The Interview

Story by Silver Brighttooth on SoFurry

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It was a beautiful day as Ember walked into the big office building. It's big greeting area surrounded her as she headed in. She made her way through with some directions from the help. She walked up to the elevator and pressed the button, and as she waited she looked at her reflection off the elevator doors. She was a Golden Receiver, bright beautiful yellow fur and her tight red and black dress to match. She unbuttoned the first two to show her cleavage of her c-size breast, to give the boss another reason to hire her. She Pulls her dress a little higher to show her thigh before the dull ding of the elevator was heard. It opened up to show it was empty, which was good so she could go up without the eyes of perverts or jealous all over her. She stepped in and pressed the button. Soon some soft, boring elevator music filled the tiny chamber as it rode to the top, making no stops. "I hope I get this job." She thought to herself as she ran answers and responses to questions and things the employer might say or ask. The door opened and she looked onto a big and cozy looking waiting room. To the left was a window looking out over the coast, the view was magnificent as she saw the ocean stretching out in till the horizon.

"Are you Ms. Gold?" A feminine voice came from behind, bringing her out of her trance.

"Y-Yeah, I'm Ms. Gold, just call me Abby." Turns to see a female Cheetah sitting behind a desk, a plaque in front of her saying Ms. Diana. "I'm here for the interview." She said, a little nervousness in her voice.

"I know, you can take a seat and continue enjoying the view." She said with a smile.

"It's beautiful." She sat in a big comfy chair.

"I know, why do you think I have my desk pointing that way?" She replied back with a chuckle and Abby chuckled with her. As she sat, looking out over the view a static sound came in.

"Send her in." The voice came in through a small radio looking device on Diana's desk, from the voice Abby couldn't tell wither it was male or female.

"The manager will see you now." She points to the door. "Good luck." She smiles as she resumed her work.

"Thanks." She stood up from the chair and walked over to the door. She breathed calmly before opening the door and walking in. The room seemed dark from the dim light, and the closed windows. She looked around, the room seemed bare, only a few fake plants here and there, a desk with not much on it besides a mate, laptop, and a few papers with some pencils. She took a seat in front of the desk. She looked around to find the manager but she could not so she waited.

A chair behind the desk spun around to show a female dragon, her scales black with white spots. Abby thought she could see the white spots moving but with the dragoness' black dress and tight skirt on she couldn't tell."You must be Ms. Gold correct?" She said.

"Y-Yeah, that's me." Now she was regretting unbuttoning her shirt.

"You wouldn't mind if I open a window, give this room some life, and it's stuffy in here?" She asked standing up.

"S-sure." She said looking down. The manager walked over to the window and opened the blinds across the whole side of the room, letting light flow in. She opened two windows and unbutton the first two on her shirt, the top of her lacey black bra showing along with her cleavage. She turned to see Abby still looking down.

"Now let's begin." Her voice broke Abby out of her trance to look up. When she saw she had done the same she had with her shirt. "Now before we begin let's clear up any informalities. You may call me Night, what may I call you?" She motioned towards her with her hands.

"Everyone calls me Abby, but my names Abigail." She said, her nervousness going away as she answered the same way she went over her mind many times before.

"Alright Abby." She picked up a folder and skimmed through it. "Everything seems in order, and your quite the candidate, but would you mind answering some questions?" She closed the folder and placed it down.

"Sure Mrs. Night." She replied back.

"Please, Ms. Night, actually just call me Night." Abby nodded as Night placed the folder away. "Now then, why were you fired from your last job?"

"I wasn't fired, I had to quit for my school work."

"Yet you wish to work at another modeling agency?" Night asked as she laid back in her chair.

"Well I was working with my friend and she would tell me I had to get over then and there, even in school so I had to stop, she understood. Now if I was to work at an agency then I would know when to work and what kind of time I would have for my school work." She said every word as she had before hundreds of times in her head.

"I see." She smiled as she leaned forward again. "Here we greatly approve such attitude and such dedication for school life. Most of the employees here go for such so we offer a special program they can pick." She leaned on the desk, holding her hands together.

"Special program? I was not told of this, I thought you needed another model?" She asked, but the nervousness stayed away.

"This program pay less, but gives more time and less...activities that students such as yourself will get distracted by. I saw you're specialist in computers, we have a few positions open for you in there if you like." She pulled out a few papers from a drawer and set them out on the desk. She looked to and to her surprise Abby was shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, but I need this modeling job, I'm very far behind in school debt after quitting my last job, I need this." She replied back. She watched as Night stood up from her chair.

"I not saying you had to take another job, if you truly want this job I'll let you have it, but let me ask you something. Do you know what kind of company I run here?" This question took Abby by surprise. She didn't really look at what the job in told. All she read was that a model was needed and was going to be paid big time depending on how good they are, and she was very good at it so the filled out the application.

"I'm not really sure, I thought this was just a regular model company." She answered truthfully, but she was soon surprised as she felt Night's hands upon her shoulders, rubbing softly.

"You are partly correct, this is a modeling agency, but for a certain type. We model clothes, toys, and acts that many would love to see." She replied as she slowly lowered her head towards her ear.

"Never heard of a model company doing all that." Abby replied, the nervousness returning to her voice.

"That's because this company supplies picture and videos that most wouldn't suspect to be this organized." She replied her hand moving back and forth across Abby's shoulder, her breast pressing against the back of her head.

"You mean..." She didn't want to answer, but the thought rang in the back or her head. "Pornography!?"

"We though, in this company make thing professional, we always have the models arrange everything themselves like how it begins to how it ends, or even if they wish to do a personal shot on their own. It may not get publish but they still get paid for showing their creativity, though, sometimes they aren't so good and we have to let them go, but it sometimes happen." She waited for a response from Abby but received none. "Tell me, are you still a virgin?" This shocked Abby.

"Y-Yes! I lost my hymen in an accident but I am still a virgin!" She replied rather loud, surprising herself.

"Then we won't do anything that will take that from you unless you wish for it." She stopped rubbing and reached her hand down Abby's shirt. "So you can do solo shoots or " She softly groped Abby's left breast" or girl on girl if you like?"

Abby was almost too stunned to speak, but she left out a soft moan before speaking. "What a-are you doing?!" She asked, confused, scared, and pleasured at the same time.

"If you truly wish to work here. "She brought her hand up and placed them both at the buttons on the shirt. "Then I must check to see if you have the stuff. She slowly began to unbutton her shirt.

Abby wanted to protest, but her curiosity over powered her. She had always been bi-curious, and this was her chance, would she take it. She looked down to see Night pull her shirt back to reveal her pink bra, and she didn't stop there as she unhooked them in the middle bringing those off with the shirt. She leaned forward and moves to let Night take them off, which she did and threw them into a nearby chair. She sat there relaxed as Night looked her over. A breezed rolled in and blew past her, sending a chill up from spine from feeling the cool air against her bare chest.

Night grinned as she witnessed this. She leaned down and ran her hands through her nice warm chest fur, moving them towards Abby's breast. She nibbled on her neck as she touched around her breast. "Nice and perky, not fake." She said as she softly massaged them. Abby was moaning in pleasure, even from the slightly touch. Night kept going, running her hands up and down her breast, she even gave her nipples a quick pinch which received a small squeak of pleasure from her.

In Abby's mind she was feeling pleasure she never thought possible. She felt hands roam where she had not thought of, she was so focused on her breast being played with that she didn't notice Night's tail slithering up between her legs. Only when she felt it tug at her panties did she look down to see them being taken off.

"So wet from just a little play." She grins as she leaned down and lick at her right nipple. She smiled as she watched Abby arch her back. She licked the nipple again several time and watched as she squirm in her seat as her tail drags her skirt off, leaving her completely naked in the chair as she played with her. She started to suck on the nipple and received another moan with more squirms. More and more she sucked on her right nipple as he left hand played with Abby's left boob. Once she stopped Abby was panting hard, the bottom of the chair wet from her juices leaking out of her. "Such a mess you made." Night moved around as Abby blushed. She sat on her knees between Abby's leg, staring at her moist slit. "Someone going to have to clean it up." She took a whiff as she drew closer. "I guess I'll do it." She took a quick lick of the juices on the chair and she found the taste quite sweet.

Abby gulped as she watched Night between her legs, breast play was one thing, but maybe this was going to far. She was going to reject but pulled it back as she felt the draconic tongue run up her slit. She arch her back and pushed her hips towards Night who happily lap abit more at her slit, drawing moans and squirms of pleasure from her. She nearly shut her legs on her head, but she controlled herself as much as she could as she kept feeling that tongue dance along her slit. She rested her head back and continued to moan and pleasure, but once she felt that tongue push back her lips she threw her head back and pushed Night's head closer to her slit, and that was all she needed as she lapped deep within her, drawing Abby's orgasm close as she licked more and more, her own slit growing wet and she rubbing herself with her right hand. She more she licked the more she rubbed. "Night...I-I'm about to CUM!" She screamed as she felt her muscles spasm beyond belief. Her juices came flowing down into her mouth, and she swallowed all of it, mouth gull after mouth full of the juices in till Abby came down from her powerful orgasm, releasing her head she flopped her arms down, breathing hard.

"Was that your first orgasm." She watched as Abby slowly nodded before licking her lips and looking down as her hand, itself was covered in juices. Before she could lick it clean Abby grabbed it and pulled it close, cleaning it off herself.

"I must return the favor now." They both smiled as Night moved back, laying against the desk as she pulled her shirt and bra off, and as soon as the bra was off Abby was up and at them licking over her Double-D breast. Night laid back as Abby licked and massaged her breast everywhere she could, but as she squeezed Night's nipple she found a white substance leak down. She took a lick and found herself loving the taste as she started sucking on her nipple, trying to draw more of the white liquid out. Night was breathing hard and watching her, no one had tried this, and so far she was loving it. She felt more sucking as Abby desperately tried to draw more liquid out, and soon she succeeded as she felt the same liquid squirt into her mouth and followed by more as she sucked, and she knew what this liquid was now, milk.. Her left hand holding the breast still as the other massaged the other breast, squeezing and massaging it as much as possible. Once she had her fill she backed off the nipple, but still lapped it over for any remaining milk. Once she was sure there was none left she turned to the other breast and redone the same thing, sucking on the nipple drinking as much milk as she could.

Night watched, moaning hard from this new feeling of having someone drink milk from her breast, the new feeling only making her slit even wetter as she waited for that tongue to lick across it. She slipped her skirt and thong off as Abby was finishing up drinking from her first breast, her hand rested on her slit rubbing more and she drank from the other.

She drank the last drop she could and backed away, but her nose caught a scent and she looked down to see Night rubbing herself still, making her juices spread about onto the desk. The scent made her want to get closer to smell more, and to taste it, and she listened as she kneed down, her face close to Night's slit. She moved her hand away and took a big whiff. The dragonesses scent flooded her nose, driving her made with the temptation to dive her tongue deep into her, but she controlled herself as she licked over her slit, drawing a moan from her showing she was doing good for her first time. She kept slowly licking over her slit, her big tongue covering every inch of her slit as she licked.

"You're the " She panted hard, unable to speak "first dog that's licked me" broke off with another moan as she felt another lick followed by the roughness of her tongue rubbing across her clitoris. She arched her back as pleasure shot through her. What happened next sent her head straight up as she felt Abby's thick tongue pass her slit. Her tongue split Night's slit open, far more more then it has been and this surprised her as she moaned loud. She moaned even louder and she felt it dig more into her. Abby stopped moving and left Night to adjust. She sat there breathing hard as she looking down to see Abby's muzzle right at her slit. Abby looked up to see her nod and she moved her tongue deep within her. Night threw her head back as she placed a hand on top of her head. She moaned loud as she felt more and more of Abby's tongue move inside her. She was slightly pushing her head towards her, feeling her cold nose rub against her clitoris which added to the pleasure, but she held fast as she licked more and more, she even felt it lick faster and somehow further, but once she felt that tongue reach her G-Spot she lost it as she was flung over the edge, her vaginal muscles clamping down on her tongue, squeezing it as her juiced flooded down on it and around it towards her mouth. She happily lapped more through the tightness of the muscles, and drank as much of the juices as she could, with was nearly all before it was too much and she had to pull away, coughing as some of the juices covered her fur on her muzzle. She continued to ride her orgasm out as her juices washed onto the desk, soon flowling over the edge. Abby didn't have too long to focus before she felt herself orgasm again, she looked down to see she had been fucked by Night's tail the whole time. She came hard, her juices spraying out from around her tail as Abby fell back, riding out her orgasm as Night finally came down from her own. Soon the flowing juices stopped all together as the two females finally began to rest, their lower body covered in their juices as she moved.

"Am I hired?" Abby asked through pants.

"You sure are! You are my own personal assistant, meaning you get more money, and a lot more time with me." She replied back. Abby smiles as she rested back. "There's a shower in the other room, let's go get cleaned up." She got off her desk to see her desk was nearly flooded with her juices, and the floor was sticky and reeking of their juices. "I'll get the cleaning grew here while we go wash up." She said as she helped Abby up who wobbled at first.

"I never came so hard before. Actually, that was my first." She said as she steadied herself against Night.

"And they'll be a lot more to come." She smiles and so did Abby. Abby looked up and gave a quick kiss to her cheek before looking away with a blush. "This will be a beautiful beginning of your career."