Hippo Hype

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Dieter the lion synth finds themselves on the wrong end of a deal and the polish that the snake oil salesmen used on them has unintended effects!

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Dieter hummed to themselves as they made their way down the street, the lion trying to make their way back to their apartment without getting trampled by the usual traffic that happened downtown. It was their usual route home but they were getting home a bit later than usual due to work issues, but even with it only being an hour it made all the difference as the synth attempted to sidestep around people that were sitting or conducting business on the sidewalk. As they looked at their watch they found that it was already taking them at least fifteen minutes longer than usual, and since making it home in a timely manner was out of the question they decided to at least enjoy the walk and the sunny day they were having. It seemed that was everyone else was doing as they looked at the stalls while navigating through the clogged sidewalk.

"Hey, you look like a synth lion who could use a polish!" a wolf with one table near the corner said, the synth lion looking around before they pointed at themselves. "Yeah you, do you see a lot of other metal felines walking around? Come on over and I'll show you what I got, maybe even let you be part of free demonstration for the others!"

Dieter found themselves intrigued enough to go over, which as they did the wolf held up a bottle that had the words synth polish boldly printed on it. As they stood there and waited for whatever was about to happen they noticed that there were already a few others like them getting interested, creating a small crowd of robotic creatures that were starting to gather around it. "Now watch as my new friend here gets a shiny that's going to probably be illegal for blinding people!" the wolf said as he hopped down and grabbed the lion's metal hand, then sprayed a bit on it before taking a cloth and rubbing on it with Dieter squirming slightly from the tickle of it. "See there, mirror finish!"

As the crowd leaned in close Dieter began to feel something strength, his arm feeling heavier even as the wolf held it out. "Um, is that supposed to happen?" a synth ocelot asked, both the wolf and synth lion looking down and gasping in shock as the metal fingers started to bloat out while the metal plating of his nails grew as well. "Is the lion having an allergic reaction?"

"Who ever heard of a synth having an allergic reaction?" a synth crocodile answered, but as Dieter tried to pull their arm away it only succeeded in knocking the wolf off of his feat as his entire arm became swollen. Dieter apologized and attempted to help the lupine up but as they moved over to the table the shirt they wore suddenly tightened and they almost fell themselves when their stomach expanded and bumped the table over. There were a few mutterings among the audience as the wolf attempted to salvage his pitch by saying that this is not an expected effect, but all the synths could do was look at Dieter as they clutched his growing belly while buttons popped off one by one.

Several synths asked if Dieter was alright but all they could think about was how something was happening to them right in front of a group of people, and started to walk away before their shorts ripped and fell to the ground. While they didn't need to worry about anything like public indecency since they were essentially a robot, most of the synths in the audience not wearing clothes, they felt embarrassed as they reached down to pick up their wallet. At that point however was when their rear decided to bulge out, quickly growing so big that it completely knocked over the table of synth polish and the wolf that had just gotten behind it. With Dieter's metallic body continuing to bloat out they once more apologized and grabbed their shorts before leaving the entire crowd and debacle behind.

Once Dieter had gotten far away enough they put their hand against their face, only to feel it swelling out and growing more rounded in shape. They had already guessed what was going on when their belly began to grow like it was being inflated, but with their mane receding and their feet growing plumper right before their eyes they knew what was happening. A while ago they had tried out changing their form through a friend who was creating transformation serums designed for synths, and at first nothing happened but as the day wore on they could see their metal belly swelling and their face changing to have a much bigger snout. That was when they both realized that it had been a success and Dieter had transformed successfully into a hippo synth, but the effects were only supposed to be temporary and a few hours later they had once more become a lion synth and they were on their way.

But it appeared that Dieter's body remembered the shape all too well as they continued to bump into people as their body grew bigger, though once they felt their ears growing slightly floppier it seemed like things were slowing down. By this point they looked down at themselves and saw a brown metal hippo, their fingers thick gold digits along with the long hair on the back of their head. As they rubbed around their new bigger snout they also found a goatee that wasn't there before, but modifications were the least of their concerns as they tried to get home. With their new size and weight it was even harder to make it through the crowd and when they finally did get home they started to feel strange once more.

Now they start to transform back, Dieter thought to themselves as they put their hands against their deflating belly. Their head shook as they felt their mane reappear and the feline features reshape once the metal of the huge snout receded. By the time they got back into their apartment they were almost completely a lion synth again, save for their big arms that made it hard for them to get into the apartment. Eventually Dieter had to turn their body sideways in order to make it inside, only to have the metal retract and shrink back down to their normal side as they shut the door behind them.

Once they were sure that they were back to normal Dieter wondered if they should call Lucky and tell him what happened, but as they looked at the time they knew he wouldn't be answering the phone for a while anyway due to him being buried in his work. They decided to just wait and see if anything else happened, going to his couch and sitting down on it while turning on the television. After a few hours it seemed that it might have been a fluke and finally stopped checking themselves as they settled in for the night. Just as the leaned back in order to watch the show they put on however their belly swelled so suddenly that it pushed their hands off of their stomach and also caused the couch to crack underneath their abrupt change of weight.

Great, Dieter thought to themselves as they attempted to get up, only to be pinned down by their own expanding gut as the couch kept them from being able to maneuver themselves to get up. Eventually their arms and legs caught up with the growth and were able to get them to hoist their belly up and out of the broken couch, the synth brushing themselves off before trying to find Lucky's number. It took a while, especially when their growing snout kept getting in the way and their hands and feet became too big before their limbs caught up, but just as Dieter once more finished their transformation into a hippo once more they found the number and brought it up on the commlink. It rang for a few times before it connected, Dieter breathing a deep sigh of relief when he heard the man on the other end of the line pick up.

"Hey, Lucky?" Dieter said, feeling his voice already starting to shift back as his head began to grow smaller. "It's Dieter, I could really use your help with something. You remember that hippo potion I tried for you?"

"Yeah, I remember that," the voice on the other end of the line said. "Why, did you want to try something else?"

"Actually, I think that there might be something going on with it," Dieter said as they swallowed hard as their gut sucked back in, though their limbs were still that of a hippo and caused them to have to practically lay on top of the counter in order to steady themselves. "I'm turning into a hippo again."

"Wait, again?" Lucky said. "That potion was supposed to only work once."

"Yeah, it's already happened twice," Dieter informed the guy, groaning slightly as their butt sucked in and the sensation traveled down to their legs. "It's really weird... could you please come over and help me out? I would-" Dieter paused as their muzzle sucked back in, forming back into a lion muzzle mid word that made it very hard to speak. "I would greatly appreciate it."

"Well that should definitely not be happening to you," Lucky replied. "Go ahead and give me your address, I'll bring my tools over and see if we can figure out what's going on. I'd say for you to come to me but I'm guessing with being a synth and the difference in magnitude of weight in those forms you're probably experiencing a few fluxes in that regard?"

"You could definitely say that," Dieter said as they once more found themselves back in their synth lion form, breathing a sigh of relief as they relayed their address while they sat up on one of the stools that was next to the counter. "Thanks a lot for this, I know that you're really busy so I appreciate you helping out with my problem." As Dieter sat there they suddenly heard a groaning sound coming from beneath them, looking down just in time to see their gut bloat out once more and causing them to crash to the ground after the stool buckled from underneath them. "Please hurry..."

About an hour later there was a knock at the door, Dieter making his way over as fast as he could in order to open the door for the human. "Hey man, I got here as soon as I could," Lucky said as he got in, shaking the water off of his short black hair and shirt while he walked inside. "I hope that the fluxes aren't too bad in... woah..."

Dieter huffed as best they could their deformed muzzle, which part of it was completely bloated out to that of a hippo snout while the other half was still leonine in shape. The same thing was happening to the rest of their form as half of their leg was a thick, stout leg of a synth hippo while the other was the regular lion one and their arms did something similar but in reverse. The only thing that seemed to be symmetrical was their belly but as Lucky watched it continued to gain and lose its size like waves in the ocean. As Lucky watched Dieter shifted more into the hippo form, but just as soon as they were almost completely into that shape it started to shift back into a lion synth.

"Fluid asymmetrical transformation," Lucky said as he went into the large bag that he had brought with him and brought out a set of wires with pads on them, sticking them to a multitude of areas that were on the constantly fluctuating body of the lion. "Are you in any sort of pain? Have you noticed that things tend to flow into one another or are the changes sometimes jarring?"

"There's no pain," Dieter commented as they felt two of the pads get stuck on their head just as their feline muzzle began to stretch out again which made it hard to talk. "It actually feels like a really strange massage in a way. I guess I would have to say that it feels more like a flowing sensation, though sometimes some of my body parts get much bigger while the rest of my body stays the same and it can make me start to tip."

As though to illustrate their point Dieter's leg and arm on their left side both swelled with new growth at the same time, causing them to nearly fall over before Lucky told them to go and lie on the floor while he got things worked out. As the lion let out a sigh they did what they were told, though their paw slid slightly as it morphed from a hippo to a lion right underneath them while they got down. For a few minutes all they could do was continue to lie there on their back as Lucky typed onto their computer, and when they asked if everything was going alright the human just told them that they were getting to the root of it as they spoke. That didn't cause Dieter to not feel any less anxious but as the seconds ticked away they started to feel their body begin to settle.

Dieter found themselves breathing a sigh of relief as their body stopped shifting right as they were about to get back to their lion form, which made them feel like they were about to be out of the clear. As they thought back to the stuff that they had broken and the scene they had caused in front of that vendor it was nothing that they couldn't replace and it wasn't like anyone was probably going to recognize them for that. The only lamentation was that they ripped a perfectly good set of work clothes that they liked on them, but that could also be found once more. As the changes came to a complete stop they looked at their hands and saw that they were mostly lion once more... except as they continued to look at them their eyes widened when they began to grow bigger once more.

As the fingers grew thick again and their hands swelled up they could feel that there was something different about this change then what was happening to them before. It was also slightly more consistent as the growth with from his fingers to his hands, then up his arms as the metal plates stretched and transformed once more. Though they wanted to tell Lucky that something was wrong the mental processes in their mind were so overloaded by this point that it was hard to even form thoughts, especially as their feet began to follow suit. All they could do was watch as their lion paws shifted and grew, becoming more rounded by the second as their ankles followed suit.

This wasn't right, Dieter managed to think as their legs continued to grow heavier with every second, they were supposed to be a lion! But as the changes reached their thighs and shoulders, which kept them pinned to the floor as their size was even bigger than before, they started to lose track of what was happening to their lower body as they saw their bare stomach begin to jiggle. With what movement they could find of their heavy arms they tried to bring them up to their still somewhat flat stomach before it expanded too much, but as soon as they did they just slide right back up as the metallic gut started to bubble and grow. This wasn't just some random magic happening, Dieter realized as their chest began to fill out as well while their stomach grew even more, whatever was happening to them was definitely something more deliberate in nature.

"Ah see, I managed to fix the problem," Lucky said as he closed the laptop he had been using, looking down as Dieter continued to try to press their hands against their bulging belly as they could start to feel it grow past their waist, becoming much bigger than even before as they felt the thickening reach their neck. "How are you feeling? Form stabilizing?"

"Form... hippo..." Dieter said between gasps as they found themselves as a brown and yellow hippo from the neck down, feeling the changes reaching their head as the mane that was around their head retracted save for their actual hair. "I... lion..." Dieter tried to get out more but their synth form was still adjusting to the weight differential, mostly from their gargantuan gut as their feline muzzle grew bigger by the second. For a while it was like someone was pulling them by the nose as they saw the metal that had been pushing in and retracting back out fill their vision once more, but as two large teeth pushed out from the large snout this had a sensation of being far more permanent.

"Yeah, you were really fluctuating between those two forms there for a while," Lucky said with a grin as he hopped off the non-destroyed stool he had been sitting on, reaching down to help up the new hippo synth as Dieter found their faculties returning. "It was causing all sorts of programs to go haywire, but I think that this is going to solve all your problems once your sensors and everything have a chance to calibrate. As far as I can tell I purged whatever was happening to your system to cause the transformation too, so you won't have to worry about changing back ever again!"

"But I'm a hippo!" Dieter exclaimed as they gestured down to themselves, taking their hands and jiggling the gut that hung out in front of them. "I'm supposed to be a lion synth!"

"Oh, really?" Lucky said. "I could have sworn you mentioned that you said you preferred to remain a hippo. At least I thought I did, I kind of rushed over here to fix the problem."

"I mean..." Dieter replied as they looked at themselves, flexing their thicker limbs as their processors got used to the weight load better so they could more around more freely. "It's not a bad form I guess, but I was actually a lion if you remember right."

"Well I remember that," Lucky stated with a grin. "But between the choice of being anything else and being a hippo, who wouldn't want to be a hippo?" The human grinned sheepishly as he saw Dieter roll their eyes then proceeded to look the hippo synth over. "So do you remember what happened when all this started?"

Dieter tapped a finger against his chin, looking off in contemplation before glancing down at the back of their hand. "Oh yeah, that's right," Dieter remembered as they looked at what had been a shiny spot, only for the luster to have disappeared completely. "I was brought over by some street vendor selling synth polish, they had me do a demonstration and after they sprayed it on me I started to change."

"A street vendor selling synth polish?" Lucky repeated. "Let me see your hand here really quick where they applied it." Dieter nodded and brought down his heavy hand, the human rubbing his hand against the spot where it had been applied. "Ah, yeah, it was some snake oil salesmen using magic, probably tried to make his stuff actually cause luster even though it was probably just water."

"Really?" Dieter asked, the other man nodding. "You can tell all that from where he applied it."

"Yeah, it can leave a rather unique residue," Lucky looked like he was about to go on further, but when he didn't say anything else Dieter looked down to see that his dark skin had started to turn purple at the fingertips and his fingers were growing larger. "Oh, uh, it also seems that the condition it caused when it reacted to my hippo potion is still in effect. This is going to get interesting."

"Wait, it can affect organic creatures too?" Dieter asked with wide eyes as he watched the muscle of the human's forearm tense and grow while the flesh over it thickened and turned a similar shade as his growing hand.

"Magic can affect anything," Lucky explained with a grunt as he reached over with his still human hand to grab his bigger hippo one which made it look tiny in comparison, only to watch as the magic seemed to jump over there and cause the fingers to swell into sausages while the purple grew out from there. "It seems that I'm going to be joining you in your new hippo state, if I was back in my workshop I could possibly create something to stop it but the way this is spreading I doubt it. Ohhh, going up over the shoulders now."

Dieter tilted their head in curiosity as the transforming human actually seemed to be enjoying themselves, watching as the sleeves of his shirt bulged from the growing muscle and fat underneath it. "I'm sorry about all this," Dieter said as Lucky hunched forward slightly as his entire frame grew wider as well. "Should you be taking your shirt off or something for this?"

"Magically enchanted fabric," Lucky replied with a huff, both him and Dieter seeing his stomach starting to poke out as they heard the back of the human pop while stretching to give him more height. "Better a few sets of these then keeping having to buy stuff after a magical accident. No need to be sorry either, best thing I've found for these sorts of things is to just ride out the changes and then fix them later."

Dieter just found themselves nodding and then jumped slightly when the chest of the black shirt he wore began to tear, along with the sleeves themselves as he started to rise up to where he and the synth might see eye to eye. "Hey wait," the hippo synth said as he saw the stomach pushing up the hem of the clothing as well as start to stretch out the waistband of his pants. "I thought that your clothes were magically enchanted so they wouldn't tear?"

"No, just enchanted to knit back together," Lucky replied with a grunt as his voice shifted slightly, mostly from his throat getting bigger as the changes cascaded down towards his legs. "Depending on the changes sometimes you can... do this..." He clutched his meaty hands and flexed his back, which caused the shirt to pop off of him as it ripped down the back completely. The growing purple hippo man let out a sigh of relief as he patted his belly, which rippled and gurgled from the additional growth as it grew more rotund by the second.

As the changes reached his head and feet there was a loud pop, Dieter looking down to see his widening feet burst out of his shoes as his pants stretched just enough to hold the extra weight that his legs were carrying as the purple went down and covered the growing hippo completely. The only thing left was his head at this point and Dieter decided to lean against the counter and just watch as the human's nose grew bigger, pulling him forward slightly before the rest of his head ballooned out and his ears migrated to the top of his head. Thile the black hair remained on his head it appeared that there was more to be had, growing out into a mustache and beard on his chin that stretched to match his new snout as he let out a loud huff. By the time he was finished it had only taken about a few minutes as the new hippo took a second to look at himself.

"Wow, your change was much more graceful than mine," Dieter commented as Lucky shook his stretched belly.

"When you get used to changing it starts to become easier to control," Lucky replied with a smirk on his new muzzle, the two chuckling as their bellies were practically touching one another before they pushed them together. "I think my stomach's bigger than yours too. Speaking of which, I'm starving, you got anything to eat around here?"

"Nothing that I think can satisfy two hungry hippos," Dieter replied as they went over to his commlink. "How about Pizza?" Lucky nodded and went over to the living room, and as the hippo synth found the menu they were looking for they realized something and swung his head towards the living room. "Don't sit on the couch!"

There was a loud crash and he heard the other hippo say too late, laughing as he looked up at Dieter from where he had fallen. Once the two had got themselves situated, sitting on the floor since they didn't think that any of the former lion's current furniture could handle one of their new weights much less combined, though Dieter somewhat regretted it when they had to get themselves back up in order to get the pizza. "So I was thinking about what had caused you to get into this current situation," Lucky said once Dieter had managed to get back down to the floor, flopping as best as they could while keeping the stack of pizzas upright. "And I think that we need to do something about it."

"Oh?" Dieter asked. "What do you think that is?" Lucky just grinned and began to tell them of the plan they had, with the hippo synth getting a smile on their muzzle that grew wider and wider...

The next day at around the same time the wolf was back on his beat, calling out to those that passed by. "Hey, you there!" the lupine practically shouted as he saw a synth dragon walk past. "Wouldn't you like to see those scales gleam brighter, possibly dazzle the next knight that tries to slay you? I'm kidding of course, but seriously you need to give my new synth polish a try!"

As the dragon synth just gave him the side-eye and continued to walk on the wolf sighed and sat back in the chair that he had set up for himself. "Seems like you're having a slow sales day," a voice said, which caused the lupine to look up from his phone only to see that it was a non-synth hippo man standing there. "Perhaps there's something that I can do to assist you?"

"Buddy, if you're not made of metal and you don't feel like selling my stuff for free then you can beat it," the wolf replied, going back down to his phone only to feel a heavy metal hand press against his shoulder. When he slowly tilted his head up he saw the grinning muzzle of another hippo, this one a synth staring down at him. "Hey... you look familiar..."

"I believe you tried to rope this one in to try and huck your charlatan spray," Lucky said as Dieter pulled the wolf up by the shirt, the skinny man letting out a yipe as he hung there by it. "But you're in luck! We found something that your spray can, in fact, actually do! Thank you so much for volunteering."

Before the wolf could say or do anything Dieter took the back of their hand against the exposed fur of his stomach before setting him back down on his feet. "Hey, what's the big idea?!" the wolf said angrily. "You better watch it or I'll call the cops! You already made a mess of my stand the last time with that fat gut... of yours... ohhh..."

There was a loud gurgle that came from the wolf's stomach as he pressed his hands to it, and even though he had put his shirt down it started to push back up as pads of fat began to stretch out his furry flesh. "It appears that you have made yourself quite the concoction there," Lucky said with a grin as the wolf continued to look down at himself in shock as his entire belly rumbled, growing even bigger as his cheeks began to fill out and his hands started to look swollen. "It's a portable hippo transformation spray, can turn anyone into a hippo in minutes!"

Those that were walking by started to slow down as they saw the wolf lean over on his table as the transformation continued to spread, causing it to eventually collapse as the fur on his stomach seemed to melt into itself and turn to thick grey hide. "Unngghh... a hippo..." the wolf said as he scratched his ears, which were already starting to droop as his muzzle started to push out further from his face and grow wider by the second. "Why... a hippo..."

"Why not?" Dieter asked as they grinned and patted the growing shoulder of the creature, who at this point looked like a cross between a wolf and a hippo as his shirt became stretched to the limit before splitting to expose his flabby chest and huge gut that were just like the two next to him. "As you can see you've drawn quite a bit of hippo hype yourself! Oh, but I don't think that Lucky and I are actually going to sell, however we will change you back after you think about trying to take advantage of synths with your fake polish."

Both Dieter and Lucky laughed as they walked down the sidewalk, leaving the transforming wolf as he continued to grow and bloat up to become a hippo himself while the last of his fur disappeared save for a ponytail and goatee. They would be back later to change him into his wolf form of course, hopefully with him having learned his lesson, but they wondered if he would want to after getting to be a hippo like them for a while!