Astar's Fall

Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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A commission for Kuntos starring his Weasel hero Astar, finding himself faced with a new villain with a dangerous array of tricks and an even more dangerous goal: Him!

A kamen-rideresque story, a bit different to my norm, but a fun little thing all the same! :D

Mature for groping and smooches.

Astar's Fall.

© Tsumi Moogle '21

Characters © Kuntos.

The waves lapped gently against the side of the foreshore, driven by a gentle breeze. With sunlight warming through Astar's dark head-fur and snowy visage, the long-tailed weasel strolled comfortably. A soft sigh of contentment escaped his lips as he looked out over the infinite blue, crests of waves breaking far out to sea. He would have been well placed to savour the peace, to just settle himself down for the day, take it all in and just be, until his wristwatch gave a slightly startling buzz, and familiar chime.

Glancing down to it, he tapped at the side, to reveal what appeared to be a small radar. A pulse off to some place to the north had him turning to face out over the city. The industrial part of town. Somehow, they always seemed to focus around that area. Perhaps there were just more secrets they were interested in, or that part of town had been built over ancient ley-lines, he couldn't be sure.

One thing he was sure of, however, was that they were in his territory.

He started into a jog, and pushed steadily into a sprint, tapping at his chest as he went. Energy unfurled from the purple crystal hidden between the cleft of his pectorals, pouring out over his body and suffusing him with a familiar burst of power as his clothes were woven over by a snug silver suit. The gem a highlight to the snug, spandex looking material. Gauntlets in a matching purple, bloomed out over his hands before his fingers clenched into fists. His shoes pounded harder as they glowed and morphed with the swathe of energy into calf-high boots, stylised with 'A' patterned iconography.

A firm leap, and the glowing hero soared up towards the rooftops, vaulting beyond into the city like a violet blaze. His billowing cape fluttering behind him as his head was encapsulated in a wide-visored helmet. An almost crown of similar style to his boots fixed along it as his eyes darted about, taking in fresh information that it relayed to him. The radar pulse of his watch was overlaid on his vision of the city. He could trace the remnants of the energy signal that had teleported them. Though it was dissipating, he had already fixed on their location, and pushed hard for speed.

The warehouse he came to was doubtless abandoned. The slightly aged and stained look to it normally enough to keep the usual riff-raff from disturbing its padlocked fences.

Slinking in through a window, Astar paused in a small mezzanine as he looked down over the open expanse of flooring below.

The Minions clustered about it, in a huddle, heads turning when fingers pointed, and quick, unintelligible chatter directing orders.

They were an array of creatures, it seemed, all in semi-matching sets of muted steel and seemingly stylised darker marks, and masks on their faces covering all but their lower jaw. They seemed to be personally styled for what species they were. They existed without any rank or file that Astar had ever been able to determine All seeming to simply exist as fodder. Certainly their boss had never had issue with sending dozens to their ill-fated ends in the Weasel's city.

One of them drew the hero's eye though, the silver suit broken by the addition of a long, teal shaded cape. His darker markings looking like an engraved 'V' on his chest as his thicker, vulpine tail swished, a dark mass with a white tip.

'V' seemed to be overriding several of the orders, and directing the other minions along, his fox-mask with glowing red eyes, and a greater variance of black lines swirling at his cheeks.

With a nod, they started to break off, several groups choosing a different hall each.

Astar took a breath and shook his head. Whatever their plans, he wasn't having any of it.

Vaulting over the age-rusted railing, the masked weasel landed before V and struck a pose.

'You are all trespassing, and further, all unwelcome. If you know what's good for you, you'll leave, right now!' His arms swung with dynamic speed into a second pose, ready to solidify his warning.

'Ahh! The eponymous Astar!' V mused with a wry grin. 'We were expecting you, but not so soon!' Clicking a strange noise, several of his fellow minions doubled back to surround the dashing weasel. Astar's ears twitched in his helmet. Minions didn't normally talk. They normally couldn't. Well, beyond the odd cry or screech. 'I suppose we'll just have to keep you busy in the meanwhile!'

The fox's hands wove through the air, as he took a pose, and with a crackle of electricity, a gleaming silver polearm phased into his grasp. It spun with dexterous ease in the Vulpine's grip, before he leapt in towards the hero.

Astar's hand instantly dove to his belt, drawing a blade from the hilt there, he parried the strike and spun into a swift kick to push V back. The sound of rapid footsteps caught his attention, and he whipped around to catch another minion with a back-hand, and rapid thrust-kick, sending them skittling over the dust-laden concrete.

About him, the other creatures dove in, a flurry of blows, albeit less coordinated, they were direct, and certainly carried dangerous strength to each.

Ducking and weaving, Astar's blade countered a punch here as he kicked another minion back. Whipping his sword about, he spun it into a spear to catch two more blows from striking him from above, and sweeping in a vicious circle, created a small pocket of breathing room for himself. He leapt back, spear shifting this time into a gleaming purple bow. Drawing back on the string, energy hummed beneath his fingers, being fired out in several directed volleys.

The gleaming darts exploded on impact around the minions he'd targeted, sending them sprawling as he landed. A warning flashed before the weasel's vision, and looking up, he ducked back as V's polearm whistled down, spearing into the ground where he'd been a second before.

The strange crackling hum of energy made Astar's head whip around. V stood, grinning wickedly as he spun his cape free in a hand. Energy coursed its surface, before he flung it out. The fabric flaring wide, and electricity licking the ground before the cape crashed over Astar's form, and wrapped him tight in a paralysing field. The hero yelped as his vision crackled. His body seized as he slumped to his knees, trying to fight against the villain's energy.

He could make out the readily shouted orders of his foe, and the hurried footsteps of the other minions getting to their booted feet. Several remained down, broken apart like porcelain statues.

V didn't even regard them as he watched Astar with apparent interest. The fox's head quirked as the hero growled, only to pause. A momentary perk of his head, before the weasel's cloak quivered.

He so rarely got to make use of his cape's own energetic properties he'd well forgotten about it.

The electricity ebbed, repurposed through Astar's suit, and reinvigorating the hero as he cast off the teal fabric. Staggering to his feet, he fought his muscles for control, before leaping at the unarmed fox.

His body was ill-adept with its recovery for his strike, and rather than a solid punch, Astar caught his foe with his entire body, a clumsy tackle bowling the both of them over into a tangle as V laughed, and wrangled for control.

While the hero was stronger, he didn't currently have the fine motor-skills to end up on top, finding himself instead bound anew, this time by his foe's straddling legs and tight-gripping gloves.

'Tsk... I had hopped to keep you there until we finished... But mercifully, it seems the boys work quickly.' V mused as he stared down over the hero's opaque visor, as if he could see the weasel's eyes within. The duo panted slightly from exertion, before some unseen cue lifted the fox's gleaming eyes and face. 'Sadly for us, time's up, hero. We'll have to continue this next time.'

Astar growled in his helmet, almost able to see his foe winking at him mockingly.

Before he could retort though, the fox's outline glowed bright, and with a flash, he vanished, leaving the weasel prone, and alone in the warehouse...

Shadows were long, and vast within the Master's lair. The tall, twisted pillars of an almost cathedralesque hall looming, almost leering with the promise of danger in the gloom about them.

Atop an immense throne at its heart sat an equally massive form.

'You have done well.' growled the villain's low voice. V's caped form knelt before him on one knee, his head bowed. Tail swishing behind himself traitorously from the praise. He kept himself silent. One was not summoned before the Master simply for a word of praise. ...Or failure. Several minions destroyed, but that was always a possibility, always had been. 'I am a step closer, and our dear foe is as yet, none the wiser.'

'V' could almost imagine the master's fingers steepling together, a wide, sharp-fanged grin gleaming above him.

'But I have a new task for you.' The Master finally chuckled, drawing the Fox's face up in a moment of shock, only to duck back down in remembering his place. 'Calm yourself. I think you will find yourself most interested. We proceed apace with the initial plan. But you and your team, your duty is to draw that wretched Astar's attention all to you. And when the time is right, you will bring him before me. Is that clear?'

The fox's head nodded sharply.

'Yes, Master. As you command.' He spoke directly. A gift the Master had granted him with. Opportunity to grow. To be more.

'Before you leave, however. In light of your exemplary work...' The Master lifted a viciously clawed hand, and curled his powerful fingers about the gleaming, twisted metal staff, and loomed it over his minion's form.

Energy hummed in the fist sized, blood-red gem at its tip, crackling and arcing, before it began sheering free, licking along the Mask'd fox's form. 'V's frame seized as he grit his teeth to bite off the cry that threatened to escape him. Searing heat raced over him, threatening to unmake him, as much as it seemed to suffuse him. His gloved hands clenched tight, He quaked and jerked, feeling himself glow with that bathing power, building, filling him until he would surely burst...

And all at once it ceased.

'Good. Now rise, and prepare yourself. The next stage begins soon.' rumbled the Master, chuckling throatily, and building into an elated cackle as the fox stood smoothly. His cape fluttered behind him as he turned and strode from the hall, grinning wide beneath his mask. The illuminating glow of the fox's eyes faded as he vanished from sight.

Contemplation warred with worry in Astar's stomach as he stood, staring out over the city. The gleaming lights illuminating in long, criss-crossing patterns as the sun faded beyond the horizon.

He looked out over the industrial side of town, at the warehouse, and pursed his lips. He had traced several parts of the place where Minions had been hurrying, but could find nothing to betray their actions. No digging, no scrapes, nothing cemented onto the walls...

Not to mention the memory of the Fox. 'V', and his capabilities. The minion certainly wasn't as strong as him, but he was resourceful... And personable.

The weasel closed his eyes and shook his head to clear his mind of that memory, save perhaps V's promise of 'Next time.' He waited with baited breath, certain at least, that the villain had indeed intended it as more than a parting jab.

The buzz of his watch affirmed his caution, and looking out over the city, he watched the familiar waves of energy on his scanner. Closer to the shopping heart of the city, the Weasel straightened up, and leaping from his roof-top vantage point, flipped to land on his feet on the next building, and took off once more for battle.

He could almost have thanked them, when he came across the large parking garage. There were few cars inside, and that meant less people. For now.

The gibberish of the minions guided him effortlessly, until he perched, looking down over the huddled mass of grey frames. Plotting in their erratic fashion, gesturing, but not with any tools, or implements that he could discern... That meant he had time.

Easing back a few steps, Astar took a breath, before he charged, and leapt over the edge of the concrete divider, for the floor below with a vibrant yell.

Masks turned quickly towards the masked weasel as he landed on his feet, sword drawn immediately.

'You were all duly warned before that you aren't welcome here! Time to break up the party!' Astar yelled as he wove his blade around, and pointed it at the group before leaping forward.

They scrambled before him, save one who tried to dodge and strike back. A crude mace summoned into the minion's hand, attempting to parry the hero's blade, only to have it carved clean through.

In a whirling spin, Astar kicked the hyenid looking figure aside, spinning his sword into a spear to catch a rough looking scimitar from another Mask.

Above them all, and unseen to the hero, V stood, watching with a quiet air of curiousity. His mask's eyes unblinking, staring in the way the hero moved. Oh, he'd seen him a dozen times before in motion, but always in the fray. Always directly in opposition. Even if the Weasel hadn't recognized him then.

...But this, was something new, watching up close and being able to admire the flow of the cloak, the way his strikes landed with precision after a glance. The style with which the sword flowed and sliced through air and foe alike. He did faintly wince the the fall of the other Masks, though they were little more than golems, pawns, really. But they put up enough resistance to make Astar shine.

The fox almost grinned as he admired the show. At least until one of his other minions approached with a gesture. It was done.

It was child's play in a way, as he deftly pressed his attack. Haft and blade weaving, cracking and slashing at the villains. Sparks arced free, knocking those he hit back in small purple blasts, before he had to duck at a sudden strike towards his back from a wicked looking axe.

The weasel spun on a glove, catching the Mask in the stomach with a harsh booted kick, before leaping up to charge energy through his gloves, and knock the villain into a far wall with a flash, and crashing him into chunks.

Scarcely pressed for breath, Astar looked over the fallen foes, glowing and vanishing as their remnants were teleported back, or merely discarded. He hadn't discovered which.

Moving to sheath his sword, he paused at the sound of slow clapping and the sound of a familiar voice from around him.

'Back again! And so boisterous in your fighting. I'm delighted that I didn't the show.'

Astar's helmeted head whipped up as he traced the voice to its source.

With a flutter of that dangerous cloak, the fox dropped from the same section of the garage that the weasel had entered from. Landing deftly in the quintessential super-pose, the masked fox lifted his gaze towards his foe.

The weasel gasped softly as he stared at the gleaming red eyes of the mask. The minion had evolved again. Grown, he was certain, by the way that his gloves and boots were now a rich teal to match his cape. The markings along his suit had spread, making it darker, with silver lines, than the opposite, though the grey 'V' on his chest was mimicked by patterns along the cape and gauntlets.

But it was his face that held the hero.

It hadn't changed entirely too much, but the eyes drew his gaze in, made it hard to focus...

'Do you like it? I suppose I should really thank you, for getting so... caught up in our last battle.' V chuckled. 'I earned quite the favour. Though, that said, I can't very well leave a job incomplete now, can I?'

The subtle, lascivious tone brought a blush to the weasel's cheeks. Astar shook his head again to clear it, and whipped his spear around into its bow shape. Several glowing bolts fired off were deftly avoided as V leapt into the fray, weaving his body around the shots that exploded where he had been.

The villain's polearm swung down as V called it to him, pushing Astar back in a dodge, before the bow shifted back into a spear.

Blade met blade, with the two masked figures clashing in brutal force, but with an almost dance-like quality as they moved around one another, arcing swings being dodged, stabs parried, lunges countered into quick displays of brute strength as one pushed against the other.

The weasel stared behind his visor at the Fox's grin. V had met him, blow for blow, his strength rivalling his own. His own long tail twitched, and narrowing his gaze, his spear glowed, shifting into his sword, to break the stalemate.

His blade as he angled it, and lashed at the fox scored a hit with a lick of energy. The blast sending V staggering back, though at the same time, the villain's polearm found Astar's back; a scouring slash sending the hero spinning and rapidly getting to his feet.

The fox inclined his head with a smirk, and brushed along the smoking cut on his arm with a small tut.

'Honestly, Astar. I expected better. Perhaps I'll have to guide you, take you under my cloak, hmm?' He goaded wryly, eyes glowing. Almost at once, the weasel felt that strange magnetic pull in his chest. In his heart.

'I think perhaps you should leave before I'm forced to defeat you!' Astar barked back, straightening up. His back ached, but it was just a small wound. It wouldn't stop him. Taking a new pose, the weasel leapt back into the fray with a renewed yell. His agile frame whipping and weaving, sword slashing and flashing as the fox darted back, blocking and deflecting strikes with a smirk.

At least until the well-practiced hero wedged his sword up and overbalanced the weasel's hand, spinning his polearm away. Leaping up to strike cleanly, Astar yelped as the fox pushed forward in a vicious strike, knocking the hero back to the floor, his sword clattering away across the garage.

Rolling aside a stomp aimed for his torso, Astar whipped to his feet, and lunged in to grab his foe's hands as V aimed to strike him in kind.

The pair grunted as they strained against one another. Occasionally breaking their grip to make another attempt at striking the other. Catching an elbow here, Blocking a knee there, Even ramming heads together.

Feeling the fox's boots slipping against his own force, Astar pressed his advantage, and his foe clear across the garage with an impassioned growl. V's back slammed into the concrete, cracking it with the force as the pair struggled and strained fresh.

'Have you ever considered that perhaps you're on the wrong side..?' smirked the fox as he wrenched his hand free to strike another blow, only to have it caught, and wrangled by the shorter hero.

'Please. I would never fight for you.' Astar growled back, staring at the villain's face and immediately wishing he hadn't for that draw once more pulling at him.

'Oh, you wouldn't need to fight for me. You'd make an excellent minion for the master. Perhaps a general, even. You're certainly skilled enough.'

'Skilled enough to beat y-' Astar sputtered, at a sudden lurch of sensation. His helmet barely inclined as he glanced down, aware of the villain's hand he was keeping restrained, casually tracing his fingers along his front, cupping at his loins with a low rumble emanating from V's chest.

Pushing himself back, Astar panted, face so vibrantly heated, he was a little worried his visor would fog up. Bracing himself, he growled.

'That does it. It's time to deal with you..!' He slid a boot to one side, drawing his arms tight to his side.

V knew that pose. The hero's ace-in-the-hole. And it wasn't something he was keen on facing down.

'Oh, I think not. It's certainly been fun tonight, Astar, but that's about time.' The fox grinned and lifted a glove to his face, grasping his mask, he drew it aside to reveal one part of his face, including a warm brown eye. He winked impishly as the hero drew his energy in, the crystal in his chest pulsing and blazing with light.

The hero's brilliant beam surged forth with ground rattling force. Seeming to envelope the fox, it exploded well behind where it should have struck, the force rolling out in a great wave of splintered concrete and shattered columns.

Astar swallowed and groaned as he sank to one knee, gasping for breath at the empty pit where he'd drawn all his energy from. He'd missed, by a hair's breadth... Tapping his gem, and letting his uniform morph back into regular clothes, the Weasel staggered from the garage, unable to shake the pull in his chest, the sight of the weasel's eye, or the warmth of his touch...

A worrying couple of days passed for the Weasel, always on the lookout for the warning of V's return, or any further Mask activity, but there was strangely none. The ominous calm before the storm, he felt, tracing his fingers along the gem in his chest almost subconsciously. The brighter purple of his power source had dulled, deepened faintly, as if weighted with all the thoughts of the Fox's form that plagued Astar as he tried in vain to sleep.

He could see V's honey-brown eye staring at him, staring -into- him, not the mask and the cape that he fought against, but the weasel inside it. He rolled over in bed, pulling his pillow over his head with a weary groan...

The Fox's gaze seemed to follow him into the hopeless realms of escape that the fleeting moments of sleep he snatched brought. Replaying their clashes, recalling the movements of that shapely form, the closeness of his body as they fought. Always, a muted noise softly murmuring in his ear. He was sure he could have felt the heat of the Mask's body, could follow the tracing of his fingers against him as they'd grappled, could have leaned up when they were face to face, without helmets... Could have kissed-

Astar woke with a start, face burning as he lay, panting gently in his bed. The night still young and deep, and his watch showing no signs of incursion.

Sinking back down, the Weasel warred with his mind to be silent, until sleep could claim him again.

Punching his pillow softly and frowning at the remnants of the dreams dissipating, like water running through his fingers, he found small droplets lingering. The odd noise, a voice almost in his ear. Repeating a word over and over... He was certain it began with 'V'...

Grinding his palms into his eyes, he rolled over with a gentle groan, only for those dreams to return, eager to be watched again. The voice whispering clearer and fuzzier, in and out of focus each time he watched his foe swing, or himself strike. Clearer when they touched, further as they parted..

V's lips were so close, he leaned up again, needing to touch them, as though they were his way free from this recurring nightmare-

Once more, Astar's eyes snapped open, groggy, bleary. Laying on his back, the Weasel stared at the ceiling. He had heard it. Even as the memory of it trickled slowly, he grasped at it.

'V...' He murmured to himself. 'Vuh... Vah...' the Weasel murmured softly, blinking as it came to him. Little though it told him why the Fox had appeared to give him his name...

It was nearly a blessing when his watch gave its familiar chime, and he tapped it to look at the readout of power. Staring grimly at the readout, the Weasel nodded to himself, striking a pose to focus. He tapped the gem and welcomed the flow of power as it surged out, and like a tide, washed away his weariness. The snug silver suit clinging to his trim form, the gloves and boots morphing out into shape over his hands and feet.

And the visor sealing over his face as his helmet formed. The soft tug from the formation of his billowing purple cape brought a soft exhalation from the Weasel, staring at himself in a mirror for a moment.

'Today is the end of it.' he told himself determinedly. 'He's going down.'

Astar soared out into the city, and out beyond it...

Empty for foot-traffic, the quarry was an almost hauntingly vast place. The tiered shape of it, with sloping paths for monstrously sized trucks that would normally be roaring through.

The stillness, and odd silence was off-putting as Astar stopped, staring down over it.

While the Masks would have been well coloured to hide among such a place, he detected none of them. Save one. Standing right in the heart of the quarry, at the lowest level. V stood, patient, and quite peacefully expectant. And he stared up at the weasel, grinning.

Astar flipped as he pushed off from the edge of the quarry. Soaring down, cape flowing, he landed deftly, approaching his foe.

'So good of you to come, my dear Astar. I was almost thinking you wouldn't turn up.' the fox chuckled warmly, arms opening in a welcoming gesture.

'No friends to throw at me first this time, Valous?' The Weasel spoke directly.

'Valous..?' mused the masked fox.

'That's what I'm going with, considering your marks.' the hero huffed, his eyes narrowing behind his visor.

'Valous.' the fox repeated, as if tasting the name on his tongue. He nodded slowly. 'Yes, I think that will do quite nicely. Ahh, truly you are Astar in my night sky.' The fox grinned as he paced slowly before the Weasel. 'Such a gift you give to me, so freely. As for my friends, as you put it, you needn't worry about them. They have their task. Much as I have mine.'

'You won't succeed.' Astar growled as he whipped his hands about, a preparatory pose struck, and his boots braced for a charge. 'This time, I won't miss.'

Valous smirked and held a hand out to his side. His pole-arm warping into his grasp, he slowly pointed it at the hero's form.

'We will yet see about that, my dear.'

At once, they both charged. Astar drawing his sword and leaping for the first strike. As their weapons met, sparks ignited as they wove about, slashing, swiping and striking.

The weasel fought with a desperate fury, weaving under Valous' strikes, and making keen strikes to try and disarm his foe once more.

But he was not near so lucky. The villain must have been training in those days, preparing for their next meeting. Working on that new strength he'd attained, honing it.

Valous flipped back from a slash that would have bisected him. Whipping his polearm, he hurled it like a javelin at the hero, smirking as Astar dove forward into a roll as the weapon struck the gravel behind him and exploded with great force.

The weasel rose, his blade pointed and aimed for a clean shot at his foe's chest, before Valous spun out of the way, and lifted his pole-arm, freshly summoned to hand.

The strike sent the weasel soaring with a flash of energy and cry. He tumbled, but rolled to his feet as the fox spun his weapon in hand and chuckled.

'Almost, almost,' he goaded cheekily, watching Astar draw his bow instead, pulling back a single large blast of energy. He frowned, and braced as the weasel let fly.

Energy crackled along the ground as the arrow soared. And met the rapidly spun length of the fox's pole-arm, dispersing the attack in an array of blasts before him and clouding him in a sudden plume of thick dust.

Astar glanced about quickly, before the warning on his helmet had him leap aside as Valous' pole-arm once more rained down towards him, thrown from the smokescreen. His visor caught sight of his foe, and the weasel gasped as he saw the devious fox suddenly fling out his glowing, crackling cape.

Once more the hero found himself tangled, bound by the electrifying embrace. All the stronger than the first time they had battled, he crashed to his knees with a shaky cry for the power coursing through him.

And faintly through it all, he heard the worrisome sound of Valous' boot-steps, crunching casually along the gravel towards him.

'You might have had me, if you'd tried that handy beam of yours again.' The fox sighed aloud. And lifted a glove to slowly grip his mask, and ease it free. The dark ebony fur along his face, a mask all its own, traced angles on the Vulpine's handsome visage. Framed in silvery fury, and topped in similarly charcoal ears. But it was his warm brown eyes that drew Astar's attention, even as the weasel continued trying to struggle against his bonds.

They glowed softly, with that same, breath-stopping draw that the weasel had struggled against in the garage those days before, only so much stronger without that mask muting it.

Astar's heart pounded avidly as Valous closed in on him, smiling down to his foe almost tenderly.

'But it looks to me, as though I'm the one that has you now, no?'

Words struggled to form on the heroes tongue, struggles and resistances, spiteful retorts and rejections... but he couldn't utter them, he realised, staring helplessly up to the fox, caught utterly in his sway, and finding his heart pounding for.. affection..?

'Well, regardless, Astar. It's time that you joined me. You have been a most exquisite thorn in the Master's side, but now, I will present you to him, and beyond that... Well. We'll see what we can make of you.'

The weasel swallowed, unable to pull his gaze away from the half-lidded eyes of the villainous fox. He could only watch as the source of his unbidden desires reached out. Valous' fingers traced his jawline, up along the back of his head, and found what he was looking for. A couple of soft clicks and a gentle 'shff' as his helmet loosened and opened smartly, segmenting back to reveal his face proper. Astar was aware of the rich blush on his face. Of his mouth hanging open, still trying to form words, as the fox looked over him, admiring his features. And gently brushing his fingers along under his jawline.

'Ahh.. There you are.' The fox smirked gently, and leaned himself in slowly.

The soft press of the fox's lips against his own, had Astar's mind momentarily alight with fireworks. The affections thrumming in his chest erupted with delight as he tilted into the kiss, accepting the reward for sinking into the fox's hypnotic draw.

He was scarcely aware of the ebb of his gem's power, or the slow throb and darkening of its shape to an almost royal purple, swimming with an inky cloying darkness within.

Valous rumbled low as his head tilted to scissor his rival-turned-beau's lips, gently stroking the Weasel's cheek and nursing tenderly on a meekly brushing tongue, he let the dam of his hypnotic powers flow, and roll over the former hero like a tidal wave.

Instilling the rightness of Astar's position, cementing their whims and affections, wiping the notion of his heroic nature away in one cascading crash of telepathic force, he smiled as the weasel's muzzle shifted slowly against his own.

He watched, even as he continued kissing his heart-throb, as his powers suffusing Astar wrought a more physical change too. His muzzle lengthened slowly, with his ears perking up from rounded cookies, to angular points. His sleek form gained a faint breadth to it, whilst his long tail shrunk just slightly, and filled out like more like a fox's bottle-brush.

At last, the villain's lips eased back, leaving the bleary-eyed stare of his once-foe wistfully looking up to him. The confusion and muted defiance replaced by a dreamy smile that the fox slowly traced a thumb along.

Grasping his cape, the stunning charge abated, as Valous drew the teal mantle back about his shoulders and lifted Astar gently to his feet. He pulled the weasel-turned-fox against himself tenderly, embracing the hero in against his side.

'And now, my dear. You meet the Master.' The villain whispered, smiling as he squeezed the shorter fox's hand, as the air rippled about them, and with a bright flash, they vanished.

Kneeling in place, Astar's pointed ears twitched. The silence of the large throne-room was strange, compared to the cacophony he knew he'd been facing so shortly before. Valous knelt beside him, his head bowed, and his Mask unabashedly rested on the ground before him.

'As you bid, Master, I have brought before you Astar.' the Fox grinned gently to himself, his eyes darting sidelong to his partner. The former hero's tail twitched nervously. He knew something about this place. About its occupant, some distant, echoing part of himself warning him, concerned to be so close, to be exposed.

'So you have, or what remains of him. Very good.' the Master's rich voice rose from the gloom wrapped around the throne. Astar realised a part of it came from the shadows themselves, but didn't lift his head to follow it. 'I have long acknowledged your skills, Astar, and I would not see them wasted, or destroyed. I would see you fight for me, alongside-'

'Valous.' The fox spoke suddenly, and left silence in his wake. For a moment, tension washed over the pair. The air hung heavy with the audacity of the name. Before at last the Master spoke again.

'...Alongside Valous. Very well.' The teal-clad fox's tail twitched, with the pressing weight of his Master's gaze upon him. He knew that his continued existence after speaking out of line, and his name, were his reward. The Vulpine gratefully accepted both silently. 'Do you swear your eternal fealty to me, Astar? Do you forsake all that you were, and all that you knew?'

'I do, Master.' The former Weasel spoke almost without thought, feeling the tension in the air abate. His new Master was pleased.

'Excellent. Then step closer, my new warrior, and be welcomed into the fold, proper. This is your home now, and we, your friends.' Came the rich tone, an amused edge to it.

Both Foxes lifted their heads towards the throne, Astar rising as bidden and stepping forward. The Master's staff began to glow. 'With your new strength, I will desire a show of loyalty, however...'

Teleportation was a new sensation to Astar, the rush of energy bringing them to a rooftop along a less busy section of the city's streets. Walking along below them, a tiger walked with a look of concern on his face.

Blinking as he regarded the figure, the smaller fox frowned gently, looking up to Valous.

'Why does the Master wish for this one in particular?' he asked softly, feeling the soft brush of his partner's hand along his back.

'The Master's wishes are not our concern to question, only to carry out.' The villainous fox gently nosed against Astar's shoulder, before smirking and lifting his mask onto his face. Astar drew on his helmet and nodding to his partner, they leapt suddenly over the tiger's head to land before him, weapons drawn.

'Astar!' The tiger gasped, eyes wide. 'All the readings said you had fallen, vanished! What happened?' His gaze swept to Valous and narrowed darkly. 'And what are you doing around with that monster?!' Taking a stance, the tiger crossed his arms before him, and threw them outwards as he called on his own power.

The glow of his energy, and the rapid morphing into a golden hued suit with black and silver gloves and boots, made Valous smirk. Aurum had been an ally to the former hero, long before. The Master had been most resolute in his defeat at the former-weasel's hands.

'You will watch your mouth when speaking of my Valous.' the purple-hued villain frowned as he summoned his sword to hand. 'Prepare yourself, hero!' Beside him, Valous' pole-arm flashed into existence in the Fox's hands. Staring from his own darkened visor, the tiger swallowed, but drew on a pair of ferocious looking bagh nakhs, gleaming gold and sharp, they hummed with energy.

'I don't know what they've done to you, but if defeating you is what it takes to bring you back, so be it!' The tiger growled, stooping and launching forward.

The trio crashed together in a vibrant flurry of attacks. Catching Astar's sword in his claws, Aurum ducked under a sweeping swing from Valous' blade, and spun to parry his follow-up, only to find the former Weasel striking him sharply in the back.

With a yell at the shock of energy that exploded along his chest from the Vulpine's strike, the tiger rolled back, and leapt high to swing around. His boot glowed in the shape of a large tiger's claw, only to have his strike met by the Duo-villain's crossed spear and pole-arm.

Aurum flipped back, and shot forward to strike them both in the chest. They skidded back a ways, though Astar braced Valous, and pushed forward first to meet the tiger head on.

Though the tiger was a fierce fighter, he found himself countered at every step. Each time a strike presented itself, the other villain would parry him, or brace the other. Astar and this new 'Valous' worked in dangerous sync, backing him up further and further, glancing blows becoming striking ones. His own strikes growing weaker and weaker.

With a shared nod, Astar drew his bow, and levelled it at the tiger. His blasts wide, making the hero brace himself to defend against the onslaught. The former-weasel grinned in his helmet as Valous's cape soared into the dissipating smoke, binding the hero with ease.

The smaller fox slid one boot to the side and drew his arms in against him.

Aurum struggled haplessly against the paralysing bonds of the cape, looking up as he saw his former ally's signature move, pointed right at him.

In the wake of the immense explosion, Astar sagged to his knees, sapped of his strength. Gasping softly, he found Valous' arms enfolding him as the Vulpine squeezed him warmly.

'To no longer recall former allies, our master has truly transformed you, my dear.'

'He was no ally of mine.' The former weasel murmured, perking his ears as the larger fox gently scooped him up. The growing familiarity of teleportation drew about them both as they vanished with a flash of energy.

Looking out over the vast expanse of space, and the glowing orb of the earth above, Valous and Astar sat nestled against one another, tails gently brushing together. The Master had been only too pleased with the results of his test. They would have greater tasks in future, to be sure.

The former-weasel gently hugged Valous' arms about himself, savouring the embrace of his lover, and nuzzling gently against a shoulder with a sigh.

'So, tell me, my dear; How did you come up with the name you gave me?' Valous asked gently after a moment's peaceful silence. Astar stirred gently with a meek look on his face. He didn't remember everything, it seemed after the Master's bolstering of him. But some key portions remained to the turned-hero, such as memories pertaining to Valous.

'...I was dreaming.' Astar murmured gently, smiling. '...About you. And me. ...Us. We were fighting continuously, but, every time we clashed, I kept hearing something. As though you were trying to tell me.' Valous listened with earnest curiosity, the history of his gift of a name having gnawed at him quite incessantly. 'I don't know how many times I woke up, how many times I had that same dream, but.. it finally clicked. I woke up, I kept reaching for it, and your voice came through clear. 'Valous. ...nearly Valorous.'

'But not quite.' the larger fox chuckled gently with a soft wink. Adjusting the former weasel in his arms, Valous perked his ears as his former foe leaned up gently to brush lips against his own.

Softly tracing a hand up to cup Astar's face, the Vulpine leaned into the kiss tenderly, as their tails entwined.
