Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 1
#1 of Camilla Queen, the Conquerer
This is the first chapter of what will be a somewhat longer story, about a fox-wolf named Camilla Queen.
The character is owned by Vela 12334 on DA and furaffinity and my story is created after I asked him for permission.
Chapter 1
"Good morning," purred the voice of the alarm clock, "it's 8 a.m. and 05.06.2120. The weather today is sunny with a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius and zero percent cloud cover. The methane content of the atmosphere is harmless, the UV radiation can be endured without extended sun protection, as well as the ozone content. There are no special incidents within the city of Boston and the police do not report anything special in the surrounding area either. "
Camilla kept her eyes closed, turned sideways in her bed, away from the voice, and waved her right hand through the air to silence the alarm.
She succeeded, but the fox-wolf knew that the infernal machine could not be permanently stalled by a hand movement alone and that it would start to attack again in exactly 10 minutes.
So she had no choice but to start the day.
She stretched extensively, flipped back the light comforter and yawned heartily.
Camilla Queen was a stately fox-wolf, had semi-long reddish fur, a very feminine figure, which had earned her the reputation of a swashbuckling vampire, and a very penetrating gaze.
In truth, Camilla was rather reserved, literally had hair on her teeth, which forced her to that very restraint, because in the past, she had already ticked off many times. Her deep smile resembled very distantly the Mona Lisa, where it was also not clear what she was thinking about at that moment.
It was not simply character traits of the she-fox, but also a kind of protection. She was now 26 years old, in her prime. Others had children, had families and a quiet lifestyle, but not Camilla, no, she was an archaeologist who flourished in her field of activity, had parents and a stepbrother, but preferred to hang out in foreign lands. Moreover, she was not only born under the zodiac sign of Virgo, but also guarded it in herself.
Okay, she had cravings, but her fingers were friend enough and knew the most intimate points to satisfy as quickly as possible. So she did it to relieve stress or just come down after a hard mission and relax quickly.
"Good morning..." the alarm clock began repeatedly.
This time, however, more insistently and louder. It was not enough for him that Camilla sat upright, he wanted to hear her voice and thus make sure that the current posture was not just a half-asleep reflex.
"Shut up," the fox-wolf snarled in his direction, instantly silencing him, but only for him to start on more current topics almost simultaneously.
Oh yes, I forgot to introduce the alarm clock.
The alarm clock is not a normal one that just stands around on a cabinet, looks a bit edgy and knows only one task - to tear its owner out of sleep at predetermined times, to annoy him and in the end to drive him to rash actions, which he bitterly regrets the following evening at the latest.
No, this alarm clock had a name and was called Frank Simson, was upright like Camilla, a Doberman and yet artificial. He was Camilla's butler, had a very upscale AI, was always at her service, always coupled with the Internet and other communication channels, discreet and secretive. Well, except for that one moment when he was supposed to wake Camilla and perceived it in great detail.
"Miss Queen," Simson lifted, "may I remind you that you are scheduled to meet with your stepbrother today at the public library. He specifically asked you to do that a week ago."
"Was that today?" the fox-wolf mewed, slightly scowling.
"Yes, or I wouldn't point it out to them."
"Oh, just tune out. I'm not in the mood to be talked over right now."
"As you wish Miss Queen, but it still doesn't change that fact."
"How about you bring me a cup of coffee?" growled Camilla.
"I'd love to. I'll be back shortly," purred Frank Simson and left the bedroom.
While her butler was busy and she was undisturbed, she rose entirely and strode leisurely into the bathroom, leaving the door open and looking in the mirror.
"Old you look," she murmured to her reflection. "But there's still the fire, and no one's going to put it out."
She looked at herself extensively, looked down at her fur, her scars. On her right flank there was a long tear, which she had gotten on an expedition in Nepal. Fortunately, it had healed well and was barely visible through the fur.
At that time, she was still very inexperienced, she messed with a bull. It was not even about the very big booty, but only about a diamond, which was said to have magical powers. However, no one knew what they were supposed to look like, and still don't.
In any case, the bull was not very enthusiastic when Camilla appeared and wanted to dispute him the prey. It came to a fight, the fox-wolf won, the bull was then only an ox, she took the diamond, the two jewels of the bovine oozed down a slope and he then also. The case was settled and the diamond found a place in a safe chamber for safekeeping, away from any unauthorized access.
A smaller cut was on her left thigh, near her groin, and extended over her left labia to just before her clit.
This came from an altercation with several wolves, or rather werewolves.
The horde thought that she themselves would be good prey for a quick number. But it didn't come to that. Her stepbrother and also her butler were quartered in the same hotel as her, same floor, the rooms directly to the left and right, heard her screams, rushed to help, tore two of them away from Camilla, made short work of them.
The third, however, drew a knife, was of the opinion that what he can't have, no one else should get. Camilla struck at his hand, was able to fend him off, to get his hand away from her upper body and with it a fatal stab in the heart, but the result was that the knife with the tip gave her this cut.
Fortunately, she wasn't in her heat at the time either.
Camilla was well aware of her female characteristics, but also that she was no ordinary, average fox-wolf. Rather, she was a typical hybrid, in which everything always turned out a little larger or more luxuriant than in the parents.
So her breasts were larger than normal. Not huge or completely oversized, but she herself would need two hands per breast to encompass them reasonably well, and her slim waist emphasized her bust and made her look large, though still in fitting proportion and very tastefully shaped. And, not being in heat at the time saved her clit from an extremely painful experience and her from a fatal loss of blood.
Very early Camilla noticed that her normally small lentil of pleasure, which hid shamefully in its predetermined corner, during these certain days, in a cheeky way, expanded its space, spread, gained length, filled with blood and took on the shape and size of a very large bean. At the same time also gained in sensitivity and the she-fox in this phase preferred either not to leave the house at all or, what luck, that she liked to wear light clothes and sometimes skirts, put on one just like that and did without panties altogether.
So while she stood in front of the mirror, lost in thought, slowly stroking her breasts, finally arriving at her lower abdomen and labia, briefly massaging over her clit, which indicated that she was in heat, a feeling of pure pleasure overcame her, she knew that the Doberman butler was secretive and even if he was behind her nothing would happen, she gave her fingers the command to finish it.
"Miss Queen, while you are in the shower, I will mop up. I hope you had fun."
"Frank, even if you are only artificial. Such a question is not befitting a butler."
"Very well Miss Queen," confirmed the Doberman.
"But if it's important to their circuits... Yes, it has relaxed me physically. Now I'm going to shower, then drink the now cold coffee, then get dressed and head to the library."
"Very well. May I get her dressing room ready? "
"Just a light blouse and skirt. As you noticed, I'm in the phase."
Some time ago, Camilla had decided to point out her circumstance to her butler through this one defined term. Thus he also knew where he was, what he had to pay attention to and could better deal with the moods of his mistress.
"I'd love to," Frank confirmed and went to the closet while the fox-wolf pampered herself with a warm shower, bringing her body and mind to a state of rest.
Half an hour later she was ready, her fur was dry, soft, her lips curled in a profound smile, her gaze had that enigmatic depth again, and her clothes were light, airy, but sufficiently enveloped her.
Leaving the villa, she stretched the parasol, strolled down the stairs and boarded the car.
"Are you ready, Miss Queen?" asked Frank promptly.
"Well go on," she grumbled, smiling a little more, "I'm not getting any younger either, and yet now I'm curious about what my stepbrother has again."
"With pleasure," replied the Doberman and switched on the drive. Obediently, the car started moving, followed its destination programming and after a good hour reached the forecourt of the local library.
"Oh no," snapped the fox-wolf, "my unwanted band of followers is on the scene again, too."
"May I suggest we go behind the building and you use the staff entrance?"
"That would be a nice try, but cowardice before the enemy. Besides, you've already seen the car anyway and are just holding back. But I'd still like to know how all these dumbasses know I'm showing up?"
"You'll have to ask your stepbrother," said Frank Simson, pointing with his left hand to the entrance and up the stairs. There, as if summoned, a wolf appeared, dressed like a typical official, and looked down at Camilla's limousine.
"What the heck..." she growled and opened the door herself, getting out and stopping at the vehicle.
She knew anyway that she wouldn't get far before the handful of fans and also the three idiots from the press pounced on her.
Determined, she made her way up the stairs, targeted her stepbrother Stephen Fang, and was fittingly intercepted in the last few feet.
"Miss Queen," one of the reporters yelled, "what has your stepbrother discovered?"
"Miss Queen, how are you today?" followed the second.
"Miss Queen, what did you do in the meantime after you snatched the diamond from the clutches of the Torides clan?"
No one could expect it and so the fox wolf made short work of it.
"One: I don't know, but I'm here to find out and they're stopping me right now, which I find disrespectful in the extreme. Second: I'm fine, if I except that I'm in heat right now and actually permanently horny. But my good upbringing ensures that I am and remain a virgin, and most importantly, that I don't cut their balls off like I did with the bull of the Torides clan. Would that answer their questions sufficiently?"
The reporters left it at that, standing rooted to the spot, saying nothing more to her and staring after the continuing Camilla Queen.
Afterwards, the three looked at each other, slightly confused.
"Charming as ever," murmured one, while the other added, shrugging his shoulders, "And above all, so ... direct."
"Yes, she's never been one to mince words. But that seems to go down well with her fans," the third quickly added, pointing to the small crowd of fans.
"She may be a first-rate archaeologist, but at some point she overdoes it or gets in with the wrong person."
"That remains to be feared."
"She reminds me more and more of that Lara Croft."
"Lara Croft was a computer game and thus purely artificial. This one is real."
"Besides, this Croft was a human, Camilla is a fox-wolf."
"So what? I'm a stud," one of the reporters raged on, "and yet I'm only a reporter at a second-rate paper."
"Oh, is there envy towards her colleagues?" quipped a possum that had approached, joined the throng of fans and overheard the conversation.
"What do you find so exciting about this Camilla Queen?" the reporter stallion asked.
"Where do I start?" the opossum pondered.
"It's best to just have facts, and don't tell me it's because of your big tits."
"Facts, hmmm... She's unconventional."
"What do you mean? ", the horse probed.
"Take archaeology like a kind of sex."
"Why don't you just let me finish?"
"There are different kinds of sex. There is it with so-called toys, with a partner of the opposite sex, with a partner of the same sex, with hermaphrodites."
"Oh please, get to the point."
"Am just about to. It doesn't matter what sex you practice sex with. It's the way, the way to the goal, that matters."
"Now that sounds interesting. You've got me curious."
"Flower sex, hard sex, sex with restraints, sex in different positions, the fast sex and the very slow sex where you have the nagging feeling of never getting to the goal, but the greed of it never stopping is just overwhelming," the possum further explained.
"I'm beginning to catch on," intoned the stallion.
"You see, it's the combination with which Camilla Queen approaches her discoveries. She actually prefers the flower and the very simple position, preferably fast to the goal. But, then when she starts, she does everything thoughtfully, always nice and slow and with pleasure. With her, the greed to get to the goal is there, but the path is the real climax for her and every scene along the way is a little orgasm, one after the other and then comes the grand finale and the total exhaustion, the satisfaction of all the senses and that in the highest form."
"You're really raving about your idol," the stallion noted.
"You should look more closely into your discoveries and how they came about, then you will know why I am talking like this. Until then, I recommend myself and wish you a pleasant day," said the opossum and disappeared.
Inside the library, the air was constantly dry, cool, and it smelled musty.
"How are you, sis?" began Stephen, who had quickly grabbed Camilla outside the front door and brought her inside.
"After you dragged me into the building like a kidnapping and now I'm standing here, quite normally," the she-fox replied, looking sharply at the male wolf.
"I'm glad to hear that. But normal you are not, never have been. Besides, you're wearing your phase clothes again."
"Oh, I'm immensely pleased that you notice that, and so you should also be careful and warned."
"Something completely different will happen when I tell you about my discovery."
"How nice. It really reassures me that it's not my heat and associated horniness that's going to be discussed here, but that it's actually about something important."
"Indeed. But accompany me upstairs. You'll be amazed."
"I'd be surprised if you actually found something groundbreaking for once," Camilla quipped as she followed her wolf stepbrother.
"I do beg your pardon. After all, you have me to thank for the retinue diamond and your oh-so-triumphant victory over the leader of the Torides clan."
"Even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn."
"But this time I should be able to top everything. Believe me," he said and opened a side door. "May I have the pleasure?" he added rhetorically, pointing to the interior.
"While we're here, I might as well take a look."
"Too much of a mercy, your divinity," he teased, closing the door behind him. "The scroll is on the table."
Camilla bent over a jumbled mass of type, scrolls, papers, and pictures. "Which one do you want it to be? Can you maybe clean this place up? What does this even look like? You're not a librarian, you're a messi," the fox-wolf grumbled.
"Done, done," Stephen defused the situation and reached for a parchment. "This is it," he intoned solemnly.
"Looks like nothing for now," Camilla mused, then took a closer look.
She looked at it for a very long time, finally put it back on the desk, looked at it again, and then looked at her stepbrother.
"There is still something missing," finally prompted the fox-wolf to reveal everything to her.
"Right." He stood next to her and reached for the pictures, placing them in order next to the scroll.
"Now it makes sense," Camilla added, and began to compare the text with the astronomical images. "If this is true, then there is something out there. Something that radiates very strongly in the infrared, is just as sporadically visible in visible light, and is in the Sirius B region."
"That's right, too."
"Any idea what that might be?" echoed Camilla.
"Not really."
"According to the scroll, a device, something technical, something demonic, was said to have been disassembled into its component parts and was hidden in various areas of the galaxy."
"Does that remind you of anything?" asked Stephen, looking piercingly at his stepsister.
The fox-wolf thought for a while and scratched under her chin. "Osiris!" she suddenly snapped.
"Bull's eye! The thing with Osiris and Seth."
"Was this supposed to mean that the ancient Egyptians actually had contact and that the gods existed? That Seth's murder of Osiris really took place and its parts were distributed not across Egypt but across the Milky Way?"
"On earth as it is in heaven! You know wisdom, the foundation of Egyptian culture," Stephen admonished.
"Now that would really be something, and not just something small, but something pretty darn big," Camilla said, sighing loudly.
"The question is, where do we start?" echoed Stephen.
"You've certainly piqued my interest," Camilla began, starting to grin. "The question is, how do we start it, especially without too many people noticing?"
"You mean...", Stephen started and was interrupted by Camilla, "... my fans and the press."
"We should figure out how to get there first?" the wolf reminded.
"Let me worry about that," his stepsister reassured him. "A suitable ship will be provided by Frank and me. You just stay relaxed and make sure no one notices."
"All right, sis," the wolf exulted, patting her on the right shoulder.
"Don't rejoice too soon. I'm going home now to pack our things," Camilla stated, leaving the room, the library and boarding the car. "Frank, we have a lot to do, a lot in fact."
"Very well, Miss Queen! What are you up to?"
"Drive us home. I'll explain everything on the way."
"I'd love to."
"Miss Queen. I must strongly warn you not to embark on this dangerous journey," Frank Simson stated after Camilla had enlightened him.
"I appreciate their care, but I will not hesitate."
"Miss Queen! ..."
"... I know what my name is and no!", Camilla interrupted him.
"It's pointless. Completely pointless. If you'rs parents knew that."
"They're not here and they won't know. Otherwise I deactivate you and now you will kindly organize a suitable ship. For all I care, an excursion with all inclusive. Something that takes us in the direction of Sirius B," ordered the fox-wolf.
"Very well, Miss Queen. Still, I don't agree with it."
"You don't have to agree, it's enough if you accompany me and Stephen and don't inform my parents."
The Doberman sighed, raised his arms in a primitive way which was supposed to show that he was helpless and surrendered to his commanded fate.