Five Stories for Bar Night—Pt. 2

Story by runneroo on SoFurry

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#2 of Five Stories for Bar Night

One of Leon's favorite traditions with his friends is to meet up for bar night. Although tonight will be an experience to remember, as drunken conversation turns to his friends' encounters with his son, and Leon is all ears for what Caleb has been up to.

This is part 2, the first mini-story being told by Nadal.

Nadal, naked and lazily stroking himself, watched from the chair he was sitting in. His friend Tyson, a boar, had just stepped into the seedy motel room, while Caleb, also fully nude, sat at the ready on his knees on top of a rubber tarp that had been spread over the floor. The young black Labrador's tail wagged and his erect cock twitched as the boar, wearing grease and sweat-stained jeans, a t-shirt with pit stains, and a grimy trucker hat, let the door swing shut behind him and approached. Tyson grunted as he took in the scene, then stepped onto the tarp and crouched down to eye-level with Caleb, grinning at him.

"Well, aren't you just cute as a button," the boar murmured, poking Caleb's thick nose ring. The canine smiled abashedly and his tail wagged harder at the compliment. "You thirsty, boy?"

"Yessir!" Caleb barked immediately.

"Good pup." Tyson grinned and ruffled the fur on Caleb's head before he stood up; the canine was now face-to-face with his crotch, and Caleb pushed his nose into the bulge, huffing deeply to get a good whiff of the sweat, musk, and lingering cigar smoke that clung to the boar's jeans. Nadal could see the boy's eyelids flutter in pleasure. "I got a big drink for you, hope you've got plenty of room for it."

"I won't spill a drop," Caleb promised, now hungrily reaching forward to unzip Tyson's fly.

"Oh, we'll see about that," the boar grunted before he glanced over at Nadal, still in the chair and still stroking his shaft and rolling his palm teasingly over his glans. "Thanks for setting this up, been needing some fun while I was passing through."

Nadal nodded agreeably. "My pleasure. Kid loves to get wet, and I told him you always give me a good shower."

"Hell, if it's a shower for you, it's gonna be a firehose for him, I haven't pissed all day," Tyson quipped. He groaned as Caleb pulled out his cock--the boar already had a semi, and it felt so good to have it exposed to the open air. Even better when Caleb licked at the sweaty, buttery skin, his tongue like wet velvet on the shaft. "Oh yeah, there's something tasty for you in there," Tyson murmured when Caleb slipped his tongue into the boar's foreskin and swirled it around the still-enclosed head...then nibbled lightly on the rolled skin, tugging at it with his teeth to stretch it. And Tyson grunted and shuddered when Caleb slurped his stiffening length into his muzzle like a hot dog, sucking to form a vacuum seal with his lips around the pulsing, girthy meat. "Oooh fuck," the boar moaned when he felt the young Labrador slowly swipe his tongue from side to side around his cock before gently bobbing his head back and forth along the erection. "Damn, he's a good cocksucker," Tyson observed, placing one hand on the back of Caleb's head. He watched and felt the boy bury his snout in his crotch as Caleb engulfed his cock completely in his mouth.

"He had a pretty good teacher," Nadal said.


The caracal shook his head. "His dad."

Tyson's eyebrows rose. "No shit? Fuck, I think I like this kid more and more." He began softly humping into Caleb's muzzle, letting his balls swing against the canine's chin while his low-hanging stomach pudge rolled over the boy's snout.

"Looks like he likes you a lot, too," Nadal added, noting Caleb's tail--it was still wagging excitedly.

"Yeah? Let's see how much he likes me in a sec," Tyson said, stopping his humping as he held Caleb's head steady. "Hold still, kid."

Tyson inhaled, then exhaled slowly. Nadal heard Caleb's muffled, "Glk! Mmmmm" and saw his throat bobbing furiously as he began swallowing the boar's heavy flow of urine. Caleb's loud gulps filled the room, and his tail wagged even harder.

"I think he really likes you now," Nadal chuffed.

"That's a good pup, swallowing what he's given," Tyson said as Caleb guzzled mouthful after mouthful of piss. "That's it, boy, keep drinking and fresh from the tap."

Caleb swallowed with visible effort--there was more piss going into his mouth than he could gulp down. He managed to keep pace for a solid minute, but eventually trickles and rivulets formed at the corners of his mouth, and soon a faint tap-tap-tap began to sound as drips and drops of piss splattered against the rubber tarp on the floor.

"Looks like you're spilling a little after all," Tyson grumbled.

Caleb whined, but he kept greedily swallowing as much as he could.

The boar grinned down at him. "Eh, you're a good pup, though--think it's time I hose you down anyway."

Without further ado, Tyson gripped Caleb by the back of his head and pulled him off of his still-pissing cock, and with his other hand around the base of his shaft, he aimed the thick, translucent yellow stream onto the canine's face.

Even from where he sat in his chair, Nadal could smell the acrid, salty odor of Tyson's piss, and it brought back memories of when the boar would soak him whenever he stopped through town before on his trucking routes. Watching it happen to Caleb now--the solid jet of urine splattering over the top of the boy's head, down his snout and into his open muzzle, then along his chest and stomach and even splashing over his stiff cock before soaking the fur on his thighs and then trickling down to pool around him on the rubber tarp in a warm, smelly puddle--it was as if he was passing a gift forward to the next generation. And he wanted to get in on it.

Nadal stood from his chair while Tyson continued pissing all over the Labrador, and the caracal walked over to the other side of the tarp. He took a breath, then relaxed; like a fountain, his own flow of piss arced from his urethra to splash over the back of Caleb's head...on top of his shoulders...over the small of his back and then down to his exposed paw pads. Nadal and Tyson grinned at each other as they occasionally crossed streams and worked together to thoroughly soak the dog kneeling on the ground between them. Caleb twisted and turned on his knees, alternating between opening his mouth to catch the flows of piss on his tongue and rubbing his hands sensually along his chest, stomach, and legs to get the odorous piss deeper into his fur, marking himself in their combined scents. Eventually, he got down on his back and rolled around in the giant puddle that had formed, coating himself in the musky, salty piss and lapping and slurping up what he could before he needily spread his legs for Nadal to enter him...and then Tyson, using Nadal's sloppy seconds for lube...Caleb splashed the remnants of urine around on the tarp as he was forcefully fucked, moaning and begging for more while Tyson reamed him mercilessly in the puddle of his and Nadal's piss...

"And then we got him cleaned up and...sent him along home," Nadal finished telling the group.

"So I have you to thank for cultivating his fetish for watersports," Leon chuckled.

"Well, you weren't helping him out yet, so I thought I'd step in," Nadal retorted with a wink. "Do you have any idea how thirsty that boy gets?"

"I do now! Can't even remember the last time I used a urinal, Caleb just latches on like a piss hound. And now I know who to call if he wants to get caught in the middle of a shower like that again," said Leon. He shook his head and chortled to himself again. "Alright, Shane, you're up."

"Ooooooooh..." the table started as Shane picked up his shot glass of tequila...and then knocked it back. "Aaah!"

"Oh damn, that stuff is bad," the rat grimaced. He shook his head and then began, "Okay, this was a while back. We were at my place..."