Every Dog Has Its Day

Story by FortisFury921 on SoFurry

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A long work day after a very special night seems unbearably mundane--at least until a certain special someone shows up! Things get even more out of hand with the untimely arrival of an unexpected visitor, but the turn of events may just be a blessing in disguise...

I exist :D

(Though that fact has created in the universe no sense of obligation)

I know nothing about office buildings or the related jobs, so this might all be horribly wrong, but at least Shilo is cute, in my extremely unbiased opinion. Happy reading!

Walking into work felt so completely and utterly mundane after the wonderful, heady affection of last night. It seemed odd that Abeke, the leopardess in charge of marketing, was still snapping at a panther from IT, that Ms. Gunn, the caprine secretary, was chatting with a forest drake in an unkempt suit, and that Shilo Bennet, accounting intern, was still earnestly passing out coffees like it was holy work. Everyone else was going about their day as normal, and nobody seemed to notice the difference in Baz Mertens.

"G'morning, Mr. Mertens," Shilo greeted the tall Belgian shepherd, holding out a steaming coffee cup, "Cream, no sugar?"

"Thanks, Shilo." He half-sighed, taking the cup from the eager blond otter. The light glinted off something in the canid's hand, and Shilo's eyes widened behind his big, round glasses.

"Oh my gosh!" He exclaimed, "Are you getting married? I'm fairly certain that wasn't there yesterday!"

Baz smiled a little and ruffled the gushing otter's hair. "Yeah, kid, I got engaged last night."

"Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Can I meet him or her or them? Wait, that's probably not poli--"

Baz pressed a finger to Shilo's mouth. "Shh... Thanks for noticing. And of course I'll let you meet him. I do have to get to work now though, so I'll talk to you in a bit."

Baz headed into his office with an enthusiastic "bye!" from Shilo, mustering the energy for what looked like it would be a very long day. There was an ominous stack of applications, resumes, and cover letters on his desk, and he had an interview with a potential intern at 4:30.

Settling down at his desk and taking a sip of his carefully prepared but dirt-cheap coffee, he began to sift through the applications. It seemed there were a whole lot of industrious, intelligent, and eager individuals who would be a perfect fit for the open intern position, or so the applications said, but none of them really stood out. Baz spent the morning wading through various descriptions of college student success, a plethora of service industry jobs, and the occasional previous internship, then he got up, left his office, and headed out for his lunch break. There was a lovely Japanese place across the street, so Baz headed over and ordered some yaki udon with chicken, then he pulled out his phone. The dial tone rang several times, and Baz began to worry he wouldn't get an answer, but when the ringing stopped he was greeted by the charming lupine voice of Mar Sparkclaw, his newly-made fiancée. "Is this the highly esteemed and very sexy head hiring manager of Locke Entrepreneurial Consultants?"

"Unfortunately, this is the underappreciated and not-very-sexy-feeling head hiring manager," Baz answered.

"Aww, bad day?"

"Just lots of very similar applicants, I'm having to comb through. Not that bad, but it feels so... pointless after last night." Baz smiled a little. "I'd much rather be in bed with you."

"Mmm... me too. Tell you what, how about you hire me? Then I'll always be around to make sure you feel appreciated and very, very sexy."

"Don't tantalize me. That sounds wonderful."

"Just like you."

Baz almost whined. "What did I do to deserve you?"

"You woke up one morning and happened to be the kindest, smartest, nicest, and most badass guy I've ever met. That, and you have excellent taste in pork tacos."

"That's because your pork tacos are delicious."

"They most definitely are. I'll have some ready when you get home, since Lucile's covering the rest of my shift. Someone may have told her I recently got engaged."

"I would propose right now if you hadn't done it already. You are incredible."

"Thank you, love."

Baz growled. "I've gotta get back to work now. Some guy named Sam-Pawl Rarck to interview in a few hours. I love you to death."

"Just think of pork tacos and me without clothes whenever work gets boring. Love you to death and back."

The call ended, but Baz was smiling dopily, "Smartass." He headed back across the street, thinking about how his fiancée was a very sexy smartass.

When he got back to his office, Baz busied himself replying to several emails asking about interviews, went over a new application that had appeared during lunch, and then started prepping for the interview. Sam-Pawl Rarck had turn in his application a week or so ago, so it took a bit of digging to relocate it, and by the time Baz went over it again, called all the listed references, and cleaned up his desk to the point it was actually presentable, he was just a few minutes from the interview. Mar drifted easily into his mind, the big, sexy wolf pulling him from the bar to the dance floor, just like he'd done on their most recent date, before they'd gone home and rolled into bed, stripping down to that purest, most basic, most wonderful emotion as Mar pulled Baz on top of him and pressed his hard lupine cock against the Belgian shepherd worshipfully...

Baz groaned in frustration as a knock on the door forced him out of the reminiscent fantasy. He thought of pork tacos with mango salsa and Mar lying naked on the bed, strong and warm and inviting. Just a short interview and he was done for the day.

"Come on in," he said. The door swung open and shut in an instant, and scarcely had Baz glanced at the candidate, then the other male's hand covered his eyes.

The voice in his ear was achingly familiar. "Miss me?" Sexy lupine voice.

"Mar?" The wolf uncovered Baz's eyes as the shepherd spoke, "How are you here?"

Mar embraced his fiancée from behind, nuzzling his cheek affectionately. "I applied a while ago with some slightly fake papers. I wanted to give you a break at work, and I had mostly decided when to propose by then." He shrugged. "It wasn't so hard. Marice wanted to help and is weirdly well-connected. Oh, she also asked to help with the wedding."

Baz murred contentedly. "'Course she can. We'll probably need everyone we can get. And don't dismiss what you've done to get here, it really means a lot to me." He turned, wrapping his arms around Mar's neck and looking up at the slightly taller canine. He grinned slyly, though with a twinge of self-consciousness. "I was just thinking about getting home after this interview... you naked on the bed... all the things I'd let you do to me..."

There was a certain distinctive hardness Baz felt as Mar's crotch ground against his own, and the shep's legs parted automatically. Mar leaned in, "I'm sure there's plenty I can do to you right here--" he licked his lips hungrily, and Baz shuddered in weak-kneed anticipation, "--this is a job interview, after all, you need to learn all about my qualifications."

Baz groaned, either from the attempt at shop talk innuendo or the implication of what his fiancée was about to do, but he was quickly silenced by the lupine's lips, which pressed against his own. He submitted without a moment's hesitation, lips parting to let Mar's tongue slip into his mouth and wrestle with his own. The shepherd's eyes closed as he was lost in the sensation, and he was only pushing him back and back, sweeping the contents of his desk aside, and pressing him back onto it. The wolf pinned Baz to the desk with one arm, slowly moving the other down until his fingers brushed against the dog's thigh. Baz moaned into the kiss when he felt Mar squeeze his leg, and the wolf pressed on, fumbling one-handed with Baz's belt. After managing, with some difficulty, to work the belt off and tossing it on the ground, Mar quickly undid the shep's pants, pressing two fingers to the crotch of his underwear, which was soaking wet with his arousal. Baz's loud moan was barely muffled by Mar's maw over his, and when the wolf pulled away he was left panting. His tongue didn't remain unoccupied for long though, and almost as soon as Mar broke the kiss he pressed those two fingers to Baz's mouth, forcing him to taste his own half-masculine juices as he licked his nectar from the wolf's digits. With his own sweetness still lingering on his tongue and the feeling of Mar's impressive bulge pressing hard against him, Baz had taken as much foreplay as he could stand. "Just strip me naked and pound me already," he whined, "this interview slot isn't nearly long enough when your dick is brought into the equation."

Mar grinned down at the begging shepherd, but he sighed in relief. "I'm glad you asked, pup."

Straightening up, Mar grabbed the waistbands of Baz's dress pants and underwear, and, with some enthusiastic cooperation from the canine, pulled them down to his ankles. The prize that lay between his bare legs was not the knotted doggy dick most would have expected, instead he sported the big, musky vulva of the species. Mar's mouth watered at the familiar sight. A fortune cookie indeed. Wasting no time, Mar pulled off the eager shep's shoes, yanked the shorts and underwear off completely, and peeled off the socks, admiring Baz's padded feet paws for just a moment before he whipped off his own belt and tossed it aside. Mar spread the canine's legs apart, and just a button and a zipper later his own needy, rock hard cock was out, the tip pressing against that fat black shepherd pussy. Baz moaned as the first few inches of crimson wolfmeat slid into his dripping tunnel, and Mar's had a similar expression of pure ecstasy on his face as his fiancée's warm, tight hole stretched around his cock. Baz had been fantasizing about Mar's dick every free moment of the day, so to actually have that big red member slowly thrust into his bitch pussy was making his lust uncontrollable. He moaned again, and Mar let out a growl that was half-lustful and half-warning. "Keep quieter, or I'm fucking your throat instead!" The wolf whispered harshly, "If someone here's us and decides to investigate then you might--"

He cut himself off with a chorus of "shit, shit, shit" when he saw the doorknob turn and heard the quiet, ominous click of the latch. He tried to scramble under the desk and pull Baz into his chair, but it was much too late. The door swung open, and a cute blond otter poked his head in, saying, "Hey, Mr. Mertens, Mr. Rarck, I was just wondering if--" when his eyes finally caught up to his brain they opened wide in shock, "--Holy macaroni and cheese!"

Shilo darted into the room, and slammed the door shut, then he half-collapsed against the wall, muttering quickly to himself. "Holy cow, why did I go into the room? What if I lose my internship? Is this a panic attack? This seems like a panic attack..."

Wincing, Baz climbed off the desk and approached the rambling intern, running a hand soothingly through the blond otter's unruly mop of hair. "Shilo, are you alright?" Baz's voice betrayed only a fraction of the guilt he felt, "Please be alright, little guy."

The otter's dazed eyes focused on Baz as he spoke, then his gaze flicked quickly over the shep's half-naked body, down to the soaking cunt between his legs.

Shilo let out an odd, excited giggle. "Ohmygosh, you have a pussy! Does that mean you can get pregnant? And is that your fiancee? His cock is huge!" He seemed to regain his senses, just a little, "Oh crap! I said that out loud, didn't I? I swear I'm not being creepy, you guys are just hot, and please don't make me lose this internship!"

Mar went and knelt by Shilo after tucking his dick, which had started to sheathe, back into his pants. He sushed the excited otter gently. "Shhh... You're not going anywhere, especially if you think we're hot." He booped the otter's nose softly, "You're pretty cute yourself. Can you keep quiet about this whole thing? We can repay you, if you want. I was just saying that something needed to shut Baz up."

The Belgian shepherd slapped Mar lightly on the neck and muttered something along the lines of "horny bastard," but then his focus returned to Shilo. The otter was grinning quite sheepishly, and his blond fur did absolutely nothing to conceal his blush. "R-really? Well, sure, I guess."

Baz gave him an ascertaining glance, but when the otter's eyes met his, Shilo just licked his lips. The gesture was more cute than predatory on him, but the meaning was clear: He wanted Baz's muzzle on his dick. As Mar stood and headed towards the clothes pile, Baz leaned forward until his nose was pressed to Shilo's crotch. He gave a small look to the stiffness through the fabric, and the otter sighed in pleasure, leaning back into the wall and leaving all the exertion up to Baz. The subby canine undid Shilo's slacks and slid them down to his knees admiring the lutra's creamy thighs and the pre-soaked spot on his blue boxers. When Baz pulled the undergarment down to join the slacks, Shilo's penis flopped out happily, hitting the shepherd in the muzzle and leaving a drop of pre on his lip. He licked it up appreciatively. The otter's uncut dick was small and cute, much like he was, though the smallness was relative to the canine, and it would certainly satisfy another otter. It would also fit into Baz's muzzle quite comfortably. The practiced canine tongue drew a murr of approval from Shilo as his boss licked the underside of the lutra's penis, wrapping his lips briefly around the head as he neared the top. Baz ran his tongue over Shilo's downy-furred balls, kissing his way up the lutrine shaft to collect the drop of pre that had formed at the top. Very faintly salty.

"Lift your knees for a moment, love." Mar told his fiancée, wrapping his fingers around the shepherd's tail base. Baz obeyed, pausing his work on Shilo's dick, and the wolf slid the neatly folded close under his knees for padding. "Now," Mar grinned, rubbing his length against the shep's wet doggy cunt, "I believe this is about where we were." He sank the tip in excruciatingly slowly.

"M-much deeper..." Baz whined.

"If you say so." Mar shrugged, and sunk half his meaty wolfcock into his prey with a sharp thrust of his hips. Baz let out a grunt of surprise and pain, which quickly turned to a long moan as his tight tunnel got used to the familiar invader, but Mar just pushed his head forward, smearing his cheek with Shilo's pre. "Suck," the wolf ordered.

Baz obeyed happily, sliding his tongue under the otter's foreskin to taste his lighter musk. His lips wrapped around the cockhead, and he looked up at Shilo as he slowly went down on him, taking the member into his warm, wet maw. Shilo let out a cute eep, eyes half lidded at the feeling of the shepherd nursing on his hard shaft. Mar yanked gently on Baz's tail as his knot rammed into those padded black pussy lips, and he felt the slutty dog clench on him, hard, moaning around Shilo's warm dick.

The wolf growled lustily, "Good thing you got that dick to shut you up. How does it taste? Come on, tell us."

Baz pulled off Shilo, whose dick was covered in doggie drool, and panted, "Almost... as good as... your tacos. Ungh!" The shep broke off into a moan when Mar thrust into him with reckless abandon.

"You're just getting spoiled today, aren't you, bitch?" Mar pushed his muzzle back to Shilo's cock before he could respond. "Maybe I'll have to punish you later."

The wolf's hand hit his pup's raised ass with a resounding smack, and the canine love tunnel squeezed his big wolfhood like a vice. Whatever the bitchslap had done to Baz on the other end, it made Shilo's cute face scrunch up in pleasure. The otter's hands slipped around the shepherd's ears, holding the canine firmly against his crotch. He began making shallow thrusts into Baz's muzzle, and a blush crept into his cheeks. "I'm r-really... gah... really close. S-sorry... ngh..."

"Hear that, pup?" Mar groped the shepherd's ass, "Looks like Shilo's also into seeing you punished." The wolf brought his palm into the doggy's ass with a sharp smack, seeing his holes clench tightly.

"Fuck--" Shilo's thighs wrapped around Baz's head as he came, the dog's attempt to moan around is dick finally pushing him over the edge. Baz whimpered as the first few strands of otterspunk were shot down his throat, before he had time to pull up enough to really savor the salty taste. The lutrine's cum was more oily than that of the various land-based furs he'd sampled, and there was far more of it than he'd expected. Maybe the otter hadn't gotten off in a good while, or maybe Baz had just gotten him really worked up, but he was certainly overproducing. Otter seed soon spilled from his lips, even as he pulled off, but Shilo scooped up the leaking essence, leaving Baz to deal with the last dregs of pearly white he was painting the dog's face with.

"Did you have fun with the otter--ugh--little puppy?"

"D-definitely." Baz's cum-streaked face was nuzzled into Shilo's crotch, the otter's softening cock resting on his snout. They looked so peaceful together, Shilo floating on his afterglow and Baz focusing exclusively on thrusting back against Mar, desperate to be knotted. He was so close. All he needed was that tennis-ball-sized hunk of wolfmeat in his cunt to tie them together so Mar could pump him full of seed. He wanted his husband-to-be to breed him, to fill him with puppy batter. Mar's knot was slowly pressed against his pussy.

"Is this what you want, bitch?" Mar asked, rubbing his blood red bulb against Baz's swollen pussy, "You want me to tie you right here? On the floor of your office?"

"F-fuck yes!" The shep moaned, "Knock up your puppy!"

Mar growled, gripping Baz's hips and thrusting viciously, stretching the canine's abused cunt until his lupine knot began to slip in slowly. The pussy was so tight around his knot Mar barely managed to keep from dumping his whole load into Baz then and there. Knocking him up would be wonderful...

"Hope you're ready for a few litters, pup!" Mar moaned, feeling Baz's box clenching around him, hungry for the knot.

"I'm g-gonna--Fuck!"

Mar pulled his knot out of his lover with a determined tug and a whimper as Baz came, walls squeezing hard around the thick wolf cock. The last ditch pressure on his knot and the warm tightness of the shep's cunt pushed Mar to a terrifying orgasm. With a powerful, barely contained growl, the big wolf sank his teeth into the back of Baz's neck, drawing a few drops of blood as he claimed his pup with both the love bite and the torrents of virile lupine cum he was shooting into the poor dog's cunny. The climaxing lupine wrapped his beefy arms around Baz in a tight hug, an aggressive display of affection that squeezed all the air from his lungs with the same ruthless effectiveness with which the andromorph's canine pussy was milking Mar's pulsing cock. Waves of pleasure washed through their interlocked bodies as Mar's warmth filled Baz up to the brim until the mind-numbing lust of his orgasm faded to a gentle afterglow. Mar released the love bite on his fiancee's neck, gently lapping off the blood, and they just lay there like that for a moment, neither wanting to break that special silence. When Baz's eyes closed and his breathing slowed to a rhythmic crawl, Mar nuzzled his neck insistently.

"Wake up, love," he said, a dose of amusement in his affectionate tone, "We do have to get dressed before we leave."

"Mmm..." Baz murred sleepily, then said, "Let's just stay here forever."

Mar gave him a small kiss on the head, "I'd stay anywhere forever with you. Our apartment's probably better though, since there aren't any coworkers to worry about. Then I can feed you pork tacos and knot you properly. How's that sound?"

"Fucking delicious."

"Good puppy." Mar ruffled Baz's head fur, then cautiously began to pull out, cupping a hand beneath the canine creampie so the clothes and floor would stay clean.

Shilo licked his cum off the sleepy shepherd's face, then he crawled over to Mar to help clean up all the wolf cum, burying his face in Baz's cream-filled cookie and slurping up the lupine seed without a second's hesitation. Mar, drinking the cum that had pooled in his own hand, couldn't help but notice the poor otter had gotten hard again. With Shilo busy eating out his fiancee, Mar figured the least he could do was repay the otter, so with one hand he reached around to cup the lutra's dick, and with a finger from the other, which was lubed up with saliva and cum, he began teasing at the otter's tailhole. Shilo moaned into Baz's cunt, feeling the wolf's finger pulling and tugging at the tight, muscled ring of his anus, which slowly relaxed at the ministrations. Slowly, Mar pushed the digit into the hole, feeling it clench in resistance for just a moment before Shilo relaxed and let the finger slide in. Baz whined needily as he felt the intern give another muffled moan into his pussy, adding to the pleasure from the otter's eager tongue. Shilo was glad his face was buried in his boss's thick vulva, not only to quiet his moans, but also to hide the blush that inevitably would have shown up from how quickly Mar's fingering was getting him off. He'd barely tried anything anal before, and the pleasure was far more intense than he could have imagined. His dick throbbed in the wolf's hand, and then the lupine digit brushed against just the right spot in the tight, velvety warmth of his ass, and he came into Mar's paw, his pulsing cock releasing its second load of the day.

With a low growl, Baz ground his hips back into Shilo's muzzle, riding him to a mini-orgasm that shot a fresh burst of musky nectar right into the otter's face. Baz pulled off the lutra and rolled onto his back, reluctantly grabbing his pants and underwear. He buttoned his shirt and jacket up, sliding on his pants and underwear while Mar licked the remaining cum from both his hands. Shilo pulled up his slacks and boxers, wiping the shepherd juices from his glasses, and Baz slipped on his shoes and socks. Mar, who'd already zipped and buttoned his pants and slipped his belt on, busied himself returning his fiancee's desk to its original state, so by the time Baz got his belt on there was, for the most part, no evidence that an unplanned threesome had just taken place.

The trio walked out together, stopping for a brief detour so Shilo could grab his bag, then they hurried across the street to the parking garage. Shilo hugged them both before he left to go towards his own car, but Mar had half a mind to just pick him up and take him home. He wanted to share some pork tacos with the otter, pound the lights out of his fiancee, then pull Shilo into the bed to cuddle with them until daybreak. Instead, they went their separate ways, even Mar and Baz getting in their own cars for the drive home, though they would reunite at their apartment. Shilo smiled a bit sadly as he watched them go by, his twenty-two-year-old car idling noisily on the street corner. There was some comfort in knowing he'd slipped his number into Mar's pants pocket when he hugged the big wolf. Mar would call. At least, Shilo hoped he would.

Thanks for reading! As always, feel free to leave any remarks or suggestions in the comments. I got promoted a few months ago, so I've been more busy with work stuff, but I will try to write any suggestions y'all leave within about two weeks of seeing them.