Here Comes The Morning

Story by TheBullbastard on SoFurry

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#4 of The Suit

Chester and the Doctor escape from the bunker, the mysterious Invictus agents are close on their heels though

Morning came shockingly quick, I sat up talking to the doctor and we spent that time going over the suits and their functions. It was revealed to me that the suits were originally built as part of a super soldier program, but the program was shelved. The suits were still a work in progress when the SSP was closed, the army retooled the Symbiotic Suit program so that it would work for regular soldiers. But it failed. Miserably. The first three test subjects were all killed with the suits stressed out their nervous systems. Something that in the Super Solider Program wouldn't have been an issue.

Doctor Tate worked for three years on the issue, but could never solve it. So he reported his failures one last time and someone higher up the chain of command decided that it was too much of a risk to allow the program to continue. So it was shut down, the suits mothballed here in the lab in what ever stage of completion they had been in when the program had been shut down. The doctor of course had came by once a year and maintained the suits hardware and made sure they'd be ready if the government ever decided to restart the program.

"Speaking of." The doctor said. "We should consider evacuating you and the suits from here. I'm sure they noticed the sudden power spike when you activated the suits. They'll most likely send someone to scope out the place and see what's going on." The older man snuffed out his cigar in the ash tray that had been left the in the quarters of the base commander. "There is a truck in the maintenance bay we can load everything we need onto It's designed for this so we can load all of the suits up and leave before noon today. We'll need to use one of the escape tunnels that come out in the city though. I'm sure they are watching the garage by now."

That was when a beep interrupted our conversation and the suit that had been locked around me opened up, my back exposed to the air for the first time in two days caused me to gasp. "Oh good!" The doctor exclaimed. "Hurry and step out. I have to check you over and check for any damage." The doctor grabbed a bag of medical tools opened it setting stuff out on the table between us. I stepped out of Rikr and blinked a few times as my eyes were exposed to light. "Damn that's blinding." I groaned. "Yeah we do that to make sure if you have to abandon the suit in the middle of a night operation you have the best possible night vision. Normally you'd be disembarking from your suit in a dimly lit room so it doesn't hurt your eyes, but we don't have time. I have to get you all checked out and I have to get Marvin to load the suit, parts, and data drives up on the transport truck."

The older man began his work, he used a stethoscope to check my heart and lungs, then looked in my ears, checked my eyes for dilation, his hands roamed my naked body he poked and prodded places asking if I felt any pain, he slowly rubbed my balls and asked me if they were sore. I nodded and he nodded back. "You seem to be fine. You'll probably experience lower sex drive for a few days."

The next hour was a flurry of activity, boxes were loaded up by Marvin and myself. Marvin drove the suit lift and carried each of the suits to the truck and installed them in their bays, the only one that escaped us for a while was the suit known as Visindi, someone had hid the suit in a storage room deep in the maintenance bay, it seemed they had been making customizations to the exterior of the suit. Marvin made an annoyed chitter before moving the suit to it's suspension bay on the truck. Next the boxes of food, the data drives, the tools, and some other items were loaded. Marvin stowed himself in the back of the truck in a cradle made just for him and the truck roared to life as Marvin took the wheel.

The doctor and myself climbed into the cab and the truck roared off down a tunnel, and explosive charge going off as we passed through the escape tunnel arch. The explosive kicked up dust and rubble as the roof collapsed sealing the escape tunnel.

Agent Ovay was pissed. She had been woken up in the middle of the night and had to fly out to Bright City, which was all the way across the country from her city of Lunther where the DIA was headquartered.

Local agents had already been on the ground before her and had reported their findings to her. The entrance door was locked using a randomized code. Someone had scrambled the keypads. At some point in the past few years both the escape hatch and the maintenance tunnel hatch had been sealed with concrete and steel. They couldn't blast their way in using either of those, the entrance door was more resilient and would take a bunker buster to take it out. They tried making a direct connection to the bunker computer but it didn't respond, they tried using the backup short range radio comm, that was offline too, and the only way to take that out was to destroy it. "So what's our options?" Agent Ovay said to one of the local agents.

"Blast our way in by the mess hall, we'll need to dig up about 20 feet of dirt from the hill side to get to the outer wall but schematics show the wall is thinnest there and there is almost nothing important by that wall." The local agent, a raccoon said his voice was shrill and it caused Ovay's claws to slice into her palms.

"Fine do it." The earth vibrated under their feet the tell tale of an explosion. "What was that?" Agent Ovay asked. "Don't know ma'am." Then came another series of explosions and the hill seemingly collapsed in on itself. "Fuck did they just blow it up?"

"Looks like it ma'am. They must have used an exit tunnel. We don't have those marked for security reasons so we have no idea where they'll come o-"

Agent Ovay didn't like that answer, her claws sliced up in the blink of an eye, slicing the throat of the raccoon agent. Coughing Ovay dialed a number on her phone motioning for one of her guys to come clean up the body.

"AG, it's CO. Suits are gone they collapsed the lab. Assuming they'll be on the run now."

This one was kinda short because I wanted to get an update out. Moving the action portion of this story along.

Update: I have a new website! where you can read my stories as well.

Where to Find Me




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