The Oracle's Deal

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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An Oracle is told that she has to fuck a demon to keep the family powers.

Commissioned by Inscrutable

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The Oracle's Deal

For Inscrutable

By Draconicon

" what?"

Felicity, the latest of a long line of oracles, almost spat out the question in complete shock. The motion of her head, the way that she almost tilted back her own veil and hair to see the speaker better, almost exposed her eyes for the first time in ages. She stopped herself, of course - the sphinx had long hidden her eyes, and it was better for an Oracle not to see much with her mundane sight anyway - but it was a near thing.

"Ugh. I need to fuck you. Specifically, to impregnate you."

The voice was rough, and the aura rougher. She could just make out a bird-like shape through the vision that she had, a glowing, deep crimson thing that burned at the rest of her senses with something harsh, rough, not quite natural and not quite right.

Felicity shook her head. She needed - an explanation, yes, that would be the right word for it. She needed an explanation, badly.


Why? That was the best question that the Oracle could come up with? She was more flustered than she thought.

"You are part of the Oracle line, aren't you?"

"Yes, of course. I would not be here, otherwise."

"Then you should know. Oh, gods, please tell me that they didn't forget this in the third generation again...someone always forgets after the first two..."

Felicity, in hopes of finding some sense in the situation, cast her sight into the past. It was the thing that made her an Oracle, and not just an oracle. Those that could just see the future only had the small 'o'. Those that could see all of time deserved the big one. She looked back, three generations, then four, then five, then six.

There, she saw it. Her ancestor with this very creature, and she shivered as she realized that they were, indeed, coupling. She cast her sight further back, and at the twelfth generation, she saw it again, and again, every six generations backwards. The sphinx pulled herself back to the current day as the red-aura continued to grumble.

"You have lain with...many of my ancestors. Why? What deal was made?"

"Power, of course. What else?"

"But what power could we have asked for? We are born with -"

"And why do you think that you're born with the second sight? Me. Because every six generations, I give you a boost for that, or you'd just be normal oracles, not these super ones."


"And guess what? If you don't, the next kid's gonna be a downgrade. So, let's get to business and get this done."

"...This doesn't seem very romantic, in any stretch of the imagination."

"Breeding generally isn't. Pleasurable, yes, romantic, no."

"...I suppose it isn't."

"Now, come out here. Let's get this over with. I can make you enjoy it, at least. Then I can get back to the important stuff."

"You are impatient."

"I'm busy. Do you think that you're the only family line with a succubus deal? Now, get your ass out here."

Knowing that it was her due to the family made it possible to get up from her place of rest, though no more easy than she would have liked. The idea of spreading her legs and getting bred by a sex demon was hardly something that seemed like a fair exchange, particularly as she would receive no direct benefit, but...well, if the deal had been made in the ancient past, then she would go with it, and she would ensure that the demon got what it wanted. It would be satisfied with her.

The sphinx, heavily furred and thick-haired, laid down at the edge of her resting place, her legs hanging over the edge. She drew up her garment, exposing her sex, and spread her legs slowly. The red aura of the succubus came closer, and she could see more details. Curvaceous breasts, wide hips, and -

Goodness. That was some shaft. She stared through the vision of the Oracle at it, a little nervous of what it would have looked like for her real eyes. She blushed as it came closer, but felt no hunger for it.

"...Are you kidding me?" the succubus muttered.

"What? What is the matter?"

"You're not even wet."

"I have been told that I am to be bred without being informed or given the chance to enjoy it. We do not know each other. Please, at least, just proceed."

"...It's insulting, is what it is."


"I'm a succubus, and you're dry. Do you know how embarrassing that is?"

"I believe that it is as inversely embarrassing as the amount that I care."

"...Are you trying to be snobby with me right now?"

"That depends. Am I succeeding?"


"Perhaps we should, as you said, get this over with."

Perhaps she should have watched her mouth. As the demon came closer, Felicity could feel the air change, thickening around her. Something pushed her down, holding her in place as the succubus stepped between her legs. The burning red that all but consumed her vision focused between her thighs, rubbing along her sex, and then -


She barely grunted as the shaft went in, but that was more from shock than anything else. The demon leaned over her, the succubus looking down at her face. If it wasn't for the fact that both her veil and her hair protected her vision, she was sure that she would have seen something most furious, most angry with her. For, in truth, she was dry down there. It wasn't the most comfortable feeling in the world to have such a large shaft pummeling at her, and she would have preferred to do something different, to be allowed the chance to enjoy herself with something smaller. And more consensual.

As the demoness kept humping her, rubbing deep and rutting hard, she still stayed dry. The Oracle leaned her head back, waiting like a limp fish for this to be done. This, apparently, offended the succubus.

"Oh, this is just embarrassing. Come - come here!"

After a failed first grab that the Oracle dodged by instinct, the avian demon grabbed her by the neck and lifted her head. A flick of a finger uncovered her eyes, pushing veil and hair back for a split second. In that moment, the Oracle saw the demoness, saw a bird-woman with a long, curved beak, with sharp eyes that burned with Hell-fire, breasts that were bare and shamefully hard-nippled, and an expression of focus and domination that she had never seen before.

She tossed her head back down, but too late. The demon smirked in the aura-vision she had.

"Well, well...I wouldn't have expected that to be the thing that an oracle secretly enjoyed..."

"Oracle, please."

"Hmm, you'll certainly have a big 'O' after this."

There was a hum in the air, a feeling of something splitting, something growing. She could feel the heat against her sex, the warmth of that shaft so deep inside her, but she couldn't understand what else she was feeling. It was almost like that shaft was splitting in two, but surely that was impossible -

No, no, it was possible. She gasped as she felt the sudden stretch that tugged at her pussy, all but splitting it apart for a moment before the demon pulled back. The succubus chuckled, and as Felicity looked down, this time she saw that there were two rods, two thick cocks that were pointed her way.

What...what did she pull out of me, looking into my eyes?

"Let's see how long you stay dry with this..."

Stepping forward again, the succubus didn't press both her cocks to the Oracle's pussy, but rather one to her pussy, and one to her asshole. The sphinx's eyes went wider under her veil, and she opened her mouth to tell the demon off -


And then she was left gasping, her mouth hanging open as that second cock joined the first. She could feel the pair of them inside of her, feel the way that they were stretching her out further than ever, the intense burn in her ass joining the slow, slippery slide in her pussy.

"There we go. Now...let's get you nice and soaked before I fill you up. Time's wasting."

She didn't have a chance to get a word in edgewise before the succubus started humping away. Her head flopped back, her mouth hanging wide open as the bird demon started slamming in over and over again, Each time that she felt those hard cocks invading both her holes at once, it felt like the air was getting squeezed right out of her lungs. The sheer intensity of getting double-penetrated was more than she could take.

It took her all of a minute to reach her first orgasm, and less than two to reach her second. She was a spasming mess as the demon kept pushing her further and further, making her enjoy what was happening to her. In, out, in, out, the thick shafts of vile corruption taking her further down the path to bliss.

In, out, in, out, each time pulling at her, making it harder to think, harder to see. She leaned her head back, her veil falling off, her eyes rolling into the back of her head -


And then the succubus came. She felt the heat filling her even as she felt her own juices dribbling down, running around the shafts and over her asshole before dripping to the floor. She spasmed, shaking from head to toe as the demon pulled out, leaving her gaping, leaving her oozing from both her orifices.

"That'll do for now. Make sure your fucking descendent doesn't forget this time. I'm getting fucking tired of having this conversation."

Tired as she was, there was nothing that Felicity could say as the demon disappeared. Was she really pregnant? Probably. How did that feel?

For once, she didn't know. It was brand new to her...

The End

Summary: An Oracle is told that she has to fuck a demon to keep the familly powers.

Tags: F/H, Vaginal, Breeding, Anal, Double Penetration, Cocks, Sphinx, Bird, Demon, Orgasm, Cum, Cheating,