Sammy’s Encounter - Experimental Flash Fiction - m/fff

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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For me, flash fiction is the perfect place and way to try out some new ideas, see how they roll and float. And sometimes they go places I hadn't planned. That's half the fun though. And this wasn't exactly how I thought this might go. But boy was it fun to write. If you want to see more including early releases of my work, check out my Patreon. Patreons also get increasing control of the content I produce.

Maybe this had been a bad idea, Sammy Khan reflected as he inched his past the rusted pipe whose deteriorating condition must have been responsible for its collapse. A pipe that served as the last obstacle he'd worked his way around in the last twenty minutes, as his stained jumpsuit could attest to; the dark grey fabric alreasy smeared with grime, rust, oil and who knew what else. Not that he was regretting the decision to explore the derelict facility he and his shipmates had happened across quite by chance, one that seemed to be a storage facility of some kind, tge air filled with the tart smell of lubricants, tar and other industrial liquids thaf wafted up from below the catwalk he was transversing. That was the job he had signed up for, and the duty he had accepted willingly as per his captains orders. No, his doubts came from wondering it if had truly been wise to separate from Savannah.

True she was no longer the Greenhorn she had been a few weeks previously, having undergone many a trial by fire...among other things as well. Yet she was still the newest Enlisted aboard the Sunskimmer. While quiet and unassuming on the surface, almost to the point of shyness, the delicately cute brunette had proved herself both fearless and composed in the execution of her missions. Barely 5' tall with her hair cut short in delicate bangs that perfectly matched the ships regulations, her loose jumpsuit hid a body that while not muscular held a slender strength of its own. Something Sammy had seen with his own eyes after her first mission had ended in an ignominious success. Yes they had managed to keep the prize they sought away from others who coveted it just as deeply as them, if only by hiding in a dank and clammy culvert until they had passed by. A culvert that had to thier horror filled with a cold and clingy muddy torrent that washed them away only to dump them in a stinking slimy swamp that warranted an immediate shower the moment they returned. Living on a ship of mostly women and with limited births meant that segregated communal areas were a luxury they couldn't afford, all of Sammy's shyness around his crew pretty much burned away within a week as they shared billet, canteen and showers alike. Not that Sammy was ashamed of his body, his youthful frame while not macho was toned and powerful, sporting a trim midriff and suitably muscled arms and legs. Even if he hadn't been in hurry to wash the odorous muck from his body, he would have thought nothing of showering at the same time with Savannah, even if he had enjoyed the view, the heavy steam hiding just how much he enjoyed it.

Like Savannah, Sammy didn't look the seasoned Prospector; his sandy blonde hair and youthful face more akin to the son of a wealthy businesswoman or Senatoress. In a universe still more than a little female dominated, it was rare to find a male away from the safe and gilded life of the galactic centre. That wasn't the life he had wanted for himself. No, he wanted one with actual responsibility. And he had earned it, picking up a lot of experience and instincts along the way.

It was one of those instincts that brought him up short right then and there. Almost unconsciously as he had moved through this facility, he had been making a mental map of the sounds around him. And had just heard something that didn't sound right. Something he could have sworn was a footstep. Just one, soft and subtle. Almost surreptitious. Had he been partnered with Emily, he could have put that down to her trying to prank him. Even had she been on the Sunskimmer he wouldn't have put it pas5 her to sneak away to do just that. But she was half a planet away, having taken a boost-bike to check out some radio traffic.

Suddenly alert, Sammy raised his eyes upwards, scanning the mass of gantries and walkways overhead for any sign of movement as he took one careful step forward, then another. In hindsight, stopping or retreating might have been the better plan. Instead he pressed on, his upraised gaze giving him no warning to what lay ahead. Or more accurately below. The first he knew of the danger was when he felt the floor beneath him shift. And by that point it was too late, his weight fully on the weakened and twisted gantry below him. With the harsh sound of rending metal, the whole section tore free, plunging Sammy headlong into the darkness below. His scream of shock was cut off as with a loud, wet splat the youthful blonde sank beneath the surface of something thick, black and slippery, the only thing seen of him being ripples on the surface before he re-emerged with a gasp. Not that any of his shipmates would have recognised him, given that he was little more than a black blob of the same gunk that filled this huge vat.

Trying not to think about the looks he would get when he returned, Sammy struck out for what he hoped was the edge of the vat, his hands bumping into it before he saw it. Eager to pull himself up, Sammy grabbed the edge and pulled, only for his slick hands to slip from the equally slick lip. Once again Sammy plunged beneath the surface and rose, his eyes covered in the cloying black muck. It was that blindness that made him grasp instinctively the hand he felt brush his, another strong grip joining it as he was pulled from the gunk to be dumped on the catwalk on the other side.

'Thanks Savannah. I could have been stuck in there.'

'Oh, you are welcome.' Sammy's blood ran cold as he heard that voice, a voice utterly unlike Savannah's that told him he was in very deep trouble indeed. 'So, you have a friend around here, hmmm? I guess we will have to find her too. You though, you are coming with us.'

That was something Sammy had no real choice about, his erstwhile rescuer having dragged him to his feet before he could react, spun him around and with arms tugged unceremoniously behind his back slipped a set of binders around his wrists that fastened with a sharp click. Now secured and with his eyes wiped clean, he was able to get a look at his captors. Well...the three in front of him anyway, the one who had cuffed him staying behind him and encouraging him along with a hand on the small of his back. While different in species, height, skin tone and hair colour, all three were identically dressed in the uniform of The Shade Phoenix Inquisition; that being an outfit akin to single piece wetsuit worn underneath a tight fitting jacket of well worn leather and knee high boots even more tight fitting than the jackets, his eyes picking out the logo on a dark Phoenix stitched into the back of the jackets with a thread that shimmered purple in the low light. No words were spoken as the young man was frog marched along by the vermillion furred vixen flanked by the three grey furred wolves for almost 15 minutes that culminated with him being escorted into their ship. Unlike the Sunskimmer with her scratched and dented hull and walkways of metal browned with age and wear alike, this was all smooth black metal polished to almost a mirror. Sammy had no time to be impressed, awed or intimidated as he was quickly dragged into a small sealed room, unceremoniously stripped of his ruined and clammy clothing before being pushed into and cuffed to the back wall of an even smaller cubical made of two walls that jutted out at 90 degrees on either side of him to stand butt naked and stuff cuffed while one of his captors sprayed him down with a jet of thankfully warm water until he was dripping wet and spotlessly clean. Well...for a little bit.

'Enough.' Apparently this satisfied the vixen who had captured him and who was seemingly the officer or leader nodded to her subordinate who shut off the hose she had been spraying him with, handed it to her superior before retreating to wait by the door. Now Sammy coukd get a proper look at her, her uniform embellished by silver stars on her belt and delicate chains hanging from the lapel of her jacket. At least for a few seconds. With a tap on one of those stars, her jacket, boots and wetsuit seemed to dissolve away to reveal a single piece swimsuit in jet black with a single silver star on her right hip. Sammy felt his cheeks blaze and his body suddenly become stiff in more ways than as he looked over the way the tight fabric cupped her full breasts, taut stomach and curvy hips so very tightly.

' you want from me?' Sammy managed to ask with more bravado than he really felt.

'Oh...nothing. Yet.' His captor smiled softly as her tail swished lazily. 'For now, I'm just going to have my fun. Good clean fun, you might say. Only it's not going to be clean.'

'Wait...what?' Sammy burst out as she twisted the nozzle on the hose which erupted in a burst of its own with a stream of thick blue gunk that she took great delight in spraying all over his naked and squirming body, playing the warm, slippery goo over his chest and back down his legs even as he struggled to avoid it, gushes and gushes slapping against and slipping over his crotch that both hid and intensified his erection.

'Nono.' His captor tutted as she switched off the hose with a shake of her head. 'Can't have you enjoying it that much. This should help you out with that.'

Confused, shamed and buzzing from his edged arousal Sammy had no idea what she meant by that until she approached with a small vial of some black liquid in hand that she opened and held under his gunk coated penis. Almost like it was alive the liquid surged up the vial to stick to his shaft before sliding down and spreading out into a soft yet snug rubber ring around his balls, holding him firmly yet not painfully.

'Now, we can continue.' She smirked. 'Can't have your excitement spoil a whiter than white virgin such as yourself. And speaking of white.'

'No...wait.' Sammy pleaded with fresh shame as the hose erupted in a gush of thick pure white slime that mixed and contrasted perfectly with the blue. How she knew he was a virgin she had no idea. Yet the humbling truth she seemed to have realised was that while he crushed on, fantasied about and lusted after his shipmates, he had never felt brave enough to make a move on despite having seen all of them in various compromisingly enticing situations not unlike the one he found himself in now.

'Don't get too excited.' His captor teased as she turned off the hose again. 'You'll want to save some for this.'

Sammy gasped as the 90 degree angled wall beside him became suddenly transparent to reveal an image of Savanah. Except it wasn't an image, Sammy now sure he was looking through a two way mirror into a cubilcle identical to his which now contained his equally captured shipmate. Whatever she had gone through, and she had gone through something given the streaks of green slime still matting her hair and glistening in a thin film on her body, Savannah had at least been spared the utter humiliation he faced, the cute brunette offered the somewhat modesty preservation of the black boy-shorts that weren't ship issue.

Unbidden like the blush in his cheeks rose a thought Sammy couldn't deny or resist. Savannah had always looked cute to his eyes and libido alike, yet this was a different sort of cute. One plugged directly into his fertile teenage brain. He couldn't pull his eyes away from the sight of Savannah as she stood topless, bound and helpless by some other force than just the cuffs around her wrists. Instead of struggling, resisting or showing any sign of dread she simply seemed relaxed and blissed out; leaning back tenderly against one of her three lupin captors who as Sammy watched gently cupped her small yet round breasts with delicate hands, softly rubbing the thin slime over her nipples to obvious enjoyment on the part of both ladies.

And to Sammy of course, as much as he didn't want to admit. All denials aside, he couldn't pretend he didn't enjoy what he saw next. Even with the sound muffling glass between them, Savannah's sudden squeal of delight was obvious as she was caught by a splash of blue Gunge. Doubtless beyond his site line someone had opened up a hose just like the one he had been sprayed with, with seeming disregard for the girl still pressed to her back. To be fair she didn't seem be that bothered either, almost embracing the Gunge as she hugged closer to Savannah, her hands moved to both encircle her waist and leave her breasts uncovered in the face of the gunk. While Savannah did get the worst of the spray, the bikini clad girl behind her wasn't exactly clean either, her closeness having done nothing to stop her nearly nude body from a good coating of its own.

Even if that closeness had offered some protection, there would have been none from the double wash of bright almost electric blue Gunge sprayed from not one but two hoses sprayed and played over both girls from the side until they were both one glistening blue blob.

'Well...that's enough for now. For you.' Sammy's captor said as the image of Savannah vanished, knowing full well the fun was continuing unseen, her subordinates would enjoy playing with their new you for a good while yet. 'We need to get you cleaned up. Otherwise what comes next will be no fun.'

Sammy awoke slowly, almost as if drifting from a pleasant slumber he couldn't remember falling into. For a few seconds the events of the past hour seemed like a dream he was glad to awake from. Then his eyes snapped open and the dream was proved to be very real indeed.

While he had been asleep, although unconscious might now be a better word, he had been cleaned up, dried and moved from the shower cubicle. Although he had no memory of those things. Nor did he remember being moved to this even more intimidating room that no doubt surrounded him. Not that he could see it, since all that really surrounded him as far as he could process was darkness and silence. While this clesrly wasn't the same room, Sammy had no real reason to assume he was even on the same ship. Or planet. Or even on a planet at all. While his mind was doing its best to convince him not much time had passed, that really was a moot point. With the advances in FTL Travel coming from the Central Clusters these days, even an hour could have seen him carried halfway across the galaxy. Which he wasn't of course, he simply had no way of knowing that or the logistical hiatus his captors found themselves in.

Something he couldn't help notice was that he was strapped to a bench of reclined back almost 45 degrees. While the surface he lay upon was comfortable enough, the sturdy metal frame that both surrounded it and held the bands that ran over the wrists and ankles of his spread limbs to secure him tight spoke to the fact that his comfort wasn't its primary purpose. Doubtless the reverse was true, something that made his still nude state all the more worrying. More worrying still was the silent menace of the clamshell like shape of solid metal that rested before him atop a metal arm that was all gears, pistons, wires and tubes; the latter he reasoned weren't likely to carry hydraulic fluid.

'Ah. You are awake. Good.' The same vixen officer from his earlier torment strode out of the darkness to stop right at the edge of the pool of light that surrounded him, allowing it to illuminate the evilly seductive smile that only grew as Sammy blushed and squirmed in his bonds, his shaft hardening almost unbidden. It was at this moment that Sammy noticed the strange black ring of solidified goo was still locked around his sack and pulling them away from his body. 'I hope you find your new surroundings not too uncomfortable. We couldn't take any risks with you packing such an...impressive weapon.'

Sammy blushed as her eyes fell upon his manhood, his captor taking perfect advantage of the silence he left hanging to fill it herself. 'Especially with my crew of sweet, innocent young maidens in my charge. Who knows how you might...interfere with them given your...enraged state.'

Then's not doing you much good now.' She teased as she sauntered completely into the light that surrounded him. 'All turned on and no where to go. That's okay. You are right where I want you. You really must have enjoyed what my ladies did to you...or was it what they did to your friend? Hmmm? Was that really what you enjoyed? I think it was. How many times have you fantasised about just such things happening to her? Hmmm? I'm sure a naughty mind such as yours could conjour so many lewd thoughts as you lust after and crush on her. Sooo....maybe it's her that I'm actually protecting now. Maybe it's better we put that sword in its...sheath.'

'No...wait...what's that?' Sammy blurted out as the clamshell before him cracked open with a hiss, the two half's parting on a hinge at the base to reveal an inner as black as the exterior. Yet made of a very different material.

'This?' His captor patted the outside of the shell. 'Just one of our little toys. It's deliciously soft inside. And wickedly hard to open from the outside. I'm almost tempted to put you inside it, untie your hands and watch you try to free yourself. Almost. But no. I like you right where you are. Well. Almost where you are.'

'No. No, no, no.' Sammy squirmed desperately as the clamshell pod moved right towards his member, the two halves slipping over and under him until they were in the perfect position to close. Which they did with a second soft hiss as he length was slowly compressed in the yielding yet constrictive spongy inner, the tip of the clamshell inches from his base.

'Oh yes.' She smiled coyly. 'It has you now. Which means you are at its mercy. it comes. Get ready.'

'Here what co...ohhhh....nooo.' Sammy moaned as the spongy lining swelled to push something cool, wet and slippery over his trapped shaft, only the tightness of the seal keeping whatever it was from leaking out. 'No..not more.'

'So much more. If you didn't work out we had so much gunge at our disposal before, well you know now. I'll let you in on a little secret. That gunge has been pumped straight from the room where your little messy sweetheart is still being enjoyed by my girls. Given how much they love to gunge a cutie like her, she might be standing waist deep in it by now. Or even deeper.'d have liked to see that.'

Yes. Sammy was lucky the only thing that spilled from his mouth was a soft moan instead of that word that filled his mind, the sudden release of the clamshell and his pink and yellow gunge coated shaft guiding that response.

'I bet you'd like some more.'

Sammy didn't have the words to respond to that, his mind still reeling from the intensity of what he had just felt. And certainly didn't have the words to argue against it, his almost stunned silence as good as an acknowledgement to his captor. Not that she would have done any different even if he had said no. Except perhaps place him back in the device much more quickly.

Instead she drew out that moment with slow measured adjustments of the dial built into the back of her glove, her finger gliding over the smooth surface almost lazily as the way the device slowly closed around him, inching closer and closer to being sealed tight around him in a way that let Sammy see and feel everything. See the way the servos and motors whirred and spun with smooth ease, the intricate mechanism pulling the two jet black halves nearer and nearer. Felt the first touch of the still Gunge slicked foam liner as it met and yielded to his length, surrounding him on both sides from tip to base until he was well and truly sandwiched inside the solid casing. Sammy could hardly tell where the pulsing of his shaft began and the compressing of the foam around him ended, the wash of tightness bringing a sharp stiffness to his whole body which strained and writhed under the constraining pressure.

Then Sammy felt a pressure not from within his shaft but without, the foamy lining pressed more tightly around him. Wide eyes now fixed on the gloved device, he could only stare as her finger rolled over the smooth glass bead in-between the dial, the soft clockwise rotation opening up the tubes that fed to the inners of the device.

There was no slow release here, that rapid circle flooding more Gunge through the sponges and around his member, pushing out more and more until he was sure the seams would burst with whatever goo surrounded him. Sammy had no way to know the device wouldn't allow that, a release valve at the base allowing any over spill to be drained to use again. All he could feel was litre upon litre of Gunge being pumped around his twitching shaft that strained against its confinement as he did his bonds.

Had Sammy been free to enjoy his orgasm, the young man would no doubt be relaxed back on the bench as he gave into the sweet release he craved. Something that the ring around his base made utterly impossible, leaving him to writhe, struggle and tug at his bonds as his hips thrust almost uncontrollably against the black device that held him. Even if it didn't hold him for long.

'Hmmm...look at you getting all worked up.' She chuckled as she ran a finger teasingly over his slick and slippery head, a touch that won an unwilling gasp from her equally unwilling captive. 'I think I have something to get you more hot and bothered though.'

Sammy couldn't see how that was possible and kept believing that right until the moment the lights came up around him. Had they flared instantly to life, risen to full brightness in one harsh second, the equally hard flash would have left him blinded and blinking. As it was they rose slowly, allowing him to watch unhampered as via a rail fixed to the wall opposite him a study metal chair was lowered from the room above. A chair that Savannah sat, now mostly clean and utterly naked, bound to it by heavy straps that held her arms to the arm rests beneath them. Only her raised and closed legs preserved what little modesty she had left. Obviously her tormentors had grown weary of playing with her. Or had given her up to enjoy what new torment awaited. Given how her hair still dripped with freshly tousled moisture it was clear she had been washed before being sent down here. Something that almost seemed pointless given the chair she sat upon was being lowered towards a raised vat filled with vibrant green goo. None of which Savannah could see due to the leather blindfold sat snug around her eyes.

Blindfolded or not, Sammy couldn't miss the way she squirmed with obvious nervousness, her head twisting one way or the other in an attempt to work out where she was. Nervousness that was well founded as after a brief pause her chair descended again in time with a soft squeak from Savannah. Which was nothing to the much more urgent one she released as her bare feet first touched the Gunge.

His shaft mirroring the strain in her legs as she tried to lift them up, Savannah was helpless as her body slipped inch by inch into and under the green sludge, lowered in right up to her neck before being pulled out just as slowly.

Just as she was removed from her messy constraint, Sammy was pushed firmly back into his without as much preamble. This time there was no waiting, the shell like device pushed shut with a sharp whirr of machinery that mirrored his sharp gasp. Just as quickly the confined chamber flooded with fresh Gunge, the sponges pulsing with each litre they pumped and squeezed around him. And it was here Sammy was held, locked firm and tight in his slimy Gungy prison as Savannah was once again dipped into hers.

Almost as if his captor was worried about pushing him too far, something impossible to do with the ring still snug around his base, Savannah was dipped slowly into the waiting gunk, no doubt feeling everything as the Gunge oozed higher and higher up her body.

Her earlier worries having faded, Savannah was clearly enjoying her treatment. Which made the rational side of Sammy's mind wonder exactly what had happened to her before hand given how she was usually so shy either about being gunged or naked. And here she was being subjected to both.

Why did he have to think that, he cursed to himself; his shaft twitching with a fresh spike of denied pleasure. He had thought it though, and it only served to make him more hopelessly aroused.

'Just imagine how that feels.' His captor whispered with honeyed sweetness. 'To be dipped so slowly into that warm, thick Gunge. And it is warm. I'm not a cruel woman.'

Not cruel. Right. Sammy couldn't help wondering what she would call what she was doing to him. Wisely perhaps he kept his mouth shut. Even if that allowed her to continue her teasing.

'Actually...why don't I show you too. I'm sure you'd enjoy that.'

'Ohhhh my.' Sammy gasped as the chamber around his shaft was suddenly filled with soft, stimulating warmth from what was doubtless the same green gunk pooling around him as the sponges worked overdrive.

'Now you see how this device works.' His captor leaned in to caress his cheek softly. 'It's connected directly to the many, many tanks our ship carries. And I can switch from one Gunge to another just with a flick of a my finger. And other things as well. Right now you are feeling the sponge setting on this device. However...if I do this...I can switch it to its brusher setting, to surround your shaft with so many soft little brushes.

Sammy had no way to see the sudden change to the inner linings of the device but dear me yes could he feel it. Where once his length was surrounded by firm pressure of the slippery sponges, it was now lightly brushed by the very edges of two lines of the same brushes you might find on an old earth shoe polishing machine, only much much softer. How much softer he quickly discovered as the bars holding them raised and lowered at the same time to envelope all of his length in the soft feathered fronds. And he might almost have described that as unbearable had the brushes not began to spin slowly, his tormentor spooling them up with a grin of pure enjoyment.

' like this. Then you will love this.'

Sammy barely had time to ask what in his head before the device shifted again, his length now surrounded by soft folds of a flexible rubber like substance that began to vibrate around him, starting slow and building faster and faster. For a good thirty seconds the device thrummed and buzzed at this speed before dropping to a slow hum of vibration that lasted twice that long before the speed kicked up again. Just enough time for his intensely built pleasure to fade before it was thrust upon him again. Pleasure made all the more extreme by each fast cycle punctuated with s fresh dunking for Savannah. And it was a ducking. No slow dip here, the chair plunged deep into the gunk only to pull her out dripping from head to toe, leaving her poised to be dunked again.

How many cycles of this Sammy was subjected too, his over stimulated mind couldn't process or being to count. All he could feel was the continued edged pleasure that only served to stir up his lust and libido, his shaft twitching with a mind all his own. Pleasure that perhaps became far too much for when Sammy drifted back to something vaguely resembling awareness, he had been moved again; the bench now almost fully upright and bare feet away from the still bound and slime soaked Savannah who was also now minus her blindfold and looking right at him with a ashamedly shy blush that didn't make her look away. Even as the device was no longer protecting his modesty but poised above his twitching slime coated length.

She did however look away as with a rapid whirr the wall above her slid away to allow

two massive versions of the row of brushes that still lined the device to settle into place above her, brushes that glistened with thick layers of pure white foam. The very sight of which made Savannah squirm against her bonds with fresh worry.

'I don't think she likes that very much.' His captor whispered softly into his ear. 'Sadly she doesn't get to choose. You do. Her fate is in your hands. Once I press this button, you will have ten seconds until Savannah is drawn through those brushes and foamed within an inch of her life. You can let that happen...or put your shaft back in our device, which will then foam you to its hearts content. It's down to you. Clock is ticking.'

Sammy knew what he should do, what would be the gentlemanly thing to do. And he would do it. Only the image of what would happen if he didn't was too enticing to ignore. So it was with a mouthed sorry Sammy stayed right where he was.

Unlike Savannah who shrieked as she was whisked upwards into the brushes, squirming and struggling as her already slippery skin was coated with layer upon layer of white creamy foam pouring from the inside of the brushes that held her there for a good two minutes before she was lowered down looking little more than a white blob.

'Well...that was naughty. And we can't let naughty boys get away with that. It's foam time.'

'Ohhhhhh.' Sammy moaned urgently as his shaft was slipped merciless into the mass of spinning brushes that foamed, stroked and assaulted his shaft from every angle, coating him in the same layers Savannah was still sitting beneath.

It was a moan that carried over into the waking world as Sammy jerked upright from the futon he had been sleeping soundly upon, a warm sticky dark patch building on his boxers as a result of the very wet dream he had just had, one that luckily hadn't woken the sleeping quintet of girls around him. With a shy blush at the very private memories Sammy wanted to enjoy a little longer, he allowed himself a little smile as well. 'I guess I'll have to sleep over more often.'