Fun at Home: Lamaze Class

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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#6 of Fun at Home

Fun at Home: Lamaze class

By Rowyin Darkwulf

All characters � their creators

All was quiet in the Darkwulf house as the sun hung just overhead. The bedroom clock counted up from 11:59, and as it hit noon the alarm went off, its buzzer blaring as the clock struck the proper time. The first to rouse from the clock's klaxons was Rowyin, who promptly silenced the loud alarm with his free hand. He slowly untangled himself from his skunk mate, taking her shoulder and shaking it gently. "Come on, ladies...time to get up," he said loudly, trying to wake up the other two femmes sleeping on the bed. He received a groan of disapproval from the mass of fur and linen as he rose up from the bed, heading to the bathroom to start up the shower and draw a bath. He dropped his boxers and tossed them into the hamper before stepping into the warm water of the shower, soaking himself and lathering up quickly. He heard the water in the tub slosh and the door to the shower open as one of the girls stepped in behind him. He felt something round and firm press against his back as a pair of black paws attempted to reach around his wet waist from behind. Rowyin chuckled as he felt the black paws slide through the soapy fur, lathering up his sides even more as he turned his head to regard the slowly soaking skunk whose belly was rubbing back and forth against his back.

"I need help washing my tummy and back..." Sandy said innocently, her hands resting on the top of her twin-filled tummy as a smirk crossed her face.

Row turned to face her, his hands moving to her sides. "No need to ask, hun...but nothing naughty or we'll be late for the class," he quipped, taking hold of a bottle of shampoo and liberally squeezing it out onto her belly. She pouted, placing her hands on his contrasting toned tummy and running her claws through his soapy fur. Rowyin caught her pout and rolled his eyes, his hands lathering up her pregnant tummy. "I promise we can have some fun when we get home. You'll just have to wait 'til then," he said, a smirk crossing his face as she perked up. They went about quickly washing each other, making sure to stay away from any naughty areas. Rowyin was first out, letting Sandy stay in the warm water for a little longer. Mousey and Makojin were bathing in the water of the tub, assisting in reaching hard to reach places as they scrubbed one another. "You two be quick with your bath. I'm going to start making breakfast," he mentioned to the two pregnant mice, drying himself off as quickly as he could and heading back into the bedroom. He tossed on a pair of boxers, jeans, and a t-shirt and headed down to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast.

By the time the girls were dried, dressed and downstairs Rowyin had large platters of pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns and sausage ready for them. Mako had put on one of her usual outfits as of late: a pair of maternity overalls and a white blouse. Sandy was a bit less modest than the smaller grey mouse, wearing a tight t-shirt that rode up her white and black belly and a pair of cut-off sweat shorts. Mousey was somewhere between the two of them, wearing a pair of maternity jeans, but also having a tight, v-neck shirt that showed off her cleavage as well as her silky white belly-fur. Rowyin's eyes rolled as the trio sat down to eat, the two mice taking the grated cheese Row left for them and sprinkling it on their eggs. They all dug into the well prepared food, Rowyin finally taking a seat with them and loading up his own plate. He kept tabs on the time as they ate, making sure they weren't running late. Once they finished their meal Rowyin collected up all the dirty dishes and placed them into the sink to be cleaned later. The girls had already headed out to the garage, waiting for Row in the SUV. He was quick to join them, pulling the car out and down their long, wooded driveway and out onto the street.

They were headed to a maternity clinic at the edge of the nearby city for a group Lamaze class. As they pulled into the parking lot they noticed several other couples who looked as if they were attending then same class. Rowyin parked the car up front in the lot, emerging and helping the girls out next, noticing a few looks of astonishment from several females, and some envious looks from some of the males. Rowyin simply shrugged them off and followed the girls into the clinic, trailing the signs that led them to the practice room. It was apparent that they were early; a few couples were mingling with each other as they awaited the instructor. Rowyin and the girls split off, the girls heading off to speak with the other females in the room and leaving Rowyin at the door.

He stepped off to the side, watching the group of females converse with each other. It didn't look as though his girls were the only ones carrying multiples by the size of the bellies in the group. His attention was drawn away as he noticed two males stepping towards him. He recognized them, both of them males that had given him the envious looks out in the parking lot. The first was a light blue-scaled dragon who stood almost a foot taller than Rowyin. The other male was of a species that Rowyin had never seen for himself before, but he had heard of his kind: a Houndoom.

The dragon nodded at Rowyin as he approached, which was returned by the wolf. "Those three yours?" the dragon asked with a smirk.

Rowyin chuckled and gave him an affirmative nod, showing off the engagement ring with the three stones that represented his mates. "Yeah, all three of them," he replied. The three chuckled as Rowyin reached into his pocket, pulling out a pair of his business cards and handing them to the two. "The name's Dr. Rowyin Darkwulf. I'm an OB/GYN, so if you two are in need of such a reliable doctor, look no further," he said with a small grin. The two shook his hand and introduced themselves in turn, the dragon as Blyzzarde and the Houndoom as Fenris.

"I don't know yet if I'll need a new doctor, but I'll keep you in mind in case I want to change," Blyzzarde commented, waving to a particularly gravid blue canine who was looking in their direction while talking. She stopped her conversation to wave back, and then resumed it once again. "That's my girl Kaylin," the dragon said, getting a nod in return from Rowyin.

"How far along is she?" Row asked, assuming she was near term with twins from the size of her belly.

"She's only seven months along...she's having quadruplets..." Blyzzarde responded with a bit of pride, a grin on his face.

Rowyin chuckled softly. "Sounds like my Mousey...she's having four as well. The other two, Makojin and Sandy, are having three and two, respectively. Makojin is the grey mouse over there, and Sandy the skunk next to her," he said with slight embarrassment at Sandy's outfit.

Fenris smirked, nodding towards a delicate, blue, dragoness-like anthro standing with the other females, a pair of white-feathered wings sprouting from her back. As Rowyin took a closer look he realized she was a Pok�mon like Fenris, a Dragonair to be exact. "That's my mate Dove there. We aren't expecting quite yet, just getting a head start. But we just moved into town, so I just might take you up on your doctor's offer," he said with a smile.

The attention of everyone was drawn to the door as the instructor finally arrived. The couples united once more and paired up for the beginning of the class, Rowyin being Mousey's coach, and Mako coaching Sandy. Mako had taken a similar class in the past, so she decided to help the others instead of participating. The class progressed smoothly, the teacher relaying breathing practices, as well as things to help labor progress as comfortably as possible. The class ended after an hour, the girls and Rowyin gathering together. He was joined by Blyzzarde, Kaylin, Fenris and Dove, who all introduced themselves. They all chatted about due dates, baby names and the like for a while before they went their separate ways. Rowyin assisted the girls back into their SUV, then hopped in, put the car in gear, and headed for home.

Sandy smirked from her front passenger seat and placed her hand on Rowyin's thigh, giggling softly. "I think you enjoyed seeing all those bellies in there a little too much, hun," she said with a grin, her hand trailing up his pant leg to rub the fading bulge of his shaft.

Mako and Mousey both snickered to each other, Mousey reaching around Rowyin's seat and stroking her hands over his chest. She leaned forward as best she could, placing her muzzle on the top of the seat near Rowyin's ear. "You think we should teach him a lesson on restraint?" she asked, joining the other two in giggling and smirking.

Rowyin shook his head and rolled his eyes, mock-glaring back at Mousey as he stopped at a stoplight. "Well, if a certain white mousette would refrain from wriggling her butt against my crotch in class, I wouldn't be sporting this bulge here," he quipped, sticking out his tongue. The light changed to green and he continued on, eventually pulling up their driveway and back into their garage.

He helped the girls out of the car once more, but as he headed to the door behind after them Sandy stopped in front of him and spun around, placing her finger on his nose. "Now you go straight to the front room and don't go anywhere..." she said with a smirk, her voice taking on a mischievous tone.

He returned the smirk and nodded, licking the finger on his nose. "Yes, ma'am..." he replied, following her into the house and heading for the front room. The girls headed upstairs together, leaving him alone. It wasn't long before Makojin and Mousey joined him in the front room. They were dressed in their skimpy schoolgirl and cheerleader outfits, Mousey in the former and Mako in the latter. Mousey had her hair pulled up into a single ponytail, leaving her bangs hanging over her cheeks. Mako had her green hair tied into long pigtails, very much looking the part of a knocked up cheerleader.

The two sat down on either side of him, both grinning like the Cheshire cat. Rowyin gave them both a grin, placing his hands on the top of the couch behind the two. They scooted closer to him, Makojin lifting herself up and sitting down onto his leg. He lowered his arms down over their shoulders, his hands stroking the sides of their exposed tummies. Mako leaned back against Rowyin's shoulder, murring softly as he stroked his fingers through the soft fur on her belly. He snaked his hand up the grand curve of her belly to her breasts, giving one of them a slight squeeze and causing the mouse to moan.

It was at about that time when Sandy finally walked back into the room. She looked as though she wanted to pass herself off as a skimpily-dressed teacher. She wore an unbuttoned button-up shirt, with the sides tied under her breasts and exposing all of her cleavage. She also had a short, skimpy skirt that barely went to mid-thigh before ending, and hung low on her belly. She rounded the couch and stopped in front of it, turning to regard the three sitting on the couch. "Good afternoon stude-..." she began to say, but put on an expression of mock distain as she noticed that Rowyin was fondling Mako's breast through her top. She stepped up to the couch, leaning over Rowyin's lap and supporting her upper body by placing her hands on his knees, giving the wolf a glare and a shot at her constricted breasts. "Mr. Darkwulf, if you keep that up I'm going to have to send you and Ms. Makojin to detention to be disciplined," she said in a low voice, a hint of a smirk appearing at the edge of her lips.

Rowyin gave her a smug smile in return and gave Mako's breast another squeeze, causing the mouse to squeak as his other hand moved to Sandy's low-hanging belly and stroking his palm across the top. "Well, teach...a little discipline I think I can take," he replied as he groped her breast next, causing her to yelp in surprise.

"Oh, you're going to get it for that one, Mr. Darkwulf," she said, pressing her nose to Rowyin's and staring right into his eyes. She didn't see Mousey rise from the couch nor did she see the mouse drop her skirt to reveal the strap-on harness she was wearing underneath it. She pulled one of the proper dildos for the strap out of her shirt, having nestled it between her breasts, and secured it into the harness. Rowyin watched out of the corner of his eye as Mousey disappeared behind the skunk, whose tail was already raised up into the air. Rowyin moved forward slightly and pressed his lips to Sandy's, distracting her while Mousey lined up behind her. The skunk's tail swayed slowly back and forth as she enjoyed the kiss from her wolfie, but was startled as Mousey took hold of her hips and quickly thrust the thick dildo into the skunk's sex. Sandy's head shot up in surprise, a moan emanating from her throat at the sudden penetration.

Rowyin chuckled softly, pulling Makojin fully onto his lap as Sandy stood upright somewhat, looking back at the smugly smiling mouse behind her. Mako reached up and unbuttoned her top, letting her large breasts bounce out onto her swollen belly. She looked up at the wolf whose lap she was sitting in, grinning as his hands stroked up the curve of her belly to her nipples. He gave both erect pin nubs light squeezes as she wiggled her butt against his crotch. Sandy leant forward once again, this time passionately kissing the little grey mouse as she pressed her hips back against Mousey, who began to saw the dildo in and out of Sandy. Mako murred softly and reached up to Sandy's tied top, pulling apart the knot and letting her breasts tumble out into the mouse's hands. Rowyin moaned softly as his shaft began pressing out against his pants, the bulge pressing between the cheeks of Mako's rump.

Makojin murred into the kiss from Sandy, sitting up enough to allow Rowyin to ditch his ever-tightening pants and boxers. She sat back down again, sliding his member across the cheeks of her butt. Rowyin chuckled softly as he realized that none of the girls had been wearing underwear under their skirts, a thought that caused his shaft to throb harder. Mako broke the kiss with Sandy after a moment, finally raising her hips and letting Row's shaft fall into position, the head nestling up between her nether lips before she lowered herself quickly down upon it. She squeaked loudly as she hilted his thick member inside her wet and drooling sex, her back leaning against Rowyin's chest as she brought her legs up onto the couch to support her weight. She lifted herself partly off of his shaft, only to lower back down upon it, his slowly growing knot kissed by her needy sex as she pressed slightly against it.

Sandy began to lower herself down onto her knees, Mousey following suit after her and resuming the slow back and forth movements that pumped the long dildo into and out of the skunk's sex, all the while stoking her sensitive tail base. Sandy moaned loudly and leaned forward, sliding her muzzle between the wolf's spread legs and licking and sucking on his large balls and sheath and making him groan in pleasure. She reached up and fondled his balls as her tongue slid across his wet shaft, lapping up the mix of his pre and Mako's feminine juices before sneaking a lick at the mouse's moving clit. The skunk stopped for a second and let out a throaty moan as Mousey thrust into her harder, the clit-teaser on the dildo making Mousey moan loudly. She let go of Sandy's hip for a moment as her hand went to undo the knot in her top, letting her milk-laden breasts bounce out and onto her belly as she pounded the skunk's sex.

Rowyin reached up and took Mako's breasts in his hands, giving them a squeeze while pinning her nipples between his fingertips. Rich premilk began to spurt from the constricted nubs in time with Rowyin's squeezes, which rained down onto Sandy's back. The skunk was working her own way quickly towards climax, the sight and smell of her two mates copulating in front of her and the dildo sawing in and out of her nether lips sending erotic chills up and down her spine. Her toes splayed, her tail fluffing up and stroking across Mousey's waist as she wailed, her inner muscles squeezing down upon the dildo as she leaked copious amounts of sexual juices out onto the floor and her thighs. She opened her eyes as she heard Makojin squeak loudly in pleasure, the small mouse cumming hard on Rowyin's shaft. The skunk saw him pull his hips back, preparing to thrust his knot up into Mako and tie with her before hitting his own orgasm.

Sandy moved quickly, pushing Mako up slightly and making Rowyin's shaft fall out of the mouse's sex. As he attempted to thrust back into the mouse, his shaft glanced off her lower belly. Both he and Mako moaned in frustration, only to have the pitch of Rowyin's moan change as Sandy's mouth engulfed his throbbing shaft. Her hands massaged and groped his balls and his knot, feeling his balls begin to tense up, his knot bloating larger in front of her nose as a groan forced its way out of his mouth. He came hard, the first shot of his cum spurting right onto her tongue. She missed the next one as she was jerked back suddenly, releasing Row's shaft which flopped up and bounced off of Mako's belly. The next spurt splattered against the bottom of the grey mouse's belly, his shaft still pulsing. The rest of his cum either painted the bottom of Mako's belly or flew clear and landed on the skunk's muzzle and face.

Sandy looked back at the white mouse that caused the mess on her muzzle. " are so going to get it for that one, missy..." she said with a playful growl, pulling herself off the dildo and carefully pouncing the stunned mouse, stripping her of her strap-on harness and dildo. She quickly licked the cum from her muzzle and assaulted the mouse with her tongue and the dildo, slipping the thick rubber object into Mousey's wet sex. Makojin rolled off of Rowyin, sprawling out on the couch as she rested from her orgasm, wolf cum leaking down the bottom curve of her belly. Rowyin leaned over and gave her a kiss before standing up and joining the other two on the floor. Sandy had rolled Mousey onto her side and lifted her leg into the air, giving her better access as she lapped at the mouse's clit and impaled her on the dildo. Rowyin kneeled down next to Mousey's head, a grin crossing his face. Mousey closed her eyes and moaned loudly as Sandy suckled hard on her clit, and as her mouth closed she found Rowyin's softening shaft at her lips.

"Such a naughty it's your turn," Rowyin said as she began to suck him back to hardness, her tongue working along his sensitive skin. He moaned and reached for her breasts, groping as she began to move her head along the length of his shaft all the way to the back of her throat. Sandy slipped the dildo slowly into and out of the white mouse's snatch, her rough tongue stroking along her stretched lips as they gripped the dildo, making wet sucking and slurping noises as the dildo went in and out. Mousey moaned around the wolf's shaft, her silky tongue stroking over his head as she moved along it, lapping up his dribbling precum. Her hands played with his balls and his knot, giving them gentle squeezes and fondles. Rowyin's head rolled back as a long moan left his lips, his hips rolling gently against Mousey's bobbing head. Mousey was quickly succumbing to the pleasure, her juices matting the fur on her thighs as it leaked out. The mouse was suckling hard on Rowyin's shaft, swirling her tongue around the head before taking his shaft deep into her throat and swallowing over the head.

Rowyin's knot commenced swelling once more, the head of his shaft leaking copious amounts of pre down Mousey's throat as she pleasured him with her mouth and tongue. Her eyes clenched tight as Sandy guided the head of the dildo across her g-spot, her inner muscles squeezing hard around the rubber probe as she finally came with a squeak. Her last suck was hard, lapping her tongue along Row's shaft in an effort to make him cum in her mouth. He felt his balls tighten in preparation, his knot inflating once more almost to signal his coming orgasm. He pulled his hips back at the last moment, his shaft pulling free with a pop as he came once again, splattering the mouse's muzzle with his cum. She opened her mouth and caught a few shots across the tongue before his orgasm waned, leaving him drained as he fell backwards and lay still on the ground.

Sandy giggled softly, crawling over to the spent wolf while leaving the dildo sticking out of Mousey's sex. She cuddled up to him, kissing his nose with a tired giggle. "We're all gonna need showers now that this lesson is over with..." she said with a sly smile, pressing her belly against him as she basked in the afterglow of their playtime fun.
