A love story that became the prelude to death.

Story by Adler50 on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories about Adler's soul-companion.

This is a short story about the reunion of a pair of foxes, after they were reborn as spirit companions. This story is full of both touching, tender and frank moments, as well as moments of sadness and regret. It is not as simple as it seems at first glance, as is the fate of the heroes of the story.

Chapter 1

In the gods ' abandoned world of Arsalem, Adler's soul companion was living out her 77th year of the new life that had been bestowed upon her. She had already exceeded her sentence by 27 years, but no one came for her. And her actions still remained without consequences. The Fox has long understood how and who it needs to hunt in order to continue its life. She hunted only in times of need, not intending to sow genocide on her prey, knowing that sooner or later it might end badly for her. And so, on one of the calm days when Adler was basking in the sun near her home in life, her ears caught the rustle of grass, at the sound of which the Fox turned its head to see its source, but instead its nose was buried in a fluffy chest of black and silver color. Adler couldn't smell him, but the feel of him, the fur. A female would have recognized him out of a thousand. So her shock was unimaginable. With an effort of will, the Fox pulled away from the Fox in front of her, so that she could see its face, tail, legs, and chest. There was no doubt that it was Raor. When the male realized that he was recognized, tears of happiness flowed from his eyes, and he pounced on Ada, knocking Her to the ground and licking her face furiously. The vixen was still too shocked by what had happened and simply couldn't react to this move, but her eyes were also streaming with tears. But hers were filled with sadness and regret, because that means that Raor died that night, and she also could not escape this fate. She couldn't keep their pups safe. The Fox couple shed tears, but the reasons for their tears were different. Raor cried with happiness because he was able to meet his beloved in a new life. Adler also because her husband was overtaken by a sad end. The Fox and the Fox couldn't calm down for a long time, not knowing what to say to each other. Not believing that this is happening in reality.

" Raor, stop, that's enough. You're drooling all over me. " Finally, the Fox couldn't stand it anymore, still letting out salty tears, which were immediately licked away by her partner's tongue.

" No. You're still crying. " The male replied firmly, continuing to lick every tear from the face of his beloved, whom he no longer expected to meet.

" Stop it. I can't stop until you stop. " Ada said, putting her front paw on Raor's nose, " And you're crying too... " She said softly and sadly, removing her paw from her lover's nose, and began to lick his face herself. So they licked each other for an hour, until finally they calmed down.

" Adler, is that really you? Did I really manage to find you here after all these years? " Raor still didn't believe in the reality of what was happening, after all, more than seventy years had passed since he died. Having been reborn as a soul companion, he no longer expected to meet her, but here she is. It is real, it is "alive".

" Yes, I am Raor. " Adler said and placed her right front paw on his chest, lightly pressing it down. Right now, she was filled with both joy and sadness. There were many things she wanted to tell him, many things she wanted to tell him, but she didn't want to ruin the moment they were going through right now.

" Let's Go To Hell. To our burrow, I haven't been there in so long. We can talk there... " Raor could see that his wife had a lot to tell him, and he could see that it was far from a happy story.

Adler and Raor strolled across the green grass toward their old home, and their hearts sank, for the last time they had approached it together, they had been greeted by the joyous yapping of little foxes, but now they were greeted only by silence. The couple went inside and lay down on the dry Mat, snuggling up to each other. In this position, Adler began her story of how they lived after Raor failed to return from hunting. She told how they enjoyed life despite adversity, how their children played and grew up. How happy they were. And how they met their deaths... Raor listened to everything and could not hold back the tears, he buried his face in Ada's neck and whined in a muffled voice, from the very heart to the very depths of his soul. Adler hugged him tightly, singing the lullaby she always sang to their children. So they fell asleep in each other's arms...

A new day came, but the reunited couple did not leave their burrow, they recalled their days in life for a long time, sometimes with joy, sometimes with sadness. Remembering ourselves. Awakening in them something that had already decayed for so many years. Now they didn't need to eat or sleep, and they could make time for each other, which they did.

" So now we are just soul companions who must become one with those who killed us... " Raor said with a hint of annoyance, looking up at the ceiling of the burrow.

" Yes, or just live for fifty years and disappear forever... " Adler answered, not daring to tell her husband about her peculiarity yet.

" So, we are waiting for oblivion? The Fox asked, clearly not expecting an answer.

" If we're together, does it really matter? " The Fox replied, nuzzling his neck and running her fingers through his fur.

" I suppose not. " Said the Fox, and then smiled and gently bit the left ear of his beloved.

" Do you think we can do this? Even if we don't have any puppies? " The female said a little embarrassed when her ear was attacked by her partner. He always did that before they moved on, but she was surprised that he decided to do it now. She doesn't feel the need she once did, and they both knew that even if they did, they wouldn't have any pups. However, even so, right now, she was willing to do anything.

" You like it, don't you? " Said Raor, gently biting her left ear, then licked it along the entire length and looked into the eyes of his beloved. Adler couldn't deny that it was pleasant, her male always knew how to make her feel good, even in life he sometimes indulged in such things, but it never went any further. Now that they're just shadows of their own lives, does that even make sense? Perhaps if it had been any other male, Ada would have given up on such a stupid thing, but she couldn't say that to the Fox next to her.

" You know what you like. You always knew that. " The female replied, licking the "cheek", and then rolled over on her back, gracefully straightening her front paws, inviting Raor to join.

" But you've never had enough, have you? " The Fox replied playfully, hovering over his wife and looking into her eyes. The male began to lick the pads of her front paws, then began to sink lower. When he reached her breast and made a couple of long, sweeping footprints, he climbed higher. There he went up to the neck, where he left gentle kisses, and then licked Ada's nose and"cheek". So that at another moment you can come together with her in a kind of "kiss", connecting their tongues and intertwining them with each other. During this kiss, the foxes closed their eyes, drowning in each other and remembering how it was in the past. Then, breaking the kiss, Raor began to move down into the recess, to Ada's nipples, leaving smears of his tongue on her neck, Rubi and stomach. Adler, on the other hand, purred intermittently, playing with her tails and his, as they intertwined them, bent them into bizarre shapes, stroked and caressed each other. Until finally, the Fox's tail passed between the male's hind legs. Raor felt the silkiness on his scabbard, letting out a contented sigh, while his tongue found one of Adler's nipples, which he began to caress and suck, receiving a satisfied rumble and an answering caress. The Fox's tail began to move back and forth on the Fox's scabbard, sometimes playfully tickling its soft-furred pouch. What gave his master unspeakable pleasure, in response to these actions, each nipple of Adler was not separated by a caress, and the animals themselves were already approaching the main course.

" Adler, are you ready? " Raor asked, interrupting his petting while breathing heavily. His gaze was full of tenderness and lust, but so was his partner, who was now catching her breath and trying to control the incessant rumbling coming out of her throat.

" Of course, let's do it. " Ada replied, finally getting over her feelings.

This time the foxes 'positions were reversed, and the bodies' positions were also changed. Raor lay on his back, his hind legs spread wide, and Adler hovered over him, her tail raised. So they looked at each other's innermost parts for a while, until finally the Fox lay down on her husband so that her innermost place was right under his nose. However, in this position, his scabbard was also right in front of her face. She shifted a little and settled down, then swung her tail high up and out of the way, giving raor full access, while she nuzzled His scrotum, running her tongue over his scabbard and receiving a sweet whimper as a reward. The Fox didn't waste any time either, but slashed his tongue along her embankment, first slowly and perfunctorily, then with a slight pressure that made Ada's tail twitch and lift even higher. The female, letting out a satisfied sob, also did not wait, running her tongue along the entire length of the Fox's scabbard, then slightly biting its eggs and taking them in her mouth, sucked a little, and, releasing them from her mouth, again walked along the scabbard, luring the pink tip out of its hiding place and starting to lick it already. Gradually, the tender flesh under the pressure of Ada's weasels began to increase in size and harden, the female, noticing this, took it in her mouth and began to suck. At this time, Raor was also not far behind. He had already smeared the surface of his mate's mound liberally, and RUB slowly pushed his tongue inside her, feeling her muscles tighten around him. He started with the tip, playing with her Clit, then moved higher and deeper, driving his tongue further, deeper, curving it into various shapes, reaching out and caressing every spot on his way. As long as they were focused on caressing each other, they didn't notice the contented purrs, sobs, and contented sighs behind them. But all this showed how reverent they were for each other. So strong was their love. They continued their caresses, gradually increasing their pace. Adler had taken all the flesh that had left her mate's scabbard completely into her mouth, and now she worked hard on it with her tongue, sometimes pushing it down her throat and sucking harder. Raor, on the other hand, penetrated to the very depths of it, running his tongue along the entire length of its passage, and then penetrated as far as his tongue could reach, with which he went through all its folds and penetrated into every recess. Gradually, the two of them were nearing their peak. Adler was the first to see him. When Raor sensed her approach, he focused on her Clit, causing the female's pussy to contract and soon she was letting out a satisfied moan through the male's flesh-filled mouth. At that moment, she drove it deep into her throat and squeezed it hard there, causing Raor to come to the peak, pouring into her. So they stopped, waiting for their emotions to calm down. It didn't take long. Adler released her husband's limp flesh from her mouth and began to lick it, while the Fox licked her mound. After that, they dispersed and took care of themselves on a dry Mat. After taking a short break and regaining their strength, they were ready for the second round, which they had previously only reached in the heat, but now they only wanted to do it based on their feelings for each other.

" I guess it was unforgettable? I never thought you could do such a thing " the black and silver Fox Started talking when he finally got away from what had happened and was ready to continue.

" I was also surprised by myself, but you were no worse than when you didn't know about such sensitive places in yourself. You were great. " The red Fox answered without any guile and also being ready to continue.

Adler got up on her paws and went a little deeper into the hole, where the ceiling was much higher, stood with her back to the male with her hind legs spread wide and her fluffy tail pushed aside, thereby revealing her secret place to Raor and inviting him to continue the Banquet. The Fox did not wait for his beloved and soon found himself behind her. Before, the smell of her juices had driven him wild, and he'd lashed out at her without too much delay, but now it was different, and he was acting differently. Raor stroked Ada's floor with his tongue, forcing her tail to rise even higher, then held it again, and then, parting her labia with his tongue, penetrated it deep, walking it there several times and smearing everything well, he finally stuck it out of her and listened to the breathing of his wife. It was intermittent, and a slight rumble was already coming out of her throat. The male was satisfied with the result, so he carefully climbed on top of Adler, wrapping his front paws around Her and massaging her stomach with them a little. The Fox, anticipating further events, arched her back and leaned back a little, bringing her backside closer to the male's groin. Raor realized that there was no point in dragging any further, and began to push lightly to find the entrance to her with the tip of his flesh. It didn't take long, and on the fourth attempt, he finally felt a pleasant warmth around his shaft. The Fox gently pressed down on the pussy ring, penetrating deeper, then pulled Ada's ass a little closer to him and, moving higher on her, entered deeper until he felt pressure on his rod. Here it is the long-awaited finale. Before, he always had very vague memories of what happened at this time, but now he could clearly feel all the heat and pressure that affected his sensitive flesh. He probably would have liked to enjoy it more, but Adler wanted to get him deeper into her, pushing back a little, she literally put herself on his cock, letting out a moan full of pleasure. Raor, too, could not resist the pleasure and made a couple of more thrusts into the female, driving his shaft deeper into her, feeling how he parted her guts, how it pulsed in time with her heartbeat, as his flesh gradually filled with blood. Adler loved that feeling of warmth and stretching in herself, feeling her mate's flesh stretch her as she moved on. These feelings made her purr contentedly and arch her back. Perhaps she hadn't felt it before, so vividly, or she'd forgotten it in all these seventy-seven years. But right now, she was glad of what was happening. Raor picked up the pace, pushing himself deeper, feeling his y knot begin to form at its base. Adler screamed and purred at every wave of pleasure that raced through her body with every thrust of the Fox. She sensed that he was already reaching into her innermost recesses as he continued to stretch her, and at her entrance, she felt a growing knot that was still small enough to enter and exit her with every thrust. Raor quickened his movements and pulled Ada as close to him as possible, feeling that he was about to climax. The Fox was also not far from its first arrival, so when the knot entered it for the last time, stretching its entrance wide, it came. Adler shuddered all over and let out a cry of pleasure. The walls of her tunnel strongly squeezed raor's penis and He began to beat her furiously, feeling that his knot was already tightly wrapped around her mound . On that note, unable to take any more of this crazy pressure, he pushed one last time as deep and as hard as he could, then poured himself into her, letting out a blissful cry, after which he continued for a while with the short thrusts that made Adler come a second time. After that, the paws of both of them no longer held and they both collapsed on the floor of the hole. Without even trying to change your position or disconnect. They both felt each other bound as one. They could feel each other's warmth, each other's heartbeat. It all seemed too sweet a dream to be true, but they didn't think about it, they just enjoyed the moment.

Chapter 2

A few weeks after raor and Adler reunited, That night was unforgettable and extremely tender. After that, they were close a couple of times. It wasn't a hot rush of passion or a desire to be satisfied, it was just that in those moments they both "didn't mind" enjoying each other becoming closer than before, connecting as they once did. Of course, they both knew they weren't going to have any puppies. They knew it didn't make sense, but it made sense to them. However, even this story had its pitfalls. Despite the long-awaited reunion with his wife, raor did not mention something... There's something Adler didn't tell me about herself, either. No, they weren't lying to each other... They just didn't say the words out loud... They both didn't think those words were important right now, and they were right about something, or so they wanted to think. You see, soul companions without masters spend their life force changing their form, which is why Raor has always been in physical form from the moment they met. However, Adler continued to change it whenever she wanted, this could not cause the male to suspect, guess, or think. All soul companions know one story, a rumor that they were born before any of the living. A rumor that there is an entity roaming the world that kills them from time to time. No one knows exactly what she looks like or who she is. Just as they don't know why she's doing it. However, there are a lot of guesses on this score and everyone has their own. Someone claims that this is a product of the "Shadow". Some say it's a defiled spirit companion. And someone that it is a soul companion that decided to survive in this way. No matter how many rumors there were, no one knew for sure and kept guessing, fearing that the next time this entity would come for him. Raor had his own opinion on the matter, and now that they had been together for a few weeks, the Fox began to realize that his wife was unusual. Her behavior, her conversations, her thoughts she wasn't the one who was worried about an early demise, but she wasn't the one who had just been born. She also sometimes went on the hunt, but he never brought her home the booty. Raor realized soon enough who his beloved was, but it didn't frighten him, rather he was glad of it. No, he was definitely genuinely happy about it.

" An entity that devours other soul companions, that's what it would be... Am I right Adler? " Raor said somewhat ironically and sadly as the Fox lay down next to him.

" Hah... " The female said a little surprised, not expecting to be discovered so quickly, " But it's not for you to try to blame me for something-a companion soul that's only eight days away from disappearing... " Ada said sadly and buried her face in her husband's shoulder. " And when were you going to tell me about it? Or did he want to disappear like last time? Without a hint of your fate? " She said with a whimper, burying herself in his fur.

" So you knew all along? " Somewhat disappointed and guilty, Raor said, twitching his tail and realizing how much pain his half had endured, knowing that he would soon be gone, " I'm Sorry... I didn't mean to hide it, but I didn't want to break up our reunion with this news... " He continued, licking the female's welling tears, " You tell me, is the rumor about you true, that a part of everyone absorbed by you remains with you forever?

Adler flinched at that moment, realizing what her lover was trying to offer her, which made her heart clench and her ears droop...

" Yes... But... You don't want to tell me... " Adler couldn't finish as she was playfully licked on the nose, even though it was the most familiar sign of all, but it was made with tears on the other side. " Stupid and extremely cruel, and perhaps too selfish. But for you, I can do it. Are we going to play each other like the last time? " Forcing a smile, the Fox said, lifting her head and looking into his eyes.

" Like the last time... " Said Raor, licking Adler's "lips", then moving into a kind of "kiss", to which the red Fox sensually responded, although tears continued to flow from both of them. It was sad, selfish, stupid, and beautiful. They both knew how this was going to end. However, this didn't mean that everything up to this point had to be fake. On the contrary, it should be the most sincere and affectionate thing they've ever done, and this kiss was the beginning of that.

The two foxes ' tongues were entwined, twining around each other, caressing each other, not wanting to separate, wanting to stay together forever, but they couldn't afford it, no matter how good it felt. The long kiss broke and rolled into many small ones that removed the tears from the faces of both foxes, tickled them, caressed them. Gradually developing into licking and licking each other. It was gentle, a little playful, and extremely enjoyable for both of them. They both knew that they had to give themselves to each other now without any second thoughts, so that they wouldn't regret anything afterward. Which they did. So gradually the face-licking turned into the fur-licking of each other's necks, with occasional shifts to the ears that sometimes begged for affection. Both Adler and Raor were happy, sensitive and honest with themselves, they both wanted to continue... They both wanted to go further... And it wasn't a rut or a game of hormones... It was their sincere desire for each other, to which the two of them gave themselves in its entirety. So they licked each other very thoroughly and thoroughly, gradually moving closer to each other's more sensitive areas and sometimes stopping briefly at the ones they had already found. However, gradually everything came to what it should have come, and the foxes arranged themselves so that they could both have what they wanted. So the belly and floor of the Adler were offered to the male, and the belly and scabbard of the Raor were offered to the female. They both knew that everything was heading straight for this, and that it wasn't the last stage, especially this time. However, this didn't mean that any of them wanted to be hasty. On the contrary, everyone studied the partner, thinking where to start the caress.

Adler was the first to make her move this time, first turning her warm breath to Raor's testicles before gently licking them, first once, then twice, and then a third. First, by running your tongue between them, and then paying attention to each testicle separately. This caused a satisfied sob from their owner and a slight shiver all over his body, but the Fox, of course, did not stop there, carefully taking one testicle at a time in its mouth and sucking them a little, then running its tongue over them. Raor could not stay away, receiving such pleasant and exciting caresses from his beloved, so he moved away from the initial tremor. He began to lick her nipples, sucking on the ones closest to him, then gradually moving towards Ada's mound, which twitched a little from the pleasure she received from his caresses, while a satisfied purr was heard from her throat, to which the Fox responded with his own, which filled the hole with their pleasant, sensual and gentle purr, breaking through a slight shiver. So gradually, from nipple to nipple, the male finally reached the cherished goal, which he immediately doused with his breath, and then gave her his first gentle lick along its entire length. This was followed by a twitch of Ada's tail and a heavy sigh that ended in a louder purr of pleasure. Raor gave her five more licks on the surface of her mound, wetting it with his saliva and tasting it at the same time. Even though he already knew what it was like, each time he managed to find a new flavor in this taste. Adler wasn't going to dwell on one part of her husband for too long, so she soon moved on to something bigger and no less sensitive. The Fox's scabbard became her next target, and even though the tip of his rod was already showing off from them, the female decided to pay attention to him at last. So she ran her tongue along the entire length of the shell from its base to its tip, just barely brushing the tip that emerged from it. First she did this once, listening to her partner moan, then a second, third, and so on, forcing the Fox's tip more and more into the light, until finally the slightest touch made the male shudder all over. Only then Adler honored seemed markedly from its sheath the proper attention, first gently and juicy licking it from all sides, and then, plunging it into his mouth, began to lick and suck that listening to happy sobs and groans of a spouse, and, satisfied with this, he continued. Raor could not resist the Fox's caresses and was disabled for a while, unable to do anything but moan and give his beloved's innermost place his frequent sighs, which also seemed to have their effect and the response of the female's body, from which her soul throbbed. But the Fox, some time later, still managed to pull himself together and give Ada his portion of pleasure. First, he wetted her floor with his tongue and tasted her again, then gradually began to make more effort with his tongue, gradually pushing her walls apart and penetrating deeper, feeling her resistance against his invasion, but at the same time her unwillingness to let go when he retreated. So the male gradually penetrated, stretched and tested the depths of the spouse, wetting them, tasting them and giving their mistress pleasure, from which she sometimes moaned, stopping her own caresses of his rod. As their caresses continued without being noticeable to themselves, their tails rose and swayed and fell limply, sometimes hindering, sometimes stroking, but most often beckoning to continue. The end of it all was a heavy and satisfied sigh from both foxes, who were too pleased to continue, both of them breathing heavily but still not feeling satisfied. After taking a short break, they both looked at each other, looking for agreement in their opponent's eyes, and they both found it in them. It was time for the final part in their story that would never be repeated again, and this time the pose was not their usual one. Raor stayed where he was, just rolled over on his stomach, his hind legs spread wide, exposing the still throbbing flesh. Adler first positioned herself over him, but then lay down on top of him so that her eager entrance was exactly opposite the tip, so that it slightly touched it during the pulsation. Now, after licking her lover, she slowly began to lean back, impaling herself on the Fox's thirsty cock, causing her tail to fly up high, and both foxes let out a long moan. Gradually, the Fox began to take in more and more of the male's hot flesh, gradually lifting its front part, until finally it sat on the heated rod that penetrated deep into it. At that moment, she paused, savoring the moment and the feeling of the rod twitching slightly inside her. At the same time, the Fox enjoyed her warmth and the tightness of her walls, which squeezed his sensitive flesh. Having had enough of the moment, Adler began to move, first slightly lifting her floor, and then lowering it, causing a wave of goosebumps to pass through her body along with a wave of pleasure, moving away from which she began to repeat this action, gradually accelerating the pace and depth of entry. All raor could do was moan under the savory slaps of his lover's ass against his scrotum, and give her a little push back, wanting to sink deeper into her, wanting to fill her more. It was very pleasant for both of them, although a little unusual. After all, the male always craves the female more than she craves the male, but now they wanted each other equally, they gave themselves up with the same passion to mating, to pleasure. They both wanted it, and they both got it. Ada's savory slaps slid harder but deeper, and the knot of Raor that was beginning to show stretched her entrance harder and harder with each blow, sending fuller waves of pleasure into her, giving her a certain sense of fullness every time he was inside her. But for now, both male and female were far from the peak, so they continued to enjoy each other's closeness, often licking and licking each other. Sighing and collapsing. They both supported each other, not letting their excitement stop rising. They tried not to think about anything, even though they knew that the climax wasn't all they had to achieve, but there was something much more important behind it. And before that time came, they had to enjoy each other and their own feelings and sensations, gradually increasing the pace again and creating obscenely loud slaps with each new blow. With each new stroke of Paul Adler's body against the base of raor's penis, The latter's knot grew, and soon it would be enough to keep them together no longer. And they both waited for this and gradually approached this moment, until, finally, Adler's thighs encountered a strong resistance that stretched her entrance to indecent sizes, the male, feeling the incredible tension around his shaft, began to carry out short forward thrusts himself, pushing the knot into the hot interior, until, finally, Ada's entrance gave in and opened, letting the Fox knot into the tender and warm embrace of the female's At this moment when a Fox closed for node Raora, the latter was to make a short, but quick thrusts, stimulating the inside of the beloved harder to turn around his shaft, trying to push it as deep as possible into her, until finally, from the combination of heat and pressure, he did not raise her with your seed, encouraging your mate, too, to come to a climax, even more gripping and milking his cock. They were both on the edge of pleasure at this point, and both were exhausted, so Adler just collapsed on raor's chest, panting, while He continued to pump her with his seed, sometimes shaking inside her, causing her new waves of pleasure. Now they were both content, satisfied, and full. They were connected. They were United. But this was only a fleeting unity, then they need to come to something more. Something both sad and joyful, but they didn't have to do it right now, they could just enjoy each other a little more.

Several tens of minutes passed, and Adler was still lying on top of Raor, who was still connected to her, but there wasn't much time left before their connection wasn't strong enough for them to disconnect. But until that happened, there was one last thing left that probably could have been postponed, but the Fox clearly wanted to do it now, while his body was full of euphoria, and he was connected to his beloved.

" It's time for Adler, otherwise everything will be in vain. " He said softly, his voice full of sadness. Adler raised her head and looked at him, tears welling up again, because in some corner of her heart, she hoped that this was just a bad dream, but, alas, reality was cruel,and she had to do this so that her lover would always be with her.

" Good... If that's what you want, I'll do it in spite of the pain in my heart. " The Fox said, sitting up a little and getting a gentle note of pleasure from her gut, which was ignored, because despite still experiencing pleasure from her body, her mind was splitting with pain. Hearing this response from his beloved, Raor tilted his head back, exposing his tender and vulnerable throat to her. Ada lowered herself to it and began to lick it, as if she wanted to smooth out the fur on it so that it would end there, but she knew that no matter how much she smoothed it, she would still have to do it. Not so much for her own sake, but for the sake of someone who truly loved her and still loves her, and she can't deny him his desire, no matter how painful it is for her. So, without warning, she bared her white fangs and plunged them into the soft and tender throat that she had licked so thoroughly before, then she instantly closed her jaws with all her strength, granting her lover a quick death that, however sad it was, reverberated in her body despite the last shudder of his shard that was still in her... When the job was done, and Raor's body was limp, Ada lapped and drank his blood for a long time, not letting a drop go to waste. After all, he was only hers and no one else's. And now no one else had the right to it, but despite this, her tears did not stop coming...

Over the next day, Adler devoured every bit of her husband, and polished the remaining bones to a high gloss and laid them on their bedding as if he had just decided to sleep. And it will sleep forever. And she would be with him forever, and she would never return to this hole again, for there was too much pain and happiness in it for this lone Fox....