Sound and Silence: Extras 4

Story by Clear Rays on SoFurry

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#11 of Sound and Silence

Something that happened a long time ago.

Only one this time. A glimpse into the past.

Grass on the other side


"Man, I still can't believe you were able to get a full combo on Hyper 299**, that song is like, impossible!"

**Max 300, anyone?

A young, excited orange cat was singing the praises of his wolf companion over ice cream at a nearby dessert parlor. It was clear that they were quickly replenishing the calories they burned from the Cat's Dance Evolution session they had at the local arcade. The lupine gave a sheepish grin while lapping away at his ice cream cone.

"Haha, thanks man. I've been grinding that song for weeks now... well, you already know, since I drag you along with me every time I want to go play dance games... You don't mind, right?"

"Of course not, man! I'm always happy to spend time with you!... Not like I have anything or anyone else to be hanging out with..." The wolf frowned at his friend.

"Clair, come on... You just have to put yourself out there! I know you! You're a passionate guy and definitely more sociable than I am. You could make friends no problem if you just have a little more faith in yourself!" Clair looked unconvinced, despite the young wolf's best intentions.

"I don't know, Ray... you're so much more well adjusted than I am. I'm just a bundle of nerves and you're always so nice and friendly with people. I just follow you around..." Reyson gave the cat a stern look.

"Look, Clair-I like spending time with you, even if you think you're just a tagalong. You're a good person. More than anything else, I want you to be able to see that in yourself and get the confidence you deserve." The cat looked back at the now gently smiling young wolf and smiled in defeat as he let out a heavy sigh.

"I... guess I can try. Thanks for having my back."


The two ate their ice cream together while chatting about more casual topics-music they had recently been listening to, games they had been playing, and progress on Clair's sonomancy. As the conversation slowed to a lull and they finished their dessert, Clair spoke up with an unexpectedly somber voice.

"Hey, Reyson."

"Yeah?" It was unusual for Clair to call him by his full name. It usually meant he wanted to talk about something serious.

"What's it like to be loved?" Reyson blinked.

"You mean... like, boyfriend girlfriend love? Or..." for once, Reyson was at a loss for words.

"Love in general... I feel like I don't know anything about it." Reyson thought carefully before answering.

"Hmm... well, I know you don't get along too well with your parents, but I mean, they have to love you, right? Otherwise they wouldn't be so hard on you... I think." Clair scoffed.

"Tch- they just love themselves and their business. They don't care about me. When I get home, they'll probably be like 'I hope you've been studying since you're home this late'... they could at least ask if I'm or even pretend to worry or something." Reyson didn't say anything more. He knew this was a sensitive topic for him. He tried to convince the cat on several occasions that they just wanted him to succeed, but all attempts would be dismissed with Clair complaining that Reyson just didn't "get it". Instead, Reyson tried to divert the subject away from the cat's parents by referencing his own.

"Well.. you have my parents at least... we're happy to have you and I'm sure they'd tell you that they appreciate your company."

"Yeah... your family is nice..." Clair's face clearly showed a lack of enthusiasm at this comment.

Realizing that that might not have been the best comment to make, Reyson didn't say anything in response. The two just sat there for a while, not saying anything more.

Suddenly, Reyson's face turned red. He did think of something he could say, but...

"Hey, Clair...?"

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Do you want to find out what it's like... you know... to be loved?" The cat gave the wolf a quizzical look.

"Huh? What do you mean by that? You know a love guru fortune teller dude or something? Never really thought about that astrology stuff, but that'd be pretty neat I guess." The wolf at this point was flush with embarrassment.

"N-No! That's not what I-never mind! Forget I said anything! Come on, let's start heading back!" Reyson sputtered out in quick bursts of speech as he quickly got up to leave. Clair got up to pursue, now even more curious as to what the wolf could be talking about.

"Wait, Ray, then what do you mean!? Come on, man, don't leave me in the dark like this! Tell me!!!"