Jenny Gets Taken Again... and Again.

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Hello again folks!

I decided that I was gonna dip back into the "Fan Fic" pool once more. So here I present you with an adult Bucky O' Hare story I wrote specifically to celebrate Jenny Appreciation Month! Is this canonical? Heeeeell no. But who the hell cares about that anyway? Sit back, relax... and enjoy the ride!


Jenny gets taken... again... and again.

An erotic Bucky O 'Hare Fan Fic

(Super Rule34 Adventures Edition)

By StogieGoat

Jenny the Aldebaran cat was speeding through space on her toad croaker. She was in quite the hurry, as she was late to her rendezvous with the crew of the S.S. Righteous Indignation. She was First Mate to Captain Bucky O' Hare and quite the stellar pilot in her own right. Not to mention possessing fantastic psychic abilities. Her glorious mane of pink hair shimmered in the starlight as she traveled. Her fur was as white as snow, and she had the most expressive green eyes. She was wearing her standard black and silver form-fitting gear. Gems were affixed to her boots, arm, and wrist bands, as well as her midsection and her tiara.

These gems were not merely decorative. As a psionic, these gems would be essential in assisting her focus her powers. They would appear decorative to most, but to the greater houses of her home planet; these would be the telltale sign she wielded a great deal of psionic might. However, the true extent of her powers would need to remain a secret to the rest of the federation, as this was her vow to the Aldebaran sisterhood.

Jenny's thoughts wandered a bit. She dwelled on this constant conflict with the toad forces and how it affected her ability to interact with anyone on a more intimate level. She, as well as the people of her world, were more than willing to fight the good fight. But the urge to mate with a male... or female was not something she or her other sisters were immune to. She had needs and desires as well. Aldebaran women in particular tended to get a little crazy if they had not had the opportunity to release their pent-up energies. This was something she had hoped that a certain green-furred rabbit would be able to help her with. But much to her dismay, this conflict required all of his attention, and as hard as she tried, she wasn't able to get him to notice her in that way. Not yet at least. She knew Bucky was fond of her. But she wanted more. Much, much more.

Jenny, unfortunately, detected the oncoming toad ambush too late. "Damn! I was so focused on how... deprived I was, I went and let my guard down!" She scolded herself for her carelessness.

She was surrounded by double bubble fighters and had nowhere to retreat. She was too far away from assistance to get any immediate backup. She had been caught and she knew it. She considered tapping into her telekinetic abilities for a daring escape, however a low-level psychic attack would not cut it in this case. There were simply too many vessels. A high-level psionic attack right out in the open, would not fly with Mother Superior back home. She had faith that the crew of the Righteous Indignation would recue her. But Jenny was also experienced enough in dealing with the toads to know, that the toads were not the most competent captors. So, she would surrender... for now.

"All right, you've got me dead to rights," she said defiantly, as she raised her hands in surrender. "But if any one of you green bastards mess up my hair, I don't care how many of you there are... I WILL shove my boot so far up your toad hole, you'll be shitting leather for a month!", she threatened. And Jenny didn't make idle threats.


A few hours had passed and Jenny was starting to get bored. She had been strapped to a chair for the better part of an hour now, and it was not getting any less tedious.

Just then a short and squat toad in a blue and orange officer uniform stormed into the holding cell area. Right behind him, was a purple and yellow hulking mechanical figure. These two were known as the Toad Air Marshall and the notorious Toadborg.

"Oh good, looks like you've finally come to give me my regularly scheduled menacing", Jenny said with all the sarcasm she could muster. "So, what do you want this time?"

"I am in no mood for your games witch!", the Air Marshall spouted. angrily. "You and the other mammals will soon be crushed under the might of the Toad Empire!"

This went on for a few minutes... Jenny had already tuned them out; she had heard this all before and was bored to death of it. After a few moments of them droning on about the climate converter codes again, Jenny's thoughts began to wander. She began to dream about what she'd like to do after this maker-forsaken war was over. She saw herself sitting on a beach somewhere, being waited on hand and foot by shirtless men. Suddenly, Jenny snapped back to reality. The Toad Marshal now shouting in her face

"Are you EVEN listing to me witch?", the Air Marshall croaked.

Jenny, sounding irritated, replied, "Right, right. Something about the climate converter codes. You captured me in exchange for the codes...blah blah blah, you threatened to put me in a jettison tube AGAIN... right?"

Toadborg interjected angrily, "You are fortunate KOMPLEX still has use of you! If it were up to me... I'd blow you out an airlock and be done with you, Aldebaran whore!"

The Air Marshall rubbed his temples, grumbling to himself, "Ancestors, this feline witch. What did I do to deserve this?". After regaining his composure, the high-ranking toad shouted with outrage, "I cannot believe you... The NERVE! Well, listen up mammal! You better hope that your crew values you enough to make the exchange. If not... then I'll gladly hand you over to Toadborg here. I'm sure you'll enjoy his company... far less!"

"Oooh. , sounds kinky actually.", Jenny said, verbally jabbing at the Toad Marshall.

Toad Marshall looked a bit flustered. "You filthy-"

Jenny interrupted "Oh, looks like you've fantasized about fucking a mammal before, haven't you?", she teased again. Not letting up, she laughed "Aw, what's the matter? Not getting any cloaca back on the home world?"

"S-shut up!", He bellowed, then stormed out of the room"

"You are fortunate we have OTHER business to attend to currently. I will enjoy hurting you, Aldebaran witch!", Toadborg growled before stomping from the holding room.

Jenny smiled and thought to herself. "I quite enjoyed that. Toads are so easy to bait."

After a few more minutes of being alone. Jenny's thoughts wandered back to that daydream she had. However, this time she began to imagine Bucky, wearing nothing but a tight thong. The green-furred rabbit was bringing her a mixed drink with one of those little umbrellas in it. She hated to admit it, but she did think about what it would be like to get intimate with her commanding officer. She was getting just a bit aroused by the thought. She saw herself tossing the drink over her shoulder and pushing Bucky down onto the sand. After using her telekinesis to tear off what little clothing they were wearing, she mounted him right then and there like a feral beast in heat. "Oh my... Why am I getting so hot all of a sudden? And here of all places?", Jenny thought.

Just then, two lankier toad officers sauntered into the holding area. These two high-ranking toads were the Toad Air Marshall's henchmen, Frix and Frax. It was clear they wandered into the holding pen for the sole purpose of gloating.

Jenny, not pleased by this sudden intrusion into her fantasy time, scoffed, "By the makers, what do you two want this time? Your Commander and the walking toaster already came by just to threaten me."

"You're not in any position to get snippy furball", Frix shot back. Frax would chuckle mockingly at Jenny, "Hah, that's right pussycat, you aren't going anywhere. We're going to keep you as a personal pet after we crush the mammals!"

Jenny thought to herself, "Oh great now I have to sit here and listen to these two-", Jenny paused that thought. Then she began to have a much different idea. Jenny thought, "These two are super easy to manipulate... also I am pretty worked up and I haven't gotten any since before the war. No... No, I couldn't... I shouldn't... But who the hell is going to find out? Not anyone in the United Animal Federation. Plus, I could knock them out after the distraction, and then make that daring escape!". Jenny was now committed to this most unusual escape plan.

Frix and Frax were still chuckling menacingly. "What's the matter, witch? Too afraid to speak?", Frix spouted.

Jenny, thinking quickly, replied, "Not exactly... It's just that... if I'm to be your commander's pet... maybe I should... start getting used to it?"

"What do you mean by that?", Frax questioned?

"Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to mate with a mammal before?", she asked suggestively.

"What? No- no. I mean ... all that fur. No warts?" Frax replied.

Frix just exclaimed, "Yuck."

"Hmm... this going to require me to appeal to their egos a bit more", Jenny thought to herself. "Well, to be honest, I have had thoughts of toad men before... I've heard some rumors...", Jenny said, trailing off.

"Oh really, like what?" Frax inquired.

"Oh, just that you're all hung like a horse and can make love better than any mammal... and not to mention those long tongues," she said, trying to sound complimentary.

Frix scoffed, "Ah, you're just trying to yank our chain witch."

Jenny then replied, "Well, if you're saying it's not true then..."

Frax "Oh, I'm more than you could ever handle furball, not even including Frix over here!"

"I don't know, I think I could take the two of you on at the same time." She boldly stated.

"No, you couldn't!", Frix replied.

Frax then joined in, "Yeah, we'd wreck your furry ass!"

"Sounds like something a lousy lay would say." Jenny teased.

"Oh yeah! Frix said. I'll show you furball!" Frix promptly dropped his pants, exposing his amphibian penis to Jenny.

"Oh, now we're talking", Jenny said seductively.

Frax not wanting to be left out, also dropped his pants. Not only that, his cock was already firmly erect.

Jenny's eyes widened a little, then she exclaimed, "Ha! I KNEW it!"

Frax blushed, "Okay, maybe I occasionally, get my hands on a dirty mammal magazine, is that so wrong?"

"No. Not at all", Jenny assured him. "So, are we going to do this or what? Jenny asked assertively.

"Oh, we're taking you to pound town pussycat!", said a very cocky-sounding Frax.

Jenny licked her chops like a hungry tiger and gazed lustily at the two toad henchmen. "Well gentlemen, you're going to need to loosen these restraints if you'd like to pet this" Jenny knew what she was doing. Animal lust was taking over. She had needs that hadn't been met in a very long time, and now was as good a time as any for her. She could no longer wait.

Frix, warning the Aldebaran, "All right, but don't pull anything funny or you'll get swarmed by storm toads."

"Well, if you feel you need backup, we could just call them in now?", Jenny said slyly.

Frax scoffed at the notion, "All right witch, we'll show you who needs backup!" Frix and Frax quickly removed Jenny's binding after that exchange. Jenny got up and stretched a bit, arching her back. She giggled playfully and then began to strip down. Her clothes were quickly shed onto the cell floor. She left her boots and tiara on, however. She was sure the toads were not knowledgeable enough to know what her focus crystals were used for, so she wanted a couple of them to remain close to her.

Jenny slowly approached the two goofy henchmen. She gently gripped both of their hard, pulsing toad cocks, "Hmmm... This'll do nicely... nicely indeed", she purred. Jenny lowered herself down on her knees and started to stroke Frix and Frax's members lovingly. "So, how's this for a mammal?", Jenny teased.

Frix lying through his teeth and a flushed expression, "Eh... It's okay... I-I guess."

Jenny licked the head of his cock, before taking him into her warm inviting mouth. She continued to stroke Frax's toad cock simultaneously.

Frix's moaned, contradicting his previous statement. "D-don't stop... p-please." He now begged.

Jenny thrust her head forward, taking him all the way to the hilt, then slowly dragged her lips back up his shaft, making a little pop noise as she drew her head back from his member. She turned her head and then took the head of Frax's cock into her mouth and sucked on the end a bit. She looked up at him with teasing eyes, then pushed her head all the way down onto Frax's cock and continued to fellate him.

Suddenly a voice bellowed, "W-What in the hell are you two doing?"

Frix, Frax, and the Aldebaran cat suddenly ceased their sexual activities, all turning their attention to the Air Marshal who entered the room while their attention was elsewhere.

"A-air M-m-marshal. We can explain!" spouted Frax.

Furious, the Toad commanding officer shouted, "We don't do that to prisoners!"

Frix stuttered, "B-but air Marshal it was her idea!"

"Well now, this throws a wrench into my plans. But I think I can salvage this situation", Jenny thought.

"It's true Air Marshal, I can no longer resist the allure of being dominated by my soon-to-be, toad overlords. Do with me as you please... masters, the feline said, feigning submission. "There... that should play into his ego,", she thought.

"Don't play games with me witch!" The Air Marshal said threateningly.

"I promise... no tricks", she said lustily.

Jenny got down on her hands and knees and turned her tight hindquarters toward her captors. Her pink flowing tail was raised and she wiggled her juicy backside to tempt the already flushed-faced toads. "See... You know as well as I, what this means?" Said Jenny flaunting her goods. This was widely known as cats don't show their backside to someone unless they trust them unconditionally. "Take me." She pleaded.

The Toad Air Marshall was stunned... but also aroused at the feline's sexual fragrance wafting from her loins. He felt himself start to get hard. "I- shouldn't..." He drifted off.

"But you WANT to ...don't you?" Jenny teased.

The Toad commander scratched his chin. "I suppose Just this once wouldn't hurt. Besides... Why shouldn't I? I've worked hard to defeat you mammals," The Air Marshall conceded.

Jenny smiled, thinking to herself, "Ah, got him now!" Then she cooed, "Come on over here big boy and take your reward."

Frax stammered, "Hey... What about us?

Frix joins in "Yeah, we didn't finish?"

"Don't fight guys... I'll take all of you on." She said with temptation in her voice. "Hah, I didn't even need to use my abilities on these goofballs!" She thought to herself proudly.

The Air Marshall pulled down his trousers, exposing his hard, thick, lumpy cock. Covered in rubbery nodes and glistening with just a small bead of pre-cum. "I'm going to knock the box out from under you furball!" He exclaimed confidently. The Toad Commander got into a mounting position. "But first I want a taste." He said almost menacingly. His long tongue slid out from his toad mouth and flicked at Jenny's fleshy pink womanhood.

"Oooh..Air Marshal... You devil", Jenny purred.

The Air Marshal pushed his tongue into Jenny's love tunnel, parting her outer lips as the fleshy appendage slid deeper inside her.

Jenny found herself growing more aroused. She thought, "Okay... wasn't expecting this treatment, but I'm not going to complain. I might get off at this rate." The feline hated to admit it to herself.

Frix and Frax stood in front of the moaning cat with their stiff, saliva-moistened cocks pointed at her face. They weren't the biggest she had seen, but they were a little more girthy than she was expecting. Frax pushed his cock toward her muzzle. She willingly opened her mouth to let him in. She began to bob her head on his member again. She felt his green fleshy, node-covered cock surge to its hardest state as she thrust her head back down onto it, over and over again.

Frix suddenly decided to rub his cock head against Jenny's cheek as if to prod her into servicing him also.

"Don't get greedy Frax, there's room for both of us," Frix whined.

Frax retracted his cock from Jenny's mouth and said, "Okay, okay you whiner sheesh."

Jenny flicked her tongue back and forth, sweeping both toads' green pulsing cock heads. She did this for a short time before both Frix and Frax decided to stuff both their erect penises into her willing mouth. Her cheeks bulged with both members firmly stuffed into her face. She was a little surprised at first, but this wasn't anything she couldn't handle. "Well at least I don't have to do all the work," she thought as the two thrust vigorously into her wide-open maw. Then she felt the Air Marshall's tongue retract from her sopping wet womanhood.

"Time to stuff that pussy... pussy," the high-ranking toad boasted. Jenny felt the Air Marshall's thicker, more robust member, begin to part her outer opening and start to breach her love-juice, slicked inner opening.

Jenny could only let out a stifled moan because her mouth was currently stuffed with toad dongs. The Air Marshal pushed his throbbing cock deeper into Jenny's warm womanhood stretching her pink walls. She felt every inch of him.

"Aaah... you're not too bad for a mammal. I think I'll keep you as my personal assistant once we're in charge," The air marshal exclaimed triumphantly. With no mercy, the toad officer repeatedly and firmly thrust himself into the feline's tight opening. His balls loudly slapped into her with each thrust.

Frax muttered, "I-I'm gonna cum!"

Frix, not wanting to get Frax's seed on his member, pulled out of Jenny's crowded mouth. Frax clutched the back of Jenny's pink mane with both his hands and thrust deeply into Jenny's face one last time. An explosion of toad seed burst from the tip of Frax's cock. Several juicy shots of cum exploded into Jenny's mouth.

Jenny gulped down, Frax's load not missing a drop. Once his cock stopped spasming, he let go and slid his member out of her. Before Jenny could close her mouth again, Frix quickly shoved his member back into her muzzle and began to buck his hips. She made loud gulping and slurping noises as he thrust into her face vigorously. Moments later, Frix too, would ejaculate a warm load of toad goo down Jenny's throat. Frix's eyes rolled up into the back of his head and his tongue lolled out of his mouth in ecstasy. After he stopped shooting ropes of goo into Jenny's face, Frix retracted his cock from Jenny's mouth. He stumbled back and fell flat on the floor in a post-orgasmic daze.

A little drip of toad seed still seeped from the corner of Jenny's experienced mouth. She finished gulping the last mouthful and wiped away the excess. "Hmm... G-guess it was his first time?" Jenny teased. Then she moaned loudly as the Air Marshall began to plow into her even more forcefully. "Getting close... master?", she asked.

The Toad commander grunted, "Not just yet witch!" He pulled out of Jenny and smacked her on the backside, "On your back furball," he demanded.

"Oh, I like a man that knows how to take charge", she said as she rolled on her back. She parted her legs, fully showing off her love juice-soaked womanhood.

The toad grabbed her under her legs and pushed his robust member back into Jenny's love tunnel. The Air Marshall began to thrust away at her loins once more, Jenny's ample breasts bobbing about with each thrust. Jenny bit her bottom lip as she felt a climax approaching. She didn't want to get off from this tyrant's dick, but she needed release so very badly, and this was the first time she'd been with a man since the beginning of the war.

Jenny's thoughts were conflicted, "I'm sorry Bucky, but... I need this right now." Jenny moaned loudly as her green eyes rolled into the back of their sockets. The first wave of orgasm hit her like an asteroid smashing into a planet. She wrapped her arms around the Air Marshal and hooked her legs around his thick waist as she shuddered with orgasm.

"Ah, I see you've fully submitted to the glorious girth of the toad empire," the toad officer proclaimed in victory. As soon as he was done lording over the quivering feline, he heard a voice come from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Excuse me, Air Marshal... I'm sorry if I'm interrupting your playtime.", Spoke a deeper voice.

The Toad Commander turned his attention toward the origin of this voice. There stood a purple reptilian man.

"Sure would be a shame if Toadborg and KOMPLEX heard that you were fraternizing with the mammals these days?" The purple Sleazasaur threatened.

"Al... Let's not do anything... hasty." The Toad Air Marshall pleaded.

Jenny, witnessing what had just transpired, thought, "This complicates things. But this does give me an idea." Jenny interjected, "Gentlemen, can't we come to an agreement here?"

The toad Air Marshall's eyes winded in surprise as he looked back down at Jenny, who was still under him, then back at the purple Sleazasaur.

Jenny waved her hand in the direction of Frix and Frax who were passed out on the floor and were now snoring. "Those two are spent, and I feel like I could go another round or two.", She said suggestively.

"Well, I haven't had a tussle in quite some time. However, I still want double my usual fee to make me forget... All of this, Air Marshall."

The Air Marshal grumbled through gritted teeth, "Fine... just... hurry up!" Then he pulled out of Jenny and sat back on the floor. "Get on top.", he demanded. Jenny sat up and crawled over to the Toad officer. She got into mounting position and slowly lowered herself back down onto the Air Marshalls stiff rod. In the meantime, Al Negator stripped down exposing his girthy gator cock. He took his member in hand and stood directly next to Jenny, who was now bouncing on top of the Toad Air Marshall's meat. Her breasts bounced up and down wildly as she rode him.

"Open wide kitty cat," said Al, with a toothy grin

Jenny gripped Al's hard purple reptile meat with her hand and guided it into her mouth. She felt the warmth of his member invade her mouth as he pushed it in. The ridges on his reptilian rod rubbed against her tongue as it slid to the back of her mouth. Both the Air Marshal and the Sleazasaur were stretching Jenny's openings to their limits. Jenny had never experienced this level of fullness before. She hated to admit it to herself, but she was thoroughly enjoying this.

"That's a good kitty," Al moaned.

Jenny used a free hand to gently cup Al's purple, weighty balls.

Al moaned, "Damn pussycat... Y-you are quite skilled."

Jenny continued to ride up and down on the toad Commander's rod, using the momentum from each bounce to thrust her head onto Al's cock. The rhythmic sound of gulping and Jenny's loins slamming down onto the toad Commander's rotund cock was all that could be heard in this holding cell. That and the moans of pleasure from all parties involved.

Al Pulled his cock out of Jenny's mouth. And with a sly grin, he said, "Thanks' pussy cat, for giving me a down payment. Now it's time for me to charge you my back-end fee."

"You heard the man, Aldebaran.", The toad Air Marshall croaked.

"Hmmm... Well, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you Al." Jenny said in reply. Jenny pivoted around on top of the toad Air Marshall into the front-facing cowgirl position. She leaned forward and lifted her tail for easy access. "Be gentle, would you?" Jenny pleaded.

The purple Sleazasaur wanted to make a joke here... But he forgot what it was. He proceeded to get into a mounting position aiming his throbbing reptilian cock at the white-furred feline's back door. He pushed the bulbous head of his dick up against the opening of her anus and pushed firmly, but slowly.

Jenny grimaced a little because she's not used to taking something in back there, none the less someone as big as Al Negator. She felt an enormous amount of pressure as his fat, ridged cock squeezed its way into her anal crevasse. Al began to slowly retract his meat, then push it back into the feline's tight ass. Then the Air Marshall began to buck his hips from under her.

"Fuck! This is starting to be more than what I bargained for," Jenny thought. Al and the Air Marshal's fat ball sacks slapped off the Aldebaran's loins in a percussion-like manner as they took their turns retracting from their respective holes and then forcefully thrusting back in. Jennys's eyes rolled, and again, she bit her lip.

"Ah... So... full...", she moaned.

"Aaah... getting close!", the Air Marshall grunted. Al pulled out just as the Air Marshall's balls started to empty deep inside Jenny. He moaned loudly as he pumped hot jets of toad cum into Jenny's womb. Jenny leaned forward, panting for a few seconds. She looked down and saw that the toad air Marshall was now also snoring, post-coitus.

Jenny turned her face to the side and asked Al, "Is this a thing that just happens to toad men after they nut?" The Sleazasur just looked down at her and shrugged, indicating he had no idea.

"Well... It's just you and me now Al", Jenny purred.

Al suggested, "How about I finish this... Face to face pussy cat. I want to look into that pretty face when you cum."

Jenny crawled off of the sleeping toad, Air Marshall. Al put his hands onto Jenny's hips and hoisted her up. Jenny instinctively wrapped her arm and legs around the Sleazasaur and he slid his throbbing reptilian meat into Jenny's sloppy womanhood. And started thrusting into her.

Jenny thought, "I have him now, he just doesn't know it yet."

Al slammed his ball into Jenny over and over again, hammering her loins until he felt like he was about to burst. "I think... I think I'm about to...", Al stammered in pleasure.

Jenny just smiled devilishly at Al, who noticed her almost wicked expression.

"Wait, what are you-" he began to mutter. Then he felt pressure form at the base of his cock. Enough to choke off his ability to unleash his load. He let go of Jenny's panicked state and bellowed in pain.

"I formed a telekinetic ring around your dick." She cackled.

"Please ... please stop!" Al begged

"Only if you give me the key card to this holding cell." Jenny bargained.

"No... No way-" Al started to decline, but was choked off as Jenny increased the pressure slightly.

"O-okay, okay. Please. Just let go" he begged.

"Card! Now!", Jenny demanded.

Al quickly retrieved it from his clothes and shoved it into her hands, desperately.

"Thanks, Al. For your troubles, I'm going to let you finish." She purred devilishly. Just then, the pink glowing ring around the purple Sleazasaurs manhood loosened up. Then jenny willed it to vigorously stroke Al's cock in a jerking motion. Al's eyes rolled into his head, and a thick rope of cum exploded from the tip of his purple cock-head. She continued to milk him for a few more seconds as rope after rope shot out and formed a pool of Sleazasaur seed on the floor. Al fell to his knees, weakened, and holding his sore throbbing member.

"Was it good for you?" She asked in a mocking tone. Then proceeded to knock Al senseless with a telekinetic uppercut, rendering him unconscious. Jenny suited back up and headed for the door.

She hugged the corridor walls and peeked around corners, cautiously, avoiding the sight of clueless storm toads. She overheard some toads chattering about what they were going to do to the Toad Croaker. Fortunately for her, it sounded like they had offloaded the space vehicle into the hanger bay area of the base and were planning on breaking it down for parts. Jenny was determined to be on her way back to the Righteous Indignation before they even knew she was gone. She doubted they would have the chance to dismantle her ride home before then. "Hah, lucky cat! This is going to be a cakewalk!" she thought to herself as she made her way to the hanger.

Jenny continued her stealthy hallway crawl toward the hanger bay. Jenny knew better then to openly wander into the hanger with reckless abandon. "This is going to require a less direct approach", she thought. Soon she found a vent system she could gain access to. It was a risk considering she had no working knowledge of this base's layout. But it wasn't like she had much of a choice. She used a small amount of her telekinesis to loosen the screws for the vent. Soon she was crawling her way through the cramped vent. Jenny crawled with determination. She hoped to find a way to enter the hanger as close to the Toad Croaker as she could. Luck was with her as she could see the hanger through a vent opening on the left. Jenny peered through the slats of the vent and looked around. She saw the Toad Croaker peeking out from behind a couple of parked Double Bubble fighters roughly thirty feet away. "Close enough!", she thought.

Jenny loosened the grate and slipped down to the floor. She hid behind a powerlifter and looked around. She saw two toad storm toads patrolling the area. Jenny thought, "Only two? That's almost insulting, to be honest." Jenny sprinted for the toad croaker. One of the Storm toads caught her moving out of the corner of his eye. He leveled a weapon at her and yelled for her to halt. Jenny stopped dead in her tracks and feigned surrender. This was merely a distraction. Jenny used her telekinesis to shove a stack of large metal containers onto the unsuspecting guards from behind.

"Later suckers!", She exclaimed with glee. Jenny fired up the toad croaker and in no time flat was swiftly gliding toward the bay doors. She knew the forward guns would not be enough to breach the security doors. She was desperate, so she mustered one concentrated psionic blast that easily breached the doors. And soon she was speeding along in the vastness of space once more. She couldn't hear the emergency sirens blaring, but she knew she was already far enough away that by the time the toads could scramble to their fighter, she would already be long gone. Once Jenny felt she was at a safe distance, she opened up her coms to the crew of the Righteous Indignation.

"Toad Croaker One to the Righteous Indignation, this is Jenny... I'll be at the meeting point soon. Sorry I'm late.", she said apologetically. A familiar voice responded; it was Captain Bucky O' Hare.

"Righteous Indignation to Toad Croaker One, Glad to hear you're safe and sound Jenny. We were worried sick, where have you been?", asked Bucky

Jenny chuckled to herself, then replied "That's a long story. I'll need to tell you another time. But I did get some inside info on what the toads have planned."

"How did you manage that?" Bucky asked?

She replied, "Like I said, Captain...It's a long story. See you at the rendezvous point. First mate Jenny, over and out."

The End

The Horned Smuggler

The Horned Smuggler A Starfox AU Fan-fic Written by Stogie Goat Amongst the sea of stars in the Lylat system there sat a mercenary outpost station. Those who were in the know referred to it as Outpost Unicorn. Inside the...

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