Hell hath no lust like an imp scorned

Story by FrogConsortium on SoFurry

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An imp, tired of being the weakest demon in Hell, gets the unexpected opportunity to play out his power fantasies with one of Hell's mightiest creatures -- the Hell Knight. Demon sex ensues. Very horny.

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Hell hath no lust like an imp scorned

The imp watched with apparent disinterest from up high, perched upon a flimsy lip of metal connected to the exposed vents that ran the length of the ceiling. There was no other word for what he saw but 'carnage', a bloodbath of claws and bullets and viscera, in which his brothers snarled and died by the roomful. His blood burned within him, longed to join in the mindless bliss of violence, but unlike his fellow imps, his brain resisted. There was nothing in that glorious carnage for him but death, death at the hands of the Slayer, and he was not yet done with the joys of living.

A stray limb flung past his head, propelled by an explosion, and splattered the blood of his brethren across his face. He'd seen enough. The imp quashed the burning itch within him to fight, to die, and scampered into a hole in the vent. There he made his way to somewhere special, somewhere secret, a place few knew of, and even fewer cared to use. It was a room with no doors, and no entry, aside from the vents themselves, and a single incubation chamber which had gone unused since its creation. This room would serve as a worthy fortress, a place in which the Slayer could not reach, or at least would not care to. A place of safety, a place of rest, a place to-...

As he dropped into the room, splaying down on all fours, he realised he was not alone. There, trapped behind the glass of the incubation tube, was a Hell Knight. The tube was too small for it, causing its herculean form to press up against the glass, to highlight in exaggerated detail the defined cut of his abdominal muscles, the vastness of his pectoral plates, the prominent jutting of his hips above vascular thighs, almost as thick around as the imp's own torso.

How the Hell Knight had managed to trap himself in there was beyond the imp -- perhaps he'd fallen into a chamber on accident, or been placed there against his will, but either way it must have travelled through the winding tubes that spun through this facility like veins, to end up here, in this empty, pointless room. No matter how he'd gotten here, the demon was sure to die before long, starved to death and unable to move.

He was being watched intently, from eyes so small and sunken into its protruding skull that they would be difficult to even notice if not for their shine. Having realised he, too, was no longer alone, the Knight had begun squirming within his prison of glass, his muscles straining as his efforts to escape were re-ignited. The veins that criss-crossed his body bulged obscenely, spurred on by his renewed vigour, and his exposed nostrils flared, fogging up the glass in front of his face.

The imp, squatting in front of the glass now, watched this impotent display of testosterone for a while. It was amusing, to some degree, but there was something more to it. Some strange thought tickled at the back of his mind, urged him to keep looking, refused to let him turn his head away. This demon was a beast, a monster, so huge and physical and strong, so unlike himself. What he wouldn't give to have power such as that, to have the other lesser demons run from his fury, or be destroyed by it. Or, the third option -- submit to it.

It was only as he took a step closer to the glass, close enough to press against it, that he realised he was sporting an erection. His cock, emerged from its sheath, smeared precum against the glass. It was quite long and sinuous, maintaining a prehensile range of motion whilst still being turgid, and tapered to a slightly thinner tip. He could not help himself -- he sat down, grabbed his swollen shaft, and began to masturbate at the Hell Knight's feet.

His lewd behaviour did not go unnoticed. The demon's furious thrashing softened, became still, distracted by the imp's masturbation. He growled and snorted, pressed himself up even closer against the glass, fogged it further with his breath. His frustrated snuffles soon pitched higher, became panting whines. The imp noted the demon's tongue, now hanging free, followed the saliva that dripped down from its tip, slid down his stomach, and further down... where his cock pulsed hot and steamy. He humped forward with what little leverage he could, pressed his pale dick against the glass, where its veins were squashed flat by the pressure. The Hell Knight was in a new kind of distress, one of tantalising sexual agony, for he was forced to watch what he could not have. His demonhood was heavy and drooling, turgid with pumping blood and yet unable to expand, unable to get hard, kept miserably contained by a simple lack of room. His denial, in some ways, not far removed from the imp's own troubled position.

Having already made one particularly pragmatic, yet disappointingly unfulfilling decision today, it was little wonder that the imp found himself at the control panel by the tube. Any other day and the Hell Knight would have been left to his fate, perhaps been laughed at, perhaps tormented until death and then consumed. But today was different -- today the imp had dangerous dreams, ideals of a Hell in which he did not belong. Today he would realise them.

Thankfully the control panel's bright yellow 'Emergency Release' lever was easy enough to understand. It required some effort, considering it had not been used in... well, ever, but the imp was fuelled with a determination like little he'd felt before, and so swollen with desire was he that he refused to let such an obstacle stand. He heaved mightily, and with a great squeal of protest the lever gave in. He sat on the floor, panting, and watched as the consequences of his actions played out before him.

There came the sound of whirring machinery and the hiss of escaping steam, as the glass in the tube began to rotate. The Hell Knight followed its progress intently, and let loose a triumphant holler the moment it sensed fresh air. There was a few moments in which the gap was not yet wide enough for him to escape, a few moments in which imp and Hell Knight studied each other in separation for the last time, and the both of them were quiet. The moment passed, and he roared again, at last stepping free of his transparent prison.

The Hell Knight's foot thumped heavily onto the metal floor of the room, and as he passed further inwards he seemed to unfurl, stretching free of the hunched posture which had been forced upon him. He towered over the imp so completely, his immensity only now truly understood, standing straight at some ten or eleven feet. Up close, the demon's intimidating body was coated in an obvious sheen of sweat, a lather which he had worked up in the unknowable hours of capture. Sweat dripped down not just the arms and barrel-thick torso, but also from the tip of his monstrous pillar of flesh, hooded and swollen yet still only half hard, resting more than halfway down his thigh.

Now blessedly, finally free, the demon stood directly before the imp. The murderous, fleshy bludgeon hovered directly in his face, and a wave of dread washed through him. Had his lust blinded him? Was this to be his end, raped and discarded by a demon thrice his size? The Hell Knight stepped closer still, pressed the weighty shaft of his slowly-hardening cock against his face. He turned his head and growled. No, he would have his prize, or die trying.

The imp stood, coming to a height that just barely topped the Hell Knight's abdomen. He parted his legs, stood firm, and placed a clawed hand on the demon's chest.

"Kneel," he rasped, and nothing further.

Though they could not speak themselves, and truly knew little beyond their own instincts, the Hell Knight's had the capacity to understand speech to some extent. A very long moment passed, a moment in which the demon's pale meat achieved full and fierce stiffness before his very eyes, a moment in which the creature snorted, a low growl sputtering into life deep within his chest. And then, for reasons even the imp could not understand, the beast knelt. The imp let loose a breath, one he had been holding onto the entire time.

He studied the demon again, this time in a new and unfamiliar light. Kneeling had placed them of a height with each other, face to face, stiffness to stiffness. It was a position that he was clearly unused to, struggling to stay upright upon digitigrade legs. The imp walked a circle around him, and the demon's eyes followed where the could, his latent, chesty growling picking up when he passed beyond vision.

Now returned to his initial point, the imp laid a single hand upon the tip of Hell Knight's length, covering it with his palm, but he did not make any further motions. The Knight shuddered.

"Flex," said the imp, "show me your strength."

A tilted head and bemused snort showed that the demon did not understand him, so he made the gesture himself, hoping that it would be imitated. A few seconds more of snorting silence and then he seemed to catch on. The Hell Knight spread his arms to the side and lifted his fists skyward, then looked back at the imp to see if he was doing it right.

"More," he growled, "stronger!"

That was a word he clearly understood. The Hell Knight snorted once more, this time with determination, and flexed properly. His biceps bulged to an obscene degree, pulsing with veins so prominent that they could be traced, and trace them the imp did. He pressed his body up close, ran his claws over the exposed flesh, fascinated in the undeniable, irrefutable display of pure masculinity. His tongue lolled free, and he was licking the surface of those biceps before he even realised what he was doing. He didn't even care anymore. The flesh radiated heat, and was salty with sweat, but it only drove the imp further into lust. He nibbled down along the arm, and then back up, pressed his face into the exposed crook of armpit. There he stayed for a while, sniffing and snorting much as the Hell Knight did, his eyes rolled halfway back into his head, indulging in this perfect specimen of power.

He pulled back only to order the Hell Knight to change his pose, flexing first this way, and then the next, and each time he would dive right back in to touch, to taste, to appreciate. The Knight's cock received a modicum of attention between each change, with the imp deigning to wrap his fingers around a swollen head already slick with precum. He might grip it tight, tighter, just to watch the Knight squirm, or he might roll the heavy hood up as far as it could go and then pinch it shut, deny him further stimulation. No matter what, he would always leave the demon wanting.

The imp faced his conquest head on. He grabbed the demon by his skull with both hands, ran his thumbs over its smooth crown, down along his fleshless cheeks, over his lipless teeth. Throwing all caution to the wind, he wedged his thumbs between teeth that tried weakly to resist him, forcefully pried the jaws apart, and dug around almost carelessly inside. His claws traced cheek and tongue, pushed down into the back of the throat, dared the Hell Knight to react, to retaliate. But there was only the consistent rumbling thrum of an obviously toothless growl, one that the he was quickly learning to ignore.

His fingers, now wet with saliva, were wiped clean along the skull. The imp considered this creature, this... thrall of his, and what it is he should do. He wanted to do so, so much, to debase this demon, indulge in his power, take it for his own, but there was only so much time, and he didn't want to waste this glorious opportunity -- perhaps the Knight might come to his senses, might succumb to rage and kill him, succumb to lust and rape him. This initial encounter was the most important of all, and he had to be quick.

"Sit," said the imp, "now."

The Knight blinked at him, narrowed its already beady eyes into slits. He huffed and sat back on his haunches, legs spread, stiffness on prominent display. The imp wasted no time in smothering the exposed nostrils with the ball of his foot.

"Lick," he commanded and then, when the Knight did not understand, a riskier approach, "feast."

The demon surprised him with its sudden voraciousness. It's tongue, thick and coarse just like the rest of him, darted free to lap over the imp's foot, ran over the flesh of the arch, up and over the ball to the toes. His desire to 'feast' was more than apparent as he grabbed the imp by his ankle, held his foot in place and slid his tongue between and around each and every toe, licked from heal to claw-tip. At first the imp was utterly entranced, eyes wide, having never experienced anything like this in his life. He worked his cock frantically and his rapid masturbation came close to causing him to lose balance, but everything else was secondary as long as that slut kept worshipping.

But with the pressure of his impending orgasm edging him towards climax, he came to realise his mistake just in time. He was losing power by letting the Knight dictate the flow of their mating, and if he came then who could say what this vapid, instinctual creature would do next?

"Enough," he growled, and then again, "enough!"

It took kicking the hungry beast in the face to get him to back down, to let go. The imp's dark foot was completely soaked in saliva, and tingled with a desire to return to the warm and wet ministrations of the demon's tongue. But no, such insubordination needed to be punished.

He lowered his foot not to the floor, but instead to the twitching flesh of the Hell Knight's thickness. The demon responded with bucking hips and panting huffs, but he had anticipated this, and remained completely still until the Knight was settled once more.

"Your cock is for me to do with as I please. Be still or I will leave."

Slowly, so slowly, he began to drag his foot down the cock in question, rolling back the heavy folds of skin that hooded it's angry-looking, fleshy-purple crown. It leaked a continuous stream of clear precum, some of which dribbled down upon his toes, but still he ignored it. His foot continued its descent until his heel came to rest at the base of the shaft, from which hung testicles almost as big around as his fist. Pressing forward, he ground his heel into the sweaty, sensitive orbs, first lightly, but then with mounting pressure. While it would have been debilitating for a creature his own size, to the Hell Knight it was a pressure that had him writhing, groaning and, most noticeably of all, shooting short blasts of pre from his pillar, so desperate was he for stimulation.

"Disgusting," he said, though from his dick drooled a string of fluid that was no less ample. "You are not meant to enjoy this."

The imp withdrew his foot to the sound of disappointed whines, but he was not done yet. He raised it back up along the shaft, teased his toe-pads just barely over the head, tap-tap-tapping. Then, much to the Hell Knight's surprise, he hooked his foot around behind it, pressed down upon it continuously, until it was flush with the floor.

"I told you. Your cock is mine. Your essence is mine!"

That devastating announcement rung with an echo of finality and pre-determination, and he reinforced it by squashing the demon's cock beneath his foot. The Knight howled, leaned forward on the precipice of attack, but his arms collapsed by his side, his morale defeated. The imp grinned wickedly, ground the cock head beneath his heel, pressed its still-spurting head painfully into the floor. His eyes were alight with the fire of sadism, and so they sparked as he stood tall, crushed the demon's manhood beneath the entirety of his weight. Each step he took up along the shaft elicited a wild howl from his toy, and a shock of thrill through his chest and into his loins. He deliberately released some pressure from the head, let it lift a half inch off the steel, and then cruelly stomped back down upon it. He did this three times, and on the third time, as he pressed down, the Hell Knight roared and came, blasting thick ropes of cum from his abused meat. The imp maintained his position right through to the very last, miserable spurt, and then finally stepped free.

"This is the might and power of the Hell Knights? Reduced to a panting mess by nothing more than an imp's foot? Pathetic." He spat on the floor. "On your belly, worm. You have a mess to clean up."

The demon looked at him, huffed, still recovering from his explosive climax. The imp pointed at the massive puddle of cum by his feet and commanded, "Feast." There was another pause and then, with a groan, he obeyed. He wasn't quite on his stomach, but it was good enough for the imp, who felt another surge in his erection from watching his thrall lick his own cum from the floor.

"Again," he said, "you must be punished." The Knight didn't seem to hear him, or maybe didn't care, didn't even turn his head as the imp moved behind him.

As in all things, the Knight possessed a large and impressive backside, framed by vascular thighs that were thick and strong enough to crush the imp's head between them without even trying. Like before, the danger held no fear for the imp, but rather drew from him a desire that refused to be buried. He placed one clawed hand upon each prominent cheek, forced them apart, and dove in face first. In this most sacred of places he was less an imp and more an animal, pressing his face in close and frantically lapping at sweat-slick curves and valleys, inhaling the scent, the very essence that he had called for, the musk that heralded pure masculinity. He ate deeply, from balls to taint to virginal hole, but had to rip himself away before long; this was meant to be a punishment, after all.

He stood back up, ran his thumb over the demon's asshole. He spat between the cheeks, pushed the glob of his saliva along the rim and then, with little mercy, straight inside. The Knight shuddered, but did not otherwise object. The imp spat again, and began working the hole loose with his thumb, pumping in and out. There was very little give as the Knight repeatedly clenched down on his fingers, obviously not used to such an invasion. There is no way he'd be able to handle a cock his own size, not without being torn apart, but an imp's...?

His dick slapped wetly against that delicious demon hole, and he let it simply rest there, let the Knight panic, let him squirm in anticipation. Any other time and he would have preferred more foreplay, to grind into that ass, to leave a trail of pre as evidence, but right now he was already too close. The imp lowered his throbbing tip, lined it up, and simply forced his way in.

The Hell Knight almost leaped forward, almost tore his cock right off with the force in which his ring gripped down, but a sharp command and a slap on his rump stilled him.

"If you move there will be worse consequences. I am going to fuck you, breed your worthless hole, and you are going to like it."

The knight groaned, a sound that came dangerously close to a whimper, but he resumed pressing his tongue to the floor, scooping up his own spilled seed. When the Knight lessened his crushing anal grip, the imp gave a few testing thrusts, thrusts which became a steady, consistent pounding. He took it even further, climbing up the Knight's massive rear and using the hip-plates as foot rests, his cock hanging behind him as he squatted down and rutted into him.

His hips pumped hard and fast, and he envisioned having cum-heavy balls like the Knight, so they might slap wetly as he fucked. Drool slipped down the corner of his mouth, and his eyes rolled back in ecstasy, for he at last was taking what was rightfully his. To have the mighty prostrate before him, ground into grovelling submission under the power of his cock, to have them squirm and writhe, to have them... masturbate?

"Stop that," he said, but the Knight didn't listen, "I said STOP!"

The imp pulled out and when the demon looked back at him he scrambled off of his back and commanded him further, "On your back. NOW!"

With a great heave of his enormous body, the Knight complied, rolling over until he was lying on his back, legs spread. He was fully stiff once more or, perhaps, it had never even gone flaccid, and he was jerking himself off with both hands. The imp growled and slapped the hands away. He grabbed those two massive legs and tried to keep them over his shoulders, but their weight threatened to crush him. Instead he pushed them forward until they were raised skyward, commanded the beast to hold them, to gave him complete access to his ass. The imp returned to his rutting, spurred on by fury. Each time the Hell Knight's hands drifted down to pleasure himself, he would slap them away again, even going so far as to smack his testicles until he got the idea.

Even in this most vulnerable of positions, brought to writhing submission by the lust of an imp, the Hell Knight was impressive. His arms, now thrown back above his head, were so dense with muscle that they could have picked him up and torn him in half; his torso flexed and heaved with the effort of being fucked, not a shred of unnecessary fat to be seen; his cock was as long and thick as the imp's arm, and it bounced and slapped against his stomach, useless; his legs were weapons, designed to stomp and eviscerate, and now they were spread, exposing him. The combination of weakness and strength sunk the imp down into depths of debauchery he hadn't thought himself capable of.

"Take. It. You. Glorious. Slut!"

A keening rasp leapt from his throat as he hilted within his thrall, as he came and came and came some more, filling the Hell Knight with the raw seed of a real demon. He kept humping until he was empty, until his cum was spilling out the Knight's backside and running down his cheeks. At last he collapsed forward, the demon's massive length squashed beneath him. It was also wet, and there was a puddle of jizz around the Knight's chest -- clearly he had also climaxed somewhere in the chaos. The imp had brought that from him, brought him to orgasm from dick alone. It made him smile.

"How does it feel? To be dominated by an imp? You've been utterly disgraced, there is no turning back for you."

The larger demon tilted his head, blinked. He leaned forward and began licking the imp's face. The smaller of the two resisted at first, but soon enough gave in, and the two locked their tongues together, explored each other's mouths. By the time he pulled back, breathing heavily, he noted that the Knight sported yet another erection, just as rigid and strong as the last two.

"You are like a dog. Is it truly this easy?"

In response, the Hell Knight gave an amicable snarl. He laid back down, legs raised, and reached down to spread his cheeks of his own accord. His hole was still winking from their recent fuck, still oozing cum. The imp rolled his eyes. He looked up -- bouncing through the vents, quiet yet noticeable, the sound of the Slayer's violence could be heard from somewhere else in the facility.

"Well I suppose we aren't going anywhere soon... but this time you will work much harder for my cum, beg for it, as is your place."

The Hell Knight growled in agreement, already touching himself. They had a long night ahead of them.