Pack life chapter 3


There was a gentle rub down her sides and a voice speaking. As she came back from here land of pleasure she made the words out. She blushed deeply embarassed for zoning out on him. He wrapped his paws around her waist and leaned against her back resting his chin on the fron side of her chest.

"So," he started, "I take it that felt really good?" He laughed as he continued, "You can't deny that you zoned out this time because I've been asking you silly questions." He kissed her on the cheek then reminded her, "It's your turn to wash me now."

"Oh! Right!" she exclaimed quickly turning around, "I'm sorry." She grabbed the soap and cloth but was stopped by his paws.

"Calm down, it's okay," He said calmly. "No need to rush, we don't have anywhere to be today." He kissed her then let go of her wrist letting her continue cleaning. Smiling, she kissed back nodding then returned the favor of washing him. She started from under his chin as he lifted his head and she worked her way down slowly. She made sure she didn't miss any part of his body then went to his back and did the same.

Once he was washed she washed his hair for him. His tail wagged as she massaged his scalp gently. Giggling to herself, she continued slowly letting him enjoy the moment like she had when he was washing her. Once done, she gently moved so she could rinse the shampoo out. He leaned his head back slightly to keep the shampoo out of his eyes. Now, all cleaned up, they turned the water off before it got any colder. Stepping out, Leon quickly grabbed both towels as he grinned.

"Hey!" April protested as Leon grabbed them both and stood there pouting, water dripping off her fur. Turning around he held them behind his back grinning. She tilted her head unsure what he was grinning about until he held out the dildo towel.

"I'm drying you and your drying me," he said with a smirk on his face. He undone the straps on the towel and started drying her fur with it. With an irritated flick of her tail she took the other towel and dried him. He laughed at her displeasure of losing at the game. They dried each others fur from the tips of their pointed ears to the tips of their long tails.

Once dry, he picked her up and sat her down on the chair. Sitting, unsure what he was about to do, she turned around slightly to watch his every move. She flicked her tail tip frustrated for Leon was blocking whatever he was doing with his back. Only sounds she heard as her ears pricked was drawers opening and closing and the sound of stuff being shuffled through. Each time she tried to look around he would shift his weight. Sighing, she finally gave up trying and sat there waiting a moment longer.

Walking back over, Leon leaned over her shoulder and whispered, "Try not to zone out too much on me." His tone of voice was a light, joking volume as he slowly ran something down her mane. The feel of many little bristle tips ran through her hair parting each strand like it was nothing. She murred quietly swaying her tail tip in pleasure as he brushed her mane. He switched brushes to the different types of hardness and number of bristles to give her the most enjoyment out of the moment possible.

He knows how to make me happy no matter what she thought as she closed her eyes. Now only thing I need to do is return the favor when he's done if I...don't.....mmm...her thoughts cut off as she zoned out again to the pleasure her mate was providing her. Feeling the brushes run through her mane she let her imagination take over once again. She saw Leon and herself enjoying a picnic and he was gently running his claws through her hair whispering to her. His voice sounded distant at first but slowly became a little louder. Suddenly, he stopped talking and brushing her hair.

"YICE!" she yelped opening her eyes and falling backwards to be caught across the back by his arm. He was holding an ice cube that he'd just recently got while she was in her own little world. He was laughing at her for how high pitched and puppyish her yelp was.

Looking down at her he smiled asking, "Couldn't help yourself, could you?" He tossed the ice into his awaiting jaws and snapped it out of the air eating it with loud crunch sounds. Giving an annoyed look, he hugged her from behind, "You know I'm just playing around sweetie." Kissing her, he reminded, "Your turn to brush my mane now." Returning the kiss she got off the chair for him to sit down.

Picking the brush up, she started on his mane from top to bottom. He started to sway his tail slowly as she smiled as it gently rubbed across her legs. Grinning, she thought, if he zones out I'm so getting revenge on him. She laughed silently to herself and continued brushing as his head slowly dipped down.

Her ears pricked as she asked, "Leon, you still here?" She waited for an answer but none came so she asked, "Can I do whatever I want to you for revenge? If yes, make any noise." She waited another moment but he was silent. Hmm, she thought to herself, I wonder. Then, grinning evilly, she rubbed his back hoping for a moan of some sort. When no sound came, she rubbed his sides and chest slowly getting lower.

Suddenly, he let out a quiet moan as she rubbed above his sheath. Grinning, she quickly and quietly padded over to the dresser. Picking up her most feminine perfume she padded back over before he could come back from zoning out. Once to him, she walked to the front of him and aimed the spray bottle at his chest. Pressing down repeatedly, she let the watery mist of scented liquid sprinkle down all over his upper and lower chest.

Once done, she gently shook Leon grinning, "Hey, wakey wakey," she whispered. Opening his eyes he tilted his head to her grinning smile. She just stood there and kissed him, then whispered, "You smell pretty."

"April," he said, his voice sharp and hard, "come here and close your eyes, now." She lowered her head slightly and did as told waiting for him to calm down. Listening carefully to his movements, he walked away to pick something up by the obvious clonk of the item hitting the wooden dresser. Then he took a tope off of the item with the sound of metal rubbing glass. She stood there trying to think what would be away from where she stood and have glass and metal.

Shit! she thought to herself realizing it was colon as she opened her eyes to see him with the glass container in his paw. She turned away but was quickly stopped by a strong furry, clawed hand around her wrist and his laughter.

"An eye for an eye, baby!" he laughed as he splashed her chest with his colon then kissed her. Giving into this kiss, he let go of her wrist and rubbed his female smelling chest on her male smelling chest. Smiling, he said, "There, now no one will know what we did to each other." laughing for a moment she leaned against him as he wrapped his arms around her.

He knows his pack so well, she thought, and he's a smarty tail too. No on ever asks about the male or female perfume on the opposite sex unless they're not mated in the pack. Looking out the nearby window, the sun was still keeping the sky bright. Hmm, I wonder if we can take today off as well. She looked up at him smiling hoping to ask an question but was stopped by his kiss.

Pulling back, he smiled saying, "Let's go for a run." Smiling, she couldn't hide the happy thought of going outside with him running through the woods racing. Tapping her gently on the nose he yipped, "Tag you're it!" Getting over being stunned by the suddenness of his yip, she realized they was playing tag. He was already in his feral wolfen form, gloating that she couldn't catch him as he puffed his chest out and held himself with cocky pride. Leaping at him, she shifted to her feral form midair and the games began as they ran through the hallway and down the stairs.

"I'm gonna get ya!" she yelled to him over the pounding of their paws on the floor and the heavy panting of their breaths. He laughed as he slid through the dog door in the kitchen. We'll see who has the last laugh, she thought as she burst through the door. Stopping she caught sight of him begore giving a small yelp as the dog door spanked her rear end. Tucking tail, she ran before realizing it was nothing then continued her chase.

He stopped long enough to make sure she was okay before bowing and running off again heading towards the woods. Lowering himself to the ground, he sped off through the woods trying to lose her. Grinning, she did the same making her strides long as possible to catch up.

Looking at the trees ahead she though to herself, the trees might give me an advantage. Hmm. If I can time each jump, I should be caught up in no time. Nodding to herself she started leaping from tree to tree, pushing off with all her strength. As planned, she was advancing quickly on him. Making one more leap, she lunged for him. Out of nowhere, there was a sharp pain in her front right leg, but she ignored it as she tackled him to the ground rolling.

"Tag you're it!" she yipped with a smug smile as she sat on him. Looking down at him as he looked up at her, his eyes hardened and became serious. Slowly losing her smile, her ears drooped as she started to stand up, but ended up wincing as the sharp pain shot through her upper right leg. Finally, she realized why he became so serious. A piece of an branch was lodged into her leg.

Leon shifted back to his anthro from under her then gently lifted her off him. "Stay in feral form," he commanded as he slowly set her down beside him as he got up and kneeled in front of her so not to be intimidating. "April, I'm going to have to carry you to the healer, I don't know how deep it is and really don't want to chance ripping it out." Slowly, he walked to her side and gently wrapped his arms around her. "If I hurt you in any way, tell me," he ordered, concern in his voice as he kissed her forehead and slowly lifted her into the air.

It was vey uncomfortable being carried with one arm around her throat, but knew any other position would only further her suffering. We'll, she thought, so much for an afternoon of play. Should've known better than to get that close to the branches when jumping. Nothing I can do about it now though. Wincing slightly, she ignored the pain of the rough ride to the healers cabin. She knew Leon didn't mean to make the trip so rough, but he was worried about her wanting to waste no time. Finally, they walked out of the forest to receive stares of slight rage and some of worry.

The pack muttered silently amongst themselves as Leon ignored them laying his ears back. She knew the angry glares came from family with banished members. Their family members were banished for similar circumstances and now despise the punishment that will follow. Her allowed to stay and Barry the one to pay once again. She looked up at Leon, his attention solely on getting to the healers cabin. She let out a small sigh looking down. Leon's ears pricked as his fast pace quickly slowed to a gentle walk as he looked down at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked, worry in his eyes. "Was I walking too fast or?"

"No," she interrupted, "your walking didn't bother me, just..." She looked down before continuing. "Why didn't you punish me? I know that similar things like this happened in the pack before and they was banished. So, why not me?" He glared around the village at the pack taking in each persons emotion that showed on their face or in the tense of their body. Slowly his gaze returned to her with a heavy sigh.

"I'll explain later," he answered, "but right now you need to see the healer." As he finished his sentence, he walked up to the healers door. "Taylor! Open up! April's injured!" he yelled into the cabins door. Within moments, the door opened up as Taylor came into view.

Taylor was both the healer and delta of their pack. She wore a light gray bra and bikini set to match her light gray mane. Her paws were also a light gray while the rest of her fur was a normal gray tint. Her eyes were creepy and eerie for they was a dark green.

"John!" Taylor yelled, "Get a table ready! So far a puncture wound, but X-rays will be needed!" As she turned back to Leon in the door way, she gestured for him to com inside and follow her. Quickly following, Leon was packing to keep up with the slender and nimble Taylor as she slipped through her cabin. Finally stopping, they were in a small white room with tables of different heights, lengths, and widths. Going to the biggest table, Leon gently lowered April onto it. April whined slightly trembling as she looked up at Leon, his arm covered in the blood.

Pushing in the X-ray machine was John, Taylors' mate. John wore blue jeans and walked around shirtless on an normal occasion, but here, he sported a white lab coat. The coat swayed around him carelessly as he strolled in revealing his white chest and black chest tuff. His fur was the same gray as Taylor. His mane was black while the underside of his tail was white.

"Here's the X-ray machine you called for," John announced as he slowed to a stop beside Leon.

"Good," Taylor said, then asked, "Leon, do you care to step out for a bit while we work?" Giving a worried look to Leon, Taylor continued, "Don't worry, she'll be okay Leon, we won't do anything to harm her." Taylor gave a comforting smile as she finished the sentence.

Sighing Leon bowed his head, "Okay, I'll leave but I'll be right outside this door." He leaned over and kissed April's head as he gently caressed her paw. "It'll be okay baby," he assured, "don't worry, I'll be close by." As he stood and walked away, she whined slightly as her ears drooped down. Feeling a paw on her back, she lifted her head, slowly shifting her gaze to see John standing beside her.

"It's okay, sweetie," he assured her in a gentle, soft voice. "It'll be over soon." He slowly put a clear muzzle over her snout and gently secured it. Moving out of sight for a moment she heard a long squeak as a knob was turned slowly. "Just breath deeply and slowly while counting backwards from one hundred." Doing as she was told the world around her started to spin and float around. Slowly, she closed her eyes and drifted away as the gas took its toll on her.

"Baby," a distant voice called out as she slowly opened her heavy eyes while the world spun around her. "Baby, wake up," Leon said gently as he rubbed her side. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, her world was still spinning as a smile crossed her face. "Hey, how you feeling?"

"Dizzy," she laughed slightly looking up at Leon. Laughing, he kissed her gently and slowly picked her up.

"Taylor said you're not allowed to shift until tomorrow, so we're going to rest for the rest of the day." Kissing back, she nodded and rest her head on his chest as he carried her home. Unable to help herself, she fell asleep in his arms listening to his heart beat.

She dreamed of the past when they first met. It was love at first sight during an hunt for the younger generation. She was a beta's pup and he was the alpha's pup. Once their eyes met, nothing else mattered and they were together since that day. Dating, picnics, looking at the stars, or watching the sunset, it was always a perfect night because they was together.

As the sweet aroma of dinner traveled up the stairs and into their room, she woke to find herself in their bed. "Hey sleeping beauty," Leon's voice came from the doorway entrance, "sleep good?"

Smiling, she answered, "Would've been better if you was in bed with me." She slowly got up from the covers letting them slide down her short wolfen back as she stretched standing. Relaxing slowly, she ruffled her fur as if she was shaking off water then jumped down just to be scooped back up into the air by Leon.

Kissing her forehead gently, he asked smiling, "You're supposed to be taking it easy, remember?"

Kissing back she moaned, "Aww, but I wanted to play." She smiled then they shared a laugh at her childish sentence. Carrying her, he gently laid her back down in the bed.

"Stay here baby," he ordered softly, "I'll bring our dinner up here." With a smile, he turned and walked out of the room.

Looking at her bandages, she thought, I wonder if it'll be healed by tomorrow. Rubbing her shoulder against the bed she continued, I hope so. Ugh, it's so itchy. Hmm... Wonder if I can scratch it.

As she got into a sit position, she lifted her foot as Leon's voice came into the room. "Hey? What are you doing?" As she turned to face him, he raised his eyebrow. Giving a nervous smile, she just gave a nervous laugh. "You know better than to scratch it April," he scolded gently as he sat her plate down in front of her. It was one of her favorites, spaghetti with garlic bread. Lowering her head to eat she felt a pair of claws gently scratching between her shoulder blades. Wagging her tail, she murred quietly enjoying the scratching.

"You know I can't eat when you do that," she said trying to sound annoyed despite the pleasure that her voice reveled.

Laughing he replied, "Sorry, I'll wait until you're done eating." Kissing her, he started to eat his plate of food leaving her be. Flicking her tail tip slightly annoyed with how she couldn't hide her pleasure, she started to eat her food once again. Once the spaghetti was gone, she used her garlic bread to whipe the plate clean of the sauce. Smiling, tummy full she rolled onto her side relaxing as she closed her eyes. Feeling a kiss touch her forehead, she opened her eyes to see Leon take her plate and leave.

Stretching out, she got up yawning, ugh why am I so tired, she wondered. Turning around, she laid back down, resting her head on the pillow again. Giving another yawn, her eyes started to become heavy with sleep despite her want to stay awake. Feeling a paw touch her side, she jumped slightly as the paw kept her from getting up with a gentle pressure.

"It's just me baby," Leon whispered softly, "go ahead and rest. I'm here with you." With that his paw gently wrapped around her side as he pulled her a little closer to him as he fell asleep. Smiling, she let the darkness take her over falling asleep.

Waking to Leon's gently shaking she moaned slightly, "Hmm?"

"It's time to wake up baby," He said gently, "We need to check you wound." With that, she jumped up with spook to the word we, as she looked around, she spotted only Leon laughing at her quick reaction. "I meant you and me when I said 'we' silly."

"Oh," she said embarassed, "of course." She stretched out, fully awake now either way as Leon got out of bed stretching himself. Slowly, Leon strode over to her and slowly undone the bandages from around her upper shoulder. Looking at it carefully, he gently lifted her fur from the wound to check it thoroughly and smiled.

"Looks good baby," he said pulling his paw away, then continued, "you can shift to your beautiful anthro form if you like." Wagging her tail, she took advantage of it and shifted to her anthro form. Then, she walked over to the dresser and got out her bra and panties. As she bent over, her face got red as a low whistle sounded out from behind her. Turning her head, Leon stood there, admiring the view from behind and she flicked her tail tip and finished dressing unable to hide the smile.

Turning to face him, she asked, "You think you're funny, huh?"

He shrugged smiling as he answered, "I guess, I did get your attention either way though." Walking up to him, she stood there glaring up at him for a moment, then kissed him as she undone his pants. Kissing back, he smiled and slowly lifted his hands about to hug her. Grinning, she pushed him on the bed and ran to the door laughing.

"You're it!" she yipped then ran out the door and down the stairs giggle.

"Hey! No fair!" his voive echoed down the stiars as the pound of his paws sounded from the room and she laughed more. She turned the corner into the kitchen and sped through there. As she ran to the libing room she bumped into a wall of dark brown fur.

A pair of paws grabbed her arms gently steadying her and a voice said, "Hey, what's the rush April?" She looked up to see Mark. Suddenly, they both got tackled by a black beast.

Laughing Leon said, "she was trying to escape from me." He got off and helped both of them up laughing. "So, Mark, what are you doing here? It's not time to look for Barry, is it?"

"Leon, we need to talk for a moment in private," Mark said in a serious tone. Leon's fun expression left his face as he nodded and led the way upstairs. Stopping, he turned and advised, "April, might be better if you laid down while we talk, okay?" Her ears drooped slightly as a small whine of worry escaped from her. Giving a warm smile, he kissed her forehead then continued, "I'll tell you what's going on when you wake. Now, go rest so you'll be in top condition for when we go after Barry."

Kissing back she sighed, "Okay." With that, she walked to their room looking back as he shut the door behind him. She crawled into bed as a million thoughts ran through her mind. What's so important that I must wait to find out? Why didn't Mark let us know he was coming? Why did Mark just barge in like that? Did Barry come back near the territory for someone to catch his scent? Question after question filled her mind and none of them being answered. Slowly, her mind began to slow down as her body gave into the resting state it was in. As she closed her eyes, allowing the darkness to consume her, the thoughts died out as all went silent.