Keema's Adventure: Condemnation

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#21 of A Voluptuous Lizard's Adventures in Skyrim

Keema wakes up with a big hangover in the city of Markarth, which isn't much of a big deal until she gets caught up in conspiracy against the forsworn.

"Hey, you, wake up!" The voice of a female had woken her up.

Keema woke up on the floor, the stone cold floor that she had been lying down on and gripped her head painfully as everything spun slowly around her.

"That's right, wake up you drunken blasphemer" A priestess told her angrily.

"Oh... My head..." Keema moaned as she clutched her head painfully.

The priestess looked at her, and then using her restoration magic, cured her headache.

"I'm assuming that you don't remember much of anything, or why you came here, threw trash everywhere, groped the statues of Dibella, and passed out on the floor" The priestess told her.

"I don't... Remember such a thing" Keema replied, with her headache gone, she still wasn't able to remember anything.

Wait... She did remember having a drinking contest with Sam... The breton mage she met at the dead man's drink! But how did she get here? This temple didn't even remotely resemble how Falkreath looked, it was all made out of stone.

"Wait, I do remember something, did a man named Sam come here with me?" Keema asked her.

"Look, I'd love to help but you need to take responsibility for your actions" The priestess pointed at the mess he made as several items were on the floor of the temple "You should clean the mess you made, and maybe I'll forgive you for desecrating this holy temple, before I can consider helping you with what you did" The priestess said before going back to to an altar.

Keema groaned, the last thing she wanted was to get on the bad side of the divines after becoming a daedra's champion, however accidental that was.

Keema picked up all the objects, which were two wine bottles, a giant's toe, hagraven feathers, and a note.

We need the following to repair the broken staff:

Giant's Toe

Holy Water

Hagraven Feather

-Sam Guevenne

"I don't remember carrying this note..." Keema said before stowing it in her pocket.

As if a memory was flooding into her mind, she remembered something important about their drinking contest.

""Ha! We'll see about that. This is a special brew, very strong stuff. Let's get started" Sam started chugging down his tankard and finished.

Keema took a swig of the mead, and found it incredibly sweet and intoxicating, and found herself getting drunk already.

"This is incredible... Where'd you... *hic*... get this?" Keema asked, already feeling like she had drunk at least 5 bottles of wine.

"That's one down my friend, and as for that question, I'll reveal it to you, that is, if you win this contest" Sam said, and poured another round for both of them.

Before long, Keema had drank at least 4 mugs of the alcohol, she could barely even keep her eyes open as she struggled to stay awake and pass out.

"I think I've had enough, say, if you drink one more mug, the staff is yours, I think I reached my limit" Sam said to her.

Keema didn't hesitate to drink again and finished the whole mug.

"I... Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn..." Keema said drunkenly.

"Wow! You've really done it... The staff is yours friend" Sam said in amazement.

"Thash grape!" Keema replied as she felt herself slowly passing out.

"You know, you're a funny person to drink with. I know this great little place where the wine flows like water. We should head there. Hey, you don't look so good..." Sam said as that was the last thing she heard before falling unconscious.

"But how did I get here..." Keema said before approaching the priestess "I've cleaned up the place" Keema informed her.

"I suppose that'll do... Dibella teaches forgiveness after all, even for a drunk like you" The priestess boldly told her.

Keema didn't like to be reminded about what she had done and decided to ignore the remark.

"So do you remember if a man named Sam came here with me?" Keema asked her.

"You were ranting when you got here but most of it was slurred. You did say something about Rorikstead. Maybe you should start there" The priestess told her.

Rorikstead? That's the place in whiterun hold where the Alik'r warriors holed up back then...

"Where exactly am I?" Keema asked her.

"You're in the temple of Dibella here in Markarth, you must have been deep in your cups if you don't even remember what hold you're in" The priestess answered her.

"M-Markarth!?" Keema said and looked at her map, realizing she must have reached really far to the west for some reason.

"Yes, Markarth, the temple of stone, and home to the temple of Dibella here in skyrim. You'll find we have a very special kind of blessing, and practice the Dibellan arts... Hmm... Yes, you look very suitable for this job. Why don't you discard this life of drunken bliss and perform a service to your fellow people by becoming a priestess and studying the Dibellan arts" The priestess suggested.

She heard about the Dibellan arts and the... Companionship and love that they share to others. Still, she wasn't gonna get caught in something like that.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested" Keema told the priestess.

"How disappointing. If you ever change your mind, Dibela's doors is always open to you" The priestess said as she left.

Keema looked at the city she was now currently in, compared to Falkreath and whiterun which was surrounded by vegetation, everything was made of stone, including the floors.

"This is a strange city..." Keema muttered as she explored the place.

She interacted with the orc smith living there, who offered her some training for a price, the old breton who owned the hag's cure whom she bought some potions for a hangover, and even the orc overseeing the smelter, which she gave a stern talking to after he refused to pay their wages.

She was about to check the inn and as she neared, a breton suddenly unsheathed his dagger and approached an imperial, seemingly about to murder her.

Thinking quickly, Keema threw her battle axe at the man, impaling his spine and killing him.

"I die... For my people..." The man said, before dying on the spot.

The imperial woman was shocked and Keema approached her.

"Are you alright?" Keema asked the imperial.

"By the gods... That man nearly killed me... I was about to get this to my sister, but I think you should have it instead" The imperial said as she gave her an expensive jeweled necklace.

"Any ideas why he wanted you dead?" Keema asked as she accepted the necklace.

"I have no idea... Maybe the guards can help you with that" The imperial said.

A group of guards approached the dead body and surrounded it, before announcing something publicly to everyone.

"Everyone stay back, there are no forsworn in the city, the guards have it all under control" The guards said, trying to calm the situation down.

Keema approached one of the guards and questioned him about it.

"Mind your own business, the city guard have it all under control" The guard warned her.

"You said something about the forsworn?" Keema asked the guard.

"I said back off, the forsworn are of no concern to Markarth, now move along and keep your nose clean" The guard warned her again.

The guards didn't seem to want to be questioned about this attack, and ignored any further questions from her.

Having no luck, Keema was about to head to the inn and chalk this all up to some kind of random bandit attack until a man approached her.

"Gods. A woman attacked right on the streets. Are you all right? Did you see what happened?" The man asked her.

"I was right there, the man nearly killed the woman over there" Keema pointed at the imperial.

"I'm so sorry you had to witness that... Oh I think you dropped this, some kind of note! Looks important" The man said as he handed it to her.

Before Keema could ask him further, the man left and started walking away.

"Strange... I don't remember dropping anything..." Keema said before opening the note.

Meet me at the shrine of Talos


Keema looked at Eltrys who kept walking, tailing him to the supposed shrine of talos inside a room.

Eltrys leaned against the stone wall and was waiting for her.

"I'm sorry to drag you into Markarth's problems, but after that attack in the market, I'm running out of time." Eltrys said apologetically to her.

"What are you talking about?" Keema asked him, not knowing what was talking about.

"You want answers? Well, so do I. So does everyone in this city. A man goes crazy in the market. Everyone knows he's a Forsworn agent. Guards do nothing. Nothing but clean up the mess" Eltrys said as if he's been bottling this all up for a long time.

"And... You want me to find out why?" Keema asked him.

"Correct, this has been going on for years. And all I've been able to find is murder and blood. I need help. Please. You find out why that woman was attacked, who's behind Weylin and the Forsworn, and I'll pay you for any information you bring me" Eltry said.

"But... But I don't want to get in trouble with the guards. They seem to not want anybody snooping around about this" Keema told him.

"You think I tried to stay out of this? You, an outsider of the city, have done more to help than the guards so far. And anybody who gets caught up in it winds up dead or in Cidhna mine. Please, you're my only hope" Eltry said, trying to convince her to do those tasks.

"... Alright, but I'll need to ask more questions, who are the forsworn though?" Keema asked him.

"They're remnants of the old rulers of Markarth. Natives of the Reach. Followers of the old ways. The Nords drove them out of the city. Ulfric Stormcloak and his men. That was about 20 years ago. But somehow they're still here, and they're killing people" Eltrys told her.

"Ulfric? I met the man but I didn't know he was capable of that. You're telling me, Ulfric Stormcloak had managed to drive a whole city of Forsworn out of Markarth?" Keema asked him to confirm her suspicions.

"Yes, and if you believe what they say, he used the voice to do it too. A strange power used by the nords" Eltrys said.

"You've looked into these murders?" Keema asked him.

"Yes. It all started when I was a boy. My father owned one of the mines. Rare for anyone who isn't a Nord. He was killed. Guards said it was just a madman, but everyone knew the murderer was a member of the Forsworn. I've been trying to find out why ever since. Gotten nowhere so far, and then I got married. Have a child of my own on the way. I swore I was going to just give up, for my child's sake, but it's like my father's ghost is haunting me. Asking me "Why?" Eltrys explained.

"I see... That must be hard to bear for all your life... Now, you mentioned someone named Weylin?" Keema asked him.

"Yes, him, the forsworn agent that attacked Margaret in the market. He was one of the smelter workers. I used to have a job down there myself, casting silver ingots. I never knew much about Weylin, except he lives in the Warrens, like all the other workers. I want you to go to his room and find out anything you can about him" Eltrys replied.

"And this Margaret is, I assume, the imperial that got attacked?" Keema asked him.

"She's not from Markarth. The air about her screamed "outsider." Visitors to the city usually stay at the Silver-Blood Inn, so you better catch her before another forsworn agent comes to kill her next" Eltrys ordered her.

"I see... I guess I should get started then" Keema said before heading out.

Keema didn't know exactly what she got herself into, but what she did know was that these forsworn should be stopped to avoid anymore deaths.

Entering the warrens, Keema understood why nobody would like living there. Uncemented, not even wooden, everyone seemed to be lying down on the soil, wearing rags and probably getting sick from the harsh living conditions of the place.

She walked up to the most approachable person in the room, which was a red headed nord leaning back against the stone wall.

"The warrens don't seem like the place for your type, what do you want?" The nord asked her.

"I want to know where Weylin lives in" Keema told him honestly.

"Ah him, forsworn agent I heard. I guess someone else will be taking his room now. I'm afraid I can't let you. You see, I'm the one who passes the keys around, and I can't let just anyone have the keys" Garvey told her.

"It's important. Trust me, Eltrys sent me. He wants to end this now" Keema informed him.

"Oh... Um... Eltrys... Yes, we worked together for a while at the smelter... I guess if you're working for him, then you can be trusted, here" Garvey said and gave her the key to Weylin's room.

Trying the keys out on each room, she finally had luck with one of the rooms near the far end of the hall. It was no different than the hall. Soil floor, a wooden table, a chest, and a bedroll.

Keema examined the chest, opening it to reveal a journal amongst the contents of the chest, and read it.


You've been chosen to strike fear in the heart of the Nords. Go to the market tomorrow. You will know what to do.


Who exactly was N? Odd, that probably meant they didn't want to be found out.

Keema thanked the nord and returned the key, before leaving outside only to be greeted by a mercenary outside.

"You've been digging around where you don't belong. It's time you learned a lesson" The mercenary said as his fists tightened.

Keema felt alarmed, someone had known about her snooping around already?

"Wait, there's no need for violence! Who even sent you!?" Keema tried to de escalate the situation.

"Someone who doesn't like asking too many questions!" The mercenary said before sucker punching her jaw.

Keema fought back and showed no mercy after that blow, and easily defeated the mercenary. Her training and rough housing in the companions had helped her gain some natural strength in fighting others off without the use of weapons.

The mercenary was left kneeling down and spitting blood as he glared up at her.

"You mangy piece of pit bait" The mercenary muttered painfully.

Keema grabbed him by the hem of his leather armor threateningly.

Who sent you? Who? Tell me!" Keema demanded from him.

"It's Nepos! Nepos the Nose! I swear he just ordered me to teach you a lesson, just don't kill me!" The mercenary begged her.

So that must be who N was... Still, she needed to go ask Margaret about it, she may be a prime target as well.

"Fine, maybe this'll teach you a lesson not to jump others" Keema said.

"What-" The mercenary managed to say before he was thrown into the river of water.

Keema ran to the inn, hoping the mercenary would lose her and forget about pursuing her any further.

Entering the inn, she saw the same woman who had nearly been killed in the market earlier.

"Excuse me, you're Margaret right?" Keema asked her.

"Ah! My savior! Yes I am! Is there anything more you need from me?" Margret asked.

"I want to know your business here, it may be connected to the forsworn conspiracy" Keema told her.

"Oh... I'm just visiting. I had some business here, that's all" Margret told her.

"What kind of business?" Keema asked further.

"I... Look, why do you want to know? Am I not allowed some privacy?" Margret asked her.

"Because... You're hiding something aren't you? That's why you're not telling me?" Keema asked her.

"Ugh, was it that obvious? I must be losing my touch. Fine, you caught me. I'm one of General Tullius' agents, I came here to seize Cidhna Mine from the Silver-Bloods. I was hoping to buy the ownership deed from them, but I don't think that's how it works around here... Mark my words, Thonar Silver-Blood was behind that attack in the market... Somehow" Margret admitted to her.

"I see... So this Thonar Silver-Blood owns this city then?" Keema asked.

"No, he's not the jarl if that's what you're wondering. If Jarl Igmund isn't around, he'd be the one in charge of things around here for sure, along with the rest of his family. They're a very feared and powerful family here in Markarth, so I suggest you don't cross them like I did" Margret told her.

"So they mostly run this city, second only to the jarl?" Keema asked her.

"In a way, it's almost like they have more influence than the jarl himself. By the way, you look very familiar... Yes, I remember now, you were at Helgen's execution" Margret said.

"W-What? Y-You must be mistaken... I..." Keema tried to explain herself.

"Relax, relax, I'm not going to arrest you in the name of the legion. I actually think that you were innocent, only that you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Hadvar has talked about you, and how you were innocent on his behalf. I was there you know, if I hadn't stuck with protecting General Tullius, I'd have been there to fight through helgen keep" Margret told her.

Keema gave a sigh of relief, at least Margret was another imperial who believed she didn't deserve to get executed.

"I'd better get going then, I have some more errands to do" Keema told her.

"Well tell Eltrys that he should drop it already, he's going to get killed if he pursues the truth" Margret warned her.

"... I'll make sure I relay your message towards him" Keema said, knowing that she means well by those words.

Keema walked out of the inn, only for a guard to confront her.

"You've been sticking your nose where it doesn't belong argonian. Back. Off. Keep sniffing around and you'll find out what happens to those who are as nosy as Eltrys" The Markarth guard threatened her.

"I'm not trying to cause any trouble around here" Keema said, not wanting to get arrested.

"Well you're finding enough as it is. This is your last warning outsider, we keep the peace here, if you disrupt it, there will be dire consequences for you" The guard threatened her again before walking away.

Keema immediately went to the shrine of Talos, in an effort to tell Eltrys what she knew, and to make him stop investigating further before he gets killed.

"You're back! What did you find out?" Eltrys asked her.

"Nepos the Nose was behind the attack in the market" Keema told him.

"Nepos? He's an old man but I never thought he'd be the one behind it. But it does make sense, he has been well respected among the natives in the reach. But I have a feeling he gets his orders from someone, you're onto something, our next bet is to interrogate him about who's giving them" Eltrys said as he gave her 250 gold.

"I also found out Margret is an imperial agent sent by General Tullius. He had sent her here to claim the deed for Cidhna Mine" Keema informed him.

"I see, so then Margret wasn't a random civilian targeted by the forsworn. If she tried to buy out Cidhna Mine's deed, then it would only mean she went to the treasury house where Thonar Silver-Blood lives. Which is where your next destination lies as well. Here's your gold, we're going to stop this whether they like it or not" Eltrys said, while handing her an additional 250 gold.

"... You know, you could stop paying me, and let me handle things myself now" Keema told him.

"Let me guess, if I keep doing it then I'll eventually get killed? No, I'm done hiding and standing by, and I'm not going to let anyone stop me, not even you. Everyone is always fearing for their lives while the guards barely do anything. This may sound trivial to you, but it's a rarity and gift to even sleep at night in peace, even for the children of the city, without fearing for your own life. That's a luxury even riften has, but not for Markarth. I'd rather die now than continue living in fear, so don't tell me how I should live my life" Eltrys said.

"... I understand, just... Just don't get yourself killed, I don't wanna feel responsible if anything happens to you" Keema said, before going out to the treasury house.

A woman was at the counter, and greeted Keema soon as she came up to the counter.

"Welcome to the treasury house, would you like to purchase or rent a land from the Silver-Bloods?" The woman asked Keema.

"I'm here to see Thonar Silver-Blood" Keema told her.

"No, I don't think he's expecting any visitors himself" The woman told her.

"He's... Um... He's expecting me" Keema said, hoping she'll fall for it.

The woman looked at Keema's figure, and connected the dots in her head, thinking that Thonar hired a prostitute.

"I... I see, go on in" The woman said, handing her a key.

Keema couldn't believe that worked, for once her body was useful for something.

Keema took the key and headed inside, and being greeted by an outraged nord.

"I told Rhiada no visitors! What is it that you want? Leave me be!" Thonar said as he stood up from his table.

"I know about Margret" Keema said, wanting answers from him.

"The imperial agent? Yes I know about her, and you snooping around where you don't belong. You're all going to suffer once I get the forsworn back under control. Now get out!" Thonar yelled at her.

Keema backed away, she thought he'd jump and knife him if she stayed any longer and turned around to leave, only for something else to happen.

The hired help cleaning the floors suddenly started wielding conjuration and destruction magic, killing Thonar's wife who was sitting nearby.

The secretary that Keema was speaking to earlier began fighting with them, and Keema immediately came to their aid and killed the hostile servants.

Thonar kneeled down beside his wife's dead corpse, cursing angrily.

"Damn Madanach, damn him and his forsworn dogs" Thonar said angrily.

"Um... I'm sorry about what happened to your wife..." Keema said awkwardly.

"No, no you're not. Because you know why? I have their king in Cidhna Mine. I tell him what to do, and he tells the forsworn to follow my orders. They're my puppets, and you and them can go to oblivion for all I care!" Thonar said while clutching his dead wife's body.

Keema got the hell out of there quick, she didn't want to be held for questioning any longer, and hoped that the guards would take care of everything without involving her, or with Thonar putting a bounty on her head.

"I'm getting too deep into this... I might as well find out what Nepos knows, but after this, I'm stopping this nonsense" Keema said to herself before finding Nepos' house.

A white haired maid greeted her in the entrance of the house.

"Who are you? What's your business here?" The woman asked her.

"May I see Nepos the Nose?" Keema asked her.

:If you must know, I'm the maid. And the master of the house is old and needs his rest. Please come back at another time" The maid turned her down.

An old voice rang in the back.

"No it's okay dear, bring her in" The old, gentle voice said.

"Hmph... You heard the old man, go on in" The maid said, stepping aside for her.

Keema walked over to an old man sitting in front of a fireplace, writing something in a parchment, presumably more orders from Thonar.

"I know about Weylin" Keema said, knowing this was the person responsible for the murders despite his old age.

"Ah, yes. You've proven to be a real bloodhound. Well, you've sniffed me out. I've been playing this game for almost 20 years. Sending the young to their deaths. All in the name of the Forsworn. And I'm tired. So tired" Nepos said, the voice giving further evidence that he has been doing this for years and that he most certainly was tired.

"Why? Why are you doing all this?" Keema asked, wanting a good reason out of all the murders that happened.

"Because my king told me to. Madanach. When the uprising fell at the hands of the Nords, they threw him in the mines. I don't know how, but he lives. I get his messages, and I hand out his orders without question" Nepos told her.

"But... But how can you be sure it's him?" Keema asked him.

"I just know, the way he writes, the way talks in his notes, it has to be him" Nepos answered her.

"Why are you telling me all this? You're killing innocents because someone tells you to, is it really worth it?" Keema asked him, wanting to at least make them stop peacefully.

"My dear girl, what makes you think you're getting out of here alive? You were seen coming in. The girl at the door is a Forsworn agent masquerading as a maid. You aren't the first one to have gotten this far. You won't be the last..." Nepos said, before standing up and suddenly firing a thunderbolt and sending her flying against a wall.

Keema wasn't expecting such an attack from a seemingly old man, and saw the other servants closing in on her, intending to harm her as they drew their daggers.

So she did the only thing she could do at that moment, and transformed into a werewolf, slaughtering everyone inside, including Nepos.


Keema transformed back, overwhelmed by the pain and adrenaline she felt from transforming, she felt restless ever since she became a werewolf, as if she couldn't get a good night's sleep.

She ran to the washroom of Nepos' house, and cleaned the blood off with the water from the basin before leaving the house.

She tried to act as calm as possible as she walked back to the shrine of Talos where Eltrys presumably waited for her, only to be greeted by the guards when she entered inside.

"E-Eltrys!" Keema yelled, seeing Eltrys lying down in front of the Talos statue.

"You've caused a lot of trouble for us, and a lot of work lost. Now we have to pin all these murders on you. Including Eltrys, the servants at the treasury house, Thonar Silver-Blood's wife, and we presume you took care of Nepos and his servants as well. Now, what say you?" The guards asked as they drew their weapons.

Keema turned around to run, only to discover guards entering and blocking her path.

"What did you do to Eltrys!?" Keema yelled at them.

"The same thing we do to everyone who asks too many questions. You want to find the king in rags? Fine. You won't see the sun again, nobody escapes Cidhna Mine. No one" The guards said as they arrested her on the spot.

Alright, so the next chapter will be Keema going through Cidhna mine. I think I'd prefer her killing Madanach in this next chapter. But the question is, who would she be fucked next by? This is sort of a prison after all, like, would you want her to be passed around at night by the guards while she's trying to mine ore for her freedom (Albeit she doesn't know where Madanach is yet)? Would you want the prisoners to gangbang her right there? One on one dicking down by Madanach? Let me know your thoughts and ideas

Keema's Adventure: Deeja

Shade's POV: Shade had tried getting a job ever since she finally fulfilled her end of the deal with Sorex, the humiliation was over and she was craving for something... Power and command over others, and what better way than to listen to rumors...

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Keema's Adventure: Redemption

Keema's POV: Keema arrived in Falkreath by carriage, she had no real objective of her own, but she had one that concerned the werewolves she had encountered. She wondered if she and the other companions had wiped out the silver hand before the...

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Keema's Adventure: New Beginnings

Keema and the others fought their way through the chamber, and with a bit of encouragement from the others, they convinced Farkas and Vilkas to come with them, to conquer their fears as they went on. Farkas developed a fear of the spiders ever...

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