Chapter 2: Getting captured

Story by Corvan458 on SoFurry

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#2 of Soval's Story

About twenty minutes later I was a few yards out of the main entrance of town. Following the main road out of Glassdell for about one hundred yards I quickly spot the large oak tree that I use as my starting point on all of my ventures into the forest. Before I turned towards the tree I stopped and listened to my surroundings. I don't hear anyone following me.~ Breathing a sigh of relief that I knew that creep from before had not followed me. I turned towards the oak tree and began heading into the forest, and about five minutes later I looked back and saw that I could now barely see the path. I should be good to take a break here, so I can figure out which direction I want to go exploring today.~

Looking around for something to sit down on I quickly spotted a large and smooth rock that was just at the right height for me to sit down on. Walking over to it, I felt my body and mind relaxing as I was now out in nature. Once I had sat down I looked around to determine which direction I wanted to go in, and my eyes quickly found the pillar of smoke off in the distance. There is only one column of smoke and it is thin, It's probably just the local hunters. Even so, it can't hurt to go check it out.~ Getting up from the rock I had just been sitting on, I looked around again as I stretched. Nothing else I can see of interest so it looks like I am going to check out the smoke.~ Walking towards the column of smoke I listened to my surroundings. Feeling them further soothes my nervous mind.

Having walked about thirty minutes I knew that I should have been close to the source of the smoke. Slowing down a bit I saw a clearing up ahead with what looked to be a campsite in it. At closer inspection I saw a wooden cart with several people in it, all of them wearing what looked to be like, Slave collars, That's not right, the local hunters don´t transport people... I stumbled upon a Slave caravan.~ Just as I came to this realization, I heard a branch snap behind me. This caused me to start quickly turning around but before I got a chance to see who or what was behind me. I was hit hard on the side of my head, falling to the ground unconscious.

--A few hours later--

I woke up to darkness, with my head throbbing and my mind sluggish. Opening my eyes I once again saw only darkness causing me to feel panicked, I attempted to reach up with my hands to remove what was covering my eyes only to find that I couldn't. I tried to get up only to find that I could not do that either. What the hell.~ I thought to myself with a bit of panic .

I barely managed to keep the panic in me contained as I tried to remember what happened earlier. I went out to explore the forest, I remember coming across a camp.. My thoughts were then interrupted by hearing two voices speaking. ¨ I see you have an additional specimen to sell us. Wait, is that thing those-?¨ Who are they talking about.~ As I asked this I heard another voice say ¨Yes. That specimen is the one the rumors are about-¨ there was a pause in the conversation before the one who spoke first said. ¨He will definitely go for a good price..Just because he is exotic.¨ Wait a sec..they're talking about me!~ I began struggling to try to break the bonds holding me. Only to be stopped by a powerful shock that coursed throughout my body. I then heard one of them say ¨Looks like we woke the specimen up.¨ I then heard one of them walking over to me, feeling the man grab my head, I let out a growl. ¨Oh look this one has some bite to him.¨ I then felt something cold and hard clasp around my neck. Starting to struggle in an attempt to get whatever the hell they just put me off, but almost as soon as I started I felt a hard electric shock go through my body before I heard one of the men making a tisk tisk sound. Ignoring this I continued struggling to do my best to push through the residual pain of the shock, but once again before I could put up much of a fight the collar shocked me hard enough to knock me unconscious.