The Anthrogyne Chronicles: Relentless

Story by Theozu on SoFurry

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Long before the Dogesh, Theo is a top student at St. Moe's University in Anthrogyne Majorum, until It goes on a journey to find Its lost parents. It suspects they escaped Majorum into Minor but when It follows their lead, what It finds will change Its life forever.

Quote from Historical Accounts of Anthrogyne Majorum

"It is the duty of every Anthrogyne to do what they must for our Majorum, for our familiars, and for our heirs."

Excerpt from the private chronicles: Theo

Do what I must? Have I not done all I can do?

Already I'm top of my class at St. Moe's and I have more credits than anyfur from my age. I've even been going on research expiditions outside the Wall of Civility with Professor Malmut and 5 others from the university, and we are the only 7 in Majorum brave enough to venture beyond the safety of Majorum. Honestly, the worst part about expiditions into Minor is being hooded and carted through the Wall of Civility for an hour. Going straight through the Wall would take no more than 10 minutes, I'm guessing, but the extended trip along the cart rails, up and down, this way and that, through the Wall, blinded by a hood the whole ride... well, it gives the entire expediton an hominous feel even before reaching Minor.

However, ultimately, I enjoy every expidition. The others except for Professor Malmut, seem on edge the whole time, but we've never sited any feral beast while doing our research. We did see an Iron Scale once. It was both impressive and intimidating up close, but it just scoffed at us and marched on. I asked the professor why It had left the lizard lair in the upper limits of the Wall of Civility and It told me that they have been known to patrol the grounds of Minor near the Wall. In any case, I was not too bothered by the Iron Scale siting, but on the next expidition all stayed behind from fear except the Professor and I.

That expedition was yesterday and I am still here. I stayed. I stayed in Minor. I lost the Professor while It's back was turned. And I stayed in Minor.

I'm so stupid! I've risked my life... for what?

My parents went missing over a cycle ago and I've been on my own en-Majorum. Professor Malmut has been my only familiar en-Majorum.

Not long ago, i started recieving letters seemingly from nowhere about once every centum. They were all from my parents but every letter was more and more unlike them. The paw-script was increasingly eradic and the content of the letters made less and less sense. I told Professor Malmut about the letters but It only said that I couldn't be sure they were really from my parents and that I should bring any more letters I get to It.

The last letter I got was entirely unreadable except for a few words, 'fuzz' and 'need', and a crudely drawn map that I was surprised I could make sense of. A few of the elements seemed to relate to geography I've seen in Minor why researching. My parents had found a way out of Majorum into Minor and were calling to me. I was sure they needed my help.

I couldn't figure why they left or what they needed from me but I decided against better judgement that I would go find them. No doubt, the Professor would have refused to let me out of Major again if It knew my parents were in Minor, so I did not forward it the last letter. Since on this expedition, there was only the Professor and I, I figured it was my best chance to get away unseen. I snuck off behind It's back to disappear just like my parents. I'm sure It went back to Major without me once dark fell, I can't imagine what It must feel after losing a student It cares for in the darkness of Minor.

The Wall of Civility is our only protection from the many dangers of Minor, not the least of which is the feral beasts. They devolved from civilized Anthro countless cycles ago and lack any reasoning capabilities. They are huge, they are dangerous, and they will eat me alive. This was always going to be a suicide mission but I had to do it.

I do what I must for my familiars. But I have found what they meant for me to find and it isn't them. They are gone and I have no idea what they expected of me or what I should do now. I must get back to Professor Malmut.

Excerpt from the private chronilces: Doctor Raja , MD, Fixing Bureau

I remember the fur. Almost 20 cycles ago, I did It's fixing far too late at the request of Professor Malmut. Theo was not the sturdiest of fuzzals and I knew there was a very low chance that It would survive the fixing. On top of that, it had been running about Majorum unfixed for nearly a full cycle. There was no way It's guardians didn't know and the whole business was suspicious. I would have been happy to report them and Professor Malmut to Governance authorities, but Professor Malmut had helped me to get my degree and I owed it.

I had only been in the fixing burea for a few months but hadn't yet lost a single fuzzal to the fixing, but all of my previous patients came from Iyang within 100 days of being born as is procedure. It is taught that the fixing is more life threatening for older fuzzals and almost always fatal if attempted on an adult. Even for fuzzals of the appropriate age brought from Iyang, their survival isn't guaranteed. Over the past 10 cycles we've lost on average, 5% of our fixing patients to bleeding out.

I knew Theo's fixing would be risky but I was young an naive and trusted Malmut when It said this was very important. So I did my best work. Still, Theo bled. It almost died and it was my first time seeing anything of the sort; nothing at university can prepare you for seeing a fuzzal slowly lose it's life. It was a miracle that It did survive. I knew that not every fuzzal would be so lucky, not even fuzzals of the appropriate age, so I vowed never to take an unecessary risk again. Losing fuzzals is a part of the job and it's a job very few Anthrogyne can handle. But I'm determined to do what I must for Anthrogyne Majorum and can only do my best to as many of us alive as possible.

We are all responsible for our own beasty nature, but I and my fellows at the Fixing Bureau are the first line of defense again total societal collapse.

More recently, Theo has been a top student at St. Moe's University. But it is practically Malmuts right-paw fur and I suspect that not everything It's doing at university is what's best for Anthrogyne Majorum. I even heard the Professor took Theo on a classified research expedition underground, and classified research is only approved for professors and students in their final year.

There is no doubt Theo is a very smart and capable fur and to most It is exactly what a young common Anthrogyne should strive to be. But now it is missing; lost in Minor. Professor Malmut returned from a research expidition last night without It. Reports say the professor is now being treated at the Metro Hospital for severe anxiety but will likely avoid reconditioning if it recovers from It's anxieties and so long as It isn't implicated in Theo's disappearance.

Most Anthrogyne are willing to take everything they read at face value, but I know enough about the Professor and Theo to be suspicious of this news. Maybe Governance is also suspicious but isn't releasing too much information while they investigate. Personally, I'm just waiting to hear more of this story. Especially if Malmut loses it's post as St. Moe's Lead Researcher.

Exerpt from the private chronicles: Nurse Bol, Fixing Bureau

How could they not tell us it would be like this? A few mentions and statistics in a textbook do not nearly show the full picture. Even other nurses and doctors who have seen it, talk about unpleasant it is but do not elaborate. It would have been nice to know before applying to the Fixing Bureau.

She was a girl. We are told to refer to the fuzzals who die from fixing by gendered pronouns since they do not to live to recieve their Common Anthrogyne Status papers. She died a fertile Anthrogyne when she could have lived as a fertile Anthrogyne back in Iyang. Maybe the life of a fertile Anthrogyne would not have been the greatest, but at least she would have lived.

She was my very first patient and I saw myself reflected in her eyes as she breathed her last breath. Now all I think about is the fertile Anthrogyne that had carried her. Would she ever know her offspring died this way. Or does she believe all of her offspring go on to live happy healthy llives in Anthrogyne Majorum.

I can't keep thinking about it or I'll never go back to the Bureau. My familiar from University, the now esteemed Historian Catari, is coming to the Fixing Bureau in two days time to report on recent upgrades to the Bureau and to the Iyang Segregator Wall that it supports. The Bureau now has more security to prevent fertile Anthrogyne from wandering into Major, and the Segregator itself is now 10 arms higher. It is now nearly as high as the Wall of Civility but I'm told the Iyang Segregator is now as tall as it will ever be.

I know Catari well and It was the first fur I called after losing my first patient. It is a noble Anthrogyne to the core but has always let me express my feelings of discontent as I was learning about the fixing procedure and it's mortality rates. However, when I began to cry over losing my first patient, Catari didn't want to hear it. It was uncharacteristicly harsh. I know It shares my sentiment but maybe It just cannot express Itself like I can. We should talk face to face. I will try to get a moment alone with It when It comes to the Fixing Bureau.

Excerpt from the private chronicles: Profess Malmut, Lead Researcher, St. Moe's University

Theo has returned. It came into my office late last ight. My spirit was lifted until I saw what It had en-paw. A fuzzal that I could tell It had found in Minor. I immediately knew what had happened. Everything that had happened with Theo's parents and then Theo's disappearance in Minor, and now this fuzzal. It all makes sense to me. This was very dangerous, for myself, for Theo, and for the fuzzal but I could see that Theo was more confused than scared. Poor Theo; as intelligent as the fur is, some things are still beyond It.

Theo sat in a chair across from me at my desk and showed the fuzzal to sit in the chair next to It.

"Professor..." It spoke softly, "I think I know what happened to my parents."

"You found them in Minor?"

"No," It explained,'' they wrote to me. But where they said they would be, they were not there... all I found were loads of Pira Shroom... and this..." It gestured toward the fuzzal without looking at it. After a moment of silence it spoke again, solemn, "They are gone forever, aren't they?"

Theo needed to know how serious this was so I didn't hold back, "Yes, I believe they have reached a point of no return and their fate will be most unfortunate. You know the Pira Shroom is one of the greatest dangers to Anthrogyne."

I paused, knowing it would take time for Theo to fully grasp this and would need to come to terms with all this at It's own pace.

It spoke more quickly now as if pleading with me, "I didn't know what I was getting into. When they disappeared I thought it was my fault but then I started getting those letters and knew they were in trouble. I had to help them... I had to try... but I didn't expect this. I don't understand! What is happening?"

It was so clear to me what had happened and what was happening. "Theo. Look at this..." I directed it to look at the fuzzal but It was reluctant. "Look!" I demanded.

Theo looked at the fuzzal as if seeing it for the first time. "What is it?"

"This is your brother, Theo." I expected this to be a shock but Theo's inabilty to understand was starting to dishearten me.

"What? No. I can't have a brother. I'm Anthrogyne, noble Anthrogyne at that, and so were my parents."

"You're parents were fertile Anthgoyne from Iyang. They escaped while your mother was pregnant with you. My fellows and I helped them establish new identies. They were both wolf-type and you would be too so we had to give you noble status. Only noble Anthrogyne are allowed to partner with the same anthrotype and to adopt heirs of the same Anthrotype, and that's usually only the elitest of noble Anthrogyne. We had to make it look like the status papers and applications were mishandled by Governance and we had to hope the Governance did not try to fix their mistake.

We were lucky. So you and your parents were able to live a full life as noble Anthrogyne, but you are not noble. Your parents were not even common. And in the end they are less than fertile Anthrogyne. If they are even still alive, they are no more than feral beasts of Minor."

Theo was obviously hurt, "Why are you saying this? After all I've been through, and you are my last familiar. I've never had anyfur except my parents and you and now they are gone and you say these things to me!"

I did feel i was being harsh but it was necessary for Theo to truely understand the gravity of the situation. "You have no place en-Majorum now. No, familiars except the fuzzal that now sits beside you." I could see Theo beginning to break and I was sure It now understood how serious this is. But it was unlikely to understand why. I leaned forwand and spoke more calmly, determined to make everything clear while still caring for Theo as much as I ever have. "Theo, you're parents were not noble. It was obvious to anyfur they met. Their paperwork was suspicious and they were lucky to get by as long as they did. You are very fortunate to have made it this far. But after your parents who had suspicious paperwork, disappeared and were no where to be found en-Majorum for over a cycle, then you go missing in Minor, and now you return with this fuzzal... If the Governance hasn't figured out what's happened, they will. And you will be reconditioned and your only familiar here will be sent to Iyang and you will never see it again. I'm not going to let that happen..."

"What am I supposed to do?" Theo cried.

Theo needs my help just like It's parents did 20 cycles ago but times have changed and It will not be so easy this time. Still, I am determined to help It.

"Your parents are gone. Theo is gone. In order for you to stay here en-Majorum as a family unit with your brother here, it will need to be fixed and you both will need new identities. But it's going to be much more difficult that it was for your parents... These days the single-anthrotype family unit is strictly an elite approval, but forging those papers will be the easy part. The elite noble Anthrogyne of the past 20 cycles have become the most powerful, influential, and wealthy Anthrogyne in history. Now, every such family is very well known, and their every move is watched by not only the Governance, but also every common fur en-Majorum. To pull this off we will need to forge an entirely new life for you and for your non-existent noble ancestors. And you will need to play the part without fail for the rest of your life."

I know Theo well and so I knew the prospect of being rich and famous was not something It had ever thought much of, but at the same time I knew I was offering It something most common Anthrogyne could only dream of. I almost expected it to protest, but it had been staring at the fuzzal through my entire speech.

"Let's do it." Theo said, seemingly ready to do whatever It needed to do for It's final familiar.

Now that Theo had agreed, I was beginning to doubt whether my fellows and I could actually pull off such a large scale operation, but I was ever determined; one step at a time.

"First thing," I spoke with calm confidence to hide my feeling that we had started an impossible journey, "this young one needs to be fixed immediately. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be."

"How?" Theo asked and I was sure It hadn't a clue what 'fixed' really meant.

"I know a doctor," I said, "at the Fixing Bureau. One of the best there is and It helped some of my fellows many cycles ago."

"Can you still trust It after all this time?" Theo asked.

"Well, It fixed you en-secret and never told another fur or else you're parents would have been reconditioned long ago. We can trust It."

Excerpt from the private chronicles: Nurse Bol, Fixing Bureau

I convinced myself to go back to the Bureau today. Catari came in early to do It's report and spoke to me before any other fur. It comforted me and told me it understood how I felt but 'we must all do what we must for our Majorum.' Catari is the best Anthrogyne I know and I was inspired by it. Then It went on it's way to report on the Iyang Segregator and I was set to prepare a patient for Doctor Raja to fix.

When I got to the procedure room I was surprised to find the Doctor, another Anthrogyne I do not know, and a fuzzal bigger than what we usually get. I asked the Doctor how old it was but It said only that there was trouble with the paperwork. The other Anthrogyne said nothing.

I felt very uncomfortable and remembered the policy drilled into us at university. 'If you see something, say something.' So I excused myself from the room. Doctor Raja followed me out and pulled me aside. I thought I was in trouble at first but I could see it was the doctor who was in trouble and struggling with what to do next.

"We have to help," It said quietly to me, "I don't know what else to do."

I"ve only been at the fixing Bureau for a few days so I don't know the doctor well. My first impressions of It was that It was not the type to ask for help, yet here It was with desperation in It's voice. I had to help It, we must do what we must for our fellow Anthrogyne.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

"This fuzzal..." the Doctor explained, "... I don't know how it got through the Fixing Bureau without getting fixed but it did. Now, it's too old to go back and it can't stay en-Majorum like this... we have to fix it."

I realized what had the doctor so worried, so I asked again, "How old is it?"

The Doctor just looked at the floor en-distress, "Too old."

"Will it survive fixing?" I asked hoping the answer was 'yes'. There is no way I can handle losing two fuzzals on my first two days at the Bureau; I just can't.

The doctor still did not look at me and only shakes It's head.

"What can we do?"

"Nothing we can do, except what we must. It's my duty to fix Anthrogyne. I have to fix it. I have too."

I meant to object but the doctor turned and went back to It's office to get ready for the procedure.

What we must? We must fix this fuzzal and in the process, watch it die?? We mustn't, I can't. I won't.

Excerpt from Private Chronicles: Doctor Raja, MD, Fixing Bureau

Nurse Bol is unfit to contribute to the Fixing Bureau. It's not an easy job but it is our duty and proper Anthrogyne are able to accept the sacrifices we make because it's for the good of Anthrogyne Majorum. Nurse Bol is no proper Anthrogyne, I'm certain it was only a matter of time before It left and I didn't want to waste time on It pouting every time we lose a fuzzal.

I was wondering what to do about It when the answer landed on my desk. I note sent by corrier and passed along to me, it was written in code that I can only decipher because I'd used it with my fellows in university just for fun. The note was from none other than Professor Malmut Itself asking me to help again as I once did. The nerve of It. To think I still owe it for helping me get into the Fixing Bureau after all this time.

The note lead me to find Theo with an unfixed fuzzal hiding in some Bureau offices under renovation. First I thought to report this too the Policifur. There was no way I was going to risk killing that unfortunate fuzzal with a late fixing; there was nothing I could do for it. I thought again, maybe I could use it's misfortune to rid us of the weak fixing nurse and the dissenting Professor Malmut and it's protege Theo, all at once. Then Governance can do It's duty and decide what to do about the fuzzal.

I know Theo's familiars are all gone so when it leaves the Fixing Bureau it will most definitely return to Malmut. I suggested to Nurse that the fuzzal would not survive fixing so It did exactly as I thought It would. While I was preparing for the procedure, Nurse told Theo what I had said about the fuzzal, then signed the fixing papers and gave them to Theo. The Nurse told me Theo just left and It didn't know where the unfixed fuzzal was going. But I did. I certainly did.

Excerpt from the Private Chronicles: Theo

I couldn't do it. Not for all the wealth and fame en-Majorum could I risk losing my only familiar. But at least we had papers. I would tell the Professor we had done the fixing and we could go along with the plan. We could have a wonderful life afterall. Suddenly the prospect of being rich and famous was exciting to me. How lucky am I?

How naive was I?

When we got back to Professor Malmut's office, we were met by three Policifur. I held on to my fuzzals paw tightly, unsure what was going to happen next. The Policifur sargent sitting across from Malmut stood and looked at my mentor in disgust.

"So it's true then." It said, "are we really going to have to recondition you again Malmut?"

Professor Malmut stayed quiet with a look of terror on It's face. I knew the Professor had been reconditioned before but It spoke of the experience very little. Now the look on it's face told me all I needed to know. What does the Policifur know? What can I do? I thought quickly. I am doomed for sure but maybe...

"The Professor had nothing to do with this," I said. "I left wandered off into Minor while It wasn't looking and this is the first I've seen It since I've been back.

The Policifur Sargeant looked at me for what felt like several minutes, then looked back at Professor Malmut. "I've always liked you Malmut so I will give you the benefit of doubt for now... but either you or the doctor is lying. I'm going to take care of this first," It pointed at my fuzzal familiar, " and then I'm going to find out what's really going on."

The Professor said nothing but was now trembling in shock. Could reconditioning really be that bad? The Saregent directed the other two Policifur to take me and my fuzzal, saying only, "You know what to do."

We were hooded blind and lead through the university. I tried to keep track of our direction but could not. Soon we were in a cold quiet room deep within the university. When we four got in a rail cart I shuddered to think we were being taken back into Minor. But that can't be, reconditioning happens beneath St. Sirah's Temple in North Majorum. Then I realized they were sending my familiar back to where it came from.

The cart took a few extra turns and was on an upward trajectory more than usual. When, we finally stopped I knew we hadn't arrived at the usual spot for expeditions to exit from the bottom of the Wall of Civility into Minor. My fuzzal and I were dragged from the cart and dehooded. We were in a dark chamber lacking a single wall in front of us. I immidiately recognized the tall trees of Minor beyond the opening and we were close to their tops. The Policifur pulled us right up to the edge and I could not look down without getting sick.

"What are you doing?" I pleaded.

"The quesiton is, what are you going to do?" The Policifur that held my fuzzal spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you are obviously not a proper Anthrogyne, but there's hope for you still. Maybe, you can be reconditioned and return to proper civilized society, but maybe you're a lost cause. We're about to find out."

"What do you want from me?" I cried but tried to stay calm for my fuzzals sake. It looked back at me with fear in it's eyes despite, i'm sure, having no idea what was happening.

"It's furs like you that are going to bring about the prophesied Beast of Major. Furs like you that wouldn't recognize a beast if it was standing right in front of you... but now's your chance..."

What does any of this have to do with stupid Governance prophecies?

"Look!" The Policifur shouted at me pushing my fuzzal toward me, "If you are truely Anthrogyne then you should recognize, this is a BEAST and has no place en-Majorum. Do what you must for Anthrogyne Majorum and leave the beast outside." It pushed my fuzzal into my arms and pointed over the edge.

I knew what It wanted me to do and I looked down at my truest of familiars unsure what to do.

The Policifur took a step toward us both and said, "If you cannot do your duty as Anthrogyne then you can take your place among the beasts of Minor as well."

I kept looking at my young one; too young to die, with no place to live. I cannot abandon it now. We will not die alone.

I looked dead at the Anthrogyne in front of me trying to think of something to say, but I could only think of of what It said, 'It's furs like you...'

I don't know why, but I laughed right in It's face. That was all the Anthrogyne needed to be sure I was no more than a feral beast of Minor. I knew what was coming so I just closed my eyes and lifted my fuzzal familiar to my chest, holding on tight. Both Policifur pushed with all their might, throwing us out into Minor. We feel so quickly, I had only time for a thought or two before the end of it all.

I will not survive Minor if I do survive the fall. All I can do is what I must do for my familiar. I turned my back to the impending ground and hugged my brother to my chest. If I die to die, at least my brother will have a soft place to land.