"So do you accept?" The young werewolf asked, startling her from her daydream of wondering what the werewolf cock felt like.

"... Yes I do" Keema asked, feeling herself shiver as she fantasized about the werewolf's cock.

The werewolves nodded to the son.

"We'll meet you at our home son, tell us about the honorable reward you've given her when we get back" The alpha werewolf ordered his son.

The son nodded, and the other werewolves left, leaving Keema alone with the werewolf stud she was now alone with.

Seeing no other bed, the werewolf nudged her towards the cell, the hay acting like a makeshift bed for the both of them.

Keema wanted to forget the painful night of losing Skjor, a person she considered family even for a brief moment, to feel pleasure and feel good instead of the pain in her heart.

Blushing, undressed, and went to the cell, raising her voluptuous large rump high for the werewolf, lifting her tail up and revealing her pussy for him, not worrying about getting impregnated in the slightest with her infertility.

She didn't know why she was acting less ashamed of her horniness, maybe it was the beast blood that made her more honest and increased her sex drive, she wasn't quite sure if it was even the reason or she was just becoming sluttier the more she was exposed to skyrim's dangers and enemies who lusted for her.

"Show me how your clan uses your members, bring honor to your father's words and make him proud~ <3" Keema teased the werewolf, who only growled lustfully from her display.

"Very well, I will treat you like I would a future mate" The werewolf said before sniffing her rear before he started using his large tongue to lick both her pussy and ass.

"A-Aaahhhhhnnn... Your tongue is larger than I imagined it would be...~" Keema commented, wiggling her hips at him.

The werewolf growls and jams his tongue deep into her cunt, making her scream in surprise and pleasure.

"Aaaangh!!! I-It's so fucking deep...!~" Keema moaned as the werewolf thrusted his tongue in and out of her pussy, immediately releasing her juices as the werewolf ate her pussy out.

The werewolf's tongue felt exquisite within her, it was long for a canine tongue but far larger than it should be.

"Mate... I'll treat you like a mate..." The werewolf muttered between licks.

Keema panted as she stifled her moans, the werewolf's tongue was the largest one she has taken so far, and not to mention the cock that would enter her soon.

Keema reached down to her cunt and parted her pussy for him to lick easier, which the werewolf obliged by going even faster with his tongue work.

Keema was in heaven, the werewolf was licking her like a thirsty traveler, she couldn't help but feel her release coming already.

"I... I'm gonna cum...!~ <3" She warned the werewolf, a slightly visible blush on her face could be seen as her climax quickly approached.

The werewolf became even more excited, jamming his whole tongue inside, before making her cum and scream like a slut from the stimulation of the werewolf tongue.

"UWAAAAAHHHH!!!" She yelled in ecstasy, her pussy squeezing down on the tongue and squirting her which the werewolf easily drank down, continuously gulping down her juices like it was nothing.

"You taste good... Now mate... Impregnate... Preserve..." The werewolf said like a mantra, or maybe it was a ritualistic habit that his people always do when mating.

The werewolf placed her down on the hay, with Keema panting so deeply, the way her face blushed a bit, and with her voluptuous figure moved as she tried to catch her breath, she was a sight to see for any male.

"You're beautiful..." The werewolf told her.

She blushed harder, turning her scaly face into a darker shade of red, it was honestly the sweetest thing anybody has told her since she entered skyrim.

"Thank you, and you're a handsome stud too~" She complimented back.

The werewolf didn't know what a 'stud' was, but he knew one thing, he was going to breed with this woman, and he was going to enjoy it.

The werewolf pounced on her and took her breasts in his jaw and fit one whole breast in it thanks to the size of his maw, making Keema jump in surprise and then moan from the sensations. The hot breath, the suction, and the tongue, she gave an approving groan and started petting the werewolf who began wagging his tail.

"Good boy... Ngh... Keep licking~" Keema said as she started stroking the werewolf's cock.

The werewolf growled with pleasure, stopping his licking to stand up and let Keema have her way with his cock.

Keema was all too welcoming with him, standing up as well to make out with the werewolf, kissing each other's snouts and french kissing each other passionately, all the while Keema stroked the werewolf's cock.

Keema was practically sucking on the werewolf's tongue, and she was loving it, viewing him as lover for the time being.

The werewolf's cock throbbed and precummed all over her hand as she stroked it, the precum acting as lubricant and making her strokes more slick and wet, assisting in pleasing the werewolf.

"It's so big... That... That knot might not fit in me...~" She commented as she kneeled down and began to lick and suck on the knot.

The werewolf thrusted his cock as she licked the knot, clenching his clawed hands as he resisted the urge to just fuck her mouth carelessly.

To add more to the pleasure, she also began to use her huge breasts on his member, licking the tip as she gave him a titfuck, and felt precum lubricate her cleavage.

The werewolf was now growling, his growing urge to fuck her right there was becoming harder and harder, his base instincts taking over slowly.

Keema stroked the cock with her breasts, squeezing her breasts up and down on the cock while she sucked on the tip, her tongue wrapping around the cock like a snake coiling down on it's prey.

The werewolf howled and pinned her on the hay bed, surprising Keema from the now rough actions of the werewolf as it pointed it's cock right into her cunt.

"G-Getting rough now are we?~" Keema teased him.

"No more teasing... Now we mate" The werwolf said as he spread her legs wide, making Keema grunt in a bit of pain, she needed to stretch her legs more often.

The werewolf aimed his cock right at her cunt, and slowly went into her, going inside inch by inch, until he hilted inside her, causing a small bulge to show on her belly.

Keema moaned, holding onto the werewolf's arms as she experienced the greatest pleasure she had for a long time.

"H-haaaaaaaaahnnn... It's... It's stretching me wide... I don't think any other cock can match it right now...~" Keema said as her body continued to shake from the ecstasy she was feeling from his cock.

"Then I won't go easy, feel the power of a future alpha werewolf!" The werewolf declared before pumping her cunt full of his cock again, thrusting powerfully into her with no remorse.

Keema clawed at his back as he drilled into her with his cock, she could feel the knot bumping on her pussy as it tried to enter her but couldn't. Her breasts squished against the werewolf's chest, and she and the werewolf shared a loving kiss towards each other, locking their jaws together and their tongues meeting in a loving embrace as they made love on the hay pile.

Each thrust felt like a quake of pleasure surging through her body, an electrifying sense of euphoria running through them both as her pussy was hammered by the cock.

Keema held on to the werewolf tightly, each thrust felt like her mind went blank each time he thrusted into her, like a switch that would send sparks flying in her mind.

"You're... Making me... Go crazy...!!!~" Keema managed to utter in between thrusts.

"It is a most... Prized experience... Among our pack...!~" The werewolf groaned as he held her close, his thrusts becoming so erratic that she couldn't predict his thrusts. He would sometimes go with slow but hard thrusts, as if savoring the feeling of their hips meeting, and then pistoning into her hard and fast impatiently.

She could feel her g-spot being hit, and the werewolf took advantage of this as he mercilessly pounded her with all his strength and focusing his efforts on that one spot to make her feel even better than before.

"H-H-Hahhhhhh!!! You... F-F-Foooooooound my weak spot...! You're... C-Cheating... Ngah!!! <3" Keema howled as she wrapped her legs around him so he couldn't pull out of her.

"RAAAGHHHHH!!! Your body is too irresistible! I'll fill you with as many pups as I can!" The werewolf declared as he picked her up in a stand and carry position, thrusting into her cunt as fast as he could.

Keema gave a silly smile as her cunt was rammed by the werewolf, her brains being fucked out without mercy.

The werewolf gave a howl and shot his copious load, his thick knot entering her cunt and making sure not a single drop left her while simultaneously triggering her climax.

"NGUWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Keema screamed, cumming with the werewolf as they both tensed up from their climaxes.

Keema was now tied to the werewolf with how the knot was inside her and preventing the werewolf from pulling out.

Keema felt a rush of exhaustion, and drowsiness as she laid limp in his arms.

The werewolf laid her down and slept with her, keeping her warm and safe throughout the night in case any of the silverhand had come.


Keema woke up and realized that she had slept in the fort, it was a reckless decision and one that could have gotten her killed.

"You're awake..." The werewolf who mated with her said.

"Yes... I wasn't myself but... I think you helped me out in a way, after dealing with... A loss" Keema said, remembering Skjor's death.

"I see you lost someone dear to you... I lost my mate when the silverhand attacked and captured us... But you have made me feel better as well Keema, so I'm also in debt to you as well as my freedom" The werewolf thanked her.

"How long have I slept?" Keema asked him as she stretched.

"It's morning by now, and I sense that someone has left here while dragging something earlier. But I stayed with you in case any of the silverhand came from any direction and see you here defenseless and alone" The werewolf informed her.

That must have been Aela, dragging Skjor's body and burying it, she thought.

"I must go now, my family need me" Keema told the werewolf.

"I see... My family needs me as well, the silverhand have discovered our hideout, and we'll need as many people as we can. One of us has betrayed him and Hircine's protection is lost... Now he has sent the wild hunt on us, and we don't know how long we can hold out... I'm sorry Keema, but I hope that our debt to you has been paid, but I need to go and defend my people" The werewolf said as the wolf pulled out of her cunt and made a 'schlop' sound as the knot was pulled out, sending a whole puddle of cum out of her pussy and slightly making her moan.

But before the werewolf could leave, he was stopped by her voice.

"Wait! I... I don't want your people to be killed... How can I save you all?" Keema asked him.

"... You cannot save us, not right now anyway. You should protect your family first, it seems that yours is still in great need after your loss. Mourn for your loved ones, cherish those who are of this world. In the end, they're all you have, and I can't let someone who just lost a dear one to them risk their life for another" The werewolf advised her.

"How did you know about..." Keema said.

"It's no secret, nobody but the companions have a reason to storm this place. And the way you mentioned losing a loved one earlier, I was fairly sure it was a companion leader. If you truly wish to help, go to Falkreath and find the traitor called Sinding, maybe once he rights his wrongs, my family would be safe. Fare thee well Keema, although you may not be a suitable mate for me, you will always be in my heart" The werewolf bid her farewell as it left.

"Wait... I... Ngh...!" Keema said, before feeling her legs give out, they had fucked rather hard, and a decent pool of cum was still escaping her entrance, so she waited until she emptied the jizz out of her womb, and dressed back up.

"I didn't even get his name... But he has a point" Keema muttered.

She would solve this, she would end the fight with the silverhand somehow... Even if it meant killing them all, and it sparked a rage inside of her for killing someone she held dear in her heart, Skjor was one of the few who had helped her become stronger, both with the werewolf blood and the training he bestowed to her, and she wasn't going to lose anybody else... Ever.

And that's the chapter. I think I'll skip over the part where she steals the silverhand strategems, and go over to getting the witch heads. Honestly I don't see a sex scene happening until the companions questline is over, unless you all have an idea in mind.

Let me know what you all thought about this chapter, and if you have any interesting ideas to the mix. I'll just share a few ideas I got here:

-By the time the companions questline is over, I'll let Keema keep the werewolf power I think since it might help in her quest to become stronger, doesn't mean she'll not get fucked by enemies though, maybe because she could only transform once a day or the werewolf power wasn't strong enough

-Keema convinces Kodlak's spirit to give the role of Harbringer to Vilkas, since she doesn't have any intentions of staying anymore since she feels like her role in the companions is over

-She goes to Falkreath after the companions questline, and does the ill met by moonlight daedric quest and gets the ring, as for any sexual curses that comes with the ring, idk if I'll add anything to it, like a drawback you know (Sheogorath makes her tits and ass bigger, Sanguine turns every armor she wears into a revealing outfit that is slutty visually, but provides the same armor protection cause sexual fantasy rpg joke lol

-Like I said, a new character with the same body type as Keema will appear, a khajiit named Shade employed by the aldmeri dominion. At first she's going to be enemies with Keema, attempting to assassinate her (and ends up being fucked by other enemies after getting fucked by Keema probably), and slowly becoming frenemies with her and eventual protector and bodyguard. Keema isn't one to have the moral compass of a dark brotherhood assassin or a thieves guild member, which is where Shade comes in. She's going to be the one to do all those questlines in her place while Keema does the companions and college of winterhold questline.

Also this new cover art is from Securipun, and I absolutely loved it since it captures the very essence of Keema's figure, the khajiit next to her will be a future character that she will have to deal with, a deuteragonist if you will.

Link for the art and artist is here: