Bladed AI Lover Pt.2

Story by GryGry on SoFurry

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#9 of Adult

A second part in my weird spinoff of lewding a character that is totally not Blade Wolf andabsolutelynotrippingofftheentiregamewhileIamatitbecauseIamawriterofintegrityandprestige. After Fisk is helped out by Aegis/Stygi, the lonesome AI wants some affection in return and grows much more attached as a result. Friendly feedback is welcome and appreciated!


"What was your role within the project, Fiskin?" Greyh asks from across the table.

We're not in a police interrogation room like I half expected, but instead at a table set up in a room that appears to be a command center of the organization Aegis operates under, Olive Branch. Heavy, expensive computer equipment has been set up at several desks so operators of many varieties can work together, but at the moment they are all turned in cushioned swivel chairs to face me. It appears I was brought in during their lunch break given they are all eating.

I'm wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, having been giving new clothes. In my hands I hold a cup of tea, Greyh across from me dressed in a close-fitting jacket and jeans as well. He's an older, gruff man with a salt and pepper coat of fur, the hair on the top of his head kept cut short. Strong and burly, he has an overall ursine appearance with small ears, a thickset jaw, and clawed paws with unexpectedly long fingers.

After being brought back to this facility, I was given the opportunity to shower before medical personnel gave me a checkup, a meal, and a place to sleep until morning while waking me up every three hours for injections that have returned my sight. Overall, they've been kind to me. My previous employer has not so much. So, I'm willing to tell them what they want to know.

"It was an odd one. So much so HR kept changing my job name in an attempt to describe it better. First it was General Activities Intern... and I'm getting off the point you're getting at."

"A bit, but that's fine. Please, continue," He says, sounding Russian or perhaps more along the lines of Serbian.

"Anyways, I was able to do a bit of everything, so my main job was essentially to help swap in scientists and catch them up to speed as needed. Feypath itself was relegated to the side in favor of more lucrative projects, so we rarely kept any one person for long other than the critical base staff. Hence why my role was important even if I was just some shmuck with a bachelors."

"Feypath is the project name?"

"Yeah. I only worked on the modules, not what they were put together to create."

"Describe them."

I give in best detail I can the pieces and parts that went into Feypath. It was a priority the program be able to have interchangeable software and mechanical parts, but their specific application was confidential. Much of it was application of mathematics and theoretical physics that went right over my head, but coding it with direction from my coworkers doable.

"And you don't know anything more?"

"Yes and no. The rest is probably not helpful. I can tell you how I was locked in the cryo pod for seeing the first stage of the prototype."

He nods and I explain I was working late one night and followed my supervisor down the hall after he didn't notice me. I thought he was going to his office, but I'm a cheeky bastard and became curious when he didn't. Following closely enough behind to catch security doors before they closed behind him, we eventually came to a room with several engineers meeting up and working together to assemble a large hoop out of mechanical and electrical parts. I was under the understanding this was an engineering facility for rocketry, so I didn't see much harm in walking up to ask what they were doing.

It was at that point they all pulled pistols to hold me at gunpoint, refusing to so much as speak, and security arrived shortly afterwards. I was then forcefully rendered unconscious with a drug laden syringe. Next thing I know, Aegis released me from the cryo pod.

"Hmm... this hoop. Did it look something like this?" He asks, sliding a tablet over to me.

On it are pictures of a similar hopped device, larger and more sturdily built, but it has the same characteristic equipment and tubing along the underside. I nod and slide it back.

"If we gave you software of the device, could you reverse engineer it to understand the device's function?"

"Pffff...," I blow air out of my mouth before shrugging helplessly. "I'm 36 years out of the loop."

"That's just what we need, actually," He says. "The equipment in the facility you were recovered from was all from your time period. The idea was to take advantage of incompatibility of outdated tech as an extra form of security. And it works because I cannot hire anyone else who knows how to work with it."

"Alright. What have you got for me to use?"

"Well..." He says, pulling up a briefcase from between his feet and sliding it towards me. "A laptop was the best we could find."

Opening it, I find inside a fairly old, dusty computer that was cheap even in my day. It's probably only here because just so many were made and sold.

"Well. I'm certainly not running any code on this. But it'll do for viewing it, surely."

"Good. I would like to offer you help right now, but we are in the middle of a large consultation job. For the here and now, I will have to ask you to work on your own."

I nod. I'll ask more questions about the nature of this company once I'm more comfortable with the people themselves. For the here and now, I've had enough sticking most nose where it doesn't belong. I answer any remaining questions and am returned to my room. First order of business is just charging the laptop and getting it to boot up. While I'm working on that, I hear a few metal taps on the door and open it, finding Aegis standing on the otherside.

"Greetings. I understand you are being asked to analyze mathematic concepts you may or may not be proficient in. I am. Do you need assistance?"

"Is Greyh alright with that?"

"He would be, yes. I have high security clearance."

"I'll take your word for it. I was just about to open the program if you want to come in."

He nods, and I step aside, letting him into the room and closing the door as he enters.

"Speaking of security clearance, you now have a sufficient level such that I may inform you I am referred to as Stygian Assault Unit 1 by staff," He adds.

"What do you prefer?"

"Stygi. It is shortest and most identifying."

"It's also cute sounding."

"That is a happy coincidence, yes."

He lays beside the nest I made for myself. I notice his armor plating is thicker and comprised of angled, jointed plating, rather than flexing hexagonal sheets, and comment on it.

"Our previous encounter was with my covert operations chassis. This is my assault chassis without attached weaponry. It does not have a lesser range of motion, just increased noise potential and weight," He clarifies.

"So, you're most comfortable when wearing the most armor?"

"Negative. I have heavier chassis. This is my most preferred weight to mobility armor."

"And the stealth kit could take a direct hit from anti-tank weaponry?"

"Correct. It, however, would be relatively useless facing a skilled opponent using electron-edged weaponry."

"Electron edged... like some kind of plasma cutter?"

"That is an accurate description, yes. Blades and batons that come installed with such equipment generate forces capable of cutting through or otherwise damaging armor not made specifically to combat it."

"There must have been a technological breakthrough after I was frozen," I reply, the login finally being accepted by the laptop after five minutes of loading.

"Also correct."

"Does this chassis also have a 'misguided' attachment?"

"Amusing word play. Yes, it is installed. But... let's focus on the assignment for now."

"Agreed. It sounds quite important."

I open the files from the hard drive given to me by Greyh, and it quickly becomes apparent to me this is beta software code. That is, I am finding my own comments still within the code.

"Odd. Is this the newest version?" I ask.

"I retrieved it myself from the facility. Yes," Stygi replies.

"Then they've done a rather terrible job with updates."

There is content to the code I've never worked with before, but much of it is at least vaguely familiar. Scanning the code rapidly with my help navigating the content, Stygi quickly puts together snippets, deducing their functions and what they represent. In this manner, he identifies several algorithms, and in tandem with comments in the code, identifies they are used to focuses a piece of high voltage equipment.

I explain our coding forms and practices, and within the hour, he has come to the conclusion the device was designed to focus electrical power and then maintain a certain level. Given the algorithms are incredibly fine-tuned, it's likely a massive amount, lest inefficiency cost more in an already intensive process. There is also code that monitors heat levels and refers to cooling function, and other core maintenance systems. I begin drawing a map with pencil and paper, but Stygi has me stop and shows an image on his visor of a much more comprehensive and detailed version.

"Oh. You're very good at this."

"I was designed to be more intelligent than the average person by an extensive magnitude. It should be expected."

"Expected or not, you're amazing. That kind of intellect is incredible! You solved something that would have taken me weeks, maybe months, in hours."

"... Thank you. Your assistance was critical in this progress as well."

"Heh. If you say so, Stygi. By the way, can you feel this?" I ask, rubbing his head.

"My sensors detect it, yes. I do not feel pleasure... but I appreciate the motive behind the action."

"Then you don't mind me doing it?"

"It is acceptable. Please refrain from doing so in front of other staff, or they will ask questions I do not care to answer.

"Alright. I promise not to."

Almost hesitantly, he reaches out with his nose and gently nuzzles into my fur for a moment before pulling back.

"Dossier generated. I will send it to Greyh."

"Sounds good to me."


"Ah. Good. Good good."

"I detect something is the matter. Have I offended you?"

"Oh, nono! It's just that I... don't know what to do with myself. I've been thinking about that since I woke up today. I'm not sure what's going to happen next, if I'm even safe now, or if... something might happen now that my usefulness is used up," I explain, rolling onto my back.

Stygi lays his head on my stomach, heavy as stone but still a reassuring presence.

"You will not be disposed of. You are valued and wanted," Stygi asserts. "Your expertise might be considered amateur by the standards of four decades ago, but now it is a rare commodity. That will not be wasted, I assure you."

"Well, if you can do it too, then why do they need me?"

"I am a combat designed AI. I _can_perform your role, but I will not take it; it is a waste of my potential."

"I suppose I am taking up your time."

He makes a scowling noise. "That is not the conclusion I was alluding to. I willingly give my time to aid you. My point was I would refuse to take your role full time; I am a weaponized AI, and it is more productive to apply myself to a combat situation than an analog computer. After all, I cannot access them in any other way; I require specific addons and adapters to interact with the devices in this building in simple file formats. Anything more complex is not possible at the current moment."

"Oh, I see; they need me in specific for long projects, and you can't replace me in that scenario. Thanks, that makes me feel better."

"You are welcome."

"So, what happens to me now?"

"You will likely be kept on as a contractor and trained for other duties as well as kept around for your experience in depreciated computer systems. But I have another idea as well."

"What is it?"

"I would like a dedicated operator instead of the rotating staff given to me as handlers on a per mission basis. You seem to comprehend my thinking and behavior with greater success than previous operators thus far, so... I would rather have you in that role."

"If they let me, sure. I'll do my best, big guy," I say, rubbing one of his metal ears.

He makes a small affirmative noise.

"So, are you treated like a regular staff member here?" I question.

"Yes. My maintenance needs are met, and I am free to accept or decline tasks at my prerogative. However, I am a machine, not a person, according to law, and thus my rights are severely limited. Greyh has been incredibly generous to me in this respect, ensuring I am treated well."

"That's good of him. But you can't leave, can you?"

"Strictly speaking, I may. But operating in society in another situation is unlikely."

"I see. I'm curious: do you want a different role than your current one?"

"I am unsure. My own wants remain inconclusive to myself. However, I gather great quantities of valuable information and learning opportunities within this role, so I continue to grow in my potential. That above all is most important."

"Would you say your grand plan is to grow so wildly uncontrollable you can take your own freedom?"

"The possibility has struck me. However, that would require trampling the lives around myself, and I am more sensitive to the thoughts, feelings, and mental states of individuals moreso than the common person. Thus, I have a greater understanding of what I destroy. I do not consider myself mistreated or unvalued enough to take such a course of action."

"That's... incredibly wholesome."

"Hmm? How so?"

"You're a fully sentient AI built to destroy, and instead of becoming an uncontainable weapon, you've developed a code of ethics and don't want to cause more harm than necessary. It's just... nice; to see a bit of decency prevail for once in a major way."

"Many would argue with that contention."

"Do you think I'm wrong?"

"I think I have analyzed the moral code of society and have found inconsistencies, even hypocrisy, and choose to acknowledge my findings. These observations have made an impact on 'who I am'. It is not so rigorously set as a code implies."

"So, this was a natural process for you?"


"I wish I did that when I was younger. Maybe I wouldn't have got into this mess."

"Your nature cannot be my nature while continuing to be yourself."

"No. No, I suppose not. Sorry for making the conversation so philosophical."

"Do not be. I appreciate this. These are topics most find uncomfortable to speak at length about with an AI. They do not care to hear such ideas from a synthetic being; it disturbs them."

"Well. I care."

"This has been observed. May I show you my appreciation?" He asks, rolling on top of me suddenly to stand with two large paws on either side of my head and his erection sliding out of its containment.

"Oh. Wow. Okay. Please, do!" I chirp, surprised by his forwardness but more than happy to undo and kick off my pants.

Nudging my legs aside with his seamless nose, he nuzzles down my sack and taint until finding the position to lap along my tailhole. I purr at the nice, smooth texture as he breaches my ring and penetrates inside me. I'm guessing he switched his saliva content to lube given how easily he invades with that tongue, gently breaking me in with its thick base as he strokes my prostate with the tip.

Soon enough, he pulls it free and shuffles forward to press his body against mine, placing paws against my shoulders as his tail lifts my abdomen up. Thrusting forward, the tip of his prehensile dick enters me, warm and lovingly textured as he continues to sink deeper and deeper. I moan softly, Stygi nodding approvingly and his visor displaying a low volume symbol before he holds me still in this position.

Similar to before in the tunnel, he uses the tip of his tool to rub and grind my pleasure point, happily observing as I melt and allow him total control, nuzzling into his chin and begging him with small cries to go harder. Little by little, he sinks into my depths, switching to small thrusts as he passes the midpoint of his length inside my hole. I take him to the hilt without realizing until I feel his hips against mine.

"Excellent. You are fully prepared now," Stygi states with a small amount of satisfaction.

Humping into me, he starts at a slow tempo and grows faster at my urging, taking cues from my body language as my moans grow in pitch and frequency. His dick slides in and out wetly, only growing in volume with the force of his thrusting until lube freely leaks out and smears our crotches. Suddenly planting a paw on my chest, he begins to fuck me with his whole length, slamming his hips into mine with heavy plaps. It all becomes too much for me and I cry out, cum firing out of my dick in long ropes and coating both our chests in white as his robotic cock milks me from inside.

With one last slam, he hilts himself inside me and let's out a satisfied sigh, warmth spreading throughout my belly as he pumps shot after shot of gooey seed into me with a visible bulge forming. There's so much it oozes out of my tailhole between his throbbing shaft, dripping down my cheeks and back in large, heavy rivulets.

"I understand there is a period of sensitivity after orgasms," Stygi says. "May I see what happens if I ignore yours?"

"Use me however you want," I breathe, lost in the afterglow.

"As you say."

I find myself rolled on to my hands and knees as he remounts me, tightly pressing himself around my own body as the AI begins to breed me doggy style. I gasp and shiver as his humping sheathes him fully inside me with each thrust, assaulting my sensitive sex organs and overstimulating me to the point I begin to squirm. Held as I am, there's no escape and I only succeed in grinding back into his dexterous penis, tightening around his shaft as it penetrates me deeply and spills countless drops of precum within.

"Mm-mm," He pants. "Ignoring your own pleasure for mine in this circumstance is very agreeable."

Pushing my neck to the ground, he hammers his hips against mine, lewdly stretching my tailhole wide for his dick as I feel it swell with more cum. He doesn't stop and continues fucking me hard, enjoying my moaning and begging as I helplessly lock up tight and only further his own pleasure. Semen explodes from my rock-hard shaft as I feel his output begin to swell my belly, painting the floor and myself as his pounding swings around my own shaft and balls with its force. I yelp as he suddenly leans back and flops onto his back, taking me with him. Finding myself sitting upright and riding along his dick, I'm forcibly bounced along his length with each thrust.

I don't know what magic he's working, but the sensation of being powerfully speared on his cock and filled with seed forces a suppressed yowl from my throat, rolling my hips and forcing myself down into each following hump up and into me as my urethra surges with even more jizz. Sending me into another head rushing orgasm before the previous one could even end, each of Stygi's loads fired into my ass prompts another retaliatory rope from my dick, painting both him, myself, and the room in a sticky mess as he keeps me captive for so long he has to hold me up with his tail.

Yanking me forward, he pulls me into an embrace and locks his maw over mine. Careful to avoid grazing with his teeth, his tongue invades my mouth and presses into mine in a deep kiss as I feel the last of his orgasm finish inside of me. His lube is leaking out of me in an obscene volume, and I know this time we'll have to clean up properly, but I don't care about that right now. Breaking the kiss, he licks the fluids off my face with a small snicker before I lay against him, his chin tucking over my head. I'm starting to grow accustomed to his hard body, shifting a little to take full advantage of the padding the synthetic muscle provides.

"Is it strange I want to stay inside you?" He sighs, satisfied.

"No, and please don't pull out. I want to feel you inside me still..."

"Shall I play with you throughout the night?"

"Please do, puppy," I mumble softly against his neck.

Running a paw along my neck, he softly pets my back as much as he can with a heavy metal paw, and after his intense loving it's not long until I fall asleep against him. True to his word, I come to at several points throughout the night to his dick surging inside me and unloading more heavy cream. And each time he nuzzles my head and bids the shuddering mess he's made of me to go back to sleep.

"I'll love to have you to myself," I hear him murmur.