Daddy's Little Holiday Party: Master

Story by DirtCoyote on SoFurry

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#10 of Daddy's Little Dropout

As the Holiday Party begins to pickup, Carl is mostly distracted by his top employee, Jafari. The giraffe is particularly chatty, but Master might be able to get him to focus on other things...

I know. I know. One week, right. Sorry everyone for taking so long. I got a little sidetracked, but were B A C K O N S C H E D U L E !!! Expect the rest of Holiday party to be posted, as well as a couple other stories. Thank you all for the patience.

Artwork done by the amazing FA:FLUFFYPUNK

I hope you all enjoy

Daddy's Little Holiday Party


By Dirt Coyote

With the pat of his hip, Carl called Pet over to his side. The fox's trained ears picked it up almost immediately, and he scampered over to him. The office party was going well, though he noticed his son getting a little adventurous with that jelly shot he was licking off of Andre's chest. They weren't strong, but too many might make it harder to perform his duties.

He half paid attention to what Jafari was saying, half focused on stroking Pet's headfur. He never thought he would like Billy, but running his fingers against the back of his head was calming. It was something he found himself doing all throughout the day, especially when Everett was out at school.

"Jafari, you think too much. I thought you'd be enjoying the break?" Carl asked with a chuckle.

Despite Carl being naked with only his collar around his throat and a harness around his chest, the giraffe at his side had treated things rather casual. He didn't mind talking with him, liked it most of the time, but seeing his son having all the fun made him a little antsy to go playing on his own. Carl watched Hugo and Daisy already slipping their claws down each other's pants, though they kept it mostly to themselves for now. The tip of the maned wolf's cock peeked up from his sheath.

"I can do a few things at once." As if to prove his point, he reached down and gave Pet his own scritches while turning his head towards the smaller maned wolf and the boar. Carl's ears flicked to the side and he could hear Andre panting hard. "I think you're letting all this play distract you, Carl," Jafari continued, pointing at his stiffening cock, but he smiled all the same.

Someone whistled and Pet's ears went up. He began a pant, and the fox trotted towards the other guests looking for some time with him. Carl gave a stroke along his spine just as he parted. "I'm not that distracted. If everything is working, then there's no need to fix it."

The conversation only paused a second as Slave sent Andre into an orgasm. Both men watched the boar huffing and panting, cum dribbling through his tighty-whities. Carl gave a nudge to the giraffe for him to enjoy the show, and even he seemed to like watching. It was crazy to think at some point they were all coworkers, but now they shared these high-octane sexual experiences together.

Then Jafari was back at it again. "But it is important to ask the questions, Carl. Is it a side-effect from your reworking of SeetherSoft's initial programming that has given Everett an insatiable need for being filled? I've not seen someone orgasm so many times simultaneously. And Billy? You described him as 'Hillfolk' prior, and now he just wants to be a feral dog all day. What about us? We've all been exposed to SeetherSoft to some level, and none of us seem to question this arrangement you've created. It's not so insane for us to pause and examine our situation."

Carl sighed, turning his head back to the giraffe. They'd gone over it a hundred times, and Jafari did bring up good points. He himself tested his own software before implementing it on others. Still, it was exhausting. "Jonah nor Thomas had been exposed to it, and they seem just fine with this setup," he responded plainly before looking over to his son.

The younger maned wolf had walked over to Samantha with the tray of shots, and he really wished he could have another. Especially if he was going to keep this conversation going. "Though I cannot speak for the character of Thomas, you yourself refered to Jonah as 'a nasty fucking pervert with the mind of a septic tank'. I think he would just go along with anything."

Carl did smirk at that, not too surprised that the giraffe could quote him down to the t. He was very attentive, one of many assets that made him his best employee. Of course, the maned wolf wasn't interested in that asset quite so close to the show that Everett just put on.

"We can talk about that-- one second," Carl said, excusing himself quickly as he watched his son pass one shot over to Samantha and grabbed another for himself. The two shared some whispered seductive words amongst themselves, and just before they could down the shots, Carl snatched his son's wrist.

Not wanting to be too forceful, he reached slowly and calmly to pull the glass from between Everett's fingers. "I think two is good for now," Master said in a domineering tone. Even Samantha was caught off guard, halting before downing her drink.

Everett whimpered but nodded, making no fight to take it back or grab another. Carl released his paw and straightened himself out. Trying to ease the tension, he reached up and ruffled his son's mane before patting him on the back. The younger maned wolf calmed the scene as well, setting the tray down and glancing back towards the cow. He flicked his ears over to Carl's own desk, and he had no doubt what the two had planned.

"Careful not to knock anything over," Carl reminded them, but his voice was playful. Though he'd much rather his office be clean, the thought of coming in after the break to the scent of his son's and Samantha's sex all over the desk did excite him.

"Where were we?" Carl asked half heartedly, handing over a jello shot he grabbed for Jafari. His eyes lingered on Everett leading Samantha by the paw.

He took the shot, slurping the entire thing into his muzzle with his long camelopardalis tongue and then waved the glass at Carl to get his full attention. "This is exactly what I am talking about. Is he reverting and will need constant reinforcement, or are you just being a helicopter parent. We will be using this virtualwear on a vast variety of clients, but don't fully understand the long-term effects or what might be just normal behavior that we overanalyze."

Carl flung his head back flippantly, finishing his own jello shot before waving his paws. "Jafari, don't you think you're overanalyzing this. I've already made up my mind you'll be my CTO. Am I gonna run...into...," he slowed his words as he realized the giraffe's quirky smile. "Aw, shit."

Jafari chuckled and shook his head, "The Great Carl Flacks getting a little too loose lipped when he's had too much fun at a party?"

Carl's muzzle twisted in a dangerous grin. "I can change my mind at any point," he started, but it didn't shake the giraffe the slightest bit. "Yeah yeah, I was gonna announce it formally after the break, but I'm pretty much decided."

Jafari dipped his muzzle in gratitude, then nodded over to the bar. "I think if congratulations are in order, we should have more to cheer over rather than gelatin shots."

Before Carl could agree, the giraffe snuck a finger into the metal loop of his collar and pulled at him. A murmur escaped out of his muzzle, enjoying the feeling of being led around. When it was crunch time, he would be captain of the ship, leading his crew with iron fist and oakwood sureness. Now, during a holiday party where he was in nothing but his gear, he didn't mind so much when someone else took charge.

Everyone noticed the way he was being controlled, though they only continued their conversations amongst each other. More of Carl's tip extended out of his sheath, the attention too much to keep him soft. Anyone that still had clothes on slowly began to strip them, sans Hayden locked in his video game. They stopped at the bar, Jafari letting him go to reach underneath. He pulled out two beers and clicked off the lids with his hooved fingertips.

"To success," Jafari said, passing one to Carl.

Carl clinked the neck against the giraffe's. "You can say that again."

They took a small swig of their drinks, something else on both of their minds distracting them. Carl pondered it and slowly started, "Hope the misses doesn't mind you having some fun on the side."

Jafari's brow furrowed, his snout turning up in a smile. "Oh, trust me, she gets enough of myself as it is. There's more than enough giraffe to go around for plenty," he chuckled.

Both of their ears turned up, and their muzzles moved to the sound of Samantha. She was moaning loud enough to breach through the glass exterior of his office. Carl watched as Everett entered her while she sat ass naked on his desk. His son's thong was down to his knees, bouncing around as he gave quick thrusts into her.

"Well, it seems like your toys are all occupied," Jafari said, pointing over to Pet sandwiched between Hugo and Daisy. Each took an end while crossing over him in a kiss. Some of the other workers were getting frisky with themselves as well, their open office more open than most.

Turning slyly back to him, Carl said, "I think of one toy you can still play with."

That was all he needed before he leaned into the shorter maned wolf. Jafari pulled Carl into a kiss, forced his maw up by pulling his mane back. It was all agreed that not only Everett and Pet were up for grabs, but so was Carl himself. Master himself. And he was aching to be part of the fun.

His maw parted for Jafari's tongue to worm its way inside of him. It filled his muzzle, his own long lupine tongue not even half of what the giraffe's was. It wiggle into his maw, filling it in thickness and depth. Master reached his arms up to pull him in.

As his muzzle went down, his tongue went further in him. His own swirled around it, taking in the taste of the giraffe. He loved it, everything about it, as it sought to explore him further. Ever since he saw it plunge into Everett, he'd been wanting to take his own dive.

As it slithered deeper, he felt it tickle the back of his throat. Master took in a breath from his nostrils before it worked its way inside. The slender tip ran circles inside his esophagus and then the thicker sides of it closed off his throat. There was a sureness he had knowing that it was bulging his neck.

They kept it going for only a half minute, the maned wolf head swimming as the tongue reeled back. It dragged against his own, sending shivers up his spine. By the time Jafari had pulled all the way out, Master was a squirming mess. Long pants huffed out of his muzzle and his legs shifted underneath him.

"Up," Jafari ordered him.

Master was unsure what he meant and stood still trying to think. The giraffe wasn't patient, and grabbed the maned wolf's hips. With a grunt and a strain, Jafari bent his legs and lifted him onto the bar. In his submissive state, he let out a quick embarrassingly high pitched bark. His ass was planted on the bar, dangerously close to the drinks they sat down.

Jafari snatched the drinks off the counter and then pointed with a hooved finger. "Get on all fours," he said in a tone that could've rivaled Carl's deepest.

He was quick to obey, sliding around the marble smooth countertop. It felt like he was a feral on a veterinarian table, but he crawled over it all the same. Being on top felt exposing, in clear view for everyone to see. Master just wore it with pride as he flicked his tail upward to show off.

Jafari pulled around to his front, holding the beer towards his muzzle. Instead of letting him reach out for it on his own, the giraffe brought it to Master's lips and tipped the drink backwards. He maneuvered his head underneath, catching the neck with his tongue and letting the contents pour into his maw.

"Good," Jafari said as he watched him drink, doing the same with his own.

Both of them were pretty loose by now, and he knew he still had the full night ahead of him. When it was empty, he brought his muzzle to the side to gasp for breath. The beer sloshed around his insides. Master knew it would have to be his last for a minute.

The drinks settled with a clank at the other end. Jafari had a similar dumb smile on his muzzle when he turned to Master. "You look as ready as ever," he said as he strode towards his backside, hooved fingers sliding against his mane and back.

Master leaned into it, cooing all the while. The paw settled at the base of his tail, flagging it up. The maned wolf kept his attention forward, though his heart was pounding in his chest. If he had thought ahead, he would have asked Slave or Pet to have recorded this for him. He would have given anything to watch his own shaking body quiver as he felt a hot snort against his exposed tailhole.

"Ahh," Master croaked out just as the warm tongue touched his sensitive skin. He shifted in his stance, but Jafari just held him with another paw on his hip. It kept him still while the tongue pierced him, getting an inch in with its pointed tip.

Despite trying to keep himself steady, Master couldn't help but let out a long purr as it fought to spread him. His head craned back and he moaned out into the office, not minding who would hear The Great Flacks reduced to whimpers.

Jafari wasn't silent himself. With his tongue in his ass and his lips near his hole, he moaned out between the maned wolf's cheeks. His paw only left a second, the jitter jangle of the giraffe's belt and pants getting pulled to the ground, before it was back against him. When he reached back up, he spread his ass further just to stuff more of his tongue in.

"Oh, fuck," Master cried. His dick bobbled underneath him, fully erect and dribbling onto the counter. He'd never been so hard and needy in his whole life, but now with six or seven inches of giraffe tongue in his rectum, he was on a whole 'nother level.

Over his own cries, he could hear Samantha moaning herself. Booms shook out into the office, and he turned his head to see Everett going to town on her in quick fast thrusts. His lips were wrapped tightly around her tits, suckling at her nipples with milk running down his lips. Carl was quite impressed by his performance.

Hugo and Daisy were keeping it down, though he could hear their pants. As well, Pet beneath them licked hungrily while slaps of the cacomistle's balls hinted how close their group was getting. Andre was getting himself ready or a second load in his undies, stroking himself through the fabric. Even Hayden, though mostly still huddling into his video game, had been groping himself underneath the desk every now and then.

Jafari focused his attention back by grabbing his wrist. Master hadn't realized it, but he was only holding himself up with one paw. The other had snaked its way down to his cock and was beating himself. He whined as he was forced to stop, but didn't fight.

With a moan of pleasure, he felt the tongue inside of him reel back slowly. It dragged at his insides, pulling at him. Just how far was this giraffe inside of him? Beads of pre dripped out onto the counter with every turn of the wet muscle swirling against the walls of his guts. He felt its pointed tip run up against his prostate before safely exiting his hole.

"Nuh uh, Carl," Jafari started, only pausing to wipe his chin. "I get taken care of before any pet does."

A bark of a laugh jumped from Master's chest, knowing full well that was a rule he'd told him and only meant for Everett and Pet. Still, he was filling the role and had to do what he was told. He let go of his own cock and got back on all fours, eagerly waiting.

Jafari stood up tall, the sound of his pants and underwear being kicked out underneath him before he walked to Master's muzzle. He was tall enough so that his stomach was facelevel to the maned wolf on the counter. His cock was stiff upright, close to his nose if he leaned in. Jafari helped him the rest of the way down.

He grabbed hold of his collar, pulling it so that Master's muzzle was flat against the countertop. His other paw wrapped around his cock, stroking himself slowly. With some growl in his words, one that he'd never suspected his subordinate could make, he said, "I'm going to make you wear it."

Master's muzzle curved into a smile he couldn't keep back. He wanted to hold it back, much rather preferred to look submissive and needy. He just couldn't and looked dumb with his muzzle pressed against the counter. His eyes looked up to Jafari to give him a wink and then down to stare at his length.

The giraffe gripped himself hard, needing both paws to wrap around his foot long shaft. Jafari was the only one in the office that could size up Master and he did it easily. It's massive crown flared just inches above his muzzle, pre pouring out like piss. Blotches splattered against his fur, leaving him sticky enough as is.

Between pants, the giraffe groaned out, "Who's a good bitch? Open up."

Master didn't respond other than doing as he was told. He opened his maw wide, but kept his eyes open. If he was gonna get covered, he wanted to watch the show.

And then the giraffe harrumphed. A few snorts from his nostrils and a wave of pre gushy out before the first wave shot out like a fire hydrant. Cum roped out of his cock in a long fast shooting spray that went clear over Master's open maw and stickied his mane in a splat. The next shot was even harder than the last, washing over his back until the giraffe guided his cock downward.

The remaining ropes caked over Master's muzzle and brow, thick strings climbing dangerously to his eyes. He closed them, but felt wave after wave gush out into his maw. His tongue was coated in a hefty layer of giraffe spunk. Threads hung off his fangs and lips by the time he was finished.

When he opened his eyes again, they crossed to see the damage left on his snout. His vision blurred as a drop rolled down his brow and landed just below his eyelid. Jafari helped, wiping a sticky hooved finger over Master. It smeared the cum into his fur, keeping true that he was gonna be wearing it.

"Been saving that one for almost a week," Jafari laughed.

Master didn't say anything. His tongue just curled in, taking the load into his throat. The salty cum was welcoming and he closed his mouth just to take it all in. His tongue raked over his lips, catching everything else before it would drip onto the counter. Oh, he was surely going to drink that up as well.

Before he could though, he felt a paw wrap around his cock and tug him up and down. Jafari was still in front of him, so he turned his head back to see who was playing with him. To his surprise, it was Everett handling his junk. His son was covered in a layer of sweat, smelling hot of sex. In his free paw, he had grabbed a bottle of water and was chugging it down.

Another paw had come up to his side, stroking down his back. He turned to see Samantha, waving for Everett to get her a bottle as well. Daisy and Hugo came along to rest their elbows on the counter and watch. Pet was led by his leash and waited patiently as the two stroked his headfur.

Everett passed over the bottle to Samantha while still beating his cock. Reaching underneath the bar, he pulled out a handful of shot glasses and clanked them down underneath Master. Then he added another handful, making sure there was enough for everyone. Master sure hoped he'd saved enough.

With the glasses in place, his son began to quicken his pace. Master was left huffy and panting with his muzzle still on the countertop. Having been pent up all night, he whined and whimpered for release. His hips bucked furiously into the paws grasping him, making sure his knot was squeezed tightly between his palms.

The attention, the paws stroking him, Hugo and Daisy calling him a good boy, Jafari's cum still soaked into his fur and on his breath, his son squeezing his bulb just the way he liked it took him all past the point of no return. He gritted his teeth, let out a howl of a roarbark right from his chest, and felt the first powerful shot of cum blast straight from his cock tip and into the glass. They clattered with how intense it was.

Everett kept his cock gripped tight, angling it up and down as he showered the shot glasses. His son milked him for all that he was worth, guiding his dick where he wanted it. His shaft was thrumming and so was his chest and head. Each rope filling more and more into them as well as making a mess on the counter top.

After a full minute, he was spent. His cock couldn't take anymore, though his son squeezed his knot and nutsack to see if he could dribble anymore out. Just as he felt the potential overstimulation, Everett released him to let his inflated cock dangle into the air freely. Master was panting up a storm by the time he could let his afterglow wash over him.

They let him lay on the counter a little bit longer while Everett passed around the cum shots to the group. When he was helped down, he was handed his own. They all raised a glass together, some clanking theirs against one another before downing the glasses. Carl drank in his own cum, admiring the warm sticky taste even with the giraffe still on his breath.

Andre ambled along a second later, peering over the counter top before throwing up his arms, "Where's mine?"

Carl chuckled and patted the boar on his shoulder. "We've still got a full night ahead of us. I'm sure I can make your glass next time."

They laughed, then proceeded on with the party, now all completely nude. Jafari came around Carl's side, a little abashed. "I'm sorry if I was a little rough," he whispered.

Carl just shrugged, stroking Pet's head by his side. "You're good. It was fun."

Right then, the elevator chimed and Pet turned to face the door. He was panting excitedly while Carl pet him, but it turned to a whimper before a low growl hummed in his throat. The maned wolf turned to face the doors opening, knowing full well who his pet was alerting him to. Everyone in the room went quiet.

"Well well, the Great Carl Flacks looks just as good naked as he does his tank tops," Jonah said, clapping for himself as he made his entrance.

"Carl?" Jafari said in a warning, but he was already walking towards him. Pet followed along at his side like the little guard dog he was.

"Jonah. Pleased to have you as a guest," he said loud enough to answer the question on everyone's mind.

At that, Thomas stepped out from behind. The hulking fox had a serious expression on his muzzle. In his paws were two things: metal detector and a duffle bag. Carl raised his eyebrow at that second one.

"You got his phone?" he asked Thomas.

He nodded and pointed the metal detector towards the floor, "Phone, keys, wallet, everything is down in a leadbox in my booth. There's nothing in his pockets."

With that, the fox gave a slight push against the raccoon's back so that he was standing in the room. Jonah knew what was coming next, lifting his arms and spreading his legs for the security guard to run the metal detector all over his body. "You're quite welcoming," Jonah said in a huff.

"Don't spend two decades being notoriously evil, and then we'll loosen up security," Carl chuckled, but then his expression soured looking at the bag. "What's that?"

Thomas was first to answer, "He said it's for the party. Was persistent that it come up with him."

Carl quickened his pace and the fox tossed the bag forward on the ground. Pet was quick to approach it, sniffing at it curiously. "Careful with that," Jonah muttered, looking down at it. "It's my own personal collection."

The maned wolf got to his pets side, stroking his headfur to settle him down. He unzipped the bag, opened it up, peered inside for a few seconds before his muzzle went up sharply. "Oh. Fuck. No," he said as he closed it back up. "This is a party. Not your own personal raunchfest. Take it all back down with you," Carl said, looking over to Thomas.

The fox nodded, but Jonah squirmed and buttered out, "Wait. Can I at least put on my gear?"

Carl looked sternly over the raccoon, the other tall man just slightly shorter than himself. It was on his mind to send him home entirely, but he did invite him after Jonah begged to come along. It was his own fault that he mentioned his holiday party plans so carelessly around him. With a sigh, he nodded and turned towards the break room. "You change in there. None of the weird shit," he added quickly.

Thomas led him towards the other room, knowing well enough never to let him out of sight even for a second. The other fox followed along, not wanting to leave Jonah alone with him either. Tension started to ease and he heard people continue their conversations. Undoubtedly, they were talking about Jonah and Carl's decision, but he warded them off. Though, he did feel the absence of Pet not being by his side. Everett was quick to replace him.

"You're sure this is a good idea?" his son asked, but it was out of concern rather than anger.

He reached a paw up to stroke his son's chin and gave him a soft pat on the cheek. "It'll be fine. Just, if he asks to do any of the freaky stuff, tell him no." Carl finished it with a chuckle as he pointed towards the room. His workers were getting back at it, a gazelle moaning out while Samantha fingered her next to the bar. "I figure the janitorial staff will have more than enough to clean as it is."

They watched for a second, Everett noticing Andre rubbing himself again through his already stained tighty whities. Before he could make a move though, they heard from behind, "Well well, if it isn't daddy's little dropout."

They turned to see Jonah walking into the room. The raccoon was out of his suit now, electing to get more comfortable. His nine inch cock bobbed limply as he walked, already getting eager for attention. He had a leather harness similar to Carl's and over his head was a leather hat. On his feet were two thick black work boots that rode up halfway to his knees. A wicked smile hung on his muzzle.