Furries in Space : Training Day

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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Furries In Space : Training Day

_ written by Solstice _

_ characters owned by Moldred _

This story is based on the experiences of Julie Rayne, a character who's central on furrysinspace.net. The story was commissioned by Moldred, the site's owner, and was written to as much of his specifications as possible.

Since a lot of readers here won't know Furries In Space, I tried to make it engaging enough that it might get them interested in going to the website and reading the webcomic there. For those who do know Furries in Space, you might notice a few inconsistencies in details... there's a reason for it, I promise, and Moldred's signed off on it.

Chapter One - A Strange Girl

The planet Geode: A heavily terraformed and A-level tech planet of millions of furs. Recently, a coup d'etat had changed the way of life for many a fur there, some for the better and many more for the worse. But in the small residential areas, where affluent and moderately wealthy families lived... very little changed. New laws came into play in the residents' daily lives, and sometimes the civil unrest reached them, but by and large, life went on as it always had.

Bellwoods, in the North Parklands district of Geode, was one such neighbourhood; completely untouched, a relic of a more peaceful and reserved time, one that looked much like the typical suburbs of hundreds of years before, with green lawns, cookie-cutter houses and small shrubs and trees on the boulevard. On this day, though, the quiet sterility of the burb was broken by the sudden appearance, in the middle of the street no less, of a most unusual individual.

She stood about five and a half feet tall, and was obviously a panther of some sort, though certainly of no subspecies that any would be able to identify. Short, downy pink fur covered her from head to toe, with messy crimson headfur topping off her head, and she wore not a single scrap of clothing but for a simple black leather collar. Her emerald green eyes glowed with an almost unholy light, hinting that her descent was anything but entirely 'natural'.

As the new arrival took stock of her surroundings, sniffing at the almost cloyingly pedestrian surroundings, she became aware of a young fox girl in a yellow sundress staring at her, mouth open in shock. "What," She asked, "Are you looking at, little one? Cat got your tongue?" The girl let out a terrified squeal and ran away as fast as her little legs could carry her, calling for her mother. Within moments, she'd disappeared behind the door of the nearest house.

"You know, Geshtinasnna, you should really try to have a little more tact," Came a soft feminine voice at the feline's shoulder. Rather than being startled, the panthress snickered a little, then turned to face her companion, who, like her, had simply appeared out of thin air. About half a foot taller than the first stranger, this particular arrival was more easily identified as mostly feline, with a touch of jackal in her bloodline somewhere.

She had tan brown fur on her back and lighter tan fur on her face, chest and legs. The part that most showed her bloodline wasn't pure feline was her gently wagging tail, much more pointed and large ears, and a slightly more angular muzzle. Though not completely naked, her form of dress certainly left nothing to the imagination; she wore a harness that was all buckles and leather, with only the thinnest strip of leather covering her crotch, and other strips of leather serving to prop up her breasts in an almost lewd display. Her long black headfur had been pulled into a simple ponytail, more in the intent of making sure none of those overly long locks hid any of her body from view.

"Oh really, come on, Erashkegelle, you don't let me have fun nearly enough," Geshtinasnna said. "And don't use that name! You never know who might know who we are. Remember, you're supposed to simply call me..."

Geshtinasnna was interrupted mid-sentence by the same young girl who she'd startled only moment's before, who had returned with a woman who was presumably her mother in tow. "See? See? A naked lady, mommy! See? See? Now there's two of them!"

Nothing could have confused the panthress more at that point, and she looked suspiciously at the child, wondering if somehow there was more than met the eye to the little one. "Yes, that's... right. How did you know? My name is CC, and this..." CC said, her mind whirling to try and figure out what to call Erashkegelle. "This is Ms. E. Child, are you toying with me?"

CC took a step toward the little girl, and she hid behind her mother, the terror in her eyes evident. "No, you're not, I suppose." She directed her gaze at the girl's mother, who was just standing there, a bleak look on her face, both fists clenched. "Oh do stop that, woman. I'm not going to eat you. I've already had lunch. Now, why don't you tell Ms E and I... where might we find the Rayne household? We're on official business."

The woman frowned severely, pursing her lips and trying to decide whether she should answer. Finally, she nodded, "You're here about that trollop Julie? Disgraceful. I would have chosen prison rather than what... you're here for. Fine. Third house that way, my side of the road. Don't you let anyone try to tell you we don't do our civic duty. Now would you kindly get your pink-furred hide away from me and my daughter?"

CC growled a little, "I should teach you respect, lady..." Before she could advance on the woman, Ms E laid a hand on her arm.

"Mom said we're not supposed to hurt anyone, CC. You really wanna piss her off? We're here to do a job," Ms E said. She bowed respectfully to the woman, who now shared an identical look of terror as her daughter. She produced a small credit chip from out of thin air and handed it over to the woman, "Why don't you and your family take a trip or something? Or just a nap?"

The woman mutely accepted the credit chip, and hustled her daughter back into her house as fast as she could. CC growled fiercely, letting out a playful snarl at the departing pair, then laughed as the door slammed shut. "Okay, that was fun. Third house down, right?"

Ms E nodded, and waited for CC to start walking before she followed, "You should really wear something here, you know? Anyway, do you really think this girl could be the one? What did mom's prophecy say? Wrongly accused, mistaken for her blood on a day of great strife, she will choose service over segregation, and when she can truly admit her love for the lot she draws, she will realize a greater destiny as my slave and champion both. Only when she embraces her slavery will she be free."

The panthress made a face, sticking out her tongue, "I'm not sure, E. And while we're on that subject... Why do the prophecies of gods have to be so fucking cryptic, E? Seriously. Your mother wants more than a few halfhearted prayers to a rusty old idol on a backwater space station and so she foresees a chance to find a champion and hero that will restore her to power. Why can't she just fucking say 'Here's my champion's name, birthday and location. Go pick her up, break her of her inhibitions, and bring her back to the Underworld.'"

"I don't think it works that way. Who knows, maybe Sumerian goddesses have to do it that way. Do you think mom tells me anything? No no no, it's always 'next eon, I'll teach you more. Maybe after the next turn of the great Wheel'. I just know that mom wants worshipers again. It kinda hurts her feelings when the only actual shrine to her is pretty much meant as a joke for gamblers, sluts and drug dealers. Wouldn't it hurt yours?" Ms E said, turning to follow CC as she approached the Rayne household.

CC snorted, "You kidding me? I don't have to deal with that shit. Ever. I'm just a bastard demon child of two demigods. You're the one that's gonna have to take over the 'family business' when your mom finally gets tired of it."

Ms E shrugged, "At least mom's not bored with it for now. And I get to go out and have fun with you, Ge... CC." As they strode up the walkway in front of the Rayne household, she sighed, "I really wanna get going back home. There's this Elderspawn I really like that wants me to meet his parents."

The pink panthress shuddered, a look of disgust plain on her face, "God, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it, E? First your mom has a fling with Cthulu, now you want to get multi-boned by an Elder God's crotch-dropping? Huh. Do Elder Gods even have crotches? Of course, with all those appendages, you could say that Elder Gods are ALL crotch..."

"Ew. EW! How the hell do you know that my mom got fucked by Cthul... oh, hello." Ms E was looking at the front door, where a tall male ocelot stood staring at them, his expression neutral. "Hello, mister Rayne. Pay no attention to what I was talking about. Please."

Jack Rayne let out a low growl, "Who are you and what are you doing on my doorstep? I've got enough to deal with right now. My daughter got delivered to me just a week ago." His eyes narrowed and his tail lashed, "You're here for her aren't you? She's in the shower. I guess I'll have to invite you in while you wait. Last thing I need is my neighbours talking about me having two very... strange girls on my doorstep."

"Yeah, might be a good thing. Of course, if you wanted to, we could have a quick fuck on the lawn. I sometimes like guys, and mmm... well, kitties have barbs. Love barbs." CC said, giving Jack a lascivious look.

Jack snorted in revulsion, "I'm a widower thank you. I'd not sully her memory by sleeping with someone like you. Get in my house or go to hell, for all I care. You're here to take my baby away to be a fuck-toy. I'm not really disposed to liking you in the least."

Ms E frowned, "Just came from there, mister Rayne. We'd love to come in." She ignored the confused look that the ocelot gave her and stepped past him. She took one look at the living room and exclaimed, "Oh my god, CC, this guy has doilies! That's quaint! This is like a nineteen-fifties house or something!"

The ocelot stepped in behind Ms E, intentionally jostling her as he passed. "Have some manners, will you? At least you're not as bad as the other one. Anyway, go sit down on the couch there. I'll get you some lemonade."

Waiting for CC to come in before she sat down, Ms E thought she'd ask some probing questions, "Mister Rayne, what exactly happened, anyway? By all accounts, your daughter Julie, she didn't do anything at all."

The only response that came from the kitchen was an angry snarl, and for a little while it seemed as if that would be the only thing Jack would say, but when he came back out with two tall glasses of lemonade, he gave his 'guests' a sheepish look. "They mistook her for her sister and arrested her for treason. When they found out that they had the wrong girl, they made up some trumped up charge. I still don't' know why she agreed to be a FURN. That's tantamount to admitting her guilt. I would have gone to jail."

CC took the lemonade and sniffed at it, then downed it as fast as she could, "Some people just want the cushy jobs I guess. If I didn't like making cute little things scream and wail, I mean, I'd want her job."

"CC, be nice," Ms E said softly, a soft tone of command in her voice. "Seriously. This guy hasn't done anything to you."

Jack gave Ms E a grateful look, then sighed, "She may yet have to go to prison anyway. She's still totally Julie. She's almost always smelling of heat, she can cook like she never could before, and she actually doesn't talk back when I tell her what to do, but otherwise, she's still Julie. I think whatever the hell they do didn't work. She's not some horny little slut bed-slave, so you may as well just go home."

"I think you have the wrong idea, Jackie boy," CC explained, leaning back and propping her legs up on an ornate-looking coffee table. "A FURN is essentially a bed-slave for military officers. Criminals... or in Julie's case, wrongly convicted criminals, are given a choice of lessening or making more comfortable their time of incarceration by undergoing mental conditioning, brainwashing and chemical therapy in order to become ideal bed-warmers for officers both on leave or on long-term deployments. The conditioning does not leave the FURN without a will of their own, rather it enhances and amplifies submissive tendencies, making the FURN more pliant and biddable. A mindless, subservient automaton isn't much fun in bed, after all... and so one's personality is left almost completely intact, and the only immutable conditioning is a total inability to outright disobey orders from an officer, or assault one's assigned 'Master'. and anyone they designate. Julie's still Julie because she's supposed to be, y'know?"

CC blinked at the expression on Ms E's face. "What? I can be eloquent when I have to be. I just usually like what I say to be like a quick nasty fuck, rather than a long, elaborate lovemaking."

Jack sighed, "I just... no father wants his girl to be a whore. What was your name again?"

"CC. And that, Jackie boy, is Ms E. Thanks for asking. Finally. And you call me rude." CC snickered and then looked up as a new arrival stepped into the room. She whistled appreciatively, "Oh wow. Are you Julie? Please tell me you're Julie. I really want you to be Julie."

Wearing nothing but a towel, the young woman who'd just stepped into the room was average-height, well-built and had deep pink hair that reached almost all the way to her waist. When she finally registered that there were guests, and saw their state of undress, she began to blush profusely. "I... u-uh, y-yeah, I'm J-julie. W-who are you and why are you both naked?" Julie asked, adjusting the pair of glasses on her face.

The panthress got up, a wicked grin curling her lips upward, "I'm so glad you asked. We're here to pick you up, Julie. You've been requested on base for a special party. They're pulling in all the FURNs they can. Yeah yeah, I know what you're going to say, you haven 't even had a training session yet. Just happens that there's a special class on rope bondage that we're going to take you to before the party tonight. Besides, the best way to learn how to be a good FURN is to watch others, and learn yourself."

Ms E gave CC a look, "Oh come on, you're not going to do what you were talking about, are you CC? You are, great." She produced a card from under one of her straps and handed it to Julie almost apologetically "Okay, hon, it's alright. Take it."

Julie whined a little, but took the card. As soon as she held it, a little holo of an officious-looking feline appeared over it, "Julie Rayne is hereby demanded for attendance at the birthday party for Winfield Muller on this day. She is to be remanded to the custody of the bearers of this message for training and preparation for this event."

Julie looked at her father, stricken, "I'm not r-ready, daddy, I c-can't..."

CC grinned even more and then said, "So, little Jules, you ready to go? You chose to do this, so yeah. Take the towel off. You won't need it where we're going. And put this on." She tossed Julie a simple leather collar. "Now."

Julie flinched, and looked at CC with an expression that was half terror, half excitement, though she'd never admit the latter. She wanted to say no, but the pink-furred panthress had given her a direct command. She dropped the towel and put the collar on, mortified that she'd have to do this in front of her own father. "Daddy... I love you..." she whispered, "Don't be sad for me okay?"

"Love you too, Julie," Jack murmured then turned away, saying nothing as his daughter was led out of the room and to a life that he would never have wanted her to choose. He didn't trust himself not to break down and cry in front of her, and he knew that doing just that would make the girl even more humiliated.

Chapter Two - A Shocking Lesson

The trip to the military base just out of the suburbs was humiliating for Julie. They made the two mile hike on foot, and though it was obvious that both trainers were comfortable without clothing, Julie was horrified at the looks that passing pedestrians gave her.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the whole while, CC had been chatting with Ms E in some strange language she'd never heard. Every once in a while one of them would look back to make sure that Julie wasn't trying to run away.

When they finally arrived at the base's FURN barracks and went in, Julie was embarrassed nearly to the point of tears. She was so desperate to get out of the open air that she was almost able to forget why she was going in. When her trainers led her into an empty, darkened classroom with 'Training Hall 1' marked on its door, she felt a wave of confusion fill her.

CC chuckled at Julie's expression, stroking her cheek gently with her knuckles, "Now, dear, I can see it in you. You're going to enjoy today, even if you won't admit it. Besides, this will be a lesson for you that being a FURN is not always going to be the most pleasant or private experience."

"Wait... what are you up to, CC?" Julie said, looking more than a little nervous, not quite liking the wicked gleam that had entered CC's eyes. She'd heard a great many stories about some of the humiliating and painful things that some trainers would do to their charges, all in the name of 'teaching'.

A soft giggle came from the door to the classroom, and the one that had identified herself only as Ms. E stepped in carrying a bundle of silken rope. "She means to make you the lesson today, dearie. I kept telling her we shouldn't go so hard on you, but she's wanted this chance for a while. I have to admit, I'm going to have some fun here too."

Julie felt a flash of dread, remembering her earlier unasked question about why they were in an actual classroom when there were no students. She'd never imagined that her two trainers would end up using her for a class demo. She shivered a little and then bit her lip, thinking that she should make some effort to protest, but remained silent. Some part of her was curious what exactly they were planning to demonstrate.

CC took a loop of the rope and slipped it over Julie's neck, still smirking a little, "Stay completely still, girl. This has to be very precise for what we're planning." Without another word, she began to tie a number of knots, one at Julie's collarbone, another just under her breasts, then one at her pelvis.

There were a couple quiet footfalls behind Julie, and then Ms. E was tying a number of knots behind her as well. "This is a form of what's referred to as shibari bondage. It's meant to make it easy to immobilize you, all while making you look a lot sexier. Hey CC, do you think we should give her a FURN bar? I think she's about to keel over."

Indeed, it looked like Julie was about to faint, but CC shook her head, "No. I don't want her able to say it was the bar." When Julie gave her a confused look, she explained, "FURN bars will help you enjoy yourself more. They'll make you horny, needy and a lot more subby. They make sure you keep lubed up for hours. In short, they turn even the hardiest prude into one hell of a sex-kitten."

Julie whimpered a little as another loop of rope was added, this one on her right thigh. Her loins were warm, and she felt herself getting a little wet despite the humiliating prospect of being used as a classroom teaching tool. CC and Ms E were both attractive girls, after all, and they were touching her most intimate places. "B-but won't I... won't the class go easier if I'm uhh... I'm... I... you know, uhm, well, a sex-kitten?"

CC laughed as she tightened a loop on Julie's left thigh, "Yes. But I have my own reasons for doing it without. I'll give you a FURN bar before the party tonight. You'll be needed as a sex-kitten there, and with someone like Major Kheldon attending, I want you willing and horny. He doesn't like girls that are so willing. He likes them screaming and scared."

"W-what? You're kidding right? They let guys like him take FURNs?" Julie exclaimed. She felt Ms E tightening more rope behind her, and then there was rope being applied under her breasts, propping them up a little.

With a cluck of her tongue, Ms E responded, "No, dearie, she's not kidding. Major Kheldon is a mean bastard. Cold. Hateful. You do not want to end up with him tonight. Hopefully you get chosen by someone nice. Aaaand there, you're done! CC, could you get that mirror over there?"

CC grumbled a little about being told what to do, but she nodded, striding to a floor-length mirror in the corner. She wheeled it over and let Julie take a long look at herself.

There was no escaping the desperate whimper that came from Julie's throat. "Oh... oh my... oh my god..." Julie groaned, and squirmed at the feeling of the ropes on her body. The girl in front of her was almost foreign to her, even though it was the same face that had always looked back at her in the mirror every morning. The rope was white, thin and soft. She didn't want to look in her own eyes, lest she see the look of desperate, confused need in them.

CC grinned, and then pulled on one of the lengths of rope that hung loose from behind Julie, placing her other hand between her shoulder blades. The moment that CC pulled on that piece of rope, Julie felt her arms pulled back and pinned to her sides. "Oh good, E, you did it right. Did you do the ones on her neck too? Delightful."

Julie let out a whimper of fear, her mind whirling with speculation about what sorts of things her trainers would need to do with ropes around her neck. She was just about to ask when the lights in the rest of the room turned on, and a number of furs began to file in. "Ohgodohgod..." she moaned, squirming even more as she scented her own arousal in the air, which was somehow enhanced by the knowledge that soon dozens of pairs of eyes would be trained on the front of the classroom... on her!

When the classroom had been filled, and nearly fifty different furs of every gender and many different species had taken their seats, CC clapped her hands to get their attention. "Hey! Good to have you comin' here tonight. The usual teacher isn't here tonight, but we've managed to come here for you. I guess you could call us substitutes. My name is CC, the lovely lady in the buckles and leather is Ms E, and this fine little piece of ass wearing nothing but ropes is Julie, a new FURN who's here to learn just as much as you. She, kiddos, is the demo slut for tonight, and what a fuckin' night it's going to be!"

Ms E actually giggled a little at CC's showmanship and said in a softer, less conversational tone. "So, I hear your last class got canceled. Since we have limited time, we're going to combine both demonstrations into one. The class, is, of course, 'Proper use of a FURN for extreme kinks'."

More than a few of the students managed to look just a little sheepish, as if they were embarrassed that they had an interest in kinks that one would normally consider dangerous or distasteful. Just as many, however, looked eager to learn, or simply eager to see such so-called 'extreme kinks' in action.

Snickering, CC pulled up a chair and then said to Julie, "Sit down, Julie, and spread your legs, m'kay?" She patted the cushioned seat playfully, and waited for the ocelot to sit down. "Now this girl here, she's a natural. Seriously, you know those FURNs you hear about that got in shit just so they could be made into FURNs? She's like one of those, but well, she didn't go out and choose this shit, you know? Good for her though, she got in shit anyway!"

Julie tried to protest CC's declaration, but the laughter in the room drowned her out. When it finally died down, she was about to speak when she felt a riding crop come down on her right breast, "Open your legs Julie, and show the class your little snatch. You're going to be using it tonight," CC said. She'd produced a riding crop from out of nowhere, it seemed.

Closing her eyes, Julie spread her legs, choking back a few tears. The next thing she knew, Ms E was tightening some more ropes, ensuring she wouldn't be able to close them. A few moments later, her arms were being bound in the same way.

CC touched the riding crop to Julie's mound, and the terrified ocelot's eyes widened, "No, please d-don't do that..." Julie stammered. Every pair of eyes in the room was watching her, and every pair of ears was perked in her direction. She didn't want anyone hearing her cry out, including herself. She had a sneaking suspicion that the sound would be a cry of pleasure.

"Hmm... alright. I won't hit you, dear," CC said, "Don't say I'm not nice though." She drew the tip of the crop between Julie's pussylips and then lifted it to the ocelot's nostrils. "Smell that, Julie? You're nice and horny, aren't you? Don't lie now."

Julie shook her head in denial, even though she could smell it plainly, and feel it too. Her loins felt warm, and her fur a little damp. Not wanting to disobey CC, Julie simply looked away and said nothing. Strong paws cupped her breasts and began to play with her breasts, lifting them and massaging them. The much gentler and softer tones of Ms E's voice came from just over Julie's shoulder "Just relax dearie. You're helpless, and we're about to use you in ways you're not going to want to like much. I think you will anyway, but you won't want to like them. Umm... yes?"

Ms E was looking at a fur in the far corner who had raised his hand. When he realized he had been acknowledged, he asked his question, "Is this girl going to be free for use later? I kind of like the glasses. They're cute. I'd like to do that stuff with the candles and hot wax I learned last actual class, and well, she'd be fun for that I think."

"W-wait, what?" Julie stammered, looking at the male. He was about six feet tall, and looked to be a lop-eared rabbit of some sort, with a brown patch over his right eye. Through the indignation she felt at being so casually asked after, she couldn't deny that she felt just a little bit of curiosity about what he'd be like.

"Sadly, no. The Admiral's nephew Winfield has a birthday party tonight, and they need her there. If she's not claimed by an Officer there, you might be able to ask after her then," Ms E said, her tone conciliatory. "If there are no more questions, now that our little slut is ready for the demonstration, shall we get to it. So, last week was supposed to be fisting, right? CC will oblige that. Me, I'm taking this week's demonstration. Erotic asphyxiation!"

CC had already knelt in front of Julie, who had suddenly started to struggle rather desperately. "Oh, by the way, if you all wanna take your dicks out and stroke off while I do this, that's alright. There's tissues on your desks as you'll see." She grinned up at Julie, who had a horrified look on her face.

"Fisting? Asphyxiation? You're going to strangle me?" Julie said in a weak voice. She couldn't help the soft undertone of eagerness in her voice. It's just the mental training... I want to do well, I want to please them, that's all. But if that's true, why did my pussy clench? Her inner questions were silenced and she let out a moan of pleasure when CC suddenly ran her rough tongue up her pussylips.

"The first thing, class, to remember. Don't ever try to fist your FURN without lubing her up first. That is the most important part. It'll damage her otherwise. There's lots of ways you can do it," CC said loudly, then dug her tongue deep into Julie's pussy, that raspy muscle probing deep. "I prefer to get them naturally wet, but sometimes there's not enough time. Thankfully, Julie here is obliging me quite well... aren't you Julie?"

Julie bit her lip, trying not to mewl with pleasure at CC's touch. Already she could see that a few of the males in the room had done just as they'd been invited to do, and were stroking themselves shamelessly. How could she enjoy this? How??? All the same, she felt her pussy clench when CC's tongue left her pussy and began to flick at the sensitive nub of her clit.

It was at that point that Ms E chose to start her part of the demonstrations. "Those of you without your paws on your dicks, or in your panties, take notes. Now, sometimes one wants to enhance the pleasure or fear of their FURN. One of the best ways to do this is with a form of strangulation that is safe and simple. You can use your hands, but sometimes ropes are just as fun." She held up one of the lengths of rope that hung around Julie's neck, "Use slippery ropes. Never use the kind that can catch. You don't want it snagging, right? Would be unfortunate to have your FURN lose consciousness. Because then you can't have fun anymore."

Julie turned her head to look at Ms E, whimpering pathetically. "Please Ms E, don't really do it..." she whispered, then jerked in her bindings when CC began to beat a rapid tattoo against her clit. "Ohmygod..." She could feel the soft fabric of the cushion on the chair getting damp with her juices.

CC laughed a little, and then continued her demo, "Julie's ready. Now, how do you know that she is? If you can push three fingers side by side, crosswise, and meet no resistance... like this..." She drove her fingers deep into Julie's cunt, drawing out a surprised yowl from the humiliated ocelot. "They're ready for the next step."

Wrapping a loop of the silken rope around Julie's neck, Ms E murmured, "Some of you with military training know how to use a garrote, right? Hold it like that. Now... why is this fun? Well, if the brain is deprived of some of the oxygen it needs, but not too much, senses can become more acute, more... intense. When your body is screaming for air, you both have no control over the spasms of your muscles, making sex a little tighter, and also increasing the intensity of your experiences."

Julie felt tears form in her eyes, and she wished, not for the first time, that she'd never been in that hotel room when the authorities had been looking for her sister. This time, though, it wasn't because of what was happening, but because she wouldn't have to be fighting conflicting emotions of desire and humiliation. She blinked when she felt CC's fingers pull out of her, and squealed when those fingers smeared her juices on her muzzle.

"And you thought you wouldn't like this, Jules, hmm?" CC said viciously. Turning to the class, she held up her paw. "Now, there's a couple ways you can do this. First, an actual fist. Don't try that on an inexperienced FURN. The next is by arranging your fingers into a wedge, like this, so that you make a tapered tip."

Any protest that Julie was about to make, denying that she was enjoying the treatment in any way, was cut off when Ms E pulled the loop of rope tight, cutting off her air supply. She wanted to lift her arms up to scrabble at it, and she struggled against the bonds. All she could do was gasp for air, making wheezing noises, as tears began to soak the fur on her cheeks.

Ms E addressed the class as she tightened the rope, "It can also serve as a way to silence an uppity little thing. See her eyes? Hear the gasping, class. It's when it stops that you have to be worried. Be sure to give her a chance to breathe before that happens." As if to demonstrate, she loosened the rope, letting Julie draw a deep gulping breath before tightening it again. "If you don't want them talking, you just make sure that you only give them time to breathe, not speak."

Julie couldn't believe what they were doing to her; CC and Ms E were both making sure that she couldn't get a word in. Of course, that disbelief was secondary to the twin sensations of suffocation and sexual need. When CC knelt in front of her again and began to press the wedge of her fingers against her snatch, she couldn't do anything but whimper pathetically, her pussy fluttering and clenching.

"FURNs are usually pretty loose, class, so what Ms E here is doing, well, it can help keep the pussy nice and tight and spasming," CC said, giggling a little as she began to push in. "OH my, Julie, you're fucking soaking wet... this is gonna be way too easy, you know that?"

Millimeter by millimeter, CC forced her paw deeper and deeper, until Julie felt like she was going to split open. With the rope around her neck keeping her too distracted to either deny or admit just how much her body seemed to be enjoying what CC was doing.

"Now, people, watch Julie's face..." Ms E murmured, wagging her tail, showing just how much fun she was really having. She tightened the rope even more, and this time she didn't let up at all. "See how much she's fighting? No matter how much she enjoys this, she's going to fight it... her eyes are bugging out, right? Don't let them glaze over though, that's when you've gone too far."

Julie could see white spots dancing in front of her eyes, and everything started to go dim. She was going to faint! Just as she felt her consciousness slipping away, the pressure on her neck was released. She began to gag and gasp for air, and was about to cry out for help when she felt the paw pushing at her cunny push forward one last time... and then it was past CC's knuckles. She moaned, feeling the panthress' paw curl into a fist.

"It's really pretty easy. Right now, if she's ever had a doggy lover, she's feeling like she's been knotted, aren't you Julie," CC asked, then leaned her muzzle forward. She grinned and began to lick at Julie's clit, not waiting for a response before gesturing with her free hand at Ms E to continue.

Ms E tightened the rope again, and called out to the class, "That's about all there is to it. I can't show you what she'd look like when passing out... I would like to, but she's expected tonight."

All that Julie could do was gasp and twitch, tears streaming down her muzzle as she felt herself growing closer and closer to an orgasm she didn't want. With the rope taking up all her attention, she couldn't even try to stop what was coming.

"E, I think she's close. When I tell you, stop, okay? I want them to hear her..." CC murmured, pulling her muzzle away from Julie's snatch for just a moment. She pushed her paw back and forth, thrusting with it a little, delighting in the spasming of those tight pussy walls on her fur. "This is just..... m... there... wait for it E..."

To her credit, Julie was able to stave off her climax for a few moments, but the inevitable rush of pleasure that filled her came crashing through her like a tidal wave, implacable and unstoppable. Her pussy clamped down hard on CC's fist, fluttering uncontrollably.

CC nodded at Ms E, who let go of the ropes completely, letting Julie catch her breath even as she reached her peak moments after catching a desperate, gulping breath of air. Completely helpless and unable to stop herself, Julie mewled and then howled, twisting and writhing against the ropes that held her tight. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her slight frame, stronger than anything she'd ever felt in her life.

Even as Julie howled out her orgasm, CC pulled her paw out, and a torrent of Julie's nectar followed, completely soaking both the ocelot's loins and the seat-cushion beneath her. "There we go..." CC growled, "Wasn't that wonderful, Julie? NO? Cat got your tongue?"

Julie slumped, feeling her body jerk at the aftershocks, tiny little thrills of ecstasy that wracked her body. She couldn't speak, she couldn't even acknowledge CC's words; all she could do was wallow in confusion and embarrassment. After a few minutes, she looked up at CC, dazed, and shook her head, "Please CC, please get me out of here..."

The panthress grunted, her lips pulling into a frown, "Damn." Her mood just a little sullied by Julie's denial, she addressed the class one last time. "Class dismissed."

Chapter Three - Party Time

CC chuckled a little and stroked Julie's hair gently, then reached up to adjust the girl's glasses. The FURN bar was apparently working already, if the soft scent of arousal that rose off of her was any indication. "You certainly are a little hottie, you know that? You know, admitting that even without the FURN bars, you could love this, is all it would take to carry you away." She said, reaching her paw down to scritch gently at the ocelot's belly, her touch creeping lower. "It's strange, you must be really sensitive to those bars, because I've never seen one of 'em work this fast."

Julie blushed, looking away, unable to do more than press her pelvis against that probing touch. After the classroom demo, everything was a blur up until the point that they'd handed her one of those FURN bars she'd heard about. "I... guess it's because I'm new to them?" She ventured lamely, hating herself for the way her body was reacting, and yet still wishing that CC would just touch her already. She shuffled her feet almost impatiently, squirming against the rope that was still serving as her uniform. Just thinking about that rope, and what had been done with it not more than twenty-four hours before, made her pussy clench.

CC snickered a little, fixing Julie with a vicious little smile that quietly told Julie she wasn't fooling anyone. "Right, that's exactly it. Now, you're going to be on your best behaviour tonight, right Julie? This is going to be your first public showing as a FURN."

"Come on, CC, you've driven that home enough already. You got to try your way, now it's my turn," Ms E said, a little bit of a plaintive whine in her voice. She stepped up to Julie and kissed her on the cheek, "Keep telling yourself it's the conditioning, Julie. You'll know in your heart just what you want. Pretend, even to yourself, that it's just the FURN bar we fed you, and enjoy yourself, okay?"

"O-okay," Julie muttered and squirmed a little more, then impulsively hugged Ms E. Why did I do that? she asked herself, confused. She may be growing more and more pliable by the moment, but even she had to admit that the hug had been something from the heart. It was the first real crack in her resolve, and she pushed it to the back of her mind. Ms E had just been nice to her right? It was only polite to show some gratitude. "I'm ready."

As if in response to Julie's declaration, the doors to the mess hall opened, and a tall male wolf in formal dress uniform stepped through. He took a quick look at CC and Ms E, giving them both a polite nod and the tiniest of bows before he set his gaze on Julie. The impression that the young ocelot got from that gaze was that she was being sized up like nothing more than a piece of meat. "This is the new one?" the wolf said with a sneer,"Pretty hair. The glasses are a turnoff, though. I'm sure someone will take her home tonight though, if they're desperate enough for a quick fuck."

Julie shrank back against her two trainers, dismayed at the open contempt that the officer was showing her. As much as she'd been told to expect it, it was still jarring to be treated that way. Even more Before she could shy away from the male any more, CC gave her rump a firm squeeze, the first open encouragement that she had given.

"She is. What happened to the other FURNs? I was pretty surprised to get a request for this one so quickly, Captain Roland," CC said, letting a tone of imperious superiority creep into her tone, "What the hell happened that would get a FURN in training called out to a formal event like this? You understand she's still very new, yes?"

The Captain shrugged noncommittally, "Seems that someone actually pulled rank and requested just about every experienced FURN on the base. My money's on Grand Admiral Vasher. He doesn't like Grand Admiral Muller much, and any chance to do something petty is a good one. Of course, this leaves us the dregs. Still, this one shows promise. She didn't react too aversely to me. She passes that test at least. No hostility is a good thing. Are you coming, miss Rayne?" He flashed a smile at Julie and took the leash from CC, any trace of his earlier contempt gone. "Are you sure you won't join us, ladies?"

When CC shook her head, Julie stared at her in open shock. They were going to leave her with this officer? Something stopped her from protesting, though, and she rocked back on her heels. Just enjoy yourself, okay? Ms E's earlier words came back to her. Why not? She looked the wolf up and down quietly, thinking that he was more than a little handsome. Having him lead her around on the leash really might be just a little fun.

"I'm afraid we have other things to do tonight, and we're sorely under-dressed," Ms E commented, "I would hate for one of the guests tonight mistake dear CC here for a FURN and try to hit on her. I don't think she'd like that very much. Well, she would but I wouldn't be able to vouch for the safety of whoever she went home with. She's all pissy because she doesn't have something to flog to the point of breaking." She wagged her tail a little at the gentle punch that CC gave her and stuck out her tongue. "Take care of Julie tonight?"

"I will. It's not likely that she'll be chosen for a gift, but still. Be back in a few hours to pick her up?" The Captain said, then tugged on the leash, "Come on, miss Rayne, can't keep the guests waiting."

Julie gave one last desperate look at CC and Ms E before she was led into the ballroom. Despite her arousal and her constant mental litany of 'try to enjoy yourself, Julie', she felt her knees go weak at the crowd that greeted her.

Captain Roland let the leash slack and stepped up to Julie's side, "Breathe, miss Rayne. You're too cute to end up going home with someone like Major Kheldon." He said, stroking back her hair as he reminded her of the sadistic and cruel officer that she'd been warned about. "I don't think he'll smell the fear on you, but you never know."

Steeling herself, Julie nodded and took a longer look at the ballroom and the occupants within. Officers of every rank and more than a few civilians filled the room, chatting amongst themselves, while a throng of more mundane servants darted to and fro among them.

The ballroom had been decked out in festive decorations, and spoke of a decadence that only the highest ranked officers could afford to display so publicly. There were a few predominant colors, mostly black and red, and a banner hung over a long table against the wall opposite the entrance. "Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Winfield!" The banner cheerfully declared. On the table were dozens of presents, some wrapped, some unwrapped.

Julie was so wrapped up in the sights and sounds of the ballroom that she actually forgot to be nervous. When Captain Roland yanked on her leash, she snapped out of her reverie and followed along demurely. She was here to be seen, displayed and possibly be taken home, a prospect that she didn't find completely unpleasant at this point, as long as she didn't end up being taken home by the dreaded Kheldon.

"Huh, you're in luck, miss Rayne," the Captain said as he seated himself at one of the tables, "Look over there. Major Kheldon seems to have a victim tonight already. Poor little chit. The girl will need healing when it's done." He gestured to the nearest table, where a lop-earred rabbit was sitting, his legs propped up on the back of a naked young tigress.

"He... that's him?" Julie whispered, shuddering. The look in the rabbit's eyes was terrifying. There was nothing but a cold, smoldering hatred and contempt there, and Julie felt nothing but cold terror as she realized that had she come an hour earlier she could have ended up with the Major.

"Mmm-hmm, it is. Poor little thing there is a brand new FURN. She's not even trained, but the Admiral wanted every one that he could get for tonight. I hope someone actually gave her one of those bars. By the way, how's yours working?" The Captain turned to Julie, eyebrows raised curiously. He reached up and fondled one of her breasts, thumb stroking her nipple lightly.

Julie blinked, then closed her eyes while that paw began to pinch her nipple between forefinger and thumb. Her loins were warm, and even she could smell the heady and thick scent of arousal that came from them. When a second paw joined the Captain's, she didn't flinch, she just let out a soft whimper of pleasure, even when she realized it was too small and delicate to belong to the same person.

"Oh, Cap'n Rollie, she's a good 'un. Natural-born I bet, even iff'n she's not admittin' it. Y'sure she's a new 'un?" Came a soft but possessive voice, "Y'gonna keep 'er? I really think yer own bed-warmer might like 'er, if'n y'ask nicely." When Julie opened her eyes she was greeted by a smiling feline officer with striking violet eyes. His golden-white hair was arranged in braids that hung down past his shoulders, and he wore the bars of a Major. Julie couldn't place his species, as he looked to be a mix of at least two different bloodlines at the very least.

Chuckling, the Captain responded, "Ruha wouldn't let me live it down, Major. Sure, I'm allowed, but I don't like the idea of spending the night before I'm deployed with anyone but my dear little fennec."

The Major clucked his tongue, and then tapped Julie's thigh, "Move yer legs open, girl. I wanna feel what y'got down there." There was a hungry look in his eyes, one that spoke of an officer that had been away from the tender company of any feminine contact for a good long time.

Julie squirmed visibly, but she spread her legs without question. Truth be told, she was feeling quite aroused as it was, and the touch of any male was more than welcome. If she really wanted to be honest with herself, the touch of any female would be just as welcome. When the Major's finger slipped into her without any resistance and curled slightly to find her g-spot, she let out a startled and hungry yowl. "Please, sir, would you like to take me home? Please?" she said, surprising herself with how much she wanted the Major to do so.

The Major laughed and leaned down to kiss Julie full on the muzzle, his tongue pushing at her lips, demanding entry. He patted her rump even as he kept fingering her, the thick pad of his thumb rubbing at her clit. When he finally pulled away, both hand and muzzle, and held those nectar-soaked fingers up, licking them, Julie was already near climax. "Jeez, Cap'n, did y'give her a dozen of them bars or somethin'? She's already a juiced up lil sex kitten."

The Captain chuckled a little, "I don't think so. The girl was fed a bar maybe half an hour ago, probably less. I think CC was right. She's a born FURN."

"Aye, I'm thinkin' she's cert'nly right on that," the Major murmured, and then leaned down, "'Ow's this, little darlin'? If'n yer not chosen for a gift for young Winfield, I'll take y'for a spin on my tour. I'm bein' deployed for a coupla weeks, and I could use a lil' cock-warmin' ocelot." He furrowed his brow and looked at the Captain, "Just what is that lil trollop, anyway? CC I'm meanin'. 'S'far as I can recon, she's got no rank, but she's commandin' a lotta respect."

The Captain shrugged a little, and was about to respond, when a tall male at the head table began tapping his glass. "Well, damn, looks like the Admiral wants to get to the main event. Boy, I'd love to see Winfield's face when he finds out that his uncle's given him a FURN for the weekend."

The tall male, his dress uniform decorated with dozens of medals and and the rank bars of a Grand Admiral, cleared his throat when everyone had his attention. "May I please have all the FURNs up here at the front? I'm going to make my choice right now, while Winfield has stepped out. I've made sure he'll be distracted."

The Captain tugged on Julie's leash gently, then unclipped it. "Alright, miss Rayne. It's show time. If you get chosen, I think it'll be a good experience for you. From what I understand, Winfield is a virgin." He patted her rump and gestured up at the front, "Go ahead dear, up to the front. Try to relax. If you don't get chosen, the Major gets you. If you do, you have a few nights with a very dear young man."

Julie whined a little, her arousal a heavy, needful scent on the air. "But I... I... now? I thought you'd come up with me, Captain?" When the only response she got was a gentle shake of the head and a gesture of polite dismissal, Julie grumbled a little and then walked up to the table at in front of the Admiral, taking her spot in a line with all the other FURNs.

His expression imperious and commanding, the Admiral stepped around the table and stood at the end of the line. He smiled a little at the first of the FURNs, who was squirming and fidgeting. Said furn was also a male. The Admiral coughed uncomfortably and then declared, "Any male FURNs may step away now, please. My boy is, as far as I know, quite straight."

Only about six others in the line stepped out, showing a startling imbalance in the ratio of males to females. Julie wondered why that was, trying to puzzle out the reason as the Admiral inspected every FURN on the line leading up to her. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice she was being inspected until a strong hand gripped her chin. "Glasses. Interesting. You seem more at ease than the others, and the ropes fit on you like you're used to wearing them," the Admiral said, his nose twitching at Julie's scent. "What's more, you're the only one I've seen yet that seems to like this, if your scent is any indication."

"But I'm not! I don't!" Julie protested, jerking her chin away, then instantly felt mortified. She'd just snubbed one of the most important men on the base. She looked up at the Admiral, terrified, and then just gaped in confusion at the grin the Admiral was giving her.

"Well. A FURN with some spirit. Tell me, girl. If I had you as a gift for my boy, would you smile at him, and teach him how to be nice to a girl? Or would you simply let him do what he will? Could you take initiative and at least act like you want him more than anything in the world?" The Admiral asked curiously.

"Ah, I ah, well, yes Sir, I would Sir. He's... not had a... well... you're getting me for his first right?" Julie asked. There was something in her, something not touched by the FURN bar and the training, that had her quite interested in what Winfield was like.

The Admiral nodded, then looked down the line at all the other girls that were waiting to be inspected. "Do even a single one of you want to do this? Be my boy's first? If you do, step forward." When not a one of them did so, the Admiral nodded. "Alright, then. Since I know my boy likes ocelots, and I can see you're definitely a cute little thing,... I'll be taking you home tonight. What is your name, girl?"

Julie's mouth was open in shock. She'd never expected to actually be chosen. Nobody had really prepared her for that... the whole impression she'd gotten was that she was only there because they had to bring her here. And now she was being chosen as a birthday gift? "I'm Julie, Sir. J-julie R-rayne."

The Admiral smiled and gestured toward a door in the back, then called to the room at large, "Could I get Julie's handler in the back room please? I want her out of the ropes and in a special display I have ready." When the Captain stood and strode toward the door, the Admiral gave her a pat on the rump, "And I might just want you on my next tour out, girl. Be ready for a call from me."

Julie mutely padded to the back room door, looking and feeling completely surprised by the Admiral's decision. When she pushed the door open and stepped into the small room, the Captain was standing there, grinning, "Wow, miss Rayne. You impressed him. I can see why though. You smell like you want a nice barbed cock in you, and you actually smiled at him. None of the others did that."

As the Captain reached up to start undoing the ropes that had been her 'uniform' for only a few hours, Julie murmured, "I... what's Winfield like, sir?" She shifted nervously as length after length of rope was slipped off of her.

"He's a darling. Friendly, warm, shy, and he loves other felines. I think you'll have fun, miss Rayne. Ah, there, you're done." The Captain stepped away and then gave Julie a quick kiss on the lips. "Now, my dear... it's time. Are you ready?

Julie thought long and hard about the question, then nodded, "Yes, I am. And no, I"m not. But I have to right? So I might as well... have fun."

The Captain smiled warmly and led her to an odd-looking crate with hinges on one end, a soft padded bottom, and a hole in the top. "And this, my dear... will be the gift box. Can you just kneel on the padding please?"

Julie whimpered a little, "I'm not going to be able to get out of that myself, will I?" She asked, and the Captain shrugged a bit. He pointed to a button on the inside of the crate. Julie blinked, looking closely at it, "Umm... what's that for?"

"If you panic, or something happens, press this button and the crate will open. If you do, it better be a real emergency, or you will be punished for it." The Captain said, then began to coax the nervous ocelot onto the padding. When she knelt down, he repositioned her a little, then closed the crate, leaving only her head sticking out through the hole.

Julie watched the Captain, squirming, feeling helpless, but at least she could finger herself if the need arose, or so she thought until the Captain spoke. "I'm leaving now, dear. The light will be left on, but the next person you meet, will be Winfield. Do... not masturbate while you wait. There are cameras, and I'm sure the Admiral wants a girl that's eager, not half spent from pleasuring herself in the meantime.

Julie nodded, and then lowered her gaze. As the Captain stepped from the room, she closed her eyes, trying to imagine what her final fate would be.


Julie woke with a start, letting out a cry of surprise at the pink-furred paw that was stroking her hair. Moments ago, to the point that she could have sworn it was only seconds, she'd been sealed in the gift box for Winfield, almost eagerly awaiting his arrival... now, everything was out of focus, jumbled. As her vision grew clearer, she was greeted by the toothy grin and faintly glowing eyes of none other than CC.

Sitting next to CC was Ms E, dressed exactly as she had been earlier that night, a small smile on her face. "How was your sleep, Julie dear?" She asked quietly. She looked almost concerned, though as always, she was deferring to CC.

Julie blinked, shaking her head in an attempt to jostle loose the confused jumble of memories. How could she know Ms E usually deferred to the sadistic panthress? She'd only met the two earlier that day, after all. Or had she? No. It was... months, if not years. "Was I... was I dreaming? But I... I saw you... I remember you coming up to the house. It was like I was right there. It was today. I can remember your paw in me, tight, massaging. The rope on my neck. Oh god..." Gradually, the notion that she'd simply been dreaming, melding together memories of some of her earliest training, became a certainty.

CC laughed a little, "Funny, isn't it? So vivid. Like it was real." Her eyes glowed even more, making Julie shudder from head to toe. "You know, in ancient times, divine messages came in dreams. I wonder if that's the kind of dream you had. I wonder what part of it was real."

Ms E looked at CC, for once giving her a warning glance, "There was a reason that they came in dreams rather than being stated outright, CC. Leave it be." Her voice was stern and uncompromising, making CC shrink back just a little. She smiled, and when she turned to speak to Julie the steel was gone from her voice. "You have a special training session today, dear. Hurry up and take a FURN bar. You're expected in your usual classroom. That's a direct order, dear. And then one of the officers needs a bed-warmer."

Julie squeaked in surprised dismay, hopping to her feet. "Holyshit! Okay! I... wait..." She looked at CC, furrowing her brow. "I remember... hearing about this little girl and her family the day you visited my dad. She got scared shitless by some naked pink girl."

CC grinned, shaking her head. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Julie. Go on, you have to get to class." She held out a datapad with Julie's schedule and requisition order. "See? See?"