Bulls Life: Knowing Matt

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#4 of Bulls Life, Season 2

A Bulls Life: Knowing Matt

By: DarkSerpent

I woke to the around of thunder slowly moving off into the distance. The soft red roo cuddled up onto my chest snoring loudly. I smiled and patted his butt making him grumble and turn over stealing away the covers. I sat up and stretched my back popping. "Seven, thought it was earlier than that," I forced my legs over and stood up on my hooves.

"God what did I fall asleep on," I rubbed my back and looked down seeing the ball gag in my imprint. I smacked my forehead and picked it up setting it in the toy box under the bed. With a loud yawn I moved to the bathroom and used the toilet. I scratched the back of my head and stepped away grabbing a pair of boxer. I slid them on and headed out onto the deck looking out over the most settling into the pits between the hills.

"Mornin love," I felt the soft arms of my roo wrap around my waist. "Morning baby," I smiled back at him. He wore a bright red thong which really didn't work with his genitals. His sheath was exposed; if he got hard it would just push out to one side. Luckily we were facing some dense woods at the center of a cul-de-sac. No one could see us unless they walked to the bottom corner of their fenced in yards.

I looked to my left and back at him and noticed the gate open. "Did you come in through the back last night?" I asked and shook his head no. I moved to the steps and headed down. Glenn stuck close as I headed to the back door. Still nothing was out of the ordinary. Until I noticed one of the glass squares in the back door busted in. A suitcase sat next to the door covered in water. "Did someone break in?" Glenn asked scratching his head. "No I think I know who it was," I huffed and opened the door.

I stepped into the cold garage seeing the wet foot prints leading to the back of the car. I fallowed them step by step. It was always cold in the garage. It was so low to the ground and after it rains the sun didn't come out to warm it back up. I turned at the back of the car to see a small shivering mass just behind the car. The familiar black hoody destroyed my burglar theory all together. I got on one knee and paced my hand on his side. "Matt?" I shook him slightly. He peered up at me shivering badly. His cloths were soaked completely through.

"Who is it?" Glenn yelled from the doorway. "It's Matt," I yelled back making the boy shake harder. "Your ok buddy," I whispered and picked his up slowly. Glenn quickly shut the door and made his way inside. "Bloody 'ell how long 'e been in 'ere in those sobbin clothes," He moved ahead of me opening the door to the den. I set him on a chair in the nice warm dinning room. "Go start a bath, I gotsa get 'em outta these cloths," Glenn ordered and I quickly started him a nice hot bath.

When I moved back in I saw he was peeling off his shirt. It clung to his white belly fur as he pulled the still dripping shirt over his wings. He wrapped his wings around his bare body shivering. I helped Glenn get his sneakers off showing his clawed hand like feet. I reached for his zipper and he jumped moving back a little. He shook his head no and I pulled him back. "Look Sweet'art, your gonna catch something awful if we on't get ya outta 'ese wet clothes," Glenn explained and He relaxed.

I undid his button and slid his zipper down. He squeaked softly as I slid off his black pants slowly revealing his nearly transparent briefs. "Alright sit up," I ordered and he did as he was told. He pushed himself up and I slid his briefs off tossing the wet cloth with the rest of his clothes. He blushed and I noticed his semi erect cock. It was green until half way where it started to fade to black at the very tip. I picked him up and carried him to the tub that was still only half full.

I lowered him slowly into the water. He jumped when his tail made contact with the steaming liquid. I quickly lowered him completely until the water was up to his chest. I turned off the water and he slowly warmed up. "Thank you," He muttered out and I walked out letting him have some privacy.

I noticed the sound of the oven clicking on. I peeked in seeing Glenn getting down three skillets. "What are you doin babe?" I asked and he smirked. "Poor kid must be starving, 'm gonna make my man and the kid some bangers, eggs, and toast," He spoke as his tail opened the fridge, "Oh; remember I like scrambled," I smirked and he laughed in his throat. "You'll get whateva I make be appy about it," He teased and I picked up the wet cloths. I tossed them downstairs and moved outside grabbing his suitcase.

Under his suitcase was his skateboard broken in half. It must have broken when he ran away from the military academy. I wondered how far the poor kid walked or flew. He probably didn't fly due to the intense rain we had. Why did he come to my house though? I'd have to ask him when he was feeling a little better. I reentered the house and set his suitcase behind the door. I smelled Glenn cooking and checked on Matt. He had stopped shivering and was scrubbing a large scratch on his upper arm.

"How'd you do that buddy?" I asked standing in the door way. "I went down a hill and hit a rock; my board snapped and I was tossed off it," He blushed and covered himself. "You ok?" I asked. "No...I didn't want to be there so I left...they all said they didn't need a little faggot at their school," He lifted his knees and hugged them. He sniffled and little and I touched his shoulder. He looked up at me and smiled. "Don't worry buddy; hungry?" I asked and he nodded. He stood up and I wrapped a towel around him.

"Brekki is all ready lov," Glenn stepped around the corner. He walked up and led Matt to our room. I sat down at the table and started to eat my scrambled eggs. Glenn slipped around the corner and kissed my ears. "E's all set," He bite my ear softly. Matt came around the corner using a pair of my boxers as shorts, my shirt stretching down to his knees. "Eat up buddy," I patted his back and he grabbed started to dig in. Glenns sat on my other side and ate as well. "So what happened? They called you names and you just left?" I asked and we both listened to hear his story.

"Yeah, two of them...they beat me up," He pushed a piece of toast into his mouth. "They beat ya good did they?" Glenn munched on a piece of sausage. "Yeah, so I just ran off; I didn't want to go home and deal with my parents screaming at me; My grandpa would have just sent me back so I found your address in a phonebook; I was afraid to knock so I...I'll pay for the window," He finished his plate. "Why didn't you knock? We would've let you in," I grabbed some more eggs. "I heard you doing...stuff in your room and I didn't want to interrupt anything," He blushed and I smirked. "We didn't 'ave a naughty all night ya know," Glenn laughed and he sank down in hit chair.

"Yeah," He twiddled his thumbs. I smirked and helped clean up and I could feel him staring at me. Those golden eyes seemed to stare strait through me. "I think e's got a bit of a crush on ya," Glenn nudged me and I raised an eyebrow. "'E said ya were nice to him when he changed, and then 'e said you were cute," Glenn laughed to himself. "Yeah but I've got the man I want," I said jokingly at him and he laughed. "Yeah but I wouldn't mind bein in a 'arem," He smirked. I laughed a little and he gave me smile. "Wait...are you serious?" I was taken back a step and he smirked.

"Yo'r my mate; I think it be sexy to see you fuck 'em," He smirked. "God you are a kinky kangaroo aren't you," I grabbed his ass and he jumped. "You know ya lov me for it," He kissed my cheek and I looked back at the small bat who was using his foot to flip through the channels on TV. "Nah I couldn't I mean I...I'd feel like I was cheating on you...I couldn't," I blushed and pulled my horn a little. "What if I sat there and watched ya take him," He whispered to me and I gulped a little.

"I'd think it be sexy as hell ta see ma master fuck the little bat, at least teach 'em a lesson bout breakin inta other houses," He whispered and I shivered. "A maybe," I gulped and he laughed to himself. I headed to the shower. Was Glenn really serious about wanting to see me fuck Matt? Unbeknownst to me as I showered; Glenn was putting the idea into more than one head.

"I told 'em what ya told me," Glenn sat next to Matt. "What! Why would you tell him that!?" He hid his face in his wings. "You shouldn't a said it if ya didn't want 'em at 'ere it," He laughed and matt slid down into the couch. "What...did...he say when you told him?" He asked and Glenn smiled. "As long as I say its ok you can do what ya want with 'em," He put his hand on his shoulder. "But I've never been with a guy before," He twiddled his thumbs. "It ain't hard, all you have to do is tell 'em what like," He leaned back setting his feet up onto the coffee table.

"I'm weird...he wouldn't be into what I like," He hid his face in his knees. "Kid if he can fuck me while I'm bound to a bed he'll do just about anythin," The smaller boy blushed. "I'm a masochist...I've..." He grumbled something inaudible and ducked into his crossed wings. "Couldn't hear ya in he balcony," Glenn teased. "I've always wanted to be raped," He mumbled and Glenn let his mouth curve into a grin. "I could help ya make that a reality," He led him to the bedroom.

I finished my shower and stepped out drying off my face. I stepped out seeing the bedroom door shut. "Glenn?" I knocked and got no reply. I grumbled and moved downstairs to the laundry room. After a quick dig through the laundry basket. I found a pair of shorts and boxers. From here I headed into the garage and grabbed some duct tape. I made a quick patch for the broken window till I got it replaced. Turning around I noticed Glenn in the doorway. "Where's Matt baby," I walked back over and kissed him gently.

"Oh he's got som'in special for ya," He smirked and I raised an eyebrow. "What did you set up," He grabbed my horns and pulled himself up wrapping his legs around me. "Som'in you can't see just yet," He wrapped something around my head. The rag acting like a blindfold. He toke my hand and led me up the stairs slowly. I stopped at the top and he turned me to go down the hallway. I used my other hand to feel along the wall and he turned me into our bedroom.

I guided me to some point in the room and stopped. "Can I look now?" I asked. "Yes ya can take a peek," I reached up and pushed off my blindfold. I went wide eyed at the sight before me. Before me on my bed was Matt. His wings were tied behind his back and a blindfold covered his eyes. His tail barely holding up my boxers he wore. A ball up sock tucked between his sharp teeth. "He wants ya to rape 'em, 'e likes pain," Glenn told me sitting in front of him. Matt nodded knowing I'd want to make sure it wasn't a joke.

I bit my lip still unsure. But soon another head toke over my drain. My growing erection strained against my shorts. "Alright," I mumbled and hooked my fingers under his boxers. I slid them down slowly and smacked his ass as hard as I could making him jumped forward. He screamed into gag and I did another fast smack. He jumped and I felt his muscles quiver and begin the heat up. I spread his ass seeing plenty of the citrus scented gel coating his entrance. "Do you wanna be fucked boy!?" I yelled and he wiggled like he was trying to crawl away.

Glenn used his foot to push him back in place and pulled out the gag. "No...Please I've never had a big cock in me!" He begged for mercy but knew he wanted it to bad. I pressed the large mushroom head of my cock against him and teased him. "Please stop! I'm a virgin...that big fat cock would tear me apart!" He pleaded and suddenly I drove my entire cock into him. He screamed in pain and pleasure. His black pucker stretching open wide to take everything I shoved into him. "Mmm so fucking tight," I growled in his ear and I could see him crying hard.

I heard Glenn let out a small groan and I looked up seeing him stroking himself and fingering his ass. I grabbed a fistful of Matt's hair and pulled hard lifting him up. I motioned for my marsupial lover to move down. I lowered the bat boy down till his lips pressed against the tip of his cock. "Your gonna suck on his bitch, your gonna lick anywhere he tells you," I demanded and shook his head no.

I reached under him and grabbed his nipples twisting them hard. He squeaked and quickly wrapped his lips around his cock. I pushed his head down forcing his to deep throat my mate. "Mmmm fuck! E's got a effing warm mouth!" Glenn gasped replaced my hand in his hair. I grabbed his hips and pulled back feeling his tight ass clamping onto me. His claws dug into the sheet before I slammed back into him with great force. He muffled curses into the cock that filled his mouth and I smacked his ass hard making him release the throbbing member. "Fuck! Harder...Fuck my ass!" He begged and I pushed his head down onto Glenns balls.

"I never said to stop," I grunted as I fucked him faster. His long black tongue rolled out and wrapped around his balls. I pounded his juicy little bottom making loud slapping sounds. The scent of sex filled the room and I slammed into him hard. I swore I could feel his cherry pop but that was a physical impossibility. He let out a loud moan an I knew what I did. I had slammed into his love button.

He squirmed as I hit it over and over again. I winked at Glenn who was in ecstasy. His tail ran across my balls and wrapped around the young boys member. He jacked him off as I pounded into him harder. The little bat suddenly jerked and shot his load onto the floor. "Oy, seems the little bludger like being a fuck toy," Glenn teased him getting close as well. "No I...don't," He stayed in the act. His tongue wrapped around his cock and he pulled him into his mouth. He started to suck him hard. By process this made him clamp down on me.

I let out a loud groan and pounded home. Glenn did last long and gripped the boys tall ears and released down his throat. I could feel him gulping down the seed and it tossed me over the edge. I was like an intense vibrator and pounded away. My hand smacking his ass making him let out short squeaks. Tears dripped from his blindfold and I grunted like a bull in rut. Glenn grabbed my horns and kissed me forcefully completing the circle of lust.

I let loose and erupted inside the boy. At the last moment I slipped out and slid up between his ass cheeks. I emptied the last of what my balls had to offer onto his back. It ran down his back and dripped off onto the bed. Glenn pulled back and leaned down releasing the boys wings. He kissed his back and lapped up the remaining cum. I let out small grunts and pulled off his blindfold. He winced at the bright light and relaxed.

I cleaned up my two lovers and laid down. I was only down for a second before Glenn cuddled up on my right. Matt followed soon after cuddling up on my right. Glenn placed a hand on his hand both on my belly. "Can I stay here with you two," Matt asked slowly slipping away into sleep. "'lright by me," Glenn did the same. "Of that's what you two want," I yawned and they both fell asleep.

How do I get into these situations. I was a playboy. I had two guys who wanted to be with me and both could agree to share me. I rubbed both of there backs. It couldn't get much weirder I guess. I'm fucking a kangaroo strait from the outback. He's kinky as hell and loves to be dominated. I'm also fucking my boss' grandson who is a run away. He loves a little light pain and rape scenarios. What else could happen.

But I guess I couldn't complain. I had a house, car, food, job, and two very attractive guys on each side. I had more than a lot of people. I slipped back into slumber the world fading away. I woke seeing the same dream as before. The chair, mirror, and three figures. The shadow behind me and formed into Matt whose wings were wrapped around my neck. I looked at Adam and saw his expression had turned. He was crying. I didn't know what it meant. It was like a portrait reflecting what was going on at that moment. I stared back at the reflection and let out a long sigh.

"Maybe I'll feel better when I wake up"