Mind if I DO

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#144 of Commissions

Commission for anonusr

Wolf O'Donnell encounters technology that Andross never used and uses it to entice Fox into an evening of passion, Fox is unaware why his walls are breaking down, but one thing's for sure; by the time their adventure is over, they are going to lure at least one more into their little "nest"

"Mind if I Do"

The Scrapyard; a newly developed partition of space outside the Andross system was formed after the big bot was destroyed by the Starfox team. Full of derelict debris and old scrapped metal, it was generally regarded as a hazardous zone and avoided by many interstellar flyers. That is, mostly with the exception of team Starwolf, which had been carefully scanning the systems and salvaging its parts since Andross' destruction. There were oftentimes good mechs to salvage, and sometimes interesting pieces of technology.

"Sector seven-G scanned, nothing of any particular interest." Panther Caruso's voice clicked over the comms as Wolf made his landing. "Where are you at, Wolf?"

"Eighteen-Z" Wolf replied. "My scans detected a strange spike of energy from this area."

"Sector Z has been drenched in radioactive energy." Pigma stated with a haughty snort. "You shouldn't even be over in that area..."

Wolf had already opened the hatch of his ship, the visor snapping instantly around his face as it encountered the vacuum surrounding the zone and he jumped from the vessel, activating his gravity boots and instantly adhering to the metal on which he'd landed with a loud audible thud. "Don't worry, I've already scanned the area. The radiation here is minimal, I'll be out and back before I suffer any ill effects." He smirked. "I am proud to have a team that cares for my well being though."

"Oh, don't think too much of it, Wolf." Panther replied in his suave voice. "You owe us at least ten rounds of drinks tonight. I wouldn't want your death to get in the way of your debts."

Wolf moved aside a plate of metal, revealing a hidden corridor that stood about a meter in height and got down onto his hands and knees to peer inside, what he saw looked like a dark tunnel leading even further than the lights on his visor could reach. It was wide enough around for him to squeeze through, albeit practically at a craw. He grunted as he pushed his way past the opening and the headroom improved by another foot or so, allowing him to look upright. "Well, well. What have we here?" He asked himself. "Wolf to squad, I may have found something interesting here. It appears to be a tunnel leading down into this mass of metal, aside from it being sheared off from what looks like Andross' massive cranial node, I believe it can be powered. Panther, do you have enough range to cast a net of power over this area?"

"You mean to give the battery a jump from outside? I guess I could give it a try."

"Do it. I'd like to see what I'm looking at..."

There was a dull thumping from outside the cavernous opening that Wolf was still crawling through, and a faint flickering of light ahead that resonated with each burst. As he made it toward the lights, a burst from outside finally activated the nodes and the room illuminated into a brilliant spherical space that was at least fifty feet in height and roughly the same in diameter. As he stood up he gazed around at the flashing blue and purple diodes that littered the room, blinking in sync with one another as the sound of power whirring to life filled the room and eventually faded into a soft, consistent hum. His foot hit the deck with a clang. "Well, well. It seems our old boss has been keeping some pretty interesting secrets from us, after all." He said as he closed in on a small object at the far end of the room; this one flickering a red color as he stared into its light. It was giving him a headache, and the pulsing red light began to match up with the pulsing in between his ears. "Scratch that... some... very interesting secrets." He said.


*BOOM! BOOM!* The shock of impact not only woke Fox McCloud from his sleep, but also threw him from his bunk and into the floor, which he landed hard and bolted upright. "What in the name of Lylat is going on?!" He exclaimed as he leaped to his feet and charged from his quarters in only his underwear.

As he exited the room, he was joined by Falco and by Slippy, both similarly dressed as they had been thrown from their sleep at the sound of a massive attack on the Great Fox. "Report!" Fox shouted as the trio ran down the hall.

"Why not wait until we reach the bridge before you ask for a report on what we don't know yet, huh?" Falco asked in his standard irritable tone.

"I wasn't talking to you." Fox replied. "Peppy, report!"

There was no response to the communications, and the blaring loud red alert noises echoed through the halls as they took the express elevator from the quarters level to the bridge. As they exited the elevator, dressed in their less-than-best, they spotted Peppy sitting on the console at his station, clicking the button of an object in his hand. Immediately, the alarms ceased, the red lights shut down and the shaking came to an abrupt halt.

"Two minutes and seventeen seconds." Peppy sounded off with a voice of disappointment, clicking his tongue at the trio. "Fox when your dad was in charge, we had a mandate of a minute and a half to battle stations. If this had been a real attack we all could have been dead waiting on you."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Falco groaned in frustration. "You decided to drill us the day after we get back from a four-day mission? I'm running on fumes as it is!"

"It's my job that we maintain our alertness and readiness to respond to an emergency. You think any enemies are gonna hold on until you brush your teeth and grab a quick breakfast?"

"We're not at war, Peppy." Fox answered. "I mean, you of all people should know the value of a little R and R after a hard won mission."

"I do." Peppy nodded. "But I have my own schedules to keep. It's like your dad always said, better to be prepared than be caught with your pants down."

"You're making that up." Fox scoffed.

"Hmm. Maybe, it's been a long time. But still it makes sense."

"Ugh." Falco groaned. "Screw this, I'm going back to bed."

"Yeah, me too." Slippy added as he too turned and followed Falco out of the room.

Peppy let out a long sigh and shook his head. "Kids these days, never knowing the value of teamwork..."

"I get it." Fox said. "But at the same time, you need to learn how to relax every once in a while, you're so uptight I'm surprised your ears don't make a 'twang' sound. I don't want you pushing yourself too hard. You're not young anymore."

"And if you want to live to be as old as I am, you'll have to heed good advice."


Fox waved dismissively as he headed further into the bridge, leaving Peppy near the doorway to ponder. After a few minutes, he too turned and headed out of the room and Fox landed in the big seat near the navigation console. Kicking his feet up he stared at the monitor and put his hands behind his head.

Just as he began to doze off, a soft beeping could be heard in his ear. Fox's eyes snapped open as he realized that it was the notification of a private transmission. Leaning forward, he hit the button. "McCloud here..."

Wolf O'Donnell's face flashed onto the screen directly in front of the fox. "Well hello there, Fox. Pleasure seeing you up this early." He said. "I figured you'd be half naked in your quarters and not sitting in the middle of your bridge."

"Wolf. Skip it." Fox interrupted impatiently. "What do you want?"

Wolf laughed. "Straight to the point as always, I like that. Listen, I've finished a few salvage runs and I decided to take a break for a few days. A break from the team, a break from the daily grind, you know? I'm sure you're feeling the same after what... your mission to the outer rim and all that."

"How did you know about that?"

"These ears I have aren't for my looks, McCloud. I hear things, even from my side of the quadrant. The point is, I'm sure you are due for some rest and I thought why not invite you to the Hyper Sky Lounge for a few drinks."

"Like I'd trust that." Fox said. "Why should I come all the way out there?"

"Because I have the forty-seven hundred credits I owe you and I thought you may appreciate a little payback."

"Huh. Must have been a pretty highbrow salvage job." Fox said, crossing his arms. "Alright, it might take me a couple hours but I'll see if I can get out there tonight."

"Great!" Wolf replied enthusiastically. "And do me a favor, I wouldn't want your friends to be their typical interfering selves, especially that rabbit. Why not come on your own, I'm going to be alone."

"What do you think, this is gonna be some sort of a date?"

A smile pressed onto Wolf's lips as he replied. "You wish." He spoke before the screen; went dark and Fox was again alone in the room.

The fox looked at the watch on his wrist and activated the time, which illuminated across his face. "Estimate time to Hyper Sky Lounge." He said. It took several seconds and it came back with 06:42:16. "Almost seven hours...not even worth the trouble." He sighed and put his arms over his chest. "But forty-seven hundred credits. That could go a long way for us..." He exhaled through his nostrils and blinked slowly. He knew he had to go, Wolf had given him no choice. That is if he really intended to pay off his old debt.


The Hyper Sky Lounge was one of the ritziest, seedy joints on the edge of the Cornerian system, tens of thousands of space travelers came from lightyears around to indulge in hefty gambling, drinking and debauchery in amounts illegal in some quadrants. Wolf was dressed in a casual black flight jacket with purple stripes around the arms and bottom of the coat. His pants, sheen and also black shone off the dim lighting of the port as he stepped from the landing zone and into the populated areas where he was immediately knocked back by the smell of sex and neon electricity. To his senses, this place was almost stifling, and he always tended to enjoy his visits. He unconsciously flexed his fingers around the ring on his index finger and looked down to watch it illuminate with a soft red light and immediately dim back to its cold silver shine. He knew that Fox would be there in only a few hours, and that he would have to be ready for it.

"Well, well. If it isn't our dear Wolf O'Donnell." A voice cooed from the tavern entrance as he walked past. Wolf turned to see a massive rhino bouncer standing in the doorway staring at him. "You come to pay back the money I owe you, mutt?"

Wolf growled and looked at the man. "Why don't you learn to back off? I'll pay you when I can pay you. Now, I'm expecting someone to arrive soon. I expect you to guide him to my usual spot when he shows."

"And why would I do that? You owe me five hundred credits--"

"Why do that indeed?" Wolf said, scratching his chin and revealing the ring as he did so. "Wouldn't it be better if you just forgot it?"

"HA!" The rhino snorted indignantly. "Why in the bloody hell would I forget about it--huh... that is an interesting trinket you have there?"

"Oh, this old thing?" Wolf asked, the light from his ring flickering in the corner of his vision. "Would you like a closer look?"

Fox was half awake by the time he flew into the system. Over six hours of flight took its toll, even after a decent night's sleep the night before, he couldn't help but yawn and stretch his legs in the cockpit as much as he could. He could feel every muscle in his arms and back pop. He clicked his tongue and saw the familiarly glamorous port coming up on him fast. As he pulled into a landing queue, Peppy suddenly flashed to life in front of him, making him jump slightly.

"Fox, what the sam-hill are you doing? Leavin' without a word?"

"Sorry, I was in sort of a rush. Wolf wanted to get up and pay what he owed us. I'm at the Sky Lounge to meet him."

"The Hyper Sky Lounge? That's hours away for you to leave us without any notice. You know better. If your dad were still--"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm getting a little tired of being compared to my dad. I'm capable of making my own decisions. I'll be back in a couple days. Fox out."

Before Peppy could get another word in, Fox shut the display off. He rolled his eyes just in time to see another rabbit come onto the screen: "Craft seven-three-nine-nine-seven cleared for landing in docking bay number four. Please proceed with caution."

As Fox pulled in, he felt the controls slowly pull away from his hands as the automatic systems took control and he leaned back as he let the landing systems direct him toward the ground, landing with a soft thud that echoed from outside. He sighed and opened the hatch before climbing out and down to the ground below.

After his check in, he made his way out toward the main square. As he exited, he noticed a rhino by the entrance of Wolf's regular hangout. The man, who had once had a piercing yellow stare now turned his eyes toward Fox with a tint of red glowing in them. The briefest hint that made Fox wonder what he was looking at. The man's face then turned into a crooked grin. "Oh, there you are. 'Bout damn time you decided to show up." He grunted. "Mr. O'Donnell's been waiting for you for hours."

"'Mister'." Fox raised an eyebrow. "You're an ox of a man, Brick. Since when have you decided to start calling him 'mister'?

The rhino stared at Fox in confusion. "I am not sure what you mean?" He pondered. "Anyway, he has been waiting for you for about an hour."

"An hour?" Fox repeated, it made little sense; Wolf's last known location was a good thirty minutes from the station, he should have been here hours ago. He pressed a smile to his muzzle. "Well, that's fine. Where can I find him?"

"Right this way."

Fox couldn't help but ponder over Brick's change in personality. It wasn't long ago that the rhino, being as bull-headed as he was, would have put up more of an argument. Something was different about him, something odd that he couldn't quite put his finger on. It took a few moments to notice that he had gone from the relatively calm and quiet entryway to the extremely loud and head-pounding interior of the bar. Fox followed Brick, who led him to one of the tables at the back where Wolf was seated idly observing dancers from a distance as he took a shot of brown liquid from the clear glass in front of him. His eye shifted as Brick and Fox approached and a smile lit his face.

"Fox. Good of you to join me."

Fox nodded a bit as Brick stepped to the side, letting him through to the table where he straddled the seat across from him. "Wolf, I--"

"Shh. Watch this." Wolf said as he clamped his hand down on Fox's. "This man is a brilliant dancer..."

Fox felt compelled to follow Wolf's gaze to a slender dancer on the stage. His back arched into a half circle as he slid down the pole, his foot sliding out to the edge and coming back. His gaze had Fox transfixed for a moment as a warmth began to flood his mind. As the reptile turned his gaze and met Fox's, it felt as though his brain was being torn in half. He gasped and shook his head, pulling his hand back from Wolf and looking at him. "What was that?" He asked.

"What was what?" Wolf replied, his left ear twitching in confusion.

The strange buzzing feeling had subsided before Fox could reply and he looked at Wolf. "What the hell are we doing here? I thought you were banned from this place until you settled your debt with Brick."

"Well, Brick and I came to an understanding." Wolf said with a smile.

"There's no way you conned your way out of his debt. He had a bounty on you for that five hundred credits."

"Oh, I worked it out."

"How did you--how did he, Brick?"

Fox had known Brick for several years now, and he was not one to simply let a debt slide. He only thought it fair to ask him directly why this sudden change of heart. Brick simply shrugged at him. "I just realized it wasn't very important...not when it's a worldly patron like Mr. O'Donnell here."

"You see, that's the weird thing. What's with the whole formality thing? Was it something I missed?"

"Why don't you just drop the subject?"

Wolf's words caught Fox off guard as he turned to look at him. "Are you serious? Aren't you even curious?"

"What I'm curious about is the fact my glass seems empty. Brick, could you go and fetch us a round of drinks? And keep them coming, would you?"

"Sure thing, boss."

Brick vanished almost as quickly as a gust of wind, and was instantly gone into the crowd, leaving Fox alone with Wolf, who continued to watch the entertainment around them. There was something strange to this, he knew it. But Wolf was calm and casual and more than a little ambitious with his money. "You must be spending a lot of credits, buddy." He said.

"Don't worry, I've still got your share right in my wallet." Wolf said as he grabbed his shot glass again. His ring tapped the glass and it rang out, far louder than Fox figured it should have. His ear twitched and he stuck his pinkie finger into it to scratch the tingle in it. "Come on, share a few drinks with me would you? You're making me feel like I'm sitting here alone."

"Because you are. I'm not hear for a social call." Fox replied coldly, crossing his arms in defiance.

Wolf gazed at Fox though the side of his eyes and he laughed. "Jesus, Fox. Calm down, we're not enemies you know. Just a pair of friendly rivals."

"You worked for Andross. Hardly a reason for me to be talking to you at all."

"Look. You know that was just business; it's not like I'm on you for working with the general right?"

"Pepper isn't a megalomaniac hellbent on conquering the known galaxy."

"Touche." Wolf said, pointing a finger as a pair of shot glasses filled with a purple-brown liquid were set down in front of them. "Come on..." Wolf said, grasping the second glass and tapping it with that metal ring once again. "Have a drink, it's on me."

Again that sound itched its way into Fox's ear, this time instead of physically scratching it, it just flicked and the itch cleared. Despite his objections, Fox took the offered glass and the pair tossed back the liquid at once. Fox sniffled a bit as his throat caught the burn and it traveled down his body and spread across his limbs. He shuddered for a moment and then slapped the glass onto the table. "Whew." He said, his nose threatening to sneeze. "That was pretty strong." He said as he let out a slow exhale, letting his mind buzz for a few moments before falling back into reality. "I actually think I needed that." He said.

"Told you." Wolf said as he looked at the server and twirled his finger, she disappeared again. "Guess Brick is sending the help to help." He chuckled.

"So that forty-seven hundred--"

"Yes, yes. Here you go." Wolf said, handing over a pad with the amount labeled for forty-seven hundred credits. Fox pressed his thumb on the pad and after a moment a confirmation that the funds had transferred came up. "Happy now?"

"Yes, I think so." Fox said. "And now that that's done..."

"You aren't thinking of leaving are you?" Wolf said, taking Fox's hand again. "Come now, just another shot, I do enjoy your company."

Fox narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Why?" He asked. "Why me?"

"Because in some ways I feel a connection with you, Fox. Haven't you felt it?"

There was a warmth radiating from Wolf's hand that prompted Fox to look down and notice the ring on his finger. "What's that?" He asked.

"What's what?" Wolf asked.

"The ring on your finger." Fox said looking into Wolf's eyes. "I never thought of you as the type to wear jewelry."

"What are you talking about Fox? There is no ring." Wolf replied in a rather lower tone of voice.

"But..." Fox looked back down on Wolf's hand, which released his own, but this time he did not see a ring on it. "That's... that's funny, I could have sworn..."

"Another round as ordered?" The server had come by and spun the tray and sent out another couple of filled glasses.

Wolf snatched one and grinned. "Bring the bottle darling, we may be here for a little while." He said with such confidence that it made Fox blush under his fur.

"N-no I'd better not." He shook his head. "I am due back at headquarters and..."

"No, you're not." Wolf said as he handed the drink to him, tapping the glass with the ring on his finger and making the fox's ear twitch again. "Besides, what's the harm in one shot?"

Fox was confused for a moment. Just for a second he thought that he'd already had a shot with Wolf, but for the life of him he couldn't remember if he had. He instead smiled at the wolf and nodded. "Yeah, what's the harm in one shot?" He repeated as he took the glass offered to him and slugged it back.

The burn was intense, far more intense than he expected as he let out a hot breath of air and tried not to inhale the alcohol up the back of his snout. "Fffffuck..." He gasped. "I think I needed that." He said, letting out a drunken hiccup.

"There are many things I think you need..." Wolf admitted under his breath.

"What was that Wolf?"

The captain shook his head and laughed lightly. "Nothing, nothing." He said as he took the bottle that was left and filled their glasses again. "Here, have a shot with me." He said.

Fox stared at the glasses for a moment and then scratched his head. "Didn't... I say only one shot?"

"Well, you haven't had any yet." Wolf said convincingly as he tapped his ring against the glass again. "I figured if you were going to be taking off that there'd be no harm in sharing a drink with me." He smiled and raised a glass to Fox.

"I don't see the harm in that." Fox repeated as he took the glass, only this time he hesitated, unsure whether or not he'd already said something similar before. He took the glass and threw it back once again. "This stuff is pretty strong, it makes my nose itch."

"I am sure it does. It's one of the strongest they have here." He said as he took a sip, then threw it back as well. "Ahh..." He growled as the warmth filled his chest. "Feels good, doesn't it, Fox?"

"Mmm... yes it does." Fox replied, relaxing in his seat. Fox felt a claw grazing along his neck before opening his eyes and noticing Wolf running his fingers down it lengthwise. He winced briefly and looked oddly at him. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Heh. I figured you'd like it." He said, drawing his hand back. "You do like it, don't you?" He flexed his index finger and the right flashed, drawing Fox's eyes to it.

"I...erm..." Fox paused, he blinked his eyes and suddenly he couldn't see the ring anymore. "Wasn't there a ring on your finger just now?"

Wolf grinned wildly as he clutched at the tuft on the end of his chin. "Do you see any kind of a ring now?"

Fox frowned in his confusion. "No, I guess not."

"Then how about this?" He asked as he reached for Fox's face and lightly stroked his fingers along the contour. He spoke again, only this time, his voice sounded distorted to Fox, almost alien as it wormed its way into his head. "I want you Fox, I want you right now..."

Fox tried to pull back, but something in his mind seemed to lock him in place, his drunkenness seemed to hold him even more firmly into Wolf's touch, which radiated a strange warmth through his fur like it was electric. His eyes locked onto Wolf's eyes and instantly, his body seized up. He felt Wolf's hand move to his chest and the heat followed his touch. Fox could see a strange red light reflecting from Wolf's eyes, but couldn't tell where it was coming from, he became transfixed into the male's unflinching eyes. For a moment it felt like Fox was slack jawed, but he could taste his teeth with his tongue, so his mouth was closed. "Do you know what the secret is to control, Fox?" Wolf's voice was somewhat distorted, as if the world around him was flickering in and out. "It's knowing how to entice your subjects. For birds, it's all about vision, reptiles are about warmth and the environment, but with predators such as wolves and foxes? It's all about the sound..." He said as he raised another glass and tapped his finger against it. The tap of metal striking the glass shout out like a ripple of lights that enveloped the area and seemed to cover Fox up in invisible restraints that made him inhale sharply as Wolf loomed in closer. "How long have you wanted me, Fox?"

Fox resisted responding, the sound encasing him felt inescapable and arousing at the same time, his pants were tight as his cock strained against the front of it. He couldn't admit it, he dared not tell Wolf what he wanted to say, but he could feel Wolf's arms embrace him and his hands descend toward the shape now prominent against his pants. He could barely hear Wolf repeat his question and he felt compelled to answer. "Since I first saw you..." He heard himself admit as he fell further into Wolf's embrace; the thick claw climbing his throat with one hand and pulling it taut as the other continued to work at his pants. The red glow was filling his eyes and he felt like he was losing every sense of himself, and he found himself enjoying it.

Fox reached his arms back around the back of Wolf's neck and felt his hands explore, he felt them slide down toward his crotch, he felt Wolf's thumbs slither under his waistband and his fingers pull at his belt, unbuckling it even in this crowded venue. He felt no shame, but simply melted into Wolf's embrace as he was pressed back into his body and he could feel the warmth of his muscle pressing into his lower back the pull of his pants as they began to slip down made him keenly aware of his surroundings. "W-wait..." He panted as Wolf tightened his embrace. He didn't want to fight back, he didn't think he could and more than anything this was beginning to turn him on right now. But Fox would never do anything like--"Nnnhhh!" He gasped loudly as he felt Wolf's fleshy member press up against his exposed ass and thump him into the table.

The pair of them were just on the edge of the room, the table making it almost impossible to see what exactly was happening as Fox put his palms onto the tabletop and felt the hot flesh push into his cheeks. "This is what you want..." He could hear Wolf's growling as if it were in his own head; "Just admit it to yourself, Fox."

"...yes..." He admitted after a pause, he was unable to control himself from saying it.

"What was that, Fox?" He heard Wolf's voice whisper again. Fox could see the ring again, this time it filled his eyes with that same red glow that had been burning them all this time. "Don't be shy, I want to hear you say it..."

"Yes. I want it." Fox answered.

Wolf's cock slid wet down the fox's cleft as he subtly tucked his shaft back into his pants and aided Fox in pulling his back up over his waist. He slipped his arm around his rival's neck and pulled his body flat against him. "Then come with me, Fox." He said, another ripple of pleasure seemed to radiate off his hand and through Fox's body where it touched.

The feeling was indescribable; Fox would have never given in like this to Wolf, he'd hardly thought about him like this, and now all he wanted to do was spread his ass for him. He wanted; no, he needed to be touched by him. He needed to be touched all over, the anticipation was working him up so much that he could barely hear the music of the bar over the sound of the blood rushing to his ears. As Wolf hooked an arm under his and stood him upright, Fox felt the slightest drain of precum begin to drool down his pant leg. His legs felt like gelatin and Wolf helped lead him toward the front of the bar. As they exited and came into the darkness outside, Fox could feel his eyes adjust but somehow his eyesight didn't seem to improve; everything was still somewhat blurry and disorienting. He rested his arm across Wolf's shoulders and the doors of the elevator opened. As soon as they closed behind them, Fox found himself pinned up against the back wall and Wolf pushing his way in for a kiss. Fox inhaled sharply and grabbed at the back of Wolf's head, as though he was trying to get his entire mouth into his maw as their tongues wrestled around between them. Wolf's hands grappled at Fox's hips; the pair were about four inches apart in height, but it really showed during times like this.

Fox couldn't understand how this was happening; he'd always been able to restrain himself before, but something Wolf did brought this out of him and now he couldn't even control himself; ever since he arrived at the station, it felt as though he had been having it taken from him, his hands were shaking and he did try a couple of times to push Wolf's musky body away from him, but he lacked the strength to do so.

The doors opened again, revealing Wolf's room; one of those rooms that he'd always have reserved for his visits. On more than one occasion, Fox had visited him here, but he'd never thought he'd be lustily pulled from the elevator and dragged across the room to be thrown onto the bed. As his back hit the plush, pillowy mattress he looked up to see Wolf removing his jacket, unveiling his well built torso. "W-what... is this?" He asked. "I can't..."

Wolf's smirk was apparent even in the dimmer lighting. "Can't control yourself? I was hoping you would say that, Fox." He growled as he stripped down to his underwear; a pair of purple briefs and he climbed on top of the other canid. "I've found the key to giving us both what we wanted, Starfox."

Wolf's eyes flashed in that similar red glow Fox had seen a few times now, but there wasn't any source to it that he could tell. He lost all track as Wolf craned his neck down, pulling Fox's hands up over his head and nibbling into his neck. Fox's eyes rolled back and he moaned loudly. He hadn't even realized his boots were already shoved back to the edges of his feet and they fell loudly to the floor by the edge of the bed. "Do you like this, Fox?" He asked unexpectedly. "This lack of self control?"

Fox was wordless, he nodded and pulled Wolf in for another kiss. He felt the beast's claws shred at his shirt and pull down the jacket's zipper. Fox wore a white tanktop underneath, which was just as quickly discarded as their naked torsos brushed and danced together. He could feel the wolf's cock pressing firmly against his stomach through his underwear as Fox's hands descended the man's back and began to slip under the smooth fabric. He felt the muscle of Wolf's ass and pressed his fingers into them, pushing him harder against his own body. Wolf growled and unbuckled Fox's belt, finding to his surprise the vulpine was going commando and his cock popped out ready to go. Meanwhile, Fox's head was screaming at him that this couldn't be happening, after all this time? Wolf was just a horndog after all. "Ahh... ffff---" His lips fizzled but he couldn't get any words or objections to come out. "Ssss..." His words failed him again, making him sound like a snake writhing under the wolf's thicker body and soon his pants were being off by Wolf, who had sat back and lifted his legs their removal easier and he cast them off as well. He growled and his own underwear came off as well before Wolf grabbed Fox and rolled Fox on top of him, the thick cock now slapping wet against the fox's ass. His hand stroked back against Fox's head, filling his mind with a flood of red light, but he'd stopped questioning it now. "Think you can take me?" He grinned.

Fox's fingertips felt like a static charge as they crawled along the wolf's muscular torso. He nodded wordlessly and at first squeezed the shaft between his cheeks, letting out a soft sigh as he did. Wolf reached back and grabbed Fox's backside, as if massaging it and getting it ready for the main event. Fox was already leaking all across Wolf's stomach as his senses filled with the smell of sweat and sex filling the room. Then, Fox made the move, he slipped back and felt his hole tease the tip of Wolf's cock, he winced slightly as it tugged at his flesh and momentarily hesitated; it had been quite some time since the last time-- His eyes suddenly felt flooded by that red light again as Wolf's hand climbed up the center of his chest, to his throat and his muzzle. He inhaled deep, expanding his chest as he leaned somewhat toward Wolf, then back again, allowing the tip to penetrate him; suddenly, as if overtaken by the urge, Wolf grabbed the small of Fox's back, pulled him down and planted a firm mating bite into the man's shoulder. Fox was taken off guard and wasn't sure whether his cry was from the penetration, the bite, or that sudden injection of pleasure that exploded through his entire body, leaving a shaking mass of tight muscle as Wolf growled and turned Fox over under him. "Mmm...now you are mine, Fox. I want to fuck you until you can't even fly straight."

Fox hardly recognized the banter as Wolf's weight pressed down on top of him, he let out a loud moan of pleasure as Wolf grasped at his hips and pulled him down, thrusting up at the same time, penetrating deeper, lifting his legs almost to the point where his knees were touching his chest. Fox let out a gasp of air and huffed, rolling his body back as Wolf assaulted him again and again. Their bodies wracking together harder and harder as they both grew more ambitious. Fox's stomach was getting wet from his precum leaking heavily against it and Wolf was still hard in control, keeping Fox from touching himself by keeping his legs high over his head.

Their eyes locked again, and Fox would be damned if he didn't notice that red light again; this time encompassing Wolf's pupils this time as a slim circle that then flashed red across the black, locking his gaze in place. "Tell me you want me, Fox." He said. "Tell me you want me to breed you."

"Yes..." Fox replied breathlessly. "Fuck, I want you to breed me deep... I want you, Wolf. I've always wanted you."

Wolf growled in delight and moved his hands down Fox's waist; it was slender, a bit narrower than his own waist, he had been lusting after it for some time and now he could have it, he had Fox completely under his thrall, under his control. And whether or not he knew about the power in this ring, Wolf didn't care. He would just enjoy this. He pulled himself free of Fox's ass and with a rather insistent grunt, he turned him over onto his stomach to enjoy the view, the glorious butt of a fox that was getting ravaged by a thick wolf cock. Fox didn't move much, he shifted his gaze to continue staring into Wolf's eyes, the purple now complimenting the red filling them as Wolf penetrated him again.

"Ahhhh!" Fox responded with a tremble in his thighs as he felt the wolf's length fill his ass. He grabbed at the sheets that were now strewn in a mess across the bed, his breathing growing much faster and hotter as he began to bury it into the pillows under him. He felt Wolf's hands grab at his ass, raise it up, then plunge it down against his shaft, again and again. Their balls slapped together, though the impact actually feeling drowned out by the feel of their fur-coated sacks. He couldn't resist anymore; any objections he may have had at the beginning were far and long gone by now as every muscle ached for Wolf's inevitable climax.

That climax was not far behind, as Wolf began to growl low, his thrusts beginning to soften as he began to slow each approach. Wolf's toes curled under him and his tail seemed to curl around his ankle as he began to taste his orgasm. He huffed, and he puffed and then let out the most ear-piercing, ass-splitting howl he'd ever heard. Wolf's grip tightened, and then in came the flood which quickly began to fill Fox's cavity with a seemingly never-ending supply of warm liquid, delivered in hard, wet pulses. Over, and over again as Wolf pushed himself to the very hilt and violently shook, spilling every drop of his seed into the prone and helpless Fox.

After at least thirty seconds, Fox had begun to wonder if it would ever stop. He felt it reach its limit and excess gushes of Wolf's seed began to overflow down his legs, covering the sheets under them as Wolf kept cumming, and growling, and howling, then cumming more. After almost a minute, his tremors lessened, his body loosened and he finally relaxed himself across Fox's back before rolling onto his side, panting like it was a hundred degrees in the room.

Fox lay in Wolf's embrace for a few minutes now, trying to comprehend exactly how this happened; but it had to have happened, he was hard as a rock up front, and his ass was throbbing and wet in back. Finally, after a few minutes, he turned and laid on his back, breathing as he stared at the fan above them, feeling his hardon throbbing stubbornly against it's cool blow. "That... was... intense..." He thought, but could not speak the words aloud. Wolf wouldn't want him to ruin the mood with that kind of commentary, and he found himself oddly expecting the next round from the wolf when he felt the gentlest of touches from a claw that scrolled up his shaft from the base to its tip. "Oh dear, what have we here?" He said as he dragged his tongue along his teeth.

Fox shuddered a bit at the touch. "N-no offense, I just sometimes don't get off at the same time as my partners do." He said with a chuckle. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it later..." He paused as he felt Wolf's grip tighten around his shaft and begin to slowly stroke it to the base and back up again with the slightest of twists as his hand moved. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Well I can't leave you unsatisfied, Fox." Wolf teased as he stuck his tongue out from between his teeth. "I think you're on the verge of blasting a hole in the side of this port, I'm simply helping you along."

Fox whimpered and grunted as Wolf's stroke began to pick up speed, squeezing at certain points in its journey from stem to tip. He could feel the wolf's warm breath washing over his flesh as it began to grow a darker fleshy color, matching the soft blush that could be barely made out under the fur on his cheeks. He moaned and laid his head back, covering his eyes with his arm as he rested it into the crook of his elbow, he inhaled with a short breath, then let it out slowly with a hissing noise as his climax began to approach pretty rapidly. He gazed into Wolf's red-tinted purple eyes and he grinned toothily back at the fox. Fox resisted, he stretched his legs out, he curled his toes, but it was growing more and more difficult to hold back. He could feel the cooling wetness of wolf's jizz covering the blankets under him. His breathing grew shallower, his claws began to scratch at the bedding, and still, Wolf's eyes did not break their contact until finally:

"NNNHHHHH!!!" Fox felt the flood coming and he couldn't stop himself from shaking at the imminent release.

Instantly, Wolf dove down and wrapped his lips around Fox's tip. Suddenly it began to gush forth pulse after pulse of his seed. Wolf caught the first volley and flicked his tongue around to catch each drop before diving down deeper onto his shaft. Fox thrust his body upward and then he partly bolted upright, grabbing and humping into Wolf's throat with every ounce of vigor he could. He felt Wolf's throat close around his cock and swallow every last drop; and when he felt spent, Fox flopped back down against the pillows, shaking still and breathing heavily. "Wh-what...was that?" He panted.

Wolf smirked and curled himself up next to Fox. "I'd just had my ceiling cleaned." He replied. "I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't get it messy again."

"Fine." Fox said as he flumped loudly onto the pillow and turned to his side to look Wolf in the eyes. "Say, Wolf..."


"How...how did you do that?" He asked. "I normally wouldn't have done what I did with you unless you did something."

"Are you sure?" Wolf asked, stroking the side of Fox's head. "I mean, we may not have had the most healthy of relationships, but I've always thought about it."

Fox rolled his eyes. "Thinking about it and acting on it are two different things, Wolf. What did you do?"

Wolf chuckled. "I suppose in our case, maybe it was a matter of...perception?"

"And I suppose those red eyes were just perception too?"

"Red eyes?"

Fox looked into Wolf's face and noticed that his eyes were the same purple they had always been, no red ring, no red glow to them. But somehow, Fox could still feel the warmth that the red glow offered him. "There's something different about you...maybe it's got something to do with that ring."

"What ring?"

Wolf's voice of the question echoed somehow in Fox's mind for a moment until he was forced to put his hand on his forehead to block it out. "Ring? What ring?"

"I'm not sure, you were the one who brought it up."



Fox shook his head. "N-no, it's nothing."

Wolf stroked Fox's cheek, the glow from his ring reflecting off his companion's eyes who still was unable to see what caused his confusion. "Tell me..." He spoke in a commanding tone.

"I'm not sure. Really." Fox shrugged. "I'm not sure why he even popped into my head, for some reason--"

Wolf coaxed him further. "Who? Who is on your mind?"

"Well, it's sort of as a matter of getting him back for his asinine behavior, to subject him to this--whatever it is. But there's no way we'd be able to get him to come out here."

"Asinine? Are you talking about Lombardi then? You seek to get him back do you? Well. I suppose...if that's something you would want, we could arrange to have him come here to us and--"

"And have him catch me here with you? Uh-uh I really don't think so, Wolf."

"Oh, that's too bad, I'd simply not like to see him in danger, that's all." He said as he tapped his ring on the headboard of the bed, the knock causing the same ear twitch for the fox.

"Danger? What danger?"

"Wherever Falco may be, I can assure you he is in danger. It would be safer that we bring him to us, bring him some place where we can protect him, it would be for his own good."

"Yes... I see. You really think he's in danger? What about Peppy and Slippy?"

"Oh this danger has no interest in them, Peppy is too old and ornery while Slippy is... well, Slippy. You do understand, don't you?"

"Yes. Yes, I do. We've got to save Falco!"

"You better go and contact him before it's too late then!"

"Yes! I have to, it's the only way to save him!" Fox exclaimed, leaping from the bed and barrelling toward the door.


Fox turned around. "Wh-what?"

Wordlessly, the wolf pointed at Fox's naked body. "I think you'll need to dress for this call..."


"Stupid Fox." Falco grumbled as he read through the latest report of his ship's maintenance screens, he had spent the majority of the day taking it under serious repairs; repairs that Fox had promised to help with before he went running off to some other quadrant. "When I get my hands on that fuzzball, he's going to wish Wolf had shot him..."

Suddenly, Falco's tablet began to flicker and Fox appeared in his message screen, nearly making him drop it in response. "Jeeze Louise!" He exclaimed. "Fox what the hell?"

Fox's reception was horrible and continually flickered and buzzed in and out of focus while Fox himself was in a poorly lit backdrop with a terrible light source. "Falco--Danger" His voice buzzed in and out badly. "--ger, --et to my loca---sshh-ion. Immediately. D--ou---read m--"

"Fox? Your signal is breaking up really bad, I can't make out--"

"Come--oo Hyper Sk--Lounge. Life ---pends on it--Fox out."

And just as quickly as Fox had appeared on his screen, he was gone again. Falco groaned in frustration and slid his wings across his face. "Oh come on, just when I'm mad at him, he has to go and call and make me worry about his ass? Where is the justice in this universe?" He asked himself before checking his watch. "I can't exactly wake the others up right now." He said. "I guess I'll just have to go and fetch him myself then.

Falco had his Arwing ready to go before he even hit the hangar, he pulled on his flight jacket and green pants, he had left a message behind for Peppy when he woke up, but didn't mention where he was headed, only that he would be back by the next morning. He climbed up the ladder to his hatch and fell into his seat. "Okay, Fox. Whatever trouble you're in, I'll get you out of it." He said as the engines roared to full life and the forward momentum began to carry him from the hangar. "Then I'll bring you home and kick your ass after that."


It took Falco nearly six hours until he found himself flying toward the Hyper Sky Lounge; exactly what he told himself he wouldn't be doing again the last time he visited it a year ago. He had taken the landing coordinates and found himself in a hangar only a few spaces over from Fox's own ship, as he glided in for his landing and got out, Falco checked the immediate area for any signs of his copilot, or even any signs from Starwolf, because for sure they wouldn't be far off if Fox was calling out for danger. Making his way toward the doorway leading out to the main marketplace, Falco turned on the tracker on his watch to try and find Fox, but the results only led him to the same spot he was standing. As he stood, impatiently tapping his foot, he went to check his watch again and that was when it happened:

A pair of arms suddenly grappled around his neck from behind, pulling him straight upright and dragging him into an alleyway out of sight from the passersby on the street. He grunted and scuffled with his attacker, who swiftly put a black cloth over his nose and mouth. The sickly scent of chloroform began to burn his senses as he struggled to pull himself away, to catch his breath and try to break free, but with each panicked breath, the more darkness had begun to creep into his line of sight as he began to lose consciousness he noticed a pair of familiar orange-furred arms were holding the cloth in place; as his eyes rolled back, he managed to utter "Fox?" And nothingness followed.