Conundrum, Chapters 1-4

Story by Ashwin Rabbit on SoFurry

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Okay, so it's one of those "guy turns his roommate into an AB/DL stories." It's from when I first started writing about this subject. Hopefully it's still an entertaining read.


Author: Ashwin Rabbit

Chapter 1: Slept Like a Baby

Caveat: No sex in this story. Involves a character wearing a diaper and 'cubbing out' for the first time, and includes a scene where he wets himself. Not your thing? I urge you not to read it.

Have you ever had one of those nights where you can't sleep?

I've had twelve in a row so far.

I was sitting in the living room of my apartment this morning, sprawled out on the couch as I worked my way through yet another level of "Terminal Vision" - when you can't sleep, electronic devices are your best friend. My ears swiveled as I heard the doorknob of the other bedroom turning, my roommate stepping out.

"Couldn't sleep again?"

I blinked and glanced over at Ashwin. He was a rabbit, and had been my roommate since sophomore year, when we were allowed to get a place off campus. Shrugging my shoulders, I turned my attention back to the screen. Ashwin came over and sat down next to me, "You've gotta do something about this, Mark. Try some sleeping pills or something, man."

The problem with being really tired is that your patience is short, and your temper shorter. I glowered at him, "Don't you think I already have? Total waste of five bucks is what it was."

Ashwin's ears folded back, "Hey, relax, man. I'm worried about you is all. You make an appointment at the health center?" I sighed and nodded, "It'll be a week before they can see me." My tailtip flicked as I looked over at Ashwin, "I don't know how much more of this I can take, dude. I don't want to go drive anywhere because I'm afraid I'll conk out at the wheel, and classes are starting in a month."

The rabbit reached over and squeezed my shoulder, his psych classes taking hold of his personality, "What happens when you lay down?" he asked. I shook my head, "I just can't drift off... too much stuff starts drifting through my mind, and I just can't relax enough to get to bed. Take the pills, put on music, turn on a fan. Nothing helps." Ashwin nodded, "What kinds of things do you think about?"

"I dunno... just that it's senior year, and I've got to start working on my final project this year, not to mention that I'm not sure about my financial aid... just a lot on my mind, you know?" I sighed again and flopped my head back on the couch. Ashwin glanced at me, "You know, Mark, there's something I've done when in your shoes before." He bit his lip, "I could show you."

"What is it?" I asked, glancing at his reaction. He looked back at me, then at his watch, "Fuck, I'm running late. Tell you what, I'll show you tonight. I gotta motor." I could tell something was up with Ashwin - he never acted that way before around me. I shrugged it off and went back to the game.

It was about 8:30 P.M. when Ashwin got back home. I looked at him as he walked through the door, "So, what were you going to show me?" The rabbit bit his lip again, "It's kinda strange, so you'd have to trust me and not freak out if I do." Odd, I've never known Ashwin to be one to keep secrets. I shrugged and nodded, "Alright, dude. If you say so."

Ashwin nodded, "Okay. First thing - go take a long, hot shower. Dry off and meet me in your room." I blinked, but nodded and went into the bathroom. I could hear Ashwin trudge into his bedroom, and I could hear him throwing things around in there as I soaked myself under the warm spray of the showerhead. Making sure to wash out my growing mane as I lathered up the rest of my body with the sweet-scented fur shampoo. Rinsing all of the soap out of my pelt, I shook off, then grabbed a dry towel, wrapping it around my head as I used another to towel off my body. I wrapped it around my waist and headed out into my bedroom, where I found Ashwin sitting on the edge of my bed, a backpack at his feet, holding a sizeable teddy bear.

"That's it? A teddy bear?" I asked, glancing over at my roommate. He stood up, "Not quite, Mark. Remember, you have to trust me." I perked a brow, "Ashwin, dude, what's wrong with you? You're acting really aloof." Ashwin sighed and patted a spot for me to sit down near him, "Promise that you won't tell anyone about this?" I sighed, getting a little frustrated, "Yes. Just... out with it. I'm getting tired of playing games." Ashwin nodded and unzipped the backpack, pulling out a pair of light green pajamas. I blinked and examined them a little more - the feet were sewn in to them, much like something you would have worn in the first few years of life, only they were sized up to fit an adult.

"This is it? You like footy pajamas? You did all this beating around the bush for foo.." I stopped as I glanced into the bag. I could make out a bottle of baby powder and something that looked like... No, it couldn't be. I glanced back at Ashwin and shook my head, "Oh, hell no, man... There's no fucking way I'm going to..."

Ashwin looked ashamed as he looked back at me, "You promised not to spaz out, Mark. When I get a lot of anxiety to the point I can't sleep, I like to just, I dunno, escape for a bit."

"You're talking about wearing a fucking diaper!"

"It helps. Right now, nothing you've tried seems to be working," said Ashwin, getting upset, "I took a big fucking step in revealing this to you, hoping that I could help one of my best friends." He smacked his fist into his forehead, "I knew this was going to happen, I just fucking knew it." He grabbed the pajamas out of my hand and threw them back in the bag. The teddy bear went under the other arm, as he stood up, "I'm sorry, Mark. I'll leave ya be," he murmured, starting toward the door, cursing under his breath.

"Hey, wait." I took a deep breath, trying to get my initial shock out of the way, "Okay, I'm just a little shocked at this. This is beyond freaky to me, but," I shook my head, not believing I was about to say this, "Tell me how this works... God knows I've tried close to everything else."

The rabbit nodded, sitting back down, "Alright. You get dressed up, and I'll put on some music - it helps. When you lay down, hug on the teddy bear and just start to let go of things. Think about being three years old, just being able to lay down and nap, hugging on a blanket or..." he grabbed the bear, "Mister Wembly here." I thought about this for a minute or two, before nodding and taking a deep breath, "Okay... I'll try it. I feel really silly already."

Ashwin smiled a little, "Okay. Lay down on your back. Let me get you dressed."

I complied, feeling a little bashful as the towel covering my waist was peeled away. I wasn't embarrassed about Ashwin seeing my bits - we'd seen each other naked at various points of living together - it was just inevitable, but I was feeling a little self-conscious, about to be pampered in a way I'd never done before. With his guidance, I lifted my hips a little, feeling my ears flush as the crinkle of the diaper was introduced to me, watching him unfold it and slide it under me. I laid back down, glancing at my roommate, closing my eyes as he pulled out the bottle of powder, squirting it onto my groin and back between my legs. We both coughed as it made a cloud of dust in the air.

I looked back down as Ashwin brought the diaper up between my legs, after grabbing the tip of my tail and threading it through a hole in the waistband. My ears were hot with embarrassment now, watching the tape being peeled free and stuck to the front of the undergarment.

"Oh well, no going back now," I thought, glancing at my roommate, wondering how he managed to keep me from finding this out about him in the two years I've lived with him. He managed a weak smile, pulling out the pajamas. I lifted a leg up a bit, hearing the crinkling of the garment, which caused me to feel a little more uneasy, but I worked through it. After putting the pajamas on my feet, I stood up, pulling them up over my back, making sure to push the tip of my tail through a hole in the backside.

Ashwin helped, holding them up so I could thread my arms through, and he moved around to zip me up. I sighed, looking at the baggy PJ's - they were obviously tailored for the rabbit. He just glanced at me, "Sorry, man... s'all I've got." He stood up, "Alright. You're ready for bed." Ashwin moved over to my stereo, removing the discs in the changer and inserting five different discs. I laid down on the bed as the soft sounds of a lullaby started to flow from the speakers. Ashwin moved back over and pulled the covers up over me, as I grabbed the teddy bear and sighed.

"You're sure about this?" I asked.

"Dude, if it doesn't work, you can punch me in the stomach as hard as you like tomorrow," the rabbit replied, stroking my forehead, "G'night, little one." I went to open my mouth and say something, but I felt something pressed between my lips. It was a pacifier. I ran my tongue over the surface of the thing, finding it fit well in my mouth. Now, I've been to raves before, and when there are certain substances there, you use a pacifier to keep your mouth from drying out. That was just a small pacifier, this one was different.

The lights went out and the door closed behind Ashwin. Darkness. My only companions now the teddy bear and the soft music coming from my stereo.

I looked at the teddy bear, hugging it to my chest as I sighed, closing my eyes and trying to imagine myself as a cub. I started thinking about various things, most of them how silly I felt, before I shook my head and started to concentrate - on how nice it was to not have to worry about school, bills, any of that. Just that I could feel safe and warm - and that's how I felt just hugging this teddy bear, and before long, my consciousness started to fade away.

The next morning came in the rudest of ways - the sun pounding through the narrow blinds on my window. I blinked my eyes open and just pulled a pillow over my head. Lo and behold, I was still clutching on that teddy bear. When you've not slept in almost two weeks, the act of finally getting there is quite wonderful, and you want it to last.

Eventually, my bladder was making it evident that I needed to wake up and go take care of it. But, I didn't seem to care at that moment - I felt that damn refreshed. I just laid there in the bed, turning a few times, before my body decided that it couldn't hold any more and I was going to get relief.

As I started to empty my bladder into the diaper, I was feeling a bit disgusted with myself for playing along to this extreme. I also started to feel dampness running down my leg as the garment found itself no match for this cat's bladder. Grumbling, I jumped up and headed for the bathroom, glancing back at the puddle on my bed.

As I turned on the light, I was surprised to see myself in the mirror, wearing a pair of oversize green footed PJ's, with a giant dark spot down the legs. I unzipped the warm sleepwear, then glanced over. Apparently Ashwin had been in here, and had set the trashcan from the kitchen in here. I made quick work of getting out of the damp diaper and setting it in the bin, before I finished relieving myself in the commode. I went back out and gathered the damp sheets off the bed and threw them with the pajamas in a laundry basket.

After a quick shower, I grabbed the laundry basket and headed out to wash the sheets and pajamas. I passed by Ashwin, who was enjoying a morning cup of coffee, on my way to the closet with the washer and dryer. He could probably smell what happened, but I just tried to make the best of it and hope he wouldn't say anything.

"So... sleep well?" he asked casually, his attention more on fixing a bowl of cereal.

"Your stomach gets a reprieve," I tossed back, pouring a scoop of detergent into the washer. Ashwin nodded, "Good." He smirked at me, "Lemme guess... cub had an accident? I glared at him for a moment, "Don't start." Ashwin shrugged and chuckled, "Don't worry about it. I'm just teasing. Happens to me too sometimes." I shot my roommate a look, "Dude, TMI." Another shrug. "I'm just saying, nothing to get worked up about," Ashwin grumbled.

"Alright. It was an interesting experience, but I don't think I'll ever do this again," I commented, starting the washer. Ashwin nodded, "Fair enough. You tried. It helped. If you can sleep from now on, it was worth it." He had me there. I gave a dismissive shrug, "Yeah. I guess it was." The rabbit chuckled a little, "Well, if you ever want to do it again, I've got stuff you can use."

"No offense, dude, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I do this again."

Chapter 2: Deep Freeze

As much as I hate to admit it, what my roommate had introduced me to had done for me did wonders for my mood the next day. After all, getting ten hours of sleep after being deprived for so long would do wonders for ANYBODY. I was working on procuring textbooks for the next semester, when Ashwin scooted out the door with his backpack slung over his shoulder. That was the one thing I was always curious about with Ashwin - every couple of weeks, he'd disappear after coming home from his only class on Friday afternoon. I usually wouldn't see him until classes on Monday morning.

I started to think about various things - had things between the rabbit and myself changed since his revelation last night? I pondered over this, wondering if I could really be comfortable with a roommate who wore diapers and acted like a baby. Someone who admittedly wet himself. Could I look at him the same way without seeing that side of him all the time?

My thoughts turned to how I felt while everything was going on. Yes, I'll admit that it felt good to find a way to relax and to finally rest, but I felt a small bit of shame about how I got there. I finally just gave it a mental shrug and figured as long as I could get to sleep tonight, all would be well.

Darkness again. After an hour of laying on my bed, trying to fall asleep, I grabbed a pillow and pulled it tight to my muzzle, letting out a loud cry of defeat. Sighing, I looked over at the clock, then reached over and flicked on the CD player. The familiar sound of Brahms came through the speakers, and I just laid back, trying to clear my mind. The music helped, and I dozed off lightly.

By the time the CD ended, I looked over at the clock. 2:30 A.M. was already approaching, as I sat back up, "Fuuuuuuck," I muttered, standing up, muttering to myself, "I don't want to rely on this shit." I reasoned, even in my exhausted state, that maybe it was psychological rather than physical things that was keeping me from resting. Oh well, I'll make an appointment with a shrink on Monday. But, for now...

I opened the door to Ashwin's room. Since he wasn't there, I had no qualms about turning on the overhead light. I glanced around, noticing the small TV sitting on a card table. There was a folded up note with my name on it. Part of me knew what the gist of the note was going to be, but, oh well, let's get this out of the way...



If you're reading this, I'm going to assume that Satan is trying very hard to get the pilot light lit.

Listen, buddy, if you're wanting to cub out again, the stuff is in my closet. There's a dresser there, and it's in the second drawer. There's only one diaper left, so if you're gonna do this beyond tonight, you're on your own. Just memorize the brand and size, and just be glad that the local big box has self checkouts.


I blinked a bit and chuckled. God damn, that rabbit could be a smug son of a bitch when he wanted to be. There was more in the letter, so I finished reading it on my way over to the closet door.


You're probably going through a lot right now with this. I saw how uneasy you were talking to me this morning, but I want you to know that if you want to talk about this, we can. I won't be home until Monday afternoon, so just come knock on my door.



I pulled open the drawer of the old dresser, wincing and flicking my ears back at the friction of wood pulling against wood. Inside was, as Ashwin indicated, one diaper, as well as two or three pairs of the footed pajamas. There were also three baby bottles, a bottle of powder, and a pair of rubber pants. Eww. I don't even want to think about that. I grabbed the diaper, the P.J.s and the powder, slid the drawer closed and headed back to my room.

I stopped in the bathroom and drained the lizard, not wanting a repeat of the night before. As I stepped back out into my room, that feeling of uneasiness came over me. Thoughts hit me and I started thinking, "Well, what if I don't wear the diaper?" The thought abated as I realized that if I were to wet the bed, I'd be kicking myself that I didn't. I pulled off my underwear, and unfolded the diaper. Moving up and slipping it between my legs, I reached back and maneuvered my tail through the hole.

The dustcloud of baby powder made me cough and choke as I shook it onto my groin. I think I shook out a little too much, but when it's going on three in the morning, you don't exactly know when to say when. I laid back, and unfastened the tapes, pulling them around and sticking them to the front. My heart thudded in my chest as the self-consciousness returned. I looked around for the teddy bear Ashwin had let me use last night, when I realized that he must have come into my room and taken it back.

I thought to myself for a moment, then headed over to my closet. I caught sight of myself, clad only in a diaper, in a mirror attached to the closet door. I chuckled a bit, "I'm such an idiot," I thought to myself, opening the door and stepping in. Looking around, I managed to locate a box marked "Toys." Pulling off the top, I found a relic from my childhood. It was a plush dog, wearing overalls and a railroad conductor's hat. My mom gave me this when I was a child, and, I kept this as a reminder of her after she succumbed to illness. "This'll do nicely," I thought, picking it up and stepping back over to my bed.

Making quick work of getting into the footed pajamas, I glanced back over at the mirror on the door. If I wasn't feeling so uneasy about the whole thing, I might have admitted that I looked 'cute' all done up like this. But, I just stood there. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the pacifier that my roommate had put in my mouth last night, and I reached over for it. I put it back between my lips and just giggled at the image in the mirror. I sat on my bed and pulled over the stuffed animal. I put it on my lap and hugged it, rocking back and forth. The music helped soothe my raw nerves. Something deep in my subconscious kept telling me to relax, to let go.

As I stared at myself in the mirror, the image of a grown up wearing footed pajamas was replaced by the image of a toddler. As I hugged the plush toy and turned the pacifier over, tracing my tongue over it, I could feel the pleasant kiss of drowsiness wafting over me. It was bedtime for this kitten. I turned off the lights, giggling to myself as the diaper crinkled as I moved. The last thing I remember was slipping between the covers of my bed, and my head hitting the pillow.

The sound of a lawnmower coming right up against the window of my bedroom brought me back to consciousness the next morning, as well as the persistent urging of my bladder. I found myself still hugging the plush dog, the pacifier still between my lips. Mentally, I still felt small, so I didn't stop myself as I started to relieve the dull ache in my torso. I didn't feel anything leaking this time, so I was rather pleased about that. But, the thoughts of a twenty-one year old start to flood back as he realizes that not only is he dressed like a three year old, he's also pissing his pants.

I took out the pacifier and set it on the dresser. I made my way into the kitchen for a garbage bag, and went back into my room to change. The feeling of uneasiness twinged with disgust started to return. Why could I only sleep like this? What if I could never fall asleep without wearing baby things ever again? All I could answer myself honestly with was that I had shopping to do today, whether I wanted to or not.

Chapter 3: Price Check!

I toweled off my damp fur as I got out of the shower. I looked at the clock and figured that I had time to get to the local MegaMart before there were large crowds of people who could see me. I went back in to Ashwin's room and looked at the brand and size on the diaper package. Memorizing it to myself, I went downstairs and got in my car.

It was a short drive across town to MegaMart. I steeled my nerve, and breathed deeply, wishing to calm my heart as it slammed against my chest. Nervous doesn't begin to cover how I was feeling as I walked in, grabbed a shopping cart and rolled over toward the pharmacy area.

There was a sign over the aisle that said "Incontinence." I went down the aisle - nothing there. At the end of the aisle was technically the front part of the store. I looked over to the left, and there they were. I had studied the bag carefully for brand and size, and wheeled the cart down the aisle. I grabbed the bag and scooted on for the self checkout.

There were two people ahead of me. One was an older lady - a raccoon, who didn't seem to understand the u-scan's workings, and a badger who was getting two quarts of motor oil. Neither seemed to pay me much mind as they finished up, myself anxious to get this done and get gone. Both were soon checked out and it was my turn. Press the button on the screen for "English" and then scan the item. Try to put it in a bag. Nothing fits. Crap. Put it in the bagging area so I can pay. There are people starting to line up behind me. Double crap.

The machine reprimands me, "Item removed from bagging area. Please return item to the bagging area."

"It's in there!" I thought as I looked over at the attendant. He seemed occupied with another customer, before he pushed a button, unfreezing the terminal. I press Finish and Pay.

"Item removed from bagging area. Please return item to the bagging area."


The attendant unfreezes it again and I manage to pay. I throw the bag into the cart, as it lands to where the lady behind me can see what it is. My ears redden as I grab my receipt, and get out of the store.

With that embarrassing episode out of the way, I get back to my apartment. I'm quickly up the stairs and through the door.

I walk into my room with what feels like ill-gotten gains. The stereo is playing again. It does that randomly sometimes, so I try to keep the volume low. It's playing the third disc of lullabyes, and there's something that just doesn't sound right in the background. I can't put my finger on it, it sounds like a soft, feminine voice, but what she's saying I can't figure out.

Now, I'm REALLY starting to grow curious as I pull out the disc from the changer and put it in my computer, "Let's see what we've got here..." I think to myself, as I start to rip the audio track.

A quick run through one of my audio programs manages to remove most of the music overtop, getting out that soft, murmuring voice. A few enhancements and I can make out, "Looking up at mama," and "Such a cute little baby..."

"Oh, son of a bitch!" I scream, pounding the desk in anger.

Needless to say, I was awake to greet the sunrise, just like I was awake to greet the sunset. That rabbit owes me some answers.

Chapter 4: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Diaper

I sat out on the deck of the apartment, watching a summer thunderstorm work its way overhead. Thick, warm drops fell from the sky and down onto the concrete walkway below. I watched it fall, drifting partially in and out of consciousness. In a moment of spontaneity, I took my shoes and socks off and tossed them through the door and into the living room, and just put my paws up on the railing, watching the fur get drenched.

I could see lightning coming from the sky further down the horizon, and just listened to the low rumble of the thunder it created. Leaves started to blow, unable to hold on to the branches. Raindrops plinked in the gutters. It was chaos, but by god, it was a beautiful kind of chaos. I pulled the baseball cap I was wearing off and rearranged it on my head, letting the bill cover my eyes.


Sitting up, the first thing I noticed was a stinging soreness in my neck and shoulders. I must have drifted off in the chair. The second was that it was now nighttime. Crickets were chirping and I could see the stars. Groaning, I sat up and looked over at Ashwin.

"Mmmf.. Whadzafuk?"

The rabbit just stood in the doorway, "You fell asleep on the porch. You're also drenched!"

I sat up, blinking at the sudden darkness. I looked down and realized that my shorts were also dark from moisture. A quick sniff confirmed it - yeah, it wasn't just rain. Ashwin thankfully had tossed me a towel, which I wrapped around myself, with a second to stand on and work my way across the living room to my bedroom, and it was just a quick hop into the bathroom, where I grabbed a quick shower.

Drying off, I glanced over at the unopened package of diapers I had purchased yesterday. So many emotions came welling up; shame, anger, embarrassment. I grabbed my pair of Guinness pajama bottoms and pulled them on, then went out toward the kitchen. Ashwin was sitting on the couch, playing on his PSP. He looked up and smiled, "Feeling better?"

From the way I slammed the refrigerator door shut and poured a glass of milk, it was apparent that I wasn't. Ashwin looked over from the couch, "Dude, what's bugging you?"

I lost it, slamming the empty plastic cup into the sink, "You fucking bastard, don't act like you don't know what's going on... You fucking brainwashed me while I slept into thinking I was a baby... Bet you're real fucking amused, aren't you?"

Ashwin blinked, seeminly stunned by the outburst, "What the hell? I..." His mouth dropped, "Shit, I must have grabbed one of those sleep hypnosis CDs by mistake. But that's not..."

I cut him off. Claws popped in and out of my fingersheathes, as I growled, "And I hope you're happy, Ash. You've got me wired to start wetting the bed! Do you get some kind of thrill from watching me have to put on a diaper? Have you been wanting to do this to me the whole three years we've lived in this apartment?" I was seething, breaths coming from between clenched teeth.

Ashwin just blinked, then let out a slow, dramatic sigh, his eyes rolling, "First off, Mark, 'hypnosis,'" he shot back, making quotation fingers, "Is really just psychosomatic nonsense. People let themselves believe that they have no control over themselves because of some object or someone saying words. He got up, giving me a look with an anger that matched my own, "And second, you've been pissing your pants at night since we've been roommates. Don't THINK you're going to play the card that some CD you listened to just turned on the magical yellow geyser."

Shit. He was right. I had been trying to hide the fact that I had wet the bed since I was nine. It followed me through high school, and into adulthood and college. Paws gripped the sink as I sighed, sniffling a few times and looking down, "You've known." The revelation that he knew felt like a fist in the gut, as I had to keep myself braced. Ashwin moved over and patted my shoulder, "Yeah, buddy. I have..." He slipped an arm around me and I just lost it, leaning down and putting my head on his shoulder. Tears came, as I just sobbed, resting on his shoulder. It took a few minutes before I looked up, "I need to sit down."

I took up one side of the futon, with Ashwin on the other. "Okay," he said, "Tell me the whole sordid detail of what happened, Mark." It took a few moments for me to steel my confidence enough, "It's been a problem all my life... just every so often I'd end up wetting the bed at night. I'd cover it up, of course when I got older. Mom probably just thought I was being a normal teenager and having wet dreams, whenever I'd rush the sheets downstairs and throw them in the wash." I laughed nervously, "It happened less and less but it still happened. I'm sure you caught wind of it when we lived in the dorm."

Ashwin nodded, "I figured you weren't going to talk about it, so I didn't say anything to you." Another deep sigh escaped me, "Anyway... about a month ago, it started happening frequently... I mean, every fucking night. And, I just got to the end of my rope with it! I got some of those disposable pads and put them under the sheets, but the more I did that, the more I got mad at myself. I didn't want to go to sleep if I knew that was what awaited me when I woke up."

The rabbit looked at me, "You mean that you were depriving yourself of sleep because you didn't want to wet the bed?" "Yep. Fucking dumb, isn't it?" I answered.

Ash just smiled, reaching over and hugging me, "Yeah, but, I understand why ya did it." The rabbit stood up, "But, for tonight, you are going to sleep. And you are going to be padded." I sighed a bit and chuckled, "Doesn't do much for leaving wet spots in the bed," I admitted. He just grinned at me, "I'll take care of that... but for now, let's just unwind, alright?" He turned on the TV and we both just sat there, watching Letterman slog through another monologue, and on in to another show.

By the time we were into watching the scottish badger that followed, I was feeling sleepy again. Ashwin nudged me, "Bedtime."

I soon found myself sprawled out on my bed, waiting on Ashwin to come in and help me get ready. He soon moved through the door, holding a bright white diaper that looked to be slightly thicker than the ones I had got at the local big box. "What's that?" I asked. He unfolded it, "It's a new type of diaper. It's ah, geared toward people who are into the whole adult baby thing. I got a few this weekend." It made a lot of noise as he unfolded it, "Takes a lot more abuse than the cheapies from the store, too." The rabbit grinned, "Hips up." he ordered, and I did, putting my trust in him that it wouldn't be nearly as traumatic as I've made myself believe. He grabbed the pacifier he had given me a few nights ago, and offered it to me. I grabbed a hold and just started squeezing the air out of it. In my groggy state, this was amusing.

The powder cloud arose and I was soon securely taped up. Ashwin also brought in a t-shirt, which he helped me into, the light yellow shirt big enough that it went down past my waist, almost to my knees. The rabbit remarked, "Now, you get a good night's sleep, and in the morning I'll show you the rest of the allure of this for me." I nodded as the rabbit got up, and shut off the light.

Waking up the next morning, I found that the sheets and the t-shirt were both dry, however firm and saggy the front of the diaper was. I slipped out of bed, and could hear the television on. I poked my head out curiously, and was a little surprised to see Ashwin laying there in front of the TV, wearing a footed sleeper and most undoubtedly a diaper underneath. He sucked on a pacifier while he colored in an activity book with crayons. He smiled up at me and removed the pacifier, "Mornin!" I just chuckled, "Hey..." I looked toward the television, "Holy crap, Pound Puppies?" It seemed to be a tape of old Saturday Morning cartoons. Back when Saturday Morning cartoons were good, that is. I came out and sat on the couch, giving a self-conscious grimace as it rustled.

Ashwin nodded, getting up and heading to the kitchen, "Uh huh... got tapes of old shows from when I lived at my grandpa's. Started burning them to DVD about a year ago." I grinned, "Sweet." and just sat there, watching. Ashwin handed me a bowl of cold cereal and milk. It was Fruit Loops. I looked up at the rabbit, who chuckled, "What, you were expecting Trix?" He handed me a sippy cup of apple juice and I decided better than to make further comment. I ate and drank and just wasted the better part of a morning watching old TV. It was great. I also reconnected with the simple act of coloring in pages of a book, while randomly trading goofy faces with Ashwin, breaking into laughter. And for a few hours, the grownup world - the routine of classes and financial aid, and job offers, I was able to put it on hold.